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Spring Blossom Festival: Dusk

Scene details

Setting: With the prince's arrival, he prepares his first speech to the city. Within the darkness lie assassins waiting for their opportunity to strike.


  If one was to look around the capitol within Zerhem, it's very crowded and active with people. Earlier throughout the day, people were celebrating with dancing, music, and shops were busy. While the shops still show signs of activity, most of it has been subdued as the focus had turned towards the center of the Towns Square. Many may notice that it is still 'raining' with petals from the flowers released by the various small birds as part of the Spring Festival.

  The town square has been decorated and adorned with petals, ribbons, and other sort of adornaments. A wooden platform had been erected and there are many Vanguards posted as guards. There is even a few guardsmen taking post on top of it. The focus is on the center, as a figure is emerging over towards the podium.

  A regally-dressed blond-haired young boy with green eyes. In his hand is a sheet of papaer which he is holding out to his side. He approaches the podium with a growing determination, but then decides to forego that and have the people see him. Beside him is a man in his mid-twenties with a serious look on his face. He is one of the Senior Vanguards assigned to oversee the event and protect the prince. That prince's actions had already put him in a more alert state to make sure that he remains nearby his charge.

  As for the newer Vanguards, Reize and Ruidosa had likely emerged from the stairs, given the previous episode of pulling Ivo from the riverbank. It looks like they made it in time to see the announcement.

  "Oh! We came at a good time, Rui!" He looks back, curious to see if Ivo has caught up with them or if he's taking his time.

 Ivo, dripping wet from his little swim mere minutes before, trails behind his friends, his sodden cloak leaving a damp streak upon the path as though he were a snail. Despite his bedraggled appearance, the young man smiles blithely. People are edging to get away from him, which helps him get to the stairs and to a position with a better view.
 Plucking a stray petal from his matted hair, as he approaches his friends, the Cosmopolitan withdraws a brittle-looking red pebble from his cloak: a fire elesphere. With an expert little tap, he pokes a little hole, bathing himself in ripples of heat that bend the air about him. The effect lasts for a few minutes, during which time Ivo seems able to dry his garments for the most part.
 "No harm done," he remarks, flashing a grin at Reize and Rui before glancing toward the boy prince. He can't help but quirk his eyebrows, looking rather dubious about the proceedings for some reason.
 Still, he awaits the announcement, pausing only to double-check that his cloak is fully dry.
 It is then that he sees the chunk that the pike's bite took out of it.
 "Harm! Harm done!!"

Ruidosa La Crima has saved Ivo from drowning with Reize's help. Okay. Reize saved Ivo and Ruidosa flapped her little heart out to get them to shore but still! She runs up the stairs and whews as she makes it up the stairs after Reize.

"Good, we're not late."

She then blinks when Ivo starts spouting off about harm done. Di.. did the pike bite him badly!? Does he need medical attention!? She's flaiing for the medical book when she sees it's Ivo's cloak and she makes a straight face. "Ugh. It's just your cloak!"

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: The First Speech
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 7).

  Alarmed, Reize looks back at Ivo to check up on his older friend, "What happened?!" However, the revelation of the cloak having a nice hole at its center earns a sheepish smile with a large sweatbead over his head. "...We'll get someone to mend it later, I'm sure."

  Meanwhile, at the very center, the prince finally brings the sheet of paper to his face and then he lowers it.

 "I, Constatin Zerhem, welcome you to the Spring Fes---Fes....Festival. We are proud t--to--to...." As he tries to remember the script, he looks at all of the eyes on him. All of the eyes on him. It is at that moment that everything is appearing so far away. Everyone is growing further from him and he is stammering. It is approaching the point where the nervousness is becoming overwhelming and his eyes are spinning.

 "Ah... ah..."

  The guards wince, taking notice at the boy's faltering. Even the current king and queen take a deep breath and cling onto the rail. Recover! Recover!

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

 Anna is here! Though she has to keep her true identity a secret with the Vanguard Association, she probably joined it under a fake name. Which hopefully no one willy bother scrutinizing too much as she arrives with Reize and Rui.
 She winces at poor Ivo's soaked condition, but opts to keep her trap shut as the prince begins his speech and...
 Oh dear. The poor youth has statge fright.

