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Unnamed Event
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Setting: Placeholder description of scene plz change k thx bai
Ivo Galvan
3 months ago
Ivo lowers his spyglass to reveal a face flushed with enthusiasm, absent any trace of ironic detachment. The Cosmopolitan stands upon the deck of the hastily refurbished Romancing SaGa, its repaired magitech engines inaudible beneath the vibrant sounds of the Oradian jungle. Their vessel is borne safely by the current of the river, the primary means of travel in this tropical nation, giving the dilettante scholar the opportunity to observe the plentiful wildlife adapted to this dense natural environment.
"One could spend one's whole life in Oradia and never cease discovering new species of flora and fauna," he remarks, "or so I once read. Now I have the chance myself to learn what they meant!"
Though the movement of the vessel is relatively tranquil, fortunately for any prone to seasickness, the heat and humidity verge on the oppressive and the air is thick with insects. Ivo has adapted his island fashion in a less ragged and more intentional manner, arms and legs bared by short sleeves and short-cut breeches, at the risk of mosquito bites. But no pesky bug can distract him for long from the sights to see.
"Oh! Look at that little monkey! It's got a banana!"
And as they observe, so too are they observed. In contrast to the isle, there are few if any megafauna here, as they would struggle to traverse this land. But within the waters await potential threats large and small for the careless.
Reize Seatlan
3 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Do I Beat The 'Reize Bane' Allegations on the Romancing SaGa?
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11. This is a failure (by 1).
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima, and her family, have been making this trek for as long as they could (un)humanly remember. La Crima and Trainquia are below decks, getting things prepared leaving Ruidosa on the deck and looking over to Ivo. "...oh look, you discovered...monkies." she says, spreading her hands out before she walks over to Reize Seatlan and---
"Oh, how's the sea sickness?" she asks.
Then she looks to the sky. "When the night comes. So do the drove of friendly vampire bats...!" pause. "Friendly."
"To me. They'll eat the rest of you." she says.
Ivo Galvan
3 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: ARE the animals friendly to Ivo?
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 6).
Reize Seatlan
3 months ago
It is a great day for adventure! It is very often that Reize would be very excited for this sort of thing. Why? For a young boy who dreamed of exploring the world, this is a grand opportunity to do so! In fact, that is how it was earlier in the day! He was taking the gaze into the far waters.
Currently, Reize is curled up against the edge of the ship, clinging, but he isn't completely pale. Although Reize does try to appreciate the atmospheric presence of the life of Oradia's jungle, he is trying to fight his seasickness. For better or worse, the ship is moving rather slow. However, the insects are rather bitey and Reize smacks them away.
Reize offers a smile at Ruidosa with a thumbs up, "I'm managing...!" He gives a smile at her, though the comment about the bats eating the rest of them is met with a frown, "...Hopefully they will not do so as long as you're around."
Ivo Galvan
3 months ago
"Look at you," Ivo lightly replies to Rui, grinning to her. "Admired by bats and marmots alike. How's it feel to be so popular?" After being briefly distracted, he refocused on the spyglass. "I'd better befriend an animal myself so that I don't fall behind-- oh, it's gone."
He sounds disappointed as he loses track of the monkey he was observed, only to startle as it drops from an overhanging vine to land on the railing at the edge of the SaGa. The small primate is not much larger than the banana it holds, its big eyes blinking at Ivo and Rui. Beneath the railing, the waters subtly churn, a hint that whatever predators lurk beneath have noticed, but the monkey seems undeterred. Doubtless this is just the nature of life in the jungle.
"You, uh, curious about this?" Ivo asks, extending his spyglass to the monkey. It examines it closely, pauses, and then extends the little hand clutching its banana. Ivo hesitates too before accepting the banana, at which point the monkey takes the spyglass, trade complete. Placing the spyglass to its eye, it swivels on the railing to look at the suffering Reize.
"Eek ook," it remarks.
"Yeah," Ivo agrees as he peels the banana before taking a bite. "Oh, it's sweet," he murmurs. "I expected the wild variants to be more starchy. Want some?" he asks Rui, offering the monkey's gift to her. "I'd offer some to our fearless leader, but... well. Hang in there, chief."
Reize Seatlan
3 months ago
While it was not comforting to hear about the vampire bats potentially eating them, the interaction with Ivo and the monkey is a sight to behold. He relaxes on the side of the ship, leaning against it, as if it was a life vest, as he watches the two. Witnessing the trade, Reize has a cheerful smile on his face. "You made a new friend, Ivo!"
