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Sparks Catch Flame
Scene details
Setting: In Rosia's bustling market plaza, hub of art and commerce, an impetuous regional raj's stampeding elephant accidentally damages a merchant wagon in which captured fire elementals have been magically sealed. Fortunately, our heroes are on the scene!
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
The blush of dawn caresses the canopy of the surrounding jungle with fingers of light, a resplendent image that has long stirred the hearts of painters and artistic aspirants who venture to Oradia's capital. Yesterday was stimulating for our heroes, perhaps too much so for the Star Chasers' fearless leader, and the rest of night was doubtless welcome, but the morning brings the same lively market with its eclectic vendors, itinerant sophists, and street musicians ever hopeful for an invitation to perform at court. Though Ivo lacks a frame of reference, this being his first visit to Rosia, he would not be surprised if the plaza were even more active than usual with effortful displays, as a summons might be a performance before the nobility at the coming Vampire Ball.
"I continued chatting with that merchant fellow and his intriguing companion for a while," the Cosmopolitan is saying to his friends, his amiable tone suggesting that he is unflappable in the face of all this market commotion. He thrives in culturally rich and aesthetically overabundant places. "She was insistent that the Rosians insufficiently respect great spirits like her people's Ankhiale, whereas her partner emphasized that the Rosians have the reputation of respecting all manner of religious beliefs. His position is the conventional one, so I couldn't say who is correct, but I would not be surprised if there were an exception to the rule." Smiling pleasantly to himself, the young man reaches up to rub his chin. "What struck me especially is that when I tried to press them on why Ankhialeans would be persecuted in particular, even that passionate young woman turned cagey... perhaps it was mere self-preservation, not to speak too loudly of such matters in the capital, but it only piqued my curiosity further."
Realizing that he's been chattering on as they walk through the market, he glances back at his companions.
"Is there anything else we should prioritize before the Ball? Have we more shopping to do? Did you want to find that fellow from your village? I imagine we should not venture far from the city yet, but if we wanted to take a day trip to a nearby ziggurat, I--"
Ivo is halted in tossing out ideas as the lowing sound of a curled horn cuts through the hubbub, heralding the arrival of an important personage. While not everyone heeds the call, movement begins to still as, moments later, the ground seems to tremble and slightly quake. A shadow looms on the horizon.
"Oh, a raj's retinue," Ivo observes, before glancing sidelong to Reize and grinning. "Think he's come back to collect his enchanted outfit?"
While he cracks jokes about Harem Masters, the shadow reveals itself to be an elephant on which is balanced an opulent palanquin. It's all very visually impressive, and of course, the crowd begins to part for it.
But isn't the elephant going rather fast?
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima is listening to Ivo explain his discussions with the merchant and their companion about religious persecution as she scoffs. "We do respect all religious beliefs!" even strange backwards ones in the Jungles that maybe shouldn't be, she doesn't say outloud. Because she's not that dumb, and therefore does not need to roll to check to say the quiet part outloud!
Then suddenly. Elephant incoming. She blinks and squints. "Wait. Don't I know that elephant?" she asks, dumbly, as if trying to place it as she seems to be lost in thought a moment, not paying attention to how fast it's going, except she's getting out of the street and off to the side.
(And making sure Reize does the same. She thinks Ivo is smart enough to do so on his own. She's not that disrespectful of him. :IX)
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize had been wandering through the town, darting his head to the left and the right while listening to Ivo. He looks over at the older companion and he gives a thoughtful look, "Is that so?" He furrows his eyebrows. "It sounds like we'll have to look more into the spirits and the Ankhialeans." He brightens cheerfully, "That sounds like an adventure!"
You get 'one adventure! One!'
... Reize looks over towards Ruidosa, "R---right?"
As the elephant is incoming, he looks up at the massive creature. "Whoaa..." Almost like a deer at the headlights at fastly approaching elephant, he is immediately brought to the side by Ruidosa. "Gah!"
Meanwhile, as the elephant is rushing extremely fast, there is a figure sitting atop of the creature. "MAKE WAY, PEASANTS! YOU SHALL NOT LOOK DOWN UPON ME, BECAUSE I AM DOING SO TO YOOOOUUUU!!!"
