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Unnamed Event
Scene details
- Start date: June 30, 2024, 5 p.m.
End date: June 30, 2024, 7:39 p.m.
- Location: Zel'rik Archipelago - Isle of Blessed Winds
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ivo Galvan,
Setting: Placeholder description of scene plz change k thx bai
Reize Seatlan
8 months, 1 week ago
The sun shimmers in the blue sky, hanging over the vast sea. The campsite is relatively peaceful this time of day with the sight of the shore not too far off from the camp. For those who chance the exploration, it's a nice sight to enjoy the beach despite the present dangers throughout the isle.
One explorer has made his way to venture through the shoreline, now in a better condition. It took a little while for the Sea Madness to go away, thanks to the medicine left over from the La Crima family's alchemical knowledge.
His current objective? Site survey.
He is wandering along the coastline, looking over the bits of vegetation.
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
Ivo emerges from a small cavern carved into one of the large volcanic boulders that dot the shoreline, blinking rapidly as his eyes gradually adjust to the blazing sunlight. The Star Chasers have certainly made themselves at home on this remote isle, converting shipwrecks into residences that have grown rather comfortable as their ability to produce new amenities has increased. Now that they can quickly travel across the desert that divides the coast from the central volcano, courtesy of Reize's vulture friends or the sand sledge driving megamarmots, our heroes are able to gather wood and stone and other supplies otherwise scarce in this seemingly idyllic place. For all that, they still have no choice but to make themselves at home. Even if Ivo were to devote himself to smelting ore and repairing the engines on the crashed Romancing SaGa, they would almost certainly just be capsized again by the winged sea monster that roams the surrounding oceans still.
"It's not dissipating in the sunlight, at least..."
At least they know the proper path forward: to defeat the ornery wind elemental Wuther's rival, Scirocco, and so learn how to quell the tempest that rages within the volcano's caldera and apparently agitates the sea monster that keeps them here, as well as damaging and destroying other vessels unfortunate enough to approach. So it is for this upcoming battle that Ivo prepares. By, apparently, testing out a strange black fabric, a scrap of which he is holding in his hands, tugging at it. It looks unusually stretchy.
"It's slow going," he's murmuring to himself, "but I think this'll actually work... good thing we don't have to make much of it!"
Maybe it's for, like, a rope to climb the volcano, or something.
8 months, 1 week ago
"Yo ho, yo ho... A pirate's life fer me~."
That sure is the sound of a new voice.
It would seem that whie Reize is surveying and Ivo exploring, that someone has made themselves home amidst the Starchasers' stuff!
She hadn't been there before, but now, with some pilfered supplies and a bottle of something she brought herself, there is a girl that certainly is very NOT familiar to the party.
She's made a fire and is grilling some freshly caught fish while chugging merrily from her mystery bottle, and she's apparently had enough of its contents to not care that the remnants of her clothes are in tatters, as she curls her tail around herself.
That's right. Tail. Because she's apparently a lizardfolk; with midnight scales for skin and sleepy golden eyes as she uh.
Yeah she's just making herself at home huh.
"We pillage, we plunfer, we rifle and loot, drink up my hearties, yo ho~."
Reize Seatlan
8 months, 1 week ago
It was about high time for Reize to make his way back to the camp. The site survey found no particular danger that the others will have to worry about for the night.
Upon his arrival to their campsite, he does see the fire sparking at their camp.
"Oh! Maybe Ivo or Rui had set up dinner!" He takes a pause to consider Ruidosa cooking. He places a hand to his chin, ".... Maybe Ivo set up dinner." He furrows his eyebrows.
To his surprise, however, it is someone unfamiliar with his camp.
His eyebrows furrow in annoyance. "Oi! This is our camp!" However, the annoyance fades and he pauses while eyeing the lizardfolk. "...Did you just get shipwrecked here, too?"
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Advanced magitech technique: musical accompaniment
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
Ivo, examining the strange dark and stretchy fabric in his hand, only belatedly attends to the sight of a campfire that has been kindled nearby. Maybe Reize or Rui has set up dinner. ...Maybe Reize has set up dinner.
But upon registering an unfamiliar voice, and then stepping out of the shadow of the boulder / laboratory, Ivo's lips quirk in an amused smile. It seems that there is another stranger in their camp. Such things happen on an isle like this, as they've learned. But he has advanced technology now. And this provides a perfect opportunity to show what it can do.
"Pardon me!"
Ivo does not emerge until Reize has already approached and begun interrogating the lizardfolk girl. But he does so with a flourish, stepping gallantly atop a nearby piece of flotsam. He appears to be carrying a chunk of driftwood stringed with stretchy black threads. It looks like nothing other than an improvized lute of sorts.
