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Cosmos Cup Exhibition Match: Reize vs Anna
Scene details
Setting: Two friends and allies face off in an exhibition match to celebrate the beginning of the Cosmos Cup, Cosmopolis's first international fighting tournament.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
The stone of the arena gleams white, polished by valiant competition. The sprawl that outlies the walls of the Spiring City is typically overgrown with flowering plants, besmirched with muck and pitted by roots, but this colosseum is the lone exception. Before, it functioned as a vivid symbol of desperate hope for those condemned to live on the outskirts of the Spiring City, at the mercy of Proliferation and its hordes. Those who fought and won might, ostensibly, reach the similarly pristine heights of Cosmopolis's upper tiers. The arena's placement here was only a reminder of the strict hierarchy of this place, deciding who would be allowed to rise beyond their station, funneling resentment into far-fetched dreams.
But this city is changing.
"Honored guests, welcome to another match of the Celebration Series, our exhibitions to announce the opening of the Cosmos Cup, sponsored by the Vanguard Association!"
The upcoming Cosmos Cup is drawing great fighters and adventurers from around the world to Cosmopolis, a city that has drifted into legend in the almost two centuries since its sealing. Soon, they too will set foot amidst this gleaming white stone and do battle before awed crowds. But until the arrangements can be completed, the Vanguards are eager to keep everyone's attention and continue fostering goodwill. Thus, they have asked some of their lesser-known members to participate in exhibition matches. Reize was likely been warned by a friendly Association member that, given that the Cosmos Cup has not properly started and that they are all still fairly new to the city, there will probably be few attendees in the stands.
"Today's match is between the young Reize Seatlan and Anna Primrose!"
So it may surprise them that the stands are packed.
"Is that her?" Murmurs can be heard amongst the dense crowd. "The runaway princess? The eidola-slayer? Is it true she fought her way into being honored by a tribe of merfolk?"
Considering Anna's habit of trying to keep her identity on the down-low, it's rather striking just how much information is floating around.
"She's so cute, though. Did you hear that she's here to find someone strong enough to be worthy of marrying? Maybe I should join the tournament..."
And some of the information is just off.
"Wait, Reize... I've heard of that guy. Can't he turn into a bird?"
In the stands, Ivo, carefully expressionless, takes a sip of bottled tea.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
The tide of battle calls. As the wind blows in the air, an eagle can be seen flying across the horizon. As the eagle makes its descent towards the arena's trajectory, it leaves just as quickly into the heavens.
~ Mankind knew that they cannot change society. So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts ~
From part of the field is the young boy who is already taking off in a sprint. In the case of showmanship, he pushes himself off of the ground into a somersault, followed by another set of spinning flips before he lands on the ground. He makes a dramatic drop to a knee while drawing both of his boomerangs out.
"I'm ready to show what I can do!" He gives the crowd a confident smile.
...It lasts an instant before he barks out at the announcer.
He twitches.
Given that he'll be going against his fellow Vanguard, he had already asked Ruidosa to prepare a large batch of ice packs for him. He'll definitely need it.
After all, it's one thing to watch Anna in action, it'll be another thing to face her, himself.
2 years, 3 months ago
~ But they found beauty in the lives of beasts, and could not lie to themselves about it. ~
Needless to say, Anna is a little more timid than usual to hear her actual name called out by the announcer as she makes her way into the arena and... Finds it absolutely packed.
For a moment. For a brief, heart quailing moment, Anna recoils at the sight of all the people, going wide-eyed as a doe caught in the headlights of an oncoming mac truck. Especially as she hears some of the THINGS the crowd has to think about her.
But taking a slow, steeling, breath she manages to stymie the sensation of stage fright and stares Reize down, a blunt, wooden axe in her grasp rather than the keenly sharpened and honed weapon she normally wields.
"Okay, okay... Get mad... But not mad enough to hurt Reize too badly." She mutters to herself, gripping the obvious training weapon in both hands. "... But don't hold back enough to lose either." She reminds herself as she takes her readied stance, completely NOT red in the face because she is definitely NOT HERE TO FIND SOMEONE TO MARRY, DEAR GOD. No showmanship here, like Reize. She's just ready.
