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Magitech Madness: Titanium

Scene details

  • Start date: March 16, 2024, 4:45 p.m.
  • End date: March 16, 2024, 8:37 p.m.
  • Location: Zel'rik Archipelago - Isle of Blessed Winds
  • Participants: Ivo Galvan, Argent, Fabroxo, Laineth, Faruja

Setting: "This is totally stupid, but it's not boring at least." --Laineth


 Light dances in Ivo's eyes as, kneeling upon the coast's white sands, the noble in tattered raiments tends to a mostly hidden blaze. One of the great volcanic boulders that litter this tranquil inlet, alongside the numerous hulls of shipwrecks, has been repurposed: smoke billows from a fissure in its top, functioning as a natural chimney, while a narrow opening in its base radiates heat from the fire kindled within. The pitch black of the smoke above, a sharp contrast to the pure blue of the shimmering sea, indicates to the observant that the magitechnician has improvized not an oven but a forge.
 "It's melting... the titanium!"
 Some time has passed since the Star Chasers and their friends were stranded on this castaway isle. A strange sea monster, half shimmering serpent and half flying fish, has been lashing out at any unfortunate vessels to cross its path. After Reize was reizenapped by a mysterious traditionalist beastkin organization known as Beastkeepers, represented by two members of the self-proclaimed Catgirl Mafia, our heroes pursued him only for everyone involved to encounter said monster and be stranded here. A faithful bird reported Reize's fate to allies in Cosmopolis, but subsequent rescue efforts went about as well as one might expect.
 Assembling a sand sledge from driftwood and sail scraps, powered by giant megafauna marmots and the winds that rush from the isle's mountainous center, the party crossed the diverse biomes of this strange place to reach the ancient lava tunnels that might lead to the caldera rim. There they learned the truth: the sea monster has been provoked by infighting between sapient wind elementals, whom the party must quell if they are to end the strife and be able to leave. But first, they must prepare.
 And at last, from the lava tunnels, they have extracted both some ore and some coal with which to generate the heat to smelt it. Finally, Ivo can forge proper tools, can distill aether, can blow glass to recreate his elespheres. No more healing potions in coconuts (at least, not necessarily). A new era of civilization has dawned again for our stalwart adventurers. Now is the time to propose the innovations most suitable to overcoming the challenges and battles that await them, and attaining again to the freedom for which they long... as nice as this enforced island vacation may have been for some.
 "Now, then... there is only so much titanium. Therefore, I propose..."
 Rising to his feet, Ivo's eyes still shine.
 "We dedicate this precious ore to forging a set of bikini armor!"
 He's still riding the high from developing the Shadowcat Bikini Set Schematic. Look, their outfits were damaged, he unlocked a new game mechanic for crafting, it's a long story.
 "But for whom!?"
 His gaze sweeps those assembled. Truly, a great challenge has been posed for them today.

  • Character: Argent
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "I do not believe that I require alternative clothing." Argent says blandly. Indeed, her outfit appears to be oddly untouched by the struggles they've all faced so far. Her dress is perfectly intact, the white cloth unsullied by any of the dirt or stains one might expect it to be marred with in this less than optimal environment.

  "However, it is likely that others will require replacements." she adds on afterwards. Unlike Ivo, she doesn't sweep her gaze around.

  The homunculus is just...staring right at him.

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

The wandering Crusader-slash-Priest of the Holy Father isn't looking much better than his sometimes adventuring companions. While he's not /as/ disheveled, the rodent's fur is a few inches too long and his robes have been long ago used effectively as a hammock to sleep on. His armor, too, has definitely suffered and has been packed away for all but the most potent of potential monsters to assail them or rather dangerous hunting trips!

So instead he's basically down to some ratty slacks an exercise shirt that's seen far better days.

The priest-rodent works his jaw as he, too, stares at Ivo. Just. Those big red eyes peeeeeer. His face though does a good job of expressing his mood if you can read beastkin, and his tail's vague droop says it all. He really wants to support the noble, he /really/ does!

