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Alchemy for the People
Scene details
- Start date: April 1, 2023, 3:38 p.m.
End date: April 1, 2023, 7 p.m.
- Location: Granse - Zerhem Kingdom
- Participants:
Ivo Galvan,
Setting: Ivo helps Argent and Laineth prepare for a move to Cosmopolis.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Passerby heading to and from Zerhem's central market occasionally stop and stare as an unusual vessel slows to a stop in the tributary of Zerhem River that runs through the city proper. The ship of white and blue has neither sails nor oars that any can see. Instead, metal tubes and other obscure components are affixed to its sides and rear, thrumming quietly with unseen power. As it coasts to a stop by a worn stone staircase leading up to the main street, threading its way carefully through the narrow confines of the water, a jaunty figure emerges from the cabin to tie a rope to the makeshift pier and secure the vessel.
"Ahh," Ivo sighs grandly, looking up to the blue skies above and shielding his eyes with a smile. "A perfect day for a little seagoing tour with two lovely ladies."
Normally, he would have invited Reize too, of course, but inflicting unnecessary sea travel upon him is not in anyone's interest.
"I think Laineth's shop was right around here..."
Disembarking and ascending the steps, he looks to see if he can catch a glimpse of Argent or Laineth anywhere nearby. With luck, their preparations for travel are already well underway.
1 year, 11 months ago
Atelier Laineth, as the shop is so aptly called, can be found in the marketplace where it's been for the past few years. A sign hanging up top with the words emblazoned on it, and a cute visual of a chibi Laineth on one side, and a chibi Argent on the other.
Ivo will find that there is no sight of either the elf or the homunculus outside. Which can only mean.... Time to head inside, right?
Meanwhile, inside the shop, Laineth sits behind the counter at the back of the shop as she usually does. The layout os fairly simple. From the front door is a center aisle that leads directly to the counter. That aisle is hugged by rows of shelves, lined with all sorts of curatives and goods for adventuring and travel. Made by the resident alchemist and her homunculus assistant in-house, of course.
"Hmmmmhmhmhmmmmm~" Laineth hums to herself as she appears to be fiddling with some sort of custom magical tool, engraving an enchantment onto a ring of some sort. Is this a commission? Probably.
AAs for the mention of travel, a number of bags are already lined up to one side behind the counter. Seems like she is ready to go somewhere in fact.
1 year, 11 months ago
While Laineth is hard at work engraving that ring, Argent is busily adding to the pile of bags that's already gotten quite numerous. She packs away ingredients with her usual neutral expression, only the occasional suspicious looking powder or toxic looking herb vanishing into her mouth as she works.
"Laineth." she intones, pausing her packing as she regards a small package containing some of those aforementioned toxic herbs. "Given the differences in climate and culture, I believe it would be in our best interests to transport a larger amount of this product than is currently in our inventory."
It's a logical conclusion, but something about the way she's been sampling it says she has other reasons for wanting to procure the stuff...
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo isn't sure he's ever properly been inside Laineth's shop, and his lively gaze roves curiously about the interior, scanning the shelves with evident interest. Having collaborated with Argent extensively at this point himself, he quietly entertains himself by trying to guess how she contributed to different items on sale.
"Good morning, Laineth," the Cosmopolitan breezily greets the elf. "Rune-based enchantment, is it? I've always been fascinated in that technique! They offered an elective at the academy, but the time conflicted with Practical Aetheric Deconstruction, and those skills have certainly come in handy. Still, I'd like to know more than what they taught me about it in general interest courses."
From a Cosmopolitan perspective, engraving-based enchantment is old proto-magitech, hearkening from an age prior to the socketing of aether crystals. But far be it from Ivo to show anything other than interest in something like that.
"Shall I begin carrying some of those to the SaGa, Argent?" he asks, flashing a grin at the homunculus. "It looks like the sooner we get started, the better." Better to show off his gallantry to the beauties early, and start off their trip on the right foot. "You know, Fabroxo has been retrofitting part of the district governor's manor on the Seventeenth Turn into an expanded laboratory. I bet there'd be room for an aetherglass greenhouse, if you wanted to cultivate some plants in a controlled environment."
1 year, 11 months ago
It's one last commission to knock out before she gets out of this city.
What? It'd be bad business of she just went 'Sorry, I'm moving! Job's canceled!'. And so, she's on a mad(?) rush to finish this engraving.
