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Welcome to Atelier Vanguards

Scene details

Setting: The Star Chasers visit the new offices of the Vanguards in Cosmopolis ahead of the Cosmos Cup.


 "Welcome to Atelier Vanguards!"
 In a humble building full to bursting with people, the fragrance of spices wafts from every table. An astonishing array of individuals are seated, or rather crammed, wherever they can be fit, wolfing down steaming curries and sizzling kebabs. The mix of adventurers between requests and laborers of the Rookery, the lower levels of the long-sealed Spiring City, chatter without compunction, adding to the sensory barrage inflicted on anyone who walks in. Nimbly threading between them, agile as acrobats out of necessity, are white-clad waiters delivering dishes as cooks shout from behind a counter. Next to the cooks, looking frazzled but stalwart, are Vanguard administrators fresh from their headquarters in Verdios, trying to hold conversations with adventurers who, from their armor and garb, are clearly from all over the world.
 Plastered all over the walls within, and around the busy neighborhood without, are vividly printed advertisements for something called the Cosmos Cup, a tournament being hosted by the Vanguards. Though originally founded in Cosmopolis, when the city was sealed over a century ago, the international organization of adventurers was cut off from the land of their founding. Now, attempting to integrate adventurers from the outside world into the city while gaining new recruits, the Vanguards appear to be collaborating with local reformers among the nobility to host some sort of tournament.
 "Ah, a superb vintage! Excellent choice!"
 In keeping with the messy environs, the giant quest board on one wall is already covered in so many requests it is hard to keep track. Magitech drag racers have stolen an experimental engine from a workshop. A ghost is allegedly making people sick in a place called the Warrens. And there's a missing person notice for someone named ... Governor Galvan.
 "I'll have that right away."
 As the Vanguards struggle to run a proper adventurer's guild amidst all these shenanigans -- indeed, they still seem to be unpacking -- Ivo, hair slicked back and cloak doffed just as when he posed as a sommelier for Princess Darcea before, picks his way toward the counter, past jars of old spices, toward an array of wine bottles. Our heroes are allegedly here to visit a friend, Lily, afflicted by some sort of curse, and permission is being arranged for them to visit her.
 It's not clear how Ivo is currently helping with that.

  It's a new sight to behold. He is back to where his adventure started, so to speak, but this time, it is his first time that he gets to enjoy the sights of the city. Earlier, the chance to get a feel of the city was limited due to dealing with the crisis of Proliferation that he incidentially got involved in. The situation grew complicated when Reize and Lily returned from Ihiyo, only for her to fall into a curse of sort.

 However, Reize has many reasons to be excited! The first being that he can see more of Cosmopolis and appreciate the atmosphere. That is why you see the boy appear from one spot to the next, as if he is teleporting around.

"This is beautiful!"
"This is amazing!"
"This is also amazing!"

  His eyes are filled with stars as he sees the food. "I'll have what's smelling good! I want to try it!" The other reason, in which he turns to face Ivo with a cheery smile. "We can finally see Lily soon! I can't wait to see her face when she gets to see the sights here!"

  ... Shouldn't Reize be reporting in as a newly promoted C-Class Vanguard and the leader of his entourage?

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

  Compared to Reize, Argent's mood is much more sedate. As it usually is, really. She makes her way through the crowd, stepping around a waiter here and an adventurer there as she makes her way in Ivo's direction.

  "Ah. There is a selection." she states, peering at the array of wines in that unnerving, unblinking way. Then, eventually, "Please bring me a wide selection. I wish to evaluate the quality of these products."

 Though not a Vanguard herself, Aguri - or rather, Tsuchi - has her own reasons for being here, and so she has accompanied the group. Not acting as an Inquisitor, however, she's stowed away the 'official' outfit and the crimson oni mask, in favor of her more simple set of traveler's robes and blank white mask; so at the very least, she fits in. "Remind me who Lily is?" she asks simply, not even seeming to notice as one rowdy adventurer bumps into her by mistake. It doesn't even budge her, at the very least.

