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The Stars Align

Scene details

Setting: Our heroes return to Granse and gather in the Manor La Crima to review their adventures thus far and discuss their next steps.


  A quiet air fills the dark manor; night fall has risen outside to provide the spooky ambience. In contrast with the foreboding, spooky presence of the exterior structure, the inside is more tranquil. Dimly lit with a small flame, the ambience is set to light a path for those who wish to partake the study.

  The lobby, the grand hall is as breathtaking as always. The lounge chair is set up for the guests who have taken the manor as the rendezvous.

  The Star Chasers have gathered within the meeting point, mostly to reconvene on everything that happened thus far. Since the time of making up, Reize got a chance to spend the winter solstice with the vampire family. He is sitting on oen of the lounging chairs with his journal on his lap, lost in thought as he goes through the pages.

  In his hand is a cup of tea, with he sips.

  "We've managed to make it this far... may be a good time to review everything we have learned so far."

Ruidosa is here. she's happy to be home. She's taking notes in her big notebook.

She also is sitting by Reize, for reasons. She sigghs a little and says. "I've missed things. Perhaps you can catch me up with them aswell?" she asks.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

 Reconvening is good. A time to brush up on everything could be helpful, so Anna arrives in the study not too long after with a tray of biscuits and yet more tea.
 "Need a refill?" She asks Reize quietly while setting a cup of fresh tea for Rui and placing the tray down.
 "So what do we know?"

 Now that Ivo has officially resumed his ostensible duties as hereditary governor of the Seventeenth Turn of the Spiring City, an honor restored to his family thanks to the Star Chasers' previous exploits, one might think that he would struggle to escape the chaotic confines of Cosmopolis. This is not so, for at least two reasons. First, considering the honorary nature of his title, the less the aristocratic governor meddles, the more the powers that be among the citizenry approve. And second, Ivo, as ever, has an ace up his proverbial sleeve.
 An emissary peers at a placard upon the governor's desk.
 "During working hours," she murmurs aloud, "please see the... laboratory?... for Acting Governor... Fabroxo?"
 Ivo too has a sip of tea before sighing contentedly.
 "I can at least confirm thanks to my old classmates on the inside that Lily's condition is stable," he offers with a smile to Reize, talkative as ever. "I regret that we haven't yet seen her in person, but I don't think anyone anticipated that the academy archives would be on complete lockdown due to the machinations of those eidola-worshippers. Hopefully Elyse can tell us more once we make contact by parakeet."

> Chaos in Cosmopolis, Fundamentalist Questline Status: The quest "Languishing in Crystal" is active. Contact Elyse, the Flower of the Fundamentalists, to progress the storyline and increase Trust, at the risk of increasing Fundamentalist Influence.

 "Your exhibition match made quite a splash, didn't it?" Changing the subject, the young man grins, instinctively raising his teacup in an attempt to hide it. "Some quite interesting rumors are floating around about you two," he adds, glancing meaningfully between Reize and Anna. Not that he has anything to do with it.

> Chaos in Cosmopolis, Reformist Questline Status: Continue having exhibition matches in prelude to the Cosmos Cup fighting tournament!

 "In fact, when I last visited Atelier Vanguards, I heard there was a special request in for Reize's party by someone impressed by you two's performance. Once we return to Cosmopolis, let's pay the office a visit."

> Chaos in Cosmopolis, Isolationist Questline Status: A new quest (Type: Group Combat) is available in Atelier Vanguards.

 "I may not be able to join on that venture, though," the Cosmopolitan then says, averting his eyes with a wavering sort of smile, suggesting mixed emotions. "Daiby and Fabroxo and I are analyzing the dirt that Reize and Parui-- the parakeet and I gathered to see if it's Creation-aspected, as we surmised. I'll have to oversee that." And, you know, the entire district he's supposed to be in charge of, probably.

> Chaos in Cosmopolis, ??? Questline Status: Complete more quests in Cosmopolis to unlock this questline.

