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The Oradian Vanguards
Scene details
Setting: In the wake of the chaotic conflict in Rosia's central plaza, our heroes stop by the local Vanguard Association to make their report, discovering it in a state of disrepair -- and picking up on a seemingly innocuous lead.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 1 week ago
A conspicuous corner of Rosia's market plaza is festooned with some unusual decorations: scorched debris, frostbitten flagstones, and the ashes of a smoldering wagon. Curious onlookers have gathered to stare at a dazed nightmare bound up in scraps of cloth that shine with fire-sealing runes, improvized from the covering of the wagon that once contained it, while the merchant responsible for it argues with the vendors who own surrounding stalls about who ought to pay for the damages. A stray elephant quietly steals fruits from one of said stalls and chows down while everyone is distracted.
"Well done, everyone," Ivo says in an amiable tone, soot still staining his outfit despite his best efforts to brush it off. "I think we ought to go out of our way to report this incident to the Vanguards, if only to receive some credit for crisis mitigation." Everyone did roll very well in the first round. "I was able to learn the location of their headquarters. Considering how proximate it is, I'm surprised they haven't shown more of a presence... shall we take a look?"
The Oradian headquarters of the Vanguards Association is impressive at a distance, an elegant edifice of the green-marbled stone that is so popular here, resembling a museum more than an adventurer's guild. But closer up one can see signs of disrepair, with the steps beginning to crumble from overuse and lack of maintenance. It is clearly active, with people constantly coming and going, but many of them seem to be in a hurry or even exhausted, in contrast to the seemingly endless supply of Rosians or tourists who like to mill about sedately and take in the boundless cultural offerings.
Inside, one will likely infer that it *was* once a museum, passed off to the Vanguards, and its galleries have been repurposed to display the trophies won on adventures in local ruins and forgotten temples, with hand-written placards that convey an endearingly earnest appreciation of everyone's efforts. One gets the sense that everyone is doing their best and maybe also at the end of their respective ropes. Perhaps that is why there was no one immediately on the scene when the elementals were set loose.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 1 week ago
Suggested BGM:
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 1 week ago
Rudisoa La Crima looks impressed!
When they get closer, she's even MORE impressed! --- at how god awful the place actually is. Are these steps dangerous? Ruidosa La Crima carefully climbs them, into the lobby and she raises her hands. "The great, Duchess Ruidosa La Crima is here! You may all stop your clapping and appre---" she pauses. "Where is everybody?" she calls out. "Do we have the right place?" she asks as she places hands to her hips.
"Well... huff!" she goes. "Can you believe this!?" she asks turning back to the group.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 1 week ago
What was Reize's state earlier? Well, he was curled up with the Nightmare that they were fighting. Both of them had conked their heads against each other thanks to Ruidosa's 'assist'. This left both of them unconscious and frothing in the mouth. ...They will both need some medical attention.
As the group arrive into the Oradian headquarters of the Vanguards, Reize is sporting a bag of ice on his head with an annoyed look. "We'll have to work on our coordination more." However, his attention is diverted to the elegant sight of the guild. His eyes shimmer, "Woooow."
With Ruidosa looking insulted, Reize furrows his eyebrows, "Oi, Ruidosa. We're only C-Class here. That's standard." He offers a helpful smile, "I'm sure they'll recognize us more once we improve our class ranking."
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 1 week ago
"You hear that, Rui?" Ivo is saying from the other side of the foyer, having already wandering over to some of the displays to curiously examine the relics of Oradian adventures past. "Reize wants to practice being more efficiently and effectively propelled by your projectiles. I bet your chicken friend would be glad to help."
He pauses before a display of intricate beadwork.
"Why, this must be her people's... interesting, so *that's* how they craft it..."
> Ivo has unlocked a new Schematic: Ankhialean Beadwork Set.
> It may found in the Glossary under the "Suggestive Local Outfits" category, along with the Shadowcat Bikini Set. See the related help file for more information on set bonus multipliers when multiple party members equip these sets.
As Ivo indulges his highly scientific interests, a stir passes through the harried individuals behind the stone counter where Vanguard administrative assistants process adventurer reports, clearly repurposed from a museum's information booth. Despite Reize's correct pronouncement that the Star Chasers, for all their exploits behind the scenes, are not internationally renowned Vanguards, Ruidosa's call seems to have triggered some protocol.
After some bustling, two junior administrators rush forward carrying a bundle of red velvet and, with some fumbling, proceed to literally roll out a red carpet in front of Ruidosa leading to the counter. A plume of dust emerges as they do and several moths fly free from the once fine, now somewhat tattered fabric. As an attempt to curry favor with local aristocrats, well...
A for effort?
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 1 week ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Resisting the Urge...
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 1 week ago
Ruidosa La Crima! further impressed as she watches moths fly by and she resists the urge to shove one into her mouth. Excellent! She walks down the dusty red carper as she says. "I guess that's better. Kind of." she says. "Excellent." she says.
