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Cactus Crossing

Scene details

  • Start date: Feb. 25, 2024, 5:56 p.m.
  • End date: Feb. 25, 2024, 10:06 p.m.
  • Location: Zel'rik Archipelago - Cactus Forest
  • Participants: Ivo Galvan, Fabroxo, Daiby, Iris

Setting: Ivo, Fabroxo, and Iris venture into a warren of giant cactus-dwelling aphids in search of access to the oasis the party desperately needs. In the absence of their fearless leader Reize, they do not get lost. What happens to Fabroxo is entirely on purpose, and so doesn't count. As for Ivo and Iris, they acquire not only water but a further prize -- and a mysterious means of acquiring prizes yet further.


 A few megamarmots graze upon a small pile of gathered prickly pear fruits in the hulking shadow of the sand sail sledge. Our heroes have successfully reached a halfway point through the inland desert of this lonesome isle and found some shelter from the beating sun and ceaseless sciroccos. Alas, the shelter comes in the form of a preternaturally dense thicket of enormous cacti that bars the way between the party and the oasis at which they drink. Though deprived of their fearless leader, the Star Chasers and their allies must establish a proper base camp and acquire access to the fresh waters if they are to survive this place -- and even think of rescuing Reize.

> BGM Change:

 "I did think to concoct some mild insect repellent before we ventured forth," Ivo is saying drily, "but I somehow doubt it'll be sufficient for our current task."
 There are only a few clear cracks between the giant cacti through which one might travel by foot. These have been eaten away by giant aphids of a paler green than the plant's flesh, smaller tunnelers seemingly escorted by thicker armored compatriots. Above, a faint buzzing may be heard if one is properly sheltered from the noisy winds, and occasionally similar insects of sleeker build may be seen flying between the sturdy needles. If one were to risk climbing or flight instead, one would in turn risk interception.
 "I'm inclined to just take the shortest route there," Ivo adds, tilting his head toward a burrow eaten away through the cactus ahead, "and try to avoid the bugs as best we can. But if anyone has a brighter idea, by all means..."
 It is an open question how access to this water will be secured considering the other inhabitants. But at the very least, they can figure that out after they fill their waterskins.

  "Why on earth would you want to avoid them?" Fabroxo, still in his survivor-style gear of little but a tan and a pair of pants which somehow became ragged within a day after arriving on the island, does appear genuinely confused.

  "Think of what infinite treasures each contains, from the carapace to the various ichors and biles." Still, the greatest magitechnical mind on the island seems pretty happy to go along with the flow on this one, as pathfinding and party logistics are rather outside of his wheelhouse. Fabroxo is interested only in what he's interested in, and while that tends to be rather inclusive to a variety of topics, this does not qualify.

  "Not to mention, I do adore a freshly roasted, crispy leg of aphid." Well, maybe it does a little.

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 "Good material, giant bug shell," Iris says to apparently the world at large. She is sitting off with her back against the now-immobile skiff, a little wooden workbench in front of her and of all things a lapidary hammer in her hand as she *tink! tink! tink!*s at something small. "Makes good shields, as long as you don't care what they look like." She has no comment on what they taste like because that never entered her mind, though now that Fabroxo has SAID it, she's going to wake up in the middle of the night wondering about it at some point.

 Thanks, man.

 Looking up, the runesmith glances around. "What's the over under on making it to nightfall? It'll be too cold for bugs to be out then, right?" One, that's not how biology works, Iris, and two, what if you all die of thirst first!!!!!!

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Ivo's attempt at stealth among the cacti
Roll(s): 14. Total result is 14. This is a success (by 4).

