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The Ladies La Crima
Scene details
Setting: Reize, Ivo, and Faruja brave the Treacherous Marsh to investigate the mysterious manor house there. Within they encounter a new ally and, in various respects, a test of resolve.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 7 months ago
After Reize's official induction, a strange man had approached the explorer with a quest. While admittedly not standard to the Vanguard protocol, he did follow suit of making it an official request that the boy took up.
'An associate of mine requested a Vanguard for a specific task. Due to the sensitivity of the request, she requested that she is met in person.' For an assignment like this, many questions pop up in terms of 'why not have an Rank A Vanguard for this', but such thoughts would not had been in Reize's head. In fact, he was more than happy to take up the request.
What was not expected that the travel would require trekking through the forest and going through the treacherous marshes. The journey was one that required a fortitude to brave the odds. It was quite a long journey through the darkness until they arrive upon the entrance of a manor. Everything around the manor radiates an eerie, spooky aura.
Reize cannot help but to stare at the place with tribulation.
Even worse, the front entrance is locked, so it looks like they cannot appear to go through this route. Instead, the trip would require taking the route through a passage that appears open to the side of the manor entrance.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 7 months ago
"That amplifier turned out be rather useful, huh?"
Ivo's voice cuts through the silence of the marsh as the young man looks up at the mysterious manor, his fatigue from their journey seemingly banished by his interest in their discovery.
"Navigating the marsh would have been quite troublesome otherwise."
Their journey along the gorgeous forested road south from Zerhem was uneventful, if delightfully offering views of great Lake Gerisia, but as soon as they cut west into the marsh, their adventure began. Having retrieved the aether amplifier he'd procured from the market and used as a distraction during their escape from the Vanguard Association (with effusively apologies no doubt only warily accepted by Corrine), Ivo had the bright idea of speeding up their journey by freezing chunks of the marsh water using the castoff Cosmopolitan device so they could leap across on the temporary floes. Thus the adventurers' platforming sequence challenge began.
"It's almost out of juice, though... I'd better not push it and make sure I keep the parts functioning so we can use them to repair our ship."
Privately, Ivo, reflecting on what they've just undergone, wonders if Reize could teach him how to double jump.
"I'm still amazed you can move as you do with that lance, Ser Senra," he says instead, grinning as he turns to their friend, his formal phrasing lightened by a playful tone. "As always, you show me that I have much to learn as a knight." Graduates of the Cosmpolitan military academy are *technically* knights and, naturally, Ivo made much of that in the hopes of getting along with Faruja on their earlier adventures. "I'm glad you were able to find and rejoin us in Zerhem. With you here, my heart is at ease."
He says that, but when he looks back to the forbidding manor, that grin fades, his composure not fully obscuring his own trepidation. Even so, the curious gleam in his eyes remains.
"It seems we won't have much luck entering through the front door... shall we see if we have better luck with the side entrance?"
2 years, 7 months ago
Is it /really/ a good idea to bring a zealot, however prone to caring about details such as 'collatoral damage', to a very spooky looking manor? One Faruja Senra, Paladin of Aijanu, is looking at the place as though he were deciding whether or not it would be best to purge the place and call this job a wash. One ear tilts to the right just slightly, classic sign of him at war with morals and attention to duty.
"...Squire Reize. You are /certain/ this is the correct location, yes? You know, this is exactly the sort of place an Eidola-worshipping mad noble would rest their weary, faithless head. I am not so polite that, should a cultist pop out baying for our collective skins to be used in a summoning ritual, that I shan't say 'I knew it'." Reize is getting squinted at. He really likes the boy,, he's green.
Ivo though knows how to stroke the ego, and that is a good distraction from the beastkin simply bringing down holy light on the place. "Flattery shall get you through many doors, Sir Galvan, and your gold-plated tongue, wit, and unpolished skill serves you well. ...Are you /certain/ you do not wish to become a priest?" Pause. "No. No, forget I suggested such." Shudder. Oh what a poor idea. Ahem!
