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Elemental Infestation
Scene details
Setting: Taking up a request by Argent, Reize and the other Vanguards investigate the reason for merchants and other travelers being unable to go through the forested roads, only to find out the infestation of ice elementals.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
The sun is setting, giving off a blood-red sight of the sun while dark clouds loom, the light casting forth to make its presence all the more prominent. During the sun set, the forest is abundant in greenery, trees of varying build are abundant while the open road paves a path that would lead to the kingdom of Zerhem, the central plains, the marshes, and Lake Gerisia.
The forest is rather peaceful despite the rumors of ambushes that had previously been reported, perhaps a testament to the accomplishments of the Vanguard Association. However, there is a different issue that explains the quiet presence. Not only that, but the forest is rather abundant with strangely glowing blue crystals, indicative of magical presences. Not only that, but the temperature is abnormally chilly compared to the rest of the other areas.
That is what brings the Star Chasers here.
The Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf, leading the group, are here under a request. It was a joint request from Laineth and Argent: there was a recent outbreak of water and ice elementals that decided to make the forest road their home, likely due to wanderlust and deciding that the surroundings was 'good enough'. However, the objective for the request is to obtain samples of the elementals. There are some additional ingredients that were requested which could also be found in the forest.
Knocking down a glimmering elemental sprite crystal, the boy scratches his head as he looks around. "Wow, I did not expect there to be an abundant of them."
1 year, 10 months ago
When it comes to ice elementals that means it's going to be cold.
Anna is here though and she's ready for said cold by wearing her wolf-skin cap and cloak that she had made for herself the last time she was out dealing with yetis and their king.
"I'm... Not sure I can punch elementals into submission." She does not mildly.
Come on now, Anna. That's quitter talk.
1 year, 10 months ago
"Please ensure that you do not strike them with excessive amounts of force." Argent says as Reize strikes at one of them. "Doing so reduced the quality of the materials that can be harvested from them. Additionally, such overuse of energy is inefficient, and will likely lead to premature exhaustion." Unlike Anna she seems unperturbed by the cold, wearing her usual outfit without a word of complaint about the reduced temperatures that the elementals like to bring.
She also doesn't seem all that inclined to actually /attack/ anything. Maybe she's planning to leave that to the experts?
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa isn't bothered much by the cold, much like during their encounter into the mountains. So she's dressed in her normal clothes and her tome held to her chest as she watches as Reize knocks down a crystal. She leans down to grasp one of the shards and examines it, before she pockets it and is collecting things as required, both on and off the list.
Tranquila wanted her to bring her shiny things. So she's collecting the extra and the lower quality items.
"I agree. We'll be here longer if we have to collect lower quality all the time!" she says.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Taking a moment to look at the downed elemental, Reize reaches behind his head and scratches his head. He glances back at Anna's remark on punching elementals. The boy cracks a grin, "I don't know, Anna! You have done a great job, so far! I'm sure that-----"
The elemental, angry, does one last thing before it bites the dust.
It is not quite a messy explosion. But when it poofs into nothingness, there are fragments of snowflakes fluttering in the air. The snowflakes fly straight towards Reize's leg and encases it in ice.
That was its act of retribution.
"...Owww--- so how do you plan to harvest them again?"
Meanwhile, the cold becomes a bit harsher, just enough to coat the forest in frost. It becomes more apparent as the collective have made sure that the surrounding area is fitting to their desire. The ice elementals do notice the other intruders, but had not made an effort to attack.
There is a strong sense of aether emanating a bit beyond the elementals, as if that essence is not coming from them, but something else.
1 year, 10 months ago
As Reize finds himself in trouble, Argent simply stares. "Ah. Material can be extracted from such entities, provided they do not destroy themselves in such a manner before the extraction can be performed." the homunculus says, the slightest hint of a frown on her features.
Then she steps towards Reize, her athame suddenly in her hand. "Please remain still." she says as she taps it against the adventurer's ice-encased leg. Perhaps given the aetheric nature of the elementals they're encountering, the athame can provide a solution to the ice?
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa winces as Reize gets his leg frozen. Luckily, Argent seems to be doing something about it already... the vampire unsure how to treat such a condition... it wasn't in the medical book she has, okay? Well. Medical book. It's called. 'Taking care of your pet human' but some other vampire.
Still, she looks towards Argent as such and asks. "I assume you know how to extract the materials because 'kicking them down' seems to be required in the end." she looks towards Anna.
"Can you kick aswell as punch?" she asks.
1 year, 10 months ago
Annnnd Reize gets his leg frozen.