There's this sound of a long suffering, sucking breath. One can watch him mouth prayers as he tries to not yell at the man. Really, would he stick around as much as he has even he didn't get the catharsis of wanting to murder Ivo sometimes?

"...How....EXACTLY...Ser Galvan does B I K I N I Armor prove in /any/ way defensive no matter how...ah, potentially distracting or lithe of foot it may leave the wielder!?" He's trying to be professional. One can almost /feel/ his blood pressure rising.

He also, notably, hasn't said /no/ to this exactly.

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

He arrived here via failed rescue mission, by the by. For Reize. Yes. And nothing to do with 'Catgirl Mafia' rumors...

  • Character: Laineth
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "...Bikini armor?"

  Laineth stands there, her arms crossed. Hilariously, she happens to be wearing a bikini already. The same teal green and gold one she fashioned out of spare cloth when they crashed here. And around her waist is a see through sheer waistcloth that flows down her legs, opening up the middle on the frontside.

  She also has sunglasses on. Where did she get those? Don't ask.

  "I meaaaaaan..." She lifts a hand, pushing her sunglasses up to her forehead as she fixes Ivo with a grin. "It's just SUCH a shame!" She says theatrically, her hand moving to her cheek as she dons a totally fake regretful expression. "I'd volunteer to model for it, but I've been suddenly hit with a chronic case of 'zero motivation'. It's such a shame! ....Suuuuuch a shame!"

  Par for the course with this elf so far.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  Assembled is a good word to describe Fabroxo's presence, in a general sense. Though the enforced vacay has divested him of his normal loadout of assorted worn gadgetry, leaving him vulnerable to a wicked sick tan, a scientific mind will always find a way. This island is rich in such a variety of resources that he would have to be creatively bankrupt to be at a loss here. Rather, it's almost too rich, as Fabroxo failed the desert crossing due to getting...distracted.


  A gigantic monster hornet is locked in a deadly tailspin, plummeting haplessly through the air. This is because Fabroxo is attached via mouth to one of its wings, cackling madly through clenched teeth.

  Fabroxo is wearing crude, but brightly shining multisegemented goggles, making him appear to be some kind of horrific bug mutant.

  "You've done a wonderful job here, Ivo." He tilts his head toward the agitated rat-man(?). "Now, that's an understandable question, but I have long been curious regarding the conflicting evidence of bikini armor's efficacy. It defies easy explanation! Truly, a topic worth exploring, I applaud your enthusiasm and diligence."

  And here, the self-proclaimed genius magitechnologist seems to become somewhat uncharacteristically hesitant. "And, as such, I shall aid you to the, ahem, best of my abilities." A faint blush rises from behind his tan.

 "Hm hm hm..."
 Ivo chuckles knowingly, unflinching in the face of Argent's relentless gaze and Faruja's barely-contained indignation, sliding a pointer finger up his nose as though he is pushing up glasses he has never worn. The motion is possibly inspired by Laineth's only gesture moments earlier, not that he has been gawk-- staring at her a lot or anything.
 "Argent, you possess an unusual power."
 Right, she can eat rocks and stuff. That's probably how they cleaned the dross off of a lot of this ore to speed the forging process. She also is notably instrumental in their production of healing items via a process popularly known as Don't Worry About It.
 "Your clothing... cannot be damaged!"
 Oh, that.
 "Somehow, any injury you sustain fails to harm your garments! And this fact requires investigation. *Scientific* investigation. Now, you *might* think: 'we should swathe Argent in a full-coverage bodysuit and put her front and center in battle, and see if it is impossible to harm her at all'. But you fail to consider the key properity of more refined ores: not their physical resilience, but their aetheric capacity!"
 He points at Argent.
 "First, we refine wind aether gems from the copious aether present on this isle! Second, we stud the titanium bikini with said gems, directing all attacks not just upon Argent but in her *vicinity* toward said bikini! And then, we see if said bikini is truly invulnerable, as her innate talent would suggest! If successful, we would thereby create the ultimate defensive being!"
 Ivo's eyes sparkle like a starry sky, gleaming almost as Fabroxo's flashy new goggles do in the summery sun above. The young man has clearly thought this through. Like, *way* too much. It is as though he has inherited Fabroxo's full capability for Magitech Madness and combined it with his own, uh... innate talent. The result is really something else.
 ...Isn't there, like, *anything* better they could do with titanium?