At the top is a cover that prevents those from viewing the elephant's owner directly. However, there is a drape over the elephant that has a family insignia. A very familiar insignia of sort.
The elephant is charging ahead, heedless of what's in front of it.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
"It DOES sound like an adventure," agrees Daiby, who is wearing a garment best compared to a sari, has her hair brushed out and pinned back, and is also wearing dark-lensed glasses, possibly because of how bright her future is, or because of how much vacation juice she had last night with a snake merchant.
How many snakes did she buy? A heart-stopping question best ignored for now!%
Daiby smooths out a lock of her hair as she says, "An elephant?" She turns her head. "An elephant!" she repeats, with enthusiasm!
"Make sure you don't get in front of him," Daiby advises Rui and Reize - "Some people just get like this when they're driving their elephant... it can lead to accidents." As if to illustrate, she puts up one hand palm-up and then firmly places her other hand on top of it... palm down.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ivo demonstrates himself to be worthy of Rui's respect -- *this* time -- by hastening aside. No one has ever accused him of having an excess of courage. As if to emphasize this, he blanches, the pleasant grin from before having faded away, at Daiby's gesture. His scientific curiosity does not extend to seeing anyone squished.
"Given the wealth of upper classes," he murmurs, "and the decorous absence of armed peacekeepers, I suppose I'm surprised that we haven't seen more nobles throwing their weight around. I wonder if the vampire elite handle troublemakers behind the scenes..."
If so, this one hasn't been handled yet. Ivo listens to the arrogant braying of the palanquin's occupant and quirks his brow.
"If I could fly, I'd look down on him just to make a point," he says. "Sadly, I'm neither a bat nor a bird."
It's not like Reize can transform at will, Ivo. ...Can he?
Before our deuteragonist can make any more observations, the elephant barrels past. Some of the vendors have had to summon help to bodily drag their very stalls out of the way, but in the commotion, a merchant's wagon has gotten stuck in the crowd and hasn't fully withdrawn.
"Look o--"
There's nothing to be done: the veritably stampeding elephant glances the side of the wagon and nearly shears it off, wood splintering with a jarring echo through the plaza. Ivo flinches instinctively, but at least it doesn't look as though anyone, least of all the elephant, has been harmed.
Not yet, anyway.
"What's she saying?"
The merchant at the front of the wagon, who barely managed not to be thrown off, is shouting and waving her arms, but seemingly in panic, not in anger. Rather than cursing after the elephant and rider as one might expect, she seems to be waving away at the crowd.
> BGM:
The first to emerge from the sundered wagon are floating orbs of kindled flame, lazily drifting like balloons, their sedate movements and eerie light seeming to mesmerized the nearby confused onlookers. But the panic begins to spread when stalls and drapery nearby start to catch fire seemingly just from being in proximity to the flame wisps. A moment after, a large red reptile slithers out of the back of the wagon, blinking as it looks about the market before belching a jet of fire.
"Are these-- fire elementals!?"
Ivo, even at a distance, must shield his eyes from a flash of light as the rest of the wagon seems to split apart, runes carved into the wood flashing and then fading, whatever spell that had contained the occupants and prevented them from burning their way out now undone. There, momentarily obscured by the smoky degree, stands an equine shape that tosses its head in agitation. As the smog dissipates, what first comes into view is the smoldering coals of its eyes. Then, the mane of pure fire, and last, the jet black body.
> Will o' the Wisps, a Salamander, and a Nightmare have appeared!
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20+2.
Comment: Wide Area Fuck You
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 17.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima knows that family crest and that voice and she places a hand to her face. And shakes it. She wishes Tranquila and her mother we're here right now. Her mother could probably handle these monsters all on her own at least.
Instead, Ruidosa does fly. Mainly by lifting herself, high into the air and screams. "GALLITO YOU INCONSIDERATE IDIOT! YOU'VE MADE A MESS AND AS USUAL I'M GOING TO BE THE ONE TO CLEAN IT UP!" she screams out.
Yes, she does, because orbs of dark energy surround her of pure destruction aspect before lancing out to the ground towards the group of monsters, not aiming at any one specific but making sure a few of the creatures each get a taste.
She's angry, which is probably helping fuel and aim the attack really, at this point.
