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Unnamed Event

Scene details

Setting: Placeholder description of scene plz change k thx bai


  Within the heart of the jungle exists a city that is made for music and art. The bright shimmering sun light up the environment. The air is brisk and the city is vibrant in the atmosphere.

 As they get the sight of the Hanging Gardens, the largest area, there are people walking around. They are all walking in anticipation to the art galleries, market squares, and other places to enjoy the environment.

 There are a few tourists of varying ethnicities and species walking towards the Hanging Gardens.

 Meanwhile, Reize looks outward, "Whooa! This is amazing!" He is just happy to not be dealing with sea sickness.

Ruidosa La Crima.... has been here many times before so she's not as amazed as Reize is, she does take in the breath of the air of her homeland. Even though she doesn't need to breathe persay.

She is also eager to see the art, but is letting Reize lead the way since it might be his first time here and she's been at least a hundred or so.

She does peek into a market stall as she's happy there's no more boat rocking and she hopes Ivo hasn't lost all his blood through his nose earlier.

Daiby in a towel seems to have that effect on him or something.

 "The traditional education in Cosmopolis includes music," Ivo is saying, "and I had thought myself handy with the harmonium, but I've never heard such skill as I have already just today."
 Smiling gamely as he walks a pace or two behind the marveling Reize, Ivo lifts a kerchief of fine gossamer fabric dyed vivid tropical hues to his brow and dabs at the sweat. He had acquired it moments before browsing the vendors' tables set up about the grand plaza interspersed with the many street musicians seeking to gather a proud.
 "I feel acclimated to the heat and humidity after our time on the isle," he adds, "but it would be prudent to procure some garments suited to the climate rather than attempting to improvize them ourselves. The La Crimas already have the Shadowcat Bikini Sets, but we are not so fortunate."
 No one's stopping you, Ivo. ...Well, maybe they would.
 "How else ought we to prepare for the Ball?" He turns his smile first to Rui and then to Reize, as his expression broadens into a grin. "Or shall we seek rumors of adventure in this new land?"
 He's not *trying* to tempt Reize to run off into the jungle as an alternative to wearing a stuffy suit and facing off with a potential rival. But, granted, he would find that funny.

  Reize looks towards Ruidosa and Ivo. He brings a hand to the back of his head. Reize continues to look around, amazed at the sight. In a way, he's almost bouncing around to look on each side.

 At Ivo's question, Reize looks at the older man with a grin. He explorer gives a thoughtful look, "Well, I would be interested in checking out the rumors of adventure..." He glances at Ruidosa with a large sweatdrop behind his head, "...But I get the feeling we should do some shopping."

Ruidosa La Crima smiles. "How are you liking my home country so far?" she asks. She then looks to Ivo. "I'm not wearing the Shadowcat Bikini here." she says bluntly. "I have appearances to keep up!" she says.

At the prospect of adventure. "Shopping first." she says. "Then ONE...." she raises her finger. '1' she points.


"That's ONE (1), Reize Seatlan..." she says bluntly. "Tiny adventure. There's a temple somewhere in the jungle! -And the last time I was there I was just a tiny vampire!" she says.

Okay. Not really tiny...but. Young enough! in Vampire years.

"So maybe something happened in the intervening....uh. Many...many.."

"--Many. Years."

 "I think the Shadowcat Bikini is great for appearances," Ivo quips back to Rui, still grinning. "But if you insist, we can save it for the temple adventure."
 He says that like it's some sort of reasonable compromise.
 "I've heard that the early worshippers of the great serpent built pyramidal ziggurats dedicated to celestial bodies deeper in the jungle to divine the best site for their capital," he then supplies. "Perhaps that's related. In any case, I'm certainly curious to explore this fine country further."
 The sounds of different instruments played by varied musicians fade in and out as they wander. In the grand plaza about the Hanging Gardens, much of the vendors sell their wares in the open air, until awnings to protect from the threat of rain.
 "I'm also intrigued by the traditional garments available," he notes, "like these sari wraps and dhoti trousers. They seem well suited to the climate. But I imagine the fashionable court of Oradia is used to seeing styles from afar as well... and enjoys novelty. You're game for some experimental fashion, right, Reize? Let's make a splash on the scene."
 They're going to show up looking like clowns, possibly literally.

