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A Scarlet Knife Beneath the Shroud
Scene details
Setting: The Zerhem Castle residents became more guarded over the past few days. Unbeknownst to the public, an emissary from Hagos arrived prior to warn the King and Queen of an plot to assassinate the Prince. They received intel that the Empire planned to take out the divided rulers in his attempt to amass all of the nations under his iron fist.
Despite the reclusive nature of the royal family, they granted the prolific Class D Vanguards an audience for their success with Princess Darcea. The hope would come into frustrations as they reach a fruitless end to negotiate the release of a known bandit, Nais.
Beneath the shroud of the castle walls exists a scarlet knife waiting to strike the Young Prince.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
Stone and iron are the main components of the very hall. It is adorned with regal drapery of cyan hue for the carpet and the back of the throne room. Knights stand at attention, even though they appear to want to collapse. Many of them look exhausted, likely from being on full alert the past few days. The atmosphere within Granse took an ominous turn as a storm passed through. Even now, strong winds are heard outside of the castle grounds, like a hollow whistle.
Despite it all, a gathering had took place: an audience with the royalty. It was something promised to the young Vanguards for clearing the request of bringing their daughter back. While not the most opportune time, the king would make good on his promise. The atmosphere around the royalty remains serious. Darcea, who often have been free spirited, is a bit more guarded, even placing her arms around the young prince who looks a bit clueless of his environment. Georg stands in guard of both princess and the prince. Both king and queen look patient, yet their demeanor suggests that they want to get the audience over with.
"We do appreciate your efforts in bringing our dear daughter back. We are also aware that you helped prevented a previous assassination attempt. However, the request to release a criminal, even under his charge, I am afraid that I cannot grant."
The Regent adds, "It is not to say that you are not capable, but his unknown powers do not alleviate our concerns."
On the other side of the audience is the gathered Vanguards and their "Responsible Adult". Reize gives out a grimace, looking over at Ivo, "This isn't good, what do we do..?" There is expectations for Ivo, the most noble and charismatic of the speakers, to take the reins.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is writing in her book as she's following along to the audience chamber, and genuflects when they make it to the chamber. She closes her book and looks between Ivo and Reize as it's laid bare. They won't release a horrid criminal.
She whispers to the group, 'Sounds reasonable. We should thank them and go. Or ask for something less foolish!' she says under her breath to the group.
2 years, 6 months ago
Anna has been largely quiet and keeping to herself since things... Happened. A lot has happened actually and it's largely felt like a blur to the Suryle princess since she slew the Marauder eidolon that decimated her tribe. But here she is.
When the decision is made to not release the criminal into their care, Anna is silent for a moment.
She keeps her head held low- to appear respectful but also in hopes that she won't be recognized for who she is, she'll save that trump card up her sleeve for the time being and let Ivo speak because he has the highest Charisma score of the group.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
Ivo has knelt before the royals of Zerhem, sweeping his cloak out behind him in a practiced gesture. Though the garment has seen better days by this point, it still looks rather grand spread out as it is, which is presumably its purpose. Though his hand is humbly upon his heart, his gaze peers out inconspicuously from behind his bangs, assessing the players in turn.
The regent. He looks even more exhausted than usual. With his meager authority over the plural factions that dwell in the territory of Granse, mustering some sort of response to the previous assassination attempt must be giving him trouble. Confusion reigns over the origin of the attack, such that the event has caused more internal division than the unity one might expect in response to an external threat.
Darcea. Perhaps it's Ivo's imagination, but there's a resolve in her eyes that wasn't there before. She must have insisted on her relationship with her new beau. But he can't expect her to intercede further on their behalf.
The young prince. The party owes him a debt of gratitude for his intercession. But he did it as much out of naivety as kindness. No wonder the regent has so much trouble, with a boy-ruler like this.
Considering the circumstances...
"Your words are wise, Your Excellency," the Cosmopolitan pronounces. "But it is these unknown powers that are our object of investigation. The prisoner Nais is the clue to the glorious history of Zerhem. Unearthing the legacy of Vaeltrandia shall only add to its reputation and power."
