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Final Battle: Quelling the Tempest
Scene details
Setting: Our heroes activate the Tempestquell in the depths of the Infernex to purge it of its lingering miasma and cleanse the environs. But as the air clears, so the earth trembles, and the seas themselves stir...
Ivo Galvan
4 months, 1 week ago
As Ivo raises the jade orb dubbed the Tempestquell and thrusts it toward the swirling miasma above, standing atop a crystalline dais around which vestiges of undead elementals swarm, a long journey is captured in a single moment.
BGM Change:
The click of the relic "key" lent to them by Lether seems to echo through the cacophanous battle, audible to Reize and Rui even amidst their coordinated battle to fend off the vestiges of this forsaken village. The foes they have not yet vanquished seem to hesitate, given them opportunity to witness the effects. As Ivo, filthy and sweat-stained from their struggles, watches in perplexity and awe, traces of pale green begin to rise from the orb like unspooling threads being woven into the garment of the air. Where they travel, the noxious violet fades as the winds die, as though the momentum of the vortex had been keeping the lingering rage of Wuther and Scirocco's battle afloat. The barrier of force and poison that had perpetually darkened the caldera overhead is dispersing.
A shaft of sunlight pierces down, illuminating the party as the forbidding clouds break and a slice of sky is revealed. The Tempestquell, glimmering in that hopeful ray, extends its threads further. The vestiges, transfixed, come undone where the beautiful tracing threads touch them, as though themselves unraveling. The winds that composed their corporeal forms and bound their spirits here are being quelled too. The seafoam green crystalline structures that had once, perhaps, been their homes shimmer in the dawning light.
And at last, for a moment, there is peace, a silence unbroken. A breeze caresses our heroes and, for once, it is gentle. The first sound heard is a tentative birdsong. Ivo, lips quirking up in the corners, involuntarily begins to relax his arms.
But as the sky clears, so the earth begins to tremble.
"Reize! Rui...!"
Ivo nearly fumbles the orb in his grasp as the volcano begins to quake, steading himself on the crystalline dais and looking urgently toward his allies. The ground shakes and then begins to crack and split, almost as though the strain of the Infernex had been what was holding the crumbling underground together. Vents of scorching hot air begin to release scalding plumes as the magitechnician beckons desperately for them to join him at the top of the ancient shrine where he still stands.
"I'm not sure why this is happening, but we've got to get out of here!" he calls. "The air's finally clear, so Rui, you should be able to fly safely. Reize, can you call your vulture friends!? We--"
A keening cry cuts through the din, not from below, where the caldera yet shudders, but from above. The longed-for sun is tragically shadowed one last time by a terrible sight: a giant winged sea serpent, sheathed in scales that glimmer like the ocean whence it came, the very creature that had shipwrecked the Romancing SaGa and condemned them here. With the poisons dispersed, it may now come to vent its fury at the winds that had so long tormented its sensitive senses.
> The exocoatl is approaching! Prepare to meet it!
> The party may choose to fight in air or on the ground.
> Summonable companions are again available.
Reize Seatlan
4 months, 1 week ago
Reize is able to take a break from the battle as Ivo draws upon the Tempestquell at the center. As the relic key clicks, the audiable sound directs his attention to see the sight of the area. The barrier of the force and poison dispersing provides some relief.
"Ah....!" His eyes light up, "We've done it!" He cheers, dropping to a knee while panting.
There is the sight of the giant sea serpent making its way.
Reize's companions: Shamshir Vulture, Cranky Tortoise, Marmot.
Reize extends a hand to the air as he drapes a cloak over his shoulder. As soon as the cloak comes down, there is a volt of vultures coming down. The boy spreads his arms and the vultures grab a hold of the boy.
He takes flight in the sky. Reize extends a hand out to shoot the Hookshot EX. It is holding on tightly, reaching out for Ivo to take grasp of.
"Let's go!"
Ivo Galvan
4 months, 1 week ago
As the party bravely takes to the skies with the aid of the vulture flock, the earth below them churns, the tainted soil drawn into the depths of the volcano as it belches smoke and ash, some of the shimmering green edifices splintering into shards and disappearing from view.
"Can't lose this..."