Heaven or Hell... DUEL ONE! LET'S ROCK!
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d10.
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima sits in the stands, using a pair of opera glasses to watch the affair. She has ice packs! Still, she takes a short breath and watches the fighters come out. She's not cheering for either of her friends. (She might secretly hopes Reize wins though. She however, has a blonde haired companion next to her, who is waving a pennant with Reize's chibi face on it. Tranquila has no misgivings about cheering.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
"Is everyone ready!?"
Some cheers arise, but the audience seems more curious than hyped up at the moment. The chatter continues.
"*I* heard that the boy is here to find members for his harem. Pretty precocious, if you ask me."
"Oh? Maybe that's what the turning into a bird is for. He can fly around to look for candidates."
Ivo takes another sip. Like Ruidosa, he does not seem to be taking sides between his friends. He is completely impartial and has not interfered in these proceedings in any way whatsoever.
2 years, 3 months ago
Argent is in the stands sat next to Ivo, watching the proceedings with her typical placid expression. Just like him she too has a drink, though her flask is of a rather heavier duty variety. "Ivo." she says quietly as she peers at the duelists, head tilting to one side. "Why do they not possess true weaponry? This will not be an accurate test of their skills."
Then she takes a sip from her flask, a distinctly acrid scent filling the air from it. It's probably a good thing she didn't offer to share.
2 years, 3 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12.
2 years, 3 months ago
Anna rolls 1d10.
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
There is one comforting thing about this, the boy noticed that Anna has with her a blunted, wooden axe. That is a bit comforting. Luckily, his boomerangs are blunt, so they should be fine.
The young boy takes the time to crack a grin when he sees Anna's state. "Don't worry about the crowd, Anna!" He brightens, bringing a boomerang out to point at her. "Let's just focus on each other! We'll give them a good show!"
In that concerted effort, he leans forward and brings both of his boomerangs behind him. He is moving his body in a more bouncy manner, taking his aggressive approach.
"Let's go!"
The boy sprints off towards Anna to close the distance between the both of them. He leaps off from the ground with a spin, aiming to swing his foot out towards Anna's head.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Anna with Quick Attack.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna endures Reize Seatlan's Quick Attack.
2 years, 3 months ago
The reason Anna doesn't possess a real weapon right now is because of her very high chance to cause grievous injury with her weapon of choice. And the fact that she does not want to cause grievous injury to a friend on accident if she were to say, lose control of herself and her rage.
Ready as she'll ever be, she nods when Reize says to focus on one another and then- he comes rushing in.
Anna is fully aware of Reize's capabilities and knows for a fact he outpaces her when it comes to raw speed. And for a moment it looks like he's too fast for her. Lunging in with that leaping kick, the dull WHUMP of his boot impacting against Anna's head is very real and very severe sounding as she jerks somewhat from the impact and yet... Where most girls her age and size category would go crumpling from a blow to the head...
Anna Primrose, the runaway princess from Suryle, takes it standing, and barely budges from the impact aside from the fact that the blow turned her head aside.
Slowly, blue eyes turn, rolling in their sockets to stare at Reize in a heartbeat of silence.
Those eyes turn red in an instant.
And almost in that same instant, Anna's grip shifts on the axe in her hands, bringing up the butt to try and ram into Reize's gut with a sharp force- more of a reactionary, reflexive attack than a full attempt to put all her power into the blow.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Reize Seatlan with Quick Attack.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has blocked Anna's Quick Attack.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
It is nice to have friends by your side to watch and cheer you on. Even surprising, yet welcomed, is Tranquila who decided to take the trip out to Cosmopolis.
As for the fight, the registered impact elicts a grin on the boy's face. However, as he expected, Anna was able to tough out the blow. It was not a powerful blow, but watching her just stare at him is enough to remind him to start upping his ante.
....Especially -now- that her eyes are red.
As Anna lunges the butt of the axe against his gut, the boy immediately brings both of his arms together with the boomerangs to cross them. They make a clattering sound upon the impact. This leaves for the young explorer to start taking several steps back before he lunges forward once more.
