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Before the Vampire Ball

Scene details

Setting: Our heroes have at last escaped the remote seabound domain of the Isle of Blessed Winds only to be immediately dragooned into a new endeavor: getting all cleaned up for a fancy Vampire Ball in the cultured nation of Oradia. That's what happens when you get all distracted by one side quest and your deadlines are timing out on the others.


  It had been a little while since the group settled back to Granse after a long and treacherous journey through the Zel'rik Archipelago. There had been many things awaiting the group: a bill from Jimmy and Prince Constatin for maintaining the shop, a few instances of crabs trying to revolt again, and many other sorts.

 Now, the group are settled within the manor. The La Crima manor is, by the mood, a dark, yet hauntingly beautiful area. It has the Victorian-era vibes to it, added with the vintage appearance. The group are currently gathered at the lobby itself, where they can have nice tea together.

  Reize is dressed rather different, likely urged upon him by his semi-mother-in-law; his hair is slicked back, yet the ahoge remains defiant. The attire is more of a suit, one befitting a noble figure. He is trying to relax against the chair, though he furrows his eyebrows at the suit. Beside him is a saucer filled with tea.

 For now, Reize looks like a proper 'La Crima' family inductee.

Lady La Crima, indeed, wanted Reize to look good. So she pressed the issue of proper attire. In turn, she did not touch the precious ahoge. She might had threatened it otherwise. She did not do so loudly however. It was heavily implied though, through actions.

Ruidosa was with Tranquila getting fit for dresses and the two chatted and teased one another and then Ruidosa joined Reize, resplendent in a beautiful blue dress, with a large splayed skirt. She looked at Reize. And blushed. "Oh.. oh that's wonderful!" she says. "You look wonderful!"

She giggled a little. Tranquila, then also joined, resplendent herself in a yellow dress. "He's fine." she said, fixing her glasses.

"It's good to be home. I was going crazy on that island...!" she says.

"I miss the beach..." said Tranquila.

"I hate you." says Ruidosa to Tranquila.

 Freedom at last, or so one might think, but loose ends dangle like on a shadowcat-shredded tapestry. The Catgirl Mafia who originally Reizenapped our hero have quietly withdrawn to the lair of the so-called Beastkeepers, whom the party still have not properly met and whom will surely be interested in the Tempestquell they've recovered from the depths of the sea. The mysterious and abandoned wind elemental village, assembled as though organically of pale green crystal in the caldera of the isle's central volcano, has shed its shroud of miasma thanks to the Star Chasers' efforts and is worthy of further investigation and, perhaps, negotiation between sapient wind elementals to restore it. And even as they were leaving the isle with the more-or-less repaired Romancing SaGa, dots on the horizon seemed to indicate that, with the winds at last subdued and with them the sea monster who entrapped them, observers were arriving to determine who was responsible. Even with the bill paid to poor Jimmy and Constantin, there is much that could be done, that could be said.
 Ivo, of all people, should care most about this. Not only due to his conveniently sidequest-curious temperament, but because Cosmopolis has been in a highly restive period since opening up, a tumult of rebellious versus reactionary elements with a suspicious eidola-worshipping cult in the mix, and they've been away for a while. Plus, rumors abound that Castia intends to encroach on Granse in search of the fallen city Arcadios, and if nothing else, this is a key opportunity for Cosmopolis to at last assume again its role of global diplomat and prevent an international incident.
 "Exquisite tea," Ivo gallantly says, beaming between sips. "As much as I enjoyed the rustic cultivar we discovered on the isle, nothing surpasses the elegance of a leaf that has been specically cultivated and brewed by experts."
 His tattered garments have been replaced by a suit that he spent hours shopping for and assembling in Zerhem for this purpose. Lively and relaxed as his face is, his eyes practically gleam with intensity. He is *ready* for a *ball*.
 "Am I correct in my understanding that we are traveling to Oradia for this fine event?" he remarks. "I would be glad to volunteer the SaGa for a river tour through the jungle on our way to the capitol, if we have not tired of its inadequate lodgings." He ponders a moment. "Given historically strong relations between our pluralistic nations, it is possible that Cosmopolis has already re-established an embassy there, and if so, I shall make contact."
 Yeah, aren't you, like, supposed to be a governor of a district in Cosmopolis? Didn't you pass that off to Fabroxo of all people? And then didn't he leave and also get stuck on the isle with you?
 "Such stunning beauties!" he exclaims, focusing on more important matters, as Rui and Tranquila emerge. "I am awestruck." He's even complimenting Rui unironically now. Must be her new title. "I do hope we have the honor of the full trio of lovely La Crima ladies joining us on this venture again. You were the flowers of the isle."
 He takes a sip of tea and glances to the side, pausing.
 "I wonder if Fox ever attended any balls as a princess..."
 What, not enough [JUICE] for you in this household?