Those are two things that Zerhem could use, but not so much as they need to avoid any more trouble. In which case, the one thing that Zerhem needs most is...
"We have been honored by your generosity in the past as rewards for our efforts," Ivo continues, referring to their access to the aqueduct and the library. Though, of course, these were matters irrelevant to the royals, unlike the prospect of releasing a prisoner. "Please, we beg of you, assign us a task through which we might prove our worthiness of this greater trust."
He's asking for a quest, so his friends won't get mad at him, right? Reize loves quests. And of course, the message he assumes the Regent will get is: if there's something you're dealing with that's a pain in the ass, leave it to us.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
The team at this point are relying on Ivo. Reize himself is not royalty. While he is able to identify with the common man, royalty is a different aspect that he doesn't feel that he's up for the task to deal with. Reize glances back at Ruidosa with a disapproving frown. We're really going to give up like that? He glances back at Anna, uncertain of her response.
However, as Ivo makes his case, Reize lets out a sigh of relief. Truth be told, he is not confident in his own way of making a case since he is not royalty or of nobility. He is aware that there are ins and outs required in the talks.
Meanwhile, the king gives a thoughtful look at Ivo as he interjects. His mind is wandering on other things and he is growing very weary of entertaining the discussion. He looks to want the request to end fast. However, Ivo does bring up an interesting point. A clue to the history of Zerhem? He wishes he could entertain the thought further.
However, an assassination is apparently near.
He cannot, in good conscience, entertain the thought.
"I am afraid that our hands are tied. I must decline the offer and that's fi--"
Suddenly, the wind's roar increasingly becomes louder. The chill is abrupt enough to cause discord in the conversation. "Can someone close the windows?!" He finally snaps. The king was able to keep his demeanor calm, but the paranoia is finally getting to him.
In that same moment, a sharp pierce of the air is briefly seen as the guards suddenly collapse before the gathered. If one was to look over towards the fallen, they will see that a needle had stuck along the necks of the fallen guards.
The group will see a shadow manifest near the regent. It is a presence of a figure in a black cloak, yet covering his face is a white mask. The mask is of a doll laughing.
"In a deary night"
"Apologies extends out"
"A deed must be done."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 6 months ago
Ruidosa makes a face as Ivo speaks and...offers their services. She facepalms lightly and gives a sigh. Sure, let's risk our lives to free some Prisoner who wants to probably do harm to them for imprisoning him in the first place!?
Is she the only sane person here!? She gives Reize a look, like, 'What?' and the royalty responds sanely. GOOD. 'We just need to speak to him right? Maybe we can get that much out of him?' she says, a more sane offer--- when the king snaps and the guards drop and there's a man in a cloak and a creepy mask, who speaks in.. poem?
Ruidosa merely raises her hand and a bolt of dark energy shoots out towards the cloaked figure. No words, just action at the man who just maybe killed(?) two guards as their entrance?
2 years, 6 months ago
It doesn't lookk like the party will be getting what they want. Even if Ivo offers up their services in a Quest for the king to dictate. Anna puffs her cheeks out quietly. This is... This is so boring. The Suryle princess shifts and fidgets uncomfortably, clearly hating every minute of this meeting. It was meetings like this that drove her insane back home, but...
The gust of wind... The chill in the air...
It makes Anna's hackles rise.
Guards collapse, needles found in their necks.
The king is rightfully paranoid.
Something about this is off. It's not right. It's the held breath that always comes before the death strike.
And then a figure appears by the regent, wearing a mask's smile.
Anna Primrose, princess of Suryle, is moving before she can even fully parse what's happening, her body reacting on pure unadulterated, feral and wild instinct as she breaks into a full tilt sprint for the cloaked figure, a blur of pink and blonde that bull-rushes the masked figure.
Before she even knows it her axe is in her hands, poised to strike, raised high as her eyes shift to a bloodshot shade of pink.
The rage...
The rage is still there.
Even with the Marauder Eidolon dead, she's still so ANGRY.
