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EX Hidden Temple - Puzzles

Scene details

Setting: The Star Chasers earned the right to enter an unexplored temple that predates Vaeltrandia's origins. As they try to learn about the surrounding area, they brave through a few puzzles and threat that sense fresh arrivals.


  When the explorers find their way into a hall that had been left buried and unknown, they will find a large wave of fog obscuring their view. The interior of the temple feels rather enclosed; while it is difficult to see beyond a few feet in, the ground feels strangely cushioned than the entrance. This may be due to the moss that seems rather abundant in the surrounding interior.

  Since the door opened, circulation allows for the fog to slowly thin out, removing the obstruction and instead make way for a view of a place untouched by any living being. The structure is not unlike the ancient Greco-Roman aesthetics. Further along from the moss is the marble floor, adding to the beauty of the area of what seems like an ancient temple. Off the distance is the heavy sound of water trinkling down. There is even a sight of a stairway with a few dragon statues at the top of the small railing.

  As they finally make their way inside the interior, Reize's eyes widen, "Whoooa!" He lifts his head up, giving a smile. "Who would have thought that we'd be the first ones here in such a long time~!" He is quite cheerful despite their earlier battle against the enigmatic Ringo.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 To think that this place has remained dormant and untouched for as long as it has gives Anna's sense of exploration a little bit of an excited tingle and thrill.
 "We almost didn't get to be." She points out to Reize, due to Ringo being a damned hard EX boss that the party barely succeeded to impress.
 But that is niether here nor there as she unslings her axe and follows Reize in, cautious, but excited; blue green eyes widening at the sight of the interior.

Ruidosa La Crima fans away some fog away from her, well. She tires to, as she waves a hand ineffectively , like she could shoo it away. She sighs a little as it starts to dissipate away on it's own and she takes in the view, blinking a little bit as she eyes the underground ruins, whistling a little in impressiveness as she holds her tome to herself.

"Wow. I think we ''are'' the first ones here in a while." she says. "But that just means lots of unsprang traps and hungrier creatures, I bet." she frowns.

 Ivo is wishing he'd made more than one of those quad-elespheres.
 "Fascinating," he says, hand on his hip as he regards the moss-strewn interior, an unbothered smile not betraying his quiet regret at using his best move already. "The aesthetic is one I associate with Old Eurene and the Eastern Continent, not the West. Could this edifice have been constructed during the Age of Intercontinental Exchange, long before Vaeltrandia?"
 Like, Rui, he waves a gloved hand to clear aside the thinning fog as though it were cobwebs, trying to get a better glimpse at the dragon statues below them.
 "You know, early Cosmopolis revived a similar aesthetic," he idly continues. "The alchemists of Ashald who founded it, casting off their theocratic constraints, idolized the old empire. In Eurenese, 'kosmos' means both 'order' and 'adornment.' Such became the twin ideals of Cosmopolis, hierarchy and refinement, as though by linguistic destiny."
 He grins, his trivia abating.
 "I wonder what your destiny is here, chief? Lead the way."
 Cosmopolis was also where Ivo became accustomed to conveniently following in Reize's wake when exploring ruins. And besides, he did use up his best move, and all.

  "Ehhhh... honestly, Ringo was toying with us. He's done worse." Reize admits to Anna. "... Lily and I unleashed a massive charged shot at him..." Then the boy deflates, his antenna hair following suit to match his expression, ".. and he simply shot it away with that thingamajig that he had." He furrows his eyebrows. "To be honest, I don't know what his aim is, but he seems awfully interested in me." He adds, "...Kernunnos was in a near death-panick when he showed up."

 Ivo's pondering gets Reize's attention and interest, "...Old Eurene?" He gives a thoughtful look, "...You know, now that you mention it, you're right. ... Also, I do remember that deeper into Panacea's Temple, there was a lot of mist around." The path that him and Lily explored after re-sealing The First. "Compared to the other places that we explored prior, there was a lot of mist!" He furrows his eyebrows, "...I wonder why." Though, there is a thought, "Maybe the history of it does predate the events!"

 He becomes more excited.

 "Let's find out!"


