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A Quest He Can't Refuse

Scene details

  • Start date: June 4, 2022, 7:24 p.m.
  • End date: June 4, 2022, 10:08 p.m.
  • Location: Granse - Zerhem Kingdom
  • Participants: Ivo Galvan, Fox, Anna, Aguri Nakayama

Setting: During the party's conflict with The Capo and his Covenant to Control Chaos in Aurita Meloda, before the capybara gangster could have a proper showdown with Reize, he fled complaining that there was "no combat system" and he couldn't "see the numbers or meters," leaving everyone in confusion. But Ivo has to remain in The Capo's good graces to keep the party's laboratory in the aqueduct safe from the predations of the Granse underworld. Thus may he not refuse The Capo's newest demand: that Ivo create "a combat system." Ivo has no idea what this means. He goes to the Zerhem market to find out.


 "I'm just saying, it's been working out well enough."
 His distinctive blue cloak rippling as he descends the sloping road toward the bustling central Zerhem markets, smooth brow dotted with sweat, Ivo gesticulates self-justifyingly at his shorter blonde companion.
 "It's not as though I'm a double-agent. I'm not expected to report to The Capo on Reize's activities. He's just, well, convinced that he's taken me under his wing. And as long as I keep up the charade, he lets the laboratory continue to exist, which means I can support our friends. The Zerhem royal family may be in our debt, but they can't protect us from the Granse underworld."
 The sun beats down through a faint filter of clouds, the shade of overhanging roofs offering the respite that dense trees previously had as they walked from the ruined aqueduct bordering the city proper, where the party's workshop is located (along with Fabroxo's next door).
 "Compared to having to deal with a fight between Reize and The Capo, this is nothing. I just-- well-- even so--"
 The typically gallant Cosmopolitan has no choice but to draw an embroidered handkerchief from a pocket in his cloak, dabbing at his brow. The heat may not be the only cause of his perspiration.
 "I have no idea what he means by 'combat system,'" he finally says, "but I have to come up with something."
 He looks toward the stalls ahead with desperate hope, as though maybe, just maybe, he'll know one when he sees it on sale.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago


 The woman's hand is pressed against her hip, holding an antique-looking firearm in place in the process, one finger tapping an obviously irritated staccato against the wood-inlaid grip. "So let me get this straight. You sent me out to some farm village in the middle of gods know where, during their rainy season, to take out some bandits who JUST HAPPENED to end up being peasant farmers revolting about unfair taxation..."

 Sitting opposite her at the inn table, wrapped in the obligatory black cloak of Rich Person Thinks They're In Disguise But Actually It Just Calls More Attention To Them, a petty noble draws himself up. "Please refer to it as a worker dispu--"

 Fox cuts him off with a held-up index finger, before continuing. "REVOLTING. PEASANTS. And then when I come back here to tell you I quit, and you'd best provide some recompense for lying to me, your answer is... this?"

 The most gaudy, ornate glass bottle sits between them on the table. Inside is a liquid of a light but indeterminate color, thanks to the sky blue hue of the glass. As the saying goes: 'fool's gold glitters more brightly because it has more to prove.'

 Beneath the table's surface, beringed hands twist around each other nervously. "Well, you see, because the peasants aren't working, my revenues are slightly... depressed... in the current market clima--"

 He stops because the woman opposite him is now pointing her pistol at his face. "Get out."

 A brief pause. "Leave the bottle."

 As the noble scurries away into whatever closet incidental NPCs are kept in, Fox holsters the pistol, and unstoppers the bottle a bit, taking a draught of the liquor's(?) scent.


 This is how the time-lost alchemist finds herself on the streets, cradling a bottle of what is essentially medieval JRPG Smirnoff Ice under one arm, where it has accompanied her ever since. "What I need," she says carefully, "is some sucker to foist this on."

 As she says this, she spots a somewhat familiar head of hair poring over some consumer good or another at a nearby market stall.

 "Ah... perfect."

 And thus does her trajectory, and indeed that of history itself, change.

 Those who had seen 'Tsuchi' in her previous outing would be forgiven for not immediately recognizing the martial artist. Rather than the combat-friendly templar's uniform Aguri wore in her bout against the mechanical capybara, the girl is wearing a comfortable traveler's outfit, a simple tunic and trousers in earthy tones. And over that, a cloak and hood; even the oni mask has been swapped for a more neutral white one. But though most of her outfit has changed, the hints of silver hair from beneath the hood are telltale... as is, more importantly, the familiar pair of gauntlets. She's still wearing those.

