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Trouble Brews as the Crab Pot Boils

Scene details

  • Start date: Sept. 11, 2022, 4:20 p.m.
  • End date: Sept. 11, 2022, 7:12 p.m.
  • Location: Granse - Zerhem Kingdom
  • Participants: Reize Seatlan, Ivo Galvan

Setting: With Reize in distress at the catastrophic failure of his dungeon date with Ruidosa, Ivo hatches a crabby scheme.


  It's another day at Granse. The town mills about their daily tasks and the people tend to their worries and everyday milling about.

  The tavern, however, is very active with adventurers. All of the explorers from different walks of life have gathered in the tavern to share drinks and adventures. There is a jubilant energy amongst the Vanguards in the tavern.

  One explorer, however, looks completely worn. His eyes full of bags, he is currently slumped across the table with a lazy look on his face. "Guhhhhh". He currently has a mug of mead, or just apple juice, but he looks dead tired.


Reize: Wa--wait, where will I sleep?
Ruidosa: In that room! *points*
Ruidosa: Oh, by the way.
Ruidosa: You can touch anything you want.
Ruidosa: *creepy face* AT. YOUR. PERIL.

  ...Reize spent the entire night in a room full of mimics, eyeing him.

  The boy murmurs, "Guhhhh.. wh--whyyy..." Comical river of tears run along his eyes.

 Ivo had returned to Zerhem from Aurita Meloda in high spirits indeed. Traveling in the company of the lovely Priel and Argent would be cheering enough, but his far-fetched endeavor in the depths of the Drowned Undercity succeeded beyond his wildest imaginings. Now equipped with the completed Crux of Creation and a seed of Chaos sealed within it as a secret weapon against whatever awaits them in the floating city of Arcadios, the Cosmopolitan dilettante had looked forward to reporting his success.
 But what awaits him is a comed-- tragedy.r "Barkeep, shots for me and my young friend."
 Leaning over the slumped Reize, placing a hand on the back of his chair, Ivo smiles warmly, reassuringly down at the despondent adventurer. Having promptly discovered that Reize and Ruidosa had, in his absence, departed on some sort of hybrid adventure-date (already promising) and that now Reize has seemingly returned alone to Zerhem, he had rushed here without hesitation. Now he turns that smile to the bar, gesturing to get the attention of the tattooed woman behind it.
 Raising an eyebrow, she glances at a bottle of liquor. Ivo shakes his head slightly. Raising both eyebrows now, she takes up a bottle of apple juice. Ivo nods. Staring at him, she slowly pours two shots of apple juice before bringing them over, handing one to Ivo and setting the other down before Reize.
 "Bottoms up, chief."
 Ivo takes a whiff of it, taking in its bouquet as though it were a fine wine, before downing it in one manly gulp.

  The only thing that Reize remembers during his night was that all of the eyes were on him. He felt it. It was very obvious and he had a very difficult time sleeping because he suspected the mimics would attack him while he was asleep. The young explorer notices that his friend is nearby.

 When Reize turns his eyes to face Ivo, there is large shadow over his eyes, or rather, bangs of sleep-deprivation getting over him. "Oooooi, Ivo...." His energy is rather sapped. Doesn't help that he got very little sleep thanks to the watchful eyes of the mimics in the room.

 The boy does take the shot handed to him, downing the glass before he finally hits the table face first.

 "...The date went very badly. Had a gift... rat stole it. Found a rumored flower, turned out to be a monster. Ruidosa said many things in a language that I didn't understand and I found myself sleeping in a room with all of the mimics."

 Ivo nods slowly as Reize speaks. His eyes convey nothing but concern. But it seems that his shot of apple juice was sour, perhaps, because his mouth goes through contortions: puckering, twisting, and sucking in on itself as though he were trying to bite his tongue and everything else besides.
 "Mmmmph. Mmhmmm."
 He sits down beside Reize, clearing his throat a couple times before he is finally able to settle his expression into something resembling normality.
 "Bad luck, my friend," he finally says. "Don't blame yourself. No one could have predicted that a date in a monster-ridden dungeon with a vampire possessed of malevolent powers who dwells in a mimic-ridden manor could have gone so poorly. Still, there's no shame in sorrow at such misfortune."
 He slaps the table, brightening.
 "Even so, as spirited adventurers, why not set our minds on redemption? Perhaps some bold endeavor might regain Ruidosa's trust and affection!"
 Rui's absence does dash their hopes of launching an assault on Arcadios any time soon, so it would be prudent to coax her into rejoining the party. More importantly, he wouldn't want to be effectively banished from the manor through guilt by association with Reize. Ruidosa's hot mom is there.

  There is a smile that forms on Reize's face. It's one of defeat.


 The youth trails off, "I have been taking tons of requests as of late. I just finished ordering all of the crabs available to get her forgiveness." He gives Ivo a weary smile, one that is tired, and likely an added weight as to the current condition of the boy as he takes another sip of the apple juice.

  "But I thought the atmosphere was perfect! She is a vampire, so she may had appreciated the more deary atmosphere for the date!" His eyes widen, then he slumps, "...Then the rat took the gift that I had for her. ...And the flower that I found turned out to be a monster." he deflates with each part.

  "But the crabs are coming! And well, she loves crabs." He scratches his head, "...She did mention something about 'crab house'." He winces.