This time, he takes a quick leap into the air and brings his foot down. During the descent of the foot, there is a well of energy glowing to give the afterimage of his foot's descent.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Anna with Fading Sun.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
Ivo's eyebrows raise slightly as he sees Reize dash toward Anna, a smile flickering about the corners of his lips. All the rumors spread around seem to have drawn a packed audience to this match, not that he knows anything about that. But he's glad to see, as he hoped and anticipated, that his allies won't let the hubbub get to them.
It's about time more of the world got to see what his friends can do, the evidence of their efforts and accomplishments thus far.
"Well, 'weaponry' is a broad category in Cosmopolis," Ivo replies wryly. Though the stands are otherwise packed, the audience seems to be giving the other Star Chasers an increasingly wide berth, pushing away from the small group and giving them a better view, with plenty of baleful and wary gazes directed toward Argent's libation. At this point, Ivo doesn't react anymore. Perhaps his nose is singed beyond repair. "The last time this arena had a true free-for-all, its floor was vaporized into a sand dune."
He grins lopsidedly, as though wishing he could've seen it.
"So these days, a committee from the university ranks the power of the participants' weapons and ensures some kind of commensurability and, you know, minimal property damage."
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has failed to interrupt Reize Seatlan's Fading Sun with Jab.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
"Oh my!" goes Ruidosa as she watches through her opera glasses, looking over to Ivo as she huhs. "I don't use weapons. I wonder how they'd rank that though?" she asks curiously as she eyes the harem questioning watcher with surpreme contempt, from earlier.
2 years, 3 months ago
"I see." Argent says calmly, the two simple words shortly followed by the faint sound of the lid turning atop her little flask, quickly putting an end to that nostril burning scent for the time being. A handful of seconds pass as the homunculus watches, silvery eyes blinking slowly as Reize unleashes that enhanced kick. "She is correct. There would be little to prevent those who do not require weaponry in order to do harm from doing so. As such, what measures are taken to prevent such?"
2 years, 3 months ago
Fast. Reize is fast. But Anna knew that already, even as the youth deflects her blow only to back up- leap- and bring his foot down in one hammering blow of a flying axe kick.
Said kick connects, crowning Anna atop the head and making her body jerk with stunning force.
"Ghhh...!" She growls, reelin from the blow, clutching her skull with one hand as she staggers from the impact!
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
There is a grimace as Reize witnesses that Anna is setting herself up, or at least, it looked like that was going to be the case until Anna is belted along the head by the descending kick. After he comes down with the strike, he starts to take a few leaps back and he pants.
He is twirling his boomerangs around, now adopting a more defensive-sort of stance. As he sweeps into his Cold Stance, he keeps the boomangs held upright and in front of him.
"Come on, Anna! You can do it!" He brightens, though he turns serious again. He takes a leap back, bringing his arms out to throw his boomerangs out towards Anna. They start ricocheting around the walls; as one boomerang hits the wall, it bounces to the other side faster. The speed of the projectiles increase until they surround Anna and belt at her sides.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Anna with Ricochet Smash.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has blocked Reize Seatlan's Ricochet Smash.
2 years, 3 months ago
It takes her a second. It takes her a second to rally after that bell ringing blow atop the head, leaving the princess stumbling for a moment. Until Reize flings his boomerangs.
Head snapping up as though everything were suddenly clear as crystal on a sunny day once again, the runaway princess braces, eyes gauging the timing of the incoming thrown weapons.
There's a clang and a clatter as Anna belts the pair off course, not even a grunt from the girl as she's stricken a glancing blow from one as she smacks it aside.
And then she's suddenly off like a gunshot, cutting across the arena in a fast-paced blitz of a charge, intending to put her momentum and all her force into one great heaving overhead swing of her wooden axe aimed for Reize's shoulder.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Reize Seatlan with Cleave.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has been hit by Anna's Cleave.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
"Well, this is just a rumor," Ivo replies to his friends, with the idle tone of one who does not spend much time paying attention to, let alone spreading, rumors, "since the organizers aren't too forthcoming about their methods with the general public. But I think there are aether mitigation devices intended to protect the audience that, in principle, could be used to dampen the strength of inner or outer aether, to reduce the lasting damage from spellcasting or enhanced unarmed strikes."