 Ivo meets Reize's smile with a grin. An adventurer whose table Ivo has been waiting glances between them, looks over at the request board and the portrait drawn on the missing person notice, looks back at Ivo, then shrugs and takes a deep drink of wine.
 "That's right, chief. It won't be long now."
 Our heroes won't be able to revive Lily until they venture at last to Arcadios with the aid of the completed Crux of Creation powering the druids' experimental tree rocket, Sol Ascent. But it would be difficult to challenge Arcadios without their vampire ally Ruidosa, and-- well, Ivo isn't going to bring up her current spat with Reize, not while the boy's in such a good mood. Plus, he doesn't like thinking about it either. Who knows whom she's cursing right now, you know?
 "Anything for my lovely assistant!" he then gallantly replies to Argent and, leaving Reize to answer Tsuchi's query, turns toward the wine rack. "Let me see which bottles are already open..."
 If it's just for tasting, the proprietors won't miss a few sips from bottles already open to serve by the glass. So Ivo presumes, at least. He doesn't strictly speaking work here. Look, don't worry about it. They clearly need all the help they can get.
 "Ah, these have been understandably neglected," the wayward noble of Cosmopolis remarks, pulling out some especially dusty vintages. "This must have been some of the personal stock of a previous owner. Green wine and orange wine-- are you familiar? The former is especially young and fresh, a fruity white, and the latter is allowed to sit on the skins of the grapes, but not so long that it becomes red. Rather zesty than tannic. Oh, and this-- mm, improperly stored. Clearly vinegar at this point."
 Ivo proceeds to pour splashes of wine into three glasses for Argent: the so-called green wine (it just looks white), the so-called orange wine (it actually looks orange), and (without batting an eye) the vinegar.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Notice the Post of Missing Governor
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11. This is a failure (by 1).

  Hearing the inqury regarding Lily, Reize turns to face Tsuchi proper. A traveler with a blank white mask. Reize does not know the person too well, but she seems to be a friend of Ivo's, so why not? He brightens in response to her question, "Lily's my friend and first partner! She's currently in a deep sleep though." He runs his hand on the back of his head.

  He looks back at Ivo, "Anyway, it looks like---"


  Reize turns his head towards the Vanguard receptionist who stares at him from the other side of the counter, "...You're Reize Seatlan, aren't you?"

  "Buh...? Yeah!"

  "C-Class Vanguard! Due diligence! Report in!"

  With a yelp, the boy jumps. "I'm here! Reporting in!" After the exchanges, the boy's antenna hair deflates as he looks over towards the post. "'Magitech Drag racers'... 'ghost within the Warrens'..." He gives a thoughtful look, "You know, Rui would be helpful for th---.." And the young boy deflates, remembering the current situation with his partner. A comical river of tears run through his eyes, "...Nggh... she's still furious with me."

  He moves in to rendezvous back with Ivo, missing the small detail that references the 'missing person notice'.

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

  Without so much as a thank you Argent plucks up the first glass of green wine, bringing it to her nose to sniff briefly, swirling it around in the glass before taking it to her lips and with one quick motion downs it. "It does not have a particularly high alcohol content." she notes as she places the glass back down with a faint clunk before repeating the process with the orange wine. And then of course she comes to the clearly spoiled one. The wine that most people would never willingly drink. The wine that you'd be better off just pouring out.

  Glug! Down the hatch it goes, the homunculus giving a little nod at the end of it. "It is quite pleasant." she intones, nice and calmly. "Are there any other interesting variants? Additionally, I also wish to express an interesting in sampling more potent beverages. ...ah." she goes on, pausing thoughtfully at the end as she gives Ivo a glance. "I believe I can create an interesting beverage myself, if you believe you are able to consume it."

  Would that be safe?

