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Like Clockwork
Scene details
Setting: The Star Chasers, enjoying Rosia's delightful offerings, linger over the works of a clockwork vendor and are introduced to a representative of a minor religion, the worshippers of the fire spirit Ankhiale, that is allegedly persecuted in what is otherwise a famously pluralistic society.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
The sun is setting on Rosia, the golden hour suffusing the periodot-streaked paving stones with an appealing glow and the tropic heat beginning to abate. After a day of exploring and enjoying the city, one might expect Ivo to be exhausted, not being known for boundless stamina. But his eyes are bright and attentive as in the morning as he scans the evening's offerings. As though the whole of the city of culture conspires to cultivate a singular ambiance, vendors and street musicians have rotated in and out, with new trinkets to catch the eye and a soundscape that has shifted from energetic to sophisticated.
> BGM:
"What do you think so far, chief?" the Cosmopolitan asks his younger friend. Most likely the party had parted ways at some point in line with their own interests and recently reconvened, so perhaps they have intelligence to share. "I tried finding out what look would make the best impression at court, but there are so many trends and counter-trends, I'm out of my depth." Ivo grins, certainly not seeming to mind. "But everyone's happy to talk my ear off. Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty finding out more about that lightly-clad tribe we discussed on the river. Folks in the border towns seem more willing to discuss them than Rosians. I know everyone was interested in them, so I'll see else what I can learn."
*Was* everyone interested in them?
"Oh, hey."
Ivo stops to look to one vendor in particular. A genial-looking merchant with a fulsome beard, a northern look uncommon here, is demonstrating the functionality of some clockwork toys to curious onlookers, an assistant robed in a ragged poncho at his side. Within a moment, impressively, a little clockwork bird, wings aflutter, unsteadily but safely lifts into the air, hovering there.
"You've gotten popular, Reize," Ivo remarks. "They even made a toy of you."
Ivo, please. The colors are all wrong.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
The young explorer is all too happy to no longer be trapped in 'Shopping Purgatory' with his fiancee. Reize looks a bit worn, grateful that he's currently in his standard traveling attire. Compared to Ivo, Reize looks a bit exhausted; between shopping with Ruidosa and visiting the vampire diner, Reize is looking forward to the other sights of the city.
"... Hm! Maybe we can find if there is some library that has information?" He rubs the back of his head, "If it's not in the interest of the people, then maybe old traveling journals would have something!"
Their stop leads them into a market area where a vendor is showing clockwork toys. "Ooooh." Reize looks over towards the clockwork bird. ...And then Ivo's comment.
"Tthhhhhhppp!" Reize promptly responds with a raspberry.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"Oh my goodness!" says Daiby, walking a step or two behind the group - in this case because she doesn't want to intrude on the close bond between Reize and Ivo, but also because she's holding up a brightly colored snake so he (or she?) can look around! The snake, either innocently or through the fact that it is recognized by locals as DEADLY POISONOUS, is giving her a clear bubble of space.
The snake looks at Reize. The snake has kind of a :D face. Aww!
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima is walking along with Reize and Ivo and the rest and relaxing with what she's acquired to wear. She's happily enjoying the walk and they come across the merchant selling clockwork toys and Ruidosa becomes nostalgic for a moment for some reason....
.oO(A young girl hides behind larger, purple haired vampire. The clockwork bird hovers in the air and darts forward and she eeps! the vampire comforts her and reassures her it won't hurt her...)
Ruidosa wakes from her reverie finding herself lightly hiding behind Reize from the clockwork bird, for some reason, having moved there in the interm daydream.
She looks over to Daiby and back to Reize momentarily.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
As Ivo watches, the clockwork bird flutters, sputters, and losing the last of its wound-up energies, settles back down on the vendor's table, emitting a faint deflating sound somewhat akin to Reize's raspberry moments ago.
"Truly," Ivo remarks, "the resemblance is uncanny."
The gathered viewers filter away as our heroes approach, perhaps because the show is over for the moment, perhaps because they are afflicted by Daiby's serpentine Anti-Crowd Field. The merchant begins winding another little toy, this one a butterfly or moth, as his poncho-clad companion scans the crowd beneath their raised hood.
"Fine work," the magitechnician says. "Do you hail from Castia? If so, you've come a long way -- and their techniques have been improving. Clockwork functions even in the proximity of the Gate of Purification, unlike imperfect magic and magitech, isn't that so?"
"Its finest quality is that it functions anywhere at any time!" the merchant replies, beaming, though directing the conversation toward his products. "Perfect as a party favor or a gift to anyone -- perhaps these lovely ladies?" He cheerily raises the bird flying before for either Rui or Daiby or both to more closely examine. "Though I wouldn't want to fool your friend into thinking it a tasty snack! Ha ha ha!"
Truly a consummate salesman, he is unfazed even by the snake.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
The boy only furrows his eyebrows at the mention regarding the uncanny resemblance! Reize looks over towards one of the snakes that has a smile. Reize gives a happy smile, having gotten used to their presence, eaching over to give one of them a pet. After all, given the time that he's spent with Daiby and the snakes, the explorer has gotten used to them!
