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Respite from Hunted

Scene details

Setting: The group manage to recover after dealing with the vampire hunters. However, why Ruidosa was specifically hunted remains a mystery.


  It is not only night time, but a full moon blooms along the horizon. Shining its brilliant light, the calm night has a few clouds passing by. Those who would wander within the night may find themselves assaulted by the creatures that dwell, especially within the full moon. However, it is safe within the manor itself.

  It had been about a few days since the ambush by the vampire hunters. The Vanguards decided that resting at the place would do the sisters some good. Reize had earned rapport with the family that he managed to have his own room as a member of the La Crima. ... For reasons.

  The young explorer starts to get up from the bed, looking at nothing in particular. As he trudges through, he decides to finally come out and head down the stairs to see if Ruidosa and the others are having tea time. Maybe Ivo is asleep or had been trying to have an audience with Lady La Crima for one reason or another.

  His attire is different. It isn't an adventurer attire, but more of a button down top that has a red huge to it with a long pair of pants. He still has his adventurer boots. However, it was something that was already fitted to him.

Vampires we're up at all hours of the night usually and the La Crima Manor was no different. Though La Crima usually tried to get her children used to a human sleep schedule there we're just nights when vampires we're restless and this was one of those nights.

"Give it back!" yells Ruidosa at Tranquila, who's playing keep away with her Tome. "Ooohhh, Spicy!" she says as she reads about the time Rui caught Ivo and Anna Kissing. She flails though as Ruidosa eventually gets the tome back and she ''huffs'' and charges off.

Ivo was probably off bothering her mom. She hasn't told her mom that about the kissing thing. MAYBE SHE SHOULD.

But that won't be right this moment as she bumps into Reize as he's coming down the stairs. Luckily, not a literal bump. this time.

"Reize." she says softly. "Can't sleep?" she asks softly, hugging the tome to her chest so Tranquila can't sneak it away right now while she's distracted. Though she isn't anywhere to be seen. Tranqy's probably given up trying to steal the tome back.

For now.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 5 months ago

 Anna is having tea, watching the exchange between Rui and Tranquila up until Tranquila decided to take Rui's book.
 "Spicy?" Pause. "What could be so spicy? Then again it's rude to read someone else's private journal..." She does point out.
 That was earlier.
 This is now, that Rui has the book back. Anna is red in the face and flailing for multiple reasons. One of which being that she is Very Mad(TM). Her current state can be described as... Ragebarrassment.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>= 12.
Comment: Having An Idea Of What's GOing On
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 4).

  After going down the stairs, he notices the gathering between Ruidosa, Tranquila, and Anna. At first, he watches the interaction between the two sisters, and then Anna's shock. There is a large sweatbead at the collective interaction.

  After the moment passes, he sees Ruidosa approach him.

  He gives a wide grin, "Yeah. I guess I wanted to see how the both of you are recovering since the night." He looks at Anna's enraged embarassment, giving a sheepish grin. He looks at both Tranquila and Ruidosa. "...Though, it seems that you two are picking up as normal!"

  He looks at Anna's embarassment again. He turns away with a cough.

Ruidosa softly says. "Yeah..." she says softly. "That was. Pretty harrowing and..." she just rubs the back of her neck. "Just thanks.." she says. She still hugs the tome to her chest.

She then blinks at Anna's anger and huffs. "It's my ''diary'' of course I'd write about things I saw!" she says with a ''huff''. "It's not like others are ''supposed'' to see it!?" she says with another huff. "I'm not publishing my spell tome or anything!?" she says, dramatically.

"Nevermind Ivo used to peek in it!"

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 5 months ago

 Anna flails for a good moment longer-- especially when Reize picks up on what she's so angry about. But with a HUFF and a breath she manages to calm herself down.
 A little.
 "... Recovering? What did I miss?" She QUICKLY changes the subject.

  A soft smile follows from Reize when he looks at Ruidosa. Watching her hug the tome, the boy instinctively leans in to give the shorter vampire a hug. "I'll protect you both." He cracks a grin, "After all, I'm your bonded. So consider me your knight!"

  Upon Anna's question, Reize frowns, "We were on our way to the manor and were ambushed by vampire hunters. Tranquila was held at knife point. They seemed dedicated on killing vampires." Pause, "...Though.." He scratches his head, "They spent a lot time arguing with each other as well."

Ruidosa gets ''hugged'' and this makes her blush fiercely as Reize talks about being her knight, and bonded and this makes her blush more and she squirms out of the hug because she can't return it properly when she's hugging her tome to her chest, but she blushes all the same.

"O..Okay." is all she can manage at the moment as she looks over to Anna and blinks. "Yeah, we. Encountered. Hunters." she mutters. "If they didn't argue amongst themselves, they probably would have...gotten what they wanted. Honestly." she says, looking away a moment. "I mean. I was prone to them. Right near them. and they didn't care until I'd swept Tranquila down to the ground to safety." she says bluntly.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 5 months ago

 Vampire hunters. That's no bueno.
 "That sounds like it was an ordeal." Anna murmurs, lookin away as Reize hugs Rui and the vampire starts to blush.
 A ordeal is probably putting it lightly as she rubs the back of her neck. "I am sorry I was not there to help."
 That probably would have made things end worse. Maybe.

  There is a moment of realization with Anna around. He gives her a nervous laugh. "Ahh, right, yeah..." He looks over his friend and slowly separates from Ruidosa. As they talk about the hunters, there is a frown, "They were deeply interested in Ruidosa, actually." He furrows his eyebrows.

  "They treated her as she was a complete threat and seemed willing to let Tranquila go." He closes his eyes, folding his arms. "We'll have to be careful if we run across them again. I imagine that they'll want to follow us." Reize gives Anna a sympathetic smile. "Next time, we'll be glad to have you give them a thing or two!" He cracks a grin.

Ruidosa frowns a little. "Honestly? I'm just glad everyone stopped fighting when I asked." she says softly. She gently shifts in place. "I don't know why they we're interested in me so much. If they we're after a powerful vampire, they'd be going after my mom or grandfather...." she says softly and frowns a little.

"Maybe I've been making a name for myself? I just... dunno." she says, rubbing the back of her own neck.

"Right. we're gonna. hear from them again. No doubt."

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 5 months ago

 "Maybe you are making a name for yourself." Anna concedes, folding her hands behind her back. "Still, I'm sorry you had to go through that." She says a little sullen before clenching her fist.
 "Well. Next time, I won't let them do anything to you." She promises.

  "...Huh. Making a name for yourself..." Reize gives a thoughtful look, "I wonder how that came about..."

  Long Long (or not too long) ago...

  'Miiiiiiiiistttreerr Seeaaatttlaaaaannnn!!'

  There was not much that the boy remembers that beyond the dreadful mist covering the surrounding and the glowing eyes of Ruidosa as she was in the mist form. ...Something about being put in a slumber... but agonizing pain from poison, being immobilized, and other sorts of uncomfortable feelings.

  The rumors, spread across the sect as the First Vampire to ever attain the Art of inflicting a curse.

  The boy may never know (or remember).

  "Yeah.. I wonder how that came about." He scratches his chin. He furrows his eyebrows. He cracks a grin, "Now we're talking, Anna!" He brightens cheerfully, "We won't let anything happen to Ruidosa."