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The Hunters and the Hunted
Scene details
Setting: Reize, Ruidosa, and Ivo were on their way through the marsh to visit the La Crima manor once again for some further information and casual visitations. However, there are a group who await their presence.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Darkness is the promient feature of the treacherous marsh. The muddy ground of the swamp gives way to the aquatic plants. Numerous venomous insects infest the place along with the biting fish. It makes the travel out to the manor daunting.
Luckily, the party is used to it.
Moving in relatively ease along the trunks, Reize manages to get into the more muddy ground that isn't as watery. Overall, he looks ahead, "We can probably look into the last mystery at the manor! I'm sure Lady La Crima will be happy to see how far you developed as well!"
He gives a thoughtful look as he looks around the marsh. "...Still getting used to this route."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is used to the insects. They don't bite vampires. She's used to the fish, you just stay away from the water. Both these are difficult for the others though and she knows this as she moves slowly so the others can catch up. She is used to playing in the marsh with her sister.
"Perhaps." she says. "I'm looking forward to relaxing, myself for a small bit first..." she says softly.
"If Tranquila will let me."
"You'll get used to it~" she sing songs.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Effectiveness of improvized insect repellent
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo came prepared upon his return to the marsh, or so he thought. His boots are temporarily reinforced with aether to seal them from seeping moisture or curious fish, his cloak warding off some of the humidity. But unfortunately, his primary contribution to the conversation is the regular slap of his neck as he attempts to shake off the mosquitoes frequently pestering him.
"Strange... it worked perfectly well in the lab..."
The Cosmopolitan had been close to devising a topical insect repellent usable here through a mixture of modern aether science and Vaeltrandian druidic wisdom. But he felt that the stench was a little too strong and feared the Lady La Crima's reaction. So he added some rose oil, and then a little more rose oil, and a little pepperment, and...
Anyway, he smells pretty nice. And the insects agree.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
"I think your repellent needs work, Ivo."
If Ruidosa was to turn around to get a better look at the boy and Ivo were to see Reize, they would soon find that the young explorer is practically buried in the dwellers of the marsh.
All over his arms and legs are the bite-happy fish that have clamped down on his arms and legs, practically worthy of dogpiling the boy. In fact, many of the insects have clamped onto his face, covering him completely.
With a whimper from the boy, "... Antidote, please."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima maked a face as she hears the whimper, turns around and 'eeks!'. She frowns at Ivo and glares. "Idiota!" she exclaims, it's not common, but the word is still clear somehow, as she walks over to Reize and starts shooing away bugs with her hand, frowning a little more.
"I think the repellent is working as an attractant, you'd be better off without it!" she huffs dramatically.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Effectiveness of new antidote
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 6).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
"Don't worry," Ivo says, raising a gloved hand in calm assurance. "I naturally came prepared for such an eventuality."
Approaching the young man wrestling with his many new fishy fans, he procures from his cloak a glass flask with a viscous murky liquid within.
"Unfortunately, Laineth's already left Zerhem for Cosmopolis," he says, "but I worked on this one myself, with Argent's advice. I can guarantee there's no bleach in it."
It's a very specific guarantee.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Considering the situation at hand, Reize would have no choice but to trust Ivo's word. It has not let him down (usually, but let's not put a percentage on that). While Ruidosa manages to shoo the bugs away, Reize is still left with contending with the fish fans that he received. He starts kicking them all off him, muttering as he doesn't look too well.
He takes the offered flask and then he downs the potion.
His face turns blue and then he drops to the ground. One can see a ghost leaving his mouth, complete with a halo.
Throughout the marsh, there is a sound of an uproarish laugh.
"Hoooolly helll! I didn't expect there to be a fool's entertainment while we waited on you lot!" Hanging along the tree is a muscled man in his twenties with blazing red hair. He has a scar along his eye and through the face while the figure has a pair of large gauntlets in a blocky style with boots matching the look.
He hops off the tree, landing on the ground and he folds his arms.