The young man, ever happy to chatter even (or especially) when he's speculating, raises his glass bottle of tea up toward the higher tiers of the arena. There, in the VIP stands, a gondola can be seen arriving at the high upper lip of the colosseum walls, its supporting wires extending into the horizon, all the way to the distant Spiring City.
"Nobles attending matches here bypass the sprawl via the gondola," he observes. "I don't know if the rumors about the magitech here are true, but I surmise there's no way they'd leave aristocrats unprotected from stray attacks."
He says that like he isn't one.
"Oh! She's shaken it off!"
Ivo brightens at Anna's resurgence, only to wince as Reize is struck. He's not typically one to get worked up about combat sports, but these are his friends, after all.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
The boomerangs continue to move in a flurry, not unlike a whirlwind as they seek to trap Anna and belt her. However, Anna's resolve perseveres as she belts the pair off-course with her axe. The impact, despite being knocked off-course, do return to the original wielder.
Catching the boomerangs, Reize cracks a grin at his friend-opponent.
...Until she's off.
Now it's Reize's turn to be put on the edge. The boomerangs did put him at a good advantage to just leap away. However, just as he is pushing his feet off of the ground...
An overhead swing catches him right in the shoulder, positioning him from nearly leaping off and instead smashing right onto the ground rather harshly. There is a splatter of the impact, dirt and debris left marking his face. "Guhh..."
Good thing Ruidosa has the ice pack for later.
For now, he decides to deal with a troublesome situation. He pushes on the shoulder to keep it firmly on the ground. Using that bruised shoulder to plant to the ground to help press against it while steadying himself, he spin around and sweeps his legs out like a top to knock Anna on her back.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Anna with Medium Attack.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has dodged Reize Seatlan's Medium Attack.
2 years, 3 months ago
"Ah. I had not thought about the possibility of spectators being attacked. I was anticipating the possibility of combatants delivering more grievous wounds to one another with the aid of aether based abilities." Argent says as she follows Ivo's gaze to the spectating nobles. Well, the other spectating nobles. The ones that are not Ivo.
Then she's silent for a little longer as she watches the fight, head cocked to one side as she bares witness to Reize eating dirt.
"Ivo. As my biology is dependant upon aether manipulation, there is the possibility that these devices could cause me harm." she says calmly, her bland, neutral tone not seeming to indicate that she's actually /worried/ about that.
2 years, 3 months ago
Reize not going down in a single blow like that, despite the force behind it... Is to be expected. He's a capable adventurer and is more than tough enough to endure Anna's ferocity. Moreso than the average beast, monster, or eidola.
Which might be why Anna is getting a little more serious.
As Reize spins under her, legs swinging out to try and sweep her down, the berserker princess hops a step back to evade getting tripped up in the swirling tornado kick.
Before she lunges in, axe forsaken for the sake of trying to grab Reize around the midsection.
Because if she catches him? Anna suddenly up-ends herself AND Reize, flinging herself backwards in an arch to try and bring the youth's head into the ground. Hard.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Reize Seatlan with Suplex.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has failed to interrupt Anna's Suplex with Shining Moon.
2 years, 3 months ago
And speaking of the gondola... it starts moving! Wow! There's a real live Cosmopolite nobleperson in there. Alert the press! (Don't alert the press.)
Down they come... languid, leisurely, and with an excellent view! The residents can doubtless watch the action on their way down, and everyone else can see that they're coming!
Swing! Shing, and the gondola keeps going on its way towards the little terminal (with its small but visible containers of fruit-infused ice waters and an elegant brass beverage dispenser) on the other side of the arena, crossing in fact over the field of valor. Which might explain the protectiveness.
It lands and disgorges a whopping four people, most of them immediately going off with only a short pause to collect cups of something or other. The last one off is a younger woman, with black hair and a dark violet-blue set of sleeves on whatever top or dress she's wearing, along with some kind of snake-themed bangle. She walks up to the fruit infused water to collect a glassful, raises it to her mouth...
