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Within the Castle Library
Scene details
Setting: Due to the bravery of the few, the "Star Chasers" earned a free pass from the lizard-folk in the River Delta going forth.
Those affiliated with the "Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf" have becoming increasingly recognized across Zerhem Kingdom and the proximity surroundings. Their successes have attributed to the associated affiliates of the beginner Vanguard the privilege of accessing the castle library.
Given that Corrine is no longer threatening to arrest Reize (for now?), she requested for him to return a few books to the library as she has some updates on the requests board to take. Reize is happy to take the request, allowing the affiliated members to enter the library with him.
* There is a chance of finding mystery entrances
* There is a 100% that Reize will get lost
* Possible shenanigans as well
* Also learning and good times
Overall, just a low key social.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
While the stone walls of Castle Zerham are unrelentingly cold, the candlelight offers a faint hope of warmth, but not by much. The atmosphere is quiet, allowing those who enter to see shelves of tomes. Many of those books have their own story, whether published gossip, lore of the city, or rumors of the region and beyond. The last time part of the group were allowed access, it was to learn more of the country's history.
This time, the young explorer comes off on a special mission.
It came off like this...
Reize: ...
Corrine: hey
Corrine: Don't worry, you've proven your self. In fact, I have a something to ask of you.
So this is what brings them to the library. Corrine asked Reize to deliver something back to the halls. Perhaps it was something overdue. This would be an opportunistic point for some of the more scholarly travelers to accompany Reize to take advantage of the opening.
"Whew... I guess Corrine is learning to trust more more and more." He brightens.
2 years ago
The library!
For once, Anna, does not have her axe with her. It's not like there's going to be a bloody brawl in a library is there?
Is there?
Regardless of her constant state of 'quietly enraged', the Suryle princess follows after Reize, jade eyes glancing from shelf to shelf at all the books.
"Well that's nice. That she's trusting you, I mean." Mused as she traces her fingers over the spine of a book at random.
"I read a lot of books back home, but I don't think I've seen so many in one place."
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo has a rather nostalgic smile as he surveys Castle Zerhem's library, his footprints still visible in the dust from when he last visited. Rumors have been spreading of the party's dramatic victory over the terrible elemental at the river delta to the west, partly from interactions between merchants and the beastfolk, mostly because a certain blue-cloaked gentleman has been sharing stories of this triumph in Zerhem's various public houses. Little embellishment was necessary.
"You've earned it, chief," he replies to Reize encouragingly.
With their reputation growing, and their remaining in decently good standing with the royal family thanks to their earlier adventure in the ruined aqueduct and their relinquishing of the precious water-aspected aether gem, the Star Chasers likely recommended themselves to Corrine as the best way to gain access to any pertinent information sequested here.
"It's a shame that the library is closed to the public," Ivo then murmurs, "but I... understand their reasoning, at least."
It would be imprudent to say more here. Zerhem's authority and military are so weak that its rulers are habitually in a defensive crouch, and visitors to the castle are generally unwelcome. If they were more in control, Ivo wouldn't have to contend with the underworld just to run a magitech laboratory on the city outskirts.
"We know a lot more about the druids' society than we did when I first came here. I'll look for references to Vaeltrandia. Maybe we'll find some clues to ruins we haven't visited, ones that'd be relevant to the Vanguards." His eyes briefly take on a far-off look. "...I wonder where Fox is now."
She's no Camellia in terms of Affection Points, but still.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa has come in wide eyed. This is technically her second time here, but she still likes large stacks of books. The manor has a library, but it's nothing like this place. She's already recording information on the small map she started last time as she mutters.
"So many books... so much information..." she mutters.
2 years ago
Where the others are chatting among themselves, Argent has already started browsing through the books. She goes from shelf to shelf, pausing here and there as she looks over a tome here and a grimoire there. "I believe it may be possible to find several books that may be relevant to our interests." she announces out loud, her hand resting for a moment on a particularly ornate looking tome. What is it she's found? Perhaps some ancient record of of the druids? Some old tome detailing the secrets of eidola?