  • Character: Argent
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "Yes. I believe it is an attempt to conserve materials, similar to how you crafted your current choice of clothing." Argent states calmly, taking a step in Laineth's direction, followed by her fingers gliding down the elf's arm and curling their hands together.

  A beat passes.

  "Additionally, I believe he is not content simply viewing your body, and he wishes to see more of us." she adds on, her silvery eyes still staring unblinking at Ivo as he makes his explanation. "...ah. I believe it would be best to separate the variables in this experiment. As such, it would be advisable to separate testing of the bikini and my ability. It would thus be necessary for another to wear this garment."

  ...still staring. It's almost like she's trying to say something!

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Courage check. Can Ivo make the necessary(???) sacrifice?
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Faruja briefly side-eyes Laineth judgingly, but it quickly enough softens. While he's no fan of the elf's general lack of help...then again in this case, it wouldn't be much of an upgrade anyway. Whatever sharp rejoinder he /was/ going to make dies in his throat before he straightens a bit, and rubs one ear. %r%rAnd again, the questionable genius, one Fabraxo, states things in such a matter that despite himself...this little germ of curiousity actually blooming. That is, until Ivo is very obviously trying to thrust the poor homunculus into the thing. And also turn her into a strange sort of...bulwark of vaguely clad human from aetheric attacks. There's this squeak of irritation as he just keeps on tossing it over in his mind. %r%rA digit rises. "While I am all for a good defensive idea, Ivo, I am...reluctant to so easily offer the good Lady Argent up to such an experiment." Comes the rat honestly, motivated this time by more blatant concern, turning his gaze over to Argent herself. %r%rThe particular interlinking of fingers is noted, before he finally sighs. %r%r"But I defer to the good Lady's wishes, as it is your ability." Comes the rat, arms crossing a bit more tightly, and actually peering over to the two ladies and mouthing 'what to do with this wonderful fool' as his tail all but hits the sand.

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

His brow does, of course, then raise all of a sudden as Argent's words do kick him to an obvious realization. "Ivo. I should also caution on what would happen if said 'bikini armor' /broke/!" Oh yeah. He's GLARING now!

  • Character: Laineth
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago


  Contrary to her flippant disinterest packaged as joking momens earlier, Laineth does actually listen to the process that Ivo describes. Her long ears twitch. "I see..." Well, she does know why Argent's clothing never seems to distain damage, but... not telling Ivo why is the funnier option.

  So she doesn't.

  "I see... if the armor has a high aetheric density, then its defensive capabilities would increase by way of naturally deploying a sort of passive barrier despite the lack of coverage area... interesting." This is totally stupid, but it's not boring at least.

  Argents steps in to her side and takes her hand. The elf glances down at the homunculus and smiles, squeezing her hand back. "Ohoho, Argent my dear, you have a point. It would be more productive to separate the variables for this experiment, wouldn't it?" I think our sensible beastkin friend and resident scientist here both agree too!

  She glances at Faruja and Fabroxo, then joins Argent in Staring Pointedly at Ivo.


