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Scene details
- Start date: Nov. 6, 2022, 4:58 p.m.
End date: Nov. 6, 2022, 7:33 p.m.
- Location: Cosmopolis - Outlying Sprawl
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ivo Galvan,
Setting: A vendor currently has issues regarding a flock of parakeets invading her orchard and eating her mangos. While they usually could be scared off by dangling bright pots and pans from the trees, they've wisen up to it. The current Vanguards associated with the Star Chasers have taken up the task of resolving the issue. There was an additional warning about them picking up 'fowl' language.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
The self-governing portion of Cosmopolis has given way to many forms of shops, districts, and activities. The long-neglected nature of tending to the place by the nobles, actually created some positives for those who were lucky enough to have the vegetation around long enough to be creative. One such creativity comes from the mango shop owner, who turned what originally was part of a problematic crisis into a boon. The vegetation bore great fruit such as the lovely mangos. It is through the age of time, since even during the crisis, that the path within her home had been renovated into an orchard to continually produce mangos.
That is why, when onlookers and the would be explorers would arrive at a small district that becomes embedded with grass instead of the stone slabs. As the grass gives an appearance of a garden-like structure, the orchard's presence is more prevalent as the mango hang out along many of the branches.
...However, there are a large flock of parakeets that have made the place their home. While lights and sound have typically scared them away, they have wisen up to the tactics. Even worse... they came packed with their own arsenal.
Currently, those who have taken up the task is the young Vanguard, Reize Seatlan. He cannot help but marvel at the entrance of the orchard. "Wow! They actually managed to make an orchard out of the vegetation here?!" He looks to his left and right, marveling at how beautiful the place is. This is the lighter side compared to the horrors that he and Ivo had to endure during the fight against Proliferation.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 4 months ago
Ivo glances sidelong at his eager friend with evident amusement. Even so, as his gaze turns toward the makeshift mango orchard that Reize so admires, some of that very same admiration makes its way into his eyes.
"I'd be interested to test the aetheric composition of the soil here," he says, "and deeper in the jungle. The Gate may be sealed, but it's possible that its lengthy influence on the environment means that going forward, some significantly diminished form of Proliferation may endure. Could Cosmopolis come to specialize in arborial agriculture, not just magitech?"
His imaginings carry him away a bit, but soon his young face softens, his tousled dark hair rustling in a humid breeze.
"Not long ago," he murmurs, "overgrowth like this meant a threat. Maybe now, it could mean peace."
Hazy thoughts of a new path for Cosmopolis begin to take shape in his mind, one of many with a budding vision for the future of the Spiring City.
"But first, we've got to deal with these thieves."
A flurry of fluttering wings bedecked in bright plumage, and some rather hideous avian shrieks, interrupt these musings -- and return Ivo's usual look of ironic delight to his features.
"A challenge worthy of an adventurer, right, chief?"
2 years, 4 months ago
If Argent is irritated by the shrieking nuisances, her face doesn't show it. Her features are as composed as they ever are, regarding the targets of their little quest with her usual passive indifference.
"...they are quite loud." she states, pale eyes watching one of them as it makes a daring swoop towards the group, getting close to the homunculus' face before darting off at the last moment to land in one of the rather productive mango trees.
She didn't even react!
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
% r Turning towards Ivo, Reize tilts his head over. "...Hm. It would be full of magic from the Proliferation, right?" While Reize is very familiar with vegetation and greenery due to his time living in the forest, the magical influence is what would put him out of his depths. He'd be resigned to have Ivo handle that. However... "Though, I cannot help but wonder the influence the magic left behind would have on the vegetation here." He brings a hand to his chin, "It's not like a natural forest."
He cracks a grin at Ivo, "Maybe Cosmopolis would try to rival Verdios in that aspect."
The hideous avian shrieks do bring their attention out of the musing. Instead, he does look back at the parakeets with a thoughtful look. "Hm, I wonder..." He glances back at Argent, offering her a smile, "Glad you could join us, Argent!"
