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Spring Blossom Festival: Nightfall

Scene details

Setting: After foiling the assassin's plot, the Vanguards face the misfortune of crossing paths with the Black Beast. Even worse, he has his eyes set on Reize Seatlan.


  It nears the late afternoon, the clouds remain bright thanks to the sun's light shining. While the day would normally offer a peaceful, jubilant air, it had gone disrupted thanks to the assassination attempt.

 Followed by an unexpected visitor.

  The tension is palpable within the outskirts. The presence of the Black Beast within the village leaves everyone in silent, weapons drawn as if preparing to fight a very dangerous threat. The statue of the figure carries a bulky presence, mostly for the fearsome armor. The expression on his face carries a scowl.

  The would-be-assassins are currently unconscious, no longer considered a threat. In fact, those two assassins are being carted off away from the field, likely to be taken into custody.

  Those assassins do not concern the Black Beast. On one hand, the 'acting' like that they're from Castia raised an eyebrow, but there is a larger insult in front of him that requires eradication: the Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf.

  Those who were not involved with the crisis in Cosmopolis have only heard rumors of the Black Beast with his helmet on. This is the first time in public that he is seen without his helmet. The fearsome armor and weapon wielded by the youth, however, is very unmistakable. Even moreso, a closer look bears a very resemblance to a certain young explorer.

  He is enraged.

  A snarl follows. "Told you that I'd remember you... Reize." His head lifts up, glaring down at the boy. "/You're dead/."

  Reize is in an awkward situation, already drawing both boomerangs in front of him and is ready to move when the Black Beast moves. A sweat runs down the side of his head.

Ruidosa La Crima looks between this fearsome newcomer and Reize. There's a resemblance there. If she could get closer to sniff blood she could confirm things going through her head, and the little whisperings of 'Black Beast' and the call out earlier makes her scrunch her nose a little as she seems to think.

"Wait a minute..." she scrunches her nose. "...didn't my grandfather kick you out of our ancestral castle?" she asks confusedly. Then a pause when she says he's dead.

She frowns and opens her book to a page and frowns. Readying herself as she hunkers a little.

"What's your deal!? We did nothing to you just now!?"

 As though his body were someone else's, Ivo feels a faint and aloof surprise at the trembling of his arms. A primal fear of the figure before him sears so deeply that it leaves his conscious mind intact, marveling at its own powerlessness to elicit action. From the aching of his jaw, he infers that he is tightly gritting his teeth.
 The other Vanguards, busied with apprehending the would-be assassins, are surely in a difficult situation. Besides how confusing all this is, the Black Beast is one of the Devas of Castia, meaning that his presence involves complex foreign relations. Granse would not be eager to carelessly offend a representative of Castia, even if one *were* responsible for an assassination attempt. And the Vanguards, as an independent organization, must not risk meddling in foreign affairs lest they be expelled from the nations where they are allowed to reside. Even Granse, with its weak gvoernment and dependence on adventurers, would not take kindly to Vanguards meddling in its relationship with Castia. Reize could not be blamed for self-defense. But he is not likely to receive much support from his guild if he has raised the Black Beast's ire.
 All these thoughts run rather uselessly through Ivo's idle mind, what with his body being utterly frozen. The jist of it is that they're on their own, against *this* guy. He'd rather jump back in the river.
 "...We're with you."
 What he says surprises even himself. Something is cutting into his hand. It's the phoenix brooch pinned to his damaged cloak, rescued by Reize and Lily from the battlefield where his father was betrayed and disgraced, the emblem of the rightful wielder of Hauteclare.
 That's right. He's not like his father. He doesn't like to fight. He doesn't mind losing. He'd rather learn what his adversaries think than stick to his own ideals. But... that itself is an ideal. It is a kind of hope, a hope that good will comes from learning about others and the world. No, he's not like his father.
 Because he's not alone.
 "Together, we'll make it through!"

> Ivo has shaken off the effects of Thael's intimidating presence!

 Drawing Hauteclare from its scabbard, Ivo reaches into his cloak and withdraws a red elesphere, the tool he designed to help Argent attune her athame to different elements on the fly. This time, rather than break it to release the aspected aether, he pops it into a new slot in Hauteclare's pommel. "Loading" the sword with the elesphere, the crackle of energy about its hilt takes on its crimson hue, the blade beginning to ripple with heat.