Argent's voice reaches her ears, making them twitch. "Hm? Oh, those? I guess we could. Who knows what the demographics in Cosmopolis will look like though. There might be demand for other things..." She pauses after noticing Argent sampling their ingredients. "And Argent, stop snacking already. You already had breakfast, didn't you?" She asks with a wry smile on her face.
Just then, the front door of the shop opens, and in comes... Ivo. Yes, Ivo. "Oh, you're here already. Morning, Ivo!" She gives him a wave, lowering the magical engraving pen in her hand and smiling amicably. "Eheheh, yep, you got it in one. Someone asked me for a rush commission for an enchanted ring for their adventures, and... well, the money's too good to pass up, so I figured I could knock it out before I get out of here." It's always the money, right? "I'm just about done though. I'll wrap up stowing away the inventory and everything else after!"
At the mention of the bags, the elf nods. "Oh yeah, go ahead, please! I'll be with you in a minute!" And with that, Laineth gets back to work on her ring, etching in the last few runes to complete the project. "Whew..." She sets her tools down and raises the ring, turning it over and over. "Hmmm...." Then she slips it onto a finger, and immediately, a minor aura of power washes over her. She clenches and unclenches a fist. "..... Yep. Looks good." The brunette takes the ring off, and the feeling of power fades.
She stuffs the ring into a small box, and steps out from behind the counter. "Be back in a bit! I'm gonna run over to the Vanguard Assocation real quick to deliver this!" And she zooms out of the front door, leaving Ivo and Argent... Welp.
1 year, 11 months ago
"I am not consuming an unusual amount." Argent says quietly, her hand already halfway to her mouth when Laineth chides her for her snacking habit. With nary a change in her expression she puts the herb back where it came from.
Ah well. Best to save some for the trip, anyway.
At Ivo's mention of plant cultivation, her unnerving gaze turns to him. "Ah. Yes. In addition to cultivation of plants that we currently have easy access to, such a method would also allow us to cultivate those that are difficult to obtain in this environment. Please make the arrangements to construct such a facility." she says as her hands are busy packing the jar into one of those bulging bags. One of those heavy bulging bags. Without so much as a grunt she grabs hold of one of them, hefts...and then immediately places it back on the floor. Physically strong she is not, it seems. "Yes. Please begin carrying these bags as soon as possible. Additionally, I believe Laineth will be..."
It's then that Laineth is hurrying out the door, Argent's silvery eyes watching her go.
"...required to delay packing and transportation of our belongings in order to deliver her commission." she finishes once the elf is gone.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
"I think your services will be much in demand in Cosmopolis," Ivo affirms, "but as to what specifically, it's difficult to say." Intrigued by this question, as Laineth busily finishes her rush project, he pauses to contemplate the answer. "Magitech reliance has made aether crystal fragments a veritable currency, and its flow is restricted by the nobility. The lower tiers are dependent on the upper to fuel the tools they use in daily life. Any substitute for those tools that does not rely on socketing would be a great boon to common folk. You may find enchanting especially popular, then. Especially from such an enchanting lady--"
And she's already out the door.
"Well, it seems we're alone. In that case..."
Ivo gives Argent a meaningful look.
"...I wanted to ask," he finally says, in a perhaps unexpectedly serious tone, "what you've told Laineth about the Crown Jewel. Does she know its origins? If so, what does she think about the prospect of its use?"
He pauses.
"And how have your thoughts developed?"
Ivo doesn't move to gather up any bags just yet. He isn't sure how many opportunities he'll have to get Argent alone on this trip, and he wants to know what he should or should not bring up around Laineth, just in case. ...But then he sees Argent try to lift one and immediately put it back down, feels bad, and goes over to try to lift it himself.
Oh, no. It's really heavy. Don't drop it, Ivo, that doesn't look cool. He forces what is supposed to be a nonchalant smile as his eyes water and bulge, face turning red and neck cording, and he begins to slowly waddle towards the door.
"Anything," he grunts out, "for you, Argent." Carry the bags, Ivo. Construct the facility, Ivo. Grovel before us, Ivo. Well, the last one sounds alright.
1 year, 11 months ago
Argent does carry something at least, reaching for a much smaller, more sensibly sized bag. Despite the smaller size it's clear the thing is crammed full of various alchemical supplies. Hopefully of the non-dangerous variety, given the way it's packed so tightly.
