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Request - Yeti King!
Scene details
Setting: The latest Vanguard Association request deals with a recent commotion at the Mountainous Road where a massive Yeti arrived and took control over the other Yetis. This resulted in strife for travelers who would pass through the range. It's up to the Vanguards to put an end to it!
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 11 months ago
The cold wind blows, providing an added element of adversity to an already turbulant environment that is the Mountainous Road. Far too rough for wagon wheels, combined with the elements of snowy peaks that challenges those to dress warm, the snowy atmosphere of the mountain peaks is the home of many creatures that dwell within the cold. From snow leopards, snow orcs, and burrowing creatures that will leap for their prey. Of course, there are yetis, which is partially the reason for the trip.
Light has faded, giving the feeling of an everlasting night.
There was a request to take down the 'Yeti King', as many of the yeti were congregating under its rule and made it more difficult for travelers to cross between the Kingdom and Lake Gerisia.
In effort to dress for the weather, Reize himself is adorning thicker undershirt with fur along his boots, overshirt, and other joint-areas. He has his scarf covering his face more, grimacing.
"Well, it looks like we're here!" He looks over to the parchment, "'Beware of the gang of yeti, as they became unified under the 'Yeti King' that mysteriously showed up recently'... we should be able to take care of this!" He brightens.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Trying out experimental lightless heat source
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 11 months ago
Ruidosa would have had a ''fit'' if this was a trip into the Pits of Avarice after THE EVENT THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED happened. ''Reize''. Anyways, Ruidosa is here dressed in a long coat her mom had purchased for her, blue, with furry frills. The cold doesn't bother her much, as a vampire. (She's not a super warm body anyways) she needs to make sure she doesn't freeze solid still so thusly, the coat.
Really, she doesn't wanna be carried down the mountain because she did freeze solid to thaw out. She scoffs, as she takes notes in her tome, though, her ink has become stiff do to the cold and she can't anymore, so she becomes ''pouty''.
"Right, Yeti. How hard can it be to get rid of some furry tall people."
1 year, 11 months ago
CLimbing up a mountain is no easy task. Between the elements and the creatures and denizens of the mountain, it will be an ordeal.
Anna prepared herself mentally as best she could, but nothing could prepare anyone for the WOLF ATTACK that happened at the outset of the journey that knocked Anna dramatically down a ravine and separated her from the party for a whole whopping five minutes.
Anna is too high level for some dumb wolf to kill at this point and when she returned, she had a very dead wolf in her arms.
A dead wolf she proceeded to skin and turn into aa very warm cloak, wolf-skull cap, and gloves through her knowledge of the mystical 'Crafting System' that she had learned from her goblin tribe.
Now, looking very much like an actual barbarian princess, she follows the others up the mountain.
"If they make it hard we can always choose violence." She points out to Rui.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo appears to have equipped himself with a thicker and hooded version of his cloak for this venture, his breath emerging as puffs of steam and cheeks flushed as he follows behind their fearless leader. Though he's rarely thrilled at the prospect of exertion, as usual, he can't help but smile at Reize's excitement.
"I'm sympathetic to beastkin autonomy," he says, "but resorting to banditry is a bridge too far. Let's encourage them to find a better way of life."
Anna's comment makes the implication there explicit. Rather than remark on it, though, Ivo turns to look at her with an expression of disbelief. "I still don't understand how you *did* that," he says, tilting his head toward her cloak. "Tanning is a complex process! To think you'd just manage it on the fly-- I could hardly make sense of what you were doing!"
Ivo tries to look over Anna's shoulder, but the crafting menu interface keeps getting in the way. His efforts to push the pop-up boxes obstructing his vision aside are fruitless, his hands passing through them.
"Maybe it's the goblins I have to ask," he mutters. He has a few questions for them anyway, which may or may not have something to do with the goblin courting ritual Anna has mentioned before and which Ivo may or may not have a new interest in. "*This* is how crafting is supposed to work: in advance!"
So saying, he produces a red and distinctive-looking elesphere from his cloak and cracks it. Heat pulses throughout the vicinity, warming the party. It does not, in fact, explode. This time.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 11 months ago
"Please don't let it be Pits of Avarice---WHY ARE ALL OF THESE PITS OF AVARICE?!"
"Reeeeeizeeeeeey~, what requests have you found?"
"Comeoncomeongivemesomethinganything*DING*---oh hey!"
Reize looks back towards the group, particularly at Ruidosa first as he makes sure that she is not -too- upset. He has learned, after all. Seeing that she is just pouty instead of 'enraged', Reize can chalk it as a small victory.