  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "A truly mysterious phenomenon." Fabroxo nods knowingly as Ivo waxes passionately regarding his ideas for Argent's wardrobe. "And well worth trying, though...YES, exactly!" He cries out as she explains the need for someone else to wear a bikini. "For a proper experiment we must have a control group! Very impressive, young lady!"
  "Though, that does still beg the question..." The magitech master(?) furrows his brow, forehead creasing above the Boggle Reconnaissance System Mk-I. "Who can serve as the secondary subject? Obviously, Ivo is out of the question as he must be free to take notes and otherwise oversee his experiment..." It seems Fabroxo has totally missed the group's psychic wish to for Ivo get a taste of his own medicine. Rather, his blush intensifies, the only sign of embarrassment he shows on this somewhat sordid topic. "I said I shall aid however I can, so I volunteer." He pauses thoughtfully. "I do have my measurements memorized, so that is convenient, at least."

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Fabroxo rolls 1d20>0.
Comment: Science does not know SHAME, IVO.
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6.

 "That doesn't *necessarily* have anything to do with this," Ivo says, firmly yet very carefully, in response to Argent's all too frank observations to Laineth. Yet he falters for the first time in the face of the homunculus's riposte, and at last begins to wither a bit under the ladies' collective gaze. She does have a point. And if his interests really are in the name of science, he has no basis to refuse. Besides, the presence of the legendary inventor and questionable barometer of reason Fabroxo is a source for Ivo of both inspiration and chastening. Surely it is incumbent upon him to, as it were, put some skin in the game.
 He takes a deep breath.
 "Very well."
 And then, reaching out, he places a hand on the shoulder of his glowering friend Faruja, beastkin paladin extraordinaire--
 "I shall count on you, my courageous and redoubtable friend, to assist me in this time of need."
 --and promptly throws him under the bus.
 "It's for a good cause," he says, staring directly, very meaningfully, into the eyes of his friend (allegedly). "And don't worry about the possibility of it breaking! If my time with Reize has taught me anything, a conveniently placed cloud of steam will appear to protect you just in time."
 Before he can explain how or why that is supposed to be something Faruja can rely on, to safeguard either his or Argent's dignity, Ivo's eyes widen as Fabroxo abruptly volunteers. Blinking, genuinely startled, he looks as the great inventor, knowingly or not, volunteers to take one for the team, where 'team' means 'Ivo'.
 "Fabroxo, I..."
 Ivo blushes too.
 "Al-alright, well... thanks."
 Shyly glancing at Fabroxo, the air, perhaps due to the heat of the nearby forge, seems to shimmer between them.
 Was this... how this was supposed to go?

  • Character: Argent
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  Argent leans in a touch closer, head resting upon Laineth's upper arm as she watches the goings on. "Ah." she says quietly, eyes slowly drifting between Ivo and Fabroxo. "It appears that these two have made an agreement as to how to test this new apparatus. As such, I believe it would be optimal for us to assist in the fabrication of it."

  She seems oddly quick to say that for someone who's usually so stoic, doesn't she?

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Oh. Oh Holy Father. Ivo's really do this. He's about to become the possibly fourth-prettiest Beastkin in all the world, isn't he? It's not that he minds, particularly, but this is so VERY sudden! His ratty ears are slowly starting to turn a particular shade of red seen to few from the rodent! He works his mouth once, twice, all while peering at Ivo with a little mist in his eyes and...

No, he's actually considering it! 'Good Cause' are all but pavlovian words to a paladin. "Well...I...that Mist better be generous...." He mutters, before suddenly???

It's the scientist to the rescue. " dedicated to your craft, Ser Fabroxo! I...ah..." Wow, who knew that a rat with fuzzy cheeks can blush in the cheeks. Fabro's tan isn't helping. It /really is not/!

Both hands just go to his ears and he ruffle-shuffles them to try to get his head back into place, and not down roads lurid, unbecoming of his position as a Crusader!

Rather often of late, Faruja Senra can't help but think that Ivo Galvan was put on this world as a test of his patience and virtue. He considers. Now that Argent isn't in the line of bikini-equipdom, the homunculus seems strangely helpful, and that terrifies him a little. Despite the blush, Fabroxo is...he can't help but admire his dedication to the arts (and the tan), so that makes a roundabout bit of sense.

