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A Challenge Received

Scene details

Setting: The party returns to Aurita Meloda after receiving a letter of challenge from Gasa Dan of the merfolk for the berserker princess Anna Primrose.


 Aurita Meloda has changed in small ways, but each is notable.
 The lizardfolk priests led by Cutini Nak mingle with the assorted outcasts that have long occupied the moldering city. While the canals mostly remain brackish, as Meloda's Blessing still churns uncontrollably away in the Drowned Undercity, the lizardfolk have used a mix of magic and irrigation knowledge to purify a small subsection. This now serves as a pleasant plaza, the flagstones still cracked and dirty but the canals fresh and sparkling and citrus trees fragrant with blossoms.
 "MegaCapo seems to be getting along well."
 And, of course, there is a ten foot tall robot capybara, currently sitting near the cliffside as laughing children clamber all over it. Ivo smiles bemusedly, remembering their farcical encounter, as he sips blackberry tea, seated on a hunk of stone in the plaza.
 "How gratifying," he announces, dark hair tousling in the sea breeze, "to know that this is possible thanks to us."
 He then glances at the rough papyrus missive on the makeshift table before him, pinned down with a rock paperweight so it does not blow away.
 "Though... much remains undone."
 Meloda's Blessing remains a threat and a lure for villains seeking its power. The elementals who wish to return to Aurita Meloda must have that move negotiated. The matter of the merfolk blasphemers remains unresolved. And, speaking of which...
 "Is this worth it, do you think?"
 Now, a letter of challenge from Gasa Dan, the mermaid bodyguard of the impetuous merman chief, for Anna Primrose, berserker princess, demanding a rematch with a boon at stake.

Pure Water makes the vampire cautious as she stays away from the edges of it. Purified water may aswell be some form of acid to her. She prefers the natural brackish water so she can touch it.

She eyes the letter as she scoffs. "It's just braying and boo'ing from someone who's... ugh what's the word...." she trails off and think. "....someone who's upset and their rear hurts." she says, as she eyes the giant robot.

She doesn't trust it. She blames that strange man that made it, rather than Ivo in this case. This is a boon for Ivo today, because it means she isn't making fun of Ivo for it.

  It is back to Aurita Meloda. Reize was rather impressed with the reconstruction of the ruined city. It looks more hospitable for visitors and it looks like the lizardfolk are recovering. The young explorer sits across from the group on his own stone slab of the plaza. He takes a sip of the tea, looking rather curious.

  "This looks amazing! You guys did a great job bringing this together!" His head turns side-to-side to take in the surroundings and its change. However, he looks over towards Ivo. He looks over at the rough papyrus. "...Oh, hm..." He looks quite thoughtful. "... Looks like she wants to settle the score with Anna." He cracks a grin, looking bright and cheerful. "Anna can take her!" ...Though, a moment later, he deflates into a more concerned look. "Well, maybe it could help re-ignite the fire in her."

 Ivo grins at Ruidosa, clearly amused at her contempt. "I'm inclined to agree." He refills his cup from a ceramic pot. Where all else seems makeshift or improvised, the teapot is emblazoned with intricate designs that seem to have been recently revealed through careful cleaning. It may well be an artifact of the beastkin Golden Age. "But I do wonder why she would try this now, after nursing the grudge so long."
 He then looks to Reize, smiling more gently.
 "The fire within her still burns," he quietly affirms. "We saw as much during our battle in the throne room."
 And the room's decor paid the price.
 "So maybe this challenge would give her... some direction." He hesitates. "Depending on what sort of direction she wants. But I also wonder if this might serve as some lever on the merfolk themselves."
 He studies the design upon the pot.
 "Perhaps it's too subtle for them," he finally says, "but do you think this is their way of making contact, despite our clash in the past? With Aurita Meloda reviving, and that chief of theirs injured... maybe their situation in the delta has gotten desperate."

Ruidosa scoffs and looks to Reize, back to Ivo, back to Reize. She scoffs a little and settles on the side of a fallen pillar and crosses her arms. "I mean that might work. But what if it's also a trap?" she asks.

"I bet it's a trap. From... from people who's rears hurt too much." she insists.

She then frowns a little and crosses her arms. "If they wanna make contact why can't they do it like a civilized peoples!?" the vampire huffs. "Instead of some booing, braying challenge with a honeypot prize!?" she insists as she stews.

"No offense to you twos optimism." she says to Reize and Ivo.

  There is a thoughtful look on Reize's face. He runs a hand over towards his shoulder, still worried. Even as Ivo re-assures Reize with the reminder of the court room, Reize has his doubts. Still, he manages a smile and nods at Ivo. There is a glance over the tea for a moment.

  A direction that she wants...

  ... Maybe he should have a one-on-one talk with Anna.

  He takes another sip of the tea, nodding at Ivo. His older friend's musing does make Reize wonder. "It is possible." Ruidosa's insistance of it being a trap does earn a response: "Well, we will show up as well! If they don't plan to trap her, we'll be spectators." He cracks a grin.