  "It's beautiful!" Reize cracks a grin, then he gives a thoughtful look, "I think I remember that Hansel moved here." He pauses for a moment, then he gives a sheepish look. "Someone from my village. He said that he was going to be a painter." He gives a thoughtful look, "I wonder how he's doing."

 "Riiight, riiight. Shopping first." His antenna hair deflates. "...One tiny adventure." The comment regarding the temple does get his attention, perking him up. "Oooh."

 "Oh, is that so?" Reize gives a smile towards Ivo. "I can't wait to explore deeper, then!" The sound of music filling the ear gets the young boy's attention. "Wow...!" He beams, "This is beautiful!" He is almost like a terrier getting used to the new surroundings.

  He squints towards Ivo at the mention of the fashion. "...I guess. I can't say that I enjoy strange formal dresses, but..." He shrugs, "I trust you. What's the worst that can happen?"

Good shopping first. Ruidosa picks up a silken dress. It's a light baby blue, so it's not her color--- she wants deeper sky blues--- and then holds it up to her body. It's the kind of fabric that you can see through if you squint hard enough.

How hard you squinting right now?

She turns to Reize. "What do you think?" she asks. "Too light?" she asks. She at least isn't wearing it proper yet.

She listens to the talk of fashion between the two boys. "...dod dodododo do do do..." she goes. You know, the tune.

It's this one:

"Do you two need help? I suggest light clothes, of course."

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Resist the allure of the Legendary Seductress / best bud's fiancee
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 0).

  • Character: Daiby
  • 2 months, 1 week ago


Daiby has been visible in a form easily mistaken for a background NPC if you were focusing primarily on the Impossible Mission Providers there up near the front of the camera, but as she turns to cross the lane of the market and visit a different stall, it becomes undeniably her. Not only her various charms, if in distance-limned miniature, but also because she has a snake on her head. The snake seems to be having a good time in this weather.

Her second stall visit seems much more successful. She holds up something that looks like scraps of fine fish net to the light, admiringly. It glitters!

 "Really? From your village?" Ivo is genuinely surprised that someone from Reize's remote hamlet of hunters was so possessed by the passion to become an artist, of all things, that they ventured here. "What a fascinating character. I'd be glad to meet them." He pauses, only to grin wider than ever. "Well, if we are keeping up aristocratic appearances, what better way than to commission a portrait to spread your renown? All the more reason to find you some most striking garb."
 He glances casually to Rui as he mentions keeping up appearances, clearly meaning to banter with her, only to assume a carefully composed expression as he sees how potentially provocative is the garment she is considering. Perhaps it is just the passage of time spent together, but he is starting to understand better what Reize sees in the vampire girl. Ever since their heart-pounding escape from the exocoatl, her charms have been apparent to him. It's like, in that moment, she awakened to some sort of... new ability.
 "That's a fine fabric," Ivo says lightly, successfully maintaining a perfect casual air as he turns his gaze back to Reize, "though perhaps a deeper color would suit you better. Don't you think, Reize?"
 Channeling his energies into a wingman support technique, Ivo leaves his fearless leader to lavish praise for the moment as he scans the surrounding stands. It is time to put his keen intuition to the test in search of the kind of adventure that *he* is good at finding: aesthetic novelties and curios. His instincts soon call him to a particular vendor, where a beat later he recognizes the familiar beauty admiring their wares.
 "A find worthy of you," Ivo says to Daiby as he approaches. "It sparkles like your eyes, all the better to lose myself in them." Naturally, he does not restrain himself in the slightest when it comes to his academy senior. But doubtless she is used to him talking like this. "There are some unusual pieces here, too. Hm? What's this...?"
 Ivo leans over an otherwise inconspicuous arrangement of cloth.
 "The... Garb of the... Harem Master...?"

