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Saurin' for Tea

Scene details

  • Start date: June 2, 2024, 5:17 p.m.
  • End date: June 2, 2024, 7:48 p.m.
  • Location: Zel'rik Archipelago - Cactus Forest
  • Participants: Reize Seatlan, Ivo Galvan, Daiby

Setting: Reize and Ivo hunt for some plant to use for tea with the assistance of Daiby's knowledge. Unfortunately for the party, they come across a very dangerous saurian.


 The sun is brimming, adding to the atmosphere of the dry heat that flushes through the entire region. THis would be the Cactus Forest, where the dunes are abundant across the sun-scorched sands. There are a few critters here and there. Some of them immediately skitter from the path of the travelers.

 The travelers in question is led by the young boy, who has a map in his hand. "Okay. So there is something about some plants here." He rubs his chin. "What kind of plant... well, I didn't get too much information, but the vultures told me about some rare ones here!" He flips the map around, wondering if he is reading it correctly.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Trivia (Botany)
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=18.
Comment: Are we going the right way?
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 10).

 Ivo's gaze placidly follows a tumbleweed as it rolls its merry way before them, his own tattered clothing rippling in the same breeze. In contrast to Reize's cheery expression, the Cosmopolitan's features are a mask of ironic nonchalance, giving one the impression of him staring continuously into the middle distance at some unseen audience.
 He slowly looks upward, squinting into the sun, at what appears to be some circling vultures. Quietly, he hopes that they are Reize's friends and not, you know, some different vultures.
 "I'm not an expert," he says carefully, "but I believe that tea grows in humid climates and fertile soil."
 He glances about. There is not much to look at. He has never heard of any sort of cactus tea or anything like that. Their best bet would likely be some shrubs of some kind.
 "Well," he adds, "we could go toward the rockier areas and start trying some of the leaves on the brush. In this heat, we could probably boil tea for taste tests just by leaving the water out."
 If he's likely, one of the plants will be poisonous, and grant him a merciful death before the vultures descend. ...He can't say that. Priel would appreciate it, though.

  At Ivo's botany knowledge, Reize lifts a finger up, "Normally, that would be true. However, since we're going for something more specific, the vulture tribe told me of a certain plant that grows within the desert."

 A hand rests underneath his chin as he thinks. He looks back at Ivo's last comments, "The rockier area would be good. I think if we can find one with the larger cactus, we can find some plant."

 He gives a brighten smile. "We should be able to get find this without too much trouble."

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d10.
Comment: ...Roar?
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: Can we find this without too much trouble?
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 7).

  • Character: Daiby
  • 4 months, 2 weeks ago


Daiby is wearing a broad-brimmed sunhat on which at least three small, colorful snakes are sunning. She is holding herself upright with very careful poise, as a result. "Are you using cactus in the singular sense," she asks as she steps along, "or the plural sense? Technically the latter is 'cacti' but your usage isn't wrong so much as not the preferred, formal version--"

Daiby has no good idea what they're looking for either.

 "Well," Ivo replies, cracking a smile, "far be it from me to doubt the vulture tribe." He may not trust Reize's map-reading abilities, but he does have some faith in his affinity for birds. ...What a skillset.
 The loyal deuteragonist claps his hands together as though to rouse himself and nods, shaking off the effects of the desert heat, his smile brightening.
 "Right," he says. "By the end of this adventure, we'll all be veritable tea connoisseurs. Sitting around the campfire with Wuther, sipping a fine brew, remarking on its subtle tasting notes."
 The thought of Reize doing that is funny enough that Ivo gets extra motivated, and prepares to set off toward what looks to be the closest rockier outcropping, nearer to the volcano. But the thing about deserts is that, even when your objective *isn't* a mirage, the dunes make travel feel like it takes forever. Within not too long, Ivo is panting, wiping sweat from his brow.
 "Maybe," he gasps, "we should have taken the sand sledge for this."
 He glances to Daiby with a wry smile.
 "I'll have to craft one of those hats for myself," he remarks between pants, keeping the mood light and its spirits up. "Does it come with the snakes or are those optional?"

 "Right?" Reize grins in agreement with Ivo. The vultures have been dependable! Speaking of, Reize looks up to see the flocking of vultures above them. Those are friends, right? Maybe they're cheering him on?

 ...Fate may instead conspire against the two as the creatures are watching for 'food' to scavange.