"...But, as expected, you all finally came this way."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima starts trying to shove the ghost back in. push Reize, push! "Awk... IDIOTA!" she screams out again to Ivo and angrily tries to save Reize to get him back up. First the repellent doesn't work then Ivo poisons Reize!? What kind of treachery is this!? Has Ivo turned tables!? He does work with that Capo..!
But still, there's a new person here and she blinks a little matter of factly as she's trying to save Reize. "Huh?" she asks confusingly. She's never seen this person before in the marsh. He isn't a usual traveler. So who the hell is he
"Who the hell are you!? If you want us for something you'll need to file a request with the Vanguard Association, we're on a break!" she insists.
She slams hands down on Reize's chest. WAKE UP YOU JERK! ;_;.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo, expression completely flat and deadpan, looks to Reize apparently dying already before this confrontation even begins, Ruidosa looking thrilled for sure as she tries to revive him, and then to the new arrival. His gaze takes in the man's evident physical prowess and his intimidating gauntlets and boots before he finally replies.
"I have a question. One that may be... personally significant."
He idly scratches at a bug bite on his neck, addressing the new arrival.
"Do you know if frogs have many natural predators in this swamp?"
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
"Guhhhhh...." There is sign of life from the boy as Ruidosa pushes on his chest. He coughs up some of the liquid, muttering underneath his breath as he reaches for his satchel to retrieve some herbs. He starts shoving it into his mouth, munching on it. He grimaces at the taste as he tries to settle. There is a vial tossed over to the boy.. "Huh...?" He already had worse, so he downs the potion without a second thought.
This was tossed over by the stranger, who keeps his arms folded. "...Taking down people when they're not in full capacity is beneath me. So, get your strength back up, boy!" With a glance towards Ivo, he gives a grin. "Heh! Mostly the snakes and the carnivous fish."
To the girl's question, "...In relation to my earlier statement about making sure that you're in full capacity, we are actually here for -you-." He points at Ruidosa. "Vampire...." The man narrows his eyes, lifting a hand up and slamming a fist to his palm.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima blinks as the man tosses the potion to Reize and she's about to thank the man when he speaks up more about taking down people when they're not at full capacity. She makes a face at this, and is ahout to retort when the man then says they're here for her?
Wait. What. Vampire?...
Her mother use to tell her stories about vampire hunters like they we're boogeymen to be afraid of. She knew some people didn't like vampires for reasons. But then there was people that hated them so thoroughly they'd hunt them like animals. Ruidosa has never been out and about outside the manor until recent memory. So these people are still fantastical boogeymen to her.
So she moves to hide behind Ivo, of all people and then says. "I-Ivo. Make this man go away." she asks bluntly.
"I think he's a 'hunter'." she says, like she was identifying something of fantasy.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo grins back, though for some reason, he looks a bit queasy.
"Oh, is that all... ha ha," he laughs, sounding and looking somewhat hollow before his eyes unfocus and he begins gazing into the middle distance. "...Maybe, on reflection, being blown up would be a kind of mercy."
But when the man announces his true intentions, the Cosmopolitan's eyes finally sharpen, his hands very slowly lowering to get just a bit closer to Hauteclare's hilt without going for it just yet.
While Reize remains temporarily indisposed, Ivo sidles over to interpose his taller body between Ruidosa and the man just in case of some unexpected ranged attack, trying to scan the trees and swampy reeds for sign of allies and whence they might strike. It turns out that he and Rui move at about the same time with the same idea, such that in an instant she is behind him.
"I won't let them hurt you," he murmurs to her.
Some time ago, Ivo might have made some quip like 'Take her instead of me!' or 'I'm only helping because your mom might thank me!' or 'Are you a vampire expert? Can you tell me how to counter vampire curses!?' But the fact is that the idea of a 'vampire hunter' makes Ivo's skin crawl the same way the idea of a 'human hunter' or 'beastkin hunter' would. It's no joking matter. And more importantly--
"This vampire is my friend," Ivo says to the man, voice and eyes now level. "Why are you doing this? She's a good person, and no threat to anyone."
A moment passes.
"...other than me."