  The group find themselves moving forward within the temple, they will find that the path opens up to a large area. There is a floating ice elemental sprite shimmering and floating around. It doesn't seem to notice or care for the presence of the humans. Despite the fact that there are unknown presence, it is content to just moving around in a lackidaisal motion.

  It passes by a waterfall, freezing it upon contact. However, when it does, it reveals a small hole. However, as soon as it passes through, the water starts flowing down again, sealing that 'hole' in place. There is a large set of stairs leading to a door, but it appears shut.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 "Mmmmm." Anna admittedly does not particularly liie the sound of that. How interested this man is in Reize and how powerful he seems to be. But it's time to move onward and into the temple.
 "Huh." She muses at Ivo's expostion and history lesson, but purses her lips. "Rui's right, we should be careful in case we run across anything... Nasty..."
 The sprite catches her attention, as does the hole in the waterfall, but she eyes the door at the stairway. "Should I try the door?" She offers.

Ruidosa La Crima nods, with a huff at Anna's assessment, she is always right and anyone assuming otherwise is wrong! Nevermind when she's wrong all the time! She eyes the ice elemental as it travels through the waterfall and freezes the water momentarily. She eyes the passage behind it a moment as she 'huhs' and frowns.

"Ugh. Moving water." she makes a face. "I'd be careful with the door. It could be alive. Or a mimic." she says wearily.

 Ivo seems startled by Reize's observation about the mist, blinking. First he furrows his brow as though skeptical or dismissive, then hesitates, tilting his head to the side and raising his eyebrows.
 "I didn't even consider that," he admits. "Some connection between the mist and the temple itself... Of course, the state of the Misty Forest reflects a concentration of water and air aether, but could that specific attunement be significant...?"
 As the dilettante scholar distracts himself with these abstract musings, he follows behind his stalwart companions, taking the time to examine his surroundings a little more closer than before. At one point, he stops to sniff at the mist, then looks a little awkward. What is he, Argent? He just smells moss.
 ...Thinking of Argent, he removes a flask from his cloak and pauses to attempt to bottle some of the fog before it thins out overmuch.
 Ivo watches the behavior of the indifferent elemental with evident interest, gaze shifting from the now again flowing waterfall to the door.
 "I could try converting a water elesphere to ice to freeze it ourselves," he says, "but I'm not sure it would be enough aether. I'm afraid I'm no substitute for a proper elementalist in that regard. I might have better luck *attracting* an elemental, though. What do you think, chief?"
 While Ivo awaits Reize's response, he ascends the stairway, cloak rippling, and half-draws Hauteclare from its sheathe, placing the hilt in the vicinity of the door. It's not his specialty, but if there are any traps, especially magical ones, the magitech sensor might give some indication via an unusual readout. Seems prudent before Anna decides to headbutt it into smithereens, or whatever.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20.
Comment: Answering a vital question: is Ivo the Rogue of this party?
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11.

  Reize looks at Ruidosa, tilting his head over, "A mimic?" He cracks a grin at Ruidosa, "What are the chances of us finding a mimic here?" He looks at Anna, giving a thoughtful look, "I mean, we could try the door. We should be able to go further ahead, right...?" He pauses, "...Though, the activity there is interesting as well. ...I felt like I've seen something like this before."


 The group will find that the ice elemental sprite, despite the presence of the people being close by, does not react to their presence. It seems to repeat the same motion, passing again along the waterfall. It freezes in place, then it passes away from the door to the other side. The waterfall defrosts and continues flowing again.

 As Ivo uses the magitech sensor to detect magic, there are magical traces emanating from both the door and the gap where the waterfall seems to seal off, and of course, the ice elemental.


  "Maybe we can attract the elemental somehow?" Reize is perplexed.

Ruidosa La Crima looks at the elemental and eyes it. It seems blase to their presence. It's probably not a good idea to anger it. Also. Ruidosa finds it cute and she doesn't wanna anger it because of that. She frowns and says. "We shouldn't anger the elemental. So if you attract it, be careful." she says with a little frown.

She eyes the door however as she sighs a little. "Well it hasn't ate Ivo, so it probably isn't a mimic." sadly. Totally unfortunate. That the door hasn't eaten Ivo.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 "I have no idea how to attract an elemental." Anna says very plainly while Ivo bottles fog and ruminates freezing the water himself.
 Also Anna would not headbutt the door, she'd rip it and tear it with her bare hands.

