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Vanguards! Vanguards! Arrest Them!

Scene details

Setting: Reize visits the offices of the Vanguards in Zerhem Kingdom and shows them the wrong Key Item.


Within the region of Granse exists the great capitol, Zerham. The modest, peaceful city is bustling with activity as the afternoon rolls forth. Vendors are out to offer their wares, many shops active with people.
  Since their arrival to the city, Reize had been trying to get acclimated. One of the first things was get some medicine to deal with his sea sickness since arrival. After that turbulance, everything has been smooth for him.
  While he did not hear any rumors about the Star-crowned circulating, he has been hearing about Vanguard Association.
  Currently, Reize has been one of the many at the shop for some food. His arms are filled with a few apples and a small loaf of bread. He takes a moment to chew on the loaf, having it hang from his mouth as he noms down.
  As his mind reflects back, he reaches into his satchel to procure a large coin. It is the emblem of a shield surrounded by a wreath of flames. A very ancient looking coin. His mind reflecting back to an encounter within Cosmopolis.
  ~ "...Y'know, if you plan to make a name for yourself... why don't you link up with the Vanguard Association? ...Pass them this. They'll know what to do from there." ~ "Hm." Reize looks quite serious. "Yeah, today.. I'll do that!"

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

Yes, the Vanguard Association. An entity that's been around for a very long time, dating back to its founding on the principles of being there for the people that couldn't defend themselves. Since then, the position of Vanguard has expanded from a small number of near vigilantes, to a bonafide organization with rankings, leadership, and structure. That was the place that Reize was advised to visit...
  But right now, he's in the marketplace of Zerham, procuring supplies. In that same shop however, there appear to be two others. "Hmmmhmmhmmmm...." A tall brunette lady dressed in green hums. Her extremely long hair is fixed into twin braids that go down to her feet, and her ears are pointed. Looking as if she were some sort of mage or alchemist, the woman seems to be in a cheerful mood. With a basket under one arm as she holds a pear in her other hand, turning it over appraisingly. "Hey, Argent, do we have everything else we need for today?" She asks over to her side, looking down.

"Looks good," Ivo calls as he approaches Reize, blue cloak rippling. The two of them had separated to split the work of finding information about the Star-Crowned civilization and finding a means of repairing their ship. As a result, Reize missed the recent squabble with the elementals in the market, which Ivo has not hesitated to tease him about.
  The Cosmopolitan's gaze drifts from Reize's produce to the coin the boy now holds. "Thinking of showing that to the Vanguard Association?" Ivo well remembers the story Reize told about how it was acquired, though he still strains to believe it. "If you tell them how you got it, they're going to think you're delusional, you know." A drifting cloud briefly passes over them, casting a chill shadow. Going by the young man's amused smile, though, he doesn't seem too worried about the prospect.
  "Say, mind if I have a bite of one of those app--"
  Suddenly, Ivo freezes mid-sentence, his features twisting.
  "Argent, I must know: when you said your 'dietary requirements are unconventional,' what exactly did you mean? I-- wait, what are you doing-- oh-- oh, no-- that's--"
  Ivo retracts his hand, gaze distant, face a pale green.
  "N... never mind."

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

"Yes." is the simple reply from Argent's lips as she casts her eyes down to her own baggage. It's rather more exotic fare than the pear her counterpart is carrying. Oddly coloured rocks, strange roots and herbs, a jar full of...sand? What does she need all of those for? "Additionally, I have purchased some items that you may consume." the homunculus goes on as she focuses her attention back on the brunette, reaching into her own basket to pluck out a very small, shrivelled and bright red pepper.
  You know, the kind that are inedible to anyone who still has tastebuds.