Her eyes slowly widen! Her mouth hangs open enough that water starts to spill out of the side of the glass! (The snake bangle raises its head and dips forwards, flicking a tongue through the cool fruit-infused stream!)
She goes in the *other* direction, not towards the VIP boxes.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
The intent of the sweep was just to buy him some time and distance. Even if he missed the blow, the main goal was achieved. It's when the princess takes a hop back that he manages to roll himself back and pushes his hands to the ground to propel him back onto his feet. He takes a deep breath, ready for action as he draws his boomerangs.
Watching Anna forsake her axe?
Reize is shifting his posture slightly. The well of energy emanates from him as he gathers the inner aether around him. When Anna reaches out to grab him, the boy takes a leap from the ground to bring his foot up for an upcoming kick.
Unfortunately, the timing was not right. He managed to get the foot up, but it did not get too far. Instead, Anna is well positioned for her follow-up as she takes a hold of his midsection.
The young man starts 'flying' across as the princess flings herself backwards. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" His eyes widen with shock, his head is slammmed into the ground, planted nice and firmly on the ground. The earth shatters, leaving a spiderweb of cracks around. "Ugggghhhh...." This would definitely be worth a splitting headache.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
"R-right," Ivo replies to Argent, his composure fading, deplaced by unease, as she continues. "Really? I don't think-- I mean, it's just a rumor, but--"
He had gotten carried away sharing what tidbits he had overheard and hadn't considered how she'd react. Now that he thinks about it, maybe she has a point. Could the arena have some deleterious effect upon a homunculus? He's never heard of such a thing, but then, homunculi aren't exactly inclined to roam the city, not since research into them was restricted by the Sorceress Potentate.
"In that case, why don't I try talking our way into the VIP seats?"
He'd wanted to focus on Reize and Anna and sit up close and, more importantly, he's been trying to keep his own arrival in Cosmopolis on the down-low, lest his family's responsibilities fall into his lap. But he's spent enough time at Atelier Vanguards that word is spreading anyway. And plus, it's a way to show off to a beautiful woman.
"I think the quickest route would be through--"
As he looks back toward the crowd, his gaze alights on a young dark-haired woman, their eyes seeming to meet. His own eyes widen.
"Wait-- is that-- Daiby?"
He hesitates, freezing in his seat.
"Is she-- is she coming over *here*?"
Desperately, he looks to Argent.
"Argent! How do I look? How's my hair?"
Preoccupied by this pressing matter, his attention has been turned away from the arena, so he sees not how his fearless leader is faring. Probably doing great, though.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls her eyes at Ivo as a girl becomes involved. Tranquilla continues to wave her Chibi Reize pennant nearby, as she whistles and goes 'Go Reize!' out loud.
Ruidosa refuses to still play favorites with her friends, but looks worried when Reize takes a blow. Anna sure is ''something''. She taps her bottom lip..
2 years, 3 months ago
"I do not believe there is any need to do so. At the current time, I do not feel any deletrious effects. However, should such a thing occur, I will attempt to inform you as soon as is reasonably possible." Argent says with a small nod, giving another of those placid little blinks as Reize's poor head meets the ground.
Hopefully he wasn't using that thing very much.
Then she's following Ivo's gaze, her unblinking stare not making the slightest attempt to hide who she's looking at. "Ah." she says as she turns her now judgmental gaze to Ivo, scrutinizing him with that stare. "Your hair is as it usually is. Additionally, your clothing is adequate for the upcoming form of social encounter. However, if you wish to enjoy company of this woman, I believe it would be optimal to reduce your current level of excitement."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Resist helping Ivo with his 'excitement'
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa considers kicking Ivo in the shin..... then her eyes trace back to the battle before she considers it further.
2 years, 3 months ago
No sooner than the furious assault of her suplex is complete, Anna releases Reize. Rolling back in the direction of her axe, she scoops it up in hand once again. She takes a beat, growling to herself. To her credit, she actually lets Reize pick himself up before lunging in to resume the fight, jabbing the butt of her axe at him several times before following up with a hefty swing of the blunted head.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Reize Seatlan with Medium Attack.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has been hit by Anna's Aimed Medium Attack.