"I regret this already, may I assist? I can heal you all at least. Your bodies. Not your dignity." Gruuuumble! For all his complaints, he is kind of at rapt attention now!

  • Character: Laineth
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago


  Oh, it looks like they figured it out.


  "Wow... did Ivo just throw him under the bridge?" She asks aloud to no one in particular, a hand over her mouth that does a poor job of hiding an amused grin at the proceedings.

  Then Fabroxo demonstrates what true conviction for science looks like.

  "..........Wow." The elf blinks. "That's dedication." She nods to Argent, smiling ever so mischievously. "You're right, Argent. It wouldn't be right of us to not put in two hundred percent to support these brave men in their scientific pursuits after that display!"

  Whatever happened to all that disinterest from before? She's practically sparkling now.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  The only team Fabroxo is taking one for is the team he's always been on: the one concerned with the advancement of magicaltechnical progress at /any/ cost. Ivo's dignity is not, nor likely ever will be, a concern.

  And yet, this heat rising between them, is it just the blazing tropical weather, or something more? Something passionate? Something like...Yes, that's right, a mutual and deep love...

  ...of learning.

  "Think nothing of it, Ivo, this would be the ideal configuration. Not to cast undue aspersions on the abilities on any of you, I know little of the ability of anybody here to conform to experimental protocol, besides Argent of course." He's seen her in the lab after all, putting things in her mouth and whatnot, and has been duly impressed. Too impressed, as there was a time he was also inspired to put things in his mouth, with perhaps predictably unpleasant consequences.

  "Yes, ahem, I nonetheless appreciate all of your willingness to aid in this endeavor." Fabroxo suddenly finds himself having difficulty by being the center of attention. Like, in a different way than usual, because nothing's on fire or on electricity or on acid or anything. "Indeed, should there be unexpected steam blasts in a vulnerable location, medical attention may well be required."

 "Hm? Ah, sure," Ivo mumbles to Argent, now sounding distracted. One would think that, being the person behind these shenanigans in the first place, he would be more committed to seeing through a specific design or style being realized, so to speak. But instead, now that the group is more or less on board, he seems to shift to practical considerations. After all, the prospect of making such an artifact from scratch under these inclement circumstances is exciting and interesting in its own right. He grins, his composure returning. "Let's divide the labor, then!"
 He gestures from the volcanic boulder by which they are assembled, serving as their forge for titanium smelting, to another towering rocky outcrop nearby, in which a sort of shallow natural cavern is embedded. By the former, a dense flat rock serves as an anvil and workspace and a rough box hewn of salvaged ship planks and nails is filled with fresh water for quenching and tempering. Within the latter, Ivo's first attempts at glassware for a pseudo-laboratory are gathered.
 "I'll try to extract some concentrated wind aether from the remnants of the corrupted elemental we vanquished in the desert," he says. "It's a simple approach to aether refinement, but I think the Wind element should rise in a vessel and the Destruction aspect should fall to its bottom. The only question is if the latter can be properly contained, but the boulder's confines should help with that."
 Like, to protect from the elements without, or...?
 "Faruja, my friend, perhaps you could lend your strength to the forging process and gallantly assist the ladies?" He grins again to the flushed Crusader, patting his long-suffering ally on the shoulder once more, before turning to the scientist who has saved the day and hesitating again. "Fabroxo, I assume you'll want to assist with said process as well, since you'll be wearing the result, but, uh--" Ivo clears this throat. "If you'd like to assist me with the distillation, I'd of course be glad to have you..."

> The party has earned 10 Fanfiction Points.
> One True Pairing unlocked: Fabroxo x LEARNING.

  • Character: Argent
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "Ah. Attempting to manipulate Destruction using crude equipment has potential to be dangerous, should the methods used prove insufficient. As such, it is advisable for the one with the greatest skill in those methods be the one to implement them in order to reduce the probability of problems occurring." Argent says. Translation: Let's get Ivo to do the dangerous work.