"While we have discussed some of the events that transpired, I have not yet fully explained the nature of this item to Laineth. However, I do not believe it would be amiss to further explain the matter to her." she says as she walks towards the door with her far more manageable load.
"As for what action we should take in regards to the use of such a thing..." she says, voice going rather quiet followed by a few seconds of silence. "...while the nature of it is unsavory, refusing to make use of it will not correct the actions taken to create it. As such, my current opinion is that it is permissible to use it under the condition that part of that use be to ensure that such events do not transpire again."
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo is silent, partly to listen respectfully, and partly because he feels that any unnecessary movement or disruption of his concentration will cause him to topple over and alchemical reagents to spill everywhere. Descending the steps down to the pier while holding this bag feels more treacherous and frightening than ascending the steps to the Star-Crowned Emperor before their epic battle.
He finally allows himself a gasp of relief as he settles the bag on the deck of the ship. Taking a deep breath, he regathers his composure and turns to Argent, finally able to manage a soft smile.
"I understand," he says, "and I respect that. You're the one among us able to use it, so you should get to decide when and how it's used. That being said... I know Reize and I are very grateful that we have you to help revive Lily and bring her back."
Turning back to ascend the stairs again to get another, hopefully lighter, bag, Ivo is briefly distracted by another object of concern.
"I hope we won't have too much trouble reaching her," he continues. "I asked my old colleagues working in the Restricted Archives to keep her safe there. But last I heard, the Archives have been on lockdown due some break-in attempts. I'll have to check in with them about access privileges..."
He re-enters Atelier Laineth, trying to pick up two lighter bags this time, to secretly take it easier on himself while still looking impressive for when Laineth returns to see him being so helpful.
1 year, 11 months ago
After a time, Laineth returns, looking satisfied with herself, and none the wiser to the serious conversation that Argent and Ivo were engaged in. "Hah. 'Why don't you talk to your sister?' she says. 'I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.' she says." The elf rolls her eyes. "What are you, my mom, Corrine?" Huffing to herself, she opens the door of her shop, and steps inside. "I'm baaaaack." She announces casually, and...
"They're not here?" But then a presence behinds her makes her jolt a bit. It's Ivo returning. "Oh there you are." She greets him, as she walks into the center of the middle aisle. "'Scuse me for a sec. I'm gonna take care of the rest of the stuff on the shelves." She spreads her arms, palms pointed outward as a glowing, spinning magic circle forms beneath her feet. Rapidly, in response, various potions, trinkets, and other remaining items on the store shelves light up and vanish into nothing. Once all the rest of the inventory is gone, the shelves follow, along with the furniture. After a good minute or two, the inside of the store looks basic and barren, with only a few nailed down pieces remaining. Things Laineth was not going to take.
Oh, and also the bags and Ivo. Can't go stuffing people into magic spaces now.
"Okay, that's better!"
...At least that's substancially less stuff to have to carry, right?
1 year, 11 months ago
"Should they prove uncooperative, then we may be required to employ alternate methods for entry." the homunculus says on their way back to the shop, nodding along with her own words. "It is optimal to do so by employing subterfuge. However, should such a method prove non-feasible, we may be required to make use of more direct and extreme methods."
For someone so stoic and calm, she's awfully quick to suggest the use of violence.
Argent walks back into the (former) Atelier Laineth on Ivo's heels, looking far less exhausted by the much lighter bag she carried. "Ah. Laineth. You have returned." she says as she watches the magical display, a curtain of hair swishing to one side as she tilts her head.
"Laineth." she says once the job is done and the room is looking far more barren. "If it is possible for you to transport items in such a manner, then why is it that Ivo must carry them on our behalf?"
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
"Yes, let's try to avoid that," Ivo replies to Argent, sounding more amused than anything at her casual suggestion of an assault on the Restricted Archives. "I'm supposed to be a government official, you know? If a minor one."
Not that he acts like it, gallivanting all over the world.
The Cosmopolitan, seeing Laineth, flashes her a winning smile, now that the bags he is carrying do not prevent him from doing so. "All taken care of?" Hopefully Corrine didn't bang her decorative gavel too hard at Laineth, now that it's been safely returned. "I've just been making a valiant effort with these--"
He trails off as he witnesses Laineth cast her spell of supreme convenience, his smile slowly wilting.
"Yes, well," he finally says. "I'll just... carry these, then." Did he really have to drag that bag all the way down the steps himself?
