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Siren of the Night

Scene details

Setting: Reize Seatlan accepts a request to investigate the rumors of the sirens beyond Lake Gerisia, much to Ruidosa chagrin. What lies ahead for the adventurers is the unexpected: the sirens were specifically luring them in for a heartfelt request.


  The day fades away, leaving for the night sky to become full bloom. Of the days, it is a full moon shining along the sky.

  Ordinarily, Lake Gerisia is filled with tourism despite its scared nature. Many shops would be stood up to provide trinkets and various seafood to include crab. It was only the past week that the entire beach was filled with dreadful silence. Even while not present during the day, the air was thick with an invisible dark cloud.

  At night, it becomes more apparent. The sandy beach remains quiet, but it is not the tranquil quietness that resonates. The quiet beach remains expansive, yet there are no signs of humans, let alone tourists.

  As the young explorer journeys to the beach, he looks ahead to see the quietness. He blinks, raising a hand over to his eyebrows to get a better look ahead. "... It looks like the rumors scared everyone away." He frowns, "Has it really been a week since this happened?" He looks back over to those who have stuck with him. What a time to be busy while Ivo is handling some super secret project.

Ruidosa La Crima , Duchess of House La Crima still thinks they should had taken the 'Missing: Kitten' Job and not the 'Find out if the Murder Sirens are real' job, but maybe she's just practical like that.

Regardless, at night there's no crab sellers. And she can't see any scuttling on the shore so she's a SAD vampire, as she sighs dramatically and crosses her arms.

"Aren't we gonna need to get on the water to really find out if they're real?" she asks, gently frowning as she taps her foot against the rocks and sand of the beachy area.

"Did someone think to rent a boat." she asks. "Or are we uh..." she makes quotations with her hands. "Borrowing one"

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 Reize and Rui aren't alone. Anna walks just trailing behind the pair slightly, axe slung over her shoulder in one hand, boots held gingerly in the other as she walks along the sandy beach barefoot.
 "Mmmm." She muses, the palpable gloom over the beach slowly sinking in. "It's hard to believe that something could chase so many people away from a place as nice as this, so quickly..." She considers, all the doom and gloom aside.
 Rui brings up a good point about needing a boat though.
 "I suppose if we bring it back in one piece it shouldn't be too much of an issue, right?"

  Reize looks back at Ruidosa in response to her question. He gives a thoughtful look on his face, "...Huh, you know, I never did ask if the guy would lend us his boat, but... I don't think he had one." He exhales a sigh.

 Anna's suggestion earns a nod. "Yeah, we should be able to bring it back in one piece. Let's do it!"

 There is already a 'docking point' against D Class Reize, who is 'borrowing' a boat!

  Speaking the boat on question, there are a few that are at the shoreline. One of them looks well enough to sport about four people. Given the three of them present, the boy wanders over towards the boat.

 "Ooi! I think this should work." He looks over at both Ruidosa and Anna. He takes a deep breath, steeling his nerves. "Ready?"

Ruidosa La Crima makes a face that suggests 'she loves you Reize, but you're a dork' as she runs a hand up her face and sideeyes at Anna as she looks back to Reize. She sighs, guess they're....borrowing a boat. Also known as grand theft boat.

As Reize commits boatcrime, Ruidosa steps onto the boat as she sighs.

"I'm as ready as we're gonna be. I think." she says. "Not too thrilled about being surrounded by water on a tiny boat but..." she shrugs and frowns a little.

"Hopefully it's just people crashing onto sandbars rather than sirens."

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 Boatcrime it is, then.
 Anna pauses long enough to put her boots back on as Reize picks out a boat and Rui hops on.
 And once Rui is on, Anna sets her axe in the boat, braces it with both hands...
 "Get in, Reize."
 And gives it a mighty heaving shove into the water with her crazy rage strength.
 Grand Theft Boat has been committed. The party is now at a one star Wanted Level.
 Warning: at five stars the entire army will come hunting the team.

  The young explorer follows suit of Ruidosa, sitting beside her and taking a firm hold of her hand. Given that she does not do well with the presence of standing water, he figure he would offer some comfort. Granted, he can't swim himself. Sounds like Anna is their anchor. Welp.

