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The Heroic Rescue of the Safe Landing I

Scene details

  • Start date: Dec. 5, 2023, 6:01 p.m.
  • End date: Dec. 5, 2023, 11:01 p.m.
  • Location: Cosmopolis - Floating Piers
  • Participants: Ivo Galvan, Argent, Fabroxo, Laineth

Setting: On the word of a wandering parakeet, Professor Acting Governor Fabroxo brings Argent and Laineth on an alleged rescue mission to the Zel'rik Archipelago. It goes exactly as one would hope. Best of luck to Acting Acting Governor Granny Wilmie back in Cosmopolis in the meantime.


 The Floating Docks of Cosmopolis are a hotbed of frenzied activity that has only intensified in the months since the opening of the Sealed City. Boisterous shouting in all the languages of Rithera can be heard resounding against crates and barrels redolent with the aroma of foodstuffs and spices brought for trade as merchants hope to acquire even the barest sample of the city-state's supremely advanced magitech. The cliff that looms above these docks, leading to the plateau on which Cosmopolis itself spires, looms like a metaphor for the daunting challenge of piercing the secrets of this place's great wealth. Also, it functions like a sounding board, and just makes things even louder.
 Fortunately, as hectic as these docks have been since Cosmopolis opened up for trade and our heroes' adventures began, a single docking point has been cleared for use. Once it held the Romancing SaGa, the magitech speedboat assembled by Ivo Galvan, honored Governor of one of Cosmopolis's minor middle tier districts. The SaGa is absent along with said Governor, having left his role and laboratory in the care of one Acting Governor The Great Fabroxo, who now has rights to this docking point as well to moor (or construct) as he sees fit. And that, one might say, is where the troubles began.
 "You just leave things to me, dearie."
 Granny Wilmie stands slightly hunched but nevertheless poised in bright billowing fabrics, tiny spectacles perched on a crooked nose, eyes keen behind them. It was she who had first heard the strange news at Atelier Vanguards and brought it to all the contacts she knew: a talking parakeet had visited the Atelier shouting something about Reize Seatlan and his party being shipwrecked on the Zel'rik Archipelago. As a generally respected elder and lowborn leader of Galvan's district, she took it upon herself to rally something of a rescue mission.
 "I'll take care of the district like I always too."
 There's a little bit of a suggestion there that maybe neither Ivo nor Fabroxo took especially good care of administrative matters and left things to skilled locals. But now, at last, once Fabroxo and his party departs, her talents will be recognized as the official Acting Acting Governor Granny Wilmie.
 ...Someone might get in trouble for this.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Laineth isn't really all that apprised of the adventures those knuckleheads get up to. She's more like an acquaintance at best, and mostly just handles the business of her shop and whatnot. It's Argent that's actually friends with them.

  So when a parrot lands on her open window sill one day cawing into her ear about how Reize Seatlan and his band of misfits have gotten shipwrecked somewhere before flying off, the elf clad in green is left blinking. She's paused mid-way into working on servicing some small magical tool or whatnot. "... Uh-huh." She intones in a distant manner. Then she sets her tools down and looks off towards where Argent is standing. "Those are your buddies, right?"

  This sounds like pure trouble.

  Not long after that, some old lady roped them into a rescue party of sorts. It's a bit difficult to refuse the Official Acting Acting Governor when they track you down and request your participation in some grand mission to rescue the actual Governor of the middle district and his companions.

  So here are Laineth and Argent at the docks, having closed up shop for the foreseeable while. Laineth smiles at Wilmie, "And we'll....probably bring back Ivo and his buddies!" She looks aside, her confident mask falling slightly.