He does look over towards the parakeets, reaching for his boomerangs and then he starts raising it up into the air. As the shimmering light from the sun catches upon the crystalline body, he starts directing it out towards the birds, trying to shimmer that light. But there is no reaction.
He looks back at Ivo and the Argent, "...Yeah, it doesn't look like they're budging."
The parakeets continue to just gnaw on the mango tree, nuzzling on the fresh fruit. Even if some turn their attention to the humans, they don't make too much of a fuss despite the occasional swooping down in front of them challengingly.
Reize looks back at Ivo, "Well, I guess it should not be too bad to deal with. All what we...---"
One of the parakeets, while Reize is not paying attention, swoops down over towards the boy, beak grabbing at the antenna hair.
"Have to do is----"
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Reize's eyes widen, clutching his head with a yell. "Get 'em off! Get 'em off! Let go! Let go!" The parakeet is just tugging at the antenna hair, trying to pull the 'worm' out.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 4 months ago
The grin that Ivo flashes back to Reize briefly fades as his gaze shifts to Argent while she has a close encounter with a boisterous bird, reaching up to rub his chin. He's not checking her out, this time.
"Argent, could you measure the aetheric composition of soil by eating it?" He's suggesting that she eat dirt instead. "I suppose it'd might be difficult to give a precise measurement of the quality of Creation-aspected aether... but if I could use the Crux to produce a Creation-domain elesphere as a kind of control... I might be able to set up those facilities back at the manor..."
He blinks, before glancing skyward innocently.
Right. He still hasn't checked in at the district he's supposed to be governing, or whatever. Fortunately, there are other matters to attend to (try not to point and laugh at).
"Don't worry, Reize," Ivo calls helpfully as the boy exchanges in epic battle. "We'll figure something out." He looks back to Argent. "You must be experienced with hair care." She does have a lot of it. "Think there's any hope of finally combing that cowlick down?"
It might be a little late for that, considering.
Yet our fearless leader is not truly abandoned. As he is beset by his cruel foe, his pendant begins to glow with an inner light. Its power is awakening...!
"History," Kernunnos says, sounding, also for unclear reasons, rather amused. "A charming concept. Mortals reach for immortality in so many clever ways. I delight in your innovations. Yes," he adds, softer. "I have always delighted in mortals."
The demigod's sense of self seems to be strengthening.
"Thank you, my champions."
> Kernunnos's Affinity Rank has increased to 5.
> Reize's ability to bond with birds increases by +2.
> Additionally, attempts to transform Reize into a bird receive +5.
Is it time... for Reize to unleash the true power of this bond???
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
2 years, 4 months ago
The homunculus glances sideways at Reize, offering him a slight nod. "While it is preferable for me to avoid heavy conflict, I believe that I am able to contribute to situations such as this." she says softly as she steps towards one of the trees, hand reaching out to pluck one of the fruit off of it...just before Ivo makes his request known. ...and Reize is viciously assaulted.
"It is possible that I can ascertain the composition of the soil, yes." she says, speaking up a little to be heard over the shrieking bird making a hearty effort to yank off the boy's ahoge. "Ah. A comb will not suffice for that task. He will require additional hair care products in order to improve hair quality. If required, I am able to sell such things."
Still watching him she crouches down, fingers curling to scoop up a small handful of the fertile soil. Without hesitating even in the slightest she stuffs it into her mouth, jaw moving as she runs her tongue around it. And then, she swallows. Delicious.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
Flail flail. "Get off, it's not a worm! Caawwww! Caaaaw!!!" He cries out in pain.
The last parts, however, does get the bird's attention. It does get the bird to release him from the grips of doom. The boy collapses on his face before both Ivo and Argent. "...Guhh...." In a moment's notice, there is a puff of a cloud appearing before the two, obscuring the presence around Reize.
As the cloud clears, they would find that the boy would appear...
As a small, puffy robin. The critter has a trail of red feathers along the 'tummy' area while the rest has a black and white hue. The face is black with the beady eyes and his beak.
Behold, the fruits of the labor that the bond with Kernunnos brought: Reize bird.