 During the shopping, Reize gives a thoughtful look as Ruidosa holds the color of the dress. "Uhhh..." He looks at her as he tilts his head over. "... It looks like it's too light?" Though, after getting a better look, he gives out a blush as he looks at her form. "... Bu-but it looks good on you."

 Regarding the comment about Hansel, Reize mutters a bit, "...Yeah. I'm sure he'll really helpful." He idly rolls his eyes a bit. There is not a positive sentiment towards Hansel. He looks towards Ruidosa and he turns his head back.

 Once Daiby arrives, Reize turns towards her and he gives a wave towards her direction, "Oooi!" He cracks a grin, "Good to see you!" He looks over towards Ivo while he looks at the clothes.


Ruidosa La Crima furrows her eyebrows....

---is that a textbox?

---> Auction, Start!

There's a minigame here where you need to balance a set of scales against a weight with coins of gold by pressing the controller left or right. A Warning at the bottom of the scale says 'Don't tip the scale or you'll pay F U L L - P R I C E.'

Finagle, finagle, talking talk, left, right NO RIGHT MORE!

Rui gets a 15 percent haggled discount on dying the dress a darker shade!

"I'll pick it up later!" she says as the auction m9nigame closes and she dusts her hands off.

She turns to the others as she smiles. "Daiby...." pause. "Fishnets?"

  • Character: Daiby
  • 2 months, 1 week ago

"Oh, you're so kind," says Daiby, holding up the triangles of fishnet-looking material even as Ivo comes up close. This close they *do* sparkle, tiny gems or at least flecks of reflective material at the knots in between the weave! She leans forwards to peck Ivo's cheek and then set the fishnet top down to look at...

"My goodness," she says, placing a hand over her heart as she looks upon this otherwise inconspicuous outfit. She glances at Reize - then back at the outfit. "... It DOES look to be your size, Reize, if you wanted to try it on."

(To Rui, Daiby affirms, "Yes! It's fashionable and lets you have plenty of room to breathe. Even if you wear something over it, it makes a space, you know? I suppose I'm not likely to burn, though, so it might not be ideal for you...")

 Ivo swiftly engages the vendor, a dignified older woman, in diverting conversation as Reize charmingly stammers out bashful compliments. It seems that the shopkeep's specialty is vintage aristocratic clothing and that, in a city where fashions change rapidly -- distinct among nations in that regard -- there is a market for the resale of pieces that were worn at famous events or by notable persons and then given away, inherited, or simply forgotten in favor of new styles. The piece that Daiby has found, for example, is claimed to have once been worn by a dancer who performed for the Queen of Oradia herself. The vendor's manner conveys that she is confident in the sourcing of her goods, so that is likely true, rather than the sort of patter one might get from any merchant.
 "A 'maharaja,' you say?"
 It seems that the Garb of the Harem Master, composed primarily of silken trousers, a fine jacket, and matching headscarf or turban, was once worn by a regional ruler or Oradian governor who had been granted a particularly wealthy province by the Queen and lavished his riches on seeking the finest beauties to woo, and that these garments were what he wore in his court when greeting potential concubines.
 "It certainly qualifies as formal wear," Ivo says with interest, "and it does not seem that our maharaja of old was... especially tall. Perhaps this sort of vintage style is due for a comeback at court. I don't know if there are enchantments in the gilding or if it has just inherited its history, but I have a feeling there's something special about these clothes..."
 On the one hand, that's exactly the sort of thing Ivo would say if he just wanted to goad Reize into doing something amusing. On the other hand, Ivo's curiosity tends to make him more sincere, and he does sound sincere. Plus, his Identity Item skill has only improved after their stint rebuilding civilization on the isle. Maybe there really is something to these clothes. Well, even with his improved skills, Ivo's not going to be able to just rattle off stats unless he gets some sort of major buff--
 Ivo blinks as Daiby lightly kisses him on the cheek.
 "Garb of the Harem Master: Unique Clothing," he says, gazing into the middle distance suddenly, eyes slightly glazed. "Receive a passive bonus to LIPS checks. Bonus increases proportional to number of Love Interests. Receive additional bonus if Love Interests are related to one another, e.g., Love Interest's sister, Love Interest's mother."
 He blinks again, and falls silent for several long moments.
 "...What's a 'lips check'?"
 You were the one who said it.