 Ivo regards the door dubiously.
 "There some aetheric resonance with this door, but I can't get a clear sense of why," he reports to his party. "I'm afraid I don't know if it's a trap or not."
 After some consideration, the magitech engineer decides to give his earlier proposal a try. Pulling a water-aspected elesphere from his cloak, instead of loading it into Hauteclare's pommel, he tosses it toward the base of the waterfall, where it cracks upon some mossy marble and emits a plume of rarefied aether, its glittering mist mingling with the extant fog. Should it attract the wandering ice elemental, the entity may remain in place to feed, which could thereby freeze the waterfall enduringly and leave the gap revealed and open for our heroes.
 "At the very least," he reassures Ruidosa, "this won't make it mad." She seems disappointed about something. Maybe she's a fan of mimics. ...After all, didn't she have one in her house?

  "Neither do I!" Reize chimes after Anna. He does glance over at Ruidosa, who seems disappointed about something. "Wanted a new mimic for the manor, Rui?" Totally not realizing that she wanted the mimic to eat Ivo or anything. Ruidosa would never want that to happen, right?


 Ivo will find some purchase in his plan.

 The ice elemental sprite, growing curious, ends up oving towards the glittering mist. It'll remain in place to where it starts feeding on the energy source. The waterfall is completely frozen and remains so as the creature is happily feeding.


 "Oh! There we go!"

 The boy starts to wander over to the hole that is now completely unsealed while the ice elemental is distracted. It looks like that it doesn't pay attention to the boy, either. During the time, he is crawling inside the small hole. Deeper into the hole, the boy finds a panel. "...I wonder what this does." As he reaches...



  Ivo, Anna, and Ruidosa should notice a low rumble. As for Ivo, he will find that the door glimmers and opens up. The pathway is revealed!

Noooo, Ruidosa La Crima would NEVER. EVER. wish bad on Ivo. Never. Ever. Just imagine the deadpan this is narrated in for the viewer. Still, she sighs. "Yes. That." she says to Reize's summation. totally just wanted a new mimic for the manor. Uh huh.

She eyes the ice elemental as it eats the energy source and Reize crawls into a hole. "Awk. Be careful..." she says. Then the door opens and she 'ohs!'. "Oh, an automatic door." she says as she walks towards it. Looking behind her.

"Don't get stuck now!" she warns to Reize.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 Reize climbs in the hole.
 "Is that a good idea-" Anna starts to ask.
 The door opens.
 Well it worked.
 Now Reize needs to just crawl out of the hole.
 This is all well and good as Anna peeks through the now open door.

 "Oho! Nicely done, fearless leader!"
 Ivo grins as he soon hears, and then sees, the enchanted door open, all as the elemental continues to contentedly consume the aether he's provided. Maybe he and Reize can split the party's rogue duties: Ivo can handle the manual dexterity parts and Reize can handle whatever requires agility. The noble is not the biggest fan of clambering and crawling around.
 "After you, brave adventurers."
 He'll follow the others, contemplating this possible division of labor. In the jungles of Cosmopolis, Reize and Lily had taken the lead on exploration, but now that Ivo has stepped up, he should make sure he's covered all his bases. Will he need to learn lockpicking? Solving puzzles is fun, but that sounds unnecessarily dangerous. Maybe he could build something to pick locks for him.
 ...He makes a mental note to ask Fabroxo about that.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d4.
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4.

  Hearing Anna and Ruidosa, he manages to get himself out of the hole and rolls out of the path. This is good, because the sprite finishes feeding and is now back to moving around in its original motion, not caring about the people present.

 When the boy rejoins the group, he brightens. "Great job, Ivo! That helped!"


  When they peek in, they will soon find themselves in a hall that has a few stone tiles in front. However, should they turn to the left, they will find a large rock mound with a body-shape in place. It is moving along with the direction that they are moving. The difference is that the stone has different blocks and a few holes in place. Noticably... the door is moving in the same directions that....

 Reize takes...

 If one would venture further, they'll find another sealed door.

