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Festival of Blessings

Scene details

Setting: The party has recovered one of the four arms of the Crux of Creation. Acquiring it seems to have bolstered Kernunnos' invaluable ability to detect the presence of the other pieces. Even so, unfortunately, the eidola reports that he senses only one weak and vague signal. Worse still, that signal is coming from the Central Plains of Granse, a vast area with no permanent settlements that is roamed by dangerous megafauna. Searching without any further clues could take a lifetime.
  But rumors have spread in Zerhem that the Aehani have made camp near a great landmark of the Central Plains, the burial mounds sacred to many nomadic peoples of Granse, to prepare for their Festival of Blessings, in which they celebrate the lives and deeds of their ancestors. The Aehani are known for their fabulous circus performances, their hospitality to guests, and their tradition of oral storytelling which preserves the knowledge of ages past. It is said that during the Festival of Blessings, visitors who display a talent for performance and participate in the festival may receive a boon.
  In the hopes of pinning down the location of the next arm of the Crux of Creation, the party set out for the supposed location of the Aehani, preparing whatever tricks or talents they might have that would suit the circus...


Wind whips across the swaying grasslands, tossing bright pennants playfully, calling wandering eyes and persons to the festival taking place in the midst of these great plains. Only once a year is such a crowd known to gather here, and a crowd there is indeed. The many nomadic peoples of Granse have gathered here, each dressed in ritual finery, feathers and hides and bright dyes advertising their culture and ingenuity. The more sedenary folk of Zerhem to the north and Oradia to the east join too, the former often in fine doublets or tunics, the latter in fabulous robes and shining accessories. Even travelers from enlightened Hagos to the far south have gathered, resplendant in vivid hues and purple and gold or orange and white.

All have ventured in peace to the Aehani's annual Festival of Blessings. Ostensibly, it is intended to pay respects to the many ancestors of many tribes lain to rest in the giant burial mounds located not far from here. In practice, it is the liveliest circus that the Aehani put on all year, one which travelers are encouraged to join, pulling travelers attention in all directions, blankets laid out in every direction displaying wares or performances professional and amateur. Supposedly, those who participate receive a boon from the spirits, one which acknowledges them as pious and worthy of protection.

True or not, it's fun regardless.

"'Oh, Ivo, you're soooo dashing!'"

One such participant has set up a small stall amidst the hustle and bustle. His features are hidden by a curtain, through which he reaches to manipulate rather charming handmade puppets. Currently, one appears to be a redhaired woman, the other a very cool-looking dark-haired man.

"'Yes, Priel, this is true,'" he continues, voice lowering several octaves before rising again. "Folks, this is how it happened -- the great adventure to find and liberate the benevolent spirit Kernunnos!" A small gathered crowd observes with interest.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years ago

"That's... That's not how that happened." A slim, blonde-haired, girl says very quietly.

Anna Primrose of Suryle is here. And she's staring a little blankly at the display from Ivo's stall. The poor girl is... Actually completely out of her element, having always been cooped up in a castle and never once attending a festival.

There sure are a lot of people present. It actually has the runaway princess a little on edge.

Did he even regale the crowd with how she put her hand in fire to surpass the trial of the bear? He better have!

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

"While I was not present for these events, I must also voice my doubts as to the sincerity of your claims." comes a quiet voice from the crowd, coming right from a silver haired woman. She's back in her elaborate white dress today, seeming to have decided that it's appropriate for a festival.

"It is possible that the majority of your story will be correct. However, I do not believe that miss Priel addressed you in such a way. I do not believe she is likely to address anyone in such a manner."

A beat passes as she leans in, unblinkingly staring at those puppets for a long few seconds. "These puppets are quite well made, however."

Ruidosa La Crima has elected not to participate in performances. While the act of receiving a boon seen as 'pious' doesn't sound like a blessing she doesn't wanna take a chance and smoulder and yell 'it burns!' for minutes on end. What would she do anyways? Probably, maybe Shadow Puppets... but.. then Ivo is also doing puppets and how many puppets can you do?

Anyways, she's also watching as she blinks a little. and looks over to Argent.

"Why not?"

"My mom apparently thinks he's dashing. Why wouldn't Priel?" she asks, confused.

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years ago

In the crowd, the very person who was the subject of this show watches, a hand clamped over her mouth as she tries her absolute hardest to keep from bursting out laughing and drawing attention to herself. Meanwhile, her companion of the moment, a girl with long, blonde hair with a blue ribbon fixed at the back, clasps her hands at her eyes shine with awe. "Wow! Is that how it happened! That's amazing!" ...It's Millia. And she bought it hook, line, and sinker. "And then? And then? What happened next!?" She asks the showrunner obscured by the curtain. "There's got to be more, right?" She asks eagerly. One can almost see the sparkles twinkling around her.

Priel, meanwhile, has to turn away and double over now, Millia's absolute cluelessness adding to her laughter. "I can't- This is too much-"

The music... the festive. Everything is here that Reize wants to see. Coming into a culturally led event is something that the boy has always wanted to be part of, so it is no surprise that he would participate in the spirit of the festives.

Its purpose is to pay respects to the ancestors of the many trips, right? Telling stories or give out some performance of sort?

That is why the boy reaches emerges his hand behind Ivo's hand, revealing the 'Reize' puppet.

"Of course, we could not have done it without our companions...."

The puppet of Reize pokes puppet Ivo.

Of course, underneath the puppet, Reize is shooting a stare at Ivo. "Let's get to recognition!"

Soon, the puppet of Anna emerges to take a bow, "Beneath the gentle appearance of an elegant princess lies a power of a brave, stalwart titan to tackle against the odds.." The puppet of Reize disappears and pushes out a pillar instead. The princess puppet grasps the pillar while fake fire emerges, and she pushes the pillar aside, and flexes triumphantly.

Nearby, a man wearing a heavy brown cloak, face smeared with grease, appears to be wrapping up a heated conversation with a simple merchant who, in stark contrast, is staring blankly into the middle distance.