  A young girl has noticed newcomers. She saw that sweet, odd ship in dock too. (She probably thought it was 'coooool'.) as she's only used to the drab fishing boats. Still. She's mostly following at a distance. She seems somewhere between the ages of 13 to 15, and has a pale complexion to the point of it looking like a sickly pallor, but no one is paying her mind--- mostly because others are used to her around here.
  She's currently wearing a yellow and white dress that matches her hair and eyes and being intensely quiet. She's carrying a parasol, but that may not seem out of place. It's cloudy. Maybe she thought it was gonna rain?
  Regardless, she follows with wide eyes behind round, metal rimmed glasses.
  She has a brown purse-like messenger back. It seems full of... stuff? Stuff. It's closed.
  Pic Refs:

There we go, teasing him with something that he missed! While Reize was indeed jealous that he missed out on fun things, the young explorer was investigating something important.
  ...Still, missing out on that was very unfortunate.
  Nevertheless, he glances at Ivo and he gives the older man a nod, "Of course! Ringo recommended that I show it to them..." He considers, "...I guess he considered it his 'recommendation' for me to be taken in." Pause. While reflecting back, he grows tearful, "I wish that hookshot didn't break after I won it." Sniff. Grumble. His cheeks puff up with annoyance as he remembers how he lost it.
  "What do you mean?" He furrows his eyebrows, "I think you're worrying too much. It should be fine. After all, given that it seems like a rarity, they should be able to figure out that it was passed down!" He chimes happily.
  Upon Ivo's request, he does reach a hand out to hand an apple over---until Ivo retracts his hand.
  Shrug. "Suit yourself." Om nom. It is then that Reize notices one of the buildings that does not look too far off. In fact, the emblem of the Vanguard Association can be seen. "There it is! Let's go, Ivo!" He points and chimes out.
  The explorer and Ivo are likely passing by behind both the elf and the homunculus as the boy is marching towards the building that signifies the Vanguard Association.

"I'll follow your lead," Ivo says gamely, trying to fight down whatever odd surge of nausea has mysteriously taken hold of him. "Priel went ahead of us to check in with them, so maybe we'll run into her and get an update on some other leads. And, hey, if no one's already taken care of the elementals I suspect are lurking at the aqueduct, we should handle that ourselves. The Romancing SaGa can always do with some more aetheric essence as fuel--"
  As he soliloquizes and ambles alongside Reize, Ivo's eyes pass over the two shopping women and he pauses. "Oh, Argent!" He hesitates again and blanches briefly before shaking off the resurgence of a traumatic memory. "Reize, this is the fearless woman I mentioned to you. The one with the healing, uh, power." Of course, in Ivo's telling, she delicately and tenderly licked his wound instead of-- what she actually did. "Argent, this is my friend and comrade Reize." He turns his smile to the elf. "And I'm Ivo -- thoroughly charmed. We were just on our way to the Vanguard Association." And knowing Reize, he's eager to get there now that his mind's set on it.

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

The Vanguard Association building is pretty prominent. A two three floored building that sits higher than most of the other one or two storied ones around it. And the large shield emblem plainly marks it. Though the design appears to be different from the coin Reize has. More.... modern? As if it's been through many iterations over the years. Or centuries. Who knows.
  The first floor contains the main lobby, request boards, reception counters, and hangout spaces, as well as private meeting rooms for strategizing and such. So, when he opens the door and pokes inside, the first thing he'd see would be... a decent number of people milling around the boards looking for something lucrative to do, or small groups hanging out in seats off to the side and chatting. It's a lively place for sure.
  And as it happens, one of the reception counters is opening up, someone finishing up their business with the woman behind the counter. A blonde lady that looks to be in her late twenties. Wearing formal white attire. She smiles sweetly and waves off the departing guest, and then sits back, looking over the lobby calmly...
  Meanwhile, the elf smiles, tucking away the pear into her basket, and then nabbing another one for good measure. What? She can indulge a bit, okay? With that, she glances back at Argent, brow twitching at all the odd things she's got in her collection. But.... she's used to this. Really, she is. But when the homunculus offers her some sort of insane pepper, the brunette draws back a step. "Ahhhhh....ahahaha..... Argent... if I ate that, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a tongue anymore..."
  She says that nervously, but then she pauses, turning to look as the departing backs of Ivo and Reize as they head for the Vanguard Association building, and then head inside. "..... Hmm.... was it just my imagination.....?" She rubs her chin. "..... Yeah, probably. She shakes her head and moves to go pay for her purchases. What's happening over there is none of her business!