But alas, no. Anyone who catches sight of the title will find that it has the rather blind title of "Paint and you: A chemical analysis of dehydration."
And here she is, every page holding her attention like it's the most fascinating thing in the world.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize gives a thoughtful look towards Ivo, Anna, and Ruidosa. He runs a hand to the back of his head with a bit of a sheepish look, "Y'know, I am used to stories and even write in the journal, but I'm pretty limited on the topics that I often read." He muses, "...Maybe I could find something of interest while we're here." The last time that he did get a chance to decipher the books in-depth was at the Panacea Temple, after all.
He glances back at Ivo, "Is that so...?" He frowns, "So we better not waste the opportunity." He lifts a hand to his satchel, "First thing's first. I am going to return the book. Corrine entrusted this task to me!"
Reize is stepping out into the halls, going past the few shelves around.
2 years ago
While the group enters the library and marvels at the sheer scale of the place, there is one individual dressed in black with long, white hair.... currently harassing a very beleaguered looking librarian. "Where are the books on Advanced Aether Theory?" She asks. ...And then, when pointed in the right direction, she follows up with "Take me there."
The bewildered library attendant blinks, but acquiesces to the request, leading the lady along all the while wondering who this was and how she got permission to be here... Once they arrived, passing by the group in the process with not so much as a 'hello', they stop at a particularly large shelf. But it doesn't stop there.
"Get me a book on the Aether Tranferrence Phenomenon." She demands with a calm tone and a straight face. Not even batting an eye.
Oh boy.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Rui looks to Reize and she says. "Don't go too far, I haven't mapped the place out fully." she says with a large huff as she looks back towards... oh it's her. Ignore her and maybe she'll go away, she thinks. Still she tries to keep up with Reize as she scribbles the map in her book, trying to take note of the section they're in.
"If you get bitten by a book mimic like at home it isn't my fault!" she cries.
2 years ago
"A book mimic? There sure are a lot more kinds than just treasure chest mimics aren't there." The Suryle princess muses before another thought occurs to her.
"I wonder if they have any books on goblin society." Anna muses while following the others through the library. It's an idle curiosity as she hears...
A familiar voice.
Up comes one finger, pointing RIGHT at Camellia.
Anna opens her mouth.
Nothing comes out.
Anna closes her mouth.
She just kind of stares.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo, stirring from his daydreams of amazonian alchemists, flashes a smile at the reverent Ruidosa. "And they're hardly appreciated by the residents, if the dust is any indication," he remarks. "Let's take the opportunity to read to our hearts' content." He pauses thoughtfully. "Say, do you think there might be any more information on the whereabouts of that cult that once resided in the catacombs beneath your manner? If I recall correctly, the disc that contained the information you sought was fractured and part was missing..."
He trails off. Ivo would have something clever to say about Argent watching paint dry, really, he would. But he has witnessed a shocking sight: the presence of Camellia, having slipped in behind them with her usual nonchalant stealth. She seems to blend in not by attempting to sneak but by willing herself into belonging wherever she is. It is fortunate that the younger members of the party were spared the sight of what Camellia did at the river delta, but Ivo was not so lucky. Even then, they all know her from their confrontation over the second crux fragment. With a serious expression, leaving Reize to return the book as promised, he strides over to the villainess without hesitation--
"This would be most pertinent to your interests."
--and promptly pulls a book from the shelves, offering it to her. His teeth emit an audible 'ping' as he smiles winningly.
"Alas, there are only limited resources on modern aetheric science in Zerhem, though I did find an intriguing historical treatise that speculated as to Vaeltrandian starsmithing. Perhaps we could discuss it back at the laboratory, over drinks..."
He's leaning against a bookshelf roguishly, or so he imagines.