 The young martial artist is doing some shopping, completely unmoved by any stares or dirty looks shot her way for being a masked person in a public place. She's got supplies to purchase. The road is long, after all. For the moment, she is oblivious to both Fox and Ivo - not that she would know the former regardless. "Two jars of preserves, please. ...I'm sorry, but I have my reasons. ...yes, I'm willing to pay extra for the trouble." The last comes with faint, restrained irritation.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Sense Danger (JRPG Icing) / Sense Hot Babe check
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 2. This is a failure (by 8).

 "What I need is an outside perspective," Ivo continues. Normally, he would be teasing Anna into some response, but his palpable anxiety drives him to chatter on. Even Deathless Draaken didn't strike fear into Ivo's heart like The Capo did, if only because if The Capo were to bring harm to the party, Ivo alone would be to blame. "The Capo is a genius engineer but, like Fabroxo, he's... idiosyncratic. I can't approach this thinking in the terms of my academic training."
 The Cosmopolitans may be the most famous society of magitech inventors in the world, and their achievements the basis for The Capo's most recent innovations, such as the riverboat casino Sweet Francine (yes, really). But Ivo himself is more a tinkerer and dilettante than scholar or researcher, despite his formal training. And he knows his limits, which tend to be upgrading rather than building from scratch.
 "I need you, Anna," he says without even adding a salacious joke. That's how stressed he is. "And I need to be exposed to a worldview totally different from my own. I need-- Tsuchi!"
 Seeing their erstwhile ally against the formidable MegaCapo (friend to the children of Aurita Meloda), Ivo suddenly bursts into a relieved smile, seeking any glimmer of hope as he waves toward the martial artist.
 "Tsuchi, it's good to see you well. Have you had any luck pursuing that mist-wielding foe of ours?" Yari had unfortunately escaped after their great battle. "I, uh, actually have an odd question I'd appreciate your help with," he soon hurriedly adds. "Have you ever heard of a... combat system?"
 Totally engrossed in his quest for The Capo, he does not notice the intimidating and/or sexy presence of Fox approaching, despite his Affection Meter being at like 50% or something. Onomatopoetic sound effects appear behind him, growing larger and/or closer by the moment. (Gogogogogo...)

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Anna is... Well she's here. And she's been a little bit reticent since the incident with the Black Beast. But she's here, following Ivo, nodding quietly now and then. The fact that Ivo is keeping his teasing to a minimum is probably appreciated right now, even if she's a little bit stuck in her own world.
 "You need--..."
 The princess blinks as Ivo switches gears so quickly.
 "Uh." Oh right she should be polite. "Hi..."
 Except Anna is still reeling from her world crashing down all around her so that's the best she can muster.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Oh, and he's with another young woman. The name escapes Fox, but the face is vaguely familiar; she is almost certain she's seen Anna in the company of Ivo, Reize, or both before. That might complicate things. The intricate plan that was unfolding in her mind might need some revision. The hand not steadying what can only be called "the drag queen of liquor bottles" against her side comes up to her chin in the universal gesture for 'devious scheming'. Come on, Etienne, you're a smart girl. You can make this work.

 Her steps slow as she schemes and schemes until finally Fox comes to a stop and shrugs. "Nope too much work."

 And then of course he sees another woman off and heads toward HER, and then things get even MORE complicated. Strangers! This is so COMPLICATED. All she wants to do is get some profit out of a wasted week and a half of her life where she declined to be a union buster. WORKERS RIGHTS FOREVER.

 This is probably how the spellgunner just sort of... appears behind the Ivo/Anna/Tsuchi group and, with her free hand, goes to give Ivo a hearty slap on the back. "S'up, wonder boy?"

 PROBLEM: Fox is a big tity anime ginger, meaning that despite routinely skipping arm day, when it comes to playful attempts to hit a bishounen protagonist, said blow described in terms of pure force per square inch is roughly equivalent to an industrial car crusher. Who knows? Maybe Ivo's honed battle instincts will help him dodge.