> Ivo uses Magitech Fencing Art Aetheric Tuning.
> His weapon has become fire-aspected.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 With the assassins tended to, that just leaves... The Black Beast.
 Anna... Has never heard of the Black Beast. This is her first encounter with the dark armored figure that looks so familiar. A glance is cast between the armored youth and the yellow-scarved youth she knows and Anna can't help but frown.
 No, more importantly than who he is; why does he radiate such menace that even Anna can feel herself starting to quake in her boots, when he snarls.
 Still, Anna draws a breath and places herself defensively in front of Reize, Ruidosa, and Ivo, axe held at the ready.
 "Just walk away." She says softly. "Just walk away..."
 It's a hopeful attempt at being reasonable. Because she gets the sense that fighting this man... Will not be an easy endeavor in the least.

  The statement from the Black Beast brings him out of his focus towards the boy, if only briefly. One eye remains on the intended target, but he still needs to address what the girl is talking about.

 Grandfather... ancestral castle. Castle. Castle.

 "Oh." It finally dawns on him. "The breakables." He looks quite amused as he recalls it, "After tearing his place apart in our spat, sure." He then snorts, "...That means you're a vampire. Hopefully you're not stupid enough to get in my way."

 His eyes focus back at Reize, feral gaze with the snarl.

 Reize is feeling very nervous around the larger youth, unnerved that there feels to be a resemblance between the two. However, there is comfort in seeing Ivo reassuring him. "I..Ivo.." He smiles. There is almost a tear forming out of gratefulness. He looks at Anna and Ruidosa, who both seem on the defensive with him.

  While the Vanguards are people who are not involved with the political standing, there is something that seems... 'less' political and more vandetta-based. Given that they already apprehended a set of assassins, they are also peacekeepers to the people.

 Especially one of their own.

 The Vanguards are all surrounding him, readying their weapons. In fact, one of them steps forward while stating:

 "I am afraid that we must ask you to lay down your weapon. He is a Rank D Vanguard and---"

 There is a manical grin on the Black Beast's face before he raises his sword into the sky. With a steep of the blade, a blazing explosion erupts from around him and spreads all across the field. The impact of the explosion sends all of the other Vanguards that were surround him flying and they land harshly on the ground.

 The Black Beast erupts in a mad dash towards Reize, bringing his massive sword down to swing it at the boy.


  Reize, not wanting to face imminent death, is quickly leaping away from the incoming swing of the sword.

  Just as the boy remembers the last time, the sword does what it did before. Black Beast's blade leaves a massive crater to the ground, tearing everything asunder.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+4>=19.
Comment: Attacking Thael with Magitech Fencing Art: Flame Wheel.
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 23. This is a success (by 4).

 Ivo can see it.
 He hasn't moved toward Reize as Thael closes in. The Black Beast leaps like a tiger, moves like a flash, with a speed that the Cosmopolitan cannot begin to approach. But Ivo has responded by taking a somewhat odd stance, his longsword extended. A close examination will show that he is using a small contraption affixed to its hilt like an iron sight, peering at Thael through it. Lights on it flicker, appearing very similar to the sensor he uses when searching for Crux fragments.
 He can see it. In this wall of oppressive aether, in this overwhelming aura, as Thael overextends himself just a little in his eagerness to kill Reize in a single blow, a gap in the Deva's defenses. His own fighting experience would not be enough. But with the readout of his miniaturized aether sensor now grafted to Hauteclare itself, he can bolster his intuitions with a magitech engineer's best friend: evidence.
 "Now! Flame Wheel!!"
 When Ivo flicks his wrist, his eyes flash with the reflection of the burst of fire that ignites his sword. Explosively detaching from the flame-wreathed hilt, whirling through the air to encircle Thael as he attacks, the white-hot blade sends sprays of sparks all about to obscure the exact direction of its approach before shearing at one of the joints in Thael's armor, cutting through and potentially staggering him just a little, potentially partially mitigating his attack.
 Ivo knows that he has to act fast to manage such a thing. Once the rampage picks up momentum, he has no chance of stopping it.

Ruidosa La Crima raises her arms against her head as she frowns a little. That's.. a big crater. She jumps back a little as she mutters. "Stay out of your way!? That's that's...." my bonded... she thinks with a harder blush. " partner you can't just... attack him!?"

Then fire incites and she backs off from it... the fire ... she can feel it. she instead, flicks her hand and calls a shield around Reize of shadowy blackness, to help give him some extra protection hopefully on the next attack.

She's worried, as she turns back to the Black Beast.