  Then as Ivo gets to the part about distillation, she blinks slowly at Ivo. "Please do not inform the others of this." she says, leaning in to the elf's ear as she mimicks Laineth's gesture, the hand over her mouth doing absolutely nothing to actually keep everybody else from hearing what she's saying. "I believe that Ivo desires time in which he and Fabroxo are together without interference from others. I am currently unaware as to the reason."

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

The Argent and Laineth, in response to the latter's words, gets that same vaguely misty-eyed look. Yes. Yes Ivo did! No respect for rodentia around here!

Fabroxo, meanwhile, gets a firm nod of acceptance. That /is/ part of his Holy Duties after all, taking care of the injured regardless of circumstances. ESPECIALLY if it's due to some idiot's half-cocked, possibly slightly heathenous idea. Faruja might have a whole /host/ of those to contend with, enough to perhaps write a tome about it, IVO!!!!

But then there's labor being bandied about, and twin ears perk up! Of course aetherology on the more conceptual levels are a bit beyond him, having spent more time on battlefields and in Church libraries, than the slightly more scientific works of magic. Luckily it seems he can contribute to this dubious madness, if only to get it over with quicker. He turns to Argent and Laineth, sweeps a priestly bow to the pair, and wanders over to them!

"At your services, then, Lady Argent, Lady Laineth! I'm no blacksmith, but I can pump a bellows and can do field repairs at least. Just...keep anything 'on fire' away from the fur please! I /really/ need a decent furcut..." Sigh! A warm smile to the pair.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  The tasks are divided up in a fairly logical manner, some semblance of scholarly discipline seeping back into the absurd proceedings. Laineth nods along, having no real qualms about what she'll be doing. This is, after all, for the sake two men's love... ...of learning.


  Argent asides to her about Ivo and Fabroxo and she smiles sweetly. "You'll understand when you're older, Argent." She says, patting her on the head. Pat pat.

  This is a joke.


  Faruja steps over, bowing in a gentlemanly manner. The elf lifts a hand to her mouth again, "Oh wow, Mr. Faruja. Your manners are impeccable, aren't they?" She smiles sweetly once again, and waves an index finger around, causing a small gale to swirl around her finger. Ah, magic. "Alright then! When we're done with this harebrained- I mean, genius experiment, I'll give you a haircut!" Pause. "...Furcut." Another pause.

  "Rodent beastkin fur does make for a great alchemic reagent after all, heh heh heh~"


  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "Of course, Ivo. I am not unused to risk of this nature, so I believe it is natural for the two of us to handle this aspect of the process." Immediately, Fabroxo seems more at ease, now that they're getting into the nitty gritty of the process. It's his jam, as it were. And, obviously, there is NO WAY for his obvious eagerness to be misinterpreted. The very notion is rife with absurdity.

  "We must also consider the particulars of the design itself, and while of course I am open to ideas I believe I have some of my own, both practical and aesthetic." He turns to Ivo and continues, "Rather, the two are one and the same, for such is the nature of beachwear, is it not?"

  Fabroxo pauses thoughtfully. "I do have spare hornet parts. Do you think stripes would be...tacky?"