He waves a hand towards Ivo with a faint smile, sweat running on the side of his face. "Once we get to some sort of land, I'll take you up on the offer." He gives a bright smile, "I'm managing so far!" Nothing can make things worse for him, right?
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima says. "I am friend to all animals!" she scoffs. "I can become many, once you're capable, you see animals differently, Now Don't make me eat you!" she says to Ivo as she looks at Reize and walks over and soothingly pets him. "Don't worry, we'll be on land soon." she says. Pet pet pet.
She looks back to Ivo as he makes the trade deal of a century. "Don't tell mom your secrey,
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima says. "I am friend to all animals!" she scoffs. "I can become many, once you're capable, you see animals differently, Now Don't make me eat you!" she says to Ivo as she looks at Reize and walks over and soothingly pets him. "Don't worry, we'll be on land soon." she says. Pet pet pet.
She looks back to Ivo as he makes the trade deal of a century. "Don't tell mom your secret, she'll be jealous." she scoffs. "I'll have some later. Or you can just eat. I don't care."
Ivo Galvan
3 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: This is a test of the Monkey Alert System
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 8).
Ivo Galvan
3 months ago
"Will she!?" Ivo asks Rui between bites of banana as she moves to comfort Reize, sounding more than a little pleased at the thought of the Lady La Crima being jealous of him. Perhaps this will be an opportunity to grow yet closer to her. After all, he just successfully negotiated with a monkey, so he's basically on a roll, socially speaking. "I'll have to leverage this new alliance carefully... hm?"
He glances toward his alleged ally as the monkey with a spyglass begins to ook excitedly, fixating on something. As the SaGa lazily floats down the Oradian river, the waters about it swirl, obscuring whatever lurks beneath.
"What do you see...?"
He leans in, following the monkey's line of sight.
"...oh, yeah, that's a big bunch of bananas, isn't it."
It's at that moment that, completely ignored, a large form partially emerges from the water to collide with the SaGa, sending the vessel swaying.
"Whoa!" Ivo grips the railing to stabilize, exchanging glances with the equally startled monkey. "Is that...?"
He looks, expecting to see some dire serpent or crocodile, only to blink as he espies a manatee, which appears to be rubbing affectionately against the riverboat, causing it to rock with every nuzzle.
Reize Seatlan
3 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=19.
Comment: CON Save
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 15).
Reize Seatlan
3 months ago
There is a great deal of comfort as Ruidosa pets him. The explorer smiles at his fiancee, bearing the cheerful look with both eyes shut. "Thanks, Rui." He sighs, offering to soothe her comfort, "I should be fine as long as..."
Suddenly, the boat rocks.
...And rocks.
And rocks.
... Reize's face grows pale and shifts to the color green. He hunches over the boat and what follows suit are unpleasant sounds. They are filled with suffering, anguish, and everything negative in life. The seasickness has overcome him.
MmmeeeeEdddiiciine, please. x_x
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Comedy Fall!?
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima scoffs. "Yes she'll be really jealous you we're able to negotiate with a Mon---" nd then the bot rocks suddenly and she's suddenly sent face forward into the deck and says. "---key...."M she says. She pushes her face up off the deck and walks over to Reize and frowns.
"Poor Reizey." she says, rubbing a red face as she peers over the edge of the ship. She expects a serpent of excellent proportions. Instead. Boy that sure is a manatee.%%
"....Oh it's a seacow!" she says.
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Ivo Galvan, Beastmaster, chooses Monkey! Go, Monkey!
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 1).
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Recovering Lunch
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11. This is a success (by 1).
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo decides to believe that the fact that Rui has suffered instant karma for scoffing at him indicates that her mother really *will* be jealous and impressed that he has successfully negotiated with a random monkey. Furthermore, this bodes well for his further partnership with this new animal companion. I mean, everybody *else* has one, so it's about time he made a friend, right? There's no reason why Ivo shouldn't have an animal companion. He can relate to animals.
"I think we'll get along well," Ivo asides to the spyglass-wielding monkey, which is still distractedly scouting bananas along the riverbank from the vantage point of the SaGa's railing. "Would you like to join me for a walking tour of Rosia's finest public art exhibits? I've written an itinerary based on what I gleaned from the gossip in Zerhem."