 Ivo smiles lopsidedly at Fabroxo's sincere query, the dilettante at least responsible enough, or possessed of a sufficient sense of self-preservation, to want to avoid unnecessary conflict. "I lack your vigor, my friend," he replies to his fellow magitechnician, "and so much preserve my health to better focus on our experiments."
 Despite these diplomatic words and the sense of finality that weight them, as soon as Fabroxo begins speaking speculatively of the treasures that might await, Ivo then hesitates, raising an eyebrow and gazing up and into the middle distance. When Iris chimes in, the second eyebrow raises.
 "Hmm... maybe we could bait and isolate one or two..."
 Then he shakes his head.
 "Let's make it to the water first," he says, prudence winning out for once. The stakes are higher than usual, compared to the usual situations where Ivo is by default in charge. "And let's keep an eye out for anything that seems to ward off the aphids... whether it's from chill or anything else," he asides to Iris, smile broadening into a grin. "We'll need that to secure a path. Speaking of which..."
 As he has spoken, he's had his eyes on the tunnels chewed through the cacti, and it seems that one has temporarily cleared as the aphids constantly trundle about.
 "There's one now...!"
 With a gesture to his friends, the young nobleman, bringing only his magitech sword Hauteclare and a rough-hewn marmot-hide satchel that appears to brim with coconuts, ducks and darts forward, trying to stick to parts of the still-living cacti where the sap has dried, lest his boots stick or he stumble and draw the attention of the roaming aphids.

  "As you wish, as you wish. I'm somewhat disappointed in you, rather hammer woman here has the correct spirit in this endeavor." Fabroxo does not seem overmuch concerned with either Iris' name OR the stakes, for as the classic saying goes: 'Worry not, for a giant monster aphid shall provide.' He's pretty sure that's a saying, and because he masterfully refrains from saying it out loud, nobody can contradict him. As such, he detachedly follows Ivo in, moving with stealth skills honed through long hours skulking about in graveyards and other unsavory places that are similarly rife with fascinating resources. Despite this, he cannot help but talk and advise.
  "Should worst come to worst, however, do remember the classic saying: 'Worry not, for a giant monster aphid shall provide.'" Shit.

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 Try to imagine Ivo, heading into the aphid's maw, turning back to the camera and giving a thumbs up, jauntily suggesting "I'm doing my part!" and you have a decent picture of this situation right now.

 Iris finishes whatever it was she was working on and slips it into a pocket with a nod of satisfaction, before standing up, dusting herself off, and stretching a little. She really doesn't know these people that well, but when you're stuck on a deserted island full of hostile megafauna, surprisingly vindictive chelonids, and a diverse array of catgirls, does that really matter? You have to band together for survival.

 Strolling behind Ivo as if she doesn't have a care in the world, the runesmith whistles a little tune while holding out a hand and, in a little burst of light, summoning a... well, let's be real, it's a sledgehammer. She just conjured up a sledgehammer. "Sword not gonna be much use on a carapace. Might slide right off." She pauses, trying and failing to imagine Ivo using a warhammer, and then adds: "If you know wrestlin', a good suplex would do it. Bam! Crunch a bug right into the dirt." She is being VERY loud and is perhaps standing a LITTLE too close to Ivo for that to be a good thing.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Perception check, since stealth is a no go
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year ago

Daiby sits on a deckchair towards the back of the sledge. She seems to be enjoying the sun. So are her snakes.

Well, a selection of her snakes.

Ten of them.

In wicker baskets.

She also has a bamboo 'fishing pole' next to her with an appropriate rope and a clasp mechanism to connect the wicker baskets.

"Oho, a suplex!" she calls, before taking a swig out of a coconut-residing beverage.

 Ivo pauses in the midst of peering around a corner of gnawed-on cactus to glance at Fabroxo and Iris in turn. His expression suggests the classic saying: 'Harder still than imagining Ivo wielding a sledgehammer is imagining him performing a suplex.'
 "I'll perform the most brilliant suplex for you upon my return!" he calls cheerily to Daiby as she lounges, not even batting an eye, let alone remembering that he was being (and should be) stealthy. "But how strange that I've never heard that sayi-- hm?"
 Already not one to chasten his companions, as though he's in any position to, the Cosmopolitan would be interrupted in any case if he were to seek to shush Iris. His suspicion is heightened by how conveniently cleared this particular tunnel through the cactus seems to be. Indeed, the fact that nothing seems immediately to respond to the din that Iris is making, considering how many aphids they saw swarming the other parts of the warren they've made, strikes him as strange.
 "Look, there!"
 The interior of the cactus is hollow, this part of it leeched of liquid, and perhaps surprisingly spacious. It is thus effectively high-ceilinged, and it occurs to Ivo to look up into its far reaches, where he points. A giant wasp, its abdomen streaked sand yellow and blood red, clings to a nook next to a dessicated aphid worker, its antenna twitching.
 "They've either fled," he murmurs, "or they're gathering their forces. Either way, we should get a move on while we can... yes?"
 Then again, they *were* looking for some aphid repellent.