Some things just don't change as she lunges to try and full force tackle the figure down as soon as Rui's dark bolt strikes or misses, she's there.
2 years, 6 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=14.
Comment: Feral Instinct. Never caught by surprise anymore. I'm gonna tackle this guy down.
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 7).
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
Ivo had been lost in thought. Realizing that the royal family will not budge, he surmised that some sort of internal concern was preoccupying. The country's leadership seems incapable of dealing with more than one problem at once, in part because they're so unwilling to delegate to others, despite how dependent the nation is on the Vanguards. ...Or maybe because that fact only makes them more insecure.
What a mess, he thinks. This nation is lost with leaders like this. But that's not their business. They'll have to investigate independently and--
Or not.
The party's spokesman stares baffled as guards collapse, his gaze zeroing in on the needles in their necks. Ah, poison, some detached part of him calmly thinks.
Ivo's friends are already attacking the creepy interloper. The assassin might as well be waving a banner labeled I Am a Bad Guy.
"What a brazen attack--!"
As he speaks, the Cosmopolitan, with a flick of his wrist and a little sleight of hand, produces a green marble that he loads into the pommel of his sword as he draws it, a motion he has clearly been practicing. In a single movement, he detaches his blade as though flinging it, its magitech steel glowing green, winds already beginning to whip about it.
"Your Excellencies, please withdraw to a safer place!"
Rather than taking on the assassin, Ivo attempts to project a wall of wind between him and the rest of the royals to give them an opportunity to flee while deflecting any more needles, after which Ivo rapidly scans the room. Is this really the only attacker? It's such a showy entrance. What's the ploy, here?
Regardless, the royals must retreat! No doubt the regent has a plan for some sort of eventuality like this.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Impeding any possible attack on the royals by the interloper. Magictech Fencing Art: Gale Shield!
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 7).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
"Wh----who are you?!" The King demands, looking alarmed at the state of the guards.
"Dreaming state they lie,
Haunting inadequacies,
A young prince fallen"
The first thing that he notices is the fact that Ruidosa shoots a bolt of dark energy. In his counter, a knife released from an underhanded throw to collide with that bolt of energy. It meets with a clash before both dissipate. Noting the presence of the berserker princess, the assassin waits for her to lunge out to tackle him down. The assassin springs forward to leap over her head, extending one hand above her head as she passes by him.
Pivoting off of her, he descends towards the young prince. Darcea tightens her hold of the prince and Georg is springing forth with his sword to protect the two.
To their surprise, the 'waiter' that they met the other day comes to their aid once again.
Reize, quick on his feet, darted prince and pushed off the wind-wall formed by Ivo as a leverage to meet with the assassin with a clash of his boomerangs to the dagger.
The asssassin note the shield formed by Ivo and the sudden interjection of the young boy.
"Guiding stars arrive,
Clashing with the shrouding knife,
What is the outcome?"
The clashing lasts a moment before the assassin pushes away from the clashing boy. Now, he is taking in his opponents preventing him from dealing the finishing blow: a vampire, a berserker, a magitech, and a boy. He merely lifts a hand up, beckoning for the group to come at him.
Heeding the warning of Ivo, the royalty start backing away and departing. The young prince, while bewildered, looks over at a young boy who is just a bit older than him. ...But braver.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 6 months ago
Ruidosa watches her dark blast meet a different obstacle and frowns heavily again.
"You're a dumb stupid
Why are you even here dumbass
Go leave, Falcata!"
She then forms a blade of dark shadow and throws it through the air, following with another from her other hand, calling out that attack name in her retaliatory Haiku.
2 years, 6 months ago
He springs off her head.
... He just springs off her head.
Everything happens in slow motion as Anna turns to face the assassin that just casually launches off of her as though she were a stepping stone and that... That just...
That just makes her *angrier*.
Stomping the ground once, twice, three times to work herself up, the berserker princess wastes no time when the masked killer beckons.
She makes to rush him again but chokes her rush in a feint and simply HURLS her axe end over end at the would be killer before she rushes up the nearest pillar, ripping a decorative blade from the wall, this too is hurled.