"Eek ook."
"Excellent. But let us table this discussion," the Cosmopolitan concludes, turning to regard the wan Reize, the red-faced Rui, and the manatee that the latter is now admiring. The seacow continues to nuzzle its new best friend, the Romancing SaGa, with unfortunate results for Reize's vulnerable constitution. "Let us strengthen our partnership with our first act of teamwork. Go! My clever friend!"
Monkey (name TBD, apparently) turns to look at Ivo through the spyglass, presumably quite zoomed in, and hesitates before turn, scampering down the railing, and then boldly leaping down off the ship and onto the manatee's back. Ivo himself looks rather shocked that his "new friend" did something even vaguely related to his command. The monkey then begins looking around with the spyglass from the manatee's back.
The curious seacow pauses briefly, utterly unbothered but at least interested enough in the monkey to give Reize a little respite. Success!!!
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
There is a moment of respite as the manatee stops rocking the boat. It is enough for the young explorer to crawl over away from the edge of the ship and over to Ruidosa's legs. His arms wrap around her legs, face pressed close as if he's clinging for dear life.
"...I.. I am okay."
It will still take him some time to recover. At least he's not foaming in the mouth or anything!
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi there, Seacow, Ruidosa thinks. "Imma name you... Manuel." she says. "Hii Manuel, are you trying to love on the boat, you can't love on the boat, silly, it won't love you back!"
She then eeks as her legs are hugged and she looks down at Reize and frowns a litrle, not an angry frown more of that sad kind of a frown.
"Why do we put you on boats again?" she asks softly.
"Ivo, why do we put Reizey on boats?" she asks.
Because it's silly. That's why.
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+2>=10.
Comment: Perception check (Treasure Hunting, Monkey assist)
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 8).
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
"Because he won't just stay in bird form," Ivo quips back to Rui. "If he would just fly everywhere, that would solve all our problems." What with the manatee's affectionate rampage at least temporarily suspended, he is immediately back to bantering. "Clearly, we should have borrowed Kernunnos again and brought him with us." There's room in Reize's pendant for two eidola now, after all. "But really, for those of us who cannot fly, navigating through Oradia's jungle by water is the only practical option. Traversing the rainforests and marshes on foot is as dangerous as it is tedious."
One wonders if that is a reason why vampires have settled and centralized their aristocracy in such a society.
"But there are all manner of riches to find for those who dare," he continues in a lively tone, "not just relics of the peoples who have long moved with the water's ebb and swell, but rare flora and fauna with extraordinary properties. The nomadic peoples who travel by canoe along this river would know much more, though I've heard they can be cold to outsiders. Perhaps we might treat with them and find some remedy for Reize's condition that they know of in these humid lands..."
"Eeek! Ook!"
Ivo's soliloquoy is interrupted by his manatee-riding monkey companion, who has ended up pointing the skyglass straight up. Looking up at the tangle of vines that at times extends across the river itself, Ivo espies a profusion of large vivid blossoms, white petals stained with indigo for some and deep purple for others, and his eyes widen.
"These I recognize," he exclaims. "Passion flowers -- their berries serve as a sedative and sleep aid, I think." Ivo is no herbalist, merely a repository of trivia. "But they're most famous for serving as a gathering spot for a wild variety of pollinators. If we could gather some of the berries without disturbing the pollinators, maybe..."
Indeed, the tangle of flowers seems to be serving as a hub for a busy variety of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and Ivo seems reluctant to draw Hauteclare to try to cut anything down at range. They are at least floating by slowly enough that there is some time to try to gather something should anyone have the means. But Reize, as his mind clears, may sense something else.
Kernunnos may no longer be with them, as Ivo observed. But his legacy lives on in one particular way...
> A rare beetle has been detected!
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize cannot help but realize how pathetic he feels in this state. He is supposed to be 'The Great Explorer'! As he gathers up his pride, he tries to get himself up to his fet, no longer trying to depend on Ruidosa. Thankfully, with the Manatee no longer rocking the boat, it becomes easier for the explorer to separate from Ruidosa.
"I'm okay... I'm okay."
He catches his breath, then he faces Ivo as he explains about the fauna and flora of Oradia. Of course, he chooses to ignore the part about borrowing Kuernunnos's power to turn into a bird.
As he looks over towards the blossoms, he listens to the older member. However, his eyes soon peel away from Ivo and Ruidosa, now drawn to something else.