  This time, there are a five water sprites floating around. They notice the presence of the group and they immediately fly towards the group, taking the aggressive route. They even fling water balls at the group.

Ruidosa La Crima follows along with the group and eyes the body-shaped rock and how it moves. huh. is it moving with...them? Someone in the party? But her thoughts are turned to... cute water sprites. n.n. That immediatly attack the part. u.u. Ruidosa La Crima frowns a little as she gets pelted with water, and starts getting wet and being welted with hard water. "O--ow! Hey---hey!" she snaps back and throws a bolt of dark energy towards one of the sprites.

"H-hey stop attacking, Cuties." she whines out. "We're not here to hurt you!" the ice elemental was so.. chill. Why are these ones hostile!?

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Attacking!
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a failure (by 0).

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 That... Sure is a strange rock. And it's moving in tune with Reize. Well it looks like Reize will have to solve this puzzle.
 While Anna tries to use the flat of her axe like a shield to splatter and deflect the flung spheres of water.
 "These ones need to cool off..."

 Ivo curiously shuffles a bit from side to side when he notices the stone moving, observing that it only seems to react to Reize's movements, at which point he grins.
 "An extraordinary phenomenon," he remarks. "Reize, try seeing the limits of the stone's capacity to track you. Do a little dance in place. Try striking different poses--"
 A sphere of water passes narrowly by his head, splashing against the stone wall behind him. It's a little less entertaining when the fact that Reize has to measure his movements to control the stone's behavior means that they'll probably have to take care of the sprites' interference.
 "Seems they're a little more territorial without the bounty of a waterfall of their own to enjoy," he says as he draws Hauteclare and loads a red elesphere, soon whipping out a superheated blade to spiral toward their elemental foes. The heat aims to evaporate the exterior of the sprites, making it easier to cleave toward their cores and disperse them. "Not that I'm an expert on elemental behavior."
 ...If he made Ruidosa a pet elemental, would that improve her opinion of him? Something to consider back in the lab.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech Fencing, Fire Edition
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 2. This is a failure (by 8).

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: How well IS Reize doing with the puzzle? (Increased difficulty for Reize's intelligence level)
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 3).

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Does Dumb Luck kick against the attacking sprites?
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).

  The water sprites are full-on aggressive. They continue to fling orbs of water at the group. Angry buzzing noise in the background as they swarm the group. As Ruidosa shoots down one with the dark energy bolt, the other two home in on the girl.

  Anna manages to cleave one of the sprites next, the impact causing it to disperse into little fragments. The essence fades into the sky.

  The water sprites give out a hiss and flings out another orb of water towards Ivo's heated blade to overcome it and shoot at him and the party.

  On the plus side, there appears to be three left.


  How is Reize doing with the puzzle?

  Surprisingly well, all considering.

  Reize had been moving around the area, occasionally hit the wall. He does glance back at Ivo, tilting his head over out of curiosity. He looks perplexed for a moment at his suggesting, "... I guess I could do that..."

  Reize is giving a thought over what to do. Meanwhile, one of the water balls are flying towards him. Not even paying attention to the fact that he's going to get hit with the water ball, he leans down to pick up something from the ground, and then he starts jumping up.

  The large rock that mimics Reize's movement does not move...

  However, the water balls seem to whizz past Reize without him being aware of its trajectory. "I guess if I dance..."

  He waves his arms and sways his hips, the water orb that keeps fling at him just misses the boy. Left. Right. Left. Right.

  All the entire time, Reize was unaware of being targeted by the sprites.

  "...I don't think this works, Ivo.." He hangs his head low, then he starts walking once more. Of course, the rock follow suits until the boy makes his way to the end of the trail.


  The door opens.

  "OH!" Reize chimes out to Ivo, "I did it!"

Ruidosa La Crima frowns as the water sprites continue to attack. She throws another bolt of dark energy as she continues to be pelted with water, which is making her start to smoke a little. Why? Because water and vampires. She frowns as she gets angrily and throws a dark energy bolt that starts to try to chain through the beasts.