  While watching Ruidosa try to haggle her way through in such a mini game, the young man watches with rapt interest, then he looks back towards Daiby.

 When she presents the suspiciously flashy and showy outfit, the boy squints deeply at the fishnet outfit. He stares at her dubiously, "I don't know..." He squints.

 Reize decides to take the garb from Ivo, curiously looking it over and not paying attention to the description. "I guess I'll try this one on first...." He is heading over to a room where he can put it on.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20.
Comment: Ruidosa is paying attention.... but how MUCH attention.
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: You'll see in a moment. :>
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).

Ruidosa La Crima is now looking for undergarments--- that thing is near see through after all, and she isn't going in the nude! Never! Ever! So she's looking for those, oh and SHOES and some jewelry and she's all over the stalls and trying to be polite by paying attention to the boys and she sees them eyeing a fine suit.

That's fine indeed! Let's get closer to hear the price.

>> Ruidosa Heard the entire description...!
>> Affection Level: FAT CHANCE!

Ruidosa makes a dive for Reize but it's too late. He's in the MEN's dressing area and she's looking around. She can't be spotted barging in there! APPERANCES TO KEEP UP.

Quickly...she needs to... to punch someone in the face! The Shopkeep! Wait.. no. Daiby! Wait no what'd that sweet girl do!? Ivo.....

She closes her eyes and just straight up tries to uppercut Ivo in the jaw. "THISISALLYOURFAULT!"

  • Character: Daiby
  • 2 months, 1 week ago

Daiby rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 2 months, 1 week ago

Daiby listens to the description as Ivo reads it out, holding one hand up, fingers lightly curled inwards, in front of her face. Is she... blushing? After that, she looks towards Ivo. "A what check?"

Then Reize takes it and marches off to put it on.

"It does seem to have a fairly daring look, but I wonder how effective it will seem in practice," Daiby muses aloud. "I mean there's a lot of fashion that looks absolutely wonderful on the model it was tailored for and - hm? - Rui, are you alright? Rui?"

Rui goes for the Ivo Upper. Daiby and the snake in her hair make a simultaneous D: in the resulting freezeframe.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Is the result funny (advantageous) or funny (at Ivo's expense)
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 6).

 Ivo should be delighting in Reize successfully reaching the Extraction Point for this mission (men's dressing room) and thereby beginning the journey that will fulfill his destiny. But instead he seems puzzled, still gazing into the distance, if with more clarity to his eyes than before. Now that he thinks about it, this sort of thing has been happening to him with increasing frequency. First he saw that strange Crafting Window projected in front of Anna. Then he sensed Rui achieving a title, whatever that is. And now he somehow knew the specifics of a supposedly unique item. It's one thing to craft a schematic and another to have such preternatural insight into the underlying mechanics of the cosmos.
 "It seems most likely to happen whenever I experience a shock to the system," he murmurs to himself. Obviously, a kiss from Daiby counts in that regard. "I'm curious, but not that curious." This is the sort of thing that reduces one's SAN score, and we don't even have those. Not that Ivo knows that... yet. "Well, as long as I avoid--"
 Ivo spirals in midair as he is flung backward. For a moment, he is framed as though he is about to collide face-first with Daiby, her D: facing his x_X, only for this to be revealed as a trick of depth as he flies right past her and nearly slams into the vendor's table across the way. No lips check today. Fortunately, no harm is done... to the table.
 "R... Rui... this time... you've..."
 Ivo, trembling and struggling to slowly rise from the heap he's collapsed into on the ground, abruptly stands ramrod straight.
 "The Legendary Seductress title prevents you from becoming hostile."
 He blinks again, staring silently at Rui, his expression now blank, a slow trickle of blood dribbling from his lower lip. Slowly, he raises his bruised chin to look up at the heavens.