A rare beetle!
Reize slowly approaches the beetle, extending his hands out.
"Oooi, I'm a friend. I'm here to just form a bond... a friend would enjoy having you around."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Resist the call of a delicious beetle...
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima is eyeing the flowers when something stops her eyez.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima is eyeing the flowers when something stops her eyes. Is that...
>a rare, delicious beetle has been detected!
When Reize extends his hand out, she suddenly snaps into the air near it. She misses the beetle by inches however, but the intention was clear.
Small thing into mouth. Small things are delicious.
Eat them all, yum yum!
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Monkey-assisted berry gathering
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
While Ivo is focused on the flowers, unaware of the beetle, his knowledge of trivia would fail before the vast diversity of the insect population of the Oradian jungle. Fortunately, Kernunnos's strange blessing has gifted Reize with an intuitive sense of the nature of these rare encounters. The shimmering green beetle is what is known as a jewel beetle, found only in rainforests here in Oradia and the Cosmopolitan plateau, famed for their scintillating gem-like carapaces.
> The Jewel Beetle has been added to the Glossary.
Unfortunately, the party will not yet get to experiment with what one might do with said carapaces.
> ...and removed from the Inventory.
> To a vampire and/or bat, it tastes like candy.
Not party to this tragic saga at the moment, Ivo is pointing up at the passion flowers in the vines above with his off-hand and calling out to his new monkey companion as he belatedly elects to draw Hauteclare. "Target for me, my clever friend!" he calls, apparently having gained a lot of confidence in their capacity for teamwork. "You aim, I fire!"
"Ook eek!" the monkey exclaims from Manuel the Manatee's slippery back, aiming Ivo's spyglass up at the bustle of blossoms and insects. It seems that Ivo is going to try to avoid accidentally disturbing any wasp's nests, literally or figuratively, with the help of a spotter. A spotter that is a monkey he just met. Alright.
"Ready..." He is pointing his flying sword up at the tangle as they slowly float by beneath, prepared to launch at any moment. Is the monkey really going to be able to calculate its trajectory, let alone understand the goal here? "And..."
Ivo launches Hauteclare's blade, which pierces straight through the tangle and emerges above before flipping and returning to its hilt. With a flourish, Ivo sheathes it, and reaches up to catch a branch laden heavily with rare berries. The insects and hummingbirds continue to gather around the flowers, hardly seeming to have noticed Hauteclare's intervention.
"Well, shall we stop at a nearby riverbank village and see if we can trade this for some seasickness remedies or useful information?" he asks cheerily, turning back to his friends. "Or would it be better to rush to the capitol in time for the ball?"
He blinks and pauses.
"...Did something happen?"
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
> Correction: the Jewel Beetle *is* in the Inventory, so it *could* potentially serve as a crafting material and/or ally, and our resident vampire and/or bat does not yet know how it tastes.
> ...FOR NOW.
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Do I manage to suceed in intercepting Ruidosa without falling in the water?
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 4).
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize is drawn towards the gem-like carapace of the beetle. He is about to reach out...
"Ruidosa! No!" He snaps out in shock and horror. Luckily, she does miss in her attempt. As if quickly trying to catch it before she does, he leaps out towards the beetle to catch it.
Luckily, he is safe to capture it, preventing Ruidosa from eating it. "No eating the beet--AAAACCKK!" Reize is right at the edge of the ship, on the verge of falling off. However, he manages to push himself back from the edge and on the ground.
He is in pain, but he does raise both hands in victory. "I... I did it." He managed to save the beetles before his fiancee could eat one.
"No eating our potential allies," He admonishes Ruidosa, while he is still lying on his back, gazing at the sky in slight pain.
Once Ivo is able to give his attention to the group, Reize chimes out, while lying on his back. "We caught a Jewel Beetle."
2 months, 3 weeks ago
It is at this point that Daiby emerges from below decks. Daiby is wearing a bathing dress, which in this case is not actually something you wear into the bath but something you wear just after it so that you can soak in the joy of having just had a relaxing hot bath!
Did she have a relaxing hot bath?
Is that even possible on this ship?
Either way it's all white and gauzy and flimsy, and in the steady cool and dank breeze of a gothic castle it ripples and clings attractively. Right now it just kind of sits. Her hair is also swaddled up into a towel.