"Luckily I hate my grandfather and don't care for his decrees." she mutters.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20+2.
Comment: Reckless attack
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 13.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 That's not walking away.
 That's not walking away AT ALL.
 In fact, when the Black Beast lunges with such speed and ferocity, all Anna can do is stagger away as that massive blade forms a crater in the ground where she had been standing just milliseconds before.
 And seeing the sheer *damage* to the surroundings from that single blow is enough to temper even her endless fury with something else.
 Anna Primrose can feel the chains of fear wrapping tightly around her rapidly beating heart as it hammers in her chest, binding that ever present rage within her down; making it harder to tap into, harder to feel as she lets out a shuddering breath and her hands begin to shake where she holds her axe.
 The berserker princess gulps down a breath and swallows her terror. It takes her a beat, but she knows if she takes any longer, her friend- her friends- may get killed if she does nothing. And that thought, is what allows her rage to break free; snapping the entrapping bindings of terror that hold it down, her fury barely overcomes her fear as she lunges in and leaps, thoughtlessly rushing at the Black Beast; Thael with her axe raised high, bringing it down with as much strength as her quaking hands can muster-- only to harmlessly spang off the figure's armored hide with grunt from the girl.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+2>=19.
Comment: Ricochet Smash, Dazing Boomerangs
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 21. This is a success (by 2).

  The Black Beast commits. In fact, some can say that he overcommits in his strikes. This lands no purchase in cleaving the boy in half who managed to get out of his trajectory. "...Spritely little punk." He sneers. What catches him by surprise is the spray of sparks flashing before his eyes. "Grrrr......!" He is already enraged, but caught in flash really puts a damper on his ability to see. The cutting blades manage to get him to flinch back, before he is starting to set his eyes straight at Ivo.

  This time, it is a feral grin as he focuses on the older man, "You were hostage last time, so I didn't get a chance to see you in action... nice trick. Here is mine." The sword is raised into the sky, a glow of destructive energy crackles in existence. A brief whisk of flames erupt from the blade before it slams down right in front of Ivo.

  Ivo will find that an explosion erupts from the ground where the blade strikes. Ivo will find that the blade does not intentionally strike him directly. Instead, once the tip presses to the ground, an explosion of flames erupt like a geyser. This is followed by a large dubris to accompany the explosive strike.

 There is something that the Black Beast could sense... there is a spark. That spark of emotion is enough to catch his attention and then he reaches out for the girl's axe as it springs off. He is grasping at the axe to keep her aligned with him, but he is not moving to strike.

  Instead, he barks out, "Try again! Put more rage into it!" Looks like the princess has gained his interest. He respects rage.

  As if to motivate her, the Black Beast uses his free hand to give her a quick punch in the gut.


  This is just in time to catch him off-guard once more as the boomerangs smack him upside the head, leaving his head ringing a bit. He is glaring right towards the boy.

  Reize, covered with a dark barrier, offers Ruidosa a smile, "...Thanks, Rui." He gives her a smile, then he furrows his eyebrows at the Black Beast, "My friends are fighting for my sake... I won't let them down!"

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+4>=19.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Gale Shield!
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 22. This is a success (by 3).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20+4.
Comment: MORE RAGE
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 18.

 Ivo flinches as Thael attacks... the ground?
 The magitech fencer had prepared for a counterattack. The moment after his slash struck home against Thael, Ivo had summoned the blade back to Hauteclare's hilt, where it clicked back into place. With the same motion, a clear elesphere was expelled from the pommel, falling to the ground like an empty shell casing before crumbling to dust, and Ivo was already slapping a green elesphere into place.
 But his barely-suppressed terror briefly gives way to bafflement as Thael's strike impacts just short of him. It's barely plausible that Ivo managed to injure him. It's totally impossible that Thael would miss. For a moment, Ivo is simply dumbstruck.
 A buzzing rouses him. As his wrist slackens in surprise, his sword points toward the ground where Thael struck. And the sensor on his hilt is glowing. Oh, it's bright. Very bright indeed.
 Self-preservation instincts taking over, before Ivo even fully comprehends what is about to happen, he activates the new elesphere. A gust of wind bursts around him, pushing him back toward the alley's wall. And a mere split-second after, the explosion from Thael's true attack erupts upward, tearing the cobbles into pebbles, spraying fire and earth everywhere. Everywhere except Ivo, who has warded off the attack by at once forming a wind shield and using its own force to push him further out of range.
 The young man is pale, white as a sheet, as he stares at the crater before him. Taking that head-on might've reduced him to paste. But he shakes off that awareness in an instant. After all, his friends are still fighting.
 If Ivo's luck holds, Thael might not expect him to have so fully nullified the effects of his attack. That might give him a shot at a second strike. Expelling another empty elesphere, Ivo slaps in a blue one instead and sends Hauteclare's blade spinning at Thael's feet, the sword encrusted in ice and leaving a trail of frost behind it, attempting to freeze the Black Beast's feet to the ground for just long enough to give his friends more of an opening.

