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Operation: Love Bite
Scene details
- Start date: Nov. 20, 2022, 4:06 p.m.
End date: Nov. 20, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
- Location: Granse - Zerhem Kingdom
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ruidosa La Crima
Setting: Darcea and Georgie hatch a plan to help repair the rift between Reize and Ruidosa. Ruidosa received a summon to meet with the princess at an undisclosed location, only to be led to a secluded date with Reize. Will they be able to patch their bond?
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
The sun slowly sets, allowing for the moon to slowly rise in place. The air becomes cooler throughout Granse. As the full moon approaches, the exterior of the castle illuminates. While the royal family have grown more paranoid due to the assassination attempt a month back, there was an invitation sent out to Ruidosa to meet with the princess at a location. There were separate invitations specifically addressed to Lady La Crima and Tranquila in secret from Ruidosa.
As for the summon from the princess? It was a map, or at least a set of directions that Ruidosa must take in order to meet Princess Darcea at the location. It would take Ruidosa down the halls of the castle and a few different routes around until there is an opening along a stairway.
% Should she take it, she would be led to a beautiful garden. The grass is freshly cut while the surrounding area has a myriad of flowers ranging from daisies to roses. Further down the path would lead to an archway. She will find a presence before her. Five people, to be exact.
"...Ugh, a suit?!" Reize belts out.
"Now see here, lad!" Georgie snaps, "You want to win Ruidosa's affections again, right?"
"Now, you'll be fitted and ready to greet her."
Which is the fact that Darcea and Georgie can be found together on one side of the garden. On the other side are Charlottea and Emilea, whispering amongst each other. They all appear to have dressed nicely. At the very center of the group is none other than... well Reize. Except, his attire is significantly different.
At this current time, Reize is not wearing those that mark him as an adventurer. Instead, his attire is a formal red top, complete with a pair of white gloves, black formal pants and shoes. He looks more like a young low noble.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa gets a map, this is strange but she'll follow it because today, she has nothing better to do. Luckily, her usual manner of dress is 'formal' because she views herself as a young noble but regardless, she follows it and arrives into the room to see...
Reize. Looking quite dapper. This makes her blush, a moment, before she then narrows her eyes and stares at him for a moment before she stares at the potted plant in the corner, giving it a death stare before looking back to Reize.
"Ah. What do I owe this too now. Is this another trick to get me eaten by horrible plants!?" she scoffs.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
A large sweatbead appears over Reize's head as Ruidosa accuses him of treachery with another death plant. He is well aware that she doesn't quite trust him right now. "N--no, nothing like that, honest Rui!" He looks back, only to find that Emilea and Charlottea are shooting him a weary look for Ruidosa's current state.
Darcea claps her hands together, brightening into a cheery smile. "Oh come now, Lady La Crima!" She approaches Ruidosa, reaching for her hands to lead her deeper to the center with Reize. "This is the castle's secret garden." She offers an empathetic smile, "When we heard about the outcome of the date...."
All eyes, from Darcea and Georgie to her friends, point directly at Reize. Judging.
Georgie leans in with a smile, "We would offer to help guide him to setting up a proper date. This is a night for you and him, after all."
Reize takes a step forward, offering Ruidosa a smile. "This time, I want to give you a proper date." He extends a hand out for her to take.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima
makes a face of incredulous suspicion because this reeks of CONSPIRACY of some sort. She'd technically be right, but not on some malicious scale. She narrows her eyes and then just gives a defeated sigh. "Fine." she says softly as she eyes the ''plants''. At least none of the plants here are huge lumbering jungle types right? RIGHT!?
STILL, she'll carefully take Reize's hand and eyes Darcea.
"Yes it seems many people know the outcome of that..."
"Date." as if such a travesty could be called a date.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
Definitely a conspiracy and unfortunately wide known, considering the weight it put on the explorer with some other disasterous results.
The young explorer had been tense since Ruidosa's arrival, especially given the wary look that she had given him and the surroundings. Considering the last encounter, he was the first recipient of her curse before being dropped off like dirty laundry by her bat minions.
He will make amends to that.
and Charlottea guide Reize and Ruidosa over to the center of the garden.
It is a small table for the two of them. There is even a large bucket of crabs with sparkling drinks of sort.
As Reize guides Ruidosa over to the table, the boy offers a bright smile, "This isn't quite the legendary crab that we originally sought to get..." The boy vaguely recalls the last attempt; a near victory crushed when The Capo took the biscuit meant for the giant crab.