"So you see, if you really think about it, anything that's less than a hard science, such as art, acrobatics, PUPPETRY-" And here he pauses briefly to level an accusing glance at the show going on right over there, "-Or culture in general, is inherently a waste of time unless it's being used to motivate a trained professional to greater heights, but due to the nature of a true man of learning being only motivated BY said learning, it is fundamentally impossible for this nonsense to be of any use to anybody who matters." FABROXO, the man who has just finished his argument, crosses his arms with an audible metallic jingle, satisfied and one-hundred percent convinced of the flawlessness of his argument.

The merchant, realizing it's over with a start, then sighs and pushes a small metallic disc forward. "Half price if you leave me alone."


Ruidosa La Crima lets loose a lovelorn siiiiigh as the Reize puppets comes into view, anime-like heart bubbles popping off her, as she watches with intent.

Ugggghhh, she remembers the fire. Shiver. No thanks, no fi--- her eyes trace over to a commotion nearby as she blinks and looks back to the nearby Anna.

"My mom calls those nightmare customers." she whispers to her, and pointing at the commotion.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years ago

"It- it's not that he's not dashing. It's just that I don't remember Miss Priel doing that *at all* Anna whispers to Rui looking a little helpless.

And then Puppet Reize appears and reminds everyone of their allies.

And then out comes puppet Anna.


Anna stares like a doe caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck at the display on show.

"T-titan?" She near bleats as her puppet surmounts the flaming pillar.

Oh god she's going so red in the face, no one look at her!

Don't worry, Ivo is still getting to the best parts of the adventure. He just had to set the stage with some important context, e.g., how much Priel loves him and how great he is. Behind the curtain, he flashes a grin down at Reize.

"Patience, my young friend!" he whispers. Don't listen to him, Reize. "We have to maintain narrative continuity--" Yup, Reize isn't listening to him. Anyway, Priel wasn't even *on* this adventure. "Ugh, I was going to save the fire trick for the climactic moment--"

The Anna puppet is quite cute, though it is a little alarming how much her biceps bulge when she flexes. Did Ivo design it that way on purpose? Also, the Reize puppet looks to be about seventy percent cowlick.

"Yes, these and many more trials are yet to come! for now, our heroes continued through the magical forest," Mysterious Puppetmaster One intones from behind the curtain. With Reize's assistance, multiple puppets are operated at once, a sizable party bobbling their way in front of an impressionistic painted forest backdrop with a couple felt plants added for texture. "The mystical labyrinth of the unknown druids were no match for their wit and tenacity. Noble Faruja took to the skies to scout their way!" A little armored ratman with a steely visage bounces into the sky, doing a little flip to impress the crowd. "And Reize caught the sacred beetle that would guide their way!" That's a nice way of putting it. "But watch out! Gentle Ruidosa is in danger from a hidden foe--"

Some gasps emerge as, rather impressively, a couple of the felt plants that appear to have been simple decoration unfold, visibly 'blossoming' into fearsome monstrosities with dangling thorned vines.

"'Oh, no, help me, Reize!'" Ivo says in a high voice. "'I SAID SOMEBODY FUC--'" And there Ivo proceeds to unleash a string of incentive for about two straight minutes, repeatedly switching languages so that almost every visitor has an opportunity to guffaw at the sight of the charming girl puppet swearing up a storm while the other puppets just stand there in silence. It seems Ivo has been reading some language books in preparation for this day.

Little does Ivo know what a nice thing Ruidosa just said about him. If only he did, he might regret what he's doing now. ...Maybe.

Ruidosa gives off the impression of blushing as she suddenly facepalms and sinnnnnnks into the ground. ''Almost'' literarily into the shadows but not quite, as she mutters.

"Arghhh!" she mutters little swear words at herself now, in other languages, and at least two dead tongues.

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

Pale eyes stare directly at Anna. They don't blink, either. "I believe it was an analogy, as your stature cannot be considered remotely titanic." she says, her dress swishing around her as she moves through the crowd. Soon enough she's behind the princess, hair curtaining around the girl as the homunculus leans over her small frame. "...although, I believe it is possible that could be rectified, given time and effort. It may be beneficial for your current profession." Uh oh. That sounds like an offer to perform some strange alchemic experiment.

It would probably be wise to refuse.

Fabroxo, having successfully concluded his transaction, immediately looks at Anna. A look of intense concern forms on his face.

"GOODNESS! This young lady is having an allergic reaction! I've been WARNING people about the dangers of this sort of bad taste adult puppetry, and see what comes of it..." Consternation is writ across his features as he pushes his cloak to one side, revealing what can only be described as a bunch of random crap gizmos hanging off the inside like a shady watch salesman.

"Not to worry, not to worry, with THIS little gem..." And here he yanks off a large flat doo-dad, slipping his new purchase into a slot on the side. "I'm at least sixty percent certain that she'll survive!" The device starts humming and shaking violently, electricity crackling over the surface. He approaches Anna confidently, even as a trickle of smoke starts billowing out from his 'solution' to this 'problem'.

"Well, maybe more like forty-five. Still!"

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years ago

Millia claps her hands quickly, but lightly as the performance continues, a look of awe on her face. And Priel manages to recover enough to rise back up, standing next to her as she watches this recounting of events while wiping a tear from her eyes. Honestly, she wasn't too involved with these happenings, so it's actually mildly entertaining, other than being hilarious.

"This show is still going, huh?" Comes the voice of a young man as he approaches the two other Vanguards, multiple sticks of some kind of meat skewers in his hands, steam rising from them all piping hot. It's Alvis. Looks like being here was probably something halfway between a job and goofing off.

"Yeah, well... It's amusing anyway." Priel replies, taking four skewers off his hands ands then handing two to the enraptured Millia. "Nothing suspicious going on, right?" She asks, before biting into a skewer and chewing.

