Reize Seatlan
2 months ago
The city is currently bustling with life. Harmonious tropical flowers, iconic statues and other forms of artistic value surround the city. The sight of richly made cobblestone and grand architecture are seen through the city. There are many sightings of people wandering around to enjoy the atmosphere.
Reize, however, is currently holding a few bags, likely filled with picked up clothes, in arms. He frowns, looking a bit exhausted as he looks ahead. "...Ooi, Rui, we should take a break, you know." He muses, "Maybe we should visit one of those diners that your mom talked about!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima managed to not disappear and turn into a corncob in the past hour for decking Ivo in the face.
"Yes, let's take a break." Ruidosa La Crima says as she flips her hair a little with a sigh. "So I can settle my mind at least." she says bluntly as she looks for a bench. But then Reize mentions a diner and she squints and looks around.
"I haven't had... jungle crab since last time I was here..." she finally admits. Jungle crab?
Yes! Tiny crabs, swinging in the trees, don't you see them!?--pfffbbbttt hahahaha no no, they live in the rivers and ponds in the rainforest jungle of the area.
"Let's find one.." she says, walking ahead a little bit. Until she spots one, waving Reize ahead a little faster. Maybe.
Reize Seatlan
2 months ago
Reize gives a bit of a confused look as the 'jungle crab' is brought up. "There are jungle crabs?" He scratches his head. Well, who knew? There is a bit of a helpless smile, "Well, as long as you deal with those and not our new beetle friend."
Speaking of which, the Jewel Beetle briefly emerges from the bottle to flash a few times, its carapace shimmering with the light. Then it seeps its way back into the bottle.
Although Reize looks around, his attention is caught by Ruidosa, who ushers him to follow her. "Okay! Okay! Coming!" He is hurrying after her as his partner moves ahead. He tries to keep the bags balanced in his arms while following her.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima finds the diner. It's outdoor seating. With a little shack wherein the food is cooked. It's quaint and nothing particular special. But it's a diner. Not a restaurant. She finds a seat and then motions for Reize to sit. "We'll sit a moment before I go order." pause. "Because there's vampire things on there." she says. "You don't want the vampire things."
"Unless you like the taste of coins and iron...?" she asks curiously.
Still, thusly, she snorts. "They don't live in trees silly. Why do you think we live in a crab ridden swamp? Because it's like home." she says bluntly.
She stands up, eventually to go to the shack and wait.
Reize Seatlan
2 months ago
They arrive out within an outdoor setting! He eyes the sight of the diner. He tilts his head and he follows Ruidosa before taking a seat. After he sets the bags near his legs, he looks over at her while his hands fold in front of him.
"... Vampire things?" He furrows his eyebrows. "...Ehhh.." Coins and iron? He makes a face at that. "Nah. Coins taste nasty."
"Not that I've ever tried biting down one before, of course." He looks rather sheepish, rubbing the back of his head. He blinks, "...Oh! I.. I see." When he sees her stand up, he does look around. He scratches his head as he looks ahead to see Ruidosa at the line.
"...Are there vampires serving at the diner?"