"But what is a song," he cheerfully asks, "without music? And a one, and a two, and a--"
The moment he strums the threads, they quaver and pulse with dark energy, spurting forth a puff of miasma, and the driftwood practically explodes into splinters, leaving Ivo with little more than a handful of said threads. His expression is carefully composed.
"Experimental results," he finally says, "noted."
Welcome to the Star Chasers camp, apparently.
8 months, 1 week ago
Oh it would seem that Reize and Ivo have returned.
For a momet, the dusky lizardfolk girl continues to chug from her bottle before she plucks up a skewered fish on a stick and...
'Oi! This is our camp!'
Gold eyes glance up, locking squarely on Reize for a moment. Then on Ivo as he attempts a musical accompaniment only for his instrument to explode.
The result is an almost owlish blink before the girl looks left. Looks right. Then back at the pair.
"Nah... Nah nah nah, 's my camp, mate!" She replies jovially.
"See, possession's nine-tenths o' the law. 'Finders Keepers' is the other one-tenth." She explains nodding sagely at her logic. "I sure didn't see you here when I found this place, and how do I know ye haven't just shipwrecked and washed ashore, yerselves?" She demands to know, waggling her fish at Reize.
"Gah ha har~."
Reize Seatlan
8 months, 1 week ago
There is a blink when Ivo's instrument explodes.
A large sweatbead follows suit with an owlish look.
However, his attention falls back on the stranger. "....Haah?" Reize's eyes twitch the stranger decide to claim their land. "Oh no you don't!" He points out towards her, "We've been washed ashore for a while and we've been preparing to make our way back to our previous journey! This is our camp."
He raises an eyebrow, "Besides, most of the equipment is Ivo's." He does give a glance over towards the bottle.
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
"Hm hm hm..."
Ivo's low chuckle sounds quite confident for a man whose musical instrument just exploded in his hands. He has reached up to stroke his chin cunningly, arching an eyebrow. It's quite poised, only slightly undercut by the fact that his hand is very clearly bleeding from the splinters still in it.
"Your resolve is quite admirable," he says to the piratical girl, sounding midbossesque. "But your powers of observation are wanting. Do you not see our extraordinary laboratory!?" He points at what looks like a regular old boulder, if a large one. If she looked inside, she would see some startlingly delicate glassware for aetheric distillation, but one wonders if she would appreciate it even if she could see it from this angle. "Our well-maintained abode?" He points at what looks like a regular old shipwreck, if one of a luxurious vessel. It does look quite nice inside now, separated into various comfortable living chambers, and someone has draped rather well made curtains over gaps in the wood, but again, it's a shipwreck. "And, speaking of equipment... would someone who had just shipwrecked and washed ashore... be able to make *this*!?"
And then, with a flourish, he lays out upon the flotsam, for easy viewing, what appears to be more scraps of that stretchy dark fabric and, of all things, a similar set of wearable black cat ears.
"Woven from luxury fabrics and distilled Destruction itself," he boldly announces, "a triumph of magitech inspired by the wilderness, the Shadowcat Bikini Set (Prototype Mark I)!"
It is, indeed, a magical swimsuit. And it is, indeed, a triumph of magitech, however simple it may appear. So this is how their resident artificer has been preparing for the upcoming battle.
8 months, 1 week ago
Reize is pretty adamant, but the lizardfolk rather calmly takes a swig from her bottle and leers at him. The camp she claims is hers. The equipment he claims is Ivo's. Ivo... Presents a bikini and cat ears.
For a beat she has to pause. She's staring at quite possibly what may be the Cosmopolitan's greatest invention here.
Offering Reize a skewered fish as she speaks, she does waggle a clawed finger at the youth.
"Now... If this truly is your camp, as you say..." She starts to speak. "What proof do you have of it, mate?" Asked very pointedly.
"D'ye have title or deed? Or a flag?"
Flags are important.
"Iffin' ye can prove it then I'll concede my point, savvy?"
On to Ivo though...
"What do *you* need with a bikini?" Pause. "I'll not be modellin' for ye."
A pause.
"And why the cat ears???"
Reize Seatlan
8 months, 1 week ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Good luck or no?
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).
Reize Seatlan
8 months, 1 week ago
"Our flag?!"
There was half a thought of showing this person what it is like to claim something that they see. He had half of mind to pull out the Hookshot EX and show her its power! Seizure! He'll show what it's like to seize something!
However, there is the comment about a flag.
"Oh? Well, we should have a flag he---"
There is a bit of a large sweatbead as he eyes the scraps of the stretchy dark fabric and swet of wearable cat ears.
".... Ah. Right. That." He rubs the back of his head.