"Nothing at all." Alvis says with a shrug, giving their busy surroundings one more look. "Might be the easiest money I've made in a while, heh."

Frowning, Reize is not exactly known for patience, proceeding as to demonstrate his point so that they get on with the performance. Now, Reize starts to settle back with the pillar gone and pulls Puppet Reize back.

Reize, along with the sizable puppet, travel forth as to mimic their trek through the woods. In fact, Reize's hand is wandering off to the side as he looks over to the ground before him.

There is a beetle nearby his leg.

"Oh hey, little guy, came to join in the fun, too?"

>>> Reize found [insert number] bettle. [Excruciatingly high number] left to find.

Reize realizes where he is at, and up to the point where Ivo gets to the 'swears' that Ruidosa says. The boy's eyes widen in shock at Ivo. He scowls at Ivo for a moment beneath the stand, and then the puppet starts hacking away at the vines. "I'll save you!--- Okay! We have to move on!"

Ivo glances at Reize after about ninety seconds of vulgarity just to check and see how much longer he can drag this on before their boy leader wisely drags them to the next scene. Instead, he sees to his surprise that Reize's pendant is flickering.

"Kernunnos?" Ivo murmurs, voice obscured by the curtain blocking them from view. "What's up? Are you sensing another fragment of the Crux...?"

"Beetle," comes a sonorous voice from the gem.


"Well done, young Reize," Kernunnos continues. "Keep it up." The light flickers away and the pendant goes silent, leaving Ivo staring blankly before finally stirring. Right, they have to move on.

Mysterious Puppetmaster One clears his throat.

"Our heroes disentangle the most noble and delicate Ruidosa from her vegetal restraints and proceed to the thicket of roses, where the sacred beetle leads the way to the hidden shrine!" Oh, the painting is sliding to reveal a second. It's a rather decent rendering of the entrance to Kernunnos' sanctum. "Four trials awaited them, the first most terrible and tragic of all: that of sacrifice." A hush falls over the crowd. "What must our heroes give up in order to enter this darkened and terrible place. 'Help, Ivo, I'm so scared! Hold me!'" His voice goes high again as he nestles Puppet Priel into Puppet Ivo's arms. "'Don't worry, baby, I'll protect you.' *Mwah mwah mwah*"

The puppets are kissing.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years ago

"I know it was metaphor but still!" Anna bleats at Argent, flustering. "Let's not rectify anything!" She says in regards to her stature, her rage is plenty furious enough for such a small container and she doesn't need to find herself suddenly filling a bigger one.



Enter Fabroxo.

Just *HEARING* that voice brings back memories. Memories of a misty graveyard at night. A cloaked figure with a shovel digging into a fresh grave. Nightmares of the walking dead and an axe tearing through them in a feverish haze of mixed rage and terror.

Slowly... Slowwwwwly, Anna turns towards the man, movements stiff and wooden as she stares doe-eyed as his cloak is swept aside and one of many arcane and eldritch devices is produced from the many hanging there as he spouts off about percentages of survival chances.

"GUHEE!?" The princess croaks, hands fumbling for where she usually keeps her axe slung at her shoulder.

It's not there today, left behind because who brings weapons to a festival? Not a proper princess that's who.

"IT'S THAT Z-Z-Z-Z-ZOMBIEEEEEEEE!" The princess squeals, going blue in the face as her eyes turn a bloodshot shade of red, too busy with her own issues to notice kissing puppets.

As he nears Anna, Fabroxo makes a shooing motion with his free hand toward the woman with silver hair who is most definitely in the way of his very heroic scientific rescue. Just as he's preparing to warn her that the rate of survival for nearby bystanders is SIGNIFICANTLY lower in this type of procedure, there's another, even WORSE reaction.

"No! The naked lasciviousness of this damnable puppet show has driven her to hallucinate an undead menace! This clearly won't be enough!" The bold man of science carelessly throws his gadget to the side with a clatter, where it sputters loudly for a moment before it's still, though the smoke it's belching seems to increase exponentially. It smells like burnt hair and progress.

"But fear not! I am prepared for EVERY eventuality!" With this claim he reaches into his cloak of wonder once more and removes several small rods, one of which he takes into his other hand, clicking a small button that causes it to immediately elongate into a sharpened copper stake as tall as he is. With a swift, violent motion, he plunges it into the soft earth below, taking a few steps to the side before repeating the process with another rod. Invisible energy seems to distort the air between the two.

"Just hang tight and endure the pain for a mere hour or so and I guarantee the efficacy of my perfect solution. I've never used these in a successful live test before but I'm confident they will no longer cause blood to explode!"

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years ago

You can't have a festival in a rustic setting like this without a giant turkey leg vendor. It's practically a crime. It may actually BE a crime, depending on the municipality in which said festival is occurring. This fact accounts for the turkey leg visible toward the back of the crowd, but it does not explain the person currently tearing into it as if they haven't eaten in over a month.

When one imagines someone eating a giant slab of meat on the bone with such fervor, the picture it conjures is usually some sort of gigantic, nearly-spherical Viking. It's likely not a tall, tanned woman with vibrant orange hair falling to her shoulders, fading to a stark white at the ends, but that is exactly what's happening. She also has AT LEAST one tankard of mead close by and there is almost certainly another one hiding somewhere, because the slightly rosy tinge to the dark-ish cheeks suggests someone who's at least one sheet to the wind and plans to add the additional two sheets before sundown.

She's also all elbows eating that freakin' turkey leg which is probably why the space around her is getting increasingly empty despite the crowd.

Holding the turkey leg to the side of her mouth, Fox shouts, "NOW MAKE THE BOY PUPPETS KISS. IT'S ONLY FAIR(*)." Her voice is muffled because she has not 100% finished swallowing said mouth of delicious, seasoned turkey meat yet.

(* is it, though?)

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

At first, Argent doesn't seem to be inclined to do what this Fabroxo says. After all, he's just some stranger, and it's clear that she's far more able to help Anna with her science.