"Yes." She answers Rui pretty plainly. She can kick alright. Especially when angry but right now all things considered Anna is feeling pretty chill.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Grimacing at his condition, Reize hangs his head low after Argent's remark. "I..I will keep that in mind." He winces. On a positive note, Argent is aiding the explorer through the use of the athame. Upon the blade tapping against the aetheric ice, the magic radiates from the ice and starts to evaporate. The aether releases along the air and to the athame itself.
Earlier, it seemed that the elementals were not hostile. However, that soon changes as there is a pulse of energy. Those that are attuned to magic can sense it. Like the athame, for example. There is a glow along the blade at the timing of that aether pushing out a pulse.
Soon, the sprites turn towards the intruders and start flinging snowballs at the group. There are angry chittering emitting from those crystals.
"Whoa!! They're attacking! Remember, don't damage them too bad!" He calls out while throwing out a boomerang.
1 year, 10 months ago
A snowball impacts the top of Argent's forehead with a 'paff', the colour of the snow mixing with her equally snowy hair. "Their current method of offence is not a particularly potent threat." she says, apparently unimpressed with the assault. "However, I believe that the intensity of their attack may intensify soon. As such, I believe it will be optimal to reduce the number of attackers prior to the occurance of such an event. While it would be pref-" Paff. "-erable to harvest these specimens, should it be required to eliminate them in order to-" Paff, paff. "-focus on larger threats, it would be acceptable."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa starts getting pelted with snowballs and she 'gahs!' and starts flailing over and falls on her butt. She frowns and crawls up amid the volleys of snowedballs and she frowns. They're snowballs, not exactly deathly sharp ice crystals. So she throws a bolt of lower power dark energy back towards one of the sprites as she frowns.
She's used to snowball fights, at least. (She always loses to her sister.)- and she frowns. "Harmless as it may be, snowballs are still rather vexxing!" she insists.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoid becoming Reize the Snowman
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
1 year, 10 months ago
Snowballs go flying.
Eats one right in the face dead on.
For a moment the berserker princess stands there, snow all up in her grill.
Before her eyes go bloodshot.
Anna unslings her axe.
She is actively *radiating* heat now.
Uh oh.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
The snowballs, luckily for the group, appear seemingly harmless compared to what they have usually thrown out. However, those snowballs thrown were made to start generating the energy. The crystals emit a small sheen, pulsing with aether.
Argent, while peppered with the snowballs, appear to be taking it in stride. One of the sprites break away from the group to beeline her way, manifesting a cold crystal that is forming in front of it.
As for Reize...
The boy finds himself surrounded by a group of ice sprites.
Patpatpatpatpatpat. The sprites release a barrage of snowballs at the surrounded boy, kicking up chilly mist. However, as it clears....
... It reveals that the boy is not there.
The boy had taken into the air, throwing his boomerangs to ricochet around until he smacks the surrounding group down. This down the group.
"Argent! Got some for you!"
As Ruidosa strikes a few with the dark energy, they go down just as quickly.
The boy brightens, "Good job, Rui!" ...There is a sudden feeling of a powerful, angry presence brewing. "...Huh, why do I feel like a dark cloud is forming?"
1 year, 10 months ago
When the sprite comes flying her way, Argent's eyes widen just the tiniest bit. In a clumsy and unpracticed motion she brings the athame up to intercept the crystal, perhaps hoping to dissipate it before it can do her any harm. "Ah. I am being attacked." she announces, more concerned with that than the bevy of materials Reize is providing. "It would be optimal for me to be offered assistance, if possible." Translation: Help help I am not good at fighting somebody please save me.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa frowns hard when the sprites start playing harder than throwing snowballs. She throws out dark energy again at the sprites attacking Argent as Ruidosa shivers a moment, and then looks up. "I feel something powerful coming this way. I think. it a momma sprite?" she asks looking concerned. "Or something else. I don't know. I don't like the feeling of it." she says.
1 year, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Suddenly ultraviolence.
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
1 year, 10 months ago
The thing about that, Reize... That derk looming feeling?
It's Anna's anger.
That snowball caught her right in the face and she's uh. She's not exactly in the mood to play right now, as she unslings her axe.
"Grrgghhhggh..." The princes growls.
And uh.
Oh god.
Suddenly Anna is among the sprites and elementals, axe catching on FIRE from the sheer fury of her rage as she goes in swinging.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
At first, Reize was happy that he was able to help Argent with getting the ingredients. However, that elated feeling becomes alarmed as she announces her request for assistance. He shifts his stance, taking a more aggressive posture as he shouts, "I'm on my way!"
Luckily, Ruidosa manages to get a clear shot of the one attacking Argent.
"Good job!" Reize gives a thumbs up.
Meanwhile, that disturbing feeling that Reize felt makes its presence known as Anna's wrath. As the axe catches on fire, she easily wipes out the ice and water sprites.