  • Character: Argent
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

"...ah." Argent says quietly, hair falling like a curtain as she tilts her head to one side while watching the departing backs just as Laineth does. "I believe that is the man that I applied saliva to." she says as bland as ever, like spitting on someone to heal them isn't the slightest bit interesting. But those two are off, so there's no time to talk!
  Her attention is back on the fiery little pepper she's holding between her fingers. "...I do not believe it would cause such damage. The active chemical component is not physically harmful, and instead merely stimulates a pain response. As such, no harm will occur." she goes on like she's talking about something she read in a bland, boring, dry medical textbook. That's probably where she got it, actually.

Tranquila, the young quiet pale girl, is following a good clip behind the party she isn't a part of. They're heading for the Vanguard building. Oh! She was heading there herself. She has something to get posted on the board. She sort of races ahead a bit to get closer to the group since 'going to the same place' is less suspicious than 'following from a distance, being nosy about humans'.
  She hears some strangeness in the talks as she drops her quiet. As she does this, the bag jingles with the sound of so much dinnerware. Clank, clatter.

The young explorer is looking quite determined as he marches onward towards the Vanguard Association. However, he stops briefly as Ivo gets his attention. "Eh?" A frown quirks along as he's disrupted from his goal. After all, they are close to the building and Reize had been meaning to meet the Vanguard Association since he heard about it.
  Keeping a friendly face, however, he brightens and waves a hand towards the two while he starts his trek back forward. "Oooi! PleasedtomeetyouIvotoldmeaboutyougottago!" Reize is keeping it moving. He normally wouldn't mind the chat, but he is almost at his goal! He can't stop for anything!
  There it is! The building of the Vanguard Association fills him with awe. "...Wow. So this is the place." He blinks as he looks at the emblem that has a more of a modernized design. Nevertheless, as he makes his way through the lobby, he approaches the receptionist at the counter. The young traveler brightly chirps. "Ooooi! I heard that this is the Vanguard Association! Someone recommended that I join up when I arrive here!" He extends a hand out towards the counter, placing the old aged coin on the hard wood before the receptionist.
  "Uhh.. Oh! Ringo Grant's recommendation!"

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

The elf stares off at Reize as she rushes off. "......." Then she smiles and goes right back to her business. "Interesting people, huh? Wonder where they came from?" She muses aloud to herself as she pays for her groceries, then wanders off with Argent. "Ah, well, back to the shop!" She states, fist thrust to the sky in good cheer. Whatever is going on back there is *definitely* not their business.
  Reize walks through the lobby and stops right at the open counter, giving his greeting. The blonde receptionist smiles. "Welcome to the Vanguard Association's Zerham branch. My name is Corrine. Now..." She looks down at the coin she heard clink onto the counter a moment ago, and right then, there is a very long, very stark pause.
  It's like one can almost see the math equations floating around inside of her head, trying to resolve logically as she thinks about what she's seeing. After what almost becomes 20 seconds, she remembers to come back to reality. When she does, she smiles ever so sweetly at the explorer. "Wow. Not only do you know the name of the High Guild Master, you also have in your possession an old Vanguard Emblem! Something that should only exist in a meseum!"
  As she says this, she subtly taps a finger onto the countertop in a calcuated way, and distantly, two individuals among the crowd of Vanguards in the lobby take notice. But for now, nothing is done. Corrine smiles professionally as ever, and speaks further. "....Except, Ringo Grant was the High Guildmaster a century ago. If you're going to steal, then next time, don't waltz right into here proudly and show it off, okay?"
  Then, her face falls into the most unimpressed look she could manage.
  "Arrest him."