2 years, 3 months ago
Like a shark beneath the waters of a place containing sharks, the enigmatic woman and her enigmatic snake are not visible for some time. There's a fair amount of arena here, after all. Do you think Cosmopolis will make these things petite? Cozy? FUN SIZED?
As the menace approaches, though, there are occasional stray signs. A yelp. A loud noise, best described as what happens as when you whap two balloons together. A very hasty and over-loud formal apology.
She's close enough that a clearly heard voice can be heard: 'SUPLEX LEVEL. Say SUPLEX LEVEL and you'll pass the SUPLEX GANG.'
pause. Pause. Hubbub hubbub. 'suplex level' 'YEAAAAAAAAAAAH'
An arm is flung above the level of the heads! It has a snake wrapped around it. Troublingly, *it's not the same snake as before*. The snake extends its li'l head and looks directly at Ivo. The arm comes down.
Moments later, THERE SHE IS at the end of the row of seats, leaning over, looking in, and suddenly beaming. She raises a hand to wave-wave-wave and stage-whispers, "/IVO!/" before marching forwards to push her way in, with a pretty predictable reaction of 'someone objects to being occluded' -> 'they see one of the snakes' -> 'they lean back' along the way.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
"You don't understand," Ivo is saying to Argent, beginning to gesture impatiently, clearly not reducing his excitement any time soon. "Everyone on campus knew Daiby the Snake Charmer. She's, uh, famous." He paused for a moment there. "I was a couple years below her, but--"
Ivo's enthusiasm, or whatever it is, about this encounter does have some limits, though. For when he turns mid-explanation to see Reize struggling, the young man falters, hesitating only briefly, before rising in the stands.
"Go, Reize!" he shouts. "Show them your tenacity!"
In the end, he was unable to avoid taking a side. He anticipated that this would be a bad matchup for the boy, especially if he didn't draw on Kernunnos's power against his ally. But seeing it is different, after all, from believing it. He doesn't want Anna to get hurt. Yet he finds himself wanting everyone else to know just what Reize's potential can be.
He raises his fist, looking about him as though to rally the crowd, sees those around him oddly quiet, and glances to his other side, finding himself face to face with a big snake.
"Y-- uhh--"
The serpentine head retracts, only for, moments later, Daiby to emerge. The space that had been cleared around the Star Chasers by Argent's beverage had begun to gradually fill in after she closed it. That space is now clearing again.
"D-Daiby! Hey!" Ivo straightens. He seems to be alternating between pale and flushed like an errant Cosmopolitan traffic signal. "It's been too long! Come join my friends! This is Argent, and Ruidosa, and her sister Tranquila--"
He gestures out toward the arena.
"--and Reize and Anna."
As he's still standing, one irritated audience member half-rises to complain, makes eye contact with a large snake, and thinks better of it.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
At this point, Reize's brain had been rattled. The splitting headache from the suplex was enough to keep Reize disoriented. When she does release him, the boy rolls himself back up to his feet and he staggers around. He is trying to get his mind cleared so that he can think of another maneuver. However, he can't do that while Anna is able to take the aggressive state.
That is why Reize attempts to get his footing and weave away from the strikes. He manages to move his head from the butt of the axe a few times, and is about to think of a good counter until he is taken out of nowhere by the hefty swing from the blunted head. His head rears back and he stumbles back. He is dizzily trying to get his footing but ends up clinging onto the wall.
He grits his teeth, holding onto his boomerangs. Time to give Anna everything that he has....
"Hah... I knew you were tough, Anna." He laughs, his vision becoming a bit more blurry. "I am glad that I got a chance to experience your strength." Oh man, that ice pack will be wonderful after this. He grits his teeth. "Don't count me out yet!"
his adventure, he had relied on his pendant for his sake. Kernunnos had been a big help during this adventure here. However, he needs to do something for himself. And given that this is a friendly match, he is not going to use the pendant.
"...Here is my personal power!"
youth finds himself glowing before he enters a state, "This is my will!" An explosion of energy erupts around him and he starts sprinting towards Anna. He starts off in a rush, speeding to the left and then the right. His appearance is now a blur.