There is practically an inferno surrounding the area from the swing. Many of the sprites caught by the onslaughter are ensnared in flames, if not sliced in half from the axe's blade.
...The presence is clear.
The good news, the path is clear of the many crystals.
...Bad news, they are completely and utterly unrecognizable in their current state.
"...Uh..." Reize stares at the onslaught, glancing at Ruidosa and then towards Argent. "...Did we fail the Request?"
Meanwhile, there is a looming crystal orb making its way to the group. As it gets closer, the temperature drops significantly as the frost along the trees become icicles. A large crystal orb reveals to be the Greater Elemental Sprite.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
The vampires froooowns as many crystals are just smashed and destroyed, and she'd been trying so hard to not mangle them as Anna just becomes a mass of axe swings. Ruidosa just sighs and looks to Reize. Then Argent. "Did we? Awwww..." she sulks and frowns some more before the greater elemental appears and she awks! "Momma's here..." she goes. "Or Poppa. Do orbs have parents like that?" she asks.
Rather than ponder more on this, she throws a rather large blast of energy towards the orb that's already angry as the temperature drops hard.
1 year, 10 months ago
Argent nods ever so slightly as that dark energy blasts away the sprite assaulting her, leaving it nothing more than a little puff of snow. "I am thankful for your interference." she says to the vampire, just as Anna's onslaught rips through most of the rest. "...ah."
"While the loss of such a large number of lesser value ingredients is far from optimal, the request is not yet completely unfulfillable." she says calmly as she turns towards the far more dangerous elemental that's approaching, head tilted to one side as she regards it without blinking.
"However, I must request that you refrain from completely destroying this specimen. Due to Anna's excited state, I do not believe that she is capable of doing as I request. As such, please attempt to prevent her from causing an excessive amount of damage. Should doing socause you a large amount of damage, please do not be concerned, as this can be rectified."
Translation: We can rebuild him. We have the technology.
1 year, 10 months ago
They are rage... Brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse.
Rip and tear...
Until it is done!
Anna is... Uh.
Flailing her axe in a fury, the decimation of the lesser sprites means little to her until she wheels around on feeling the cold.
And sees the big elemental.
It is huge. It must have huge GUTS.
Mamma (or pappa) is indeed here and Anna wheels around, bringing her axe to bear as she rushes it, raises her axe high.
And brings it down with a mighty-- SWISH as...
Anna slips on the icy-slippery-slick ground, and skids clean by it missing her swing, slamming face first into a tree.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
There is a bit of a sweatdrop, looking between the onslaught, and then back towards Ruidosa. At first, the boy lets out a heavy sigh, "Well, we tri---" He looks over towards the horizon, noticing a dark shadow covering them. Upon realizing the source, his eyes widen. "Whoa...! This one is a huge one!" He looks back at Argent.
"Okay! So all that we have to do is..."
Oh right, Anna's state.
"Anna! Wait! Wait Wait-----ah...?"
He watches Anna slip on the ice and them slam face first to the tree. The impact earns a wince from the boy as he turns his head away. "Eeesh." He then glances back at Ruidosa. "I... I think Anna will get up slowly." He looks at Argent, "You can stay back. We'll take it from here."
He looks at Ruidosa, "Let's try to see what we can do to take it down without destroying it." As he lunges forward, leaps off and slams his foot down towards the large crystal sprite.
Swirling around the the Greater Elemental Sprite is a very chilly, sharp gust of wind that is tearing around the surroundings. Its harsh, lashing out like a whip towards anyone who would get within its range.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Defending against razor wind
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Defending!
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
A big gust of wind emits from the greater elemental, and Ruidosa raises her arms to defend rather than try to dodge it. (It's wind, how can you dodge wind...!?) and is pushed backwards along the ice no matter how much she tries to stand her ground and she eventually slips and falls down, as she is pushed back against a tree.. the icicles falling down on her and smacking across her body as she eeeeks and flails and tries to get up, falling down again.
"J..just a moment." she says as she slips and slides about.
1 year, 10 months ago
Argent's eyes follow Anna's motion as the enraged girl charges towards her quarry...meaning she's staring intently right as the poor girl smashes face first into the tree. That poor, innocent tree. "Ah." the homunculus says softly. "I do not believe she will cause excessive damage to the elemental."
Meanwhile Reize and Ruidosa are being battered by the icy winds, Reize succeeding more than his partner in weathering the assault. Argent on the other hand is far enough away that the effects are mostly dimished by the time the wind reaches her, just leaving her clothing and hair lightly frosted by it all.
"Ah. Reize. It appears that you are currently the one in the most capable position. As such, I request that you do so quickly." she says as Ruidosa struggles to get up. "Additionally, I believe that should we be required to engage ice elementals in the future, we should come equipped with proper footware in order to prevent such incidents."