  This is going to be a disaster.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  The notion that Acting Governor Fabroxo the Great is at all inept in administrative matters is, of course, completely simplistic and ignoring the innovative work he's been doing in the field of radical civic policy.
  "Yes yes, I'm sure you'll do a fine job Granny, and should you feel lost or overwhelmed please recall both that I'm leaving the interactive policy repository in the Governor's office as a reference, which by the way should no longer remove fingernails when verifying your identity, and also that the highest priority is ensuring good data collection regarding the effects of the new nutritional spheres and their impact on general productivity."
  Yes, truly Fabroxo is a visionary in many aspects, the very image of a renaissance man as he stands gallantly on the prow of the boat that sits now in the dock where once dwelt Ivo's embarrassingly under-engineered vessel, named the Horny Story or something like it it's not important. This boat itself has an unassuming appearance, but this is belied both by the way it sits unusually low in the water and the constant, uncomfortable vibrations it seems to be radiating, just barely on the other side of the audible spectrum. Stenciled on the side is its name, "Safe Landings I"
  "In any case, I'm sure finding my wayward fool of a student and giving him a stern talking-to about naval safety procedure won't take long." The greasy inventor gives a confident smile, then turns to the other two who, for reasons he neither understands nor finds overly important, feel obligated to help Ivo and co.
  "Well, are you ready to set off?"

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "I am well acquainted with them. It is occasionally useful to engage their services. As such, it is advisable to offer my own services in return." is Argent's impassioned response, glancing up from her own work that seems to involve...drooling into one of those oh so pricey vials, specially designed to contain even the most volatile and acrid of chemicals.

  Considering what those vials are usually used for, it's probably advisable for her to rinse her mouth out before doing anything else.

  And so here she is, stood impassively at Laineth's side. "I do not believe it is a particularly difficult situation." she intones, turning her gaze in Granny's direction. "Ivo and his companions are well known for easily losing their way. It is likely that they have become waylaid."

  She's still looking at Granny. She doesn't blink very much.

 "Oh, that would be lovely," Granny Wilmie says breezily to Laineth, managing to somehow convey notes of both enthusiasm and indifference in the peculiar idiom of elders who have seen it all. "He is such a sweet boy. I am sure his lady friend misses him dearly. What was her name -- Priel? Such charming stories he told me about the two of them."
 She nods sagely at Fabroxo's words.
 "Don't you worry, Professor," she says to Fabroxo, seeming to have decided on this title herself. "I have my Professor's Inventions Poking Stick all ready to go." She also seems to have decided on her own means of interacting with Fabroxo's creations, one which bodes well for their journey. "Do you have everything you need for your journey? Snacks? Hankerchief? Here, take some candy. You must be hungry."
 Seeming to misinterpret Argent's staring, Granny Wilmie attempts to press a clump of caramels into the homonculus's grasp.
 "Oh, my, waylaid!" she exclaims. "You mustn't frighten old ladies with talk like that!" She doesn't sound especially frightened. "Professor, you be careful with brigands about!" She also seems to think Fabroxo is the only one who can't talk care of himself in this crew.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  This old lady totally doesn't seem to mind whatever way this whole thing pans out, does she? Laineth can tell. But then again, she could say the same herself.

  Oh well.

  When Wilmie gives Argent a bunch of candy, Laineth looks away and laughs, a hand over her mouth. That is pretty hilarious. She'd enjoy the moment more, but they should be setting off.

  With that, the elf looks towards Fabroxo and crosses her arms. "I guess we're as ready as we'll ever be." She glances at the ship they'll be taking. "... Everything's going to be fine right?"

  Her spider sense is tingling.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "Oh, yes, one hopes, spices up the voyage. Not that I can't put the time to good use, but it's important to have a variety of stimuli both for stress testing the vessel and to stave off Sea Madness." Fabroxo, as always, seems impeccably confident.
  "Worry not, my good woman." The man reaches down to lovingly stroke the guard rail, enjoying the feel of the not at all ominous thrumming that travels through it.
  "I am confident that this is the safest vessel ever constructed. I designed it with that in mind, after all!"

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Caramels in hand, Argent's gaze moves down to stare at the candies sat atop her palm. After a long for seconds she plucks one up between the fingers of her other hand and pops it between her lips, chewing slowly. Her usual choice of snack tends to be a little bit more chemical, but it pays to be polite.