A shimmer explodes from him as he drops into a stance. He darts towards Anna.
the left, right, and the side, Reize appears and disappears to strike at side.
The motions keep becoming a blur until a whirlwind forms around Anna.
He shoots down with a descending kick.
This is his own power, not the pendant's.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan has attacked Anna with Storm's Eye.
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna interrupts Reize Seatlan's Storm's Eye with Chaos Control.
2 years, 3 months ago
"I see." is Argent's not particularly emotive response to Ivo's explanation, eyeing him for a long few seconds until Daiby finally reaches them properly. She gives the woman a small nod. "I am Argent. I believe that Ivo wishes to engage you in a romantic encounter." she says blandly before the action heats up again, her unblinking gaze turning back towards Reize and his last ditch attack.
How helpful of her, to make Ivo's intentions so clear!
2 years, 3 months ago
Reize may be rattled, but the fight still isn't over.
As he regains his stance and dances away from Anna's axe, the princess would press her attack but...
She pauses. Something tells her... Something tells her Reize's next attack will be his trump card. Something in the youth's words sets Anna's hackles on edge as she shifts her stance into something more prepared and defensive.
"Don't hold back, Reize. I can take it." She says, voice a soft growl. Because in the next instant...
Reize is suddenly so very, very, fast.
Pendant or no, Reize's speed and skill are nothing to be scoffed at, and she knows this fully well as the young vanguard glows and displays his incredible force of will. And then he's a blur.
Left, right, left, right, left, right- to Reize's perception Anna is frozen in place, he's that much faster than she is as the whirlwind of the boy's pure, insane, speed envelopes her. And then...
Anna's eye twitches, suddenly slowly turning in her skull... Following Reize. Slowly speeding up to catch up with him.
Her head begins to turn, following him- following him UP as he makes that lunging, descending kick.
Black energy licks off Anna's body, roiling and swelling like a fire of pure darkness as she suddenly reacts to the youth with reflexes of matching equally frightening speed, one arm reeling back as Reize's boot connects to Anna's chest.
She swings a single haymaker of a blow.
Yet five thundering punches are what will happen all at once in the span of a single breath, intending to stop the speedster in his tracks with sheer brute strength.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
It is during this time that everything seem to slow down for him. Everything form the fans cheering, to Ruidosa watching, and Ivo's conversation appears slow before him. The boy himself is a blur in the speed of time. Or at least, it would seem.
Anna is built different.
When her eyes appear to follow him, his expression changes to pure shock.
What comes next is something that will really rattle him.
When the black energy wells around Anna, he is met with a powerful force of darkness that hones in. It comes in the form of a single haymaker.
His head turns violently as he is caught with the haymaker, eyes widen with shocked. And those five thundering punches catch him right before he could complete his maneuver.
As the blows overtake him and everything is said and done, Reize is spiralling into the air and he lands harsh on the ground, unable to continue.
...Despite Reize's speed, he could not compare to Anna's brute strength.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan takes no action.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
<COMBAT> Reize Seatlan can no longer fight.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa watches Anna punch out Reize's lights, literarily, she sighs and picks up the first aid pack, teleports down to the ground from the stands and places an ice pack riggggghr to Reize's face. Plap. It's cold! It's gonna reduce swelling! THIS IS HELPING OKAY?
2 years, 3 months ago
The good news about this so-called Daiby is that as she gets near enough to appear in fully realized visuals, as opposed to a distant threat or a charming little sprite viewable in top-down visual parsing, is that there is only one snake visible - the relatively large one, with emerald scales, who seems securely anchored around her left arm with a couple of bunches of snake length around the shoulder.
Daiby gets close enough to speak to Ivo directly, beaming at him, even as she looks towards Argent, Ruidosa, Tranquila, all with a big sunny smile and then -- "Oh! Both of your friends, how harrowing!" She looks outwards.
Argent introduces an element.
"Right here!? Right now!?"
But then IT'S HAPPENING. Daiby is entranced by the power, the force on display... Her mouth hanging just the tiniest bit open.
2 years, 3 months ago
It's happening. It sure is happening.