> Ivo uses Magitech Fencing Art Aetheric Tuning.
> His weapon has become ice-aspected.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+4>=19.
Comment: Magitech Fencing Art: Deep Freeze!
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 14).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Anna's axe comes to an abrupt halt. And not in the way she had intended it, when Thael captures her weapon in his grasp. The girl almost deflates, struggling to prize her cherished weapon from the man's grip.
 Put more Rage into it.
 Briefly. Ever so briefly, eyes lock with the armored figure's.
 Anna comes to a realization.
 If I don't get angry. I will die.
 If I die, my friends will die.
 Before she can say or do anything, that gauntlet-clad fist impacts her stomach with the force of a truck, and the girk gasps, staggering and wind taken from her sails as she collapses to a knee.
 "KUH!" Her initial response is a croak as she staggers where she kneels...
 Another thought comes to her as she sucks down a gulp of air once her diaphragm is able to work again.
 I can't let that happen.
 As though pouring fuel onto embers, the fire within Anna's breast flares to life, and the girl lets out a fury filled snarl as she WRENCHES her axe free of Thael's grip and starts swinging- wild- reckless- with a careless abandon and a wanton desire to kill him before he can kill her, yet her axe for all her renewed fury is still unable to bite.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+2>=19.
Comment: Surprise Hunting Hawk!
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 15. This is a failure (by 4).

  Reize has been depending on Ruidosa to boost him, even going as far as enhancing him with her magic. Fixing her a smile, the young boy sprints off towards the Black Beast, now taking a more aggressive posture with his boomerangs spreading like wings. The aether explodes underneath him as he bullets towards the Black Beast.


  As Ivo manages to use Hauteclare to draw forth a burst of wind to push him away from the explosion. That feral grin returns at the youth as he watches the Cosmopilitan get out of his threat range.

  That is when Anna strikes him once more, swinging the axe around. He starts swinging his axe around. "There! Yes! Like that! Now you are getting it! Now you're..."

  That is when Reize comes in with the flying 'Hunting Hawk' Art. ..Unfortunately, he reaches that single hand to snap the boy by the neck into the air. "...NICE OF YOU TO COME TO ME!" His eyes light up with fury.

  As Ivo brings the spinning blade towards his feet, the large sword slams down against Ivo's blade to catch it in place.

  "...Since you three are close... why don't I bring you closer!"

  The Black Beast immediately lifts the boy up into the air, then snaps at the boy's arm. Reize is slammed on one side, then the Black Beast moves towards Ivo to swing the boy at him, and then he turns towards Anna to swing the boy at her.

  >>> The Black Beast uses Improvised Weapon.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+2>=19.
Comment: Ivo hastily attempts to defend with Bubble Shield.
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 18. This is a failure (by 1).

 "Are you serious--"
 Ivo doesn't even have time to finish his complaint. First, Hauteclare has been neutralized in the manner most problematic for the magitech fencer. With his blade momentarily trapped, Ivo can't return it to the hilt to fully utilize the orbital blade's power. But the hilt remains charged with the elemental affinity of the elesphere loaded in its pommel, so he is not defenseless.
 The real problem is Thael's choice of weapon. Ivo can't bring himself to utilize a shield of solid ice. Then Reize would just hit it face-first. Instead, thinking as fast as he can, the Cosmopolitan attempts to form a shield of water from the hilt instead, hoping to slow the swing enough to protect both Reize and himself. For a moment, Thael does seem to be moving in slow motion, as though for dramatic effect.
 This cinematic moment only makes the impact more wince-worthy when Reize slams into Ivo, sending the young man crashing against the wall that he's defensively backed up against and bouncing off of it to hit the alley floor face-first.