"Oh, hello," she addresses Reize, having been just in time to hear it! The big news! "Oooo! Let me see." The Beetle may be out and clearly visible but she'd taken that time to towel off her face, potentially occluding vision. Her voice lifts a little. "Ruidosa, who are you eating? I suppose I should say 'what'."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh no, it's a quick time event.
The beetle slips her teeth and she misses a temporary power bonus. She frowns and huffs. "It's just a bug... and it fits in my mouth." she says with a pout. She looks to Diaby. Eyes look up and down her manner of dress. "Hold on, are you trying to give Ivo a nosebleed?" she asks arching a brow.
Then she says. "Just a beetle. Ally my cute butt." she huffs.
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
After their castaway travails on their tropical island redoubt, Ivo needed to invest what resources they had into repairing and upgrading the Romancing SaGa so that it would be ready for their next adventure. Given the expense of simply bringing it back into full functionality, any choice about what features to add to it would have to be made very judiciously, with sober reflections on the trade-offs involved.
So he added a soaking tub belowdecks, because Daiby off-handedly asked him to do so one time.
"A jewel of any sort pales in comparison to the exquisite beauty of our snake-charmer," he flatters shamelessly. Ivo seems fairly composed despite Daiby's breathtaking arrival, in part because he has been mentally preparing himself this whole time, and in part because she has moved him to a sort of rapturous transcendence. "But let me see-- oh." Ivo then blinks, admiring the beetle. "That *is* an impressive specimen. Even in the jungles of Cosmopolis, I've never seen one quite like it. What about you, Daiby?"
He looks to her again, and then startles, looking dazed by her radiance. Becoming curious about the beetle caused him to lower his guard mentally, and now her appearance has hit him full on, belatedly. The branch laden with passion flower berries nearly slips from his hand. Ivo may need a moment.
Meanwhile, if the Jewel Beetle is aware that it escaped such peril, it does not indicate this, seeming calm in Reize's grasp, as though sensing a kindred spirit. But can Reize commune or communicate with it, given Kernunnos's blessing, or must they seek one with further talents if they wish to form a proper alliance with this precious specimen?
"Ah," Ivo eventually blurts. "Did-- did we decide if we wanted to stop by a nearby nomadic encampment? Or should we continue straight on to the capitol to prepare for the ball?"
He genuinely wasn't paying attention. The Daiby Effect in action.
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d2.
Comment: Surprise Visit? 1 yes 2 no
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1.
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize now has to protect the beetle from his fiancee. "No eating the beetles!" There is a pause as Daiby makes her presence known as she arrives up to the deck with them. He brightens to a smile as he calls out towards Daiby. "Oooi, Daiib---" Ah, she is in quite an attire. He shakes his head, coughing a bit as he turns his head away.
He will avoid incurring Ruidosa's wrath. He does place an arm around Ruidosa, "We'll get you something to eat, just... not those. You remember Kernunnos, right?" Maybe that can dissuade Ruidosa from eating them.
Ivo is now the center of the boy's focus, then he smiles a bit more, "We can continue straight ahead for now. I'm doing better now." He looks over towards the Jewel Beetle, a kindred spirit. "Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to communicate and you'll be able to help us on our journey." Of course, he'll protect the beetle from Ruidosa.
But who will protect Reize?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, or by some cue, a swarm of bats descend onto Reize and start swirling around his face. They are ignoring Ivo and Daiby. They're just straight up assaulting Reize on the face like a flurry. There is only muffled sounds, 'GETEMOFFGETEMOFF'.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
"Hm? Ivo's always had nosebleed a lot," Daiby tell Ruidosa: "NosebleedS. I mean, it's just how he is! It's like saying that someone with a much fairer complexion than me won't have as comfortable a time in the sun," she concludes with an elegant shrug of one shoulder. "Do you really eat beetles like that, uncooked and everything? I hope that doesn't sound judgmental--"
BEHOLD! Ivo! "The scales have quite the sparkling iridesence to them," Daiby muses. "If there's one that flakes off I'd like to look closely at it, but I'm not entirely sure... I should say 'what'."
Then come bats. "Oh! I couldn't possible, Reize, but remember, they're just as scared as you! They don't actually want to tangle in your hair!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima huffs and narrows her eyes. "I'm not the only one that wants that..." she says. "You'll see, you all will see!" she says looking around the area. And then bats.
Just bats. Ruidosa lets this happen, she doesn't stop it.