"We beastkin have certain gifts." He offers proudly, making a jumpy-motion. The kind that lifts him up into the air about ten feet with the slightest push. He refocuses, and mutters a prayer. A bit of light filters around the head of his weapon.
"Bloody rude of them, hmm? Ask for help and not even so much as a 'how do you do'. It is as if they either do not want visitors, or are paranoid of something? Or are leading us into a trap. And...we shan't know until we breach the place. Shall we? Aijanu grant us thy blade's strength and preserve us from harm." Forward! The jumpy healer seems eager to get started. He doesn't like this better than anyone in the party, it seems!
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 7 months ago
Manor De Crima is an old manor in an older Granse style circa a hundred years ago. It looks...old. But in that slightly maintained way things look old. Like that spooky old neighborhood house. There is a metal fence-sparsed with overgrown ivy surrounding the property, and the front gate seems locked. There's some candlelight of sorts from some windows in the manor, but nothing seems moving.
Walking along to the side seems to offer a switch to an old, older Gransian style of field stone wall-- opening into -- a. Well. It seems a graveyard! A very old. Very desecrated graveyard. There's a few crumbling mausoleums, many old tombstones, and a side door to the manor. The graveyard seems older than the manor.
It's mostly quiet, as graveyards are won't to be. There at least seems to be no sign of recently disturbed earth so... that's good. No zombies or ghouls right...?
CRASH! A girl with pale yellow skin, blonde hair and a yellow eyes behind thick glasses runs out of the side door, leaving it wide open. She's holding a thick tome against her. Behind her follows another pale girl with blue hair, no glasses. Both are wearing fancy dresses of varying degrees. The blue one is yelling at the giggling yellow one. It's in some sort of Gransian tongue that sounds like 'Spanish' for all intents and purposes. They are chasing each other around the graveyard and don't notice the group yet. - The girl on the far right of the couch is the blue one, the one in the middle is the yellow one. Ruidosa and Tranquilla, respectively.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 7 months ago
It pays being the agile one of the group. Reize can hop along ledges and get to paths easier than the others. Thankfully, Ivo was able to use the amplifier to give them a nice platforming passage through the marshes.
As they decide to take the side entrance.
Faruja's inquisition is met with an uneasy smile from the explorer. "I am certain! The person who made the request said that the actual client lives within a manor that's deep within the swamp." There is a frown that crosses his features.
"...He didn't tell me that the manor would appear as creepy as the swamp."
The boy winces at Faruja's harshness, "Oi, oi. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that!" ...Reize is not a bit confident that Faruja won't be proven right. However, considering that this is his first request, he wants to see it through!
"...Yeah." Reize does admit, not having the front entrance available to them is a bit rude. Such lengths that they have to go through just to see what the request is.
Realizing that the path leads them into a graveyard, he looks very uneasy. He sucks in a breath, gulping before he furrows his eyebrows. "...Well, came here for a task. Can't back down now." He looks with determination as he passes his way into the descecrated graveyard. He stares around to see crumbling mausoleums, tombstones, and the such. With an uncomfortable shiver, he grimaces. "...Place definitely gives me the creeps." Everything... feels so dead.
Reize jumps up, "wh-aah!" He catches his footing, he stares out to see the two playing.
"...Uhh...." He feels uneasy at first, but he manages to muster an, "Ooooooiii!" maybe they are friendly and are used to the place?
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 7 months ago
"Fear not," Ivo deadpans as they enter into what appears to be a graveyard. "Should any dead rouse from their slumber, I, Priest Ivo, shall lay them to rest. Even the deceased shall heed my gold-plated tongue."
He's clearly about to unrelenting continue playing this role until, utterly subverting the spooky atmosphere, two lively girls burst onto the scene, giggling and laughing. Ivo's expression briefly goes blank before he's once again grinning to Faruja.
"What say you, Ser Senra? Shall we fell these foul demons?"
It's funny, you see, because these girls are so obviously harmless. Strange though it may be that they dwell in an almost impenetrable marsh, Ivo visibly relaxes and, this time, lets Reize do the greeting, simply smiling and waving as the boy gets their attention, trying to look nonthreatening (which isn't too hard for him).