 With one more fond smile to Faruja as he charmingly banters with the alchemist pair, Ivo strides toward the makeshift laboratory, even more makeshift than their *last* makeshift laboratory in Granse.
 "She's right, of course," he's saying of Argent's observations. "Under other circumstances, I would seek sources of raw Wind aether, doubtless extractable simply from the intense gales that we contend with so. The rudimentary tools I've fashioned won't be able to fully separate the element from their associated domain. But I'm counting on that, and on the conceptual association of Destruction with contraction, as Creation is associated with expansion. Since Destruction is already so thoroughly integrated with Wind due to the nature of these corrupted elements, even without any advanced instruments, I should hypothetically be able to produce a strong vacuum effect that could draw attacks toward a common target."
 He really did think through this nonsen-- scientific endeavor.
 "The trick will be gauging just the right balance of element and domain, then dealing with the extracted Destruction safely," he continues as he and Fabroxo eventually enter the nearby probably-explosion-proof shelter of the little cavern and he sets to work sifting a purplish powder into a misshapen glass vessel akin to a warped hourglass. "And then, of course, crystallizing socketable aether gems without cracking th-- uh?"
 He blinks, distractedly glancing over to his fellow scientific stalwart in the middle of the ostensibly delicate process he is engaged in.
 "I, er, no. I think that sounds... quite streamlined. Suitably aerodynamic. And, well... cute."
 He averts his eyes from Fabroxo, though not back toward the glass vessel, which is probably what he should be looking at.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Aether refinement check. Technically a specialty, but oddly, no bonus
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).

  • Character: Argent
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "It will be optimal for us to take a few steps in this direction." Argent states, using her grip on Laineth's hand to lead the elf just a little further away from the duo and the makeshift laboratory. Ivo /probably/ won't destroy them all in some vacuum based disaster, but if it does all go horrendously wrong it would be just a slight bit better to be that little bit further away.

  "Ah. Laineth is correct as to the nature of your fur. It may be useful for us to acquire some. However, extracting all of it would impact future productivity." she says, nodding along with Laineth's desires as she subjects the rodent to that unnerving, unblinking gaze. "Due to this, in order to prevent combustion, it may be advisable for us to provide you with a fire retardant solution to apply to your fur. I do not believe I am capable of manufacturing this directly with the current materials I have stored within my body. I must apologize, as you will be required to wait for us to manufacture it using manual methods."

  Translation: I'm sorry that I can't spit all over you at the moment.

  • Character: Faruja
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

The rodent goes wide-eyed as Laineth demonstrates her wind abilities in miniature, and while he doooes settle into a slight raised brow at the mention of his kind's fur being alchemical reagents? Well, at least she didn't say something like 'skin' or 'teeth' or 'claws', as he rather likes keeping those. He chooses the more honorable path, and sighs with a smile of honest thanks!

"You are a Lady and a Scholar most prized, Lady Laineth! You cannot believe how armor /chafes/ when it gets too long!" Poor rat sounds relieved at the prospect, really. Rough living isn't suiting him, as a creature that so often needs to remain fastidious for his health alone!

Then, sensing maaaybe just the chance for a little friendly vengeance as he listens to both Ivo and Fabroxo, the rodent pipes up. He somehow manages to be friendly while also showing quite a lot of teeth at Ivo! Wow, those look kinda sharp, actually!

"You know, at least back in the Holy City, one of the symbols of promised love between two people are matching bands of blue and white striped fabric upon a left and right wrist! May I suggest that coloration, Ser Fabroxo? I am certain Ivo would judge it gallant, do you not agree?" Oh yes, the rat actually /does/ have some humor buried in there somewhere!

But then, almost immediately, the Holy Father goes for some Karmic Justice, in the form of a very blunt and worrying homunculus. The rat's muzzle all but drops to the floor! He sputters, and trips right onto his tail, with a squeak!

"I...I...Fur CUT my Lady, not fur CLEAVE, kindly!!!! And, no, no, I...." Very, very reluctantly, he's back on his feet, and trudging after the pair.

"Ivo, if I return a glistening, furless wretch of a beastkin, go on without me." Slump!!!! That tail drags a path in the sand.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "Yes, I believe the theory is sound, though I must once again state what a shame it is that we are so limited by our facilities. Perhaps a log would be useful to revisit some of these ideas once we find ourselves possessing of better means." Fabroxo hrms to himself thoughtfully, unsure of where Ivo is looking and why, but somehow compelled to look away himself. Not that it's easy to tell WHERE Fabroxo is looking, courtesy of his shining, multifaceted eyewear.