"They want the beetle. If you let them have it but not me...!" she says grumpily
She looks at Daiby, she looks at Ivo. She looks between the two. "...Ah."
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
"Then let's proceed on to Rosia, the crown jewel of Oradia," Ivo replies, smiling, "and see what they know of Jewel Beetles there. We would not want to be late to the party, after all -- or at least, unfashionably so." His smile broadens as he turns it back to Daiby. "In Zerhem, I heard tell of a nomadic riverside tribe that worships great serpents and hosts a festival to them. They play flutes in celebration and then leave them at the riverbank as an offering. Perhaps we can learn more of where they are located now and pay them a visit while we're in the area to learn what they know of the local snakes."
It's creative, as date ideas go.
"Though we may also want to investigate the local fashions," he adds. "I also heard that while the peoples that tend to trade with travelers have adopted clothing in the styles of central Granse and Hagos, some more remote communities go naked."
Not that there's any particular reason he's thinking about that.
"We wouldn't want to expose Reize to any unbecoming influences." Yes, surely their fearless leader is the only one to worry about here. "I mean, just look at how popular he is!"
Ivo, still smiling, gestures to the cloud of bats. ...He doesn't help either.
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Scared of him as he is of them, huh?! Reize is protecting the Jewel Beetle, not wanting to let them even touch the beetle. After securing the beetle into his satchel within a holed bottle, he tries to flail around and shake them off.
However, there are a few words in the midst of explicitives that a certain vampire would be able to decipher:
'We got you now, ----'
'She's too good for you.'
'Stupid ape'
'For the heir!'
The agonized muffled screams continue as Reize tries to flee. Eventually, he takes a daring leap off the boat with the satchel tossed aside.
After flailing for a short period, he manages to start climbing back up. "Nggghhh..." He frowns at the group. "...Afraid of me as well, huh." His antenna hair is flopped down, Reize looking akin to a wet dog as he sighs, clinging onto the rail. "...Yeah, Rosia is a good idea about now."
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Does Manuel the Manatee at least help Reize a little?
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
2 months, 3 weeks ago
"Oh my, how scandalous! Are the serpent people you spoke of, Ivo, are they the ones who go /nude/?" says Daiby, as a rippling breeze washes over her body and makes the dress ripple and cling suggestively. Even as she looks over towards Reize, until he throws away his satchel --
"Oh, he'll want this," she declares, pottering forward to collect the satchel carefully. Back to Ruidosa: "That IS interesting, I've never known of beetle eating bats. Maybe they're hungry? There might be a shortage of insects."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima laughs as she crosses her arms but then Reize takes a RUNNING LEAP INTO THE WATER!?
She runs after and help s him up out of the water at least, as she sighs and pouts. "Ugh sorry. Are you okay? Are you wet?" she gently tries raising the antenna hair and it just falls back down. Sad Ruidosa.
She looks over to Daiby. "I think they we're upset on my behalf." she says. She then eyes Ivo.
"Ivo, why do you wanna go to a nudist colony? aren't you afraid they're all gonna laugh at you!?"
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo reaches up to cup his chin thoughtfully, like a cool guy would in this sort of situation.
"I-I-I'm not sure," he replies to Daiby. "W-we'll have to look into it once we get to Rosia and see w-w-what we'd have to expect when we got there..."
Nailed it.
"Ah, excuse me, my nose seems a little stuffed up... hm?"
While Manuel the Manatee gets excited over Reize's visit to the waters below, Ivo's monkey friend takes this opportunity to return to the ship and scamper over along the railing.
"Eek! Ook!"
The little monkey gestures towards the branch of berries in Ivo's hand and then extends the spyglass it had traded with Ivo for previously. The magitechnician blinks and hesitates a moment before smiling again.
"At least *someone* here respects me," he sniffs, deigning to overlook Ruidosa's barbs as he treats with the monkey, his real friend. "Of course -- you should have at least half for your contributions," he then says, breaking off part of the branch laden with passion flower berries and giving it to the monkey. In exchange, the fair-minded monkey gives Ivo's spyglass back. "Really? I can have it again?"
"Ook! Ook!"
"But you liked it so much. Come back for it then, when the time is right. My faithful, clever friend... I will call you... Fidelio!"
"Eek!" With a last cry, their little monkey companion leaps onto a hanging vine as the SaGa floats by it and scampers away, bringing precious berries with it, as Ivo waves after his new friend.