The noble may be charming, but harem powers win every time.
2 years, 7 months ago
It's a good thing that Ivo works up all that playful heresy, as on the trip past decrepit graveyard and ruined mausoleums, Faruja's ears are going angry-red and would likely be literally growling were it not for him constantly glaring at Ivo in mixed confusion, outrage, and what might just be an undercurrent of mirth.
Congratulations, party, you have a zealot whisperer.
Luckily he's calmed down enough after the walk, and the manor itself seems sufficiently cult-less (could really use a good dusting though, he's stifled four sneezes since the manor lobby). The result is that he's just more mad at the poor maintenance than anything else, and is stowing the crusading zeal. For now.
"For those with enough coin to hire a Vanguard outfit - new as this outfit may be - and even have this plot in the first place, it strikes odd that they cannot maintain it. On rough times, perhaps? Neglectful?" His better part of his brain is thinking now, even if he's glaring at faded finery. He really, /really/ does not like nobles, and his association with Ivo is one of very few bright spots in that.
The rat, too, jumps. Or hops, rather, stance defensive as a girl comes crashing in with all the power of youthful invincibility. Alright. He looks to Ivo, to the girl, to Reize's much less graceful leap, and he finally manages a laugh.
"No. No, I see no signs of immediate demonic taint. Aside from the adorable mischief present in all children." Okay, now he's smiling. One ear is /less/ tilted now. He straightens, and turns to the older one of the two.
A proper templar bow. "My Ladies, your chosen Vanguard have arrived. Aijanu's blessings upon you. Reize, do the honors if you please?" A light, more verbal nudge to Reize and what he hopes is an icebreaker for the sudden intrusion.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 7 months ago
Tranquila, the yellow haired girl, stops dead when she hears the sounds of others. This sends Ruidosa crashing into Tranquila with an 'awk!' coming from the two as they fall into a tangled pile, her the blue one quickly snatching her book. "I said don't touch my book!" she complains. She holds it to her body now as she frowns hard and then looks up to see. Others. She blinks.
Tranquila ohs! "Oh! I know you! You we're the ones that ran out of the Vanguard Hall in a hurry! And made a big mess in the markets!" she says. Ruidosa looks towards Tranquila, then at the group. She looks towards Ivo- and blinks quizzically. looks towards Faruja and eyes her a moment as she eyes Reize----and blushes a moment before she stands up and drags Tranquila up with her.
"H--hey...! Are you here for mom's request then? Let's go get her..." she says as Ruidosa follows a bit, blinking to stop and look back at the group like she isn't used to seeing....people.
Still, she turns and follows up the staircase as the yellow one calls out 'Mooooom. There's visitors'.
Eventually the two return, following a taller, adult, purple haired woman who stands at the top of the stairs and looks down.
"Vanguards?" she asks, raising her brow. "My apologies...." she says with a more exasperated breath. "I didn't expect this fast a response. I see you found your way in. Tea...? Cake?" she pauses.
"But my manners. I am La Crima. These are my daughters, Tranquila, and Ruidosa..." she says, motioning to each. "I apologize for the locked gate. But. We often have people trespassing- usually. Vampire hunters who have nothing better to do." she says rolling her eyes.
Tranquila waves from behind her mom, Ruidosa is just holding that book to her chest, still eyeing the group. Occasionally blushing, but tilting her head up here, or there. For now-- she finally asks. "Are you....humans....?"
Tranquila gasps. "Rui! ~ You can't just ask people if they're ''human''....!"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 7 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 7 months ago
The youth has a bright smile as it looks like the commotion between them stopped. The girl has her book and they can focus over their new guests! The explorer glances back towards Faruja upon his ice breaker.
"Ooi! I'm the Vanguard who took up the request! Are either of you---" It looks like that's not the case. Tranquila seemed to recognize them... Reize squints a bit, as if trying to remember...