 "How cruel!" Ivo retorts, genuinely mortified at the state of his favorite cloak. "This mantle has seen me through so much. Countless hours of training with Hauteclare. Ventures into the depths of the Cosmopolitan jungles. The first time Priel set me afire. And so much more! You--"
 Stung, the typically aloof young man is drawn into bickering with the vampire girl, but is finally distracted from his protestations by the struggling of the prince. Sympathy flickers across Ivo's eyes, dulling his irritation.
 He glances from Reize to Anna before quirking a smile.
 "Shall we cheer the prince on a little?"
 His smile broadens into a grin as he looks to Rui.
 "A little good deed might cure *someone's* ill nature," he remarks, his referent a total mystery, "and do something to draw out the charms that run in her family, though remain dormant in her!"
 Partly to work up the crowd, and partly to try to drown out any angry response from Rui at his dig, Ivo raises his hands in the air and joyously shouts, self-appointed Hype Man of Zerhem.
 "All hail the prince! Horray, Prince Constatin!"

Ruidosa La Crima is here at this momentus moment to listen to the speech when----

Oh. Oh dear. The Prince has stage fright. W.. what kind of noble has stage fright!? Oh Well uh. One that's.. never given a speech before ri-right. Has Rui ever given a speech!? Well... no-no. Not really. Not one as big as this at a festival at least.

She does her best to avoid second hand cringe- which she doesn't need to roll on, thankfully as she sighs.

"Hail the Prince." she says loudly as she can muster. She does eye Ivo as she huffs. "Sounds like you're do for a new one then anyways. Have you considered a tailor? Mother can probably point you to one." she says bluntly.

  This is bad. Reize's eyes widen in shock, wincing a moment as the boy appears to be overcome with fright. As the explorer watches over the spectacle, he looks back towards Ivo. That is when Ivo comes up with an approach.

  In that moment, everything surrounding Reize darkens. Ruidosa, Ivo, and even the late-coming Anna is no longer present. Within the darkness, Reize's eyes gaze up to see a bright light.

  ... His eyes widen.

  It all comes together.


  "All hail the prince! Believe in your will! Believe in your family's will, who all believe in you! Believe in those who believe you, who have come to see your first steps! Speak from your heart!"

  In turn, this follows through for the people to cheer him on. There is a strange, infectious energy that spreads from the young boy to the people surrounding him. They all cheer the prince on.

  The young boy had been shaking in complete nervousness. He expected boos, jeers, and other sorts of derogatory words his way. He is a meek boy. He is not fit for being a prince! He is not----

  'All hail the prince?'

  That awakens him from that 'stupor'. He blinks. Everyone is cheering. Everyone... is here for him?

  He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and that is exhales. 'Speak from his heart'. In that moment..

  ... he drops the paper.

  With a warm smile, the prince says, "...Thank you all. Let's enjoy a new beginning from this new year. May the spring promise a bright journey, beautiful sky, and bright flora..."

 "Replace my cloak?" Ivo solemnly raises a hand palm-out, as though he were virtuously refusing a bribe. "It has faithfully guarded me through thick and thin. Such an act would be an unconscionable betrayal."
 Ruidosa then suggests a source for trailor-related tips.
 "On the other hand," he continues without missing a beat, hand moving instead to thoughtfully cup his chin, "perhaps a comfortable retirement is my faithful mantle's due. No doubt your mother is an expert on the subject, given the exquisite craft of her garb, and how superbly it flatters her figure, as I recall."
 His slightly flushed cheeks suggest that he recalls it pretty well.
 The young man is startled out of his reverie. It's not easy to distract Ivo from thoughts of Madam La Crima, but something about Reize's presence pulls at him inexorably. As others cheer, Ivo can't help but stare at his young friend's face. He is used to Reize's exuberance and has always admired the boy's passion. Once, before he became more secure in himself, he even envied it, having internalized his father's criticism that he supposedly lacked drive. But what he sees in Reize now, for the first time, is something beyond infectious cheer or spunky derring-do.
 This is charisma.
 Ivo has always accepted Reize as a leader, but in an at least slightly indulgent way. He's a kid, after all. Reize leads because he'll run ahead either way, Ivo figures, and anyway, leadership is a pain in the butt. It's not that Ivo is starting to doubt his assessment, exactly. Rather, for the first time, he wonders if maybe even now, he's underestimating Reize. He's a kid, after all -- which means he's growing.
 "All hail the prince," Ivo murmurs, smiling mysteriously.