 "It could be a trap," Ivo readily agrees. Ruidosa's outrage at vulgarity always entertains him, but he takes her judgment seriously. "In which case, we should secure an escape route. In the delta, that might be tough, but..."
 His eyes sparkle as he gazes off into the middle distance, seemingly distracted.
 "...perhaps some small modifications to the SaGa could..."

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

 "If it's a trap... That's what I have you guys for."
 There's Anna. She had been silent up to this point, ruminating over everything that had happened up until now.
 "R-really though, I didn't ever expect to receive a formal letter of challenge." She mutters, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
 "I don't remember much of our original fight, I just tackled her into the water and I sort of lost control." Pause. "As usual."

Ruidosa sips tea as she closes her eyes and savors the aroma and the taste. She's used to tea times. Lots and lots of tea times at home. She eyes Anna and nods. "We'll be there. But I think this person is taking it too personally. For some reason." she says as she sips her tea again.

"I can go recon if you'd like. A bat isn't out of place for this area. Probably. As long as they don't try to eat them. Then I'm just a flying dinner and that always causes problems." she insists.

  In that moment, Reize perks up to see that Anna finally spoke up! He didn't realize that she was with them the entire time! He looks quite embarassed at first, rubbing the back of his head. "Oooi! Anna!" He cracks a grin, though he does turn a bit more serious. "I vaguely remembered that she knocked me into the water--- I would had been a goner had you not came to fight her." He looks quite nervous. His inability to swim nearly got him in a dire situation. He looks at Ruidosa upon her suggestion, "That's a great idea! Worst case, we will get you out of trouble!"

 "Yes, yes... it's a zany idea... but it just... might... work."
 Ivo, having been off in his own little world for a little bit, shifts his gaze back to the challenge letter and furrows his brow.
 "I can't help but wonder if it is wise for Anna to cultivate her destructive prowess," he admits. "What will she become? Vengeance, even if self-destructive, was a guide of sorts. I have no sense of how to tell, but surely there's a better way than-- gah!!!"
 Ivo startles violently, losing his composure as Anna begins to speak. The Cosmopolitan, taken aback, stares wide-eyed at the girl and blurts:
 "How long have you been here!?"
 After a moment, he clears his throat and furtively takes a clarifying sip of tea.
 "Y-yes, well," he manages, "we'll back you up by air and water, one way or another."

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

 Oh yeah. Reize can't swim.
 Anna purses her lips as she remembers this fact.
 "Eheh... Heh... Well, tackling her felt like the right thing to do at the time, so."
 She's just being modest. But then Ivo looks like he jolts out of his skin.
 "The whole time." She says matter of factly.
 But something about what Ivo says does make her frown.
 "I... At first I thought it was just revenge that was driving me, but... Even after killing the Marauder Eidola I'm..." She hesitates.
 "Still so angry."

Ruidosa nods! "Right, we'll have your back and I'll scout for exits in case it's a trap of some sort." she frowns a little. As she sips tea and looks to Reize and frowns a little. "I dislike water too. If it's too pure, it burns." she frowns as she eyes the water again and looks back to Anna and gently sighs as she places her tea cup down.

"When we're done here I'll. Give a fly over then." she says softly.

  As Ruidosa mentions about the water, Reize takes a moment to mentally file that over the things that Ruidosa does not like. He'll have to remember to study up on vampires, considering his partnership with Ruidosa. He runs his hand to the back of his head. "I'll remember that, Rui!"

  He grins at Anna, "Either way, you got our support." He furrows his eyebrow at Ivo, a sweatbead appearing over his head. "Either way, we can maybe see about getting the elementals back as well!" He places his cup down, now finished with his tea.

 "Ah, yes, well, hmm."
 Ivo takes another furtive sip. Somehow, he finds Silently Lurking Anna more nerve-wracking than Raging Berserker Anna.
 "Then I hope the challenge will be a ... learning experience." He doesn't understand Anna's rage either, so he has no way of knowing what's too risky to attempt. But Gasa Dan is at least honorable enough to send a letter. Maybe Anna is the sort who can grow and connect through fighting. Like Ivo's father, and unlike Ivo. "If we're lucky, for us all."
 He looks between Ruidosa and Reize.
 "I'll speak to Cutini Nak about this. If the merfolk want to negotiate a peace with the lizardfolk, I want to know her position. Should I mention those elementals you encountered to her?"

Ruidosa ponders things as she blinks. "OH! RIGHT!" she says as she puts down the tea cup and digs into her bag, past her book and pulls out the gem that was given to them by the sirens, softly placing it down in front of Reize. "Here. Um..."

"Maybe Reize can explain better, but some figures on water gave us this gem. They we're looking for.... forgiveness?" she asks softly, looking to Reize for confirmation.

  Once Ruidosa places the gem in front of him, he gingerly takes it and extends it out towards Ivo. He closes his eyes as he tries to recollect the encounter.

 "... Yeah. It does not sound like they have a lot of time left, either." A frown is followed. "Their strength was rapidly fading when we last encountered them. It seemed like they were using their strength to reach out to us."

 "Their greatest wish.. is for Meloda to accept them again." One hand clutches his pendant, looking over to the glowing gem. He looks back over to the extended gem towards Ivo, "We were told that this was to be presented to Cutini Nak. She would know what to do with it."