She screeches something incomprehensible down at the elephant and it's riders.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Daiby rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: I am using serpent magic to render you all fire absorbent and adding +3 as my Proficiency Bonus for snake fondling
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 22. This is a success (by 12).
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Daiby blinks slowly as she shifts one arm. A snake comes out, unsurprisingly. This fellow is one Ivo at least might recognize as having been with her from the beginning - emerald scales are bright but less, hm, 'I'm warning you I'm poisonous' bright.
Daiby looks at the snake. The snake looks back at her. The snake flicks their tongue.
"They'd be operating largely at night, I imagine, so a lot of traditional military OH! Oh, that looks COSTLY! My goodness, is anyone hurt?" The snake makes a shocked-pikachu face. (Don't ask about how we know about Pikachus.)
She then makes a complex hissing noise between her teeth, which then turns out to be -- a name? Because it's like 'SssssSSSSSsssssssss' and then "we're going to need to cover them, and maybe all of this seasoned lumber." She brandishes that snake, who glares stoutly at the critters before then. A wash of something ripples outwards - a color similar to Daiby's constrictor friend. A feeling sinking in -- fire going from being perilous to being positive... a sense of *fire absorption*, however short-lived.
It even hits some of the immediately adjacent shop stalls! Hooray!
"Now you only have to worry about the bites and hooves and I suppose the superheated air and - hm," Daiby says. "Let me wake up a little more and see what I can do..."
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Fire mitigation with water elesphere tactics (boosted by Daiby's buff to Ivo himself and to the surrounding shops)
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 21. This is a success (by 11).
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Unfortunately, Reize did not have time to answer Daiby as Ruidosa already dragged him off to safety. What does confuse him even further is the visible frustration on his fiancee as she flies off. "...Ah."
And things get worse.
Reize's frown grows as he draws his boomerangs. The sight of the elementals get his attention and he shields his eyes.
With the nightmare emerging in front, Reize is already on the move to meet with the fiery maned horse. He leaps into the air to lash out a few spinning kicks at the creature. "SPARRONDO!" Reize finds himself imbued with the aura, thanks to the suppoer from Daiby and her constrictor.
If one would get a closer look at the rider, he would have on a black tuxedo with a cape draped around his form. He stands away from the sunlight, hissing at its presence. He has a lot of make-up to ward off the sun's light.
It is then that the rider's eyes widen upon the sight of a very familiar vampire. ".... Gasp!" Gallito's eyes widen and he places a hand to his chin, "Ahh Senorita Ruidosa, my beloved.
Theme Change:
"I have long to see your beautiful, luxurous watery blue hair. Your water-colored hair is the only water that I can stand---"
Theme stops. Record scratch.
"Uhhh... where did she go?"
As Ruidosa blasts at the creatures, the elephant panics, halting and lifting up to stand on its hindlegs.
"HEY! BE CAREFUL---aaaaaahhh!"
The elephant lands on its side with a thud, leaving Gallito with a less than graceful landing.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Sparrondo on the Nightmare
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 4).
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
As panic takes hold of the surging crowd, Ivo struggles to stand his ground. His hand goes to Hauteclare's hilt and stays there, hesitating as his brow furrows, warring internally over his plan of action. They must of course halt the spread of the flames as soon as possible, both by somehow containing these elementals and the fire they've already caused. But so long as the plaza is packed with people, Ivo cannot easily act from afar, and so long as he is unprotected from the flames, he cannot easily close in, either--
"Fantastic, Daiby!"
It is his beloved senpai who swiftly solves this problem. Her esoteric Snake Charm imbues not only her allies but some of the surrounding structure with flame absorption, immediately both buying them much needed time and applying essential protection. His familiarity with her work allowing him to immediately recognize the effects, Ivo rushes in with uncommon valor.
"I'll wall them in!" he shouts, reaching into a pouch to load a blue marble into his sword's pommel in the same motion as he draws it, breaking through the fleeing populace. Ruidosa's rain of darkness is striking at the will o' the wisps and causing them to shrink and draw in on themselves with every impact, staying still rather than continuing to spread their ambient ignition effects, and this combined with Daiby's ward gives Ivo a clear view of the chaos. "Watch out for the steam...!"