But soon, it is short-lived as the puffy cloud appears once more, dispersing to leave Reize in the floored state in his human form. "...Ugggghhhh... that was rough." He whimpers.
He looks up at Ivo blearily. He does turn his head over to see that Argent is near one of the trees and is eating the dirt to try the soil.
He looks back at Ivo, "... Didn't they say that the parakeets learned some bad words? ... What do you think they meant when----"
That's when the parakeets finally speak beyond the avian shrieks. In fact, each parakeet follow after each other, as if it was a dialogue of sort.
'What the #$@& made you think that--"
"--@&R# mines with $#&$# skeletons---"
"--and #ing plant monster that you--" "--did #$#&$#&$ not even &%"
"--inspect was an ideal dating spot---"
"---you stupid $%$#T#!!!!'
Well, one can take a guess where the origins lie.
It becomes more evident as there is awkward sweating comes from Reize's face.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 4 months ago
"Rumors in the court," Ivo is saying, brow furrowing, "convey that the main political divide is over the importance of Cosmopolis's self-sufficiency. I don't know what sort of difference it might make, but an updated understanding of how productive the jungle and its vicinity can be when megafauna are no longer constantly assaulting our projects could..."
The entire time, the parakeets are shrieking and Reize is screaming, mostly drowning the dilettante noble out. He doesn't seem to notice.
"...that information could be useful."
Ivo looks to Argent, only to see her crouched down with dirt smeared around her lips. Oh, she's doing it.
"How... how is it?"
> A new sidequest, "Down to Earth," has been added to the Journal.
> This quest, if undertaken, may affect faction Trust and Influence.
"I, uh," he continues, "I'll get you whatever you need in the way of hair care product components. For you, too, if you'd like a resupply, not just to finally tame Reize's mane."
Even though he knows she's built different, seeing her like this can't help but inspire a sense of pity to well within him.
> A new sidequest, "Hair Care Warfare," has been added to the Journal.
> This quest, if undertaken, may result in property damage.
"...Why did a chill just run down my spine?"
This becomes only one of several mysteries.
At last remembering that Reize has some current and specific hair-related issues, Ivo turns and opens his mouth to speak. He does not speak, but his mouth stays open. He stares as Reize's form is replaced, only to return. He looks up as the parakeets begin to speak. He looks down again. He tries to say something. He fails.
"I... have given... all I can... my champion..."
It is Kernunnos who speaks, as the pendant pulses faintly.
"I must rest... after unleashing... such power..."
Finally shaken from his transfixed state, Ivo rushes over, kneeling down not to tend to the befuddled post-polymorph Reize, but to cradle the boy's pendant, lifting it up from his chest.
"Kernunnos! Wait! I have so many questions!" the Cosmpolitan cries. "Why do you have this power!? Why would it exhaust you when you can annihilate elementals without trouble!? Why is it so stupid!? Also, just as a general query, when did these parakeets interact with Ruidosa!?!?"
"I... really... wanted..."
Ivo leans in as Kernunnos's voice fades to a whisper.
" turn him... into....... a beetle."
"Kernunnos! Kernunnooooooooooos!"
The parakeets look down in-- well, it's hard to say.
2 years, 4 months ago
"Ah. It is fortunate that Kernunnos failed in his attempt." Argent says, looking over the fallen adventurer. "While they have a plentiful supply of food, I do not believe that these fruit contain a particularly large amount of protein. Insects are often excellent sources of such nutrients. As such, these birds may have attempted to consume him." she says quite matter of factly.
Why does she know that insects are a good source of protein?
Then she turns back to Ivo, a wet finger wiping at the corners of her mouth to clean up stray flecks of soil. "I believe you are correct regarding the composition of this soil. There is an increased level of Creation aspected aether, which has in turn caused an increase in growth and productivity. Additionally, it is possible that this aether is also contained within the fruit that these trees produce. As such in addition to the amount of food provided, ths may have an effect on the fertility of those that consume them." Hmm. There /are/ an awful lot of the birds, aren't there? It could be explained by the existance of a food source, but when it comes to matters of aether there do tend to be knock on effects too.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Does it Return?!