 "I see," Tsuchi replies, head tilting slightly to one side. "...I have my own business in the city, but as long as it doesn't interfere with that business, I suppose that I can offer my aid." If nothing else, she'll need to repay them for letting her tag along while on her own investigation. Of course, her brief query for Reize results in her attention being diverted /just/ long enough to miss a rather heinous wine tasting. Just as well, though, she'd probably be a little ill if she knew...

 Ivo, blinking at Argent's proposal, reaches up to rub his chin thoughtfully. At the prospect of the homunculus and walking laboratory producing some concoction for him, he has only one question: is she hitting on him?
 Meanwhile, a cook and waiter appear to be having a dispute.
 "Hurry it up already! We're ten orders behind!" the cook is shouting. "I make the curry, you find the curry powder! How hard can it be!?"
 "Alright, alright! These shelves are a mess--" The waiter is digging through jars piled high behind the counter, glass clinking and clashing, right next to a Vanguard official whose eye is visibly twitching. "Here we go!"
 It will not be long before, through his tears, Reize will see a plate of long-grained rice drenched in curry and piled high with lamb and farmer's cheese. The color is striking indeed, and maybe a little different from the plates of the nearby diners.
 "Order's up!" the frazzled waiter says to him. "Come on, take it!" Such pleasant service. Wait, did Reize actually order anything? Maybe Ivo got it for him.
 Speaking of Ivo--
 "I would gladly consume," Ivo concludes, "anything of yours."
 As he tops up Argent's glass of vinegar, he calls out to their masked friend, grinning cheerfully. This sort of hectic place seems to suit his fancy.
 "And you, Tsuchi? Green or orange?"
 Does the roaming templar even drink?

  There is the sorrow, the anguish, the suffering that his partner is deeply angry with him. The boy feels horrible about the situation and has been at a loss of how to make it all be---


 The boy perks up when the waiter sends him the curry rice and cheese. His eyes light up with delight and he reaches for his spoon and starts digging in. OM NOM NOM NOM! Those who would see the boy eat would be seeing him shovel the food in, akin to a train wreck.

  Ahh, the food is good.

  His eyes drift towards Ivo and the others as they partake in some form of drinks. "..Hm?"

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

  "Please do not limit her choices." the homunculus says before taking a sip of her, ah...'vintage' 'aged' wine, giving the glass a little swirl just to stir it up a little. "This particular variety tastes quite pleasant. Would you like to sample it?" she says as she proffers the glass towards Aguchi. A blink, and then she adds "Ah. I will prepare a beverage for you. However, I must first consider the specific nature of what I will create. I must also request access to this establishment's supplies, in order to locate raw materials."

  She...isn't talking about the kitchen, is she?

 "No thanks," is Tsuchi's only reply, both to Ivo and to Argent. Indeed, it seems she does not drink alcohol (or vinegar). Or perhaps it's just her usual sense of privacy. She basically never takes her mask off ever, it seems like.

 Aside from that, she's quiet... although, that mask does linger on Argent for a good long while at her odd way of speaking. Fortunately, her attention is quickly distracted by the brutal, messy and callous murder of an entire plate of curry. The mask turns to Reize and, despite how well it hides her face, it could not be more obvious she's staring at him, dumbfounded.

 "Right," Ivo says, seemingly taking Argent's comments in stride. They've been collaborating as scientists for a while now, after all. "Let's see what sort of components were left behind in the Vanguards section."
 Referring to a "Vanguards section" of what is technically the Vanguards offices is a bit ridiculous but, taking one look at this place, it is also probably a rather small portion. Overlooked by the busy waitstaff, who seem to have accepted him as one of their own (out of desperation if nothing else), he sidles his way behind the counter and toward the shelves by the increasingly agitated Vanguards administrator.
 "That's strange," the Cosmopolitan remarks, barely audible over the chaos. "Someone's been messing around on these shelves. I thought I saw some of the more volatile substances stored here." At least some of the jars appear to be labeled with dates and identification numbers, suggesting these apparent spices remained at the experimental stage of production.
 "*Excuse* me," the adminstrator, valiantly attempting to retain their composure and hold the fort in the temporary absence of their superior Elenne, "but unless you are official Vanguards personnel, this section is-- *Governor Galvan*!?"
 "Argent," Ivo casually says, "any chance you could make me a false moustache?"
 "I've already seen you!"
 "Or-- Tsuchi, got an extra mask?"
 "I'm right here!!!"