Ruidosa La Crima quickly opens her book and starts recording the speech in her book for prosperity- squiggling quickly the words as she takes more concentration in that which means she isn't fully paying attention to Ivo, or at least not looking at his blushed looks as he ponders her mother, else she might have words and actions.

BUT she does answer. "Clothes are clothes and can be recreated. Unless it has a true sentimental value, the old can be kept packed away as the new is worn more front and center. I am not telling you to ''trash'' your cloak. Merely pack it away and replace it with a more fresh one." she says with a sighing huff.

Reize's technique makes her blush as she hides in her book more and scribbles more furiously. Ugh how did he do that!? Scrrible scrrible mutter~~~

"Anna." she whispers over to the girl. "Ever have to give a speech before?" she asks.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

 Thankfully the prince rallies, thanks to Rui starting the crowd into a cheer. Reize learns a new skill. And Anna... Breathes a small sigh of relief.
 "No." She answer Ruidosa honestly.
 "... And I hope I never, ever, have to."

  While the prince is speaking, Reize takes a look over towards Ivo and Ruidosa, now getting in the last bits of the talk about them getting a new one, "Oi, just get the old one mended. I am certain that a tailor can help patch it up!" He places a hand over towards the scarf that he is wearing.

  His mind flashes back to the time, long ago, where he took the cape from a statue and got it torn trying to protect the descendant of that person. The cape became his newly long yellow scarf. In a way, his own scarf is sentimental because of what it used to be. It is the hero's cape behind him.

  As the prince concludes the speech, everyone is cheering...

  Suddenly, there is a pop and a "GET DOWN!" The older man previously beside the boy immediately tackles down the young prince, sending him on his side while the figure covers the boy. There is a bit of alarm as the Senior Vanguard appears to have been wounded with a piercing of sort.

  The guards look around, "Where did that come from?!" Everyone suddenly gasp and becomes alarm. The king, watching from afar, shouts, "Off to the alley! After them!!"

  Deep within the shadows, two men split off and they run their way further in.

 "Wise words, my friends," Ivo amiably replies to Rui and Reize, seemingly over his previous flash of indignation, thanks to a certain very reliable way of putting him in a good mood. "I'll surely consider them."

> Ivo's List of Excuses to Visit the Manor La Crima has been updated.

 "Rhetoric is one of the seven arts of the Cosmopolitan academy," he remarks after Rui and Anna's exchange, "one of the lower trivium alongside grammar and logic, beneath the higher quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. The foundations of magitech lie in the long legacy of hermetic magic, after all, and its use of number and axiom to evoke fundamental principles of nature. Our scholars are trained in all." He quirks a lopsided smile. "After all, what is aristocratic politics without florid argument?"
 He looks back to the newly confident prince.
 "There are all sorts of tricks to improving at oratory. Know your audience and your content. Memorize key points and practice improvization off of them in realistic environments. Set time limits and vary your vocal register. But most of all, grow your confidence." He grins at Anna and Rui. "One popular trick for reducing your nervousness is to imagine everyone naked. Try it now. How does it make you feel?"
 Is he telling the truth or is he messing with them? Was he sharing information he finds sincerely interesting for Ruidosa to record or developing a long and involved set-up for a punchline?
 "You see--"
 A shout interrupts Ivo from teasing the girls any further. His gaze snaps up, registering the distinct popping sound.
 "Assassin," he blurts, quietly enough that only his party is likely to hear, but without wasting breath on a full sentence. "Reize, Rui, can you head them off? Anna and I can pincer." The boy is agile and the vampire can fly, as she's proven today, so they might be able to get the drop on them. The tankier party members are likely better suited to following behind. It's a split-second plan, but that's all they've got time for!