  "...ah." she says once Fabroxo expresses his confidence, head tilted to one side. "Laineth. Despite my earlier confidence that the current objective would be easily accomplished, I believe it would be prudent for us to excercise great caution. Please do not allow yourself to become distracted, as your attention may be needed at any moment."

 "Gracious! Sea Madness! I've never heard of such a thing!" Granny Wilmie may or may not believe there is such a thing. "You're so knowledgeable, Professor. Do take good care of him, you two. I'll take care of things here. No one will bother that shop of yours in the meantime."
 Her little spectacles seem to gleam, in a trick of the light.
 "In any case, if you start to feel some of that Sea Madness coming on, you just have a caramel and a good lie down and you'll be all right."

> Wilmie's Caramel grants Argent partial resistance to status ailments.
> Argent has six-- no, seven remaining. They're kind of mushed together.

 The old lady looks out toward the harbor. As busy as the docks are, and as popular as advanced magitech is becoming, few possess the resources to assemble magitech-powered vessels like Ivo's or Fabroxo's. Their ship, whatever its other qualities, should be able to outpace the more traditional sailing vessels from other nations that are constantly coming and going here.
 "If anyone comes looking for you, I'll tell them where you've gone!"
 Presumably the Zel'rik Archipelago and not, say, a watery grave.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "...Uh-huh." Laineth intones with little confidence, constrasting Fabroxo's supreme confidence in their nominated vessel. She watches him lovingly stroke a guard rail, and an awkward smile forms. "Right. If you say so, then surely it must be true!"

  Gods, please let it be true.

  She gives Argent a glance afterwards when the homunculus tells her to keep her eyes peeled and be ready to act... for whatever may come. "I'll do just that." Pause. "Not that I have any doubts in our illustrious professor slash acting governor here, but it pays to be vigilant!"

  The elf sighs, and then finally moves to board the vessel. "Alright... I guess we should be going..." She says, testing her footing warily. Once she's more or less satisfied, she looks over to the elderly lady and smiles. "Thanks! We'll try and make this quick!"

  'Try' being the key word here.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Seemingly impenetrable to the rampant doubt being cast upon his abilities and the carefully designed, high quality craftsmanship of the Safe Landings I, Fabroxo beams as he walks to the back of the boat and takes a seat next to a small control panel.
  "Alright, this is your captain speaking, please find a seat and be sure to engage the comprehensive safety apparatus, starting with the buckle, and then moving on in order to the grounding harness, the ultraviolet shielding array, and the security lock. There are waterproofed pamphlets under the seats with simplified explanatory diagrams, and if you encounter any other issues I'll engage the service automaton once we're underway, which will also dispense the new extra-moist nautical-flavored nutritional spheres as a healthy snack."
  Barely waiting for Laineth and Argent to settle in, Fabroxo slams a button, causing the entire boat to noticably shiver before jerking violently away from the dock, reorienting itself toward the open waters. With another simple press, it BLASTS foward, destination: the archipelago!

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Argent takes a moment to sweep all that silvery hair out of the way before she takes her seat, having to be quite careful not to catch any of it in the buckle or the harness or any of all that oh so necessary safety equipment. "I have several doubts as to the integrity of this device." she says to the elf along the way, apparently more willing to express doubts.

  She's barely buckled in when the boat begins to move, pushed back into her seat by the force of it moving forwards. "Ah. Laineth. Despite my extensive consumption of things that are typically considered unusual, I require explanation of the nature of this flavour known as 'nautical'." she goes on, wriggling a little in her seat to get comfy.

 Granny Wilmie is a vanishing dot in the distance, her waving hankerchief fading into obscurity even as her own star rises. Soon the legend of Acting Acting Governor Granny Wilmie and her incomparable political abilities will be properly etched into the annals of Cosmopolitan history. But this is a story for another time.