... There is a vague, hazy memory, but it was quick because he was on a mission, which ended in disaster.
However, when the presence of their mother arrive, Reize offers a smile upon the group's introduction. "I'm Reize Seatlan, an explorer and current new Vanguard!" Ooh, tea and cake sounds good.
Vampire hunters...? As Ruidosa asks about them being humans, "Uhh, yeah! We are, why do you ask?"
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 7 months ago
A mom? Now that's more Ivo's speed. Uh, I mean, what?
Entering the house, Ivo's expression of amiable interest brightens to one of clear delight as La Crima makes her entrance. "Charmed, my lady. It is a loss to the world that a jewel such as yourself is locked behind these gates such that your light has not graced my eyes before." His flattery is obviously practiced, but he sounds a little more like he really means than than usual. Calm yourself, Ivo. Summon your inner priest.
...Well, just calm yourself, anyway.
"Perhaps they simply seek a glimpse of your beauty. Ha ha ha." Vampire hunters? She sounds like she's serious. "If they could only see the inhabitants, they would know such a welcoming and well-kept abode could hardly house vampires. No, Ser Senra?" Surely his beastkin friend will join in the flattery.
He is, after all, a man of culture as well.
"Tea would be lovely," Ivo graciously replies, looking to the children. The blonde looks vaguely familiar but he cannot place her, so he sets that odd feeling aside. Seeing then that one of the girls is shyly blushing in the background, he offers her a gentle smile -- which then freezes at her question. But only for a moment. "Two of us are," he replies lightly, "and one is even better." His smile widens into a grin.
It's *probably* not anti-beastkin racism, but better to playfully but firmly come out against it right away, just in case. Besides, she's clearly just a sheltered kid.
Awkwardness aside, Ivo relaxes further. It's rather soothing to find such a normal family here.
2 years, 7 months ago
" the markets." The beastkin's words exit before he can stop them. There is a slow, sidelong glance. Of his party, he already has a fairly good idea of where such a nexus of trouble might stem from. One of them is not currently here. He doesn't yet know the exact /scale/ of said mess, and so he goes with the most likely source of misadventure in the room.
Ivo gets a mouthed 'we are going to have a /talk/ later'. Oh, and an 'accidental' thump of lancebutt to one the man's ankles at the comment on his race. He's /smiling/ as he does it though, and straightens his hair a bit proudly. Punishment received, Ivo, you are forgiven my sheltered child radiates from the rat-like paladin.
He isn't stopping the flattery, either, because it just seems sensible to wind up a noble client. And if he's being honest, he has to cling to his holy symbol a little bit more than usual to keep less toward thoughts from surfacing on his eyes in the presence of such an unapologetically beautiful woman such as her. Ears flick as he tries to hide the red that's not outrage-based for once.
"Certainly not. No doubt they simply took the ~state~ of your manor into consideration, the unfortunate ~lack of consecration and disrepair~ of the graveyards and assumed you were either amongst the undead yourselves or were a hidden coven of necromancers." A glance to Rui, as if to underscore La Crima's daughter's statement. His tone is more flat than a polished marble floor in a church.
He smiles. "Ser Faruja Senra, Paladin of Aijanu. I am honored. Squire Seatlan may be young, yet he is skilled for his age, and those of us with more experience are here to ensure he does not fall prey to the foibles of that youth. At no extra charge, mind you." Smile. Smiiiile. He is hardly Ivo, but he can slip into the role of straight-laced polite knight easily.
"And I should be happy to reconsecrate the grounds as well." For all of a minute, anyway, as he barely manages to shuffle the edge out of his voice.
He bows then takes his own seat, offers a prayer, and sips the tea. His eyes do not move particularly far from La Crima, much like a rodentian hawk. At least he hasn't smote anyone yet.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 7 months ago
La Crima blinks a moment at the flirtations and flattery and 'ohs!' a moment. "Oh...! You're attempting human courtship....! Yes...very well. Come here, unto my bosom." she says softly as she head tilts. She then blinks a little- as Ivo continues. "Oh. I see. there is a misunderstanding. We ''are'' vampires. Do not worry this is not some...trap. I like to keep a respectful arrangement with the Vanguards." she says raising a hand.