It's just, when those stakes are plunged into the earth and the electricity is arcing, the thrum of power starts to affect her, all that long, silvery hair getting distinctly more...voluminous.

Which is to say, it's getting all poofy.

"I do not believe that this will be useful to Anna. Please remove these...objects." she says calmly, eyeing the stakes warily as she takes a step back. "It is advisable for you to remove yourself from their vicinity, Anna. I do not believe that this individual has properly tested his devices."

...says the homunculus that was just planning on using the princess as a test subject. Everyone knows strange beakers of bubbling, smoking chemicals are the only safe science, right?

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years ago

Priel and Alvis both stare at what seems to be some weirdo in a brown cape, and a woman who looks like she hasn't seen the sun in her life, accosting some girl with SCIENCE. And then what appears to be some sort of panicked(?) shout regarding a zombie?


Alvis looks aside at Priel. "... Can we just pretend we saw nothing and move on?"

Priel adopts a grave expression and nods. "A good plan. Otherwise, we might actually be forced to work. We can't have that."

Unfortunately for them, Millia's attention is drawn to the confusion at the shout of 'ZOMBIE' "Whoa, what? Zombie? What's going on he-EEEEEE-" Both Alvis and Priel grab one of the blonde vanguard's arms, and drag her away before she can play hero. Nuh-uh. Not today.

.... .... .... But that's not before Priel casually snaps her fingers, and causes a miniature fireball to arc through the air, and land right on the Ivo puppet. Something something, too hot to handle.

That was nice! It looks like Kernnunos is appeased by their encounter with the beetle as well! Nevertheless, he does glance back at Ivo and he positions himself into the story.

It looks like they are getting back on track, yet they are unaware of the shenanigans going on. And they reach into the bitter point of Reize's memories: his sacrifice of the (then) newly repaired hookshot. Of course, what was supposed to be the noble sacrifice instead turns to be---

Twitch. Twitch.

Reize scowls again! The boy has half a mind to leave Ivo behind for these shenanigans in the middle of their storytelling!

What does get the boy to leave is the sudden blare of their traveling partner. Also, 'make the boy puppets kiss' part. There is an exit stage left in this as both Reize and Ruidosa puppet quietly 'backing' from the Ivo and Priel puppet.

"Looks like something is going on... I'll... let you finish the story." This is Reize's 'out' as he slips his hands out and slips out and behind to an unviewable sight so that he can circle back to where their friends are at. And it is just in time that Reize escapes, given that Priel just manifested a miniature fireball onto the Ivo puppet... and potentially the stage. But hey, at least the story is on fire, right?

There's Anna, Argent, and.... some strange guy who just stabbed a strange rod into the earth that's doing something? Reize can't tell from the distance. "Ah?"

A murmur passes through the gathered crowd as they part to make room for Anna, Fabroxo, and Argent, attracting even more attention from curious passerby. As many impressive performances and displays as are present at the Festival of Blessings, the combination of the puppet show and this new hubbub seems to have attracted one of the largest clusters of people yet.

Watching Anna's features contort terrifyingly and Fabroxo produce new mysterious contraptions, an Oradian nobleman leans over to speak quietly in the ear of a Hagosan mage. "Spontaneous performance art, yes? So avant-garde. And the girl, why, her features are blood-chilling. Such a skilled actress -- and one of the figures depicted in the puppet show, too. What an intriguing crossweaving of narratives. What could the meaning be?"

The mage nods slowly, her brow furrowing. "Given the timing... I can only assume we are witnessing a commentary on the vagaries of romance." She inclines her head toward the puppets still sloppily making out, and then toward the fearsome standoff between berserker girl and science man. "The Festival of Blessings is a celebration of human connection and the legacies thereby point. So, they're going to kiss."

"Kiss, you say!?" exclaims the nobleman, into it.

It's right then that Fox's shout chimes in, causing Ivo to turn to Reize. "You heard the lady," he whispers behind the curtain. "Let's give the audience what they want... A twist."

Not-So-Mysterious Puppetmaster One clears his throat again.

"But wait! Another of our heroes intercedes! 'Stop, you vile witch!'" Puppet Faruja is ambling over toward Puppet Ivo and Puppet Priel, his toy armor clanking in a rather lifelike way. Ivo actually wrought it from little sheets of metal, how cute. "'I can no longer countenance your treachery. For Ser Galvan... is mine!' *mwah mwah mwah*"

The puppets are kissing. What was this story about again?

"*mwah mwa--* Oh! Ow! OUCH!"

A small fireball zips into the booth, causing Ivo to cry out in dismay as Puppet Ivo, Puppet Priel, and Puppet Faruja all ignite. "Reize, help--" Nope, he left, leaving Puppet Reize and Ruidosa lying on the stage. "Uhhh, uhhhhh, the, the flames of passion burned too bright! Only one can withstand them--!" And he takes up Puppet Anna to grab Puppet Ivo and drag him off stage. "They sacrificed their bodies and soul to love itself!"

The audience oohs.

"It all makes sense," murmurs the Oradian nobleman.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years ago

Blue in the face, red in the eyes, and looking about ready to foam at the mouth, Anna, clueless that her fear is being taken for avant garde art, points one finger ineffectually at Fabroxo as he prepares yet another device of some form, in spite of Argent's already staked claim of sciencing the young princess.

It is right about now that Anna Primrose of Suryle... Has had enough.

She nopes out.

Whirling around on her heels, the princess bolts, running as fast as she can, exit: Stage 'bail'. She goes running in search for where she had left her axe.


  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years ago

Out in the audience, the Turkey Leg Destroyer nods with approval as armor guy (puppet version) and pretty boy (puppet version) make out (puppet version). You can tell she approves because she takes a huge bite off the rapidly-dwindling turkey leg and then salutes with her tankard of mead, sloshing a tiny bit on Lady Whatserface of Who Gives A Damn, sitting one 'row' in front of her.