 Coin is exchanged, and jars of preserves are accepted; Tsuchi is shoving them into her bag when she hears her name to one side. Her head turns, that blank white mask facing straight towards Ivo, and there's a soft, neutral, "Ah. You." She finishes putting away her new purchase, and then turns to face the duo properly. "I haven't had any luck, no. She is slippery prey." Or Tsuchi has much to learn about tracking someone, even with all her training. But she's not going to say that out loud.

 There is a brief look at Anna, and though her mask hides it, the young martial artist tilts her head slightly, a show of curiosity. "Tsuchi Ishino. A pleasure." But her mask turns back to Ivo, and with that odd question... her head tilts slightly again, this time in confusion. "A... 'combat system'? Mm. I've heard the martial arts I and others train in referred to as 'systems of fighting'. Is that what you're looking for?"

 Then there is Fox. Tsuchi's body language stills for a moment, and that mask shifts just faintly, 'looking' between the newcomer and Ivo. " have a lot of friends that happen to be girls."

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: It's time... to unleash my honed battle instincts!!!
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 6).

 You know, it has really seemed like Ivo's nerves have been strained to the breaking point this entire time, but perhaps there is a more charitable explanation for his constant prattling. Anna has seemed despondent since her berserker rage was overwhelmed by Thael's extraordinary might. Ivo, for all his drama, is eminently capable of subtlety. In sharing his woes so energetically, might he aim to distract her from her melancholy rumination? Might Ivo be possessed of such grace and, dare I say, dignity?
 Such is the answer to this hypothetical, more forced from his lips than spoken as the young man faceplants into the cobbles with a resounding crack of stone, right at "Tsuchi's" feet, where he lies still and, finally, silent for a few long seconds.
 He looks up at the tall woman, beaming, cheeks flushed, unless that's a mix of cobble dust and red streaks from the blood dribbling from his nose.
 "I'm so glad you're here! I need your wisdom and beauty."
 Though if he had to pick just one--
 "Have you heard of a 'combat system'?" Still flat on the ground, his gaze swivels to the martial artist. "Tsuchi here could be right. Maybe a 'system of fighting' is what The Capo meant. But what sort of system of fighting? One like MegaCapo's?"
 He hesitates, furrowing his brow, before blinking.
 He clears his throat.
 "I... can't get up."

> Ivo has been stunned and may not act this round.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 NOTE TO SELF: bishounen much more fragile than outward appearance suggests. Make a note in the spreadsheet when you get home.

 At the very least, Ivo rebounds MENTALLY from that, even if he's also sprawled on the ground at market day. The fox-haired alchemist doesn't need to introduce herself, as the Cosmopolitan(tm) did it for her, but she does incline her head at Anna and Tsuchi in recognition of their presence, before looking at Ivo, who asks her the most insane question she's heard in a long time.

 "Well," she says languidly, "you've certainly turned philandering into a martial art, so why not call it a day there?"

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Ah, introductions, right. Anna should do that.
 "Anna..." She murmurs in response to 'Tuschi'. "Just, Anna."
 No surname apparently. Just like commoners in some kingdoms. Well, she fidgets for a beat right before Fox makes Ivo hit the pavement with a slap to the back.
 "... Do you want me to break her, Ivo?"
 It's a half-hearted question. It's questionable if Anna can even tap into her rage at the moment with how despondent she's been since her encounter with Thael.
 "Oh. Wait. You know her." No attempts to break anyone today, then as Anna moves to help Ivo up.

 And down he goes.

 Tsuchi watches Ivo drop like a rock, her mask tilting down to peer at him from beneath the hood. She finds herself briefly wondering if this was some manner of attack, but the way he reacts... no, the only attack here is a blatant assault on his dignity. "The MegaCapo... that robot thing?" Hmm. "I don't think I know of any styles that would suit beast folk, living or mechanical." She shakes her head, looking up towards Fox when the latter adds her comment on the matter. And-


 Her shoulders jerk upward briefly.

 Was... was that a laugh? Did Tsuchi Ishino just laugh?

 Absolutely not. Just your imagination.

 When Anna moves in, Tsuchi takes a step back, just to leave the berserker room to help Ivo up. "Did this Capo give you anything else to go on?"

