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Curry in a Hurry
Scene details
Setting: With Reize recovered from seasickness, the party visits the headquarters of the Vanguard Association in Suryle Kingdom before venturing south to the Queenswood. While Anna stays behind to avoid discovery and prepare for her return to the goblin village, the others are joined by some recent acquaintances, who, it turns out, may be more important members of the Vanguards than Ivo initially realized...
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
It is by the later afternoon that the party arrives at last to Vanguard Headquarters. Having made the acquaintance of Elenne, a Vanguard, and Rufina, an elusive vagrant (?), Ivo elected to return to the longhouse near where the party had docked to check on Reize and see if he had somewhat recovered, thinking that the boy would like to meet their new Vanguard friend and see the headquarters for himself if he had recovered.
Anna volunteered to pack and prepare for the venture into the Queenswood, her nervousness at being in Suryle having not abated during their idle jaunt through the knightly capitol. Having gathered as many of the others as are available, Ivo leads them to the headquarters of the Association, through a town square containing a very impressive-looking goat. He seems to have already acquired some equally impressive goat cheese if anyone wants a snack.
"They've been busy over the last century or so, haven't they?"
Stepping through the vast wooden doors, the young man pauses to take in the eclectic assortment of armaments and artifacts on display. But, uncharacteristically, rather than dwell on any of them, he seems to be looking for something or someone in particular, as he produces a small book he picked up along the way from his cloak.
> "Interesting Goat Facts" has been added to the Codex under "Books."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa La Crima probably went to feed soup to Reize last time and has followed along to Vanguards HQ. She gently head tilts, what's with the goat theme, she wonders. Is this a famous goat. Did a goat save the world at one point? Is it a mascot? It's probably a mascot.
Interesting...Goat Facts.
"My my mom said. Goats are delicious. Curried. Would anyone actually eat goats?" she asks Ivo.
2 years ago
Ah yes. The Vanguard Association. Its architecture isn't quite the same as the building in Granse, but it has its own historic charm. With artifacts, weapons, and other reminders of great adventures past on display in the great hall, it already sends the message of 'this is the place where the adventurers go'.
Understandably, the amount of people here isn't has much as it was in Granse either, but there are still a fair number of Vanguards milling about. Socializing on the side, perusing the job boards, and checking their equipment before an outing. Down the hall and to the side, is what appears the be the reception counter, past the open congregation area with the boards and counters and chairs.
It is there, that one may spy a certain black haired woman of elven descent ( ). Seated behind the counter, she pores over a number of papers, and a young swordsman stands in front of the counter, looking nervous. "........" Golden eyes drift from side to side, and downwards as she reads with a severe expression. "Hrm. I see." She stamps the papers, and then slides a stack of coins towards the swordsman. "Here. Your payment. Now get out of the way."
"Y-Yes, ma'am!" He stammers, collecting his reward, and then scuttling off, past the group that just arrived. He breathes a sigh of relief once he's outside.
Elenne, meanwhile, trains her gaze upon the new arrivals and she narrows her eyes at Ivo. "It's you." Her gaze shifts to the others. "...And you brought new friends, I see." A simple observation. She takes a deep breath, building her defenses up against anticipated stupidity, and then speaks again.
"How can the Vanguard Association help you today?"
2 years ago
"Their interest in members of the capra family is..." Argent says quietly as she looks around, silver hair swishing this way and that with every tilt of her head. "...extensive. However, it is not unknown for societies to develop a reverence for livestock that provide a significant source of food and income." she goes on as they walk on. "...ah. Many things are edible. However, given your nature, I was not aware that your relations would have an interest in more common forms of sustenance."
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
The good news is that Reize did recover from dealing with seasickness. The boy was miserable, considering that he was not able to go adventuring. The truth is out: It is seasickness that ruins a person from adventuring, not the fabled 'cooties'. Luckily, he had Ruidosa with him to take care of him.
Despite the episode of dealing with the life of a bedridden adventurer, he is in somewhat good spirits. There are two things that Reize has mulled over: One is the fact that he is back in Verdios, but the other side is that there is no signs of his father and that he is at the Vanguard HQ. He got permission to go to the next region, if to get familiarized with the place.