Alright, one joke, but that's it.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
After a few moments, Reize is slowly starting to get to his feet. As the man's intentions become clear, the eyes widen when he looks over towards Ruidosa's reaction as she hides behind Ivo. The boy joins suit to get in front of Ivo, now drawing his boomerangs out.
"Oho! There is her knight! Just what I was expecting!" He has a wide grin. However, that grin fades to an annoyed look towards Ivo. "You think that, huh...? I know about her. You don't know her full story." He grits his teeth, looking very angry. "You don't realize how dangerous she is if left alone." He closes his eyes.
"Meh, whatever." He closes his eyes with a shrug. "Talking is not really my thing." He clenches his fist as he eyes the group.
There is a look of realization on his face. "Oh right. I kept saying 'we', huh?" He cracks a grin, "Bring the special guest as well!"
One figure emerges along the side of the group from a tree. "On one hand, I am against the idea of healing those that would make our goal troublesome." The black-haired woman appears to be wearing a white top with a red hakama, bearing an appearance of a priestly sort. She has a long bow trained at the group. "...But I do see you have your own sense of honor."
Another figure emerges behind the red-haired man, a figure wearing a cloak with a covering to his face. There is a dagger in his hand. Along his arm is the said guest... the smaller, blond haired vampire. He has a glowing dagger close to her neck. "Running away is not an option."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima frowns. "T--they may not know everything but that's a lot of everything..." she says bluntly. She's wrong of course. La Crima told them much more than she thinks she did. She doesn't know this, so she still assumes this is the truth. "Look, ju..just go away! I haven't done anything wron-g! And I don't attack random people in the night. Tha--that's rude!" she says bluntly.
"So just go away..." she says, hiding behind Ivo and Reize. She's scared. She isn't sure what a hunter can do. Just that they hunt vampires like her.
That's when Tranquila is brought out, who looks absolutely more frightened and quiet because she doesn't wanna risk talking and having that glowing dagger run up against her throat. This makes Ruidosa go wide eye with even more worry.
"W..wah? Tranqy!? Let...let her go..! She hasn't done anything ever bad to anyone!" she blurts out, pushing between the two in front of her. "L..let her go!"
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo can't stop his hand from gripping Hauteclare's hilt earlier than he intended, visibly swallowing in nervousness as he sees the long bow aimed at them, as he feared, and then furrowing his brow in grim concern as he sees Tranquila held hostage.
"Fighting the incapitated is beneath you," he says to the gauntleted man, voice tense, "but taking hostages isn't?"
It's just to buy a little time while Ivo tries to think of some tactic, but he also feels like there's an odd dynamic between these ostensible allies. The archer's remark was rather snide. And perhaps the masked dagger-wielding man and the gauntleted man disagree on the proper approach. The existence of any division between them could spell the difference between relief and disaster here.
"Reize," Ivo murmurs to his friend. "I'll focus on covering Ruidosa from ranged attacks or any flanking attempts. If I see an opening to free Tranquila, I'll take it. Can I leave the front line to you?"
With his energy buckler and orbital blade, hopefully he can parry any fired arrows, and if not, well, at least his body is larger. If it's that or going toe to toe with a gauntleted martial artist, he'd rather take his chances with the arrows.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
"...If I may, Rolf..." There is a bit of annoyance beneath the mask. ".. -why- did you heal the very people who could threaten our objective."
"Because I want to punch his face in and it's hollow if he can't fight back, Owai!" Rolf snaps back.
"We still have guests to tend to." The woman notes.
"Yeah, yeah." He cracks his neck, then he looks back at Ruidosa. He glances back at the woman, "'ey, Kiyomi. I'm tired of talking, you can take over since that's your thing."
The woman gives the man a very disapproving frown. First, their names are out in the open for the group and now he decides to throw a duty on her. She maintains her calm demeanor. "As my 'partner' noted earlier, you three have no choice but to give up." Kiyomi looks at Ruidosa, "Your very existence is an affront of the Holy One. ...Moreso, -your- existence. Your only option is death."
