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Scene details
Setting: Having successfully solved the Carneliean Mysteries, our heroes venture at Ruidosa's invitation to the Rosian residence of the La Crima family to seek a fabled item that might ward them should they face the flames of Purgation again: the legendary BURNHEELS.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 week, 2 days ago
while everyone else was off examining the items gained from the attack. Ruidosa was searching for her mother's BURNHEELS, which would be useful here. You can't just MAKE a burnheel. They're rare materials! It's why they're heirlooms and finding free ones are rare. She believes she's found them.
So Ruidosa has called her friends to the residence. Her mother and sister are still out. Ruidosa looks pleased as they arrive at the ornate house. It's not a manor. But it's large and.... dusty. No one lives here when the vampire family isn't here.
>> BGM:
The main vestibule is just a large common living room. It looks decorated with a large Chandelier, expensive couch and tables, and art on the wall that probably costs more than the house itself. Inset center over a fireplace is a large picture of a man with red hair and unnerving gaze, in traditional noble garb with a red cape.
"Ah.. you're here excellent! I know where the burnheels might be!" she says. She looks around. "They're probably here. In mom's closet somewhere." she says, dramatically. "Upstairs on the third floor!" she says this like she already has them. She does not have them.
Why didn't she get them!?
"Uhm. There's a problem though...." she says.
Reize Seatlan
1 week, 2 days ago
It took a while for Reize to make his trip to the residence. After all, Reize had to be hosed down and bandaged up after the entire Vanguards tackled him down while he was on fire. That was not a fun time.
As Reize arrives at the vestibule, he looks around the common room and he looks at Ruidosa. "Oh?" He then gives a bright smile, "So, where is it?" He doesn't see her with it in hand!
When Ruidosa mentions about a problem, Reize frowns, "...Does the stairs have zombies in it?"
Ivo Galvan
1 week, 2 days ago
Ivo had attempted to investigate this fabled item a little by himself. In the wake of their successful experiments in the Rosian Vanguards HQ, and after he had managed to pull their security off of the flaming Reize -- it's fine, everything's fine -- he had wandered the market, where the Star Chasers have started to gain something of a good reputation for their prior heroics against the rogue fire elementals. Unfortunately, every time he asked about these rumored heels, he was directed to a store selling ointments.
Fortunately, given their recent experiences with both the Hearthkeepers and Daiby's salamander, these turned out to be useful too, since he'd been running out of their supply.
"What a noble visage," he says, regarding the painting of the red-haired man. "A patriarch of the La Crima family, I presume?"
Ivo pauses, thinking for a moment.
"I wonder, did your mother reside here in younger days?" he asks, maybe a little too casually. "I imagine there would be portraits from such times."
Not that she would necessarily look much different, being a vampire, but Ivo can't help but be curious.
"Surely they keep the zombies in the catacombs," he then quips to Reize. Ivo just assumes that this residence ALSO has catacombs, like the one in Granse.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 week, 2 days ago
"Oh. That's ... Grandfather Porderoso...." she says. Wait are those eyes on the portrait watching Reize!? Well not really. It's a trick of the light, and a painted relief in the eyes, but...
Ruidosa suddenly backs up against the door as it suddenly knocks. She takes a deep breath. "House is Haunted."
She just says this casually. "The original owner from ancient times haunts this house, Lord Vocard, the headless Ghost! He's usually personable and leaves us alone if we leave his body where it rests, but something is wrong. I think some buttholes messed things up when we we're gone."
"My head, my headddddd...!" says a spooky voice from beyond the door. Before the eyes in the other paintings do actually look at the three, and get an angry expression. Before they fly off the wall, spinning at the heroes!
Ruidosa calls out 'FALCATA' slicing a painting out of the air, as it comes for her, before she realizes what she did.
"Crap mom is gonna kill me."
Reize Seatlan
1 week, 2 days ago
Reize tilts his head at Ivo, "...Yeah, I guess..." His voice is low as he looks to the side. However, he tenses up a moment later. "... Uhh..." He cannot help but feel that he has a set of eyes upon him.