"Oh, dear," Fox says to her, gesticulating with the turkey leg, which almost clocks said noblewoman in the head. "My apologies. Both for the stain on that dress, and the dress itself, so it's almost like I did you a favor."

Ignoring the AGHAST look she gets, both for spilled mead and fashion commentary, the ginger-haired woman appraises the amount of meat left on the turkey leg, evaluates it to be 'not worth the rest,' and gently places it on the bench she was sitting on before standing up and dusting off her hands and stepping off to the side. Her departure reveals empty tankards, plural, suggesting that one sheet to the wind was probably a lowball estimate and frankly, she might be aiming for a record four sheets before the day is out.

But her walk, as she sidesteps the crowd (and the angry Lady[tm]), is as straight as an arrow, so if she's drunk(*) she's apparently got tolerance and a half. Perhaps her dump stat was the Etiquette skill. Her path, though, seems to be leading her toward the puppet... uh... stage? Pit? Love nest? Wherever it is that Ivo was giving Punch and Judy a postmodern twist.

She doesn't appear to be in any hurry -- her pace is leisurely -- but separated from the spectacle, her face is surprisingly placid and un-animated... as if there were a thread of tension hiding under the boisterous, carnivore facade.

(* She's totally drunk)

"No, so, listen, I realize you probably don't have the acumen, experience, or base intellect to even understand what I'm doing, but were this not an obvious life and death emergency I would still take the time to educate you on the finer points of my work, no matter the excessive amount of hair you do possess." Fabroxo pauses dramatically, contributing to the ongoing misunderstanding without even realizing it, repeatedly extended and retracting the next rod like a modern person may fidget with a clicky pen, "Yes, though it would be a boon to explain the mechanical intricacies that I believe will save this poor, stricken young woman's life, she is so full of life and potential, about to be tragically cut short...HOWEVER!"

He whips the rod around, pointing it (safely((?)) with the blunt end) at Argent with another loud jangle, physical punctuation for his point, before continuing. "Besides, if you wish to help, I believe the puppet show is being extremely unsafe with their use of pyrotechnic enhancement!" He turns for a moment to look at the stage disdainfully. "Another black mark for the so-called art. I mean, really. It's like they don't even care about public safety." And then he turns back to the matter at hand, only to discover that his subjec---patient, his PATIENT is gone.

"Huh? No, NO!!!" Fabroxo shrieks, falling to his knees in grief. "SHE'S DISCORPORATED!

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

"...I do not possess excessive hair. I possess the correct amount of hair." Argent responds as a hand rises up through it all, futilely trying to smooth down the electricity frazzled locks. "However, your device is causing it to become..." and here the homunculus pauses, hands dropping to her sides as she seems to abandon her attempts to tame her hair. "...large."

"..." is all she can articulate at the man's dramatic display, silvery eyes watching Anna's disappearing form through the crowd.

"...yes. Your device caused her to discorporate. As such, you should immediately destroy it and abandon all attempts to use it in future."

Ivo has just finished breathing a sigh of relief that he's somehow managed to maintain his idea of narrative continuity, such as it is, and the attention of the crowd. Frankly, he's not quite sure what the supposed boon participants in this festival receive *is*, let alone how exactly it's going to assist in pursuing the second fragment of the Crux of Creation. But if anyone knows how to narrow down their search on the Central Plains, it'll be the Aehani, and being in their good graces can't hurt.

Also, he's having a great time.

Or he is until he espies a woman with a rather menacing presence marching toward him, trailing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure style onomatopoeia behind her as she comes. The Cosmopolitan, now the only one behind the curtain, feels a new sense of urgency.

"Uhh, thus, our heroes completed the trials of sacrifice and fortitude in one fell swoop, thanks to the heroic Anna, who leaves the scene to drag those injured to safety!" Is that why the real Anna also just ran away? Yes, sure, why not. "Reize and Ruidosa venture on to meet the fabled Kernunnos himself!" A wooden statuette of a stag is pushed onto the stage. It flickers with an inner light that attracts the eye of the audience, though perhaps not quite so much as Argent's hair and Fabroxo's wail. "Their final trial: to speak truly of their dream. 'I'm here to kiss Reize and kick ass, and I'm all out of ass!'" Puppet Ruidosa bobbles around. "'I'm going to become a great explorer and adventurer, and I could *really* use a comb! Do you have, like, a magical comb?'" As does Puppet Reize.

Then, the final impressive showing: the wooden statuette cracks apart, revealing it to be a carved shell in which a glowing stag-shaped object resides, appearing to be an entity of pure light. Those familiar with advanced magitech might see that it is a metal contraption studded with radiant aether gems so bright that it obscures its inner workings. Anyone who had ever seen Kernunnos depicted or in person would recognize this as resembling his true form. Of course, it is highly unlikely anyone currently in the audience would know the difference.

"'VERY WELL, HEROES. I HEAR YOUR PLEAS.'" Ooh, Ivo really knows how to project. "'TOGETHER WE SHALL SEEK MY PRIZED ARTIFACT, THE COMB OF CREATION, AND FIX YOUR STUPID HAIR.' And they lived happily ever after!'"

The audience still paying attention begins to applaud, while those watching Argent and Fabroxo continue to stare in amazement.

"Oh," the Oradian noble blurts out. "*Those* two are going to kiss!"

"That's what I said," the Hagosan mage lies.

This is a confusing state of events:

First, there is Anna, who just bolted out of the place. There is visible concern for her, but then it's the conversation between the man and Argent that gets his attention. He quickly looks over back to the trajectory of the stage, which draws his attention as a figure approaches closely to the stage.

....Ugh. He can't leave Ivo by himself. There is a resignated sigh as he is about to jump into the commotion, but instead bolts back to the stage, going offshot to away from the sight of the people.

Reize also really wants to earn the boon as well.