  Upon seeing Ruidosa's outfit, Reize's smile grows. He reaches over for her hand and he gives a bright smile. "You are quite lovely, Rui." He gives an earnest smile. When Tranquila joins in, the young man greets her with a grin, "You too, Tranq.

 He muses thoughtfully, looking over towards Ivo. "That is a good point. We'll be going to a new region, huh?" He brightens, "Maybe we can see what is around Oradia as well!" He furrows his eyebrows, "I remember one of the people from my village had moved out there to become a painter."

Lady La Crima answers Ivo. "Oh, we'll all be going. This is a very important ball my father holds. A very grand event!" she says. "I don't mind being on the boat again. It's nice to travel."

"I'm not getting back on that boat!" says Ruidosa.

"You are! We'll all go by the boat." says Lady La Crima. Ruidosa sulks. "Argh!"

Ruidsoa gives Ivo a look, a look that says 'you're a jerk I hate you for mentioning a jungle cruise. I *DID* gain that title fair and square...!'

She looks to Reize and smiles. "Thank you. This will be fun!"

"You're not telling him the truth..." says Tranquila.

"Eh?" asks Ruidosa.

 "The history books in Cosmopolis were of necessity dated," Ivo replies to Reize, half-full teacup still upraised, as though aiming to give his fearless leader some practice in polite conversation before the ball, "what with the city being sealed for over a century. But I recall reading that Oradia was able to devote the majority of its wealth to culture rather than the military due to the natural defenses and the luxury goods afforded by the jungle and its climate. When traveling from the north, the riverway snakes southwest and then east, lengthening the journey, but the alternative is a challenging route through the jungle itself. Those who can navigate otherwise, such as by flight, are at an immediate advantage."
 He smiles gamely to the vampires in attendance, of which there are at least a few, and his eyes settle upon the Lady La Crima, because of course they do.
 "Though there is no masterpiece that could compare to your beauty," he shamelessly flatters, "I do look forward to the abundance of art, courtesy of the beneficence of the royal family. It is said that the queen is an avatar of Eradina, the Goddess of Purification, did you know?"
 Ivo is really going at this conversation. It has been so long since he's been in a truly aristocratic environment like this that he is *vibing*. It's a good thing everyone here is so very well-mannered.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Reize picking up on social etiquette cues (Level up?!)
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 5).

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 3 months, 1 week ago

  Societal nuance and pleasantry is an important part of civilization. While some might argue that the refinement and orderly elegance of the nobility is extraneous to a functional society, a meaningless drain on valuable resources that serves only to enforce artificial barriers between the classes.

  "SHORTSIGHTED FOOLS!" The unmistakable, shrill scream of one Fabroxo lastnameunknown echoes out through the La Crima's previously peaceful lobby. A door slams open, revealing the man himself, dressed to the proverbial nines in a slick suit of his own.

  No, like, it's really slick though, he's still coated in a thick layer of grease and machine oil like he basically always is. Fabroxo's outfit, though unmistakably fine, practically droops off of his wiry frame, shimmering with every movement.

  "BEHOLD! Inside voice." The eccentric inventor's volume abruptly drops to a level that seems unlike anything heard from him before, though an electric undercurrent of enthusiasm still runs through his speech. He quickly moves forward, smoothly pulling out a chair for himself and delicately seating himself in a hunched forward position, eyes shining more even than his slick suit. With only slightly more care than usual, he places a mostly unadorned bronze cylinder on the table on front of him.

  "I thank you for the invitation, Ivo my boy, and I thank you as well for hosting this lovely event, Madam La Crima. I am confident I will have finished testing on my thank you letters within the week. However!" He places one banged up, somewhat bandaged hand on top of his latest device. "For too long has the culture of high society stagnated, lacking in the innovation that is necessary, fundamental to progress. Yet worry not!" With a flick of the wrist, he twists a hidden knob on his mystery invention, upon which...a tube extends from the front of it, steam faintly emanating from the aperture.

  "I, the great Fabroxo, present to you a revolution, a total reimagining of the one of the cornerstones of refinement. Tea!"