Perhaps his thoughts are scattered at facing this new duress at what seemed like a moment of triumph, but Ivo, before even thinking of his safety, is securing the Tempestquell to the harness he had belted to him for the initial climb down. This is an irreplaceable beastkin relic in need of much further study and which he had nearly fumbled moments ago. Only then does he look up and see not only that his friends are flying away but that Reize is, of all things, aiming the Hook Shot EX at him. Ivo's expression goes deadpan. Ah, the Hook Shot EX, renowned for always working.
"Well," he quips, "as its creator, who am I to complain?"
Perhaps his comment is meant to amuse any lingering elemental spirits. If any do linger, they are much more likely to be amused at what happens next. The Hook Shot EX does, in fact, work, but being guided by vacuum aspected aether, it is drawn not to Ivo's grasp but to the most potent source of aether on his person: the Tempestquell. Its point suctions magically to the orb and yanks Ivo into the air like he were a cat carried by its scruff.
"I shouuuld have aaanticipaaated thiiiis--"
With the tempest cleared, the strongest winds are those stirred by the exocoatl itself. Its great scaled wings, reminiscent of rainbow feathers in the gleaming sun, pump ferociously, stirring up a gale that the disciplined vulture flock may ride. The flying sea serpent circles, by all appearances looking fitfully for some sort of target upon which to vent its spleen.
"W-we shouldn't need to fight!" Ivo yells, voice shaking as he bounces about like a bungee jumper. "If we can retreat to the sand sledge, we can regroup and retreat--!"
But as the flock crests the lip of the crater, it is clear that the party is the only viable target for the enraged monster. With a flick of its serpentine tail, as though it were swimming through the air, the titanic exocoatl turns and begins to rapidly pursue.
"Reize! Rui! Can you hold it off until we get to the sledge--!?"
Their megamarmot-powered sand sledge has been parked at the base of the cliffs, equipped with the Iris-improved siege weapon they had used to clear cacti before and, of course, the ultimate siege weapon, the Cranky Tortoise. But they will need to dive down through the air to descend the cliffs and if the exocoatl dives after them and catches up, it might simply swallow them all whole in its massive unhinged jaws before they reach it.
Ivo's Hauteclare is in no condition for aerial combat. Is there anything his allies can do against such a gargantuan foe in midair?
Reize Seatlan
4 months ago
Upon being fully airborne thanks to the vultures, Reize looks over his shoulder to see the exocotl flying out towards their path. It appears that they are all of its collective target. A look of panick forms upon his features before looking over at Ivo's condition.
Ivo is thnkfully hanging on, if only because of the Tempestquell tied to the Hookshot EX. With the plan explained, Reize gives a nod. "Okay! Just get us to the sand sledge and we should be good!"
As the exocaotl rushes their way, Reize is reaching into his satchel to procure one of those coconut-sized bombs. He initially had the urge to eat it, but then he rememebred that it was an explosive. In turn, he chucks it out towards rampaging beast
Reize Seatlan
4 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Distraction Kaboom
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).
Ruidosa La Crima
4 months ago
With the winds lifted, Ruidosa turns into a bat and takes to the skies... this will be easy now!...
Except for the Exocaotl. And Ivo doing... Ivo things. (*sigh*) and not able to help, she instead, charges backwards... and releases a sonic, batlike screech through the air towards the creature!
Sound waves reverberate throughout the air as they make thier way towards the creature, trying to give it one hell of a temporary, hopefully debilitating sound based migraine!
Ruidosa La Crima
4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Sonic Screech!
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).
Ivo Galvan
4 months ago
Ivo, affixed to the Hook Shot EX as our heroes plunge through the gusty air, bounces about like a thrashing hooked fish, hardly able to make sense of his surroundings. Even if he could make use of his most effective magitech, he can hardly tell which way is up. His eyes become swirls as he verges on passing out from the strain...
...only to snap to his senses, shaking his head rapidly, at the sensation of a hollow object colliding with his head. The thrown coconut ricochets off of his skull and away as Ivo refocuses, only to see the exocoatl's gargantuan maw widening before him, threatening to engulf the party, vulture flock and all.
But in the time it takes for Ivo to adopt a look of horror at the dawning recognition of their circumstances, Rui unleashes a keening cry that causes the exocoatl to flinch and recoil *just* enough for them to slip out of range of its terrible jaws. Enormous as the beast is, the source of its rage is the sensitivity of its senses and thus how the shifts in winds have affected it. It was wise to use that very weakness against it.