Before she starts jumping from pillar to pillar in the throne room, ripping decorative weapons free and launching them with every iota of fury she has in her.
2 years, 6 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Unlimited Rage Works???
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 8).
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
It's one thing to interpose a barrier between the target and the royals and another to attack the target directly. Ivo furrows his brow as he approaches where his own blade spins, going to it rather than calling it back to him as his friends pressure their adversary. This way, he can maintain the wind-wall for as long as possible, then attempt to take over the defense with his buckler and hilt. It won't be as effective, but what matters is that he's bought time for the royals to withdraw. He's got to assist his allies in pinning down this agile opponent.
Witnessing Anna's rage used to unsettle Ivo, but now, after seeing her crushed by grief, the sight of it reassures him. Still, not for the first time, he wishes it were easier to coordinate around her rage. Being unable to predict her movements makes him hesitate to attempt a pinpoint strike with his blade. Even if she'd be fine getting nicked, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for injuring one of his friends.
Ruidosa has the right idea. What's the point in getting all stressed out? It's just another life or death battle. ...He needs a new day job.
"Doff your mask, coward!
I will seal his movements, friends
Show them our true strength!"
Ejecting a clear elesphere, an empty cartridge of aether, Ivo slaps a blue orb into Hauteclare's pommel instead and launches the blade straight at the assassin before it dips low, attempting to dart toward his feet before bursting into a cluster of ice that aims to freeze him to the floor, however temporarily. This is safest, not knowing what Anna is going to--
Oh, she's throwing things.
"The decor needed livening up anyway," Ivo quips.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=14.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Deep Freeze!
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a failure (by 1).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
When Ruidosa's dark blade reaches out to slash at the assasin, the blade is met with a dagger that he flicks out from one of his wrists. There is a clash of the blade with the dark magic-created blade. The laughing face of a mask leans forward to meet with the young vampire as she takes the aggressive role.
"A rich mark exists,
Glory to the Empire,
Weak blood once removed."
While the blade continues to collide with Ruidosa's dark blade, the assassin lifts his other hand to prepare another underhanded strike. However, the angry princess catches him off-guard. The axe thrown his way is expected, which he does manage to avoid. However, the decorative blade manages to strike him at the shoulder. It pierces the shoulder, leaving its mark as it sticks visibly on his form.
Ivo's call out earns a chuckle.
"Face is meaningless,
Actions are the driving force,
As one falls one comes."
He gives a bow despite the decorative blade protruding from his arm.
He is well-aware of the intentions of the swordsman and already let his guard down on Anna. He uses the good arm to spring back from the blue orb covering the ground with ice.
What is unexpected is that Reize had already sprinted forward to slide across the ground, slickened by the ice made by Ivo, and launch the figure up with a flip kick. The flip kick sends the assassin rising in the air, hissing before he crashes down on the ground messily.
Reize lands on his feet, taking a hard, aggressive stance as he holds his boomerangs invertedly. "Wh--who are you?!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is getting frustrated, because this asshole keeps blocking her attacks and it takes Anna going batshit to even get a hit on this guy as she winces. But more importantly, it doesn't take the man down. That's...
She's curious too now, as to who this man is.
"Face is not minor.
Actions are the other half
You are a problem."
"Problems are mean to be solved, one way or another." she finally says as she throws a ball of energy into the air, which starts zapping with streaks of dark lighting-like branches out towards the cloaked, masked figure.
2 years, 6 months ago
Descending from the pillars having exhausted her ammunition, Anna lands in a crouch on hands and knees as she snarls. There's no victorious quip nor smug remark at the fact that she landed a blow with the blade embedded in the assassin's arm.
TThere is just rage.
Unadulterated, unfettered, unstoppable, unrelenting fury.
Anna is in her element now, where she had been uncomfortable and bored before, she is purely in action now.
T"Gonna rip that mask off... See if you still smile..." The berserker princess growls, eyes flaring hot red as she lunges, skidding on Ivo's ice for added speed as she flying leaps with hands outstretched to try and tackle the masked would-be killer down.