 As La Crima explains about the ball, Reize quirks an eyebrow, "Can you tell us more about the ball itself?" He tilts his head to the side, the curiosity growing. Ivo's explanation does help fill Reize in a bit, "Oh, I see... Thanks, Ivo!" As for the tea, he takes the cup and he downs the tea in a swig. "Hm... this is fine."

 No level-up in etiquitte for Reize.

 The quip between Ruidosa and her mother does earn a faint smile and he approaches her to give her a pat on her shoulder. "There there..."


 "...Ah? Truth?"

  Suddenly, Fabroxo! Reize has a large sweatbead formed over the back of his head and then he eyes the tube with steam emnating from it. "...Ooooh." Reize is impressed!

Lady La Crima claps politely at the revelation of ''tea!''

Ruidosa says. "I'm not drinking that."

Tranquila says. "I might die if I drink that!" she says cheerfully. "Can I try it?"

Lady La Crima regards Ivo next. "There will be plenty of art, and hob knobbing with royalty at the ball. It's not just all vampires. Just mostly vampires. ... Lots of us."

Tranquila narrows her eyes at Ruidosa next. Ruidosa stares at Tranquila with a dumb founded expression until a look of realization hits her face.


"Yes!" says Tranquila.

Ruidosa stares at Reize. "You know what, this ball was a dumb idea let's all stay home!"

"''Ruidosa...!''" says La Crima.

"Ugh fine!" says Ruidosa as she looks to Reize. "Reize. Look..." she says. "There's this jerk. Who thinks. I am his fiance. This is not true, I promise, but this doesn't stop this jerk because nothing gets through to him. The Duke... Gallito..." she says, with narrowed eyes.

"He's... probably going to fight you. Or do something equally as dumb. Let's. Stay home."

"We're not staying home!" says La Crima.

"UGH!" complains Ruidosa.

 Ivo rises from his seat, instinctively setting aside his teacup. How little he knows in doing so, he rightly discards the dim past for the bright FUTURE of TEA.
 "You look... slick!"
 Right again. But as he says this, seemingly otherwise mesmerized by Fabroxo's impassioned soliloquoy, Ivo is flashing back to a conversation on the isle in which he had informed Fabroxo, his partner in magitech mischief and technically not crime, that they were searching for tea to appease the tempestuous wind elemental Wuther. He is now wondering if maybe, at some point, he *might* have failed to mention that they happened to *find* a tea plant growing wild on the isle, and if perhaps due to that, Fabroxo just... kept working on it.
 Well, whatever.
 Ivo glances first to Tranquila, truly a woman after his own heart in her display of enthusiasm for innovation, and then to Reize at Ruidosa's revelation. A rival? To their chief? At a ball?
 "Nonsense," the Cosmopolitan exclaims as Rui proposes skipping the party. "A gallant adventurer yearns for the opportunity to serve as his lady's shield. Case in point!" He strides forward to dramatically interpose himself between his friend Fabroxo and the enthusiastic Tranquila, as though this were necessary, and, smiling boldly, extends his hand to the bombastic inventor. "Please, allow me the honor of the first sip of the future!"
 Is the drink safe? If it weren't, would that have any effect on vampire physiology? Is there any meaning whatsoever to Ivo drinking it first? If you have these questions...
 Consider the *vibes*.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 3 months, 1 week ago

  "Hah hah, worry not, you scamp! So long as you don't exceed the recommended dosage, the rate of mortality should be well below twenty percent!" Fabroxo is all smiles at the welcome as warm as his beverage concoction is hot. With another smooth motion of his hand, he produces several very small bronze teacups, and here he does falter momentarily.

  "However, I must express remorse, as I believe another material would have provided a more refined experience." His brow furrows at the difficulties of his craft, rewarding though they might be. "The waveform kept causing the glassware to distort, and I have yet to find an adequate solution. For my solution, I suppose, ho ho! Ahh, wordplay."

  With the pleasant glow of a successful bon mot, Fabroxo places his small teacup under the spigot and carefully deploys the tea over which he has labored for so long. There is barely a thimbleful, though it does seem to be producing a disproportionate amount of steam to its size.

  "Now then, Ivo, prepare yourself for the cutting edge in tea efficiency, a beverage that surpasses all known limitations for a complete sensory experience. The future is here, and you're about to imbibe it!" He proffers the teacup out to Ivo, holding it steady despite how it appears to be vibrating independently.