 The three enter the boat and they set sail out into the depths of the water. As they start to journey away from the shoreline, they are stepping into the presence of a mist. The shrouding mist obscures the vision of the group as they travel deeper into the ocean.

 At first, it is only silence that the group travel.

 "Guess we'll find out if this is real or no---ah?"

  A low hum is heard, melancholy in presence, almost a mourning. It is not just one voice, however. It sounds like a chorus as they fall deeper in the depths.

  "...Is this the song that they were talking about...?" Reize quirks an eyebrow, looking around the boat, as if trying to see what could be beyond the obscuring mist.

Ruidosa La Crima watches the boat shove off and onto the water they go as she sighs. But then there's mists and soon it's obscuring all around them as she frowns heavily and squints, trying to see beyond the mists, but she can't.

Then there's a hum as she frowns and says. "I don't suppose that's the sound of crabs trying to attract mates, is it?" she asks as she sideeyes a moment, okay now she may be a little worried that this may infact, actually be murder sirens.

SHE KNEW they should had taken the missing cat job instead. Cons of this Mission: Boatcrime, Murder Sirens. Pros of the other Job: Fuzzy Cat.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 With the boat shoved off, Anna wades into the water after it and climbs aboard, not showing to be particularly bothered about being soaked from the waist down. So off they go on their adventure of boatcrime.
 And the mists roll in. Anna takes up an oar, casually pushing the boat along, cutting through the water at a moderate pace... Which she slows when the fog gets dense and she hears...
 "What is that...?"
 "... Do crabs even make sounds?" She asks Rui pointedly at the mournful and dirgelike hum. Other than scuttling and claw clacking anyway.
 Really, the missing cat job was the way to go, here.

  Given the eerie atmosphere around then, Reize reaches for the pendant and looks down. "Oi, Kernunnos, do you sense anything?"

 The voice carries that same regal sounding voice, "Young Champion. There are presence around, yet not of one equivalent to myself."

 He looks back at Ruidosa's question, offering a her a re-assuring smile. "Likely not, but maybe they are friendly?" The young explorer glances at Anna, "I hope..."

 Slowly, the fog is starting to clear a path for the group. If Anna was to try to move the boat in another direction, she would find that the force is exceeding hers, bringing the ship closer to the clearing path.

 The dirge-like chants become louder, yet not overbearing. It becomes ambient, in fact, as the boat carrying the three drift deeper into the darkness.

 A voice speaks out, carrying a soft, vibrant voice. "You finally heard our calling. We've longed to meet you."

Ruidosa almost wants to go 'Nope' at the voice, turn into a bat and fly back to shore as a bat and spend the night catching crabs instead. Instead she manages to not do that and instead frowns a little, at the chants, as the boat drifts further.

"What? Why did you wanna meet people." she asks the voice as she crosses her arms. "Whoever, or whatever you are, you've been scaring all the people away from the beach." she says.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 As the fog clears, Anna continues to row the boat, eyes narrowing as the singing... Grows louder. This does not bode well. Especially when a vvoice speaks through the gloom.
 Anna doesn't jolt in her seat. That was an illusion. She is rock solid.
 "Us specifically, or...?"

  "Not people. You." The voice interjects.

  Reize looks back at Ruidosa, who seems already on high alert and near fight or flight. After giving her a gentle squeeze of the hand, Reize directs his attention towards the direction of the voice. "Why did you scare the people off?"

  While the dirge continues its somber chant, the tune becomes easily to attune as white noise. The voice finally speaks.

  "A necessary means to call you forth. As predicted, you answered our call. You are the ones who vanquished Deathless Draaken, are you not?"

  Reize's eyes widen. He immediately shoots a look over towards Ruidosa and Anna. It's bewildered puzzlement, but he faces out towards the voice. "Y--yes."

  "We have a request of you all, if you would hear our tale."

Ruidosa La Crima blinks. "The Dragon Guy? Yeah." she says. She frowns and eyes Reize and Anna as she taps her foot against the boat. She doesn't like this. The voices we're looking for them---!? THE MURDER SIRENS ARE COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!? Still, she frowns a little as she huffs.

"Fine." she says as she eyes Reize and frowns a little, not liking this, but she'll listen for now.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 So then the voices DO want to see them specifically. Anna bristles at the mention of Deathless Draaken, eyes narrowing.
 "That was us, yes."
 So they have a request is it?
 There's a silent beat in which Anna looks from Rui to Reize and back before the berserker princess lets a slow breath filter through her teeth.
 "I think we're listening."