However, there is something else very familiar that Ruidosa would see. It is a small azure box that's gift wrapped. She will find that it is the same size, if not the same exact one that Reize originally had planned at the cave. "I-I-I managed to recover something for you!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa can smell crab. Ruidosa sees crabs. The chances of this going well for Reize increase dramatically. At least, when she hears about a legendary crab she blinks. "Oh... I mean. I heard when the crabs get too big they don't taste as tender so maybe that's for the best then....?" she asks softly, wether that's true or not, she seems to at least be trying to spare Reize's feelings re: Failure to capture a giant crab.
She waits and looks at Reize expectantly, waiting for him to move the chair out for her to sit. Let's see if he catches it!
She blinks a little when she eyes the box. "Oh...?" she asks... gently reaching out for it.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d2.
Comment: Prompt is Georgie or Surprise Guest
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 2.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
Given that Ruidosa is sparing his feelings for his failure to catch the crab, he is letting out a sigh of relief. He dares not to suggest the idea that Ivo pitched to him again.
... After all, that idea was what got him cursed.
As Ruidosa looks at the boy expectantly to move the chair for her, Reize looks confused at first, glancing at her.
The gathered party are staring in horror; Georgie realizes that he forgot to teach the boy etiquitte on getting the seat for the lady.
"Push the seat for her, big brother."
Emerging from one of the hiding spots is a young boy who looks no older than six years old. It's young Constatin, who had been watching his sister and Georgie prep stuff for the boy who saved his life that day. He had been hiding behind a statue to watch in silent, but he also had been able to read the room. Darcea looks back in surprise to see that Constatin had snuck in to watch the event.
"O--oh! Right!"
The boy pushes the seat in for Ruidosa.
When she opens the box, she will find that there is a small object inside. It is a shimmering necklace for the vampire. The crystals along the necklace are small, but they sparkle with a brilliant blue hue.
"I managed to recover it after the small incident during our date."
Deep within the Pit of Avarice, deep within a lair is the Rat Godfather. Reize is on both hands and knees with head bowed low.
Along a chair is a small rat with a bunch of rats around. "You come here on the day of my daughter's rat wedding..." With joyful squeaking in the background, "You're the infamous rat killer who took up the requests from someone with a vandetta. I planned for this day. You have a job."
"....I owed a couple of favors or two."
And emerging out from the statues are a few of the rats, including the Godfather rat and the daughter/husband pair! Joyful squeaks fill the air.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Reize fails to get the seat for her, but at least SOME Gentleman does for her. She sits down and smiles in thanks to the young boy as she starts to eat crabs as she listens to the story and eyes ... rats. She just eats her crab for a few moments before she opens the box and 'ohs1'
"It's beautiful." she exclaims as she examines it. She gently hands it to Reize, but this time asks: "Help me put it on?" she asks.
Sbe ar least trusts rats more than these plants! Ugh... she twitches a little at the thought of those plants again.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
Wince. Almost there. A bit of a screw up. However, Reize is trying! He really is! When he looks over towards the rats around with an uneasy smile. That's right. They did want to see the person that he was going all through the trouble for.
He gets up and he places the neklace around Ruidosa's neck.
"You look wonderful, Rui." He brightens a smile after fitting the necklace around her neck. He sets beside her and grasps for her hand. "...Rui, I know I messed up. I should have asked you where you would have liked to have gone before hand." Which was the original plan, but he was convinced by a certain someone to trust his intuition. "But this was the gift that I had prepped for you as our bond."
His cheeks turn red, "As you're my partner and... and more."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima raises a brow and wants to say something snarky. Like. 'You think soooo!?' but she doesn't. She just sighhhhs a little. "This is more what I would have liked initially, yes." she says softly. "Something small, intimate." she says as she trails off a moment as she feels you place the necklace around her neck. She places her hand around it and listens to you speak.
"Well...I'll be sure never to take it off then!" she says as she bites her lip a moment as she blushes aswell in turn.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 3 months ago
There is a smile as he holds onto Ruidosa's hands, smiling a bit wider as she seems more calm. It was small, intimate. And just them.
...Oh right, and the people who helped put it together and ensure that Reize does not screw up anything else. Reize brightens before reaching up to scoop Ruidosa into his arms. "I'll make sure to run the ideas by you first, Rui..." As he holds her up, he brightens.
There is a sound of applause from the party; from not only the royal family and the entourage but also the rat family that came to see the date go to a fruitful conclusion.
Everything is well and good, right...?
....Except the crabs have all disappeared.
Where did they go?
Somehow, during the whole reunion, the crabs managed to escape and went at full speed... and out into a path at Lake Gerisia. They are off to freedom, to include the crab currently holding a sword. Leading the way?
There is a gargatuan crab that came from the deep underwater, waiting for them to join it into the deep sea.