With a wide sweep, he unleashes Hauteclare's blade and sends it spinning about the periphery, leaving a trail of frost along the ground as it goes. Where it contacts open flame, the water-aspected magic begins to douse it, and elementals approaching the border flinch and hesitate, impeding them further. It is far from a perfect wall, but an arena has been created, and thus a relatively safe zone without it.
"Reize, careful!"
The nightmare's flaming eyes flare as Reize's kicks impact against its broad body again and again, the advanced elemental's hooves skidding sparks along the cobbles as it is driven back yet does not stagger. This one is clearly the most formidable of the collection. It rears at the still airborne boy, neighing a blood-curling cry reminiscent of a banshee's, and lashes out with its hooves, with seem to erupt explosively in the air with every attempted strike. Flames drip like froth from its maw.
The large salamander, meanwhile, takes no immediately action. It seems oddly sedate, as though it has just eaten, and belches a gout of flame at nothing again. The will o' the wisps seem to be keeping their distance from it. Nothing seems to attract its attention except Daiby: once she casts her spell, the lesser dragon begins staring at her intently before starting to crawl over, thick tail lashing. All this raises an important question.
How does Daiby feel about *other* sorts of reptiles?
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Interrupt Nightmare's Buck Attack with SHINING MOON!
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Fuck Fate, Spin Reize into a Shining Moon by fucking force.
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 6).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima screams a Gallito. "Screw you right now!" pause. Face faults at what she says. "BUT NOT LIKE *THAT*". She yells as she looks at Reize and frowns. "Reize...let's---oh there we go!" she says, smiling when she sees Reize leap into action....
But he's gonna flail it halfway through, oh no! Ruidosa tries to help!
"Hold on! I have an idea! Boomerang out!" she yells.
She fires a quick dark orb, the idea? Send Reize into a proper shining moon spin!
What actually happens is Ruidosa smacks Reize with a low power dark orb of energy, because Ruidosa gets side swiped by a ball of flame with an EEK from her!
Oh no! "Oh no!" she says.
"I'm SORRRRRRY!" she cries out.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
are you rea-rea-rea-rea-rea-rea-ready
(snake power)
Daiby frowns in thought as Reize storms forwards, and as someone else appears. A panic as the elephant rears up - and falls over - "Oh heavens!" Daiby exclaims, filled with the loving-kindness so common to her, comma, the woman with a huge collection of obligate carnivore reptiles. "I hope the poor thing's alright--"
Ivo is slotting in power and spinning to create something like a safe zone of the flame. The nightmare's horsing around with Reize and perhaps Ruidosa, but Daiby's attention turns towards that lesser dragon.
Daiby glances at her snake.
At the salamander.
Back at the snake.
Back at the salamander.
Back at the snake. The snake, slightly, bobs their head.
Daiby crouches and extends her snakefree hand. "tstststststststs"
She is attempting the Tamer's Enticement.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Daiby rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: who the fuck said tstststststs (field taming check)
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
There are some thoughts that need to be considered. Rally the people to help? No, not with this much danger around. There is a mess to deal with, wrecked belongings, things burning. Where are the guards?!
Reize anticipates the nightmare coming forth with a bucking kick. That is why Reize immediately launches off from the ground with his foot launching forward. "SHININ---" WHACK!
"Ugghh!" He is sent flying.... However, help is on the way! Ruidosa is going to save him!
*POW!* "Uggghhh!" No, he is sent flying back to the Nightmare.
Nightmare. o O ( Sweet. )
The nightmare takes the opportunity to buck Reize once again, sending the boy flying very far.
Slowly, the pompus vampire gets up, dusting himself off with a grumble. "Useless steed. My disapppointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. This cannot get any wor---" WHAM!
Reize lands right on the vampire like a bullet.
" I'm okay."
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: Does the Tamer's Enticement work on the nightmare and if you are Ivo trying to jump on a flaming horse's back?
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a failure (by 3).
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ivo's blade returns to slide back into its hilt with a satisfying click. The will o' the wisps seem depleted and relatively contained, but the nightmare only grows more boisterous. He watches blankly as the bucking bronco auto-combos Reize midair for a while before sending their poor leader blasting off again.
"Ah... Daiby!"
Distracted by this display, he only notices belatedly that the salamander has crawled out of view and is approaching his fellow Cosmopolitan. But when he turns to check on her, flying sword at the ready, he sees that he needn't have worried.