What is unexpected is that Ruidosa chose to hide behind him from the clockwork bird. "Ah..?" He turns around to face Ruidosa, "Oi, Rui, you okay?"
When Ivo approach the man and regard the presence of Castia, Reize's expression turns to a frown. His mind reflects back at Granse, when the Black Beast used him as a punching relief. It was... not one of Reize's best times.
"Ah..." Regarding the 'fooling' and 'tasty snack', he does glance over towards Ruidosa.
Curiosity does get the better of Reize as he approaches the stand. "...You know, I may actually want to buy one of these, myself!"
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"I DO see a certain amount of resemblance, but -" Daiby begins, before looking at Rui. "?"
Rui is hiding?! Daiby looks at her snake friend, who looks back at her. The snake does not shrug, due to lacking the physical capacity to do so, but does, at least, look like it might LIKE to shrug... if such a thing was possible. "Oh, don't worry, she doesn't eat anything that's alive," Daiby tells the salesman with a cheerful smile.
But then she glances past. "The Gate of Purification's going to interfere with magitech?" Daiby asks -- though how much this is an innocent ploy for data vs. 'no, seriously, what's the deal'. Sometimes she's not a complete airheaded snake-lover.
70% of an airhead, tops
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 3 weeks ago
The talk of magitech versus clocktech is above Ruidosa's interest and probably more Ivo's speed. She's listening but...not really understanding. She does look between Reize and Ivo as she's kinda hiding still. "Ahahaha...everything is...okay!" she says nervously.
She does eye the clockwork bird and looks over to Reize. "Get it if you want. I'm sure Mother wouldn't mind." she says, awkwardly a little. "It's not like I'd eat it or anything."
No that's going into her mouth eventually. Just not today.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"By all means!" the merchant jovially says to Reize as the boy approaches. "In my travels, I've crafted all manner! Take your pick!" While many of the trinkets front and center represent Oradian wildlife, like a little monkey and a little bat, there are plenty more, as he says. There's a boar, and a crab, and cactus that wiggles about when you wind it up...
Rui might not be the only one having flashbacks.
"Oh, these are the sorts of developments that weren't in our history books," Ivo is saying to Daiby. He knows well how keen her intellect can be. On, you know, matters that interest her. "Castia is a nation that has developed close to the island where the Gate of Purification is located, but its ambient effects cancel out any manipulation of aether that is imperfect." Presumably that is one aspect of what it means to purify. "So either one must be a consummate magic-user or not rely on aether at all -- which is why advances in clockwork have been concentrated in Castia over the last century."
As Cosmopolis was sealed off from the world during that time, Ivo only learned all this himself while adventuring in Granse.
"If you'd like a spice to whet your appetite," the merchant is saying to Rui in the meantime, "there are some fine chilis for sale, fresh from the outlying villages!" He doesn't miss a beat even in response to a quip about someone possibly eating one of his works. "My partner here's local and would surely know the best sources."
It is difficult to see the poncho-clad partner's expression under that hood, but one might register a flash of annoyance in their deep green eyes.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
The young explorers eyes each assortment of the clockwork figures that are made. The bat may be a cute one, reminds him of Ruidosa and the family! However, his eyes drift over towards the sight of the boar..
.. then the crab..
...and a tortoise.
As if overhead, Reize can envision the surly tortoise staring down at Reize with disdain. It's as if the tortoise is staring at -trash- before it. And the cheeks puff up.
And Reize has a moment of an outburst from PTSD thanks to his trip in the isle.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Daiby's eyebrows lift at Ivo's helpful exposition. "Oh, indeed. I'm glad that I haven't brought along all my trinkets from home, heaven knows if they'd still work once I brought them back --"
She is cut off by Reize's outbursts. Her eyes are wide. She glances first to Rui with an audible little pwik! of emphasis. Then to Ivo. Then back between them. (The snake gets in on the act as well.)
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima almost falls asleep at Ivo's explanation of clockwork, because it's boring, Ivo's boring right now-- and decides instead to concentrate on the concept of Chillis and she's about to question the poncho clad man when she decides against it because that's a mean hombre right there probably. She instead, looks at chillis.
She's considering and smelling and gauging their spice when suddenly Reize's outburst cause her to suddenly mutter and walk over and grab Reize's shoulder.
She tugs him away. Not too far away, but far away enough from the clockwork animals. "SORRY, HE HAS SEA MADNESS." she loudly announces as explanation.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
While even the thus far unflappable merchant seems a bit taken aback by Reize's reaction, Ivo's expression doesn't change, as though all too accustomed to such meltdowns. Gently, he reaches down to take up the miniature tortoise, leaning close to examine its terrifying visage (little turtle face).
"Nothing to fear, chief," Ivo says casually, tilting the tortoise this way and that. "It's merely a replica. What does this one do, anyway?" Curious, he winds up the toy. It ticks away, but the tortoise doesn't make any sort of movements, unlike the other miniatures. But after a few long moments, like a jack-in-the-box, its little jaws snap open-- and it fires a pellet at Reize.