  It took some time for Reize to try on the set of clothes. It's not exactly something that he's used to.

  "Uhh... I feel a little ridiculous, but... how do I look?"

  As Reize finally emerges towards the group, he currently has the attire fitting for such a title.

  Gone is the headband and in its place is a turban that is made of the silk. The young man has the light red silken jacket and the darker red silk trousers. There appears to be an aura of 'MAJESTY' emanating from Reize at this point.

  The expression on his face is pensive, but he wrinkles his nose and he tries to push chest out and appear proud. At least he's not in a silly adventuring attire right now, right?


Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20-2>=10.
Comment: Oh No, LIPs Check! D:
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20-2>=10.
Comment: Likewise
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).

Ruidosa La Crima yells. "What are you talking about, you're talking crazy I'm gonna knock more sense into you!" she says.

Then Reize comes out, full attire, aura resplendent and she looks on in awe... eyes glistening.

Oh sweet master... gentle touch on the wind...
Won't I feel your hand tonight...
Upon my bosm----

She suddenly snaps out of reverie.

>> Affection Level>> IF THE BOAT'S A ROCKING...

But then she's looking at Ivo. Then at Reize again and she ughs. Then she cries out. "BUT IT'S HIS FAULT!" she cries.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 2 months, 1 week ago

Daiby rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 2 months, 1 week ago

The aghast look on Daiby's face fades as she turns her head to look at Reize and...

The turban.
The headband.
The sultry silk jacket.
The sultrier silker trousers.

Her eyes widen. (The snake is still aghast.) She takes a step closer. "Oh," she says rather breathlessly. "It - it does seem to flatter you..." The snake's look of alarm grows more intense!!

 Ivo really has no one to blame but himself for his susceptibility to Ruidosa's charms even in the face of physical harm to his, uh, face. Given that he is so generally conflict-averse and charm-inclined, he of all people is no match for the Legendary Seductress title, which doubtless runs in the La Crima family.
 "And here he... is...?"
 But all his frustration evaporates in the glorious sun that is Reize's royal visage. Ivo was all too prepared to resist pointing and laughing at his fearless leader with every fiber of his being up until their visit to the Vampire Ball proper. But instead he is genuinely amazed at the otherwise inelegant adventurer's magnificence. It is as though the outfit had been made for him, as though this were his destiny realized.
 "Ivo's Friendship cannot increase, as it is already at maximum," he murmurs under his breath. "Due to his successful Will check, it does not convert to Affection."
 He shakes his head, as much to get out of Gamemaster mode as to resist the siren song of the sultan's swagger.
 "It suits you, chief," Ivo says, without a trace of irony, smiling at Reize. "I think you'll make quite an impression at court. Don't you think, Dai--"
 What's this!? Could his beloved senpai be smitten with his younger friend? Has Ivo's undone himself with his own treasure-hunting efforts? Could he now succumb to jealousy?
 "Excuse me," he says to the lady vendor, who seems distracted, the older woman staring at Reize with slightly flushed cheeks. "Do you happen to have that in a larger size?"
 Of course not. Friendship is at maximum, after all.
 "What I really want to know," he then muses as the ladies seem to swoon over the illustrious Star Chaser, realizing that the vendor is too distracted to appreciate his joke, "is why it doesn't seem to be working on the snake."
 Silly Ivo. Snakes don't have lips.

  Reize looks over towards the reactions that he has received over the duration. When Ruidosa seems to have a look of reverie about her and Daiby looks at his form to compliment him, he scratches his head and looks at the outfit.

  ... And it looks like Reize has attracted many eyes. Not just Ruidosa and Daiby, but many other ladies that had been picking out clothes.

  A large sweatbead appears at the back of the boy's head.

  "... Yeah, I'm changing."

  And he walks back to the changing room to unequi---remove all of the attire.

  It isn't too long that he arrives back in his normal attire. "... Another outfit, please."