 Ivo doesn't remark on Reize's date expectations. The Cosmopolitan is always in favor of learning by doing, especially when the results are amusing.
 "You know, in Aurita Meloda, I heard an interesting rumor."
 He quirks a smile at their party's fearless leader.
 "There's lots of discussion about the return of the merfolk to the city. Supposedly, in bygone days, when the merfolk approved of certain humans, they would be willing to endow them with a special enchantment: the capacity to breathe water for a short time."
 He signals to the barkeep to order a second glass of juice. She shakes her head and visibly sighs.
 "The crabs are said to spawn in the depths of Lake Gerisia. What if we were to take the SaGa out to its deepest parts and explore there, seeking the most magnificent crab specimen of all?"
 Ivo grins.
 "I'm sure that would please her," he remarks, before gently adding, "but perhaps we could use our imaginations and take her by pleasant surprise. What else does she like?"

  This actually interests the young adventurer.

  Huh?! The merfolk are really willing to return to Aurita Meloda?" He considers, "I mean, I know there were talks, but are they willing to get along with the lizardfolk?" He looks with curiosity in his eyes. Nevertheless, this does bring a bit of hope in the boy's eyes.

  "Y-yes! I think we can do it!"

  Despite the barmaid's resignation to the second order of juice, Reize is content with the topic in question. "Well, the very most, she loves crabs! I think this will be enough to earn her forgiveness!" he gives a bright, cheery smile. "I had a ring for her, but..." He slumps, "The rat took it and left us in the dust. Rui thought that I was playing a prank on her." Comical trail of tears flood down his face.

 "Well, it took a little expert diplomacy--"
 Ivo, hands clasped, pleads with a dubious-looking Cutini Nak.
 "--but now that the merfolk have handed off their so-called Lights of Rebellion to Anna, I think the main sticking point has been resolved. All that's left is overcoming centuries of bitter enmity."
 And how hard could that be?
 "But I think that'll be their challenge to face, not ours."
 Ivo smiles gently, accidentally thereby revealing the contrast between his sincere smile and the ironic one he had been displaying earlier, as he thinks of the history yet to be written and their contributions toward it, thus far and to come.
 But his ruminations don't get far.
 "A ring?"
 Even Ivo looks alarmed.
 "Reize, I hesitate to be so blunt, but..."
 The older youth crosses his arms and sighs.
 "I think you could stand to better understand the hearts of women."
 Moments after pronouncing this, Ivo blinks as he feels an unexpected chill running down his spine, as though many women across multiple games are staring stonily in his direction.

  While it is worth noting that Reize does not have a complete understanding of women, or the whole relationship aspect, there is enough to acknowledge that he does have a bond with Ruidosa. In a way, it is different than his bond with Lily's. There was a partnership and a more 'big brother to little sister' relationship, the one with Ruidosa is quite different.

  Reize does look over Ivo's alarmed state, especially about his comment about understanding the hearts of women, "--Err.. w---what do you mean?" He is confused. Though, he does comment, "The ring that I was going to give her was suppose to show that I would remain by her side and she could count on me." Pause, "Well, at least until the rat stole it."

  He sweatdrops, exhaling a sigh.

 "Listen, Reize."
 Shaking off that odd chill, Ivo takes the opportunity to lean in, his expression turning serious, even grave.
 "You're on a journey as important as our adventures: the journey to adulthood. In that, I'm proud to watch over you, and I refrain from meddling to the best of my ability."
 As in, sometimes he just can't resist.
 "But I feel that in this case, I must give you some advice."
 Uh oh.
 "You see, in matters of the heart, women are just like us."
 "At times, they, like us, don't know their own true desires. Even so, like us all, they deserve to make up their own minds. If you make your intentions clear from the start, instead of waiting to convey your meaning until you think the time is right, you can sway them while still showing respect."
 That's not bad, Ivo--
 "And you'd better," he adds, "because the wrath of a woman is terrible beyond belief."
 His gaze has become hollow.
 "One wrong move, and they'll scar you forever," he intones. "The physical pain of their claws and flames are nothing compared to the mental wounds they leave."
 Ivo, are you perhaps thinking of one woman in particular?
 "Just imagine the curses that Ruidosa is concocting in her lair," he continues, gazing emptily into the middle distance. "The horrors that she has planned for you in the wake of your failure."
 Wait, was this supposed to be helpful?

  The eyes of the young explorer widen as Ivo takes a more serious stance with him. Given his odd deamnor, a more grave expression, Reize listens to his friend in a more important capacity. It appears to be a coming of age sort of situation, especially when he comments on the 'journey of adulthood'.

 There is a giant sweatbead at Ivo's correlation to his own plight. "...W--Well... Ruidosa did have me sleep in the room fulled with mimics." He grimaces, "She was very upset with our date." he exhales a sigh.

 '...Just imagine the curses that Ruidosa is concating in her lair'


 "I need to get her crabs! The best crabs! I am already in the crabhouse, Ivo!" he grabs his older friend, now shakng him fervently. "I gotta get out of the crab house!"

 Ivo, pale and wide-eyed, grips Reize by the shoulders as well, even as the taller youth is being shaken to and fro.
 "You've got to get out of the crab house!" he affirms. It seems that whatever he was remembering or imagining has caused Ivo, who had attempted to be reassuring, to become distressed as well. "This is much worse than I'd feared!"
 The barkeep, who had approached to bring them their refills of apple juice, pauses before beginning to back away slowly.
 "It's okay. It's alright." Ivo takes quick huffing breaths. "We have a plan. We'll get help from the merfolk and lizardfolk. Silrug Dac's people can help us with water breathing and Cutini Nak's can likely help us with the pressure of the depths." The former is a rumor and the latter is a guess, but Ivo's grasping at straws here. "I'll get you out of the crab house. You can count on me. I once touched Priel's tail and I lived to tell the tale."
 "We don't have to fear these women! We can do this!"

> Accepted Urgent Quest: Out of the Crab House, Into Crab Hell

 " there a draft in here? I felt another chill."