  "Long ago, like the mermen and the lizardfolk, we too were blessed by Meloda. However, those who embraced the forbidden art forced our Gods to turn their backs on us."

  The three can feel the presence, or presences of figures around. It is quite far, but there is some sort of aura that is felt.

  "Our greatest wish.. is for Melod----"

  Reize's eyes widen as he finishes, "--da to accept us again." It is then that Ruidosa and Anna can see the pendant take a shimmer, and then it shines brightly. The presence of the glimmering gem radiates a light.

  "It is not my doing," voices Kernunnos, who appears as bewildered for the pendant's reaction.

  Reize looks at Anna and Ruidosa, "... In my dreams, or what it feels like, I hear people's strongest wish."

Ruidosa can't shake the can't being watched feeling. She hates it. Vampires are paranoid by nature and things like this make it hard to keep those facets submerged beneath the veneer of 'cool and calm' as she takes a deep breath.

She listens as she turns to Reize as she finishes the thought and says. "Uh...? Huh..." she thinks with a soft frown as she taps her bottom lip. "I see..." she says. No, she doesn't really, but she's barely keeping calm right now. best to lie or. Ask people later. She'll ask Reize later.

"So are you asking us for help or... just. Letting us know?" she asks, curiously.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 Anna listens, intent and silent. Though the distant presences makes the hairs of her neck stand on end she doesn't reach for her axe just yet. Fighting on the boat would probably not be very adviseable anyway.
 "... How do we get Meloda to accept you again?" She asks as the pendant shines brilliantly. She looks to Reize. Then to Rui. Then back.
 "... Soooooo what do we do?"

  The young man takes a firm hold of his pendant, closing his eyes. It has been a while since he encountered the result of a calling.

  His face turns towards the shroud of darkness. "... That is your strongest wish, isn't it?"

  Through the dirge, the voice says, "Yes."

  To both Anna and Ruidosa, the voice soon responds. "In order to set things in motion, we have a gift that we require you to bestow to the priestess of the Lizardfolk. She will know what to do with it."

  Through the darkness is a glint as something slowly floats towards the boat. It is a crimson gem. It slowly levitates until it falls over towards Ruidosa's hand.

Ruidosa blinks as she holds her hand out for the gem as it flooooats over and she sort of moves to clasp her hand over it as not to fumble it into the water. It's not like she could go down to get it. She frowns a little. "Okay. So bring this back to back to the Lizardfolk..." she says with a frown.

She eyes the gem a moment, but doesn't try to do anything with it. That's rude, poking someone else's rock of power. She wouldn't want someone poking her gem without her okay! She gets all huffy at the thought.

Ruidosa carefully places it into the shoulder bag she keeps her tome in, it'll be safe there. Unless like. Someone snoops in her tome again. *cough* Ivo *cough*

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 11 months ago

 That... Doesn't sound too hard. Bring the gem to the lizardfolk priestess.
 "Mn." Anna muses as the gem gets stowed.
 Don't worry, Rui. Anna respects privacy. She won't read your diary.

  "... And that is the last of our strength. We grow tired..."

  The somber dirge lowers, fading to silence as the mist starts to cover the three once more. The boat is moving backwards, as if setting the three sailing back to the shoreline once more.

  "... We are counting on you."



  Soon, the voice fades and the dirge fades. As soon as the dirge fades, the mist itself is whisked away. The somber feeling that was in presence to the area feels lifted. It will take the three a moment to adjust, however, they'll find that the peaceful, serene silence is back.

  "...I guess they counted on us to take up the task, huh?" He looks at Anna and Ruidosa. He gives a thoughtful look, "I suppose it'll be unavoidable in meeting with Meloda."

  He brightens, "At least it wasn't too dangerous, right?"

Ruidosa frowns as she eyes Reize but feels better when the feeling fades. Feels less like the sea has ''eyes''. She sighs. as she looks to Reize. "I guess not...." she pauses and looks back to the shore.

"Hey... uh. Do you hear angry yelling?"

Yes. From the shore. Angry yelling from some fisherman. Being yelled at. For Boatcrimes. Whoops.