He looks carefully neutral as Argent raises the question he would very much like to ask, but does not chime in. To do so would be uncouth. Besides, he can't risk a subtraction in Affection Points.
Can those get lower than 0? Well, he doesn't want to find out.
"The two of you were able to enjoy the deck of the Romancing SaGa together on our crab hunting trip to Lake Gerisia, yes?" he asks instead. Ah, yes, what a successful venture that was. "I think you'll be impressed with its oceangoing capabilities, though we may be safer ensconced in the cabin for the majority of the trip."
1 year, 11 months ago
Laineth smiles ever so sweetly at Argent as she goes and picks up a reasonably sized piece of luggage to carry and follow along with them.
"One: Because there are things I don't feel comfortable putting into a magic space for various reasons. Two: It just looks better to the average person to cart around a bit of luggage anyway so you don't raise suspicion" ...Must be the paranoia developed from when she was operating in Revonus before Granse. "And finally, three: Doesn't Ivo look cool and manly carrying these heavy things for us?~*~*"
You can see the sparkles practically radiating from her.
1 year, 11 months ago
Ivo's reminder that he is, technically, a government official earns him a glance from Argent. "I do not believe that your role is particularly important to the function of the government, given the casual nature with which you are able to leave for long periods of time." she says matter of factly. It's not even an accusing or demeaning tone, it's just...that's how it is. "As such in the event that we be required to turn against the government, I do not believe that much will be lost should our actions cause you to be stripped of your position."
Then she's joining Laineth in picking up a bag. Clothing, judging by the light weight of it. "Laineth." she says, hefting the bag in one hand and using the finger of the other to point squarely at herself. "I do not believe that will be an effective solution to reduce attention received in this case. Additionally, your own appearance will draw attention." she goes on, unblinking eyes staaaaaaring right at the poor elf. "However, attention that you receive is unlikely to be of an unfriendly nature."
A moment of consideration, and then she speaks again. "Given the difficulty with which he carried his previous load, his perceived masculinity may not be as high as you state." Ouch.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
"It's one thing," Ivo objects to Argent in a lively manner, "for foreigners to break into a restricted facility and another for an official to commit treason against the state! They'd punish me just to set an example for--"
But Laineth's third point distracts Ivo completely. The sparkles suffusing her form are reflected in the young man's eyes as he straightens, utterly charmed.
"Laineth's appearance surely will draw attention," he quips, bending over toward more bags, "but who could be unfriendly to such a beauty?" He proceeds to take up four more bags, arms bulging with them, clearly inspired to carry as many as possible now. "Guh!" Almost immediately, he flinches, wounded to the quick at Argent's harsh assessment.
For a moment, he wavers.
"That's good too," he mutters to himself, "in its own way." And he proceeds to lug as many bags as possible, straining to the limit all over again, toward the boat. The mystery of his final comment, lingering in the air, will hopefully never be solved.
1 year, 11 months ago
"Huh? I mean, I know I'm a bombshell, no need to talk me up~" Laineth says with a flip of a braid in an intentional show of hammy confidence, holding the bag she's carrying under her other arm. "But this isn't really about me right now, is it?"
"In any case, I'm kind of looking forward to operating in Cosmopolis. A totally new territory that only just recently opened up! The business opportunities will be grand!" Pause. "...I just hope the populace isn't as stuffy and grumpy as Revonus." She rolls her eyes, electing not to talk about those same stuffy and grumpy people also being weirdos who wanted weird things under the table.
Argent's random shot at Ivo makes her cringe however. "Wow, Argent! Have some mercy! He's trying his best! Isn't that what makes it endearing?" ...Is she defending him or making it worse? "Oh, but I have something that can help you, Ivo." Smiling sweetly, Laineth twirls her index finger, casting an art.
Immediately, there's a rush of power over Ivo, and the things he's hauling become easier to carry. ...A strengthening art?
1 year, 11 months ago
Blink. Blink. "I was unaware of your explosive nature. Despite this, please refrain from detonating in our presence. Additionally, I believe that you enjoy such things being said about yourself. As such, I will continue to do so." Argent says with a completely straight face.
Then when Ivo lifts far too much weight for his own good, she regards him with a critical gaze. "As expected." she says, peering at him as he struggles with their belongings...but at the same time, not actually offering to help. "I do not believe you are capable of carrying such a weight. As such, Laineth. I request that you...ah." Before the homunculus can even make the request the elf is already midway through her spell, the words vanishing from Argent's lips. "It is done. You are very efficient." she says instead before leaning in towards the alchemist, cheeks brushing Laineth's cheek for a moment. "I am certain that you have made Ivo's task significantly easier."