The exocoatl instinctively pumps its wings to repel them, only further sending them hurtling down the cliffside at a breakneck pace. They are now certain to reach the sand sledge before the great serpent can devour them, and indeed, it now comes into view, harnessed herd of megamarmots and all.
...The main question now is if they can slow down enough to land properly on the sand sledge and not just crash into it face-first, propelled by the exocoatl's frenzied wingbeats.
"I-I'll try to slow us down--!"
At least Ivo has regained his composure enough to contribute, producing some wind aspected elespheres and trying to cast them before the party to produce a harmless counter-force that will reduce their velocity before impact...
Ivo Galvan
4 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Magitech improvisation: wind resistance!?
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Reize Seatlan
4 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Establishing a proper landing
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 2).
Reize Seatlan
4 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Successfully pulling Ivo onto the sledge
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 8).
Reize Seatlan
4 months ago
Reize looks down at the result of his throw. Normaally, he'd have a good aim, but it looks like he did a very bad job with it and ended up hitting Ivo in the head. "Sorry!"
By the time that he looks up, he is a witness to a deep cavern entrance, or rather, the monstrocity's jaws wide open waiting to engulf them all. "OH NO!" He yelps, "Faster, faster!" The vultures are grimacing as they flap as hard as they can.
...Until Ruidosa saves the day.
As the flying serpent recoils, Reize calls out towards Ruidosa, "Great save, Rui!" However, the celebration is short lived as the air current becomes fierce. In fact, it is too fierce for the vultures to hold on. "Whoa---whoaa-aaahhhhh!"
As the vultures spread apart and descend, the boy is flung off from the grasp. The saving grace is that they're descending towards the sand sledge. However, painfully.
Upon the descent, one of the vultures swoop down to grab the boy and then bring him towards the sand sledge. "Oh! Thanks!" Noticing that Ivo is now having rough time, the explorer quickly yanks the Hook Shot EX and he pulls Ivo aboard to aid him in the descent.
>>> Hookshot EX saves the day. (CRITICAL SUCCESS) a cost.
>>> Hookshot EX shatters and can no longer be remade.
"... Of course." His tone flattens as his antenna hair droops.
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima untransforms into her humanoid form and uses the windy counterforce to land gracefully on the sand sledge like a dark angel, the Hookshot EX breaks in the sky and she sighs and looks to Reize with a sad look.
"I'm sorry...we'll try to get you another..." she says. The Hookshot....Technology lost in time...!
On the sledge she launches a trio of black orbs of energy up at the creature as she looks to Ivo after.
"...Thanks for the windy parachute." she says.
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Dark Orb Attack..!
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 3).
Ivo Galvan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+5>=10.
Comment: Magitech Assist: Dark Orb Redirection!? (plus Hook Shot EX sacrifice buff)
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).
Ivo Galvan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ivo's wind elespheres were not *completely* ineffective in slowing their descent, but without Reize's timely use of the Hook Shot EX, it is clear that Ivo himself, at least, would not have landed unharmed. The tumultuous descent has rattled the Cosmopolitan to the point that he hardly knows which way is up or, concurrently, how to throw an elesphere straight down. As he is yanked forcibly once more, his head spins to such an extent that he teeters on the verge of blacking out. In his discombobulation, he feels at most a faint surprise at the fact that his boots have touched down safely upon a wooden deck, somehow.
And then he hears it: the sound of shattering.
It is a sound he would know anywhere, one that he hear time and time again as he refined the special vacuum-aspected aether gems that served as the foundation for the Hook Shot EX, which were so difficult to balance, which damaged prototype after prototype, wasting ore that they so laboriously gathered on this isle.
Ivo sees it in his mind's eye: all the beautiful times he and Hook Shot EX spent together. There they are, Ivo and Reize, zipping across a chasm, laughing and suffused with sparkles. There Ivo is, toiling away in their makeshift cavern laboratory, laughing and suffused with sparkles. There the whole party is, jogging down the beach and holding hands with the Hook Shot EX dangling from Reize's waist, laughing and suffused with sparkles (editor's note: some details may have been changed in this reenactment). And there Ivo is, holding the Hook Shot EX aloft before being hit with a Doom Chicken meteor. He might be laughing and suffused with sparkles, but the blast makes it difficult to tell.