  "Hmm, do you have the requisite upper body strength? Perhaps one could accomplish a more powerful lift with the right leverage, but I believe it would take a being more specialized for the task. Perhaps extra arms? Perhaps I could...add them?" Fabroxo mutters more or less to himself, eyeing Ivo ominously, as they continue on down the tunnel.

  Once the terrifying reason for the ease of their journey so far is revealed, Fabroxo's eyes light up. He gasps in surprise and wonder. "Why, that's perfect!" He shoos Ivo and Iris forward with both hands, urging them onward. "You go on ahead, I shall follow presently, after fully exploiting this incredible opportunity!"

  His own special brand of madness writ across his features, the magitechnical renaissance man reaches into his pants (the natural location of an inventory) and produces...a wooden gadget, of some kind? It's shaped somewhat like an unwieldy cross between a gun and a fishing rod. Pointing it upward, Fabroxo wastes no time in aiming before triggering some inner mechanism. There is a small explosion, with some smaller fragments of the device careening away, launching a sizable barbed cactus needle upward toward the wasp, trailing a crude, somewhat frayed rope.

  Fabroxo grasps the reel on his bizarre harpoon gun firmly. "Ha ha! Just look at those beautiful segmented legs!"

Fabroxo rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Well, SOMEONE is catching SOMEONE here, anyway.
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).

  And sure enough, with the needle lodged in a chink in its thick carapace, the giant enemy wasp goes absolutely nuts, immediately dropping its dessicated prey. It takes flight, buzzing away down the corridor, and Fabroxo is pulled along with it, swinging haphazardly through the air, cackling like a reasonable, sane person does.

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 What any sane person would be thinking in this situation: 'Why the hell did you just attack a giant wasp with a grappling gun?!'

 "I can't believe I didn't think of that," Iris says, watching Fabroxo set himself up to the Reize'ed by a wasp instead of a vulture. Still, it is eminently clear that she is working things out in her head, mental math-wise. "Do you think there are giant spiders that prey on the wasps?" she asks aloud to Ivo, clearly lost in whatever Monster Hunter-esque contraption she is imagining right now.

 A giant aphid drops to the floor, a magictech engineer is indeed Reize'd to the not-ground, and it is not entirely certain that Ivo and Iris are going to survive, let alone get whatever.

 "You just, you know. Nice big chunk of aphid thorax, little bit of giant spider silk for rope, you could go sand surfing behind the sledge." She turns to Ivo, eyes bright with ingenuity. "That sounds fun, right?"

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Navigation/luck check, without penalty since Reize isn't here
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).

 "Truly," Ivo murmurs as Fabroxo flies away cackling, "his brilliance knows no bounds." He sounds completely serious. "If it survives, its presence would be ward enough, and if not, we could line the tunnel with traces of its venom and keep the aphids at bay--"
 Speaking of which. As Iris anticipates the next and higher level of Monster Hunter-esque miniboss, and/or probably invents the next minigame, the dessicated aphid drops to the base of the cactus before the two of them. It twitches faintly, perhaps or perhaps not in life. But as it does, two of its legs scrape together, briefly emitting an odd keening.
 "Sh-- shall we discuss this by the oasis?" Ivo asks urgently. He thinks he can already hear a distant thumping of marching aphid soldiers, at last properly assembled, and does not wish to stick around long enough to learn if it is just his nervous imagination. "I would be eager to learn more of such handiwork over a refreshing drink..."
 In his current state, he's just saying that, but he actually would. He endeavors to hasten on down the cactus tunnels in the direction that he thinks leads onward, as much as the winding insect trails might threaten to misguide them. Whether out of skill or luck, should they continue on together, they will continue to avoid any encounters, slipping away before the aphids can react to the wasp's absence.
 At last the oasis would come into view, waters glimmering at the far side of the cacti warren. But three aphid soldiers have gathered there to drink, as though off-duty. Ivo crouches out of view, unnoticed for now.
 "Should we try to wait them out? There are other tunnels, so they might not come this way..."