"I really dislike this!" she says angrily. Maybe a pet elemental would improve Ivo's affection stat with Ruidosa! Maybe. Possibly.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Attacking, again!
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 Anna cleaves a sprite. This is all well and good while Reize solves the puzzle.
 "Oh good, you did it. Nice work."
 She totally believed in him this whole time.
 Meanwhile Anna takes a moment here.
 Spending 90 Job Points on a basic low level skill, she picks up a stone off the floor.
 And fastballs it at a nearby sprite with surprising force and speed.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Throw Stone
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).

 Ivo grimaces a little as he struggles with tracking the five elementals and their various attacks. He's used to being able to rely on the support that Reize's twin weapons tend to provide, drawing the attention of their adversaries and giving Ivo openings to slip Hauteclare's blade into their blindspots. Not only do elementals not exactly have blindspots, but they have a way of reacting defensively to the very aether with which he wants to dispel them. He's distracting them from attacking him, but he's not accomplishing very much otherwise.
 "You're doing great, Reize!" he encourages nevertheless, even though he's not able to pay much attention to what's happening, because he assumes whatever's happening is funny.
 He knows not how right he is.
 The young man tries to hide his surprise when Reize announces his success and the door opens.
 "I mean-- as anticipated, chief!"
 It really wasn't this time. Noting Ruidosa's discomfort on several registers, the Cosmopolitan thinks for a moment and returns his blade to his hilt to charge it with elemental power again.
 "I'll try to draw their fire so we don't have to wipe them out," Ivo announces as Anna unleashes a deadly fastball, sending his fire-charged blade toward the opposite corner of the room, trying to provoke an instinctive response from the remaining sprites while he hustles toward the now open door.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Distract and Run Away
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).

  Reize is looking over the onslaught of the sprites attacking Ruidosa, "Rui!" He rushes forward to join beside his partner, reaching out to her and covering in place of her so that he can take the brunt of the water balls.

 Angry water sprites! They are just flinging the balls out at Ruidosa and Reize, at least untiil Anna hits one of them with a stone. The impact of the stone smacks into the water sprite, causing it to pop like a balloon.

 The remaining two are distracted by the fire blade hitting the corner of the room. They spread and start throwing water orbs at that direction.

 This gives the group time to make their way into the next hallway.


  Should the group arrive into the next room ahead, they will find that the ledge is thin, requiring for the group to go one at a time through the ledge. The path expands out until they find a ladder that'll lead them to the bottommost part of the room.

  Within the bottom most are a set of small stone pedestals. There are six of them spread across the room and they are cordoned off, at least, unable to go beyond a large stone slab that keeps them within the square circle.

  At the center of the cordoned area are six stone slabs that is set with a shape. Each square-tile has a distinct shape to it. ...Should they look at the top of the stone, they should notice that each top part has a shape of its own.

Ruidosa La Crima decides to book it when Reize plays blocker for her, making for the door as she awks. "Come on Reize, hurry u--" and there's a ledge. to save everyone time she just... turns into a bat and flies over.

Because it's a time saver.

She'll eye the pedestals as she scratches her head. Huh?

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 Sorry Ivo, Anna can't hear you over the sound of wiping out the sprites. But it's into the next room.
 Very cautious along the ledge, the Suryle princess follows the others down to...
 "Another puzzle." She considers.
 "Should we... Match the shapes?"

 Ivo, taking his time to inch along the narrow platform now that they've left the remaining sprites behind, is last to arrive at the bottom of the ladder. He regards the slabs with evident curiosity.
 "Extraordinary," he says. "What role could this have played in the rituals of the ones who constructed this temple? Could these shapes represent some feature of their faith, and the slotting of the slabs, some testament to cosmic order?"
 He just keeps talking because he really doesn't want to push big pieces of stone around. What a pain.

  After the distraction, Reize follows suit with the group.

  In fact, he is the last one because the others managed to get ahead. While Ivo and the others are talking, Reize is eyeing the slab from above.

  "It looks like the shapes on top match with the slabs below. Maybe----"

  Unfortunately for Reize, he is immediately ensnared with a rope, or string of webbing and is snatched up. "GAAACCKK!" This is followed by the boy being yanked up high, leading to a large spiderweb up high. Even worse, there is a large spider just skittering along the web, eyeing its captured prey.