5RTranquila escapes off to get tea ready as La Crima and Ruidosa walk down the stairs and sit down on one of the sitting couches, she offers the other couch to the others.
"You've noticed the graveyard by now. It's useful to me. But it's desecration isn't my doing. There was a catacomb containing a cult I drove off, many, many years ago." she says. "I need someone to clear the next floor down. There's often old treasure, items of interest left behind you're welcome to keep. There's just... creatures down there. That needs dispatched. Old experiments. That sort of thing. My friend, The Professor, thinks there's some artifact down there he's looking for."
Tranquila arrives with tea and cake. Both are fresh in so far as the tea was made today and the cake is edible.
Meanwhile, Ruidosa is kind of...starring. At Reize, while a quill operates into her book, as she bites her lip exposing a tiny fang, she may be 'sketching' a picture. Ivo can see this. It's labeled 'HUMAN'. La Crima looks to Faruja. She twitches a little at prayers.
"My apologies. Could... you not? Here? My apologies, but such things are uncomfortable for me and my daughters. I assure you. I mean no harm..." pause.
"Yes why I hired you...." she says as she sips tea. "Not to.. fix the grounds I..."
She places an arm on Ruidosa's shoulder. "Rui here. Is sheltered. Tranquila is allowed to explore, but Ruidosa's needed more time to acclimate. And I want her more acclimated to the world beyond." she says with a curt nod.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 7 months ago
... Oh...
It comes to realization that the ladies before them /are/ vampires. His eyes widen in shock. Admittedly, it is not because of the fact that they are vampires. In fact, his eyes immediately shift towards Faruja, giving him the 'please don't go holy avenger here we are on an assignment please please please'.
This is his first mission and he is not going to let it go awry because his a friend wants to go on a purging spree. Worst case, he could be arrested by Corrine for breaching some sort of contract. ...Actually arrested this time.
In an instance... everything goes dark. Reize is clutching his head and the emerging, looming head of Corrine is gazing down at Reize with a flat, dark look. Her eyes shimmering with hellfire and brimstone rage.
He doesn't want to see an angry Corrine.
After finishing his inner thoughts, he realizes that everyone already went inside the manor! He follows after them as the lead, given that he is the Vanguard representative!
His eyes light up for a moment, "T---treasure?" He lifts his head up with rapt interest. "Well, this request sounds very interesting! We'll definitely take it!"
Upon Tranquila arriving with the tea and cake, he brightens, "Hee, thank you!" He does glance over at Ruidosa as she is staring his way, "...Ah?" He tilts his head with curiosity at her. He gives an empathetic smile towards Ruidosa. "...I know the difficulty in trying to venture out, or at least wanting to see beyond what I thought was my current 'world'."
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 7 months ago
Ivo is looking anywhere but at Faruja when the paladin gives him a cautionary thump on the ankle, causing the young noble to wince and bite his lower lip. He opens his mouth to say something clever and misdirecting, as usual. But then La Crima makes her oh so generous offer.
So, "Uhhhhh," is what comes out.
It appears Ivo's ears have become rather red too.
"Ha ha ha, surely you jest, my lady, ah ha ha. Unless...? Uh, that is, your wit, it shines just as your beauty. Ha ha ha. I couldn't, surely. Ah ha... ha ha..." He glances at Faruja, then back at La Crima's bosom, then back to Faruja again, almost plaintively. As though to say: if he does something sinful, you'll look away just this once, won't you? You *understand*, right? And perhaps Faruja would.
Until La Crima promptly drops a second bombshell.
It's impossible to say if that was a final laugh, a grunt of acknowledgment, or just an exhalation. Ivo doesn't know himself. His eyes are as wide as saucers. He's glancing between La Crima and Faruja again, much more rapdily, and now his smooth brow has begun to visibly glimmer with a faint sheen of sweat.