Ivo is smiling pleasantly. Of course he would be. Not only is he here to help make a good first impression while Reize seeks to enter the official ranks of the world's preeminent adventuring society, but this is his first opportunity to see a Vanguard Association hall in person. Every new expeirence and discovery delights him. And as Reize makes his introduction, and Corrine replies, Ivo just keeps on smiling.
  Gently, he places a hand on the boy's shoulder.
  "Since we've met, I've always endeavored to assist you in matters of tactics, both martial and social. I have been honored by your trust and respect."
  Keep on smiling.
  "Thus, I hope you will take this humble suggestion of mine."
  Even as the Vanguards gather and their shadows loom.
  Cloak sweeping as though to obscure the two from view, Ivo turns and hightails it out of the Vanguard Assocation, running as fast as his legs can carry him through the doors. As he does, he drops an odd device: the amplifier acquired at the market the other day. "Whoops!!!" he says, a little too loudly, as it clicks and two ice crystals begin to form in the air, the beginnings of minor water elementals. "What a surprise!!! Do take care of that for me!!!"
  His arms pump as he kicks the front doors open, narrowly dodging a blonde girl, rushing headlong down the street and probably right past Argent and her elven friend again.
  "Reize!" he calls. "Head-- *huff, huff*-- for the market! We can lose them there! Probably!" Inspiring words.

There is a proud look on Reize's face. Chest pumped up, ready to accept any challenge that is required to join up with the Vanguard Association. With an old member's seal of approval, this will likely impress the receptionist! In fact, hearing her words, Reize is brightening up, "Yeah! So how---"
  His words are interrupted as she comments about him being present a century ago. "Wel--" Wait, steal?! "Oi! Wait, I'm not a....---"
  'Arrest him'.
  Oh no!
  Reize looks absolutely horrified. He takes a step back until he feels that gentle, reassuring hand on his shoulder. He looks at Ivo with a faint smile, "I--Ivo..." They discuss their plan.
  Reize reaches for the coin that was gifted to him, drawing it back and he starts to run off with it. As Ivo releases the minor water elementals, he is running after Ivo after he kicks the door opened. He is running past the two in a rush. "Right! Let's go to the market!"
  Run run run. Hopefully the guards can't catch them!
  "W--why would they think that I'm a thief?!" What's next?! Being accused of robbing tombs?!

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

Corrine doesn't do anything as they turn tail and bolt out. She just sits there with her arms crossed, eyeing the device that causes two water elementals to form in the air. "Sigh." She picks up the coin, looking over it. "... This really is old. It isn't fake either... Where did he get this...?" She murmurs to herself for a moment, over the shocked cries of lower ranked Vanguards at the sudden appearance of danger.
  But then, Corrine lifts her gaze back to the situation at hand. "Millia. Alvis. You're up. Go after those thieves."
  A girl who looks to be about 15 or 16 years old steps forward. With long blonde hair in a bow, with a white and black jacket on, and a short dress under it. On her wrists and ankles are two pairs of glowing bracelets, made of fragmented blue material that orbits them in an odd way. She smiles and gives a wave. "You got it!" Alongside her, a young man who looks to be about 19 or 20 steps up as well. With spiky brown hair, wearing a dark blue long coat and a blue scarf with it. He rolls his eyes. "Got it. I'll try and make this quick." With that, the two Vanguards bolt out of there. Past the elementals without even touching them.
  "The rest of you! Get together and take out these elementals and the device! We'll have a bonus for whoever contributes!" Just like that, a roar of enthusiasm fills the lobby as the other vanguards rally and the sounds of combat pick up.
  Meanwhile, outside, Ivo and Reize will find themselves on the run towards the marketplace, and hot on their trail are two Vanguards who seem like they actually know what they're doing.
  Oh boy.
  ....Priel sits on a couch, feet up on a table, arms crossed behind her head, and a book over her face. "........"
  The sound of battle and excitement faintly reaches her ears, and she briefly lifts the book to look towards the door. "...Sounds like something's going on down there..."
  She lowers the book back.
  "Well, that's not my problem."
  She has no idea. She returns to her lazy, probably duty shirking nap.
  That's Priel for you.