"Yeah, okay, talking's over." Rolf is already starting to rush in towards the group, with a fist drawn back. He is already rushing towards the three with a rushing fist.
Owai and Kiyomi both look stunned. Their expression convey the same message: What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing?!
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Shining Moon
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Make Him Slip on a Patch of Ice
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20-2>=10.
Comment: Doing Nothing. Worried!
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is too stunned to do anything at all. She notes the charging Rolf as she tries to move, but she can't. She's too planted to the ground. She grits her teeth. "S..STOP... EVERYBODY STOP!" she yells as she cries out, perhaps in vain. "L..let her go. Take me instead." she pleads. "She hasn't done anything. And you clearly want me instead anyways!..." she says.
"So---so just ... let her go and take me instead..." she says with a frown.
She doesn't attack, or move otherwise. She doesn't want her friends hurt on her account... and she most certainly isn't going to let them kill Tranquila over..over herself!
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo looks about as shocked as Owai and Kiyomi.
Caught in the middle of extracting his buckler from where he secures it to his belt, the Cosmopolitan fumbles a bit before, in desperate haste, he loads a blue elesphere into Hauteclare's pommel, draws it fully, and, even as Ruidosa cries out for the fighting to stop, sends the blade spinning at Rolf. Figuring that Reize will take him head-on, Ivo's weapon circles about briefly before shearing down suddenly.
Intuiting that he won't be likely to strike Rolf directly on such short notice and considering the man's speed, he attempts to use the aether-imbued sword to create a slippery patch of ice upon the sodden swampy ground. If Reize can distract Rolf from it, the man's charge might be halted, giving them from breathing room at least.
"What about Tranquila?" Ivo calls out, trying to make use of any brief moment of respite, following up on Rui rather than trying to compel the girl to fight with her sister held hostage. "If you take Ruidosa, will you let her go?"
Hauteclare's blade, having left its patch of ice behind, spins off into the swamp, circling around the trees...
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize had launched up from the ground, aiming to catch Rolf in mid-charge with a flip kick to send the man stumbling back. However, the timing was off enough for Rolf to take advantage and clothesline the boy hard intot he ground face first. The boy collapses in a heap.
"Take that, you little-------whhhh?!" He is caught along the slippery patch of ice and then he slips along the ground and lands hard on his back with a heavy thud.
Owai grunts, "...Serves you right."
Kiyomi, looking away from the collapsed Rolf does look at Ruidosa as she offers herself. "So, you offer yourself as a sacrifice?" A thin smile grows, "That is admirable..." Her attention is on Ivo now, who calls about regarding the other vampire's fate.
"... While killing two of the vampires would be beneficial, we will take the bigger prize here and release the other one."
Owai furrows his eyebrow, "...Tsch. It'd be easier to kill the both of them."
"What the hell?! I want to punch their faces in!" Rolf starts to get back to his feet, slamming his fist to the ground. "You think I will accept her giving up without a fight?! That's crap!"
"If you used your head for more than just hitting things, you would see that this is a better option you insufferable ox," Kiyomi's face turns into a scowl at her headstrong partner.
Meanwhile, Reize looks over towards his partner at her offering, "...Rui...Ruidosa...?"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima swallows and huffs. "Y-yeah that's it! Just let her go first. and then... then I'll come over---" she says as she raises her hands and drops her tome to the ground. "See--!" she says bluntly. "My hands are empty and up now..let her go.."
She waits for this to happen, as she eyes Reize, a sad, forlorn look, but she doesn't say anything to him. She just can't let her sister ''die'' because she won't do anything.
"Everyone just...stop attacking, too...!" she says, shooting Rolf a ''glare''.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+5>=10.
Comment: Summoning the power of friendship (?) with Ruidosa (?!?)
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 3).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
A long and tense moment of dramatic silence follows Ruidosa's final request-- before it is punctuated by a shockingly loud crash. Hauteclare's blade has darted back into view and slammed into a tree right next to where Owai stands with his dagger to Tranquila's throat, sending dry leaves spiraling downwards.
