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First Date Disaster

Scene details

  • Start date: Aug. 28, 2022, 3:13 p.m.
  • End date: Aug. 28, 2022, 5:29 p.m.
  • Location: Granse - Pits of Avarice
  • Participants: Reize Seatlan, Ruidosa La Crima

Setting: Ruidosa dreamed of a perfect evening upon a balcony under a full moon with a bucket full of crabs and spending it with her beloved. ...Unfortunately, her "beloved" took her to a dark mine with skeletons for the first date. However, Reize heard that there was a rare flower that she would appreciate. ...But will she?


  The view of the stone walls rests with skeletal arms reaching outward, clambering from the ground with their weapons. As the view of the camera spins around, it shows a few dark flowers radiating a dark aura, some of them appearing crystalized. A few bats even flutter around, swirling and swooping around.

  Then it gets the view to the entrance.

  Darkness is prevalent within the Pits of Avarice. As the representative of man's greed, the spirits of the miners, driven to their death, remain yearning for freedom. The earthen scars adorn the wall as scrapings of stone, kept together by blocks of wood, prevail across the facility. These mines, cursed with dark spirits, generally remain unexplored despite the retrieval of the Crux.

  ...Is a perfect place for a date! Or at least, according to Reize Seatlan!

  He promised Ruidosa her first date and he is in good spirits! What better way to have a date than a great adventure together! He remember being told of something deep within the mines of something that she may like. So, they get to explore together!

  "It's been a while since we've been here! This should be clear this time... I think!" He is bright and cheerful, glancing back to his partner.

(Ruidosa sits under the stars near Granse Lake with Reize and they sit by the waterside, staring up at the stars, crab shells scattered about as she moves to grasp his han---)Oo.


uidosa finds herself looking upward at the screaming skulls of some long buried miners, instead of stars and Reize is over there with a torch probably and she gently clenches her teeth. Somewhere, a vampire mom marks down '*bad at dates' on a checklist.

"So uh. What are we gonna do here?" she asks bluntly. This isn't very romantic so far. There's no starlit evening, no crabs, no lake just.

Skeletons and maybe spirits roamining about deeper in the mines. Lovely. Just...


  As the boy holds up the torch, he looks back ahead to see their path. As they appear deep within the mine shaft, the young explorer turns to face his partner with a bright smile. "Ah, welll..." He offers her a grin. "That's a secret! But, what I can say that we'll be going deep within the mines for something!"

  He doesn't notice the clenching of the teeth, though he tries to give her an easy smile. "It'll be worth it!"

  As they look deeper within the mine, it does at least seem more calm. Further along the mine shaft, there is a cart that had not been used when they first explored the path. Reize decides to approach the cart.

Ruidosa is following along because maybe there's something romantic at the end of this. Maybe he has a table setup at the bottom for a candlelit dinner in the dark, trying to play up to her vampire aspects? She tries realllly hard to have hope for something as they approach a cart as she nods.

"Well...okay." she says, incredulously, eyeing Reize and relaxing some. It turns out when there isn't someone causing a rukus it's quiet here? That's good.

She eyes the cart and approaches it cautiously, peeking in over the top to see what's inside.

Maybe...maybe there's something hidden in the cart Reize put there.

Maybe Ruidosa is giving Reize too much credit for anything. :IX

  To Ruidosa's credit, she is right on the money of the playing up the vampire aspects. In his mind, she would probably find the place interesting, or at least, more at home? There was something that he had planned, or at least, partially.

  Kneeling down, he looks over the cart. He rummages underneath and...


  "...that's odd..." He furrows his eyebrows. "It was here--..." He then looks up and peeks into the cart. "...Oh! There it is!" He reaches over to the cart and hops in. He holds up a small box.

  "Rui, I wanted to give you something that I think you'd like. This is only part of the gift!" He is preparing to open it...

  "Uhh... Rui? Why are you far away?" Reize calls out.

  That is because the cart is moving. Fast. Just until he's barely out of sight. PHWEWWW!!!

Ruidosa is right, okay, maybe this date will be salvaged, gifts are nice! Maybe she was thinking it all wrong. And--

Reize is in a runaway mine cart. Awk! "Reize the cart is moving!" she yells as she suddenly poofs into a bat and flies after the cart as fast as she can.

"I TAKE IT THIS ISN'T PART OF THE WHOLE AFFAIR." she angrily squeaks as she tries to at least keep Reize in view as she races after the cart.

"PULL THE BRAKE!" she yells.

"PULL IT SLOW!" she suddenly also says.

 The cart is moving?!

 Reize's eyes widen as he becomes more alarmed. He looks to his left and right and starts to panick. His mind is starting to flashback to the time in Cosmopolis when he and Lily were in the Aediograd. "...GACK!" The bells ring iin his head and he turns to face the lever. He starts to move the lever slowly.



 This was definitely not part of the plan.

 Unfortunately for Reize, skeletons emerge further down the tracks.

 Meanwhile, as for Ruidosa, she is not getting off unbothered. There are a few sleeping bats hanging above the mine shaft. When they peeks down...