It is just in time that Reize does slide in and he looks at Ivo with "...What did I mi---" He looks up, listens.

His cheeks puff up in annoyance. "This wouldn't do good if we had younger people in the audience, you know.." He whispers out.

And then, he looks up as they make their way to the next part. Thoughtfully, Reize adds, "Nice projection."

He sighs at Ivo, "...At least they loved the show." Pause.

"Oh right, Anna left, chased off by some weird looking guy who stuck a rod on the ground."

"Puppetry..." Fabroxo mumbles sadly to himself, letting the rods in his hand fall loosely to the ground. "When will they listen? Why does nobody understand the dangers?" Genuine tears begin to cut streaks through the blackened grease on his face as he continues. "I was too late...if only I'd set up the field more quickly, if only I had an apparatus to expedite the process, could this tragedy have been avoided?" He closes his eyes, bows his head, and responds to Argent, "Yes you're right, large hair woman. It's my own fault, if only I'd forseen this, if only I had the proper tools to save innocents from this cruel menace, then perhaps that brave young lady would still possess her mortal, fleshly body." But then Fabroxo's expression hardens, his fist tightening before he slams it against the ground with determination.

"But no, never again. Never again will I allow an injustice such as this one!" The completely legitimate scientist raises his fists to the sky and cries out one last time.


Subsequently, this provokes additional light, scattered applause.

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

Argent watches Fabroxo's dramatics with an unflinching gaze, head bobbing as she nods slowly. "...I do not understand what you are saying. What is the significance of the puppets?" she asks, glancing over to the show. "While those people have access to many unusual forms of magic, I do not believe that they would use it in order to cause Anna harm."

A second passes, and then another.

"I do not believe they would use it in order to purposefully cause Anna harm. However, it is possible that a lack of reasoning may cause them to do so unintentionally."

Poor girl. She's way out of her element with these eccentrics.

Ivo gently places a hand on Reize's shoulder.

"She'll be fine. Trust me."

He has experience with Anna running off at this point. If the last time is any measure, she'll encounter some monster, slaughter it, and accidentally complete a quest for them.

"That's right, everyone!" he calls, starting to sweat at the implacable appraoch of that fox-haired woman, determined to finish the show as strong as possible before he meets his fate at her hands, whatever that might be. "Listen to the cry of this passionate fan!" He gestures toward the dramatically kneeling Fabroxo. That guy looks familiar, but Ivo has no time to reflect on this fact now. "Let's hear it for puppetry! PUPPETRY!"

The crowd, recognizing Fabroxo's cry as an expression of unfiltered enthusiasm, begins to chant loudly all about him.

"Pup-pet-try! Pup-pet-try! Pup-pet-try!"

Some of the crowd surges in, their excitement growing, in an attempt to scoop Fabroxo up and begin to toss him up into the air, exulting all the while about the joys and greatness of puppetry. Ivo, thinking fast and glancing from the mysterious stakes to Argent's blooming hair, quietly withdraws his magitech aether amplifier from his cloak.

"Ladies and gentlemen ... PUPPETRY!"

Activating it, rerouting the electricity crackling throughout the stakes and drawing it directly from Argent's hair as a conduit, Ivo sends a burst of sparks into the sky, which erupts into what appears to be a makeshift firework. Cheers go up in all directions. He sighs with satisfaction.

Now, he can get killed by a drunken kitsune, or whatever. What matters is that, deep down, Ivo knows that he hasn't done anything wrong and, no matter what happens, he deserves only the best.

"Daddy," a little girl says in the background. "What's 'ass'?"


  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years ago

What terrible fun it must be, after a long performance full of tense and necessary improvisation, to turn and leave the venue only to find a taller-than-average woman with excellent hair standing there waiting for you, one hand on her hip, lips twisted into a smile of what can only be called faint amusement. If and when Reize and/or Ivo meet gazes with her, she raises the arm that's not on her hip and gives a short, jaunty little wave of greeting to them both.

"Fun stuff, boys," she says, with not a trace of the slurring her blood alcohol level suggests should be present. "I particularly liked the bit where someone set a puppet on fire." A brief pause. "Okay, as I reflect back, there were multiple parts where someone set a puppet on fire but they were all relatively memorable."

A beat passes, but only a beat; she came here with questions and while she's not exactly menacing or anything -- nobody can drink that much mead, regardless of their seemingly inhuman alcohol tolerance, and maintain 'menace' -- her mien is certainly more serious that when she was in the seats, suggesting they downshift the puppet show into Fujoshi Mode.

"I liked the story, too, really. Very detailed. But everyone knows Kernunnos is basically a myth." She seems pretty sure of that fact. "What really happened on that little adventure of yours? I'm curious."

Once Ivo emerges, Reize is following suit. Witnessing the chaos at hand at the hands of his partner, Reize's smile grows. He has to hand it to Ivo and his ability to improvise. This is useful, considering that the guy was the source of the commotion.

It is between that and the magitech-redirection, Reize offers a smile at his friend. "Good job, Ivo.'

...And the inquiry of the little girl to her father has Reize shoot Ivo a scowl. This is the big brother side of the boy that warned Ivo about the language in a place with younger children!

However, the fox-eared woman's approach does get Reize to fully emerge and greet her with a smile, "Oooi!" The seriousness of the situation earns Reize's confused look, "... Actually, he's not a myth." He runs a hand to the back of his head, "We did encounter him, in fact..." Pause. "...Wait, but how do you know about him?" He glances over to his pendant, "... Oi, it may be someone who remembers you in this time after all!"

Fabroxo, after his moment of unintentional drama, lowers his head to look at Argent, before shaking it in disappointment. Yes, disappointment, at the lack of understanding, the wretched tragedy of ignorance that has repeated again and again since time immemorial, leading to nigh-unfathomably heartbreaking results such as the one here, just now.