Ivo can pretend to be introspective. Ruidosa is more honest with her feelings. "I'm not picking up those slabs." she says bluntly, crossing her arms. Because she is a precious precious princess who doesn't do manual labor like that! She huffs and then...

Reize can fly!? Wait no. A spider's got him. She frowns and turns into a bat to start flying upwards. She's gonna try to bite at the webbing to free Reize and try not to get stuck.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Can I save the Reizey?
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: is my landing not painful?
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 Annnnd there goes Reize.
 Anna blinks owlishly as the youth is hoisted upwards with no warning. Looks up. And sees a giant spider.
 "Oh." She says helplessly.
 This is when Anna unslings her backpack, pulls out a torch, lights it...
 And then touches the flaming torch to the nearest webbing in hopes of it reaching up to set the big web and spider ablaze once Rui has rescued Reize.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Burn your problems away.
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).

 "Ruidosa, really," Ivo is saying. "We all have to chip in, even when the going gets tough." He's not moving toward the slabs either. Ivo is a precious princess too, but he's less likely to admit it. Meanwhile, the actual princess among them starts trying to cook some fried spider as soon as their fearless leader is Reizenapped.
 Seeing that the vampire he has chastised as indeed chipping in, flying up in bat form to free Reize, Ivo tries to position himself to catch the boy as he falls, reaching out his arms expectantly. He's contributing too.
 ...Just not with regards to pushing those blocks.

  The good, Ruidosa manages to free the captured boy. After biting the webbing, Reize is freed and he is falling... and falling.

  Meanwhile, Anna does throw the torch, but it does not get up to the webbing. Instead of hitting the webbing, it misses and lands outside of the cordoned square, where the stone pedestals sit.

  ...Meanwhile, Reize is caught by Ivo.

  ...In those moments...

  Reize's eyes sparkle. Both Ruidosa and Ivo saved him. However, right now, Ivo is the one holding him.

  Shimmer. There are cherry blossom petals fluttering in the background, which blooms itself. Shimmer!

  Reize's eyes: Q_Q . o O (Ivo...)

  Meanwhile, the Spider is just hissing and moves over to Rui-bat, hissing and trying to reach out to bite the smaller creature.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoid becoming spiderbait
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).

Ruidosa La Crima gets bit by a spider. As a bat. This presents a few problems. One is that she is very tiny and the spider is very big. So this bite hurts, a lot. Secondly, is that this causes her to spiral downwards and crash land on the ground as she turns back into a humanoid as she grunts and rubs her head. "Owww.." she says, the bite causing her to bleed something black and awful.

That hurt. A lot. She hit the ground hard too and she'll need a moment to regain her composure as she holds her head.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Do I catch Rui?
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 Whelp at least the stones are lit up as Anna's torch lands amongst them.
 But then Rui gets bitten.
 That's no bueno.
 Anna darts forward, baseball sliding on one hip to catch Bat-Rui as she falls, standing herself up and thus holding the now humanoid vampire bridal style.
 "... Are you okay, Rui?
 Why is soft piano music playing in the background???

 The spiderweb above them has accumulated some detritus over the many years that this temple has remained sealed. Bones of prey creatures, clusters of dry and brittle moss, and somehow, inexplicably, what appears to be a magically preserved rose.
 As Ivo reaches up to catch Reize, that rose, freed as well by Rui's heroic efforts, tumbles down and lands squarely in the young man's teeth. Its latent magic leaves trails of sparkles as it descends, when then suffuse and join the glow about the two boon companions, the light reflected in Ivo's eyes as he gazes down at the boy in his arms.
 Ivo's eyes: *_* . o O (Reize...)
 In the background, trailing blood from a spider bite, Ruidosa crashes down toward the ground, the damsel promptly rescued in the nick of time by their resident princess. Ivo blinks, breaking the spell, and slowly glances over his shoulder at the two of them, slowing looks back to Reize, and then clears his throat and setts Reize down.
 "Everyone, uh, alright?" he manages, plucking the rose from between his lips. "Let's keep an eye on that spider and... push these blocks."
 He actually begins to do so, forgetting his earlier reluctance.

> Ivo acquires the Bishounen Rose.
> When used as an item during one's first turn in combat, this may be thrown at an enemy to increase Affection Points with an assisted ally.