 Reize scratches his head as he glances at Daiby. "That is true. Though, I am thinking singular. More cacti would be helpful, but I think we want to find one near a rock so another plant life can be around." He grins at Daiby, "We require your expertise, after all." He chinrubs, "Once we find it we sho---" He eyes Ivo about the 'tea connoisseurs. "...I just want my scarf back." He grumbles.

 "Anyyyywaaaay, we should be able to find the right plant in----"



 The sandy ground begins to vibrate. Everything shakes and shudder violently. It comes from afar, but the presence is strong. The massive roar is coming from the northern part, where a garguantuan is seen charging into the desert. It sees food. It's scales are gleaming while its small arms are bent. It's jaws are massive.

 It's the Mighty T-Rex.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 4 months, 2 weeks ago

"I can lend you a few if you'd like to take them out sunning," Daiby answers Ivo. She smiles as she does. So does a bright-red snake, who seems to always have a smiley face!

That's the one with the blood poison, Daiby had explained once, but he's a big sweetie, so don't worry about him.

Something roars titanically. Several of the snakes abandon the sundeck, dropping into Daiby's cleavage and onto her arms as she purses her lips in displeasure, before her eyes turn upwards towards the approaching monstrous tripod of a TYRANNOSAURUS REX!

Daiby looks towards Ivo and Reize. "Do you know them?"

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Covering-retreat check (will we finally succeed a roll?)
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).

 Ivo's smile inverts into a grimace with comical speed, his eyes going saucer wide at the stunning impact of the T-Rex's roar, as though hit with the equivalent of dragonfear. There is a moment in which he is frozen stock-still, unable even to appreciate Daiby's snakes' good taste in hiding spots, before he glances first to Reize and then to Daiby.
 "I feel like," he finally says, "of all three of us, you would be *most* likely to know them. So if *you* don't--"
 The sound of thunderous footsteps, or more accurately the palpable quaking of the ground, reminds Ivo that there are better times for banter.
 "Let's take cover among the rocks!"
 As he turns to flee, Ivo casts behind him some brand new elespheres -- courtesy of their new improvised laboratory -- of a deep purple hue, which burst and then pulse upon the sand. Unlike his previous inventions, the aether does not disperse especially quickly, and when the approaching T-Rex gets close, the aether reacts as though it were a trap lying in wait, becoming a kind of swirling void that sucks in the surrounding sand and attempts to briefly immobilize the dinosaur's legs.
 Unfortunately, it is, you know, huge, and basically ignores these efforts as Ivo scrambles as fast as he can up the side of a dune. The rocky outcropping is not too far now, and it may indeed be possible to seek shelter, but they still have to at least get down this sandy slope first.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Blinding smoke for T-Rex?
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).

  "... This is the first time I've seen that!" Reize yelps out before he starts to run on one side of the path. "We'll need to escape it!"

 The massive Tyrannasaurus Rex charges ahead, heedless of anything in its way. As Ivo launches out his new elespheres, the massive creature stomps down on the sand and moves past unyielding. It is a juggernaut.

 It does stop, turning over to rear its head at the group and it lets out once more in a roar.

 Meanwhile, Reize does see the direction that Ivo moves and follows suit. "Let's move!" Reize reaches into his satchel to procure a small smoke bomb, particularly one that was shaped in a coconut. He tosses it up into the air. "Chew on this!"

 As the boy runs down through the sandy slope.

 The explosion from the coconut releases a thick mist, clouding the creature's vision. It gives out a roar in annoyance.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 4 months, 2 weeks ago

"Oh goodness no," Daiby says, "I'm sure I'd remember even if it was a drinking party." THUMP. THUMP. THUMP.

THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, "Oh, I think he sees us," says Daiby, who seems pretty relaxed about this, but she may be desensitized to the presence of deadly reptiles for some reason. That said, snakes are a very different tribe, having at least two fewer limbs than Mr. Rex over there (or Ms. Regina? unclear!)

At the second roar, Daiby reaches up to brace her hat with one hand and turns to scramble in the same direction as Ivo! "Reize! Be careful!" she calls to him, before reaching a point where it's a little too steep to run. At which point Daiby just pitches forwards and --

Commences to wiggling?

It seems she's learned this, but will it be worth the inevitable intake of sand!?

  • Character: Daiby
  • 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Daiby rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: on your belly... LIKE A SNAKE
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: If Daiby can do it, so can Ivo!!
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).