  There is a pause from Reize as Tsuchi stares at him. The look on his face is filled with confusion, a bit of curry rice on his cheek as he tilts his head to the side. It's like a predator feline looking spook at someone catching it while it has the game in its mouth.

  That is short-lived, however, when the administrator addresses Ivo.

  "Buh? 'Governor' Galvan?" He looks confused, then he brightens, "Silly! That's just Ivo!" He brightens cheerfully.


  There is a close up in Reize's head.. revealing a hamster. *SQUEAK SQUEAK*. It sniffs around and suddenly runs along the wheel.


  "Ivo's a governor here?!"

 Oh look, Ivo's doing something else. That's a good change of focus. Aguri turns to watch the tableau of his venture behind the counter, probably more for entertainment value than anything else, but things quickly take... one hell of a sideways turn.


 Thankfully, the mask is there to hide her expression, though careful observers might note her entire body stiffening briefly in surprise. By the time he asks her for a spare mask, however, the martial artist has recovered herself enough to reach right up to her facemask, and...


 "...if you need to hide your identity somewhere, you do it before you arrive." Siiiigh. She never thought she'd have to actually teach someone how to be a Mysterious Masked Person.

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

  Argent sloooowly blinks at Aguchi, seeming to notice the way the woman is looking at her. But the attention is brief, and soon her own attention is pulled away by the pursuit of wonderful, wonderful chemicals. She's quick to start looking through the jars and little bottles, occasionally opening one up if it catches her interest. She's investigating a little jar of reddish powder when the administrator interrupts, a finger laden with the stuff halfway to her mouth when Ivo's shocking true identity is revealed.

  "I believe the opportunity has passed for you to disguise your identity. Additionally, I did not realize you were attempting to do so." At this point, Reize gets a slow, long look, silvery eyes staring at the poor boy unrelentingly. Staaaaaare. "He has clearly displayed wealth and access to resources that is unusual. I believe that his level of education is above what is considered typical for this location." Oh, she totally worked it out before tod- "However, this fact only became evident upon observing the notifications that are displayed in this location." Oh.

 "Ah," Ivo says, grinning lopsidedly, "well, one thing led to another, and after we exposed Vivian's schemes and ended Proliferation--"
 "*You* people ended *Proliferation*?!?"
 "--the house of Galvan was restored under me," he continues without missing a beat. It's really just a formality."
 "It's not a formality! We have a whole cluster of requests from the seventeenth turn! They're covering a corner of the board!" The administrator jabs a finger accusingly at what, indeed, looks akin to a collage of quest explainers. "That's why we've been looking for you!"
 "It can't be all that bad," Ivo replies, though for the first time, he sounds a little uncertain. "Dad hardly did anything for the seventeenth when he was in charge. They know how to take care of themselves."
 "I don't know if you've noticed," says the administrator, who has clearly been taking cues from Elenne or Corinne, "but Cosmopolis is changing rapidly. Our leadership is constantly at court negotiating with whichever nobles will talk to us, which seems to change every day. We have our hands full enough with finding volunteers to fight in the Cosmos Cup--"

> The Reformers questline, "The Cosmos Cup," is now available.

 "--and these dragsters raiding workshops--"

> The Isolationists questline, "Overlords and Underworlds," is now available.