  "Really, even if we could just distill some Water or Earth for a dampening or stabilizing effect, the process would be much less prone to immediate explosive failure. No matter, we must make do, and I do not believe, cute bikini shall be beyond our collective grasp." Saying it out loud gives Fabroxo pause, so to quickly obliterate any possible awkward silence he continues, "And the hornet parts should be elementally sympathetic, besides!"

 Alas for his dear ratkin friend, Ivo is already transfixed by science -- and surely not just his fellow scientist -- and so does not appear cognizant of the continuing travails of Faruja 'Fareagent' Senra. His torment by the bikini-clad and ostensibly soon to be bikini-clad herbalists will have to continued unabated. How tragic. Poor guy.
 It's only when Fabroxo says 'immediate explosive failure' that it seems to occur to Ivo to maybe look instead at what is happening within the glass vessel. He re-averts his gaze more constructively.
 "This is..."
 Ivo appears astonished, the Cosmopolitan's eyes wide, his attention belatedly turned to the results of their experiment. No explosion has interrupted them. Quite the contrary.
 "They've already crystallized perfectly," he murmurs, regarding a collection of astonishing gems that have formed in the glass vessel's upper chamber during his distraction, looking like amethysts streaked with opaline fire. "I've never seen anything like it. The internal aetheric lattices must be exceptionally intricate and well-formed. I strain to imagine artifically inducing such complexity. And even the dross of Destruction has..." In the lower chamber hover a collection of perfect black spheres. The glass has cracked from the apparent mass of the hyperdense antimatter, but perhaps because they did not make contact with any of the sides, nothing has shattered. "This is incredible! That we could accomplish so much in such a simplistic manner..."
 He turns to stare at Fabroxo, leaning in, eyes bright.
 "These corrupted elements were formed through furious combat between highly evolved wind elementals," he says in a hushed tone, mind clearly racing, "possibly from years of conflict. This find is utterly unique. If we could discover how to replicate such a rare sample in a laboratory setting, even if the assistance of the elementals themselves are required, the possibilities for the advancement of magitech itself are..."
 His face is now a hairsbreath from Fabroxo's own.
 He freezes and then, at last, as though having failed another Courage roll, he leans back, withdrawing.
 "W-we should tell the others." Clearing his throat, he grins again and brightens. "Very soon, once the forging finishes, we'll already be able to test our hypothesis!!"
 A heart-racing proposition, to be sure. And more to the point, considering the exquisite nature of this success, one that definitely, absolutely, positively cannot go wrong.

  • Character: Argent
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "Ah. It appears to have succeeded without destructive incident." the homunculus says once it's all done. Not that she seems inclined to get any nearer to the equipment. Just because it hasn't exploded yet doesn't mean an explosion is impossible.

  Her eyes narrow a touch when Ivo gets so very /close/ to Fabroxo. "Laineth." she states. "I believe that during the short time that has passed, I have achieved sufficient age to understand earlier events."

  She's joking, just like Laineth joked earlier. They're both joking, right? It's hard to tell with her...

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 11 months, 3 weeks ago

  "Ah, remarkable!" Fabroxo leans in to get a better look, even pulling his Boggles down, fully revealing his face, now aglow with wonder at this discovery. "As ever, untold vistas of discovery await! What are the exact effects? Should we replicate this under more controlled conditions, can we do so with other elements?"

  He turns to look at Ivo, his own eyes gleaming equally bright. "Yes, the potential is..." He trails off at Ivo's proximity, feeling the heat of his fellow magitechnologist's breath. "...incredible."

  And then he too is turning away with an awkward cough, ready to do some processing in this charged environment. Elementally charged. Nothing else. Yes.

 As the forging continues, the heat of the coals ripples through the air, mingling with the warmth of the sun and something more: the fires of passion.
 Passion... for LEARNING.
 And so forth.