When eyes turn to Ivo, he gives a big shrug, eyebrows raised and lips pursed as he spreads his hands, as if to say, "Welp, what're you gonna do?" So goes the power of Ivo and Ruidosa's friendship, as it were.
Well... maybe the sound surprised Owai... or something?
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize looks at Ruidosa, giving her a slow nod. Following suit, he drops from his fighting stance and he lowers his weapons. "... Alright. You know best in this case, Ruidosa..." He frowns.
That crashing sound elicts a gaze from Owai, who turns towards the sight of the blade slammed into the tree next to him. His eyes narrow at the other man, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'd advise you to cease the funny business, sir..." He brings the knife closer to Tranquila's neck. "A vampire's head can be cleanly removed with thi-----"
Insufferable ox?! That's rich coming from the always talkative and preachy, snooty, irriating-----" Of course, Owai could never finish his thoughts thanks to his 'partners'.
"You charged in without thinking, all because you want to fight some people. I told you that the plan was simple and you could not follow suit. I will pray that your soul is cleansed for this, but the same cannot be said for your head."
Owai glares at the two, "Would you two cease! I also told you that we came to agreement without converting!" He hisses.
>>> The Vampire Hunters are distracted arguing with each other.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Trying to be sneaky...
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Trying to be sneaky...
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima, while the arguing is going on, starts walking slowly with her hands still in the air towards the group of hunters. As she passes Reize, she just whispers 'Save me. Please? La..alater.." She shakes a little. She really ''is'' scared. She really 'is' doing this. She gets to the group and...
They're...they're still fighting with one another. "..."
Ruidosa swallows and stares at Tranquila. Tranquila stares back. She doesn't say anything. Ruidosa doesn't say anything.
That's when Ruidosa leaps out suddenly and tries to pull Tranquila down to the ground suddenly into the mud as she clears the space... with Tranquila no longer in danger, she suddenly blutters.
"!" she sputters out.
Come on guys, now! While the air is clear, come on!--
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Arcane Trickster Improvization: Elesphere Scatter Shot!
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 2. This is a failure (by 8).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Fading Sun
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo might not have his sword handy, but he does have a big bag of elespheres handy. Like a theatrical grenadier, Ivo, on Ruidosa's signal, sweeps his cloak wildly, sending little orbs of four colors scattering everywhere, bursting in plumes of harmless but distracting smoke imbued with the powers of the elements.
"Gaah-- gak-- bleaaghh--"
Most of which fall on the ground right in front of him, blowing up right in his face and sending him staggering backwards, coughing up gaseous aether, before falling on his butt in a puddle of swamp water.
Ladies and gentlevamps, the power of friendship.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
As Ruidosa approaches the hunters, he watch with a disapproving frown. However, when he sees her, he hears her plea. A nod. He will rescue Ruidosa. He won't let them take her away.
That distraction is enough to take the captive away from Owai. However, as Ruidosa frees her sister, Owai winds the dagger back for a quick swipe, aiming to clean girl's head off. "I can still slay you d---ghgghhh!"
Owai gets a boot to the head as Reize comes down with a descending kick. His face plants deeply to the ground, the immediate threat is neutralized.
"You're not taking Ruidosa or Tranquila! I'm their knight!" He gives the masked man a thumbs down.
This gains the attention of Kiyomi and Rolf, who now see that they lost their bargaining chip.
"...Nggh. Take out the boy. He is the immediate threat!" The woman quickly loads her long bow with an arrow, pointing at Ruidosa. "I'll deal with the vampire myself." Ivo is seen as non-threatening, considering how badly the elepheres went off.
Rolf is grinning before he runs in towards the boy. "HEY KID! REMEMBER ME?!" The hand starts to manifest into a bright flame. "THIS IS MY BANG!"
At that moment, Owai and Kiyomi take a pause to snap their heads at Rolf. "Your -what-?!"
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Find Me!
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Kiyomi and Rolf Strike Back
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Attempting to cut Kiyomi's bowstring
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo's dispensation of elespheres did not quite have the intended effect. But the magitechnician is nothing if not flexible in adapting to changing circumstances. A cloud of multicolored smoke now drifts across the impromptu battlefield, mingling with the marsh's gloom, obscuring the details of the environment for a moment.