Not our task, apparently. Just Ivo's task.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
"Oho! Ohoho!" Ivo seems delighted by the effects of Laineth's art, boyishly giddy. "How fun! And what an effective Art!"
Seemingly even more interested in testing its limits than trying to impress pretty girls, he busies himself by trying to run around with various bags of items, maybe a little too excitedly given their contents, but clearly now having the physical capacity to do so. So excited is he that he does not seem to notice the subtext of Argent's last statement.
"You'll have lots of fun in Cosmopolis, I promise!" He's not even out of breath on his first trip back, taking up more bags as he chatters. "The people of the lower tiers are hardworking but very lively. Before Proliferation imposed isolation, it was a very diverse place, and the mingling of cultures at remove produced all sorts of eccentricities. Now those are being reintroduced to the world at large-- it's sure to be entertaining!"
It seems like Ivo and Laineth may be on similar wavelengths in regard to their social interests.
"I'll have to take you two to the Warrens," he says, already rounding out the door again. "It's like an endless festival within the buried recesses of the old City. That's anything but stuffy or grumpy!"
1 year, 11 months ago
"Aw, you know just what I like, Argent~" Laineth says in a cheery tone, nuzzling the homunculus back for a moment, before she straightens up and watches as Ivo revels in his newfound power. "Careful! That only lasts for a few minutes at most!" She calls out to him as he dashes off... and then comes back up and past them again. That spell might to be too effective, huh?
But she does listen to what he says about their new home to be, clearly interested in knowing what she'll be walking into. "Hmm, that's good! Better for things to be entertaining than boring and static, I say." Finally arriving at the Romancing SaGa, Laineth deposits her bag on deck with the rest of the stuff already there. ...It sounds like Ivo has the rest covered with his power boost, so she stands aside with Argent as to not get in his way.
"Please do! I'm looking forward to it! An endless festival sounds like my idea of a good time! Ahahaha!" She laughs, putting a hand on Argent's head and mussing up her hair. "Isn't that right, Argent? We'll party into the wee hours of the morning and then keep going!"
She says this, knowing full well that Argent is not a crowds person. ....Or a people person.
1 year, 11 months ago
Just like Laineth, Argent drops her own bag onto the deck with the lightest of thumps before following up that arduous task by...standing next to Laineth. Well, she's been hard at work transporting that single bag. She and Laineth deserve a break!
"...I believe it would be preferable for us to socialize in small groups." she says quietly, reaching up to the hair that Laineth so cruelly made a mess of and patting down a stray lock of the silvery stuff. But that does little to undo the mussing! "I will require you to brush my hair during our trip."
Then she takes Laineth's hand, curling their fingers together to prevent the elf from making a further mess of her hair. Yes. That's why she's doing it.
"Given the short duration of the spell, it would be optimal for Ivo to hurry. If it were to expire while he was carrying our belongings, it is possible that he will drop them and they will come to harm." A moment passes. "Ah. And he may come to harm."
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 11 months ago
A countdown clock ticking down from 3 minutes has appeared in the corner of the screen as background music better suited to a bomb defusal plays.
"I've-- almost-- got it!"
Bounding from step to step, skipping three at a time, with bags draped and bundled all over his frame, Ivo rushes toward the Romancing SaGa. He deposits the baggage safely before turning to sprint back up the stairs, seeming to be enjoying himself immensely, and also aware of what a pain it would be to have to deal with the rest of the load in the absence of this empowering Art.
"Last-- trip--!"
As the Cosmopolitan rushes back into view, the other two can see him start to slow as the magic fades, giving the sense that he has begun running through invisible mud. As he makes it down the steps and approaches the SaGa from the pier, he seems to be shrinking at first, until it becomes clear that he is slowly sinking into a crouch-walk from the weight of his burden.
"I-- did--"
At the very moment he steps onto the SaGa, he collapses, the bags safe and sound, the young man buried underneath.
Eventually, one hopes, their captain will recover and they may all set sail for Cosmopolis. At least until a terrible ocean storm sends them spinning into a whirlpool that leads down to an undersea palace, in the thrilling Star Chaser Story: Secrets of the Dragon King.
...But that tale is for another time.