'Hey! Wake up!'
'The princess is here!!!'
'Eh, what?'

 ...After a moment.

'The princess is here!!!'

 Ruidosa will suddenly find herself intercepted by a swarm of bats.

'Hi princess, remember me?'
'Ooh ooh! me! Me!'
'Notice me, princess!'

'You came to hang out with us?!'

They continue to fly around rapidly, rather excited to meet Ruidosa in person.

Ruidosa awks and acks. "NOT NOW." she suddenly spluts at a swarm of bats. "Later. ;_;." she says. "I'm Trying to chase that cart!" she explains in squeaky bat voice. Squeak squeak squeak. She's losing Reize in all this and she just flaps flaps flaps flaps after Reize...

She hears the telltale metallic snap of a hundred year old cart handle break... meaning the brake has broken! Brakes break. She arghs and says.
5R"HEY CAN ANY OF YOU STOP THAT CART." she says. "OR HASSLE THE SKELETONS." She calls to the bats as she flaps flaps flaps through the crowd.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: What does the landing look like?
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 1).

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=19.
Comment: What does the landing look like?
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 13).

  The skeletons reach out for Reize, trying to pull him in to their reach. This is not met without resistance; Reize bats the arms away with the broken lever. He could use his boomerangs, but this one is currently on hand---or was, as one of the skeletons take the lever away.

  Hearing her wishes, they follow without complaint.


  The gathered bats swoop out and began their harassment campaign on the skeletons.

  This allows a bit of reprieve for Reize, "Whew..." And then his eyes widen as the trail is approaching its end. "....Oh no."

  The good news is that the cart manages to get the breaks.

  The bad news?

  "Buh?!" As the cart abruptly halts in place, the boy is immediately flung from the cart, the wrapped box still in hand. "Gaaaaaaahhhh!" He rolls down the hill, haphazardly spinning in place. He tries to catch himself, but then continue his descent to where his eyes spin.


  That is the sound of the harsh landing... with an explosion geyser of dust.

Ruidosa stops as the cart breaks and Reize is sent flying into the harsh landing with an explosion of dust and dirt as she says a quick 'THANKYOU!' to the bats on her way past them and the skeletons as she stops and suddenly un-transforms into her normal humanoid form and suddenly starts running into the cloud of dust and coughs a lot.

She tries sweeep away some of it with her hand and arm as she frowns and says. "Reizey...! Are you okay!?" she calls out into the dust cloud as she squints and tries to figure out just where he is in the cloud.

She'll wait a long moment for the dust to die down some so maybe she can see him properly if he's KOed and can't answer her!


 Those are the words of agony uttered by Reize, who is flat on the ground. Everything hurts. Yeah. That is right. Everything.

 "I'm OoOooKkkkaaay..."

 As the dust settles, Reize is starting to get back to his feet. He gives Ruidosa an apologetic smile, "...That was not supposed to happen, but... I managed to salvage part of the gift!" He holds the box out for Ruidosa, looking bright and cheerful, despite his beaten state.

 ...As he opens the box out for Ruidosa to see...

  Nothing is there!

  "....Huh?" Confusion is painted on his face. Followed by nervous sweating.

Ruidosa whews and Reize is okay. She takes a deep breath and relaxes and goes back to date mode. Okay. Gift is okay. Reize is okay. Gift is okay! She smiles as Reize opens the box. What does she expect...

.O(A lovely necklace.....)

.oO(A braclet... studded with diamonds, handmade!...)

.oO(...a wedding ring!? +_+)

.oO(Even a handwritten coupon for a real date..!)


She stares at the empty box and blinks blankly and frowns hard. " this some kind of joke at my expense!?" she suddenly asks, a little angry! Ignoring Reize's confused state for the moment.

Uh oh. Better explain quickly, 'Reizey'.

  Uh oh, Ruidosa is angry. It is not looking good for Reize.

  "W-wa-wait, Rui! I--It was in here! I had a gift in there, promise!" He is looking incredibly nervous as he looks around.

  There is something nice and shiny... but it's moving fast. "...Buh?"


  "Ooi! Hand that back!" The boy calls out to the flitting critter, which is likely a rat! The boy runs off to chase the creature with an arm raised and shaking a fist.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>15.
Comment: Getting it yourself, Jerk?
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11. This is a failure (by 4).

Ruidosa looks upset still. "But the box is empty!" she says. She watches Reize spot something and she looks where he is and there's something shiny being carted away by what is most likely a rat. At least it isn't a ghost.

She huffs and crosses her arms and turns away from Reize and is angry enough to tell him off, but she rolls her eyes and quickly runs after the critter with Reize, sighing frustratedly.

Worst. First. Date. Ever.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: Gotcha!
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 12).

  Reize is a quick sprinter, usually good with catching speedy critters such as a rat. It is why that he has the creature on his sights. As soon as the boy gets close enough to the rat...

  He takes a leap to ensnare it. "Gotcha!"