> Ivo has been stunned! He cannot act this turn.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20+4>19.
Comment: Peak Fury
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 14).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Now she's getting it, he says.
 But in spite of all her fear, this is Anna's true state. The princess was always angry, always has been angry. Always will be so full of fury.
 Her eyes are a bloodshot shade of red as she bull rushes the Black Beast, face a rictus of fury as she swings away and is met with little more than goading and scorn for her efforts.
 And then.
 Then Reize gets used as a weapon.
 Anna has little time to react, try as she might to dodge, catch, or evade Reize altogether, he slams her with the force of a truck, sending the berserker princes tumbling, winded, and struggling to rise again as she gasps out in pain.

  This is probably the worst case scenario for him. First off, the Black Beast managed to catch the boy's surprise attack and already snared by the throat. The boy struggled to breathe in those mere seconds. Oddly enough, the moment that he was launched into the air was a moment of reprieve, which gives him enough time to---

  -- nevermind. The Black Beast already grabbed him by the arm and the boy is screaming. The boy is used as a bludgeon object to smack against Ivo and Anna. However, the problem would be the fact if he doesn't hit either friends. The ground will be there for him. The first impact sends Ivo flying and Anna tumbling.

  Even more so, when Ruidosa tries to come in, charging in like a vicious vampire, she too is met with the bludgeoning Reize for her efforts.

 ....And now the ground is the next point for Reize's landing. There is a scream of pain as he is caught between the debris and the impact of the earth. A bloodied boy.

 And now... he is alone with the Black Beast.

 "...You." The Black Beast squeezes the throat of the boy.

 Everything plays back to Cosmopolis, out within the Temple of Elysia. It was that fateful day that the boy managed to get a lucky shot on him. That part was actually commendable. In fact, the Black Beast would had congratulated him with a hearty pat on the back and let him be on his way.

 ...But that lucky shot was what knocked his helmet off, exposing his face to everyone.

 ...Everyone that looked down on him. Everyone who sneered at him. Everyone who thought that he was a kid. Everything that he worked for was undermined... just because people saw him as a kid. The Black Beast even remembers when the Elite Castian squad initially did not respond to his command.

 ~ '... We're taking orders from a child?' ~

 The fury ignites with explosion as the Black Beast starts punching at Reize's face. It is not just one punch. It is a continuous, unending punch that strikes at the boy's face.

  "So what?! You think that just because you got a lucky shot, you think you're better than me?!"

> Yes
> No <-----

 Reize gasps, letting out a terrified, "No!"

 "WRONG ANSWER!" The pace picks up with rapidly punching Reize on the face.


> Yes <-----------
> No

 Reize gives out a gurgling gasp, yet giving out a grin with the most punchable face ever... "YEAAAAH!!!"

 "WRONG ANSWER!" The pace picks up with rapidly punching Reize on the face.

  There is no right answer. Only angry face punching.

 "R... Reize..."
 Ivo is groaning on the ground, Hauteclare's bladeless hilt loose in his hand. Without the sword, his capacity for long-range attack is neutralized. Wincing, one-eye shut, the dazed fencer tries to think of something, anything he can do to distract Thael from his brutal deeds.
 Desperately, Ivo reaches into his cloak and, fumbling, he extracts a cluster of red elespheres and, squeezing them tight in his grip, he hurls them in Thael's general direction. The cracked elespheres glow before exploding harmlessly, hopefully near Thael's head, in a brief cacophony of light and sound.
 It's all that Ivo can do in this state.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+2>=19.
Comment: Improvised Flashbang Grenade.
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 14).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20+5>19.
Comment: I SAID STOP!
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 10. This is a failure (by 9).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 This is... Going poorly. Anna struggles back to her feet, looking up in time to see...
 Reize is getting his face punched in.
 "N-no. Stop. STOP!" The princess cries out, shoving herself back to her feet.
 She's out of breath. She's hurt. She's stumbling.
 But most of all... She is angry. And even if that anger is almost impotent in the face of the Black Beast's onslaught, Anna taps into it.
 It's all she has. It's all she can use to save her friend.

 Crying out through gritted teeth she slams her axe down, aiming to hack into Thael's back, the blade slamming repeatedly into that armor, every blow blunting the blade, impotently until...
 The shaft of her precious axe snaps. The head sailing clean off, useless, and leaving Anna to fall to her knees.
 "Stop... I said stop..."

  The Black Beast's eye has locked onto Reize, mind driven in pure fury as he keeps punching the boy until the younger explorer is a bloody mess. The older teenager is just filled with fury. Even just looking at Reize makes him sick to his stomach.