2 years ago
Flip, flip, flip. Argent turns over page after page, gazing unblinking at each one. Eventually her feet start moving, taking her walking through the aisles as she reads through her book. It doesn't seem like the homunculus is particularly looking at where she's going.
So it's not surprising that, as Ivo is offering Camellia a book and trying his best to charm the villainess, Argent just walks straight into him, stumbling away with a faint, confused sound.
"...Ivo. Please do not stand in that position. If you wish to engage in a romantic relationship with this woman, please do so from a seated position."
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Luckily, the explorer managed to miss the presence of Camellia as he was already running off to return the book. So just as he passes by, it would had been the point that her presence was there, just in time for Ruidosa to catch her.
While ahead, Reize frowns in response to his Pact's warning, "I know, I know...." He gives a bit of a smile a moment later when he arrives over towards one of the shelves. "Okay, this is it... it looks like." He twitches in response to the book mimic... and the hookshot mimic.. and the pencil mimic.
There is a bit of shuddering as he recalls the nice 'bonding session' between him and the La Crima family's mimics.
But to be fair, she did warn him not to touch anything.
After putting the book away, the young explorer tilts his head to face her. "Are there any particular books that you're looking for as well?" Ivo did say something about the cult from their trip in the catacombs, right?
2 years ago
Camellia can certainly hear familiar voices. Including La Crima's girl.
Maybe if she ignores them, they'll go away.
Alas, her dreams are dashed the moment she hears Ivo's voice by the bookshelf. The harried librarian bows in thankfulness, then scurries away to deal with less confounding matters. That's your problem now, cape guy!
".... Galvan." Camellia says in mild greeting. She can sense through the Aetheric flow, his 'shape' offering something to her, and so, she reaches up, fumbling slightly, as she takes the offered tome. "........" There's a moment of consideration for his offer to speak at length about ....starsmithing.
A wry little smirk forms on her face at that point. "Perhaps." It's not a yes or a no. Just a dismissive 'maybe'. Then she holds the book back up to the young man.
"Read this book to me." She says, without missing a beat. As if it was her gods given right. No explanation needed.
Forunately for Anna, Camellia can't see her gawping in her direction.
She also elects to ignore what Argent said.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa huffs. "I mean we could be walking into a nest for all we know! Look there's like no foot prints in the dust in this direction." she says worryingly. She huffs. "He was looking for information on roses" she says with a furrowed nose. "When I was here last, but we should probably find more information on that anyways." she says. "I need to record more information anyways about them for later." she says quietly.
She eyes around the corner a moment as she watches Anna BSOD at Camellia and then turns back around.
"Um... I wonder if the books are too high up..." she says, looking upwards.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo "I Can Change Her" Galvan intensifies his smile like he's engaged in a duel of colliding beam attacks. Look at how long that ellipsis is. He's definitely winning her over. Just a little more--
His hand slips from the bookcase as Argent bumps into him from behind, causing him to pull about twenty books off the shelves and collapse in a musty heap. When the dust settles, he is effectively seated in a makeshift chair made of fallen tomes, blinking up at the two women.
"Well, problem solved," he finally quips to Argent, before his brow furrows. "When did you become an expert on romantic relationships and body position? Let me guess, you read a book on it."
Bold words from a man who probably has less romantic experience than the homunculus he's teasing. But then, Ivo's boldness has gotten him this far. For worse or... no, just for worse.
Ivo hesitates only very briefly before he takes the book from Camellia and ceremoniously clears his throat. "Very well," he pronounces. "Aetheric Transference: A Story of Love and Science. Chapter 1: Two Hearts Meet. The lights were low and flickering within the laboratory as Argent's brush stroked through Camellia's hair like a lover's tender touch. The breath of the homunculus beauty tickled the ear of-- wait, remind me, *do* you breathe?"
Don't stop there, Ivo, the story's getting good.
2 years ago
Camellia can't see what just happened, but can surmise that a bunch of books fell to the floor. ...Well, that's none of her concern. She didn't do it. That also means she's not going to help tidy it up.