1 year, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Is this happening?
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 6).
1 year, 10 months ago
Anna slowly peels herself off the tree. And flumps back into the dirt, eyes swirling.
Nope, this is not happening.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Given that the boy had charged at the elemental, he would be in trajectory of being carried and torn by the razor sharp, chilly wind. However, the boy had instead let himself go in motion of the wind. When leaps into the air, the boy allows himself to be carried up by the wind.
He uses the motion to get himself close enough into a dive to strike his foot at the large ice sprite. This sends the orb fluttering back, it lets loose a few crystals, but it loses its concentration and has to recover itself. It pulses with a bit of a glow.
Once he lands to the ground, he takes a few leaps back and he approaches Anna and Ruidosa.
"Oooi! Ruidosa, Anna! We're stronger than this! With a Link Art, we can even take it down!" He brightens, "Now, believe in me, who believes in you!"
Support Art: 'Inspire'
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>7.
Comment: Inspired Attempt to get up and Strike the Sprite!
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 1).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+4>=10.
Comment: Test
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20+4>=10.
Comment: Inspired Attempt to get up and Strike the Sprite!
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 4).
1 year, 10 months ago
Argent regards Reize's attempt at rallying the troops with a tilted head. "Reize, please do not say such things. Doing so would cause an infinite loop in which you believe in them, which causes them to believe in you, which causes you to believe in them and so forth." she says calmly, her hair swishing with the winds that the elemental's attacks bring. She doesn't seem all that concerned by it, but it's hard to tell with her.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa flails upwards finally, and huffs. "R..right, I'm not giving up, yet, you know!" she says with a loud huff, "Just because I got buried in ice and I don't wanna freeze solid." she pouts. She then determines herself to--- throw a strong bolt of energy into the ball, attempting to strike it down while not destroying it... trying to gauge how much power to flow into it.
She pauses. "Wait, what's the harm in always beliving in one another!?" she then mutters to Argent.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Striking the Momma Elemental
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
1 year, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20+4>=10.
Comment: Smash? o.o
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
1 year, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20+4>=10.
Comment: Smash?!!? o.o
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
1 year, 10 months ago
'We're stronger than this!'
Anna's eyes open blearily as she slowly picks herself up.
'With a Link Art, we can even take it down!' Her fingers clench around her axe as she realizes Reize is speaking.
'Now, believe in me, who believes in you!'
Slowly she picks herself up to her feet with a wobble.
Argent... Says something about an infinite loop that makes Anna's head really hurt.
Or maybe that's from running face first into a tree.
It's hard to tell as she lunges, her fury tempered a bit now as she rushes the greater ice elemental in tandem with Rui's energy ball- trips- and lands face smack down in the dirt and---
The sands of time are flowing...
Things seem to reverse for a beat as time travel's backwards from the sheer force of Reize's belief.
Anna rushes the greater ice elemental and does not slip this time as she takes a vaulting leap and brings her axe down upon it.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 10 months ago
The Greater Elemental sprite slowly rises back up. It pulses with a renewed energy that it managed to gather. It starts to float towards the group once more. The dark bolt of energy makes an impact, stopping it in place as it vibrates.
This is followed through by Anna, who picks herself back up and rushes in. When she takes her daring leap, she closes in..
As soon as the axe makes its impact against the crystalized form of the creature...
It wobbles with a crack. Its body vibrates before the axe tears through the surface with the sheer force. This opens the crystalline body... and then the creature collaspses upon impact.
A loud thud echoes, debris kick off. Yet, the temperature starts to revert back to a warm state.
"WOOHOOO! We did it!" Reize lets out a resounding cheer. He glances back at Argent, sticking a tongue out at her. "It worked!"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 10 months ago
Ruidosa cheers. "Yay, we did it!" she says as she looks to Argent. "That should be enough crystals in that thing, right?" she asks as she then says. "I'll take any flawed ones for my sister. She just wants them because... well. Shiny.." she mutters, embarrassedly.
"So if it's useless for Alchemcy..."
1 year, 10 months ago
"Yes." Argent says as the remains of the elemental falls to the ground, approaching it with athame in hand to get at all that beautiful, beautiful crystal. "However, I believe it was the force of Anna's strike so soon after the influx of Ruidosa's magic that caused it to fall, rather than the paradoxical source that you claim." she goes on as she drops down to her knees to investigate the fallen elemental closer, peering in close as she seeks to ascertain how best to go about harvesting.
"Ah. Yes. While all crystals can be used in some capacity, the difficulty in using lower quality ingredients often outweighs the benefit. As such, it is acceptable for you to take them. Additionally, you will be compensated as usual for taking the request."