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: I'm Batmannnnn
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).

Ruidosa La Crima is writing down the speech when it ends she's about to take personal notes, such as Reize's inspiring speech technique and the ripped cloak when there's a loud pop and she eeks! and looks around as she nearly drops her book, scrambling her hands to catch it. "What was that!?" she asks the group.

She looks at Ivo quickly and nods, but the thought to turn into a bat doesn't enter her head right away until she's run halfway there and then turns into a bat, quickly pursing the alleyway escapists, but not gaining headway as fast as she should, flapping with all her might. Flap flap flap flap!

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Tapping into Memory
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Shoving through the crowd.
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

 Anna, who still prays she never has to make a speech in all of ever, shifts her attention to Ivo as he begins regaling her and Rui about one of the seven arts.
 'Imagine everyone naked.' He says. 'Try it now.' he says.
 Anna pauses. There's a beat of silence.
 And then the poor princess is beet red in the face as she pointedly tries to look AWAY from her friends.
 'How does it make you feel?'
 "Uncomfortable and strange." She admits, before the loud POP makes her jolt and then there's chaos. Ivo devolves a plan and... As Rui goes after them, Anna starts trying to push through the crowd to follow from a different venue, shoving people out of her path and forming one for Ivo to follow.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 6).

  At first, Reize was curious about the explanation of Cosmopolitan Academy. He was listening with rapt attention, but then it kept going into various words such as 'aristocratic politics' and words that slowly pulls his attention away. Ivo has been zoned out. If it was not for the prince's speech, there would be a Reize-shaped dotted line where he previously stood.

  The party is lucky that Reize did not immediately disappear.

  However, what does get the boy's attention is that the prince was attacked. "What?!" His eyes widen, looking off towards the direction of the men that were running off into the shadows.

  ...Wait a second.

  In a brief moment, Reize's mind thinks back to the mission with the cat. There was someone sitting across at the restaurant entrance with his meal stolen.

  "....It's one of those guys from that mission with the lost cat!" The young boy calls out towards Ruidosa. Just as she runs off and turns into a bat, Reize follows suit to work with Ivo's plan. He'll let him and Anna get to the direction of pincering the men.

  They are not alone, few of the Vanguards have already broken out to start pursuing the men.

  As for the men themselves, they continue their sprint through the alleyway, going as far as erecting a large stone slab in place of where they were before to slow down any pursuers.

 "Guh... Ah... Pardon me..."
 While not a bulky fellow by any means, Ivo is larger than his companions and less maneuverable. When it comes to agility and evasion, he is merely average. And so, surrounded by other average persons in a growing state of chaos, he is not quite quick enough to dart through the crowd, soon being left behind by his companions.
 Fortunately, the princess is made of sturdier stuff, her flustered state not inhibiting her from making a path. Or maybe her need to distract herself from her embarrassment is actually helping. Ivo is thus able to keep pace with her, at least, following behind the others thanks to his petite ally clearing the way. However, he remains too far from the men that the party is pursuing to react to the manifestation of the stone stab just yet.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).

A stone slab doesn't slow Rui down, as she just flies over it, she finally catches up overhead, flapping in her bat state in a hurry, little action lines appearing over her as she huffs huffs huffs and finally un-transforms overhead and lets herself fall in front of the men as she raises her hands and makes her shield, trying to then shove it forward at the men to try to knock them over.

"H--Hey you're right." she exclaims to Reize before she says the most dour thing to the men, screaming.....

"I'M GLAD THAT KITTY ATE YOUR CHICKEN!" she says dramatically as she tries to shove the men over, or at least slow them down- so the others can catch up.

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

Anna rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Your puny slab cannot stop me.
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 8).