  Except, the rat does a fake out and backs away, just letting Reize land on his face.

  After the landing, it pops out in front of him, squeaks mockingly, and then runs off into the darkness.

  "...I... I had it..." His eyes lower, comical river of tears running through.

  However, through the darkness is a shining light up ahead. That gleaming light, despite of the earlier failure, does get his spirits up.

  "This is it!"

  His eyes widen in shock, rather jubilant, enough to push himself up to his feet. "Oooi! Rui! This is what I wanted you to see!"

  Behind Reize is a glimmering light. Though the mine has been filled with darkness, it is deep through the cavern, a light exist with black flowers blooming. The glimmering flowers are all shaped as roses. The light along the dark roses make them even more mysterious.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>15.
Comment: Rats.
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 12).

Ruidosa La Crima bellows. "IT WILL BE A COLD DAY IN HELL WHEN A RODENT GETS THE BEST OF RUIDOSA LA CRIMA! DUCHESSS OF L----" and then Ruidosa hits dirt when she jumps at the rat and skids a foot forward in the stone as she cries and 'ows!' loudly because she's skinned her knee! "DUMB RAT!" she yells after it.

She ows and seethes and then snaps at Reize. "What!?" she says as she stands up a little shakingly and then blinks as she walks into the strange glimmering flowers..."Oh....that's..."

Her eyes open wide. "Pretttttty." she says. Maybe the date can be salvaged after all as she approaches the flowers and leans down at one.

Surely nothing bad will happen, right?

  There is a wince as Ruidosa snaps at him. Despite of her burst of anger, he remains in good spirits as he holds his arms up in the air. "I found out about this a while back." He considers, "There was a rumor about mysterious flowers that are bred within the darkness." He offers his partner a warm smile. "I wanted you to brave the trip with me so that you can enjoy the flowers here. It's not found anywhere else."

 He gives a sincere smile, albeit nervous. "...Look, Rui. Things did not go as I planned.. the other gift, well..." He gestures to where the rat went. There is a rueful gaze at the depths of the darkness.

 "But this is the next best thing that I can offer!"

 As Ruidosa approaches down, nothing bad seems to happen... Right?

 Well, there is a looming tendril emerging through the flowers. In fact, the tendril immediately reaches out to ensnare the vampire's ankle to lift her up.

 It is soon that the flowers, the beautiful flowers, start to form into what appears to be a large mouthed plant creature.

 Because Ruidosa has a high affinity with plant beasts!

Ruidosa is about to apologize for her snap and tell him how amazed her is, when a tendril grabs her and hoists her up suddenly and there's a sudden gaping mouth plant create that happens to be the night flowers and she's suddenly yelling at Reize again, but this time in a more worried fashion.

"REIZE HELP ME!" she cries out as she starts fling dark energy blasts, but she's upside down and it's unlikely any of her blasts will connect at this angle. She cries out.

"I HATE PLANTS!" she suddenly cries out among her random blasting of dark energy bolts at the creature. All missing and hitting the stone and dirt.

  Reize's eyes widen, filled with worry when the atmosphere changes to a more horrifying aspect. The smiles are all gone as he takes a serious gaze, "RUIDOSA!" He calls out her name, already leaping out towards the large plant creature with both boomerangs drawn.

 With a powerful swing, he slams the arms down, severing the tendril that originally captured the vampire. He reaches out to take Ruidosa into his single arm, protectively trying to keep her close to him.

 The creature bellows out a howl, hissing as they lash out to the explorer. He takes the brunt of it, trying to keep Ruidosa out of the fray of the blows upon his descent. "Tscch...!"

Ruidosa is freed and pulled close to Reize, but this date's turned into just another dumb battle. At least she's free from being shoved into a giant gaping maw on a date, which is a very good thing to have happened as she winces and between her knee hurting and being upside down.

She raises her hand and fires out a bolt of dark energy that she tries to aim at the thing as she winces.

"I'll kill you!" she seethes out as she fires the bolt of dark energy. "For ruining my date!" she says. she talking to the plant or Reize? Probably the plant. Right?


  The creature lets out a hiss, letting out a belch of a gas. It does not get to complete the noxious gas, which would be more of a danger for Reize, than Ruidosa, as the bolt of dark energy aims squarely in its mouth. Gulp...

 ...And it detonates from the bolt of dark energy. It explodes into a confetti of dark flowers, fluttering all over the place.

  Reize looks around the dark cavern and then the petals fluttering around.

  "W--well... at least the floating petals add to the atmosphere?" He gives a nervous smile, still holding onto Ruidosa, who is already angry with him.

Ruidosa La Crima angrily huffs! "You didn't check if they we're even safe!?" she asks. "I bet we we're that things first meal that wasn't a rat in ages!" she says as petals float around. Some land on her face. she brushes them off angrily as they come.

"L..Let's just get out of here! And go home... I'm too angry now." she stews as she huffs and grumbles.

She'll have a rant later. But for right now she just wants out of the death mine with skeletons, ghosts and glimmering rose demon plants of whatever!