Thus may Kiyomi find her bowstring suddenly snapping and bow bending out of shape, inhibiting further ranged attacks against the vampire girls, as Hauteclare's blade, summoned from its place wedged into the old tree, whips by. Hidden just long enough by the haze of aether still dissipating, it shears through the oiled cord before returning to a click to its hilt in Ivo's hand as he rises from the muck, slowly shaking his head.
"Now the Lady La Crima is going to see a bunch of mud on my rump."
The young man's priorities are ever in order.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa and Tranquila flonder over one another because this is a vampire pile suddenly. Which isn't a good thing to be when there's hunters around. Luckily she manages to roll with Tranquila out of the way of any potential shots as she stands up suddenly and then runs off behind the other two fighters, dragging Tranquila along who has @.@ eyes the whole time as she 'woahs!' as she's drug along.
She's dirty with mud, so is Tranquila, but she doesn't care about that right now. Baths can always be had later.
"H-hurry up..!" she spouts back. Hopefully the group can deal with the hunters in the meantime.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
The whole plan fall apart.
Owai is taken out by the explorer, thus letting both Ruidosa and Tranquila out of the immediate threat. Any attempts to recover it is disrupted as Ivo's blade shears through the oiled cord.
Kiyomi's eyes widen in surprise when she loses her one weapon to get a clear shot of the girl. "We cannot continue like this. We must fall back."
lets out a hiss, getting back up to his feet. "...Agreed."
As for Rolf and Reize's dance, the man's fist strikes against one of the trees, causing a massive explosion. "Hah! Take that, ki----ahh...?" Reize is gone.
And just as the kid appears, he immediately launches a fearsome kick to send the older man sprawling across the ground.
He stands up to his feet to get back up, "I am not do---..." He looks at the other two as they retreat. "... Grrr. This is lame. They killed the mood anyway." He points at the girls, "I'll hunt you down later...." And then he points to Reize, "And you moreso. Vampire lover." Reize has earned a special place in Rolf's list: Punch punch and more punch. Stupid vampire lover.
He soon follows suit of the other two.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
Ivo, as their erstwhile adversaries withdraw, is more than happy to beat a retreat as well, the sodden hem of his cloak flopping rather noisily as he jogs, wincing a little at the discomfort of doing so in his wet clothes, Hauteclare still swinging clutched in his hand.
"That could have gone better," he concedes, huffing. "But what matters is--"
His gaze turns to Ruidosa and Tranquila's backs as they retreat ahead of him.
> Main objective achieved: Ruidosa and Tranquila are safe.
"--no one turned me into a frog."
> Bonus objective achieved: Ivo has not suffered the "Frog" status effect.
> ...Yet.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima (And Tranquila La Crima) both take long sighs of exasperation as the vampire hunters retreat. Ruidosa leans down to pick up her tome, when Tranquila practically leaps at Ruidosa into a hug as the two 'awk' and fall over one another again as she sniffs. "I was so scared.... thanks for saving me everyone." she cries out.
Ruidosa waughs and has to fight to get Tranquila off her again and has to stand up. "Y..yes. Thank you..." she mutters a little shamefully, muttering.
"S...sorry about. That." she says.
"But thank you..."
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize lets out a sigh of relief as the vampire hunters escape. As Ruidosa and Tranquila have their joyous reunion, his smile becomes heartfelt. He looks at the two.
"Glad you two are safe." He looks at Ivo, offering his older friend a smile while a large sweatbead appears over his head. "Why don't we escort them back to the manor since we're on our way there anyway."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
> Affection Up for Ruidosa and Tranquila! +20 each for everyone.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 10 months ago
"Yes," Ivo agrees to Reize, catching his breath as the party gathers now that the vampire hunters are out of sight, "let's."
Finally, he sheathes Hauteclare again.
"I don't suppose either of you ladies know a pants-cleaning spell...?"
...Hopefully that question doesn't subtract any Affection.