Fortunately, Rui begins to pull him away before Sea Madness can afflict anyone else. It could be contagious, after all.
"Is that like Jungle Madness?" the merchant asks, shaken out of his patter. "I've heard that those who lose their way in the rainforest depths are driven to divest themselves of all their clothes."
"Go on," Ivo says, suddenly intrigued.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"I thought we'd mostly been on the river," Daiby says, but it's sort of in the corner of the panel. She also has her head swivel towards the shopkeep as he speaks of 'Jungle Nudism.'
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
While Reize has his flashbacks from his time in the isle, he finds himself apprehended and dragged away by his fiancee.
"BUT WE'RE NOT EVEN NEAR THE SE----*PLONK!*" Reize is belted in the face by the jack-in-the-box surprise.
And of course, Reize is out, left for it for Ruidosa to easily drag him off to help him 'recover'.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima now has Reize away from the hubub of the reminders of SEA MADNESS and away from the horrors of hearing about JUNGLE MADNESS, and rocks him off in a corner of a panel a moment as tears well up in her eyes with annoyance.
She huffs. "You're fine you dummy!" she says as she huffs, filled with mellowdrama.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"I wonder if there's a River Madness," Ivo asides to Daiby, showing no guilt whatsoever at accidentally reducing Reize to a comatose state. "Fabroxo would know."
Or, being such a great inventor, invent it.
"It's just a rumor," the merchant says, glancing at his poncho-clad assistant and recovering his composure. "No doubt folks get lost, run out of supplies, and eat the wrong mushroom. Or the right one! Ha ha ha! You'll be taking the tortoise, then?"
As Ivo reaches for his pouch to pay for the trinket, doubtless to assist Reize with exposure therapy to help him deal with his trauma out of abundant kindness and generosity, the heretofore hidden assistant reaches up to lower their hood, revealing the face of tanned and striking young woman with abundant colorful beads braided in her hair.
"The truth has been lost to Rosians," she says firmly, ignoring the merchant's glances. "There is no madness, but a sacred ritual to Ankhiale of the Warmth of Fire, in which we embrace the heat and purify ourselves."
"That's not a name to speak too loudly in Rosia," the merchant says, though he smiles reassuringly, not one to lose his composure for long. "This city is famed for its diversity of beliefs and opinions! But there are some lines that one cannot cross, and the Ankhialeans cross them."
As the young woman snorts derisively, Ivo nods sagely.
"This is the city of fashion, after all," he says knowingly to Daiby, "so nudism doubtless offends their sensibility."
"We are not *nudists*," the poncho-clad woman corrects. "We wear beadwork." She gestures to the fine crafts in her hair for emphasis.
"And ponchos," her merchant compatriot quips.
"...when in the city, yes."
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"I think it's said it dried up in the last epoch, but that's where some of the psychedlia come from," Daiby tells Ivo, which is almost certainly a snake genus or family or clade or some goddamn thing. Her eyebrows lift upwards as the assistant speaks forwards and reveals herself! ("Hello!" Daiby says to her.)
Ankhiale, Daiby recalls quietly.
"But that means if someone looks at you from the side," she begins to the Assistant, before pausing.
Reize Seatlan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Reize's eyes swirl around for those few moments before he finally 'recovers'. "Buuuhhh." A trail of comical tears flow like river along his eye. "Whyyy....?"
He finally gets up, looking at Ruidosa. "Well, at least we won't see the tortoise again." Ignoring the fact that he may have embarassed Ruidosa in her old town. Also unaware of the fact that the tortoise clockwork was purchased!
The young boy looks at Ruidosa with a smile, "Let's explore the rest of what the town offers at this night! I'm sure Ivo and Daiby will let us know what they find about the tribes!" He does pause, "Maybe we should catch up with them."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima sighs and stands back up and drags Reize with. "Yes let's go." she says. "I'm not. Sure about clockwork anyways." she admits sheepishly.
"I dunno. Feels weird." she says softly.
Ivo Galvan
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"Fascinating," Ivo says gamely, enjoying the dynamic between the merchant and the tribal woman, wondering how the odd couple might have met. "When we are done with our business in Rosia, perhaps we could venture deeper into the jungle ourselves and pay a visit to the Ankhialeans and learn more of their distinctive ways. When we have time--"
He pauses when Daiby speaks, and remains silent for a moment when she pauses, hesitating for a moment.
"Or we could go right now," he remarks. "How far is it?"
Despite the merchant's warnings as to the ostracized status of the Ankhialeans, which he cautions all present not to discuss, the young woman seems perfectly willing to welcome visitors to her distant village. As Reize and Rui depart to enjoy the warm evening, Ivo and Daiby will learn as much as they wish about rituals of warmth-worship, fine beadwork, and mysterious mushrooms.
It's not clear how any of that will prepare them for making a splash at the Vampire Ball, admittedly. ...Unless someone wants to show up in some beadwork.