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Recovery from Madness
Scene details
- Start date: Dec. 24, 2023, 5:13 p.m.
End date: Dec. 24, 2023, 6:12 p.m.
- Location: Zel'rik Archipelago - Isle of Blessed Winds
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ruidosa La Crima
Setting: Reize finally recovers from the Sea Madness and wakes up to Ruidosa tending to him..
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 2 months ago
There is a tranquil calmness throughout the island. As the moonlight shines, the stars fall behind as they shimmer, paving over the blanket night sky.
Currently, the stranded members have all formed their little camps through the island underneath a cove. There is a separate tent for many of the members that would join. For some time, Reize was left to his own devices due to the Sea Madness.
'I'm telling you, Reize, don't do it again. He's going to do the same thing.'
Needless to say, round two with the tortoise did not go in Reize's favor. Multiple large rocks to the head did a good number to send the boy to dream land.
The young man is finally starting to come to, the fever subsiding and his head feeling cooled off. "...Uggghh... my head hurts... what happened?"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 2 months ago
Why , oh Why is Reize challenging that tortoise again and again and again and every time it spits a rock and it ko's Reize and leaves him on the ground until finally, ''FINALLY'' it knocks the sense back into him. That's when she flails about and says. "DON'T ATTACK THE TURTLE AGAIN! IT'LL KNOCK THE SENSE BACK OUT OF YOU PROBABLY!" she cries as she huffs and leans down and places a hand to your forehead as she huffs.
"Are you feeling yourself again."
"Or is it still Sea Madness." she says softly.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 2 months ago
The young boy looks over at Ruidosa, grimacing as he murmurs. "My head is spinning." He furrows his eyes, "..Sea madness?" A hand rests over to his head, fingers touching along the forehead to feel a nice welt. A grimace. "Head hurts."
He looks over at Ruidosa, giving her a more calm look, "... Well, I think I am back to myself." He furrows his eyebrows, "...What was 'sea madness' like?" His head is rather foggy, unable to comprehend his state the past few days beyond the fever.
"...Though, I did have some sort of strange dream about riding on a tortoise's back."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 2 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima says. "Well. When Ivo comes back, if he comes back, from resource gathering, I'm sure you'll see for himself..." she whispers, as if he was still here. "I think all he can come up with is bikini tops now. for crafting. I'm pretty sure he has Sea Madness, too." she says, conspiratorially.
She then lowers a hand to help Reize to his feet and frowns.
"Still have no found your scarf, I'm sure it'll show up soon though!" she insists.
"Just don't start talking about what your eyes see like that again!" she says worriedly.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 2 months ago
Reize looks at Ruidosa as she explains the situation. He gives a thoughtful look. "..." He furrows his eyebrows, however, at the mention about bikini tops. "... Why would he be wanting to do that now?" They aren't exactly here for a vacation. They need to figure out more about their surrounding area and...
...Ah, yeah. His scarf.
His antenna hair droops as he looks downcast, "... Ah, yeah. Sorry about that." He finally comes to realize his state during the hallucinations that he had from the sickness. "I...uh... hope that it doesn't happen again."
After being helped to his feet from Ruidosa, the boy adds, "I don't do well with the sea, you know... Or water in general."