But as the words leave Ivo's mouth, it quickly becomes apparent that this isn't the contents of the book. Lovely.
There comes that ridiculous question.
"No. I don't breathe. I keep myself alive by sheer force of will." Camellia answers with a straight face.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15.
2 years ago
Argent stares down at the now seated Ivo, blinking only once as he starts his reading. She doesn't even try and interrupt him, even though it's obvious even to someone like her that what he's saying has absolutely no basis in the contents of any book. Save for one that he himself might pen, of course.
"It is typically necessary for me to respirate, as the majority of my body is human. However, it is possible for me to survive a lack of oxygen for a longer period than a typical human due to the alternate sources my body can use."
And then she's staaaaaring right at Camellia, not that she can particularly tell how rarely the homunculus is blinking. "Ah. I must apologize. I do not have a brush with me today, and as such it will not be possible for me to care for your hair."
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize offers Ruidosa a smile while placing a hand over towards her shoulder, "Oh come on, Rui, we should be fine. Have I ever gotten us lost?" He attempts to re-assure his Pact.
Sadly, that phrase is probably not going to re-assure her.
Nevertheless, the young boy looks up at the shelves, then glances around the books. The young boy quirks an eyebrow and he starts to hop up the shelves, nimbly hitting the edge and bouncing to the next. He manages to catch himself at one of the edges, peeking as high as he can.
"Was there a book that you're looking for up here?"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa makes what can only be described as a 'marge noise' at Reize, as he goes hopping up the shelves and ughs. "Be careful, if you'll fall, it'll hurt!" she offers. Well, duh'. Still she says. "Things about the druid cult." she says.
"And maybe the ruins." she says.
"I think Ivo lost the plot so it's up to us to find anything!" she insists.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo nods with the air of a wizened sage at Argent's reliably straight-faced response to his vigorous trolling. Arching a brow, his gaze turns to Camellia, the corners of his lips quivering slightly as she seems to indulge him. In the background, Reize climbs up a bookshelf with Big What Could Go Wrong? Energy, and characteristically, Ivo does not appear to be paying attention.
"How exhausting that must be!" the Cosmopolitan exclaims. "Argent, do you hear? Our dear friend here tests her discipline by forgoing breath. Surely she requires relief in the form of mouth-to-mouth respiration. As a generous man, I'll allow you the honors."
The book in his hand seemingly forgotten, Ivo's brow furrows with actual genuine concern for once, the young man gazing into the middle distance.
"Strange," he murmurs. "Normally, I'd volunteer myself. But lately, I've been feeling a bit... how should I put it... at a remove from such opportunities?" He doesn't seem to think his monologue moments ago suggests otherwise. "How dull of me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I've been cursed..."
His eyes slowly widen.
"...Oh, no."
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10.
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
You roll 1d20.
Comment: Saving Throw against Mojo-Killing Delusion about Being Cursed
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18.
2 years ago
Camellia frowns subtly at Argent's words, though doesn't look directly at her for obvious reasons.
"My hair is fine." She takes a healthy step away from the general direction of their voices. Hair is, in fact, not fine. But it's her look! And no amount of brushing is going to make a permanent dent in that.
"Cursed, you say? Have you considered throwing yourself to the mercy of the church for the chance of relief from this life shattering affliction?" She asks with an amused smirk. And then, she steps forward, bends down, and nabs the book back.
"Anyway, this was a waste of time. I'll get someone else to assist me."
....She took the wrong book.
No one tell her that she's holding '101 Ways to Get Them to Say I Love You'. ....Why was that in the Advanced Aether Theory section?
Reize Seatlan
2 years ago
While the boy remains up against the shelves, he starts thumbing through the covers. Druid cult and ruins. He rummages over for a few books, glancing over for the key words that may have to do with 'Vaeltrandia', 'Star-Crowned', 'Crux', 'Seekers of the Sun'.