Ivo's mind races as he does.
  "Reize, let's split up!"
  As they approach the market, a warren of colorful booths promises the possiblity of eluding their pursuers. The young man glances over his shoulder, his scabbard thumping obnoxiously against his leg as he tries to keep up his pace. The magitech engineer simply isn't as swift or agile as Reize and doesn't want to risk bogging down his friend.
  "Try to draw the attention of the blonde! Your harem powers might work on her!"
  It's worth a shot.
  "Cloaks are better than scarves!" he then calls a bit hoarsely back at the two Vanguards quickly closing in before splitting from Reize, diving under a low-handing string of penants and banners advertising a sale on melons. Drawing his longsword, Ivo flips a hidden switch, whereupon the blade detaches from its hilt, suspended in place by quietly crackling lightning. Desperately twisting in the air, he deftly rotates his wrist, the floating blade darting about at a short distance and cutting the ropes behind him, sending a flurry of cloth falling to obscure him from view and overturning a basket of melons, causing them to tumble down and roll along the cobblestones as merchants shout in dismay.
  The melons were actually an accident.

Didn't Reize remember to grab---oh no, he left it at the Vanguard Association. Oh well. No point in sweating that right now. The more important part is not getting arrested.
  He can't let his exploring end here!
  When they arrive in the market, Reize looks to the left and then his right. He bolts forward and pushes through the crowd. He makes sure to see if he can use something of his surroundings. He turns his gaze over to see two people hot on their trail.
  When Ivo suggests that they split up, the boy gives a sharp nod and he takes a curve over the next batch of booths.
  "...My 'harem'... WHAT?!" Reize shoots Ivo a stare before he frowns at their pursuers.
  ...He better think quick.
  Reize turns around and cries out, "Ooooi! There is a sale on bread at the eastward! 5 minutes left before the price goes up again!"
  Some of the more frugal residents overhear the notice for a sale and start congregating. As the crowd start to bunch over towards the shop, they form a gaggle. Reize tactically added some obstacles for the pursuing Vanguards.

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

"Wow, look at them go." Alvis mutters as he runs alongside Millia. "They're definitely not strangers to these shenanigans, one way or another." Green eyes dart left and right, as Reize and Ivo split up, and also create a bunch of distractions. "Heh. You go after the kid. I'll take Mr. Cape going in that direction."
  "You got it!" Millia cheers, and breaks away from from her partner, veering after Reize. She blinks as he calls out some sort of sale on bread, and a crowd starts forming up. But what he probably didn't expect was...
  "WAIT REALLY!?" The girl pauses, drool forming in the corner of her mouth as she turns to follow the crowd. ....But then she has to stop herself. "Hey wait, no! I can't!" She glares. "Very clever, Mr. Kid!" SHe calls over the crowd blocking her way. But how is she going to get past this?
  "Heh heh heh~" She chuckles, and takes a crouching stance. The articles orbiting her wrists and ankles glow harshly with Aether, and then she leaps! ....Up into the air.... and she still goes... past the logical limit of human ability. Wait, is she floating? She arcs in the air, blue aether energy bursting like propulsion, till she lands on the other side of the crowd, skidding and then running again. "Hey! Just give up and come back! I'm sure Sis Corrine will make sure you get a light sentence!" Then, she hops over a stall, and while floating in the air, rears back with an arm. Several small blue orbs of light form around her. "Hah!" She thrusts that arm forward, and those orbs burst into several 'laser' blasts. Thin rays of magical power that pierce the air.... and destroy a few stalls. "OH! Crap! Collateral damage! Oh no! Oh no!" She panics while floating in the sky. ....Welp.
  Alvis pounds the pavement, chasing after Ivo. His little trick with his sword makes him arch a brow, and then suddenly he's got melons rolling all over the street. "Whoa whoa hey, buddy! You can't just have melons flying all over the place!" He shouts as he nimbly darts between the rolling hazards. "You gotta keep em contained! They're more enticing that way-CRAP!" He accidentally steps on a melon and slips forward.... into a hand plant, vaulting into a flip.
  "And by the way, capes were out of style ages ago! Update your wardrobe, buddy!" While in mid-air, the brown haired man clenches a hand into a fist, aether sparking as it elongates and forms into an orante spear, which he rears back and throws down at Ivo like a javelin. He's aiming get him stuck by his cape, not actually pierce him.
  They're not murderers, okay?