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
The current state is in between the state of embarassed and annoyed. The embarassment is given from the tirade of Ruidosa. "...So.. that was what she was saying...." At the time, it sounded like gibberish to him.
Could it be that the parakeets can also translate various languages?!
That is something that would have to be sorted out in another time. That annoyance, however, is due to Kernunnos and Ivo's interaction. His eyes narrow at the pendant, "Oi, Kernunnos, don't turn me into a food source right now." His eyebrow twitches in annoyance.
He soon reaches a hand out towards Ivo's face, mostly to shove his older friend off from him for being too close.
He looks between Ivo and Argent, having already forgotten his experience in the poly-morphed state as a bird. "Okay, so how do we get these guys scared off?" For a moment, Reize gives a bit of a grimace, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as a sudden dizzy spell comes over him.
But it's quickly resolved and he glances back at Ivo and Argent. Her comment about the increased effect on the fertility of the food source from Proliferation draws some consideration, "...This is good to know, especially if we get more reports of wildlife coming here." He frowns, "...What do you think we can do to scare them off?"
He frowns, "....Wish we had Anna here, she'd be able to scare them away."
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 4 months ago
Ivo does have to admit that Reize being turned into a beetle and then eaten by a parakeet would not be an ideal result of this outing. With a heavy sigh -- a very heavy sigh -- he lowers Reize's now dull pendant and looks up at Argent. Even with everything going on, he winces a little as she tries to wipe the dirt. Some of it's just getting smeared around like clown makeup. Should he tell her?
"Wait-- you think?"
His eyebrows shoot up at this revelation.
"You know, that quality could make these fruits *very* popular among a wider range of customers, considering--" He hesitates, glancing back at Reize. "--their, uh, taste, and so forth."
The narrator, reaching for the censorship brackets, pulls back.
"It's a shame we can't negotiate with them," Ivo then remarks to Reize's question, having settled down considering that Kernunnos seems unavailable to answer any of his questions, "what with them being, well, birds--"
A shrill little voice speaks, causing Ivo's gaze to snap up to a higher branch. A parakeet with a green feathered body and a bright yellow head is staring down at them, black eyes unblinking, separated from its foul-mouthed crew.
"Bird. Friend."
No-- not at them, but at Reize.
"Excuse me!" Ivo calls up, hopefully. "I understand this food source is precious to your flock. If we found you an alternative deeper in the jungle, would you agree to depart and leave this grove in peace?"
It turns to him.
"You," it squawks, "aren't my &*#&ing dad."
"Don't look at my #$&*ing book!"
"Get over that already!!" Ivo shouts back, visibly agitated, before looking back at Reize. "Sorry, chief, you might have to handle this one."
2 years, 4 months ago
Argent spends some time just watching the feathered fiends, watching the mischievous creatures passively. Either she doesn't notice the dirt smeared around her face, or she doesn't find it to be a particular problem. When one of them proves communicative the homunculus watches it with a tilt of her head, silvery hair swishing to one side.
"Reize. It appears that it wishes to communicate with you. As such, please inform it that should it refuse our peaceful attempts at resolving this conflict that we will be required to resort to more damaging means." she says softly, her gaze not leaving the bird for a second. "For example, I believe there is a species of lizard that enjoys a diet primarily consisting of birds and their eggs. They may prove to be a solution to this problem."
...she's still staring at it.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
Ivo's comment is briefly regarded when he mentions about the taste of the fruit. "...You know, the mango dish that I had did taste really good! Maybe the taste can be more exotic here!" The boy does look over to see that Ivo is about to talk to the bird.
"Bird. Friend?"
Reize takes the time to see how Ivo handles the diplomacy, only to wince about the comments about 'not being her dad' and 'the book'. What is even more surprising is the visible agitation on Ivo until his older friend hands it over to him. This point is emphasized when Argent finally addresses him, "Ah...?"