"Your sacrifice..."
In a flash, Ivo's head seems to have cleared. The exquisitely safe landing and the audible tragic loss have spurred him to action, and now that he is no longer airborne, he may actively contribute. As Rui is drawing upon her magic, Ivo is sprinting to the rune-enhanced siege weapon that Iris helped to set up upon the sand sledge deck, covering the ground in a few strides.
"...will not be in vain...!"
Locking in a runic bolt, Ivo engages the mechanism to rotate the weapon and angles high as can be before taking one of his last vacuum-aspected elespheres, cracking it over the bolt's tip, and firing it. The action takes only a few seconds, and the timing is impeccable. As the frustrated exocoatl descends, jaws agape and thus far narrowly outpaced, the bolt rockets upward and, with the power of the elesphere, draws Rui's dark orb toward it. Iris's runes take on the power of shadow, pulsing with Destruction, and together the attacks launch into the monster's widened maw.
An unearthly keening issues, some horrendous child of a roar and a screech, as the flying sea serpent is repelled by the attack, the bolt lodging somewhere in its craw and repeated dark blasts echoing inside it, visible pulsing inside its mouth. It thrashes in midair, its gargantuan form slamming against the cliffside several times and shaking loose boulders and dirt. Ivo whirls about, turning to his allies, keeping his hands on the controls for the weapon.
"Let's get these marmots moving!" he calls. "There no time to waste!"
They've bought enough time to begin their escape through the desert on the sand sledge, charging headlong through the cactus forest again. There will be cacti ahead and an enraged monster behind. But at least the shamshir vultures are on their side, this time.
Reize Seatlan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
The sight of the Hookshot EX took a toll on Reize's patience. He lets out an annoyed sigh as the machine is now no longer able to operate. However, they did manage to get to their goal.
However, they are safely on the vehicle. Even better is that the Ivo can actively contirbute. Once the exocoatl descends towards the group, Reize grits his teeth and reaches into his satchel again to procure another bomb.
Just up ahead....
There is a sign of the tortoise. "Ooooi!" Reize reaches over to snatch the tortoise from his spot.
Once the cacti are passed through, the tortoise is snatched up.
>>> COMPANION(?) OBTAINED: Grumpy Tortoise
And he's not happy.
Reize gets three pelts in the face. "OW-*PLINK*--OW---*PLINK* I'm trying to *PLINKPLINKPLINK*"
And then it looks up.
And it launches multiple pelts of rocks at the exocoatl.
Reize Seatlan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Tortoise says '*BLEEP* you in particular'
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 2).
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
On the sledge now as Ivo gets it moving she looks over to Reize and nods as she looks up at the creature and mutters. "This is getting intensely more ridiculous..." she looks down at her feet. She looks into the eyes of the Doom Chicken.
The Doom chicken looks up at her. She nods. It nods. She picks up the doom chicken in one hand and holds it out, she charges it with DARK ENERGY of DESTRUCTION... it buck-caws loudly... reverbeating into the air...!
Down from the sky comes not one, not two, not even three... but a flurry iof destructive meteors from the sky, all trying to rain down on the parade of their gigantic flying pest!
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10+2.
Roll(s): 10. Total result is True. This is a success (by 1).
Ivo Galvan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20-2>=10.
Comment: Rally the megamarmots for speed (untrained Animal Handling penalty)
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 2. This is a failure (by 8).
Ivo Galvan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ivo marvels as his allies, now supplemented by their OTPs (One True Pets), keep the pressure on the exocoatl. Even as it continues to struggle to shake off the effects of the improvized Rui-Ivo dual tech (featuring Iris's rune arts contributions), the flying sea serpent is hammered by surly tortoise stones, setting it up perfectly for a devastating multi-meteor attack. Never underestimate the Doom Chicken, as Ivo himself learned at his peril. RIP Hook Shot EX.
"Incredible!" he exclaims. "If we could just pick up more speed..."