That is why Reize decided to arrive in his normal attire. After all, he is an official member of the Vanguard Association. As the young explorer follows suit, he has taken some of the goat cheese to enjoy the delicacy of a snack. "Mmm..~" He muses, looking around the expansiveness of the headquarters, "Whoa... This place looks extraordinary." A history of its own.
The young explorer brightens, approaching the lady as she arrives, "Oi, I'm Reize Seatlan, the Class D Vanguard that was given permission to check in here. Corrine should have submitted my papers here."
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo looks faintly alarmed at Ruidosa's suggestion. The Cosmopolitan briefly turns back toward the entrance to raise his palms as though to hush her.
"Why, goats are the most charming of the bovidae," he exclaims, a little too loudly. "Did you know their pupils are rectangular to give them a wider field of vision?" He then leans in toward the vampire girl almost conspiratorily, his voice lowering for some reason. "Goat curry is exquisite. I recommend a coconut milk and tomato base, with--"
He cuts himself off when Elenne addresses them, cloak swirling as he turns back toward the counter and flashes his second-best smile. Following behind Reize, he peers about as discreetly as possible, not seeing Rufina.
"I do hope the quest of yours we completed will be attributed to Reize's record," he adds, just a little playfully. "We are members of the same party, after all."
Was it really a quest?
"Ah, would Rufina happen to... be available? I had a small token of appreciation to offer in thanks for leading the way..."
Ivo figures there's a 10 percent chance the silver-haired elf is in a meeting and an 80 or so percent chance she's already run away again.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa La Crima remains silent, somehow as she listens to Ivo. Nod. Nod. Oh Ivo's gonna go chase another girl, that's totally a surprise and not at all shocking. She lets Ivo go talk to the elf at the counter as she looks back to the goats as she acknowledges Argent "Mass doesn't replace itself. Got to come from somewhere when I heal." she shrugs at her. "That's what human food is good for."
She eyes Reize who seems to be doing much better as she waits for the paperwork to be done. She'll probably step in and make a fuss if there's a problem. Maybe.
2 years ago
Ivo's loud and pointed praising of goats earns him a few idle nods of approval.
Meanwhile, Elenne stares at Reize for a stark few seconds after his introduction, as if sizing him up. "Hm." She looks down, pulling out a drawer and rifling through some organized files. "R... R... R... There it is." She shifts through the R section and pulls out a file. Looking it over, she nods to herself. "So you're Reize Seatlan. The one who recently joined in Granse." She lowers the file and stares a him again. ".... Seatlan, is it...?" She looks like she has something to say, but in the end, she decides to move on, rather than press the boy with any undue questions. After all, a Vanguard's private business is their own. As long as they do their job and don't cause trouble, they can keep their secrets.
To that end, her attention turns to Ivo. "So this was your Vanguard friend then, I assume." Her eyes close momentarily and she shakes her head a bit. "I should have figured." Those severe golden eyes open again and she nods, getting out a new file. "If that's what you want." She stamps the paper containing information on the other day's excursion, and then slides over a small stack of coins. "Your reward." With that business done, she quirks her brow at the mention of Rufina. "..... ....." For a few long seconds, she stares at Ivo. As if judging him. But then, she shakes her head and stands up. "She should be in the back. Follow me."
Walking from around the reception counter, she leads Ivo, Reize, and the others down a side hallway further into the building. Past resting rooms, past an infirmary, past the kitchen, past the training grounds out back. ....Finally stopping at a grand door with a plaque on it that reads 'High Guildmaster'.
Wait, that can't be right, can it?
Yet still, Elenne lifts her hand and knocks. Thunk thunk thunk! "Guildmaster. You have guests." And then, she turns the handle and opens it...
Revealing a rather rustic personal office. Furnished with oak fixtures, a pair of couches and a center table for casual meetings, as well as a desk near the back in front of a large window. And on that desk as few daunting piles of papers. Seated there, is a white haired woman of similarly elven descent as Elenne ( ). Looking frazzled, her blue eyes scan paper after paper, signing them, putting them into the addressed pile, moving on to the next... right about when there's a knock on the door, she appears to have had enough. "ARGH! THIS PILE ISN'T GETTING ANY SMALLER!"
...And then the door opens with a creak, revealing Elenne and company.