"Can't you see? The puppet show caused an intense physiological reaction in that vulnerable, fragile young lady's body, exciting her very life essence to such a degree that it caused her to disintegrate into the aether, depriving her of her physicality itself, reducing her to little more than a wandering ego, cursed to neither truly live or truly die for so long as this world its-hey, HEY! STOP IT! NO, PUT ME DOWN, YOU'RE ALL MISUNDERSTANDING EVERYTHING!"

The dingy science-man's expression turns to one of panic as he continues to shout, in the absolutely vain hope that this will result in the crowd coming to their senses and putting him down. He can't even do anything as Ivo RUDELY repurposes his carefully calibrated devices, although a small part of his brain does file it away for later, as he is busy being manhandled and shaken and small glittering metallic bits and bobs are scattering everywhere like he's a leaky mechanical pinata.


Ivo takes a deep breath before turning to, well, look up. The woman with the orange mane stands taller than him, to say nothing of their fearless leader. Now that she's no longer marching toward him, she no longer seems to him to radiate menace. If anything, she just seems like a strong and self-possessed woman.


> Ivo gains +10 Affection points for Fox.

"Thank you, thank you," the young man says, beaming with his Winning Smile, so named because of all the smiles he's practiced in the mirror, he considers it number one. "And may I say what an honor to earn the admiration of such a gorg--"

Wait, that's odd. First of all, it's unusual to meet someone familiar with Kernunnos at all. Admittedly, this would be the most likely place to encounter them, seeing as its the largest gathering of plains people all year, and if they hadn't already found Kernunnos, they might've learned of him at this festival. But second, and more importantly, as he examines her in an entirely professional way, Ivo can't help but notice the pistols at her sides. Muskets are one thing: alchemy with aether gems and strong enough steel can make a firearm. But a spellgunner's sidearm requires refinement, a skill at magitech currently possessed only by Cosmopolis. Have such weapons already spread so quickly after the sealed city's opening to trade? Such that someone who would know Kernunnos would also possess them?

As Reize speaks, Ivo's mind is racing. His lips finally part.

"Those weapons--"

But it is not he who speaks.

"I recognize the fragments of that star."

The voice that emerges quietly from Reize's pendant, as it pulses faintly with light, faintly resembles Ivo's earlier impression, with significantly more dignity. It is rather surreal how happy people pass by, unhearing in the bustle the voice of an eidola hidden amongst them.

"Those are relics of my beloved Vaeltrandia," Kernunnos says, "possessed by my faithful. Only the elect among my druids would wield them. But they have all long perished in this age..."

The eidola's voice fades, a hint of grief in the immortal's words. Ivo picks up where the demigod leaves off, eyes intent and, for once, serious.

"Where did you find those guns?" he asks Fox. "We're trying to help Kernunnos gather the remaining pieces of the druids' Crux so that we can learn what became of the Star-Crowned-- or, uh, the Bringers of Ascent, as he called them."

Meanwhile, if Argent has not scampered off, she too may be swept up in the crowds' joyous celebration, tossed up into the air along with the wailing Fabroxo, showing him no mercy, throwing him up into the air and every which way.

"Kiss-ing! Kiss-ing!"

It seems that the chant has changed.

"KISS-ING!" the Oradian noble shouts, almost too into it.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years ago

Any reply that was about to come out of Fox's mouth -- as Reize just sorta talks directly TO the ancient, en-pendanted eidola and Ivo asks about her guns -- dies on the vine as some ethereal voice mentions the kingdom of Vaeltrandia. The extent to which she's stopped short is considerable: pupils dilating, mouth staying open without any sound coming out. To Reize and Ivo and their lack of context, this is probably a much more extensive reaction than is warranted by the situation.

To the woman who actually recognizes the name of a kingdom even sages have forgotten, this is probably UNDERSELLING it, if anything.

When she gets her wits back together, Fox shuts her mouth, then her eyes, and then lets out a long sigh. "Well, I can tell neither of you is a spy of some kind," she finally says, after too long a pause. What could that statement possibly mean?

Opening her eyes again, she fixes them not on Reize or Ivo's faces, but on the pendant, which -- let's be real -- pretty much just addressed her as much as they did. "It wasn't just the druids who had them," she explains slowly, very clearly more cautious now. "Mind you, the number of non-druids we're talking about wasn't particularly large and it was a very... specific population. But yes, they're from Vaeltrandia." A beat. "You actually found the eidola Kernunnos." She sounds somewhere between impressed and shocked. "Wild."

Another pause before the fox-haired woman takes in a deep breath, then lets it out, addressing the humans once again. She manages to crack a smile, gaining some of that easy confidence from before back. "A small ruin elsewhere in Granse," she says, as an answer. "The same place I heard about your friend in the necklace, there--" a gesture at Reize's pendant "--and found these. But there's nothing there anymore, now. I imagine the only things of value left a long time ago."

It takes Reize a moment to realize that tech, the gun in particular. He squints as he looks over the firearm with familiarity. "... There's only one other person who had something like that..." He blinks. He is recalling the man well, a smiling man with a dashing plumed 'cowboy' hat, carried a masculine smile. And knew his full name.

However, when the voice speaks, Reize hears the voice emerging from the pendant. "...Vael..trandia...?" Reize asks, looking over towards the pendant. Hearing Kernunnos' grief earns a frown, he runs a hand over towards the pendant and he closes his eyes.

Then, he lifts his gaze to see the look on the taller woman's face. He can see that there is perhaps bewilderment. While it would be considerably mutual with her, it may be even more so for her. What does draw confusion from the boy is "...spy?"

As Ivo explains the situation to Fox, Reize slowly nods. "... And to awaken a friend of ours." And his pendant is the focus. Non-druids? There is a lot that has flown by the boy's head, but he is trying to rapidly understand the situation. There is a faint smile, "..It's the same state that we found Kernunnos and his temple." He runs a hand over to his forehead. "...Nggh, I feel like we'll have to discuss this in length somewhere after the festives."