Hesitating to leave his post at the siege weapon, but realizing that the coordination of his allies and their animal pals (more or less) are doing more than he could, especially given his lack of vacuum-aspected elespheres for further enhanced attacks, he turns and dashes toward the foredeck. At the lead, guiding the other megamarmots along, is the faithful megamarmot that once ventured to rescue Reize with the surly tortoise as her companion. It seems that she serves as the head of the pack and is displaying keen intelligence in how she helps to guide the sand sledge around the cacti that might otherwise injure or impede them, if somewhat at the expense of haste.
"Let's, uh..."
Wait. How is he supposed to make marmots go faster? He went over here, and now he's not sure what it is he's supposed to do.
"Good... good job! Keep it up!"
If the megamarmots hear him, there's no indication.
"...How does Reize do it...? Is it his latent bird-like nature...?"
Perhaps to become attuned to the animals, one must become an animal. Ivo reaches to cup his chin, considering what sort of animal he would turn into.
As he is pondering these weighty matters, the enraged exocoatl is gearing up for one last ditch attack. The sea serpent is beginning to take some significant damage, and while it is far from being felled, its rage is banking as it learns what its targets are capable of -- and, after all, it's just lashing out. But it will not let these outrages stand without one last assault.
> Warning! The party is in danger!
Even as the sand sledge flees (balancing speed and safety), the exocoatl begins to coil rapidly in midair and, as it does, stormclouds gather. The rushing wind becomes a cyclone that begins to crackle with lightning, a terrifying and catacylsmic display that would send any sailor's heart into the depths of dispair. With a great beat of its wings, a single gesture with an air of finality, that lightning-infused tornado is propelled toward the sand sledge at a rapid pace, threatening to catch up with them and tear the whole craft asunder, casting aside all abord like so much chaff.
> Exocoatl has attacked with Perfect Storm.
Reize Seatlan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Convincing Marmots to go faster in nick of time(for fresh grassy treats pls!)
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a failure (by 2).
Reize Seatlan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
There is a sense of accomplishment as they are pelting on the exocoatl with stones and meteors. The group have been doing a fairly good job with keeping him at bay. However, it looks like the megamarmots have not been able to get them faster.
"Oooi! What's going on?!"
Given that they have made no progress, Reize looks back and... in horror, he sees that the stormclouds gather. "It's preparing something very nasty!" He frantically calls out towards the megamarmots. "Ooooi! We need to get out faster!" He screams out, "I'll get you some tasty treaaats!"
Unfortunately, the sound is not getting through to them. The gathering storm is starting to tear the surroundings asunder.
He leaps out towards the front. "Ooooi! Let's----"
And it looks like they are about to be swept by the maelstrom.
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima looks as the creature seems to be preparing something nasty indeed. She can sense it. She panics as she places the Doom Chicken down, as not even the DOOM CHICKEN is strong enough to counter what's coming. So she looks to the Marmots. And she frowns.
"I guess I'm going to do it."
"I'm going to coax them fast..." she says leaning down, in front of the sledge.
"I'm going to kiss the marmors." she says as she indeed them... a kiss.
"Go faster....for me?" she says, eyelashes fluttering.
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Kiss of a Vampire. (Don't be jealous Reizey, they're just friends!~)
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).
Ivo Galvan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Once upon a time, before threats of curses held him at bay, Ivo took a peek inside Rui's tome of wisdom compiled by her illustrious mother. His subterfuge did not grant him long to peruse it, but in its preface, where some of its greatest insights are summarized, he took note of a peculiar claim: that the allure of a vampire is such that it transcends all tastes and conceptions of beauty. He took this for boasting, though granted, he would be entirely willing to believe that about Madam La Crima.
But here, as even the redoubtable megamarmot leader falters with this terrifying storm approaching, Ivo, looking straight on at the herd by Reize's side, witnesses unassailable proof of this claim.
The megamarmot at the fore, a kissprint on her charming snout, blushes. And then, with a valiant squeak, she charges, Ivo lurching and nearly falling off of the sand sledge with the force of her conviction. The leader is practically pulling along her brethren, hearts for eyes, until, as the kisses and their power spread, they all have hearts for eyes, all charging in unison, and Ivo can only cling to the deck, lest he be flung back and into the storm now pursuing them.
"Do marmots even blush!?" he yells, as though in protest. Of all the things to be worried about at a time like this.