Frozen mid-complaint, Rufina blinks, and then a silly grin forms on her face. "Ehehehe.... Hi there! What's all this, Elenne? I'm doing my work, look!" She waves a feather pen, already dabbed with ink."
2 years ago
Argent's head turns at the name 'Rufina', her gaze landing on Ivo from behind and holding it for an unnervingly long time. She's not even blinking! Eventually, she decides to pipe up. "Ivo. I was not aware that you were acquainted with Rufina." she says quietly as the party start to move, following on along with the rest of the party as they make their way to the High Guildmaster's office.
The door swings open and the homunculus looks inside, blinking a long, slow blink as the shifts her stare to Rufina. "Ah. It is you." she says, quite calmly stepping past Ivo and just walking into Rufina's office like she owns the place. A thin, pale hand reaches out, picking up one of those oh so numerous pieces of paperwork. "...would you like some assistance with this?"
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize glances back towards Ivo, Ruidosa, and Argent for a brief moment, and then he faces the elven receptionist once more as she starts going over the list to find him.
For a brief moment, the young explorer tenses as she asks of his last name. It is an uncomfortable one, which he instinctively reacts with a bigger, cheerful smile. There is a sigh of relief, followed by his muscles relaxing, as the subject drops.
. o O ( ... Did dad come by asking for me? )
A sense of dread loom over him. He does, however, keep it cool. Reward? "Oh!" He looks over towards the stack of coins, "Thank you!" He collects the reward!
So they get to meet the Guildmaster, or rather, 'High Guildmaster'. While they walk along the hallway, moving past various rooms, he steals a glance in awe every now and then.
The young explorer glances over towards the plaque near the grand door. ...Oh this is what Corrine meant in her reminder of being on his best behavior.
Of course, meeting the elven figure, he stares at the spectacle with a thought bubble of ellipses hanging over him.
"Ooi, pleased to meet you---ah." He sees Argent moving past the group and already in grabbing the paperwork. "....Huh."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa La Crima follows along with dreams of tasting goat now. But she keeps the thoughts deep down for now. It seems people really admire goats here and not for shoving them whole into your mouth...
> Optional Quest: Curry in a Hurry!
Maybe you'll learn what that is later. For now. She eyes Reize worryingly when the name is said but... nothing comes of it.
But they make it to a grand door and she looks from the woman, to Ivo and back to the woman, back to Ivo and brings her hand to her mouth scandoulsly.
Is Ivo trying to woo the Head AllMighty Guildmaster!? Gasp!
She whispers to Reize. "I think Ivo might be in over his head with this one." she says as Argent moves to help with paperwork. "I bet he didn't even know!" she says, maybe misreading the situation. Maybe.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Normally, Ivo would be more talkative as they pass through the Association's halls, but Elenne's judgmental gaze seems to have afflicted him with multiple debuffs. He looks for some reflective surface, not to touch up his hair but just to make sure there isn't anything weird on his face. Even so, he feels more that the elf was staring into his soul, her unreadable expression making it impossible to discern what she found there.
He's thus caught somewhat flat-footed when they find themselves at the High Guildmaster's office. The young man's gaze is blank as he processes this, recalling that this would be the highest position in all of the Association. Before he can wonder why they are receiving an audience with the most illustrious member of the Vanguards, Elenne is opening the door, and Ivo finds himself staring at the object of his search.
Quest complete, again.
Sort of, again.
Ivo is now looking at Argent as she stoicly steps past him, treating Rufina with a blase familiarity. The usually self-possessed young man is just gaping now, looking from the homunculus to guildmaster, to Elenne, then back to guildmaster again. Normally, he'd try to play this to Reize like he got their fearless leader an audience with the chief Vanguard on purpose, all thanks to his negotiating skills. He didn't even take credit for that reward, which actually is thanks to his gift of persuasion (shameless BSing)! Under the circumstances, that doesn't even occur to Ivo.
"I got you a little gift," he finally says to Rufina, blurting out the non sequitur as he raises the tome embossed with the words 'Interesting Goat Facts,' "but maybe you're sick of reading."
He's still going for it!
2 years ago
Well, this is a veritable gallery right here.