"This is... information," Ivo responds, eloquently. "Perhaps... perhaps, united by... temporary common cause in purging these catacombs of their monstrous inhabitants, we could... complete the assignment given and... consider what other actions to take... if any!... at a later date."
Zealot whispering only goes so far. Ivo has only read about vampires in books. He has absolutely no faith in his ability to talk Faruja down.
"You are... clearly a doting mother," Ivo manages, trying desperately to change the subject. He can't match Reize's own undampened enthusiasm. "Your daughters are... very fortunate." Look, Faruja. Reize is so happy (now that he's finished with his terrifying premonition). And her daughters seem so nice. You wouldn't make them cry, would you? Her... vampire daughters?
Oh, dear.
2 years, 7 months ago
With a sigh of one is suddenly feeling very, very tired, Faruja meets Reize's gaze. He holds it for a long time, before finally turning back to the mistress of the house. A sigh. One claw rubs against his holy symbol as he visibly goes through the effort of an astonishing amount of theological calculus in the space of a few moments. Luckily he still has the drill abbot scarrs on the knuckles to prove he's capable of making such calls even on the back foot.
On the one hand, vampires. On the other, they /did/ seem to have eliminated actual cultists. That does enough that he's willing to slide a few edge points their way. Breaking a contract, too, would not do well for his station in the holy orders. Plus, felt good to not bother with the charades. That kind of blunt honesty was something he could admire.
Finally his gaze slides over to Rui. By the Holy Father, they were going to escort a child vampire, weren't they? The grip on his weapon grows tighter. Ivo's very rapid attempts at diplomat'ing at him are met with what is quite possibly the coldest yet most wrathful look that the noble has ever seen on the beastkin's face.
The paladin can see it. His spear plunged into La Crima's chest right in front of not only his companions, but their daughters. A turn, a flash of holy light, and Tranquila gone to nothing but ashes.
Eyes close, and he leans back in his chair, letting the lance settle ungripped against a leg. "Cease, Ser Galvan." Comes the beastkin sharply. His voice softens slightly, the man almost sounding troubled when he get out words again.
"This is /troubling/, to say the least, however I should be most insulted if you believe that I am so cold as to strike down a mother in front of her children. That is the sort of thing that leaves a person with nightmares." Those eyes are unfocused, and he shudders, lost in bad old memories.
A deep breath, and he's openly glaring at La Crima. "I am a Templar, and to keep with one's word is to keep with faith. I do not like what you are, even putting aside theology. Yet I am studied enough to well know that your affliction is not always a curse passed on willingly, and certainly know what it is like to be hated for what you are. Consider it a truce, Miss Crima. Your daughter's life, such as it is, shall be safe." Cold, but solemn, he stands up. And like many a lancer before him, he settles into a far more shadowy, brooding part of the room to cool his tail.
One could definitely hear something about 'blood abominable heathens' though.
"I am not healing any vampire bites, by the by, Ivo." Grumps the beastkin after a moment, in between a good fortifying hip-flask gulp since he can't pray near the adorable blood suckers.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 7 months ago
La Crima raises a brow at Ivo. "Oh, did I misunderstand the intent of your words. My apologies." she says softly. She sips her tea as she says. "Ruidosa will be joining you on your catacomb trek. She knows the paths, and where to take you." she says as she eyes Faruja. She frowns a little. "I never accused you of breaking a word. If I though we were incapable of being civil, I would have asked you to wait outside." she says quietly, politely as she can.
Ruidosa curls up a little bit when she's addressed, blushing and still sketching. She stops a moment... "Mom says I'm taking over for things when it's time for her to take a longer sleep...." she manages to mutter out, as she stands up and walks back to the door after closing her book. Tranquila starts cleaning up tea however, as La Crima stays where she sits, sipping her tea as she watches you all expectantly, perhaps expecting you to follow the blue haired vampire out.
She looks to Ivo. "Sorry about. Mom is... strange sometimes." she says as she looks back towards Reize and squints as she looks back towards Faruja, she moves towards one of the crumbling mausoleums, who seems to have an entrance of stairs leading down...