The exocoatl is shrinking in the distance. When the sand sledge risks impact with cacti, the megamarmot leader, which had so prudently avoided them thus far, bowls them over, needles deflecting off of her fur as though love serves as her armor. The pack is unstoppable and so too, their craft. All thanks to Rui's allure. Truly, beyond question, at the end of this long quest by her mother's side, she has done the name of La Crima proud.
"No," Ivo is saying into the wind, "this can't be. She can't..."
> Ruidosa La Crima has acquired the title "Legendary Seductress."
"No! Her!? That's not true! There's no way!"
Who is he yelling at?
Reize Seatlan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
As the threat of the storm was imminent, Reize had braced for the worse. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. What was the expectation of their demise had suddenly been met with silence.
Eyes shut.
There is a long pause.
Was death quick? Was it painless? Did the wind not become deafening? Why does it feel like the strength of the wind is weakening? Reize re-opens his eyes to see that the marmots have increase their pace dramatically, leaving the creature behind.
"Whoaaa! We did it!"
He definitely missed the fact that Ruidosa used her wiles to get the results.
"I don't know how we did it, but great jo---" And Ivo's tirade confuses Reize. "... Ah?"
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10+2.
Comment: Bask in being the best ever. (Bonus for title aquirement...!)
Roll(s): 19. Total result is True. This is a success (by 1).
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima basks in being the best for a bit, resplendent in new title as she tilts her head to look at Ivo, sparkling in beauty. Perhaps even seducing him a little!? "I'm the best." she says coolly as she looks to Reize and smiles, still sparkling.
They've bought a bunch of time, that's good. Or have they outrun it completely!?
She turns to the creature in the distance and squints at it.
"Is it over?"
Ivo Galvan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
"I just don't see it," Ivo is saying to Reize, clearly having lost his composure. "When you consider her in isolation, maybe she has her charms, but if you compare her to her lady mother, the--"
He trails off as Ruidosa sparkles at him. That smug, self-satisfied expression to which he has been too often subjected is-- it's-- well, it's-- rather endearing, actually. Kind of cute, now that he thinks about it. Ivo shuts his mouth, whatever retort he was mustering dying on his lips, the young man abruptly looking pensive and reflective.
"Well," he finally asides to the doubtless even more confused Reize, "she'll grow into her role. She does rise to the occasion, after all. And I'm sure she just has some growing still to do."
How right you are, Ivo, and how little you know.
"We did do it, didn't we?"
He's relaxing, finally, at long last. As the inspired megamarmots continue to charge on, bearing them toward the coast where their adventures on this paradisiacal isle all began, Ivo smiles at his companions.
"We've put an end to the raging winds that were the tragic legacy of the wind elementals," he says. "We've put a stop to what was enraging the exocoatl so. We've learned a lot, and overcome even more. We've crafted the ultimate swimsuits." Can't forget that. "And we can finally... go home."
Once they fix up the engines, and all that. There's still more to do and questions to answer, regarding the remnants of the crystalline village they found, the Beastkeepers whom the Catgirl Mafia serves, and so forth. But at last, they will no longer be confined to this isle.
Well done, Star Chasers!
> Reputation with the Villagers of Gale, led by Wuther and Scirocco, may now be gained. Return to the Caldera to develop the relationship with this faction.
> Reputation with the Beastkeepers, affilitated with the Catgirl Mafia members Flechette and Zuna, may now be gained. Venture to Isla Santo to develop the relationship with this faction.
> Completing the Interlude Arc and recruiting Lether has unlocked a new subquest, "The Pirates of Nova Luria."
Reize Seatlan
3 months, 2 weeks ago
As a relieved sigh envelops Reize, he looks over to see the current state of things. He considers Ivo's words with a smile, "Yeah... we finally did it. We discovered a lot of places here and resolved many issues!"
As he cracks a smile, "We can return to Granse as well!"
Ruidosa La Crima
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ruidosa La Crima is smug indeed. She's got them saved with the power of love(?) and seduction(?)! She smiles at Reize.
"I can't wait to get home...!"
Lady La Crima and Tranquila are lounging on the beach, where did Tranquila get sunglasses anyways?
A vulture delivers a letter, finally able to get through due to the lack of torrential winds.. "Oh?" says Lady La Crima, opening the invitation...!
> New Quest Available!: The Vampire's Night Ball!?