Reize turns his head up towards the painting of Porderoso. "...Hm." He leans over to give the painting a stare. Then he looks back. "Naaah. I am just overthinking it."
As Ruidosa backs up to the door, he sighs. "'s haunted?"
Then, the eyes from the other paintings stare at them.
He immediately spins around to kick one of the paintings. "Yaaah!"
"Rui! We gotta find his head!"
Ivo Galvan
1 week, 2 days ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Gale Shield!
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 7).
Reize Seatlan
1 week, 2 days ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Beating up Paintings
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 3).
Ivo Galvan
1 week, 2 days ago
Ivo looks around wildly, head whipping back and forth, as the paintings begin to whirl and spin about. Is he seeking some sort of vulnerability?
"If you see that any of the portraits are of the Lady La Crima," he calls, "make sure not to damage them!"
Now that he has clarified his priorities, he draws Hauteclare, loading a wind elesphere into the pommel and stepping back to try to form a defensive circle with his allies as best as possible. If he can successfully form a wind barrier around them, if only temporarily, he might be able to fix them in place so they can be subdued without causing undue harm to household goods.
Unfortunately, in trying to track the movements of the portraits while also making out what they depict, Ivo is a little slow in activating the windburst and, rather than fending one off, he ends up just accelerating one of them right before a corner collides with his head and temporarily drops him, stunned.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 week, 2 days ago
It's like being attacked by a swarm of bats except the bats are expensive paintings. She scowls and cowers and finally opens the door the voice came from to--nothing, nothing is there. She races. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE VESTIBULE!" she says. "''BY THAT I MEAN THE LIVING ROOM''" she says angrily.
She hops up and down impatiently as she shakes a hand. "HURRY!" she calls out, waiting for the others to get their bearings and follow her. She fires off some blasts of dark energy at the paintings, to try to buy her friends the time they need to get away and into the hallway.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 week, 2 days ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Suppressing Fire!?
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
Reize Seatlan
1 week, 2 days ago
As for Reize...?
*SMACK!* "Ugh!" *WHAM!* Ugh!* *SMACK* "Gah!"
Fight back! Human! Fight back!
Reize is getting assaulted by the paintings all around, smacked from one side to the next. The painting swarm are having a field day with the explorer.
Hearing the call from Ruidosa, Reize shields his face as he tries to escape the assaulting paintings. "We're coming! Let's get out of here!"
One more painting comes out to trip the boy on his way out.
Reize Seatlan
1 week, 2 days ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoiding the last trip
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
Reize Seatlan
1 week, 2 days ago
Nope! That last painting slaps Reize right on the ankle, and the boy is sent flying out towards Ruidosa's path in a tumbling mess.
Ivo Galvan
1 week, 2 days ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech Improvization: Undead Detection???
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 7).
Ivo Galvan
1 week, 2 days ago
Ivo, having suffered some serious damage in the form of a great big welt on his chin, is forced to utilize his ultimate technique: Let Reize Go First.
"Tactical withdrawal!" he exclaims, in agreement with Rui, before running for the hallway. The tactical part is how he waits for Reize to draw the last of the attacks before hurrying on and taking cover. "Whew."
He begins fiddling with the sensor on the hilt of the still-unsheathed Hauteclare, trying to tune it to different aetheric frequencies.
"You said that the Lord Vocard is responsible for this, right?" he asks Rui, still a little dazed from his head trauma moments before. "I've tried to expand the eidola sensor to track more varied aetheric signatures ever since our encounter with those elemental vestiges in the Isle caldera." Undead elementals were quite a bizarre phenomenon. "The sensor can't really track undead for the same reason it can't track living souls, but if sufficient Destruction is concentrated in a single-- there!"
Ivo brightens as the sensor crackles.
"Incredible. Such potent Destruction energy," he mutters. "And close by! Can it identify any of Vocard's traits? Besides powerful dark magic, he seems to be..."
Ivo, parsing an otherwise inscrutable reading, frowns.
"...a Legendary Seductress...?"
After a beat, he looks to Rui again, then frowns a little more.
It's one thing that his sensor doesn't work. He can tolerate that. It's Rui's fairly-earned title that he's still struggling to accept.