2 years, 6 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: To the last I grapple with thee
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 2).
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
"The... Empire?"
Ivo falters, tilting his head.
"The Korotus Empire...?"
His mind races. First of all, he cannot believe anything this person says. Even so, there's some sense in it. The claim by the first assassins that Castia was responsible was immediately refuted by Thael's presence. The Korotus Empire would benefit by distracting Castia or depleting its resources if Granse were turned against its neighbor. In any case, causing further division within the Western Continent, with the other nations doubtless already fearing Castia's rise, costs Korotus nothing.
"Reize! Let's capture him!"
There are too many nations that could plausibly benefit from unrest in Granse as a means of pressuring Castia one way or another. It could be a government, some faction within a country, or even a faction within Granse itself. There's no way to narrow it down.
"I'll try to create an opening--!"
Two marble-sized orbs catch the light in Ivo's palm, one red and one yellow. First the red is loaded, the blade flitting back to Hauteclare's hilt to be charged again. Instead of attacking it, it darts toward the cluster of ice that Ivo left on the ground in his previous technique, moments after both Reize and Anna have utilized it. Unleashing a burst of heat there, a cloud of steam emerges, obscuring Hauteclare's next movements. When Ruidosa's dark lightning arcs through it, dispersing it, the blade is gone.
As though having teleported, the blade is illuminated directly above the assassin, a golden hue enveloping it.
"Steel Rain!"
At first, it seems to split into multiple versions of itself, all striking down at once. In fact, earth aether has transformed into shards of steel that, dangerous in and of themselves, also hides Hauteclare's true movements as it repeatedly strikes. If he's timed it right, the steel shards should fall just before Anna approaches, exploiting the target's possible distraction with her, with Hauteclare continually striking once she's closed in.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=14.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Steel Rain!
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 2).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
The figure with the laughing mask waits for the would be protectors to come forth. He lifts a hand to beckon them once again. The figure appears prepared for the outcome. Watching the sorceress weave her dark magic is met with another lift of his arm. However, he no longer tries to impede her attack. Instead, he faces the dark ball of energy, allowing it to lance throw his form. "Huugggh!"
He sucks in a breath, taking in the blow from the lightning surging course through his body. Anna is successfully able to utilize the speed from the ice to tackle the killer down.
Suddenly, the steam erupts around as Ivo utilizes his magic to obscure his vision. The blades of steel strike true, leaving his body torn against the blade's shards striking everywhere.
He is caught by the young princess, expanding his arms up.
And it is just in time for Reize to push forward with a lunging drop kick. With Anna holding the masked man up, Reize is taking the moment to strike the taller figure.
There is a bit of a rough cough from the figure.
"Beneath the bleak shroud,
A ray of light will shine forth,
Let it never fade..."
His figure slips out of the grasp from Anna, now leaping out back into the shadows of the wall. As he pushes against the wall, his figure is enveloped by the darkness before he too fades.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima frowns as he just....fades away? Was he a ghost? She looks around, eyes darting as she frowns again and looks to Reize. "He just disappeared!" she exclaims and crosses her arms and hrmphs. "How convenient." she mutters. She then places a finger to her bottom lip and taps as she considers this and looks between the group.
"Is um. The Royal Family okay?" she asks bluntly.
"Because I have nooo idea where cloaked darkbutthead has gone." she says.
2 years, 6 months ago
Anna scrabbles- trying to pry that smiling mask off the figure's face before he slips out of her grasp.
Oh that just makes her angrier- especially as the masked assassin fades from sight. Seemingly gone.
Anna stamps her foot, once, twice, three times... Before she takes a slow, deep, calming breath.
"... Ah... I seem to have lost my composure for a moment there..." She mumbles while working on catching her breath.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
With desperate quick thinking, Ivo whips Hauteclare's blade toward a wall and slashes one of the (remaining, non-thrown) torches from its sconce, knocking it toward where the assassin has faded in an effort to illuminate the darkness. But if the figure has vanished, then there is nothing more the Cosmopolitan can think to do.