It will take Reize quite a bit, he occasionally does find something and slowly extends the book out for Ruidosa. "Oi, Rui! Here's one." He glances back from his vantage and sees.
Ugh. Camellia.
It is with a grunt that the boy glares out her way, "What is she doing he---" Unfortunately, Reize had been so busy noticing someone else that he should be paying attention to what he is grabbing. As he takes a grip over towards a loose-fitted book, his eyes widen in shock as he slips down. "GAAHHHHH!"
There is a thud.
Flat on his back, Reize lifts an arm straight up with book in hand, "Got another one, Rui."
Unfortunately, the book is just a magazine about the latest gossip in the castle.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20 .
Comment: Roll to see if Rui contains unjustified jealousy.
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years ago
As Reize lands with a thud, she had heard those comments. Did Reize get distracted by... ''another girl''!? BUT, Reize's fall takes precedence and she sighs and frowns and looks down at him. "I told you to be careful!" she says with concern as she huffs. Still, she daintly grabs the book and flips through it.
"The Princess might be having a fling with two different paupers but no one can prove it." she says bluntly. "That's hard important!" she says putting the book back on a lower shelf. "It's like this place is so discombobulated."
2 years ago
Argent of course sees exactly what book Camellia picked up. And yet the homunculus remains silent on the matter, seeming content to let the woman leave with her 'prize'. What business is it of hers if Camellia needs romantic advice from a book?
"Ivo. I do not think she requires that of me at this time. However, should she require such aid, I will offer it." she says, sounding completely and utterly serious. That's quite normal for her, though.
Ivo Galvan
2 years ago
Ivo rapidly shakes his head, struggling to fight off his fears. Sure, vampire curses are likely real, and it's entirely plausible that Ruidosa previously tried to curse him, even if they're on better terms now. But that doesn't mean that she succeeded, and in any case, he should wait for concrete evidence before he goes around attributing everything that befalls him to a vampire curse. These rational thoughts wrestle with his growing paranoia. After all, what other explanation could there be for his loss of verve?
Unless a *different* vampire more experienced with her arts and wiles adores him so much that she cursed him to never seek out any woman other than herself. But that would mean--
Ivo's expression shifts from worried to bemused to delighted as his delusions at last succumb to their worst enemy, an entirely different set of delusions. By that point, Camellia is already withdrawing, and Ivo only looks back to her in time to see the title of the book she is carrying on the spine. His renewed smile only broadens. If it is not intentional, then surely it is destiny. After all, how could such a book have ended up on that shelf?
"Fascinating," Ivo remarks, by now deep into a later chapter of 101 Ways to Get Them to Say I Love You. "I'll have to write this down-- oops, it's getting late. Druids, druids..."
Distractedly, he places the book back on the closest shelf and continues to wander through the dusty library.
It is a mystery.
"Well, mission accomplished," Ivo states to Argent with satisfaction as he finally rises from the pile of books on which he's seated, leaving them where they lie like a true aristocrat. It's not clear what he thought his mission was, but it almost certainly doesn't matter. "Oh, nice find, Reize," he's saying as he approaches the two actually acting on their ostensible reasons for being here. The magitechnician helps the boy to his feet as Ruidosa places the gossip rag back on the shelf in a huff. He pauses briefly before trying to sidle over and pick the publication right back up to flip through it.
"Hmm, hmm. Rumors of a gangster in the body of a capybara manipulating policy behind the scenes. The travails of a court romance between human and beastkin-- that sounds useful. Complaints of high turnover among library staff leading to disorganization. Further allegations that a secret passage in the library is used by the princess for supposed trysts with commoners-- oh?"
He raises one eyebrow with a little smile.
2 years ago
Camellia can hear Reize and his 'glowing' opinion of her, before its cut off by yet another minor disaster of his own making. She pauses and turns to the general direction of the two. "La Crima's girl. You should keep a tighter lease on your boy, lest he walk off a cliff."
And with a smirk, she walks off... with the wrong book.
Let's leave her to it.