 "--that we don't have the capacity to manage your borough. It's becoming a stopping point for smuggling between the lower and upper levels without any oversight from the nobility."
 "That doesn't sound right," Ivo murmurs.
 "What do you--"
 "I mean, I can't imagine anyone *complaining* about the opportunity to participate in some smuggling," he continues. "That's not the seventeenth I know."
 The adminstrator stares at him blankly.
 "Well," Ivo sighs, "I suppose I should look into it, for the honor of Galvan, and all that." He sounds truly enthusiastic. "It'll be good to see everyone at the market, at least. We're here on business, though, you know? We have a friend awaiting us in the university archives."

> The Revolutionaries questline, "For the Forgotten," is now available.

 "You don't know?" the administrator blurts. "The archives are on lockdown because some strange group has been trying to break inside the research facilities. There are rumors it's a cult that worships *eidola*. Is there research into eidola conducted there?"
 Ivo's face has gone still.
 "I couldn't say," he finally says, rather grimly.

> The Fundamentalists questline, "The Suffering Spirits," is now available.

 "Reize," Ivo says, glancing toward the boy, his expression finally serious. "I think we may have our work cut out for us before we can pay Lily that visit."
 With a flourish, he plucks a jar from the shelf.
 "Ah, well," he adds, "nothing wrong with adding a little spice to the recipe we'd had planned." And so saying, he tosses the suspicious-looking substance toward Argent, through the busy restaurant/guild.
 "Can you *please* not *throw* things in here!?"

  As those silver eyes stare at the boy, Reize can feel himself shrinking. There is a sweatbead forming as he looks directly at Argent, noticing that she's staring deep INTO HIS SOUL.

 ... Lily is less scary than this homunculus.

 Wisely, Reize decides to face Ivo and the administrator, hoping to ignore the piercing stare that Argent gives him. He still has that uncomfortable sweatbead formed on his head. The boy listens to the exchange between Ivo and the lady. "Yeah, we did!" He finally blurts out regarding ending Proliferation. After all, he'll take pride with that as his first adventure!

  However, there are apparently a large amount of commotions going on. He has a sweatbead appearing over his head when the administrator goes over the situation with the Cosmos Cup, the dragsters raiding workshops, smuggling, and---

 "The Fundamentalists?!" Reize blurts out, his eyes snap wide. He remembers the last encounter with them. Even after surviving the encounter with Adrastus, they launched a raid and unsealed a hidden part of the Elysia Temple... which inevitably led to the release of an eidola from imprisonment. Woops.

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

  When that suspicious jar flies towards her attention snaps away from Reize, giving the poor boy a reprieve from her piercing stare. It's a little unfortunate, but despite occasionally accompanying the group on their adventures due to her odd abilities, Argent is not a particularly seasoned adventurer herself. Her reactions aren't quite up to snuff! "Ah. Please do not...ah." she starts, her hand coming up just a /little/ too slowly as the jar hits her in the shoulder and bounces off, towards the floor.

  Smash! Whatever was in that jar is now out in the open air, the odd powder and little glass shards scattering out onto the floor. Oops. "Ah. Ivo. Do you recall the contents of that container?" she says calmly. If it's poison, she's probably fine!

  Everyone else is on their own.

 For all of that chastizing and lecturing and nagging, Tsuchi is silent. She's even feigning as if her attention is elsewhere, head slowly sweeping across the room as if she's getting a better look at the people. But oh, she is /definitely/ listening. It becomes obvious when a certain word is spoken aloud.

 In half a heartbeat, the masked martial artist has moved across the room, cloak billowing as it settles back into place. "I'm sorry, did you say 'eidola'? I want to hear more about that request." It's probably been a good while since either Ivo or Reize heard that stern a tone out of Tsuchi. She briefly turns her head, looking in Reize's direction curiously when the boy seems to react to the same thing. Is this a group her party knows something about...?

 Poison? Did someone drop potential poison? Nah, not important. Totally not important.