Ivo's brief grin soon turns upside down as his pursuer slips on a melon only to gracefully flip with Big Meant-to-Do-That Energy the likes of which the Cosmopolitan can only envy.
  "It's not my fault," he calls back, forcing a smile as his adversary manifests a forbidding polearm. "Fashion where I'm from is at least a century behind the times--"
  The sound of an explosion causes his gaze to jerk to the side, his eyes widening as he takes in the bits of market stalls flying about and the further sounds of echoing shrieks. Reize's harem powers must be truly formidable to cause that.
  Getting distracted even for a split-second was a mistake. Hurriedly trying to push himself back and create some more space between himself and the Vanguard, Ivo summons his floating blade back to his hilt in an attempt to parry the thrown spear and protect his dear cloak, but he's too late to avert its course. In a last ditch effort to prevent himself from being pinned in place, he whips his buckler from his belt and activates its shimmering shield, just barely able to deflect the javelin. But, unbalanced by his own frantic efforts, Ivo goes inelegantly tumbling through a stand selling children's toys, plushie Gerisian seals bouncing everywhere.
  Blinking dazedly, Ivo looks up to see the clouds rushing past. After a moment of confusion, he realizes that he is moving rapidly, causing the visual effect, and looking down, sees that he is lying in a toy red wagon that is now rolling through the market. As his blade finally returns to his hilt, with his other hand he calmly scoops up a melon and cuts into it with his sword, raising it to his lips.
  He munches contemplatively as he rolls away.
  "That's good."

The main thing that Reize had hoped for was that the crowd would at least slow down the pursuit of the female Vanguard. While the boy continues his sprint to a safe distance, he takes the moment to catch his breath.
  ...What he did not expect was the Vanguard herself falling for the sale. "...Uh..." Reize is dumbfounded for a moment, but he shrugs, "Works for me!" He starts his sprint once more.
  That is when he turns around, he suddenly see her take off into the air in a boost. "Gah!" His eyes widen in shock, taken back by her feat, which is not unlike Lily when she glides.
  He hisses, gritting his teeth as he takes a corner. "I can't give up! Not if I'm going to be a great explorer! Jail time doesn't do well for being an explorer!" And lasers shoot out towards his way. "Whoa...!" Except they destroy a few stalls. He gives a wince before.
  "My friend and I are not thieves!" Reize tries to convince the Vanguard. Reize doesn't want to fight, but... Worst case, they're a bit far from the crowd now, so that is a small comfort.

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

Alvis lands on his feet in a crouch, watching as his thrown spear is parried, clattering to the pavement with a metallic clatter. ....Annnnnd Ivo goes rolling into a toy stall. "...Wow." He mutters, a hand come up to his face. But wait, he can't just sit here being impressed! "Okay, WOW! How lucky is this guy!?" He shouts to himself, and rises into a bolt. Interestingly, he doesn't bother to pick up the spear. In fact, it seems to break down into Aether particles, and vanish as if it never existed.
  He bolts past a couple stalls, hops over the counter of another, and then has to dart to the side and through a tight aisle to avoid a small group of confused onlookers on the main path.
  "Just give yourselves up!" He calls after Ivo. "We can fix up your wardrobe while we're at it! We'll have you looking fly in no time!" ... Is this really the main point of this whole chase right now for him?
  Meanwhile... Millia floats in the air, panicking as several pissed off shop overs yell at her. "Who's going to pay for this, girl!?" "My damn stall!" "I still haven't paid this off with the city hall!"
  The girl claps her hands together. "I'M SORRY! Send the bill to the Rosalba Residence! Bye!" With that, she flies right off, hurtling through the air, and veering towards the ground where she lands some ways in front of Reize with a skid. "There! Safe!!!"
  She straightens up into a ready stance, bu doesn't take any action yet. She looks at the boy, quirking a brow. "So then if you aren't thieves, then what happened, huh?" ... Is she actually willing to listen?