 Ivo, heartened by the incognito princess's moral support, slowly lifts his trembling hand toward Anna as she begins to move to help him up.
 "That's it!"
 His sudden exclamation might surprise even his ally. The Cosmopolitan brightens again as he looks up at Fox, eyes shining like he's found the answer.
 "If my 'combat system' is philandering, then The Capo must want me to gather an entourage of beauties to show him that I am a worthy successor to his empire!" His tone softens a little as though to reassure the present company. "I am not *interested* in his empire, of course. But if appeasing him will buy us the time we need to seek the final fragment of the Crux of Creation, then..."
 Oh, his eyes are shining again.
 "...what I need to do is bring him the three of you! It's a perfect combination. The tall, voluptuous vixen; the petite angel; and the mysterious alluring athlete. All we need is for you all to pretend that you're smitten with me, and we'll have this in the bag!"
 He grins widely, still lying on the ground, and still reaching up for Anna's hand so that she can help him up.
 "Bless you," he asides to Tsuchi, as she sneezes (?).

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 For a second -- practically imperceptible, really -- mention of the Crux of Creation causes a wave of... something to wash across Fox's face, a faint glitter in the silver-eyed gaze. And then, as quickly as it game, gone.

 Now she's left with the reality that her attempt at humor is either being picked up on and run with in a way she would not have credited Ivo with, OR she is in a very full-on 'what has science wrought' situation.

 Either way, she really only has one goal here.

 "Yes. Exactly. An inspired idea if there ever was one." She looks around before producing the bottle she's had tucked under her arm like a football she's trying to spike into the endzone since she got here, which is actually a pretty accurate description of what she's doing. "I think you should celebrate that insight by buying this decanter of rare elven [indecipherable word]."

 The alchemist glances at Anna and Tsuchi with a 'please don't mess this up for me' expression.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

Fox rolls 1d20>=19.
Comment: Can our heroine luck into choosing an ACTUAL Elvish word
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 16).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Anna helps Ivo up and... Then she sort of stares at Fox. It's a funny look that the princess gives the woman.
 "That's not..."
 That's not an Elvish word she wants to say so badly. But the look that she gets in return clams her up.
 But she is staring, baffled, now.

 "You're not my type," Tsuchi replies to Ivo without missing a beat. No mercy in this one.

 There is, however, a brief pause, before she adds, "But what is this 'Crux of Creation'?" She completely misses Fox's expression at the mention of that phrase, but the phrase in and of itself sounds like some manner of important artifact or item. If nothing else, that makes it worth poking into.

 Tsuchi does /not/, however, miss the look from Fox regarding the alcohol. She can easily tell there's some kind of hustle going on here, but... she's kind of curious to see where it goes, really.

 "Pretend! It's just pretend!" Ivo is saying to Anna, who seems to be about to protest something (presumably his suggestion), and then to Tsuchi, gesturing palms down as though to soothe them. "We just have to convince a gangster in the body of a capybara that my charms render me capable of managing a riverboat casino full of bunnygirls. Really, it's a simple task!"
 He looks to Fox with mingled gratitude and adoration at her affirmation of his idea. He didn't quite catch what she said about the bottle she is proffering, but she is a goddess who can do no wrong, so, that's fine.
 "Yes, of course! Now that I have my 'combat system,' I can spend the money on this fine beverage, right? Ha ha!"
 As he fumbles in his cloak for his coin pouch, he looks to Tsuchi, visibly relieved and delighted at having resolved his problem so brilliantly.
 "Ah, it's a great relic of the lost nation of Vaeltrandia, the precursor to Zerhem Kingdom as ruler of the territory of Granse," he remarks lightly, always glad to offer exposition. "There are few records remaining, but our explorations suggest that Vaeltrandia was founded when druids worshipping a spirit--" Better not say the word "eidola" carelessly. Or mention that this spirit travels with them in Reize's pendant. "--named Kernunnos allied with a warrior clan that served as their royalty. Together, with the power of star that Kernunnos led them to, they developed homunculi called the Star-Crowned in the hopes of creating mages mighty enough to guide them to the sun itself, so they might return to the God of Creation, or so they hoped. But the Star-Crowned rebelled against them, and in the ensuing battle, the path to their floating city of Arcadios was destroyed."
 He extracts his jingle pouch just in time to finish that paragraph, and begins fishing out coins for just long enough to finish the next one.
 "When the four fragments of the Crux of Creation are united, we think we'll be able to use it to find a cure for a friend of ours." Ivo, mostly out of distraction rather than actual prudence, decides that there is no need to speak carelessly of Lily or their plans to venture to Arcadios and risk unsealing the tyrannical Star-Crowned Emperor. "Here we are!"
 He hasn't even asked how much the bottle costs.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Tsuchi's keen eye catches the first momentary glimpse, but you'd either have to be an idiot or someone whose focus is completely on their wallet to miss the almost practiced blank mask that sweeps over Fox's face as Ivo starts relaying the history of Vaeltrandia, druids, homunculi-gone-wrong, and everything else in that particularly lengthy expository monologue. It's the END of it, however, that REALLY tests the limits of the alchemist's already barely-existent poker face. A cure for a "friend" that would require, of all the things in the WORLD, the Crux of Creation? Which -- not that she's sharing this information -- is gone FOR A REASON.