 "That said," Ivo observes, "The floating platform-city Arcadios yet waits, yes? When we found the final fourth arm of the Crux of Creation and completed it, and learned of Kernunnos's past within the Bastion of Bygone Days, we discovered the druids' final and greatest investion: the tree unto rocket, Sol Ascent. Since we freed Nais, thanks to his druidic lineage, he's been able to examine it, but I don't yet know if he's gotten it working. Perhaps we could check in and see if he needs our help. The Star-Crowned Emperor Arcas and whatever arts he possesses pertaining to homunculi await us above."

> The Legacy of Vaeltrandia, Main Quest Status: The Crux of Creation is at last complete and the final dungeon, Arcadios, is available. Check with Nais to see what optional content is available or take on the final battle.

  For a moment, Reize muses briefly, his antenna hair twitching and bobbing around as he looks over towards Anna and Ruidosa.

  He shakes his head to Anna, "Nah! I still have plenty more! Thank you, though!" He gives a thoughtful look at the journal. His antenna hair twitches again, as if trying to detect if there is a threat presence.

  >> Chaos in Cosmopolis, Side Questline Status: Hair Care Warfare, has not been initiated.

  "On one note, we have gathered all of the gems that seem to be for that one underground entrance that Anna, Rui, and I found when we went back to the Mirage Forest."

  >> The Legacy of Vaeltrandia, Side Quest Status: What Lies Beneath the Hidden Door (Type: Group Combat), can be taken up at any time. All crystals have been gathered.

  He does look over towards Ivo, "...And I think since we've spoken to Cutini Nak, she may be able to help the sirens." The young explorer gives a glance towards Anna and Ruidosa, "Maybe it's worth revisiting them by taking a boat at Lake Gerisia?" There is a pause. "...With a proper owner and not borrowing one this time! I promise!" His head hangs low, antenna hair following suit.

  >> The Legacy of Vaeltrandia, Side Quest Status: Melodia's Forgiveness is currently near completion.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

 "Rumors?" Anna asks, balking somewhat. "What rumors?"
 Hopefully nothing too worrisome as she sips her tea and settles into a seat of her own.
 "I have been wondering what's behind that door." She does muse when Reize brings it up.

Ruidosa busily takes notes. She adds the various available quests to her book and looks up, and thanks Anna for the tea.

She blinks a little. "Right we need to get a boat and finish that." she says softly. "Properly, yes." she add.

"As am I." she adds to Anna's note.

 Ivo, after looking between Anna, Ruidosa, and Reize's ever active antenna, smiles and takes a biscuit from the plate that the princess so kindly brought.
 "Then let us finish our business in Granse," he remarks. "I believe we're on the verge of negotiating a lasting peace between the beastkin and elementals that all dwelled in Aurita Meloda during its heyday. The only hitch is the persistence of the Blessing, which still drains the seas of life, depriving everyone of food and resources, and will likely sap the vitality of the elementals should they return prematurely. But I had an idea on that front."
 He sets his teacup down and crosses his arms, taking a deep breath.
 "Argent was able to draw a mote of Chaos from the Blessing during the homuculus arts of the Star-Crowned and the ritual athame we procured from the Ruined Aqueduct," the young man explains. "I daresay this is the first time in recorded history that mortals have contained Chaos, even a spark of it, without the aid of a great Beast." And it was only thanks to the powers of Kernunnos and the past generations of druids who labored to channel it. "The possibilities of this achievement are endless and, frankly, extremely dangerous. But it is a secret weapon that we may bring to bear if necessary when we challenge Arcadios and, even more importantly, it is a proof of concept."
 He scratches his chin, unsure how best to explain.
 "Basically... we proved that sufficient domain energy, properly formed, can stabilize and seal away the power of Chaos, which otherwise would annihilate it. That is... I think we could use the Crux of Creation to quell the Blessing of Aurita Meloda once and for all."
 He pauses.
 "But... I think that would be the Crux's last miracle."

> The Legacy of Vaeltrandia, Main Quest Plot Note: The fate of the Blessing will be decided in the epilogue. Please complete all sidequests related to Aurita Meloda before the final battle.