"...that tracks."
The salamander is now totally chilled out, bobbing its head in the traditional greeting of big reptiles, tilting its scaled chin up for Daiby to scratch. The potent fire elemental is now her pal. The fact that it had already snacked on a bunch of will o' the wisps in the wagon doubtless didn't hurt vis-a-vis the taming process. Maybe the merchant should've had two separate wagons.
"Well, in that case..."
Since Daiby isn't in trouble, that may mean that she can watch Ivo show off. With her buff intact, he figures that he can try something reckless. Sprinting over the moment that the flaming equine begins to settle down, satisfied at the damage it has inflicted on Reize, Ivo tries to leap on its back. It seems that this is an easier angle of approach so long as the assailant times things so that they don't get donkey-kicked.
Not entirely sure what to do now that he's made it up here, he tries to try to grasp hold of the nightmare's flaming mane. Since he can't be burned, he figures it would be the best handhold. His expression goes deadpan when his hands simply pass through, as it appears that mane is in fact just made of fire and is thus immaterial. Looking up, he sees that the nightmare has tilted its head to look at him, one eye blazing.
"I see," Ivo says thoughtfully while he is flying through the air, having been thrown with a single rear, before crashing onto the cobbles with a grunt. Tragically, there is no pompous vampire noble to cushion his fall. Instead, he falls onto a pile of wagon wreckage, which is not so nice.
But, as he shifts about dazed among the debris, he finds himself taking hold of a scrap of fabric, part of the wagon's covering, that appears embroided with some sort of diagram, part of some complex ritual magic. Perhaps to resist flame...
"Ah... w... we might... be able... to..."
He's not in a state for exposition right now, alas.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima can't help but stiffle a horrified giggle when Reize lands on top of Gallito. She then looks back down and floats downwards now, back to ground level as she huffs and looks at the Will o' Wisps, blinking a little.
"Go away." she says, flinging a group of dark energy orbs at them again but this time straight ahead as she huffs.
"I ''hate'' fire." she says angrily as she looks over to Daiby.
Is she trying to tame one of the creatures!?
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Orbs of Darkness at the Willow Wisps!
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Does Gallito push Reize off?!
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 2. This is a failure (by 8).
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
It takes a moment to get up, mumbling to himself. "Uggh...." Reize staggers up as he tries to stand, but he collapses back on his butt. "Ugh." He lowers his head, "Well, at least my landing is soft." He gives a look of relief.
HISS! "GET OFF ME, PEASANT!" He raises himself up, shooting both arms to push Reize off him. However, his arms are too noodly and he collapses on his face. "PEASANT! OFF!" He starts whining now.
Reize is half-paying attention to the nagging of the noble and instead looks towards the situation at hand. Ruidosa is fending off over the leftover wisps, the salamander has chilled out (figuratively), and the nightmare remains the most persistent threat. That is why Reize immediately gets up and runs towards the Nightmare. "Haaa!"
He leaps back, throwing the boomerangs outward. They ricochet across the broken boards and the walls. Should they nail the Nightmare, Reize will be getting revenge in the form of a combo of kicks. He will spring forward with a hop kick, then come in with multiple roundhouse kicks towards the surly nightmare. "I've taken it from the tortoise, I'm not taking this from you!"
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Ricochet Smash into a combo
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Daiby is absolutely stealing this lizard. As the Salamander comes closer to her, Daiby strokes their head - holding her snake-wrapped arm aloft - and as her palm comes to rest, she looks upwards.
Perhaps she has mastered a new technique.
Because her eyes are glowing a little bit.
"Thank you, my friend," she speaks in sonorous tones, more grave and more serious than usual. "I will use this strength wisely. It is not by my will that we have been assailed - and I shall seek to -"
She pauses and tilts her head.
Then she shouts at the vampirito who Reize is wrestling and warring with, who Daiby has never really gotten super good looks at, "YOU NINCOMPOOP! You should have your herps taken from you and given to good homes! This poor little baby's getting LEG PAINS because you're not giving her" (it's a her?) "WHOLE CARCASSES!"
The snake in Daiby's wrist/hand hisses!
"The BONES! They need the BONES, you child! SUFFER!"