He gives a pensive look at first, until she comments about the other means about the lizard. "..Th--that won't be necessary!! I'll handle it!"
The young boy approaches the bird, offering a peaceful smile to the bird that looks like it wants to speak to him.
"Ooooi! I was hoping that we could have a peaceful talk and----"
As the cloud appears once again, the form is no longer the young boy, but the robin that is looking up. It keeps chirping out, as if he is trying to talk normally. Until...
...Why is everything so huge?
The robin turns its head to look at Ivo and Argent.
Why are they so huge?
In the moment of looking at his wings.
Reize-robin is spinning around, chirping in panic.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 4 months ago
"One of my seniors at the academy was a specialist in reptiles," Ivo remarks, regaining his composure. "I could reach out to her for help with that." Though not regaining his composure so much that he is at all reluctant to help threaten this airborne menace. "...I wonder how she's doing."
Idly, he glances up, only to blink in mild surprise. One might think that nothing would surprise him at this point.
"I'm no ornithologist, myself," he says slowly, "but that one looks different than the rest." The largest of the parakeets, peering between the broad leaves of a mango tree, has blue plumage and a white head rather than green and yellow. "If I recall correctly, that variant is native to the jungles of Oradia, not the Cosmopolitan plateau. Did someone recently import it from the Western Continent now that the City is open to trade?"
He frowns slightly.
"I wonder if..."
The La Crima family's southern outing, meant to cheer up a certain daughter's foul mood, does not especially go according to plan.
But this is a story for another day.
"Reize, what do you-- Reize!?"
Ivo stares, freezing with hands half-outstretched. He doesn't have any better idea of what to do about this than before.
"Kernunnos! Wake up! Your power is going out of control!"
The demigod does not stir, but the birds above do. It seems that witnessing a fellow bird in a panic, chirping what sound like warning signs, begins to send them into a tizzy. Their obscenity fades as they begin to echo Reize's cries, until finally, they begin to flee, apparently convinced by the robin's panic that they too are in danger.
"Bird. Friend."
When the flurry ends and the feathers cease to fall, only one seems to remain: their green and yellow acquaintance, which alights on the ground and hops over to the spinning Reize, attempting to stroke him with a wing, as though comforting him.
"You're willing to help us?" Ivo finally asks, trying to make some sort of sense of these events. "We were actually hoping for some assistance delivering messages to a young woman who--"
"Curses!" the parakeet suddenly shrieks at Ivo. "Curses on you!"
"I thought I had a break from this!!!"
Even as the bird castigates Ivo, it continues to gently pat bird-Reize as though nothing is awry.
2 years, 4 months ago
"It appears to display a fondness for you, due to your current issues with regards to being a bird." Argent says like it's the most normal thing in the world for someone to turn into a robin. "However, I would proceed with caution. It may be attempting to tempt you into becoming its mate. I do not believe your current partner would be amenable to such an arrangement."
Then she takes a few steps towards the birds, staaaaaring down at them.
"Reize. Please attempt to communicate this. Continued use of this place as a food source will incur further repercussions. The current farmers have so far used non-lethal methods in order to dissuade these birds from consuming their crops. Now that these attempts have failed, they may be required to resort to more violent methods such as the aforementioned introduction of a predator."
All delivered while looking right at the poor bird, unblinking as she so often does.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 4 months ago
The good news is that the birds have flown away from the area. This leaves them with the request fulfilled.
The other good news is that they now have a new ally.
The said ally in question is comforting the panicked Reize until the boy calms down. The bird starts to lean against the green and yellow parakeet, who is now the friend that he made. Luckily, it won't be too long until Reize gets back to his form.
>>> Acquired Companion: Parakeet
Reize looks up at Argent, a sweatbead appearing at the side of its head; both the comment regarding the current partner and the violent methods.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 4 months ago
> Please input your new companion's name.
>> Paruikosa
Ivo snorts in amusement, for some reason.
This causes the bird to stare daggers at him, before looking back tender to robin-Reize... and, somehow, blushing.
Ivo sweatdrops too.