Elenne chooses not to say anything. Instead, she bows in a professional manner, then turns and walks right back off, leaving the ....ah, guildmaster with her new company. Off she goes, back to the front. Whatever happens here is none of her concern.
It's like a lead weight was lifted from Rufina, however. She thought she was in trouble for a second there! But nevermind that, the sight of Argent makes the elf's eyes grow as wide as saucers. ".... Oh my gods, Argent!" She flies right out of her chair, around the table, and then gives the homunculus a one armed hug. "Wow! I haven't seen you in...." She trails off, then a sheepish look crosses her face. "...I forget. Twenty two years? Or was it forty six? Ah well!" She lets go, taking a step back, but still holding Argent's hand. "How are you! How is my little sis? I haven't seen her in ages! Can you believe that girl won't reply to my letters!? You two are still in Revonus, right?"
...Someone's information is outdated.
Then she realizes she has more company than just Argent, and finds herself again. "Ah, whoops! Excuse me!" She steps back, putting on her best smile. "Hello everyone! I'm Rufina Silverdash. High Guildmaster of the Vanguard Association." Beat. ...A sheepish smile comes onto her face and she waves a hand. "Though honestly, I really hate all these formalities, so uh... just act like usual, okay? Good!"
With that said, she eyes Reize first, her one hand to her chin. "Hrm. Are you a new recruit? I could swear I've seen you somewhere before... Now where...?" She must be thinking about someone else. "...Eh! Must be a mistake! Anyway, welcome to the Association! Though you've probably been working with us for a while, haven't you?"
Ivo steps in at that point, and the elf finally looks at him with a bright smile. "Oh, Ivo! Hello!" She laughs and pats his arm. "We *really* have to stop meeting like this! Ahahaha!" Blue eyes turn down to the offered gift. "Hm? What's this?" She squints at the title of the book. "Oooh! This would make for some nice reading....." Her face then falls. "...Later, anyway. I've seen enough words on paper to last me a lifetime, let me tell you!"
A sigh and then Rufina looks up thoughtfully. "Speaking of goat though, I am hungry! And guess what's on the menu!" She spreads her right arm and her left stump enthusiastically. "Goat curry!" One can almost see the sparkles glittering around her at that announcement.
"What do you all say we quit this stuffy office and hit the mess hall for bowl! And you can tell me exactly what's on your minds, huh?"
>Optional Quest: 'Curry in a Hurry' Activated!
2 years ago
"I do not recall the exact length of time, as Laineth does not speak of you often." Argent says, barely even reacting to the contact, her expression as blank as always through the one-armed hug. "I do not believe that your mess hall can provide sufficiently for my dietary needs. As such, I must ask that you allow me access to any alchemical facilities you may have at this location." she goes on, giving that single hand a quick squeeze.
"Ah. Please do not mistake Laineth's lack of communication for dislike. She simply does not wish to interact with you at length."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa La Crima brightens up. "I knew it. Mom was right, you ''can'' curry goat." she says, enthusiastically. Pause.
"Erm. I am. Ruidosa La Crima. Duchess of House La Crima! I'm journeying along. With this group." she says.
She then kind of almost shyly moves toward's Reize. "Reize... Curry...!" she says with wide eyes as she tugs tugs at him. Come on, Hurry....Curry....!
Argent says something blunt and that's no surprise either. She watches Ivo's attempting at Wooing the Guildmaster go... well it goes and that's maybe better than it blowing up in faces.
Still, ''Curry''. She's never had it before! She's only read about it in her book.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
The remark about Ivo getting in over his head does bring out a sheepish smile from Reize. He tilts his head at his partner. "... Maybe." Reize concedes. What is surprising is the reaction that came from Argent, especially towards someone of a high stature. Twenty two? Forty-six years? He glances over towards Ruidosa briefly, "...Oh right, you've also been around for---" He decides to stop himself. Maybe he'll satisfy his curiosity later.
For now, meeting the Head Guildmaster. It is quite an honor to meet someone of that reputation!
As Rufina introduces herself, the young explorer brightens, "Pleased to meet you, Rufina! I'm Reize Seatl--..."
'I could swear I've seen you somewhere before...'
There is something else that now looms over Reize's head. This is not something that he had to deal with in Cosmopolis, given the time. There is also the fact of his father having a renowned reputation, which was why he did not give his last name to Ivo and the others.