 "And worst off, you resemble---"

 The flying red elespheres are noticed, drawing the Black Beast to finally throw the boy towards the explosive spheres. His eyes drift over towards Anna while the explosion occurs behind him.

 Because cool people don't look at explosions.

 As Anna continues to hack at him, he grunts as the blade comes off. Seeing the weapon aside, he lets out a glare before he says.


 He raises the blade up...


 Someone steps between the Black Beast and the four fallen. A short little boy in the regal clothes is holding out his arms, spread across.

 "As the prince, I won't let you harm them!"

 The Black Beast looks for a few moments, staring down at the boy.

 With a snort, he quickly brings the blade into his sheath.

 "...Meh. I've finished my detour anyway." His eyes glare towards four fallen.

Ivo's improvised grenade may have been a dud, but watching its futile burst gives him, under the pressure of the moment, an inspired idea. The pommel only has room for one elesphere, and Ivo's laboratory only currently has the capacity to purify elemental essences, not safely blend them. This limits his new magitech fencing techniques, exciting though they might remain.
 But he could *unsafely* blend them.
 "Reize! Anna!!"
 Crack, goes one elesphere after another, Ivo pouring their roiling essence into the small vessel that is Hauteclare's pommel. Already the aether is dissipating, resisting, warring with its opposing elements. But one after the other, fire, water, wind, and earth are forced into the sword. The spark becomes a chaotic storm.
 Still dazed, the Cosmopolitan doesn't realize that Thael is letting them off the hook. He only sees that, of all things, the prince of Zerhem has appeared, the Black Beast looming over him. Reize is down. Anna seems exhausted. He has to do something.
 "Don't... give up...!"
 Normally, Ivo would be the last person to attempt a last ditch attack. But in a mix of confusion, outrage, and resolve, he summons Hauteclare's blade with the surge of aether he's elicited. It quivers and then rises from the ground as though resurrected, imbued with a whorling rainbow of energies for a brief moment.
 Whooshing over the prince's head, as though it were a manifestation of his newfound will, the glowing sword whirls in like a buzzsaw against Thael's chest, not aiming to strike a weak point, but rather to collide against his chest plate and force him back, away from the prince, away from Ivo's friends.
 Moments later, the unstable concoction in the pommel will erupt, ripping it from Ivo's grip, sending the blade also clattering to the ground as he loses control.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+6>=19.
Comment: Supreme Magitech Fencing Art: Elemental Spectrum Slash!
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 15. This is a failure (by 4).

  The Black Beast is gazing at the young prince, closing his eyes before he reaches over to his side. He rummages over to find something until he hands the box over to the young boy.

 Both the King and Queen are watching, shocked. Off on the other side of the corner, the princess had been watching the ordeal as well. While she has been off with her escapades, the word of her little brother's involvement had gotten her to put everything aside to look after his well being. She -is- the older sister, after all.

 Within the box is a present of sort.

 "Garmyth Tiniroil, the Magistrate of Castia, requested me to deliver this to you. Keepsake and memory or what---.." His eyes drift towards the sight of Ivo as he looks ready to perform a gamble. That gamble, due to the pommel's premature eruption, gives the Black Beast time to extend a hand out to smack against the glowing sword.

 The King and Queen, however, look very surprised at the name 'Garmyth'. ... He was in their kingdom long ago. Back when the Mad King, their uncle, took over.

 Meanwhile, the Black Beast departs, leaving the fallen to handle themselves.

  "I'm done here."

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 9 months ago

 Exhausted, Anna's frenzy prooves to be powerless and inadequate against Thael. He's just. He's just on a whole other level compared to her.
 Breath burning like fire in her chest, Anna rasps and gasps where she huddles, hunkered on her knees. That blade raises...
 'This is is. This is the moment we all die now' is the sole thought that runs through the princess' mind as she shuts her eyes tightly. 'STOP!'
 Blue eyes flutter open at the new voice interposed between Thael and her friends to see... The prince, of all people, defending them. Little more than a boy in the path of a raging bull and...
 That stops Thael's fury?
 Anna clutches her arm at the elbow, a mix of pained emotions bubbling around in her chest. Though anger is chief among them, it simmers weakly compared to the feelings of weakness and shame.
 She couldn't do a thing to protect her friends.
 Not a thing.
 This last thought revolves within Anna's mind for a good moment before she tips over, passing out and collapsing, burned out, onto the ground.