"Oh, that's tempting," Ivo murmurs as he continues to roll away, continuing to leisurely chow down on chunks of melon as the Vanguard makes a compelling case. "Alas, my commitment to making striking first impressions is second only to my loyalty to my boyish friend. Perhaps next time!"
  The wagon seems to pick up speed as Ivo grins. It seems that the luckier man shall win the day today.
  "Ha ha h--"
  The reason that the wagon is picking up speed, however, is that it is heading for a crater caused by one of the other Vanguard's magical explosions. Ivo's cheerful laughter abruptly seizes as he plunges out of view into the crater, a metallic bong indicating the moment when the wagon he is riding overturns on top of him. Anyone peering within will see naught but the edges of somewhat soiled blue cloak peeking out.
  "Ha," Ivo finishes, the sound dampened and echoing from beneath the wagon.
  After a few moments, he can be heard snacking again. He seems to be finishing the melon.

In a way, Reize cannot help but to feel bad for Millia as she causes such a ruckus. Hearing the shop owners being displeased with her antics earns a wince from the boy.
  As Millia finally lands down to meet with him on the ground. He stares over her way, wondering her next action. At least, she doesn't adopt a threatening pose. That is why Reize doesn't take any action of bolting.
  At least, it looks like she that she's listening.
  "Well, I came all the way here to Granse for finding out about the Star-crowned, but first, I wanted to come to the Vanguard Association to join it. Someone who I met at while at Cosmopolis handed me the emblem and told me to pass it to the receptionist. He said they'd know what to do from there." He muses thoughtfully, "He told me that doing things an unlicensed explorer would get me arrested in some parts, so..."
  "Eh?!" Reize's head snaps over towards the source, the crater where Ivo's cart seems to have landed. His eyes snap with worry, "Ivo!" He starts to run over towards the direction of the wagon.

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

Alvis watches as Ivo rides his way through the marketplace, seeming like he was going to make a clean getaway..... right up until he hit the edge of a crater and goes bowling right down into it. ".... Uh, well then. I guess that's how lucky he was." He chuckles to himself and slows down his run to a walk, and casually makes his way over to the edge, peering down into it to see an overturned wagon, along with a messy cape, and the sounds of someone taking their sweet time eating.
  ".... Wow, you're really taking this easy." He murmurs, running a hand through his hair, the other resting on his hip idly.
  As for Millia, she listens to Reize's story, blinking all the while. "Wow, Cosmopolis? Really? That's super cool! What's it like over there?" Pause. "Oh, wait! I can't get off track!" She starts ticking off her fingers. "So let me see... you were at Cosmopolis, you met a guy there who gave you a super old Vanguard Emblem, and told you to come join the guild or you might get arrested..."
  A grin forms. "Ehehe, looks like he was right! Sorta!" The blonde girl crosses her arms. "Hmmm... I'm not sure I 100% believe it, but it seems like it could be true..." She tilts her head. "I think if you explain it to Sis Corrine properly, then maybe-"
  Millia looks off to see Ivo go crashing into one of her craters, and then Reize runs over in worry. would actually be a very real and logical thing to attack the boy while he turned his back... .... Except, the thought didn't even cross her mind. She's too much of a nice girl for that, clearly. "Uh oh!" In turn, she runs over to the crater's edge, and looks in, where she can see Alvis on the opposite side doing the same.
  "Heeeeeeey, are you alive down theeeeeeeere?" She calls, as if she doesn't hear the eating sounds.

  Ivo eventually reveals himself again, pushing the wagon up so that it leans on its narrow edge, the now disheveled young man seeming in no hurry to rise. With his other hand, he tosses a finished melon rind to the side.
  "Ah, Reize," he says conversationally, plucking an embroidered hankerchief from his pocket to dab at his lips. "I'm glad to see you well. Regrettably, the Romancing SaGa Jr. here was not up to the task of escaping." He affectionately pats the now dented side of the toy wagon.
  Upon hearing the young woman's call, Ivo then smiles blithely up at her. "Hello! It seems I've taken a tumble. And it seems Reize has managed to resolve our differences." As he gets to his feet, Ivo flashes a clever smirk. "Operation Buy Time Until Reize's Harem Powers Take Effect has been a rousing success, as it were. As anticipated..."
  "...more or less."
  Where is the actual Smart One of this party when you need her? Somewhere, Priel is probably snoring.
  "...Would someone mind giving me a hand?" he adds, reaching up toward the lip of the crater.