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

 Anna is... Thankful for the distraction, honestly.
 This is better than being surrounded by naked people in her mind. Not that someone getting hurt is a better situation and now she has to chase bad guys it's just...
 Anna pushes out past the crowd and breaks into a dead sprint. But when the stone slab suddenly emerges and Rui sails clean over it, Anna...
 Anna doesn't stop.
 No, in fact, not only does she not stop, but she only picks up speed, eyes turning a bloodshot shade of red as she lets her fury free from the secret place behind her heart.
 --And smashes clean through the stone as though it were little more than tissue paper left in her path, opening the way for Ivo and the other Vanguards.

  The men are already trying to figure out how to escape the pursuers. They studied the city and planned their routes for the past few weeks prior to the execution of the plan. Unfortunately, even if the assassination attempt was unsuccessful, they can at least make an escape.

  On the plus side, they are no longer out at the alley. They have eluded their hunters and are almost at the outskirts.

  ..That is when Ruidosa appears right in front of them.

  The men stare in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened before they find themselves flat on their butts. They gaze out in shock.

  It is not long before Reize joins aside from Ruidosa, landing right beside her with a flip to look at the men. With both boomerangs drawn, the young man glares at the men. "You're coming with us!"

  And it looks like Anna already bowled through their blockade and the other Vanguards are closing in. It looks like the men are surrounded.

  The two men grimace.

 Ivo brings up the rear, jogging behind his friends, losing sight of Anna for a moment, during which he hears a loud crash. Eventually breaking through the crowd again and entering the alley, he passes through a large and jagged hole in a massive block of stone. That's strange. Why is there an archway in this alleyway? And such a rough design.
 Pondering this architectural curiosity, the Cosmopolitan arrives on the scene to see the pincer attack successful.
 "There's no use resisting," he advises. "The other Vanguards will arrive in moments. Best to surrender now. Say who sent you, and you'll be protected from them."
 As he speaks, he tries to keep his eyes carefully on them, tracking their movements. He hesitates to say anything too grim, but rather than worry that they will draw weapons, he is worried that they might attempt to poison themselves.

Ruidosa La Crima frowns and crosses her arms and huffs. "I bet you two...taste awful." she says as she bites her lip, showing her fangs a bit in the process. She huffs as Reize catches up, and hopefully soon the others. Oh there's Ivo, good!

Was Rui about to try to bite them into unconsciousness Maybe. But not in broad daylight public like this. Ugh. Also she meant it about them probably tasting god awful.

She let's Ivo do the threating because she'd go overboard.

With a near villainess speech and how would that impress Reize!? Probably not very much. She blushes a bit as she writes that down in her book quickly.

"No. Bad. Speeches."

  • Character: Anna
  • 2 years, 4 months ago

 Anna, covered in dust, stone, and rubble bull-rushes-- until Rui brings the attempted assassins down. Anna however comes in, snarling, anyway.
 And bodily leaps to tackle the already on-ass would-be killers.
 She proceeds to headlock the both of them.
 If they have anything poisonous to swallow, they won't be swallowing it with Anna's tight grip.
 A-actually they might need air in a moment. But they'll probably live.

  "Guh....! A vampire...!" The two shake as the young girl bears her fangs.

  True to Ivo's words, the Vanguards are already closing in, all of them looking very unhappy. Some have already drawn their weapons while the others have not. Instead, one is stepping forward with a set of handcuffs.

 One is a woman in her late-teens with long black hair, she eyes the men with suspicion before she commands, "You two stand! You will tell us who sent you!"

 The men just start to laugh. ...Until they are caught in a headlock. "ghgggnk!"

 The woman watches the princess already putting both men in a headlock. She doesn't intefere. It looks like the princess has it under control.

 "We....we're with..."

  The men gives a throaty cough, "Castia....!"

  That is when Reize stares for a moment, wordlessly turning his eyes towards Ivo. The boy furrows his eyebrows, remembering their encounter back at Cosmopolis with a few of the Castian elite. Would the Castians really do something like this?

Ruidosa La Crima takes some notes. Okay, Castia? What? Why the heck would they care about making problems for Zerham? She Frowns and writes this down. Are they trying to move into this territory now? That'd be a big problem...

Nevermind the trying to kill the prince. Which could be considered an act of war already, right?

She frowns. "Problem causers." she sighs. "Yes, vampire! I'll eat you. Or something." she says spookily.