She looks to Reize and huffs. "What!? What do you mean progress doesn't carry over!?" she says.
> Someone looks at the back of a game box. Progress doesn't carry over in this DLC!?
She huffs and looks to the counter again as Ivo looks into completely scientific things. She says. "Yes, we are the Star Chasers and we demand--- um."
"What are here for again?" she asks Reize.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 1 week ago
When the 'Doom Chicken' is brought up, Reize scowls at Ivo with annoyance. His antenna hair twitches. "Denied!" He brings both hands up to form an X.
There is a frown as Ruidosa exclaims about things not carrying over. "Our class does carry over." He runs a hand to the side as he gives her a smile, "The more our performance improves, our class rankings will also be carried over other headquarters. It's officially recognized through all Vanguard facilities. It's just that we have a lot more prestige in Granse." He looks over towards the surroundings of the headquarters in Oradia.
"...But not headquarters are equal."
At least, when the junior Vanguards roll out the carpet for his fiancee, he starts coughing as the moths fly off.
To answer Ruidosa, Reize adds, "Well, by protocol, we'd present our badges to show that we're here and to check in on the situation here." He muses, "We'll also make a report regarding the incident earlier."
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 1 week ago
During their time as castaways, Ivo had grown accustomed to his alternate outfit without a cloak, but since arriving in Rosia, he had determined that an aristocratic flourish could go a long way. Having found a similar shade of blue in a lighter fabric better suited to the tropical clime's humidity, he is thus primed to swirl it in a dramatic flourish as he moves from the margins of the foyer back to the center, steps onto the red carpet, and follows it to the countertop, acting for all the world as though it were rolled out for him.
"Greetings, adventurers," he says, flashing his second-best smile at the assistants as they scurry back behind the counter, flattering the administrators by associating them with the Vanguards they manage. "We come to report a successful handling of a sudden crisis in the market. Our fearless leader Reize will be glad to give you the details."
He unhesitatingly hands off the busywork.
"Now, what manner of quests are available to such gifted Vanguards newly arrived to relieve you all? ...Hmm?"
Ivo seems to zero in on a notice recently pinned to the quest board behind the counter, his brow furrowing slightly.
"Sightings of shadowy figures in an abandoned waterway near the royal court," he murmurs. "It says low priority, but... if this is related to the upcoming Ball, wouldn't it be prudent to investigate?"
> The sidequest "Shadows Cast by the Hearth's Fire" has been added.
> It has been marked as "Lucky!" Rewards and story relevance will be higher than its rank requirements would indicate.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 1 week ago
Ruidosa La Crima agrees. Reize Seatlan shall do the busy work of explaining the situation, well do it Reize.
When Shadowy figures are brought up she scowls. She says. "Ugh. I bet it's the usual yearly Hunter's attempt. We find them, and we cast them out of Ordia. Because we don't want to be seen as 'killers'." she rolls her eyes.
"So let's find them first and cast them out. In the butt. With feet." she says.
She then nods. "Or maybe it's a bunch of thieves off to steal the noble jewels...!" she says with a scandalous look.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 1 week ago
Reize will leave the handiwork of the report to Ivo, in either case. He watches Ivo in action on the flattering and the report. When he's introduced, Reize does step forward to show his license to the group. "I'm the leader of the Star Chasers!" He gives a bright smile, "We're happy to support this branch during our time and hope to be able to help out! ...And find some fun adventures!"
Oh, Ivo left him with the busy work.
"...Responsible adult, indeed." Reize flatly states as he scowls at Ivo's departure. He sighs, running a hand to his forehead. "Well, Rui, you and I can fill----" Reize looks over towards the dotted line at where he last saw Ruidosa. He frowns.
Looks like he'll fill the Vanguards in as the leader. Speaking of Hunters... Reize cannot help but wonder what happened to the group of Vampire Hunters that they ran into at Granse.
"HAAAAH?!" There is a sound of an indignant rage.
Deep within the jungle, there is a clearing of debris and monsters. The creatures, though wild, do have survival instincts and know not to tread to a certain clearing where there is a wave of destruction. The sound of violence break through the jungle as a kimono garbed woman is flung towards the tree, followed by a cowled man.
Broken bow and naginata, there is a dark-haired young man with a pixie and a translucent figure floating nearby him. In the youth's single hand is the wild, red-haired man who looks badly beaten.
"REIZE?! -REIZE-?! YOU CONFUSE ME AS THAT GNAT?!" WHAM! And then he flings the red-haired man towards the tree to join the other two.
"#### off with that." His eyes narrow, "If I see your faces again, I'll plant you in so hard, you'll join the ####ing vegetation!" Fury lights up his eyes. "...'Go on an adventure', they said... 'it'll calm you down...' Tsch."