As Ivo finally emerges from the wagon, he looks over the older man to see him nonchalantly finish and toss the remaining bits of the melon. Thoughtfully, Reize cannot help but realize that he didn't finish his apples! Oh well.
  Ivo always seemed to keep a cool-head despite things compared to him. He glances over towards the dented, fallen toy wagon. "Romancing SaGa Jr...?" He headscratches, "...Not sure if that would have fit the both of us."
  There is a pause.
  "...What do you mean 'harem powers'?" He squints at Ivo for a few moments. Nevermind that. Reize kneels down to reach for Ivo's hand, trying to pull him out of the wagon. He even pushes against the wagon to help free Ivo at the process.
  "I explained to her about the trip to Cosmopolis, our search for the Star-crowned, and trying to join the Vanguard Association so that we don't get in trouble for doing unlicensed activities."
  "...She did mention if we explain it to the receptionist, we may clear our names."
  "...I don't know if I believe that..." Comical tears roll down his eyes. "She was ready to arrest us without questioning."

  • Character: Priel
  • 2 years, 2 months ago

Millia tilts her head cluelessly. "... Harem powers?" She looks across the way to Alvis. "Heeeey, Alvis? What're harem powers?" She calls over to him. Out loud. Turning heads.
  Alvis facepalms, laughing beneath his hand. "Pffthhahaha..... Millia, uh... y'know what? I'm not going to answer that." He lowers his hand, crossing his arms. "Why don't you ask Corrine when we get back." He looks over at Reize, and then down at Ivo, hearing their overall exchange. "Well.... Looks like this is more or less figured out." He rubs the back of his neck, and then turns away. "Good thing. Having to seriously fight would be too much effort." He looks back. "I'm a low effort kinda guy, y'know?" And with that, he waltzes off, waving a hand over his shoulder. "I'll let Corrine know the situation ahead of you guys."
  Sounds more like he's avoiding further responsibility.
  And Millia buys it hook, line, and sinker. "Okay! See you there, Alvis!" She waves after him cheerfully, and then looks down as Ivo asks for help. "Oh! I can help!" Her orbiting anklets glow, and then she floats down into the crater, offering the engineer both hands so she can help lift him out. While she does so, she looks at Reize and smiles sheepishly.
  "Eheheh.... to be kinda fair... that coin you had is like... one of a few that can be counted on one hand. They're super valuable, so... I think she's not *wrong* to think it was stolen. It's super likely!"
  A shake of the head. "But don't worry! I'm sure we can talk to her! It'll be fine!" Pause. "Maybe."

Ivo looks up at the two adventurers radiating positivity and can't help but break into a sincere smile before reaching out with both hands to let both pull him from the crater. A little 'pop' can be heard as he is fully extracted from the Romancing SaGa Jr.
  "A man after my own heart," he muses as Alvis departs. Truly, their battle was one for the ages. "I'm sure that an in-depth discussion of harem powers will be just what would calm... Corrine, was it?... Corrine's fury."
  He placidly surveys the market. It is in significantly more disarray than it was after the elemental attack. Shattered stalls, fallen penants, and tumbled melons are strewn everywhere. A merchant quietly weeps on his knees next to a crater, holding a torn plushie Gerisian seal.
  "Job well done, Reize."
  It's not entirely their fault, and that's what counts.

It looks like the situation is diffused for now. They did not have to seriously fight. It could have gotten ugly if they did. More than likely for Reize, but he did not want to find out for certain.
  When the stranger, 'Alvis', turns to leave and leave the situation to 'Millia', Reize looks back at her with confusion. "It was?" He looks quite surprised. A bit thoughtfully, "... Well, it looked old, sure, but we were in an old, ancient temple when we came across the person who had it, so it made sense."
  Reize looks dubious, but he decides to trust Millia, "Okay! Lead the way!... Preferably with you in the lead..." Corrine's look was scary. ...Reize will take anything to calm Corrine's fury. Sure, even this harem talk. ... He guesses.