However, he shakes his head and bolts towards back amidst their equipment and other littered items. Or at least, the fragment of the Romancing SaGa's structure. He rummages for the cloth and he flips it up.
It is a flag. It has appeared torn, but the flag is also marked with another fabric. It is the cloak of the vultures, flapping majestically with the wind.
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Advanced magitech technique: produce title and/or deed
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 8).
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
"Hm hm hm..."
Again, that confident chortle from Ivo.
"Even now, you underestimate us? So be it!"
It seems that the new arrival was somehow, shockingly, not impressed by his most recent invention. Naturally, he neglects to answer any of her questions. Instead, he reaches for the magitechncial tools currently affixed to his belt, having emerged in the midst of his inventions, and withdraws what looks to be a small metallic tablet, which he taps once on its side as though to test it before raising it to eye level.
"By decree of the Royal Family of Zerhem, the Isle of the Blessed Winds," he intones, giving the impression of a dramatic reading, "has been bequeathed to Reize Seatlan and company in recognition of their heroics in dispatching the Star-Crowned Emperor and quelling the threat posed by the floating city of Arcadios, their defense of Prince Constantin and support of Princess Darcea, etcetera."
He shows the tablet to Lether as Reize approaches with the enduring flag. Indeed, it says exactly what Ivo read aloud, including the etcetera! And there's no way he could have just written this out, not with the tablet being made of metal, of all things. It all looks very official.
"Behold, indeed," he quips as he puts away the tablet, before anyone has any chance to see that the words, "BEHOLD! THE FLAG OF THE ROMANCING SAGA! Behold, indeed," have also appeared upon the metallic tablet. For this tablet is one of Ivo's greatest inventions, crafted on behest of The Capo himself, an advanced technology on which our heroes regularly depend: an automatic writing and recording implement known as...
The Autologger.
8 months, 1 week ago
And then. Of all things.
Reize Seatlan produces a flag.
For a beat the lizardfolk girl stares, abjectly stunned, her jaw falls open slowly to reveal a maw of razor sharp teeth before she clacks it shut again.
And then Ivo presents the Autologger and writ of deed.
There's an irritated huff as the girl takes one last swig from her bottle and tosses it aside with a small crash.
"Alright, alright, I get it, mates. 's your camp." She huffs indignantly. "But."
"But I've still got somethin' that may be of interest..." She says grinning.
"Y'see in my travels with my previous crew, I sort of kind of... Lifted something very important, very precious, and very expensive from the cargo. Iffin' ye get me off this island I'll split it with ye~."
Reize Seatlan
8 months, 1 week ago
After displaying the deed and the flag, Reize is looking quite pleased. With the lizardfolk girl perplexed and now conceding her stance on their territory.
However, she does offer a trade on getting off of the island.
"...Well, I don't see why not." He gives a thoughtful look, "If you're stuck, we can help get you out. We're trying to get out, ourselves."
Ivo Galvan
8 months, 1 week ago
Ivo is grinning lopsidedly as he tucks away the autologger before his shenanigans become apparent. One advantage to inventing your own makeshift magitech on the fly is that it is rare that anyone else will catch on to how it works. He seems to have settled down and has ceased with his bombastic performativity, though when his gaze passes over the prototype Shadowcat Bikini, one can still catch a flicker of pride pass across his features.
Look, it enhances Destruction magic, alright? It can even impart some Shadowcat style quick escape tricks. It's entirely practical for dealing with the dangers posed by a highly maneuverable and clever wind elemental. And the cat ears-- don't worry about the cat ears.
"As anticipated from our fearless leader," he says with good humor, tone milder now, as he glances between Reize and the pirate. This lizardfolk girl has I Am Going To Rob You All As Soon As I Got Off This Island written all over her, and not because of the autologger. But if Ivo can tell, he does not seem to mind. "This is the famous Reize Seatlan," Ivo continues. Well, his name did show up on the tablet. "I'm Ivo Galvan, resident magitechnician and amateur tailor."
He crosses his arms, grin broadening.
"There's an elemental we need to deal with atop this isle's central mountain," he says, "but once we do, we should be able to leave together." You know, more or less, probably. "May I take a look at this treasure of yours? In case it could be of use in the battle to come."
8 months, 1 week ago
It's settled then! Reize and company will help this girl get off the island. That's all well and good, but she eyes Ivo for a beat.
"I hid it~." She says rather jovially. "I'll whip it on out when the time's right, don't you worry yer pretty little head none."
Introductions though...
"Aye? THE Reize Seatlan and Ivo Galvan?" She sounds excited for a moment before... "Never heard of either of ye."
"As for me? Th' name's Lether. Ye better remember it, cause I'mma be king of the pirates one day."
Lofty dreams, that.