And when it's over and Reize spirals to the ground, Anna flinches, eyes turning from red back to blue-green as she grimaces.
D-did she go too far?
There's Rui teleporting down, placing an icepack on Reize, Anna drops her wooden axe and scoots over, dropping to her knees.
"U-um! Is he okay?" She asks Rui first before leaning over. "Reize, you're good, right?"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
Instinctively, the crumpled body of Reize lifts an arm up to give Anna a thumbs up. Meanwhile, he is getting the much required attention and aid from his vampire partner.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
Ivo is under some unexpected stressors.
"That's-- I--"
Watching Ruidosa care for Reize out on the arena floor, the young man roils with emotion, any semblance of his previous detachment evaporated. He holds no ill will toward Anna, of course. If anything, he helped to make this happen. Yet this usual habit of inciting some event and then stepping aside feels altogether different when it results in injury to a friend. Though he was not surprised at the outcome, he did not anticipate his own emotional response.
Her erstwhile fellow student turns toward her. His expression is fiery and impassioned in a manner rather unlike him, or at least, as he was.
"I'm going to compete in the Cosmos Cup!"
He reaches out impulsively past Argent to grab his fellow aristocrat's hand.
"Will you support me!?"
It's not the worst decision he's ever made, but it's in the running.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa throws another ice pack on the fire---she means Reize. Reize. yes. "He'll be fine!" she insists. " barely touched him. See!?"
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
"The winner is Anna Primrose!" comes an announcer's voice. "What a match, folks! I could hardly follow them at the end!"
The previous chatter had been quelled by a stunned silence, only for the arena to erupt in cheers. The crowd had come following rumors, but it seems they have seen a contest they won't soon forget.
And high above, in the section reserved for aristocrats, where the nobles left behind by Daiby continue to chatter idly, one young woman with severe features stares down with eerie intent, her grip tight on a railing, her knuckles turning white.
"That power... was that...?"
Her eyes on Anna.
2 years, 3 months ago
The hand reaching past her inspires a sharp blink from Argent's eyes one of the most impassioned displays she's made today. "He is very enamored with you." she states like it's the simplest thing in the world. "Please do not harm him emotionally."
2 years, 3 months ago
Daiby's hand is grasped! (The snake looks at Ivo's hand, thoughtfully, but it's not sufficiently mouse-like to strike, perhaps.)
Down in the arena, there is a carcass being disposed of -- not for the first time. Daiby's got her other hand clasped to her mouth in shock at that Poor Boy's suffering, but something is here. Someone is here. Ivo.
Her eyes turn towards him. "This--! Ivo, dear, this is so SUDDEN --"
Argent speaks up. Daiby looks at Argent and puts a hand over her heart. "I would never hurt him in a way he didn't enjoy," she tells Argent, with that sort of assertively warm certainty that comes from a deep rooted set of comfortable circumstances. Back to Ivo...
"The Cosmos Cup? Yourself? Entirely situated in this grand gala of a thousand interlocking styles, the hot fusion plasma that's engulfing our battle scene on this momentous period? That Cosmos Cup?"
Beat, beat. "Alright, but I have one condition."
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
Ivo looks at the snake. The snake looks at Ivo. Ivo looks down at Daiby's hand. His eyes begin to clear. Maybe he's coming to his senses.
Then Daiby speaks.
"Anything!" he fervently replies.
Fusion plasma's got nothing on him.
While Ivo hurls himself toward yet another improbable fate, yet again goaded indirectly by his more fiery friends, the unnoticed glaring figure from above has vanished amongst the merry aristocrats, several dark-clad figures departing with her.
Well, this is surely the last we've seen of them.
2 years, 3 months ago
"I want to be your manager," Daiby tells Ivo, "so we can catch up! And you can reveal all the outer world secrets you and your friends have doubtless collected~! If that's alright, of course," she concludes modestly. The snake on her arm nods once.
Yeah, it nodded.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 3 months ago
"Please manage me," Ivo says.
Don't count on him to withhold any outer world secrets.
"I mean... y-yes."
He glances at the snake. Did it--
The lesson of his schoolyears with her returns: don't think about it.
Just don't think about it.