  Taking a biscuit, Reize idly nibbles on it while glancing at Ruidosa's re-emphasis on 'properly'. There is a brief flashback of Reize in jail before he shudders.

  However, Ivo's response regarding the Blessing's effects is met with a frown. However, his idea does get the boy curious. "Ah?" When it comes forth regarding the power of the Chaos being able to quell the Blessing, the boy gives a thoughtful look. He closes his eyes and then he nods towards at Ivo. "Understood."

  He then takes a hold of the pendant. "...Kernunnos. Once this is done, we will be able to give you a more peaceful life. We've even managed to get a stand for you! ...That Faruja did not burn down." He think he had a chance to talk to Faruja on that and otherwise begged his more zealous friend to NOT burn the idol down.

Ruidosa frowns and listens to the others as she takes notes in her book.

"We're also not at the bottom of the catacombs yet, even if we got the other piece..." she says softly. "I'm curious as to why there's a large machine work underneath the manor."

> Cult of the Everlasting, side plot continues?

"Apparently mom never made it that far either."

 "I'll confirm the hypothesis with the tools available in our new workshop in Cosmopolis," Ivo asides to Reize, "but considering our success containing the spark of Chaos within the Crux, I'm confident that this plan will succeed... once we're ready for it." He leans back in his chair before smiling again. "All our research into stabilizing volatile aether based on the biological mechanics of the Heavenly Crowned Beetle have been paying off, I think."

> Ivo's special questline, "Hauteclare Couronne, Beyond My Father's Blade," has reached the first stage of completion, unlocking his elemental Magitech Fencing Arts. Continue the main quest to further advance it.

 But he soon perks up as Ruidosa mentions the catacombs again.
 "How interested would you say your esteemed mother is in that mysterious machine?" Ivo asks, a little too casually. "Would you say she'd be rather, ah, impressed by the one to discern its purpose?"

> Ivo's super-secret special questline, "Ivo La Crima, Lord of the Manor," is-- gghh-- aahhkk-- Remedy, please, does anyone have a Reme-- ggahhhh--
> System Voice, Current Status: Indisposed.

  Reize blinks, turning his head towards Ruidosa as she adds about the catacombs. "Really?! There's more!" He looks rather excited, taking her hand and his eyes are shining. "I can't wait to see how much we can find out going down there!" He glances back at Ivo, "And Ivo may be able to help us figure out the mechanics of the place... it's structure is way over my head, but that's why we got Ivo!" He chimes out, ignorant of Ivo's dubious intentions.

Ruidosa blinks at Ivo once. "I don't think she cares persay, but is curious all the same. She seems unworried. But... I'm worried about it. Mom chased out the cult years and years ago, why is there still a functional catacomb, right?" she wonders. When Reize takes her hands however she blushes darkly and huffs.
"We can explore it later." she says softly. "We have more pressing issues anyways."

 Ivo nods sagely, rubbing at his chin, clearly thinking about the mysterious mechanics that have allowed the catacombs to continue to operate all this time, because what else could he be thinking about? Nothing. Don't worry about it.
 "At the very least," he observes, "we might benefit from whatever knowledge the cult possessed that has kept their catacombs operational all this time." He then pauses before raising his hands as though in surrender. "Not that we'd make use of their knowledge should it require any insidious methods."
 Though, if such arts involve the undead, and the party happens to need any dead bodies, Ivo does know a guy who specializes in their procurement. An Acting Governor, no less.
 "How did the Lights of Rebellion feel to use, Anna?" Ivo asks, taking a different tack and flashing a smile at the princess. "You wielded them quite impressively in the arena." Poor Reize. "Gasa Dan chose their inheritor well. But do tell me if you think you're experiencing any side effects. I expect this is the first time humans have made use of so-called beastkin blasphemy."
 Now he wonders if that's true.
 "You struck down your nemesis and avenged your tribe," he adds, "but should we encounter any other marauder eidola, your weapon's power should be anathema to its aetheric structure. You could become a transcendentally skilled eidola-hunter, but please, do not do so at any cost to yourself."

> Anna's special questline is complete-- or is it???