 "Oh, that's--"

> When equipped as an accessory, this increases the incidence of Affection Point boosting events between Ivo and Reize.

 "That's not necessary, thank you!!"
 ...Who is Ivo talking to?

  The large spider is slowly coming down, now that its presence is known amongst the group. However, it does not push to the ground exactly, just coming down enough to deliver out a spray of webbing to the group writ large.

 It is quite the situation amongst the entire group. Reize, now finally coming to, realizes that Ruidosa was hurt. "Ruidosa!" However, he realizes that Ruidosa is in good hands with Anna, now looking more relieved. He does manage to finally get free of the webbing, and then he pulls out a torch to burn the spray of webbing and hisses.


 The spider hisses at the fire, moving back up briefly. It'll regroup to attack the group again when it can.

 For now, Reize listens to Ivo's recommendation, "R--Right! Yeah! Let's get the blocks pushed." The boy starts to get to work on the next step.

  Meanwhile, the spider is just watching. Waiting. It eyes the next easy target.

Ruidosa La Crima is caught, bridal style. This stops her from crashing into the floor at least, but she's still bleeding something awful. In both senses of that word. She's bleeding a lot, and the bleeding is some sort of black ichor. Because vampire. She weakly smiles. "Thanks for the catch. But I think that thing bit me too hard." she says, trying to feel around her body before she winces... yup, she finds the bite.
"I need. Something. What's it called. A bandage?" she asks. She's never needed one before! Amazing.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 That spider better back off.
 The party is too high level for this low level monster BS anyway.
 So Anna sets Rui down very gently but frowns as the vampire 'bleeds' out. "Hold on. Sit down." She says unslinging her backpack again and pulling out the medical supplies.
 Leave it to ther berserker- the one most likely to get hurt in a fight, because she literally tanks with her HP and not her AC, to have a TON of medical supplies on hand as she starts dutifully bandaging Ruidosa's injury and...


 Rui might feel her bond with Anna Primrose, Suryle Princess and Berserker Warrior getting stronger.

 Thou hast established a new bond...!

 Ruidosa will now have bonuses when fusing Persona of the STRENGTH arcana and--

 Wait wrong setting.

 Anna however is now willing to be much more friendly towards Rui going forward.

Ruidosa lets herself be bandaged. This stops the bleeding for now, as it we're, until she can most likely feed from something or someone. She's gonna need it as she stands up shakingly after sitting down at Anna's insistence. "T..Thank you." she says with a little humbled tone as she huffs and frowns.

"Okay, I definitely can't help lift those things now." she says with an exasperated huff.

 "Note to self," Ivo is murmuring, still perhaps in conversation with some unknown entity. "Develop some sort of spider bane so this doesn't happen again..."
 Maybe when he's done with research into pet elementals.
 "Thanks, Anna," he calls to the princess as she begins to bandage up their vampire friend. "Hang in there, Rui. Just rest up while I take care of these blocks." And here he was giving her a hard time for not pushing them herself just a little while ago. Well, circumstances have changed. For example, Anna and Rui have a Social Link now. ...Hopefully, for Reize's sake, one of the later iterations of the system, where the romance path is optional.
 Push, push, push.
 "Just glad Priel's not here to see me do this sort of busywork," he grunts as he pushes one of the slabs into place. The two of them are much more in the 'hang back and make jokes' category of companion, normally, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Sighing, he glances to Reize, looking for a little solidarity amidst the block pushing. As their eyes meet again--
 Thou hast established a new bond...!
 "New? Really?"
 Reize will now have bonuses when fusing Persona of the LOVERS arcana and--
 "Stop! Stop stop stop!"

  The young explorer and Ivo, left to their own devices, having to push the blocks. Luckily, through the combined efforts of both Reize and Ivo, they managed to get the slabs in place with their shape.

 Meanwhile, the spider dives in to swoop -----

  ....At least until a blinding light causes the spider to hiss, flail, and retreat back to its web. The group will soon find that the ground before them glows and will levitate them off the ground.

  This will send the group warping into the next hall.

  ... This hall is large, expansive than most. The surrounding hall stretches all through the area...

  Do they venture forth?