And then Daiby throws her head back to create SPHERES OF FIRE DIRECTLY OVER GALLITO
don't burn anything because they're just floating in the air, but they do provide both a powerful updraft and an abrupt lack of oxygen in his immediate area.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Daiby rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: do hispanic vampires need to breathe btw?
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 2).
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ivo, being face-up and collapsed on the ground, has an arguably ideal view of Daiby's new technique, if not her new dignified visage. That's probably for the best, as Stern Daiby might awaken something within him that is best left slumbering mid-battle.
"Extraordinary... oh!"
The will o' the wisps have been pinned down by a combination of Rui's flurries of dark orbs and the frost barrier that remains intact. When Daiby manifests these flaming spheres, however, the presence of such potent fire attracts the low-level fire elementals like moths to a, well, flame. Before his very eyes, they begin to float up and fuse with her spell, compelled to become one with them and thereby only strengthen them further and render them more terrifying.
The nightmare, this time, stumbles and crumples under Reize's furious assault, one slender leg bending as it dazedly staggers, the coals of its eyes flickering. The updraft draws up its own flames, altogether sealing its movements for the moment.
Within moments, the boy can see, mid-combo, Hauteclare's blade flying towards him, trailing cloth like some sort of banner.
"Try to rein it in!"
The scrap of wagon cover is embossed with fire resistance runes. It seems that Ivo thinks this can be used like some sort of rein if wrapped around the nightmare's sturdy neck -- at least, more effectively than what he tried with its mane. Will it work?
He's willing to have Reize find out!
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Let's Rein it in!
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 3).
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Let's Rein it in! Ivo assist
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Shooting at Reize... as 'assistance'.
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima watches as Daiby threatens Gallito with fire and she snickers. "Bake. Bake like a ''sausage!''" she cackles.
She misses Will o' wisps and then... then they eat the fire and she frowns a little heavily.
She looks at Reize ass Reize attempts to Rein it in.... she says. "LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN!" she says, throwing a bolt of dark energy towards Reize. "READY!?" she says, only after the attack is actually launched.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Gallito slowly lifts his head up, muttering to himself about the runt who was on him. "I oughta drag that brat and..." And then his eyes drift up to see a very angry Daiby. "You be quiet! Don't you know that you are addressing the Great----"
Sphere of flames erupt directly over him. Although they are not used to burn him, it does make him very jumpy. Even if he cannot breathe, the mere threat of the flames has him screaming with a high pitched. Like a little child. "Eeeeeeek!"
He immediately poofs into a little bat and flaps away. He is abandoning the elephant! His pride and joy! Saaaaveee him!
Meanwhile, Reize works with Ivo, in the midst of his combo with the strikes on the nightmare. He sees Ivo drawing the Hauteclare blade in. As the trailing cloth flutters by, Reize immediately dashes behind the nightmare. Ready for a kick.
"Hey! Over he---!"
Annnd, the attempt does not work out as planned.
--- Ruidosa shoots the dark energy towards Reize, sending him back into the fray of the battle.
The end result is that instead of an impressive flying kick, it results in that Reize's head collides with the nightmare's head.
This is just in time for the cloth to wrap around the nightmare's neck.
The Nightmare and Reize both lean on each other. Both with Xs on their eyes.
...It somehow works out. Dubiously.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ivo first raises his hand to receive his returning blade, now absent its trailing cloth, and then follows by slowly struggling to his feet, still looking rather winded. He regards the results before him. The will o' the wisps have dissipated, absorbed of their own volition into Daiby's Salamander Art, which in turn appears to now be their newest ally. One wonders if it will need to be fed more fire elementals. His gaze gradually shifts to where Reize and the nightmare lie collapsed together. The chaos of the market is subsiding, the loudest sound now a screeching bat fluttering away and fleeing from the scene.
Deadpan, Ivo glances to the side, where he meets the gaze of a decidedly confused elephant. He shrugs. In turn, the elephant makes a motion with its trunk reminiscent of shrugging.
"I'm calling this victory," he announces. "Musicians!"
There is a long moment of silence before the wreckage of the wagon stirs and a single hapless bard, one of the many always performing in the plaza, pokes out their head and begins playing a victory theme on a kazoo.
"Thank you," Ivo says, nodding with satisfaction.