"You never mentioned the name 'Vaeltrandia' to us before," Ivo is asiding to Kernunnos during Fox's moment of silence. "Isn't that a little grandiose for the name for a society of pious druids?" Good thing no one from said kingdom remains to be offended at that remark.

It's then that Fox explains the context.

"My nature is such that I may not safely attend too closely to the doings of humans," Kernunnos murmurs. He was housed in a shrine for most of his time with the druids, worshipped as a demigod and kept far from mundane politics. "Even the star that served as the foundation of the Crux was not so pure as this vessel. If only it had been, perhaps I could have safely observed the governance of our nation... and anticipated the betrayal of the Bringers of Ascent."

"Kernunnos," Ivo chimes in. "You seem to know something about Reize's pendant that I don't. What exactly makes this material so special that--" He cuts himself off, his eyes widening as Fox marvels at their achievement. "Uhh, maybe don't say the *e-word* in public," he says nervously, gesturing downward with his hands to suggest they keep this on the down-low as he glances about. Of course, no one's paying attention, they have crowdsurfers to buoy.

Ivo nods to Reize, smiling slightly again.

"Yes, let's discuss this more later. For now, I think our lovely treasure hunter could use another tankard." That is absolutely not the case, but if it earns him an affection point or two, Ivo will say so regardless. "If you're also investigating the ruins of Vaeltrandia, then we would greatly benefit from your aid. Let's seek the remaining fragments of the Crux of Creation and the lost city of the Star-Crowned together!" With a sweep of his cloak dashing enough to impress Ruidosa's mom, Ivo beams again. "Ivo Galvan, Cosmopolitan scholar of magitech, oh-so-gladly at your service. And this here is Reize Seatlan, explorer extraordinaire, sealer of the Gate of Creation and incomparable navigator."

It's true in a sense.

Around that time, a hue and cry begins to go up in the background, even louder than the one before. "Esteemed guests!" calls what appears to be a pretty and cheery Aehani girl in fortuneteller's garb, standing on the shoulders of two strong Aehani men like an acrobat. There's not a lot of wood around on the plains to build stands or stages. "Our elders say that the spirits of our ancestors are overjoyed at your performances! The blessings this year will be truly great!" A roar of approval goes up all throughout the festival. "But only one can win the coveted Spirits' Choice Award, for our best received performance of all!"

Ivo blinks.


"And that winner," she continues, "is ... the Great Scientist Fabroxo!"

Ivo blinks.


  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years ago

"Why?" Fox asks, clearly confused, when confronted about the 'e-word.' "Are they an issue, now, or something?" Wait, what?

That moment passes quickly, however, because Ivo -- clearly the face of the group, as Reize is having adorable but not particularly verbal Main Character Reactions over there -- takes about 45 seconds to leap directly to 'can I buy you a drink and take you home'.

"In point of fact, I'm NOT investigating the ruins of Vaeltrandia," Fox says slowly. "I just happened to... find... one." Seeming to realize herself how pointed that comment sounds, she cracks a ghost of a sardonic smile before continuing. "And your generosity is noted but if I have any more mead I'm going to wake up tomorrow wearing someone else's clothes, identity, or possibly both, and I don't have that kind of free time at the moment."

And then there's a whole bunch of plot reveal all at once, up to and including 'this kid with the ahoge (or maybe the other way around) sealed the Gate of Creation,' a fact that is... well, Notable, even to her. Fox even has the decency to LOOK impressed, but it doesn't seem to influence her reply. "Nice to meet you both. Call me, ah... Fox, is fine," she says, brushing a hand ostentatiously through her hair, as if calling attention to the allusion. "And while the offer is nice, I will absolutely not be joining anyone on any quests to restore any cruxes, Creative or otherwise. But thank you for asking."

Again, though, it seems like there's a moment where she hears the sound of her own voice and seems to regret the potential harshness of it, inciting her to speak once more swiftly after. "I do wish you luck, though. Sounds like a worthwhile use of your time. Maybe we'll meet again out there, somewhere." A genuine smile, this time. "Nice to meet you, Reize, Ivo..." A beat. "...Kernunnos."

She turns to go, walking off to Ivo's right just as the fortuneteller girl announces the winner of this skit's[BACKSPACE BACKSPACE BACKSPACE] year's festival. With a grin, she claps a hand on Ivo's shoulder before walking away. "A shame. I felt like you guys were a shoe-in."

"Ah, wait--"

But Ivo can't stop Fox from leaving, in part because he's just a little flustered at her touch on his shoulder, the young man flushing slightly. He's briefly silent before he turns to Reize.

"Forget how she even knew about Kernunnos," he says. "How did she know he was an ei-- you know? Did the *druids* even know that? What kind of information is she privy to, and how?"

His gaze shifts back to her just as her impressive mane is lost in the crowd, his burgeoning curiosity mingling with a pang of regret.

"*Who* is that woman?"

And *when* is she going to step on his [BACKSPACE BACKSPACE BACKSPACE]

At this point, Reize is happy to let Ivo do the talking. There is a lot that the boy has been trying to make sense of. There's a new level of depth in Kernunnos' story that the boy had not been able to figure out. When Ivo interjects about the 'eidola' word, he does wince, especially at her reaction. This is something that they may have to discuss later.

However, there may not be a later, as Fox does not intend to join them, "Huh? What will you be doing, then?" He does grimace, then he offers her a smile, "Well, at least we'll likely meet again, Fox!" He brightens.

Oh! They're going to announce the festives!

This is one of the few times that Ivo and Reize have synchronized. Considering the tradition, it comes down to the revelation about the 'coveted' 'Spirits' choice Award'.

"... What?"

And then the winner.

"... *Who*?"

Reize stares blankly, staring with disbelief. He then hangs his head low, shaking his head. "....Annd so much for that."

There is a bit of a mystery about 'Fox', Reize looks over towards Ivo, "...I don't know. It's... why I want to know more about her if we meet again. "