"Ready...?" she asks quietly as she peers down the stairs.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 7 months ago
There is a bit of worry that crosses Reize's face. He knows that Faruja is a devout to his faith, which has been an issue at times, especially when it came to those Faleh statues back at Cosmopolis! However, he had hoped that Faruja could keep the urges in check while they are on duty.
There is a look of relief on his face as Faruja calms down enough to where they are not engaged in combat. He just takes his tea, taking a sip.
His antenna hair flops in relief as his head hangs low. "...Whew. I won't get arrested this time." He takes a sip of the tea, taking a piece of the cake. As La Crima speaks about Ruidosa again, the explorer glances her way. "Is that so...?" He brightens, "Great! We have a lead here!" He stands up to his feet, stretching his left arm over with right arm pressing against it, and then he swaps arms.
"Lets do this! For adventure and great treasure~! ...Oh," He realizes, "Also, to help accomplish a request for a client!" He adds the last ne as a matter of fact. While Tranquila starts cleaning up the tea, Reize follows Ruidosa.
"We're ready."
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 7 months ago
Ivo looks faintly shocked at Faruja's response, only for the young man's features to soften. A flush creeps to his cheeks, one of a very different nature. "Of course," he murmurs. "I hadn't meant to imply--" He ceases. "Forgive me, my friend."
Attempts to be diplomatic are instinctive to him. Shame washes over him as he realizes it hadn't even occurred to him how insulting the implications of his words were, as though he thought Faruja were capable of such cruelty. As he lowers his gaze, a quiet voice in the depths of his mind whispers: But of course, Ivo. You lack virtue. No wonder it wouldn't occur to you that others possess it. How long will you, incapable of respect for or trust in others, be able to masquerade as a friend?
Ivo, immersed in that self-pitying reverie, blinks at Faruja's last comment, in a rare moment of being visibly caught flat-footed by the templar. That flush deepens in a more familiar way. "Why-- whyever would I be subject to those?" he flounders. Women who spit on him. Women who bite him. Women who light him on fire. Truly, Ivo, a world of adventure awaits you.
Even if Priel said the fire thing was an accident. Really, *was* it?
Oh, wait, he has to finally work up a comeback. "What about a vampire hickey?" Hey, that wasn't so bad. Except it was right in front of La Crima and her daughters. Oops. "Ah ha ha, no, my lady, it wasn't a-- misunderstanding, exactly, rather--" They're already leaving. "P-perhaps we can discuss this further another time!" Ivo concludes, rather hopefully. "Until then!"
He's only barely managed to calm down somewhat by the time they're back in the spooky courtyard, but when Rui addresses him, the young man is able to offer a kind smile. "Not at all. Your mother is lovely." Such a nice word, with its double meaning. "Thank you for your assistance, Ruidosa. I'm glad you'll be joining us."
Standing behind the two younger, or at least younger-looking, members of the party, Ivo offers Faruja one last grin, placing his hand on his hilt.
"Time to watch the kids again, huh?" he says. "Just like old times."
Strange. Their adventures near Cosmopolis were fairly recent, but somehow, it feels like he hasn't seen Faruja in a long, long time.
2 years, 7 months ago
Faruja's hands just finally go up. " happy I am not a bloody Purifier." One of said hands goes to his temple to rub them. He's regretting his life choices as he does the smart thing and simply walks away. Rui gets that squint turned back on her with what is open loss. Vampire or not, she's a /kid/.
No thoughts, only action rat-knight.
Those statues know what they did. It was justified, darnit!
"For the Holy Father, irony, and horrible, horrible decisions!" Comes Faru right after Reize is so eager to get to it. And he mostly manages to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. It's just frustration this time! See Reize? He tries!
Ivo finally gets a smile. "You, Ivo Galvan, are an idiot. But a good hearted idiot. Come. Time to earn our keep." He notes, already following the young Rui. A chuckle rises out of him.
"There are far more onerous jobs. Try not to spoil them too much." Wink!