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 So that happened. And of course you can't reach the boss in the cactus dungeon before there's a few packs of adds, right? Ivo seems content to perhaps sneak by them, wait for them to leave, or any of a variety of perfectly sensible options. He definitely seems to have the right priorities, here (i.e. "let's get some water so we don't die of thirst before we can find Reize"). The problem with both Reize and Ivo is that they surround themselves with such colorful personalities, i.e. freakin' maniacs.

 "Hmmmm," Iris says, looking over Ivo's shoulder at the three aphid oasis guards. She makes that sound in the back of her throat before clapping him on the shoulder a couple times. "Nope."

 This is when she steps into broad daylight, traces something on the head of the sledgehammer with her finger that glows briefly green, and then... well. With a strength that does not seem likely in her frame, she chucks it at the middle of the three aphids, because of course she does.

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

Iris rolls 1d20+2>=10.
Comment: FLY, MJOLNIR!
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

Iris rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Boomerang arrow, Katie. It comes back to you in the end.
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+2>=10.
Comment: Improvizational dual-tech: flying weapon pincer strike!?
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 3).

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: ...Boomerang sword?
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 Powered by a burst of wind, the hammer spirals, end over end, at the aphid, whose animal senses and sensitive antennae allow it to quickly sidestep, making some sort of terrible hissing noise.

 HOWEVER: the trick is when the hammer, hovering over the oasis, suddenly and abruptly pivots BACKWARDS in the direction it came from, slamming into the back of the aphid's head and planting it firmly into the sand, head-first, its body struggling as the hammer returns squarely to Iris's hand.

 Moments after the aphid's evasion, there is a cutaway to Ivo with eyes agleam, complete with a suitably sleek sound (because, diegetically, he's drawing his sword). Without hesitation or complaint, seeming to pick up on an opportunity, he activates his magitech orbital sword, the blade extruding from the hilt. It's almost as though he's used to following up on impulsive or reckless attacks.
 Hauteclare's tip darts forward at a distance, propelled by a burst of aetheric lightning, just in time--
 --to completely miss as the aphid is forcibly faceplanted by the hammer's return, the sword thus passing just overhead rather than landing a critical blow. Ivo, seemingly a little desperate, makes an unsteady flourish with hand and wrist and sends his blade spinning to return.
 Whereupon it just so happens that conveniently in the way is a second aphid mid-turn, and he is able to sweep its legs out from under it, flipping it end over end. It all worked out.
 ...A split-second later, the third remaining aphid soldier leaps bodily at them both, carapace extending like incomplete wings, too sturdy to fly and instead seeming to serve as bludgeons to try to bear both adventurers to the sands at once.

 Oh, right, and there's a battle version of the BGM.

> BGM Change:

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

Iris rolls 1d20+2>=10.
Comment: Passive Skill: Weapon Guard
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 It should be apparent by now that not only does Iris craft weapons, she can clearly use them, too -- she doesn't have Ivo's virtuoso control over his singular armament, but one can't use weapons without knowing how they work, after all. Thus she braces herself with the sledgehammer when the aphid comes for her, but there is simply... well, too much aphid to ward it off with a weapon that's mostly 'a heavy pole with a weight on the end', and the thing bears her down to the sand, pushing behind the hammer to keep the aphid from crushing her.

 "Ohhhh yeah," she bites out through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna make you into a SURFBOARD, buddy. You just wait."

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Technically a Rogue so should have Backstab (mysteriously, no bonus)
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 7).