 Ivo looks sharply back to Reize, an eyebrow raising. It's possible there's more than one such cult, or that the rumors are false, but their fearless leader is more likely correct than not. "It seems they haven't given up quite yet," he surmises. "But to think they'd aim for the university-- something doesn't add up. Who's in charge of them?"
 "We had a report yesterday," the administrator helpfully supplies, looking to Reize and pausing only to flinch at the sound of breaking glass after the jar bounces off of Argent, "that this group is gathering at some ruins on the outskirts, outside the walls. If your party is looking into them, I'll compile the relevant information."
 Ivo crosses his arms and sighs, though the sound is inaudible amidst the cacophony. Actually, the interior seems to be getting even louder, if that were possible. Adding to the conversation and clanging is what sounds like some sort of meowing.
 "Reize," he says, "I may have to leave this one to you. When I check in at the seventeenth turn, I'll send missives to my school friends who I had keeping an eye on Lily in the archives and make sure everything's alright in their part of the facility. It doesn't sound like this has anything to do with her, but I'll confirm nonetheless. I-- hm?"
 Startled from his exposition by Argent's question, Ivo glances back to her and blinks, seemingly taking a moment to remember. The meowing is getting louder and more insistent.
 "Well, I just picked what looked most interesting," he explains, naturally. "I only glanced at the label, but it described some attempt to add an aural component to cooking. Supposedly the powder is like a million tiny little bells. I thought it sounded funny, but I didn't hear anything when it scattered, so--"
 Shouts and cries of dismay erupt as cats burst through the door, clambering atop tables and customers alike and throwing themselves into the powder, rolling around in it and sending it spraying everywhere, along with whatever curry is flung from unfortunate plates.
 "There!" the administrator shouts, pointing at one of what seems to be about forty cats at this point. "That one was reported lost!"
 "You're *very* good at your job, aren't you?" Ivo remarks. There is a cat sitting on his head. It meows.
 "Thank you," replies the administrator. There is a cat now sitting on their head as well.

 Tsuchi glances between Reize and Ivo; the duty seems to have been passed along. "Reize. If you intend to investigate this eidola cult, I want to be there." Even if she's not wearing the crimson mask and acting in her official capacity, an inquisitor is an inquisitor, it seems. "For the time being, I will do my own investigating." She turns to head out the door, cloak billowing, and...

 ...bends down to scoop up a cat on the way out. Pet, pet.

  There is a deep frown on the boy's face. In truth, Reize knows that Adrastus was not vanquished. In fact, he and Lily barely managed to make it out with their lives after taking Faleh's Eye back. His eyes drift over towards the jar that drops on the floor.

 "...Uh... should we be worried about that?" He isn't sure if it's poisonous or anything. Then again, considering Ruidosa's curse a while back, Reize may be able to take it.

  Tsuchi's stern inquiry regarding the eidola earns a frown. He looks over her way as she notes the interest in the cult. "...Yeah. We'll investigate that situation. I'll fill you in on the details as we make our way there." He looks back at Ivo with a slow nod. "Thank you, Ivo." Checking on Lily means a lot to him.

  "Oh hey, cats!" He sees the numerous cats out and he kneels down to give lots of petting.

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years ago

  "It does not seem to be particularly harmful. However, given the nature of the substance, it would be advisable to refrain from inhaling it." Argent says as much like the others, she too is distracted by a cat. The one she plucks up from the ground is a particularly fine looking white cat that bears a striking resemblance to her!

  It's even staring just like she does, looking right at poor Reize in much the same way the homunculus did earlier.

  Reize bears a nervous look on his face as a huge sweatbead appears over his head. His face changes to a shade of darkness with a face that looks much older than a teenager-level of awkwardness.

 "Do you know the name of the previous owner of this establishment?" Ivo asks the adminstrator. "We should let them know that one of their experiments partly succeeded."
 "Please get this cat off of my head."