"Farewell, Fidelio!"
It is a sweet and tender moment, only somewhat undermined by the fact that Ivo's nose is bleeding.
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize will remember this, Ruidosa!
As the boy emerges from the water like a wet dog, he dryly gazes at Ruidosa, "...They were targeting me after all." He sighs, muttering as she does move to help him from the water, "Well, at least I'll be out of the..."
Suddenly, the excited Manuel approaches the boy, and thus the youth loses his footing as the manatee pulls Reize back in.
Reize slips out of Ruidosa's hands.
Reize is back in the water. It will take a bit for him to get out of it.
W H Y?
2 months, 3 weeks ago
"Oh no, were you having a spat?" Daiby asks Rui, sympathetically. After this, she looks to Ivo - "Oh! You'll have to introduce me to your monkey lat... er... oh goodness Rui dear had just mentioned your nosebleeds and here they are. Tsk tsk~ I wish I had a handkerchief to offer you, Ivo..." She heaves a huge sign.
And then goes over to the gunwales to look over Reize as he falls back into the water. "This really isn't the time of day to go swimming," she muses, steepling her hands together. "You might get lost in the dark and injure yourself trying to come ashore!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: The Great Reizey Airlift
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima eyes Ivo's nosebleed. "I knew it!" she says. No explanation beyond that.
She then eeps as Reize is back in the water and she turns into a bat in a black poof of smoke and tries lifting Reize out of the water. Flap flap flap.
OH no, he's too wet.
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Assist check (encourage Reize to change classes to Manatee Rider)
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 7).
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo, with his spyglass regained, raises it to his eye to follow where Reize and Rui have gone over the side of the SaGa, the latter in an attempt at rescue.
"Reize!" he calls. "Now is the time to rise to the occasion! Stand tall atop Manuel and lay claim to your new role as the Manatee Rider of Oradia! Your legend as an adventurer is only just beginning!"
He turns to Daiby.
"I think that should h-- hhhnn--"
But he unthinkingly keeps his spyglass raised, giving him a momentary zoomed in view of Daiby in her post-bathing garb, forcing him to place a hand upon his vulnerable nose.
"Th-this climate-- the change in humidity must be--"
Yes, it's a shame how things are so damp and clinging here. Good luck, Reize. It's all you.
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Do I Become A Manatee Rider?!
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 8).
Reize Seatlan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Swimming has aways been a pitfall of Reize. He is not one with the water, or the sea in general. However, his aid comes in the form of Ruidosa in bat form, who tries to help him out.
...Unfortunately, he's too heavy due to the water. "Arggh!" When Ivo tries to encourage him, the boy tries his best to get out, he grits his teeth and he says, "I can do it!.... I can do it!" He starts to ride onto the back of the manatee...
Back into the water.
Inside of Reize's bottle. It shakes, shakes.... and suddenly bursts out! It is the shimmering glowing Jewel Beetle! As if on cue, it descends past Ruidosa and moves to the water.
...annnnd it carries Reize back up and promptly settles the boy down into the shore.
>>> The bond with the Jewel Beetle has been forged.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima still attached to Reize and flapping as a blue-furred bat, is failing at her one job. ;_;%
Then the beetle saves the day. The Beetle. Saves the day.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO." she screeches. "The beetle can't save you only I can, you aren't to be married to the beetle. THAT'S ME!" she cries.
Sad bat in the jungle shores. ;_;
Ivo Galvan
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Ivo, covering the lower half of his face, watches in bewilderment as, of all things, the little green beetle, glowing with power, is able to carry the beraggled Reize onto the deck of the SaGa. Now this is one for the chronicles.
> Discovering a new rare beetle has enhanced the legacy of Kernunnos!
> Reize has acquired a new active ability: Empower Beetle. For a brief time, a rare beetle companion with sufficient aether may surge with strength and assist with support or defense.
Perhaps it is a trick of the light as dusk descends, but in the distance, on a horizon dense with jungle trees, one might see the hazy visage of the great stag eidola, slowly nodding in approval.
"This world never ceases to amaze," Ivo, muffled, asides to Daiby, seemingly unpreturbed by Ruidosa's wails of outrage and despair. "I fear to ask what wonders we will witness next."
> The Jewel Beetle has acquired a new title: "Potential Fiancee."
"See! That's why I didn't ask!"