...There is a sign of being within the shadow of his father's reptuation, which slightly stings since he is trying to build a reputation, himself! Nevertheless, the young explorer brightens.
The young explorer smiles a little more as the subject changes. "Goat curry!" He looks over towards Ruidosa, "We may get to try this goat curry, after all!" And it is not too soon, he is tugged along. "We're going, we're going...! We'll have goat curry!"
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
One can almost see the equations flying around Ivo's head as he slowly glances back and forth. He flashes back to his and Reize's very first jaunt to the Vanguards Association in Zerhem Kingdom, and the glimpse of Argent he caught before their encounter with the elementals in the marketplace. The homunculus was with a beautiful elf. Such a trivial fact nevertheless remains lodged in Ivo's memory. He then thinks back to Argent's response to when he asked her out to dinner in the wake of their first battle. No, it couldn't be--
> The Glossary of Babes has been updated.
"The High Guildmaster is Argent's *sister-in-law*?"
By the time Ivo says this, he is alone in the room.
"W-wait," he manages, rushing after the rest of the group. "I'll have goat curry too! Uhh--" His cloak billows as he pursues them. "Rufina, I'd be more than happy to interact with you at all kinds of length--" He may be drowned out by the enthusiastic chants of 'goat curry,' however.
2 years ago
Rufina glances at Ruidosa and she blinks. "La Crima, was it? Then you must be.... Aha." She nods to herself, a hand to her chin. "So how's your mom then? If I have it right, then you must be one of her girls, right?" She ventures, before nodding.
"Alright! Time for curried goat!" She raises her fist to the air. "It's going to blow your minds, just watch!" She says that, but then her excitement wilts at Argent. "..... Oh, right. You eat rocks and plants and stuff." Le sigh. "I could show you to the materials storage room later?" She offers... before getting riddled with arrows by the homunculus' blunt statement. "... Kh! Such a rude little sister I have, I swear...." Sighing, Rufina puts the family matter aside as walks right out with the group, leaving Ivo short circuiting there in the office.
"Goat curry! Goat curry! Goat curry!" Rufina chants in a playful military march, fisting raising and lowering in time with the chant. Passing Association staff and Vanguards just shake their heads with amused smiles and chuckles. Seems like the guildmaster's antics are a regular thing around here.
Ivo catches up to them and says something, but Rufina fails to catch it over the noise. "Huh? Did you say something, Ivo?" She smiles as she walks into the mess hall. It's sizable chamber with many long tables and benches set up. The back wall has an opening that links to the kitchen, where staff are handing out bowls of piping hot curry and rice to staff and adventurers, trays in hand, and many groups are sitting down and chatting.
"Look! There it is! Let's go!" Rufina points at the short line, and marches right on up. It's a timely affair of grabbing a tray, moving along the line, and being given a bowl of curried goat and vegetables in a savory-yet lightly sweet brown sauce. Along with a serving of rice and a choice of water or juice. Then, they're free to sit down wherever they want.
"Hmmmhmhmhmmmmm~" Rufina hums happily as she sits down at an open table, and picks up her spoon. "I've been waiting ALL DAY for this!" It was barely past noon. "Come on people! Let's chow down!" She states, sparkles in her eyes.
2 years ago
"I only consume rocks on rare occasions, as most common forms are of no particular use in alchemical processes. However, many plants can be consumed." the homunculus explains as they walk, still holding the elven woman's hand as they go. "Ah. Have you recently attempted to communicate with her? I do not recall receiving any such messages from you."
Even without a tray of her own she still sits down. Only someone who doesn't care about social norms would just stand around while everyone else is sitting around eating.
It's not like she's some kind of weirdo or anything!
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa smiles. "Yup! I'm the eldest!" she insists, even though her and Tranquila are like only seconds apart in terms of siring. Which is why they're so close! She marches along, chanting with Rufina, "Goat Curry...!" she exclaims. "Curry Curry Curry Curry!"
Meanwhile, in Ivo's Glossary of Babes: Ruidosa's Entry:
Ruidosa La Crima aquires: Bowl of Goat Curry. Rice. Juice Cup. She sits down and takes her spoon and starts devouring goat curry. She exclaims amusement.