 Lacking the processed aether or aetherglass spheres with which he harnesses the elements, Ivo has no defense but his buckler against a giant aphid bodyslam. Slapping the sands to break his fall, he finds that Iris's hammer brace gives him just enough space to roll to the side and slip out from under the creature while the other two insects wriggle their legs fitfully, one stuck stunned in the sand and the other flipped upside-down.
 Their Affinity apparently high enough for Ivo to call her name when she's in trouble, he raises his hilt just as the blade finishes returning and clicks dramatically back into place before thrusting the sword at close range, seeking to pierce under the hardened shell. But in the midst of the struggle their foe moves, and the point of his sword glances off instead, nearly causing him to stumble.
 He glances at his satchel and then behind him. ...Maybe they can just fill some waterskins and get out of here while the getting is good.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: Suplex!?!?!?
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 11).

 No. This is no time to flee. It is time...
 "Hrraah!" WRASSLE.
 Ivo, with a herculean shout rather unlike him, either inspired or panicking, proceeds to drop his sword in the sands and grab at the giant aphid from behind, wrapping his arms about his shell. He strains with all his might. Seconds pass.
 Eventually, a question mark appears above the aphid's head.

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 "I... TOLD you..." Iris continues with effort, as she struggles against the aphid's surprising weight (crab shell is heavy, true facts, it's the layers). "Sword point gonna... slide right off." Frowning, furrowing her brow, the smith looks around the aphid's body to see Ivo demonstrating that Swordmage's key ability was Intellect, not Strength, and for a moment the *entire tableau* seems to come to a halt, desert winds the only sound.

 "Well, points for trying, I suppose," Iris murmurs, clearly impressed.

 [IVO and IRIS gained +1 affinity]

 Desperate times resulting in desperate measures, the smith does something risky: she takes a hand off the hammer. This results in the aphid bearing down on her a LITTLE farther, which isn't good. But she is able to trace a pattern in the air with her free hand, biting out "TRY THIS, AND HURRY FOR GODS' SAKES,".

 A weapon appears in the sand next to Ivo's stalled suplex attempt.

 It's a giant, yellow-hafted, red-headed...

 ...squeaky hammer.

 Ivo, collapsing in the sands with a gasp, blinking the sweat of exertion from his eyes and shaking aside his unkempt bangs, glances to the side and sees a mysterious and frankly bizarre hammer. He still little understands Iris's weapon manifestation abilities and had hoped to interrogate her before divising some effective manner of teamwork. But at this point, he's more than used to things turning out instead something like this. Summoning one more burst of strength, he lurches to his feet and roars again as best he can, tensing to heft the mighty armament.
 The assumption that the hammer will be heavy leads to Ivo more toppling upon the aphid than swinging the hammer down upon it. Nevertheless, the impact emits a resounding... squeak.
 APHID: !?
 APHID: !!!
 And then, with the sound of a popping balloon, the monster appears to either burst into nothingness or simply vanish, leaving behind only its carapace, a few assorted other bits of shell, and what appear to be a small cluster of pirate doubloons, presumably the closest thing to a local currency.
 Ivo stares wordlessly for a moment before, with his free hand, reaching to help Iris up, not that he has much strength left to offer at the moment.
 "Fascinating," he offers, "and confoundingly convenient."

> Ivo and Iris may now increase the party's drop rates.

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 Being hauled to her feet, Iris lets the arm with the sledgehammer trail behind her until the hammer itself vanishes, the squeaky mallet doing the same within a moment or two. "S'the sound," she says, a little groggy from fighting off the aphid long enough for Ivo to deliver the squeak-de-gras. "Works on all kinds of bug monsters. Dunno why, that's for a loremaster to explain."

 A pause, and a stretch. "Why don't we get our water and leave? Especially since I got cheated out of my surfboard."

  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago


  • Character: Iris
  • 1 year ago

 A pause, and a stretch. "Why don't we get our water and leave? I got a surfboard to make."

 Even the Loremasters might be stumped by this one.
 Ivo, looking just as dazed as Iris if not more so, glances at the still-wriggling other two aphids and nods firmly.
 Apparently he's in on the surfboard, too.


 Fabroxo returns and/or is recovered with a wasp from which they can extract sufficient venom to clear a passage to the oasis for whenever water is needed, and thereby uneasily coexist with the resident aphids. So, who's the real hero here? I think we know.
 (It's the squeaky hammer.)