 And then Ivo casually mentions how the nation fell. "Yeah," she mutters, though not inaudibly. "How'd that work out for them."

 As much of a lark as foisting this truly awful beverage onto the hapless (or perhaps, more-happed-than-first-imagined) Ivo, the fox-haired woman has the sudden and very PARICULAR urge to get a drink of her own. Or ten. You know, a casual night out.

 "You know? Don't worry about the money," she says to Ivo, but hands the bottle itself off to Anna, because she is drawing her own likely inaccurate conclusions about the nature of their relationship. "Consider it a gift." She DEFINITELY looks ill-at-ease and ready to leave, right now.

 Pretend. It's just pretend.

 Tsuchi is silent; and the mask makes it impossible to tell what she's thinking, especially with her body language carefully controlled. She doesn't really have any obligation to help with this absolutely ridiculous scheme. But at the same time, well... the trail's already cold for the shinobi she's tracking. It's not like there's anything particularly time-sensitive to deal with right now. "...I won't be taking the mask off. Will the Capo buy it if one of your 'Pretty Girls' refuses to show her face?" Well, at least it's a 'yes'. More or less, anyway.

 She listens more quietly to the explanation about the Crux of Creation, and once again there's that unreadable stillness. After the explanation is concluded, she looks between Ivo and Fox, Ivo and Fox, and then decides simply, "I feel as if this falls outside my jurisdiction, so I will simply wish you luck. Don't do anything that requires me to come hunt you down, I've got my own mission to deal with. This thing with the 'Capo' is all I can spare time for."

 "Fox, you're so generous!"
 Ivo can tell that Fox's mood has, seemingly abruptly, turned sour. No doubt the pragmatic adventurer had hoped to turn a profit on her fine draught, yet has been moved by her sympathy for Ivo's plight to aid them. Unless she was moved... by affection for Ivo? Could it be?
 Ivo is going with "yes."

> Ivo's Affection for Fox has increased to 60%.
> Ivo's Affection has granted him a passive ability. His Sense Hot Babe checks now receive a +1 bonus.

 "He'll buy it even *better*, Tsuchi," Ivo says with a confidence based more or less on nothing, "trust me. Your enigmatic air only adds to your surely significant charms." Surely, he says, because he has no idea. I mean, her hair looks good. "And we'll make sure to stay out of trouble!"
 Other than, uh, the trouble of needing to prove to a gangster in the body of a capybara that, etcetera, etcetera.
 "In honor of our fortunate meeting and foolproof plan," he exclaims, spreading his arms and beaming, "why don't I treat you all to dinner and drinks? Surely you can't eat preserved foods every night, Tsuchi."
 Maybe the prospect of drinks will cheer Fox up.

  • Character: Fox
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 For whatever reason, it appears that Ivo, Anna, and Tsuchi -- the latter two mostly by proximity rather than purpose -- have sailed into the metaphorical eye of the hurricane. Maybe some internal voice has reminded Fox that Ivo is looking at a situation in the proverbail rear view mirror while, in her own way, she is still sitting in her car at the scene of the accident, trying to get herself under control.

 It doesn't hurt that he IS, at least a little, cute in a one-night-stand kind of way. Truly is a shame about the boyfriend.

 "I have to pass," the spellgunner says, though not without some genuine warmth slipping back into her tone. "You kids have fun. You're young and the world is your oyster, after all."

 With a jaunty two-fingered wave over her shoulder, she departs.