  Reize, for the most part, is excited to travel out to Oradia. However, what he is less excited about is the fact that he'll have to wear the noble suit. Oh, Gallito? Reize listens to the explanation on the duke. "...Oh. So he'll challenge me." His antenna hair flops, "Well, I'll take him up on his challenge, if he wants to challenge me!" Reize has resolve in his eyes.

  He furrows his eyebrows a bit, "... How long before the painter comes," Reize complains to Ruidosa. "We're supposed to be getting a painting done for adding it into the manor, right?" He scratches the back of his head.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Save vs. THE FUTURE
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 2).

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d4.
Comment: Reputation Progress...!?
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d4.
Comment: Affection Progress...!?
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3.

La Crima watches the going ons with the tea with curiosity as Tranquila stands there to let him tank the tea for her, Such a gentlemen!....

>> Ivo's Reputation With Tranuila +1!
>> Affection Progress with Ivo!: +3

Tranquila sighs, vibing in the moment.

Ruidosa La Crima looks over to Reize. "The painter will be here when he gets here. I'm positive he's on his way. He has to bring a big canvas! Once he gets us sketched we'll be able to move back into normal clothes." she says.

She then softens her gaze. "Are you sure you're up for fighting for my hand like that...? It'll be bad enough with grandfather you know..."

"..He uh..."

"He dislikes humans. A lot." chimes in Lady La Crima.

 "The future," Ivo breathes reverently as he accepts the teacup from Fabroxo as one would a sacred vessel, only to somewhat ruin the moment as the cloud of suspiciously dense steam envelops his face. He may not have much faith in his poison resistance, but he does have a knack for surviving ill-advised scientific experiments and, in the presence of beauties to impress (I mean, just look at Fabroxo in that suit -- it's so baggy, who *knows* what's under there, really makes you wonder), his own otherwise strong sense of self-preservation is overcome. "To new adventures into the unknown!" he toasts, appropriately enough, and takes a sip.
 A beat of silence passes.
 "There is no need for a painter," Ivo abruptly interjects. "I am painter enough... with my mind."
 It is uncharacteristic that Ivo would not immediately follow up on his gallantry by flirting with Tranquila, which was surely his plan, but at a glance, nothing has changed about his posture or expression -- until one looks to his eyes and sees that his pupils have dilated dangerously. And then, having noticed that, one will see a single tear beginning to trickle down his cheek.
 "To think that a flavor and aroma could be so complex," Ivo says, his voice beginning to break, "its taste changing as though responsive to my thoughts before I know them. Why, it could obviate the need for tea of different varietals. Fabroxo, I am... deeply moved..."
 Wow, this Future Tea must be really good.
 "And the imp on your shoulder, did it assist you in your research?"
 At least, if you imagine it to be.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 3 months, 1 week ago

  Fabroxo waits with bated breath as Ivo performs this first field test, until the self-sacrificing young mind is MOVED TO TEARS by the EXQUISITE FLAVOR. Yes, yes!

  "Ah, an unquestionable success! Indeed, my findings indicate the flavors to be so intricate and complex than a human-like tongue simply cannot appreciate the full breadth of experience contained within." Producing another cup, Fabroxo fills it in a similar fashion, inhaling deeply of its steamy fragrance with a happy sigh.

  "Still, even in this state, I am confident it will destroy all misconceived preconceptions in any social situation, even an event such as the one we now discuss." He takes a sip, delicately placing the teacup back down.

  "And the effect shall be even greater once I reinvent the tongue, an inevitability now that I have received inspiration from a divine spirit itself. An imp...named SCIENCE!" Fabroxo half-rises with a triumphant shout, stopping dead as though frozen in an awkward pose over the table.

  He stays there. A rivulet of drool begins to run down the corner of his mouth.

 There is a promise to fight on Ruidosa's behalf. After all, he is her fiancee. There is a level of comfort that the painter will be on their way as well. He wants to get back to his usual traveling attire as soon as possible.

 The mention of Ruidosa's grandfather is noted, but it is Ivo that has stolen Reize's attention.

 Watching the Big Brother of the group take a sip of the tea, he blinks. "Oh, that seems very norm----" And then there is a subtle tear running down the man's cheek.

 Imp on the shoulder?

  "...Uh, Ivo?" Reize is immediately reaching into his satchel for some form of antidote, only to realize that he is not wearing his satchel because he is in the noble attire. "Getting something now!" Reize is running off to procure an antidote for Ivo.