Uh, did anyone see Anna?"
However, when the girl returns with some new 'threads', Reize runs a hand to the back of his head, sweatdrop bead appearing to the side of his head. "...Well, it looks like you've found something for the weather."
The sudden warmth washes over him, "Wow! This is great, Ivo!" He is forever impressed by Ivo's use of technology. He turns his head back to the mountains.
"Anycase, let's continue on.
The road ahead is a straight way, allowing for a calm traverse.
However, there are sightings of large orcs popping out into view. They produce a large hand-axe and start charging at the group with intentions of cleaving their tagets.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo is also reading the requests pertaining to the Pits of Avarice in the Zerhem Vanguards Association.
"What's this? 'Hunt ten Reize Seatlans'...?"
He squints at the notice.
"Does this say it was... posted by a rat?"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 11 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is pouty due to her ink, not the situation, so she's fine. It just means she can't take notes right now, which means she'll have to do it shortly after they get down the mountain. She looks on ahead and squints. "Hey are those the Yeti?" pause. "I didn't know Yeti we're green, hairless and carried...axes..." pause.
"Those aren't Yeti, I don't think." she says to the party, gravely as the party begins to be charged by Orcs. She summons up a shield around herself as she prepares more attacky-like spells, sighing a little.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo fortunately has had the presence of mind to place different elespheres in different pockets of his cloak. The red elesphere he produces now is of the standard sort, not distinctive like the first that emanated ambient heat.
"Perhaps the snow orcs have been forced out of their traditional territory by the gathering strength of the yetis," he surmises, being the sort of person to think about stuff like that even while said orcs are bearing down on him with axes brandished. "Sadly, this road is the wrong place for them too."
Drawing Hauteclare and loading the elesphere into its pommel, he ignites the blade and sends it spinning out, first to cleave at the orc leading the charge, then to arc neatly into an overhanging snowy branch, able to blow it clean off and send a large pile of snow onto a few more to bury them in place.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Flame Wheel!
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
1 year, 11 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Punchin' some orcs?
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 4).
1 year, 11 months ago
Proceeding along the mountain, once Anna is done crafting, the mysterious menus vanish, allowing her to focus on the squad of large orcs that emerge and charge them.
The Suryle princess says nothing. The instant the orcs reach them she's among them- she doesn't even draw her axe, the trick to orcs is to display and assert your dominance after all.
She picks the biggest, meanest, looking one of the group.
And swings a CLOBBERING haymaker with stunning force to tap him on the jaw and show the others: 'Don't screw with us'.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 11 months ago
The orcs are charging with their axes, oinking all the way with their battlecry. However, the bolts of energy from Ruidosa sends them back, dropping a few of them. While Ivo uses Hauteclare to cleave with the flaming blade, they guard against the blade with the axe.
It looked like the pile of snow would take out the group, but one of them notices the sword slashing the branch, then they pull their brethren away from the snow.
At least, only for Anna to come in with a nice haymaker right at the biggest of the group.
Reize is lunging forward with leaping at an orc to lash out a kick their way.
While Reize makes his purchase, it's the sight of the biggest orc getting dominated by Anna that encourage the others to pack up and flee. Even the leader, who was clobbered on the jaw, when he comes to, is running the hell away. There is a sound of terrifed oink, and other sorts of noise.
>> The party shall no longer encounte any tribal orcs.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 11 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima threw up a shield, but didn't attack! But still, the orcs are driven away by Anna's punch to the biggest, baddest one, as she frowns a little. "I guess that worked." she says as she lowers her hand and closes her eyes and pulls her coat closer around her, ohh chilly.
"Well." she says. "I guess we continue onward." she goes as she starts to walk again, lowering her shield.
"Hey Yetis!" she calls out. "Come on out. We just wanna talk." pause.
"And ''not'' punch you in the face."
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
"Maybe I overthought that," Ivo concedes, as he withdraws Hauteclare's blade from the tree in which it got lodged and sends it floating back toward its hilt. "But then, displays of dominance aren't really my forte." He's a little more of the easygoing, egalitarian, laissez faire type. In other words, a wuss. "We're fortunate to have Her Highness for that."
What, after all, is royalty without power?
"That's right," Ivo calls along with Ruidosa. "We respect your culture and attempt at complex political formation! Please tell us all about it, while we, ahem, *don't* punch you in the face!"
It's all very convincing.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Yeti diplomacy?
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a failure (by 2).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 11 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Yeti Diplomacy!
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).