"MMMmmmmmm!" she says as she sparkles basically from the taste.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
There is a surprised look from Reize as she mentions about Madame La Crima.
"So you're familiar with Madame La Crima? That's amazing!" There is part of him that does want to ask the lady's knowledge of his father. Nevertheless, Reize is, like the rest, leaving Ivo to short circuit in the office.
"Goat curry! Goat curry!" His jovial energy returns since the subject has geared towards food. Goat curry does sound really good about now as well. So that is why that he happily marches behind Rufina and Ruidosa.
Their arrival to the mess hall earns a gaze of awe, "...Oh! Great! It looks like it's ready, too!" As the youth marches up along with the two, he gets his hands on the bowl of the curried goat. Joining Rufina on the open table, the young man starts to chow down on the curry. Om nom!
His eyes sparkle. "...Oh wow!"
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo raises a finger in response to Rufina's query, having finally caught up to the group, but hesitates as his two younger(-looking) companions chant merrily about their upcoming meal in the background. Finally, smiling lopsidedly, he lowers his hand and shakes his head.
"Just chanting along."
He never anticipated he'd find himself at a feast turned family reunion with the leader of the guild as their host. Playful flirtation isn't really necessary to grease the wheels of discourse here. Relaxing and finally regaining his composure, his smile turns gentle as the latecomer seats himself besides his friends and sees them enjoy the meal.
"Oh? Is the Lady La Crima famous? Her renown is well deserved, I'm sure." He wouldn't mind hearing what Rufina knows about Ruidosa's mother, as long as acquiring this secret knowledge doesn't lessen his chances of an eventual date with the silver-haired elf. You have to admit, she seems like a lot of fun. "Argent, let me know if you want a snack from our store." They did prepare some alchemical materials for on-the-go rations back at the laboratory in Zerhem, of course, back when Ivo was manufacturing the elespheres. But those, like the freeze-dried noodles, are generally reserved for the road. "Mm, this smells delectable."
Having acquired a bowl of the curry himself, Ivo, abandoning any pretense of goat-honoring, looks down at the meal with evident interest, forgetting all other designs to lift his spoon. Yet, strangely, he pauses. The image of the prize goat looking up at him with its rectangular eyes seems to loom over him. Faint sparkles surround its snowy coat as it gazes at him, silent yet questioning.
Goats can be taught their name and to come when called. As herd animals, they become depressed if kept without any goat companions. Each goat has a unique call by which they are recognized by their mothers.
The Interesting Goat Facts he read rise up like an ominous chant, a chorus just for him accompanying the mental image of the prize goat staring in judgment. Ivo, staring blankly at the bowl before him, slowly sets down his spoon.
"No, I... I can't."
2 years ago
"Uhhhhh...." Rufina taps her spoon lightly against her bowl, glancing at Argent. "Last I heard, you and Laineth were in Revonus... but that was.... I forget how long ago? I guess you're not there anymore." She frowns. "Which MEANS my letters have been piling up at what counts for an association branch over there." She would facepalm, but instead, her left stump just sort of moves while she sighs.
"Where are you staying now? Granse? Oradia? Don't tell me Laineth ran off to Cosmopolis *right* after it opened up?"
The guildmaster shakes her head at this matter, and turns her attention to more currently pressing concerns. Like this curry! She spoons some up, making sure to get meat and veggies together and then noms. "Mmmmmmm!" She sounds out right around the same time Ruidosa does, her eyes also sparkling. After she swallows, a blissful look on her face, she follows up. "Ahhhh, I missed this soooooo so much~"
After a pleasant sigh, and another spoonful, she asides to Reize. "Ah, right. I'm not personally acquainted with Madame La Crima, buuuuuut.... when you live a while, you kinda learn about the important faces here and there, y'know?" A playful wink follows, and then she goes back to her meal.
The boy's reaction to the curry has her laughing. "Ahahaha, that's the spirit! Chow down! Today's a good day!" She sets her spoon down to pat Reize's head lightly. "I'm not going to say anything like 'I'll be expecting great things from you' or whatever. But make sure you get out there and enjoy what you do from now on, okay?" ...It's almost like she's telling him 'don't worry about things' in her own roundabout way. But nah. She's too whimsical for that. Probably.