 Ivo looks to Reize in turn. Where the boy seems perplexed and suspicious, the older youth's face has grown deeply worried.
 "Please ensure that they are protected," he states to the Vanguards taking custody of the failed assassins. "There's no question that there will be an attempt to silence them." There's little more that Ivo can do than say so. "And whatever they say," he urgently adds, "must not be spread among the populace!"
 There's little more he can do than say so, and has no way of holding the Vanguards to such requests, but they have shown more professionalism than the military in Zerhem, in Ivo's experience thus far. He is hopeful that a few cautionary words are all that is required. Well, that and Ruidosa's spooky presence. OoooOOOOooOOOoh!
 "Hmm." He glances amongst his own party and lowers his voice. "Let's not jump to any conclusions," Ivo finally says. "It might be in Castia's interest to throw this nation further into chaos. But if the real goal is to give that impression, then..." He shakes his head. "All we know for sure is that chaos is in the interests of our adversaries. The more we can do to maintain public order, the more difficult we make their objective, whatever it is. And the more able we are likely to be able to draw them out..."

  The men are gasping, "....For... CASTIAA!!!!"

  "...Pretending to be Castia? Now that is a joke."

  One voice pierces the air, silencing everything else surrounding them. If they were to look over towards the direction of the source, it is the very entrance of the town. There stands a figure in an ominious looking black armor with golden highlights and a red cape. The fearsome looking armor has thick, large fur hanging around the neck area. The figure. The face of the person, however, appears young. And for those, it may seem very familiar to those well acquainted with a certain young adventurer.

  He does not look happy.

  "I am not laughing."

  It's the Black Beast.

  The Vanguards are now on high alert. In fact, one of them reach out towards a crystal and announces, "I.D.E! ALL VANGUARDS BELOW RANK B ARE TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! WARN CORRINE! I REPEAT! I.D.E. BLACK BEAST!"

  When the men who were apprehended see the figure before them. ...Their faces turn pale.

  Reize's eyes widen in shock, looking very horrified at the figure before them.

Ruidosa La Crima blinks at the man in armor, and everyone else calls out orders to leave...? Who's this guy?

"Who's this person?" she asks with a series of blinks. She doesn't look as horrified, just there's a guy in armor. "-and why are the Vanguards all afraid?" she asks as she opens her book and takes a few notes... a quick sketch. She closes her book and frowns.

"Black Beast?" she asks.

 "That," Ivo says, voice suddenly dry and hollow, gazing toward the imposing caped and armored figure, "is not whom I planned to draw out."
 The hairs on the back of his neck rise, blessedly hidden by the cowl of his mantle. He does not reach for the hilt of his sword. Instead, he takes a deep, steadying breath, focusing on keeping his legs relaxed. He cannot answer Rui's questions. The most he can do is distract himself from the newcomer's overwhelming presence by attending to his own body. If he stays loose, he can react however is necessary. He can defend his friends. He can counterattack. He can run.
 He can try.
 "I'm here for you."
 Ivo's voice quivers, but it does not break.

  This was an unforeseen factor. The men had planned to throw Castia's name under suspicion and potentially spark a war. They needed to redirect things. However, they come across a Deva General who quickly disproves their intent. ...Even worst, it is the Black Beast.

 This is definitely a bad day.

  The Black Beast is looking around, narrowing his eyes as he looks over at the Vanguard. "...Tsch." His eyes drift towards the alarmed Vanguards with a shrug, "...Believe it or not, I am not here to start a fight. Today. I came here under the request of the Magistrate to deliver a present for the young prince."

 His eyes drift towards the group until...

  ...his eyes come across Reize.

  There is a maniacal, feral grin creeping on his face. However, this is something that Anna can pick up on, given that she is one who bears it.


 Uncontrolled. Rage.

  "Heh... You know what?" That is when a very large, heavy looking sword is drawn out from his side, looking thristy for blood.

  "I take back everything I said. There is someone who requires being put under the earth. Deep. Under. The. Earth."

  Reize has drawn aggro.

%It appears that the Star Chasers have a returning foe to contend with, will they survive this encounter?!