Well, he's not sure how much they could get out of him anyway. With a sigh, Ivo, upon confirming their adversary's disappearance, will withdraw the blade back to his hilt, approaching his allies.
"Well fought, friends."
He'll clap a hand on Anna's shoulder, smiling, the young man seemingly at last comfortable with the princess's fury. Maybe seeing her grieve has changed his perspective on her as well.
"You did very well," he affirms. "We're fortunate to have you fighting by our side." With her nemesis defeated, her objective has become unclear. But until she can figure out her new goals, she's welcome in the party, traveling wherever their quests take them. "With the Crux complete, it's only a matter of time until Lily is revived. I'm looking forward to introducing you to her. Ah, Ruidosa too, of course."
Don't make it sound like she's an afterthought, Ivo, she'll curse you. Vampire curses *do* exist, right? That shadow form of hers has big I Can Curse People energy.
"Reize," he continues, looking toward the boy, "the assassin seemed to suggest he's sent by the Korotus Empire. We can't take him at his word, but we should report it nonetheless. The Empire could be trying to stir up trouble between Castia's neighbors in advance of an attack."
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
As soon as the assassin disappears, Reize looks over to the state of the hallway. He notices some of the decorations were torn apart and signs of battle. However, he cannot help but to check up on the guards.
"Oh! They're still breathing!" He looks out towards the group, "They're still alive!" Ivo's suggestion about the Empire leaves Reize with a frown. He is uncertain about the Empire, save for the Masked Sorcerer that they came across. Considering the only member of the Empire was the Sorcerer, who was connected to Lily, "...Yeah." Reize looks uneasy. He looks over at Anna and Ruidosa, "Good job, all." He keeps a warm smile.
Meanwhile, the regent does peek his head out, albeit fearfully. "...Is it safe to come out, now?" At least, he is the brave one.... though underneath the regent is young Constantin, the prince, whose eyes light up at the sight of the older boy who bravely saved him.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima gives Ivo a glare. Reize just gets a look and she looks between the two as she blinks...
"I'm pretty sure, that..." she says softly. "'s safe now." she says as she coughs.
"Sorry about the mess." she says bluntly.
Ivo Galvan
2 years, 6 months ago
Ivo glances at the deadly decorations strewn about after Ruidosa's curt apology. Oh, right. Well, it was a good plan on Anna's part, if it can be called a plan.
"It was a chaotic battle," he says, careful not to assign responsibility, "but we repelled the would-be assassin, Your Excellency. We regret that we were unable to detain the assailant."
This whole affair is too strange. A bizarre reference to the Empire, an assassin who only incapacitates guards without killing them, a risky open attack seemingly without any backup or ploy... No wonder the royals are paranoid.
"Your Excellency," Ivo says, turning to the regent, taking on an unusually firm tone. "Now, more than ever, Granse needs all the strength it can muster. We will bring the legacy of Vaeltrandia within reach, so that the nation may unify about its storied history. Please, entrust us with the prisoner Nais, so that his ancestral talents may be used to that end. Please..."
He looks to the boy prince with shining eyes.
"...assist us in our quest."
Sensing leverage, Ivo exploits it for all he's worth.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 6 months ago
Reize notices that Ruidosa just gives him a look. "Wh----" He looks confused as to why his partner just looked at him with that near-glare. He lowers his head, comical tears running along his eyes.
"I--I didn't even do anything this time."
The regent appears exhausted, looking uncertain as to how to handle things. He does look back and call out, "The coast is clear."
The royalty have returned, though the king does look still weary. He furrows his eyebrows as he says, "...Be that as it may be.. I am fraid.."
"RELEASE THE PRISONER TO THE NICE PEOPLE!" shouts the young prince.
"Wh----?!" Both King and Queen look at the prince, taken back by his interjection. Even Darcea is amazed to see her little brother take a more bold approach.
The king, having no other recourse, runs a hand over to his forehead. "...As the young ruler says, the prisoner will be entrusted to you all."