Meanwhile, Ivo is over there, having a mid-life crisis about eating goat, and somehow.... Somehow, Rufina can tell.
She straightens up and looks right at him. "Ivo." She says, eyes brimming with purpose and dramatic understanding. She reaches over and places her one hand over one of his, nodding. "... It's okay. The goat that's feeding us now is looking down upon our meal from goat heaven. By partaking in this meal, you ensure that their contribution to our livelihoods hasn't gone to waste." She smiles in a saintly manner.
"So please... Eat. For the goats."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa seems confused. "Mom handles a lot of trade in various places. I'm sure she's known here too. Luxury goods and all that." she says after she swallows a spoonful of rice and curry. She eyes Ivo and frowns.
"Ivo. If you waste the goat, then it died for nothing." she nods in agreement with The guildmaster as she continues eating. Ruidosa has no problem eating goat. She shoves entire crabs into her mouth however so maybe that isn't surprising at all.
She smile at Reize. "It's so good." she says.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Oh. Yes, that's right. When you move, mail tends to have trouble reaching you if you didn't update people on your address. "...ah." Argent says as she turns her head away from Rufina. "Yes, we did relocate in order to pursue new markets." she confirms, her tone bland as always as she gives a small nod. "I will give you our current address." And then a beat, followed by the ever so slightest creasing of her brow. "However, I am not certain that Laineth wishes for you to know this."
It IS pretty hard to forget to update your family on these things, isn't it?
The brief bit about Madame La Crima is met with a grin, "That's amazing!" He is quite impressed by the lady's knowledge. There is one that he has in mind... but he may wait until later.
Reize looks up from the goat curry to see that Ivo finally join up with them. "Oooi! Ivo! You're finally here!" He waves hand over at the older man, "Grab a bowl and join us!" He feels a bit more relaxed, especially since the group is focused on food and it has nothing to do with his hang-ups about the home country.
As Ivo does rejoin the group, the young man brightens as he continues to chew on the curry.
He looks over at his older companion, "Oi, Ivo. Remember... as hunters, meat is hunted to eat and survive. We don't kill a 'game' and leave it. It's wasteful." He furrows his eyebrow.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo looks up at Rufina as she kindly places a hand on his. The young man's expression is agonized, his eyes beginning to brim with tears, the elf taking on an angelic halo in his swimming vision.
His lower lip quivers, his brow furrowing tight as he struggles to contain the overpowering emotions raging within him. Trembling, with his other hand, he slowly raises his spoon, burdened with mouthwatering meat and vegetables. It feels like the heaviest weight he has ever lifted. Above, in his mind's eye, the prize goat watches, its expression unreadable, because it is a goat.
"...I understand..."
At the words of his friends, he pauses, taking a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling, before taking a bite and chewing slowly, eyes shut tight.
"Mph's... shho ghhd..."
A single tear dribbles down his cheek.
2 years ago
Rufina nods along to Ruidosa. "Mmhmm. The kingdom and the guild both purchase some select goods from her on occasion." She says idly shoveling another spoonful into her mouth. "Reize here has the right of it. Mmhmm. We give thanks by not wasting anything we use. That's the best way to honor what once was." A sage nod, and then a spoonful of rice and curry. Nom.
Blue eyes drift over to Argent again, and then they narrow. "....If I didn't know any better, I'd say that my younger sis not updating me on where and when she was moving was by design." She sets down her spoon, then laughs and waves her hand dismissively. "But no way is that true! It can't be!"
Narrator: It was, in fact, by design.
Argent states that Laineth may not wish for her to know where she lives, and Rufina balks. "Seriously? Does she think I'm a monster or something?" She hangs her head. "Fine... But I haven't given up! I'll find her one day soon. She can't escape me." Sounding almost ominous, the elf mercifully decides to let Argent off the hook of 'ratting out Laineth'. "Well.... actually, putting her aside, what are *you* doing here? Last time I saw you, you were basically attached to Laineth's hip. Now you're out on your own with completely different people! Branching out, huh?"