1 year, 11 months ago
"I can't promise I won't punch anything or anyone in the face." Anna says very quietly so only the group can hear her.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 11 months ago
Reize gives a sigh of relief, "...That wasn't too bad." He cracks a grin with a thumbs up, "Great job, Anna!"
As the group make their way through the snowy field, they'll come across a large opening with large mountains obscuring the view of everything around. In particular, the yetis have taken to hiding. They do not respond to Ruidosa, at first.
It is only through Ivo's diplomatic ways that the group did not have to worry about an impending snowstorm of boulders coming their way.
What greets them are multiple large shadows looming over them as the yetis come flipping from the hiding spots. As they all land, they appear to be medium-sized, almost like a tall human. However, their bodies are bulky and they are all cheering and jeering with their arms raised.
They give out cackles, slamming their fists to their chest.
...And then a large, looming figure emerges. This one is the size of a giant, packed with muscles and gives off a presence around it. The massive yeti looks down at the group, staring at them. "Huguggggghhhhh."
It beats its chest.
In turn, the others beat their chest.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo arches a brow and smiles knowingly as the yetis reveal themselves, turning to Ruidosa. "See, it's important to flatter them, too," he says, with the confident tone of the experienced socialite.
The yetis look at each other with evident confusion as Ivo uses too many big words, before, in said confusion, deciding to listen to Ruidosa.
"I've heard of this!" he says, as the yetis begin to beat their chests. "This is a traditional war dance. Like a sophisticated version of a show of dominance, it seems threatening, but it's actually intended to avoid conflict. If we can show our strength through dance, they might back down."
Once again, he at least sounds confident about this.
"Let's try it!" he enthuses. As thus, in lieu of attempting to attack first, Ivo proceeds to mimic the yetis with a little extra flair, pounding his chest (much less impressively), but also stomping back and forth, trying to provide a consistent rhythm for his friends.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Improvised war dance...?
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
1 year, 11 months ago
Out come the yetis. Brash, bold, and angered.
They beat their chests and grunt... Ivo beats his chest and stomps in a war dance.
"That's not how you establish dominance..." Anna says quietly.
Anna eyes the biggest of them. The looming giant figure amongst the others.
Anna drops everything.
She's ff like a gunshot, a full on bull rush intended to carry her towards the Yeti King as she LEAPS, arm reeling back.
With a snarling war cry, the Suryle Princess intends haul off and deck the noblest of Yeti Lords and show her dominance.
1 year, 11 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: I'm gonna cave his face in. >:|
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 11 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima quickly looks through her book quickly. Ivo...may be right. She isn't sure. She can't see anything about Yetis in her book. Maybe her mom never encountered them. So she goes about trying to discern a language when..
Anna chooses violence and just hauls off to deck the leader and she facepalms.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 11 months ago
What Ivo did was not a war dance, but a 'challenge'.
Yeti King, the towering, hulking creature, is now approaching the group of explorers who dare tread their land. This is his road and he will break all of those who trespass. In fact, his eyes glow red as he starts stalking towards the group.
The yeti gang are all cheering, expecting a bloodbath. Jeers, cheers. Wailings. They are all feeling the energy as their king is about to send off the trespassers in a world of pain.
...Until Anna jumps in with a bullrush.
It's eyes widen.
Suryle Princess decks the creature on its face, its eyes pop out and its massive, hulking body is sent sailing high in the sky.
Reize looks up at the onslaught, "Whoaaaaa..." He walks over to Ruidosa. ".. Glad Anna is on our side."
Annnnd down goes the Yeti King.
The other Yeti stare, pause and just gape.
After an awkward moment.
They all bow down to Anna, hailing her as the new king of the Mountain Road.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
"Good thing I lured it out," Ivo finally says. "I think that was instrumental to our success."
He is truly loathe to admit that pure violence carried the day.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 11 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls her eyes at Ivo. "Oh brother..." she says as she frowns and looks over to the Yeti's bowing to Anna. Whelp, Anna can do what she wishes. She tries to remember these events to write down in her tome later.
"No. I'm pretty sure that was all Anna punching things. A lot." she says.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 11 months ago
Reize looks back at Ivo, blinking, "Really? You thought that ahead?!" He then gives a thoughtful look with a serious expression, "Well, you do tend to think ahead as our strategist." He scratches his chin. Though, upon Ruidosa refuting Ivo, the boy sweatdrops. "...Really?" He thinks over, "Well, Anna is good at showing many of the creatures who is the boss."
He furrows his eyebrows with the serious expression, "Some beasts tend to respect strength. If you show that you're stronger than their current leader, they will see you as their leader. Anna displays those qualities."
He gives a thoughtful look at the group, "Let's report back!"