 Ivo is beginning to wonder if he should just switch his elespheres from being made out of aetherglass to storing them in coconuts, given the success of their Coconut-Based Technology thus far. Glancing over his shoulder even as he slips and slides on the sand, he looks impressed at Reize's aim.
 "Well struck, chief!"
 And then looks to Daiby.
 "A drinking party," he gasps, sweating profusely as he sprints in the desert tea, "sounds nice right now."
 But it'd probably have to be a tea drinking party, with Reize...

CHIBI REIZE (wearing Monocle of Pretention +3): Harrumph harrumph harrumph!
CHIBI IVO (sipping tea): Well said, good sir!
CHIBI DAIBY (letting her snakes lick the tea): Delicious! I assume.
CHIBI T-REX (also wearing monocle): *sniffs tea cup daintily, then chomps it all down*

 It just... might... work.
 But that must be for another time. For while Reize has delayed their foe, Ivo must somehow pick up speed. Only then does Daiby unleash one of her ultimate serpentine techniques, probably, maybe. And Ivo, inspired by her example, extremely desperate, or both, proceeds to dive face-first onto the sand and start wriggling like a snake as well. And... it works. Doubtless thanks to the precarious slope, he starts sliding down rapidly, rocketing toward the safety and shade of the rocky outcropping. Soon he'll be out of range of those stubby arms and giant jaws.
 Granted, he might slide face-first into some rocks immediately afterwards, but one problem at a time.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoiding Saurian Rush!
Roll(s): 11. Total result is 11. This is a success (by 1).

 Thanks to Reize's distraction, Ivo and Daiby were able to maneuver around to distance themselves from the massive, predatory saurian. Due to their slithering and the fact that they were not the ones who offended it, it does not lurk for them.

 With the smoke clearing, it is seeking the one that dared challenge it. It's the little boy that is not even a snack, but such impudence deserves its ire.

 "Oh no!" Reize looks back at the Saurian rushing his way. Reize takes a hold of a flat rock and he uses it as a board to glide down the rocky path.

 As the saurian rushes towards Reize, the boy maneuvers his makeshift board to the side, springing off the ground and he flips himself back upright.

 "We're almost safe!" He reaches into his satchel once more to get his bag of tricks. Maybe... something can be useful.
 While Ivo and Daiby start to wiggle around to maneuver and remain out of the sight of the massive saurian, there are a few marmots peeking out and then they go into hiding.

 Further down, along the shade of the outcropping, there are a few greenery around....

  • Character: Daiby
  • 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Maybe that's the secret. You gotta fall on your belly near the top so you're ready to sliiiiide on down.

"Is Reize going to be alright?" Daiby asks Ivo on her way down towards that shady outcropping. "I mean he seems to be familiar with those things, and by the way veer right?" She veers right herself, which means SHE avoids hitting rocks.

After getting more or less behind view, Daiby shimmies in a way that quickly buries most of her body under a small but disguising layer of sand and then raises her head to look up. Which means she looks right at a Marmot.

Her eyes (and that of Mr. Red Snake in her cleavage) turn downslope. She squints. Ivo may have to call this out.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Gathering success roll (while hiding among sand and rock)
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).

 "Reize! This way!"
 Ivo calls this out to try to guide his now surfing friend (if only Iris could see him now), only to look back and see and hear, amidst the spraying sand, that Daiby is keenly avoiding a dangerous rock. Her fellow Cosmopolitan promptly follows, and hopefully, if Ivo has managed to get Reize's attention, he will thus be able to see where they are going.
 "Pfft... ugh..."
 Sputtering and coughing, once he is safely in the shadow of the outcropping, Ivo will poke his head up, spitting out sand, and finally take stock of his surroundings. On the one hand, there is, thankfully, some resilient greenery around him, able to survive in the shade from the beating desert sun. On the other hand, he has no idea which of it is most likely to be the rare plant that is allegedly around here.
 So Ivo just picks samples of all of it and hopes for the best. The eventual taste testing is likely to be very fun.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Making to safety without pain?
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).

 At least for Ivo and Daiby, the danger is gone. Reize, on the other hand, is trying to shake off the danger. Given that the massive saurian ran past him, he's looking over to find Ivo and Daiby.

 He leaps off of the board as soon as Ivo calls out towards him. The boy runs after Ivo's trajectory, then he makes a leaping dive out into the outcropping.

 The explorer leaps out towards the outcropping, rolling along the ground and then he springs off into the shadows. As he peeks his head out, he can see that the creature is... looking around.

 The massive saurian is looking to its left. Then it looks to its right. After a few lingering moments of trying to trace the food without avail.... it loses interest and starts stomping off.

 "...W---e made it."

 His face plants to the ground, just relieved that he was not eaten.