Meanwhile, Ivo finally faces this challenge head on, accepting this reality as he brings that spoon to his mouth. "......Good." She smiles all bright and kind. "I'm happy for you, Ivo. Now make sure you savor every bite, so that its passing wasn't in vain."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa La Crima eyes Ivo as he eats the goat with tears in his eyes. was good Curry, but it isn't crying good. Ivo a vegetarian trying to impress a girl buy shoving meat into his mouth? No..No that isn't true. But maybe he can't fathom the idea of eating a goat.
She looks over to Reize and leans over and whispers. 'Is Ivo gonna be okay?'
2 years ago
"We are not attached, as that would require some manner of fastening device or substance. While it is certainly possible that I could create such a thing, I do not recall doing so." Argent murmurs softly. For a moment she leans over, face coming over Rufina's bowl as her nostrils take a delicate sniff. "...this requires additional seasoning."
Do not allow her to season it.
"Ah. I am currently accompanying these individuals, providing assistance on their travels. While it is unusual for me to engage in such activities, it appears that my nature is useful to them. Additionally, it also allows me to gather rare materials."
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize cannot help but wince at the look of his older friend's face. He looks over at his partner with a faint smile, "...I don't know, Rui..." Ivo is afforded a more sympathetic smile as his hand rests over the older man's shoulder., "...Just consider it as keeping yourself fit to live on for the animal." He closes his eyes, "... We hunters always have to show gratitude to our Game." He runs a hand over to the back.
He offers a smile, "We'll try to get something else later... whatever you'd like." Maybe that'll cheer Ivo up?
The young explorer is not sure how to comfort his older friend!
To piggyback from Argent's point, the young explorer adds, "Yeah! Argent has been helpful with our travels! We're in the middle of uncovering a forgotten legacy in Granse."
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Suddenly, Ivo springs to his feet, spoon falling from his grasp into his curry as he reaches out toward into the empty air.
"Wait!" he cries. "Don't go!"
"Maaa," replies the image of the goat watching over him as it is pulled away, shrinking into the distance as it ascends to goat heaven, borne on sparkling clouds as white as its coat, and disappears from view.
"You were... delicious," he sighs. "Thank... you..."
He fades into silence, arm still extended, fingers going limp.
Then he blinks.
Startled to find himself standing, Ivo sits back down and takes up his spoon again, only to see that Reize is looking at him with a rather troubled expression. Ivo flashes a reassuring smile, though he finds he has to brush a tear from his eye first.
"Fine, I'm perfectly fine. The curry was so exceptional I must have experienced a rapturous vision! Ah ha ha." He pauses. "But... maybe I'll explore the finer points of vegetarian cuisine... just out of curiosity. I could use your skill at seasoning, I'm sure, chief."
The only thing better than eating with friends is cooking with them.
2 years ago
Argent offers to season Rufina's food. Rufina brings her one hand over to her half eaten bowl of her and slides it away from the homunculus. "Ahaha, you know what?" She suddenly speedily gobbles up the rest of her meal. Om nom nom nom! Then she downs her glass of water to wash it all down. "Whew... I should be getting back to..." Sigh. "...Work."
Look, if it was a choice between doing work or eating whatever poison Argent turns her food into, then doing work is the lesser of two evils.
2 years ago
Mention of activity in Granse does, however, make the elf grin. "Heeeeeeeh.... Granse, is it?" She brings her hand up to her chin. Looks like she may have zeroed in on where her sister is currently staying. But she doesn't mention it. "I have heard tell from the Granse Branch about all sorts of weird things happening down there." A one shouldered shrug follows. "But I'll trust you guys down there have things well in hand. If little Corrine thought the situation required backup, she'd have mentioned it directly."
And then there's Ivo, having a fever dream.
Rufina stares at him.
"...... First time?" She asks, lips curling into an amused smile, brows arched upwards.
And then, she stands up, having finished. "Alright.... That was a nice break!" She turns to Argent and gives to homunculus one last one armed hug. "It was good to see you, Argent. And tell that girl to stop hiding and see me sometime!" She turns to Reize and pats his back. "I'm sure I'll see you around if you plan to keep doing work as a Vanguard! Good luck, Reize!" And then she turns to Ivo. "........." A comically solemn expression forms. ".... I'm sure that goat is happy that its life had meaning in the end." She pats his shoulder.
And then with that, she takes her tray one handed, and waves her stump at the group., "See you around!" Off she goes.... back to the paper trenches...