> BGM Change:

 Magitech vessels can move at World Map Traversal speed when in top condition, but the Zel'rik Archipelago is halfway across the world, about as long of a journey as can be. East like the well-charted seas that the Safe Landing I may traverse as safely as suits its name, round the Horn of Hagos, the land of Fabroxo's birth. From their vessel may be espied the marine life that flourishes in the waters around its arid savannahs, dugongs sprawled on coastal rocks and dolphins that sometimes seek to swim alongside their cruising ship. Taking this eastward loop around the Western Continent, from south to north again, takes one past the forbidding Isle of Ever'ast and then on to the many speckled isles of the Zel'rik Archipelago. There be pirates here, especially further south, further from the influence of Castia and Verdios.
 But doubtless everything will be fine.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Laineth is barely settled in when the ship blasts off across the water. Good thing she wasn't talking at the time. She just reels back in her seat, braids flapping about in the wind.

  Already they're off to a great start!

  Once she more or less settles in(and uses a bit of magic to create a wind shield), she finally relaxes. "Hoo boy...." The elf reaches under her seat to actually take that manual that Fabroxo mentioned and gives it a flip through. While she does so, Argent's inquiry reaches her ears.

  "Hm? Nautical flavor...?"


  Laineth thinks.... and thinks.... and thinks some more...

  "...Maybe it's a savory fish like falvor....??"

  But rather than settle for that, she calls for Fabroxo. "Hey Professor! Argent's wondering what 'Nautical flavor' actually is! Care to enlighten us?"

  Yes. Just ask.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

"It tastes like, you know, like a voyage." Fabroxo gestures vaguely as time and space warp and they enter The World Map, where causality means nothing and normal rules of universe seem not to apply. "You'll find out soon!"
  It's a long journey, full of laughter, tears, and wet balls that taste like fresh fish, the spray of saltwater, the wisdom of a leathery old sailor hardened by his many years at sea, the crackling power of a magitech engine, and a hint of lemon.
  The adventures are innumerable, the sights majestic, the boat's functions perhaps surprisingly without issue. The sounds of the complicated magitech buried deep within its hull remain mildly omnipresent and disturbing, but overall it performs admirably on the voyage.
  Anyway it both takes an incredible amount of time and is over in the course of a relatively brief, normal conversation, let's just assume the shared peril they simultaneously did and did not encounter brought everybody closer together in ways both profound and heartwarming. At least, Fabroxo does, because he has a GREAT time in the adjacent timeline that's bleeding over into this one. He loves these balls.
  But like all good things, the trip does come near its conclusion, with the Zel'rik Archipelago rapidly rising on the horizon, coming into full view with all the swiftness a vessel like the Safe Landings I commands.
  "This is once again your Captain speaking," Fabroxo's loud voice echoes over a completely extraneous crackling voice amplifier, "Please remain in your seats and double check your CSAs for full protection. I recommend all passengers review the safety pamphlets, for we'll be making contact with the archipelago shortly."

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Laineth's guessing and Fabroxo's explanation seems to prove to be insufficient for Argent's curiosity, and so along the long yet not journey she obviously takes the opportunity to sate that curiosity. A chomp and a chew later, and she's swallowing the oddly flavoured 'treat' down.

  "Ah. I do not believe that this would attain mass appeal." she eventually announces, followed by doing as requested and thumbing through the pamphlet. There's several concerning things in there. Why exactly are there so many ways that the ship's engine can do something horrible to you?

 A pixelated ship moves exclusively in four cardinal directions toward the heart of the Zel'rik Archipelago, where a smattering of isles lie relatively near the mouth of the Twilight Canyon that serves as the natural border of Granse and Verdios on the Western Continent. Even pirates do not sail too close to these lands, where the currents are treacherous and the winds bizarrely unpredictable, and it is said that monstrous creations abandoned by the Gods venture from the Canyon notorious for them to these islands where they might claim their own domains.
 But a properly functioning magitech ship is such a rare treasure precisely because it is immune to the vagaries of tempestuous water and air. Our party approaches the Isle of Blessed Winds (Ironic), and upon closing in, the wreck of the Romancing SaGa, its engines seeming rent asunder, can be seen amongst an aged ship graveyard upon a vibrant coral reef, along with primitive habitations constructed of driftwood and the hulls of felled vessels. Against all doubts, their mission, it seems, is a success with flying colors. All that is left is to complete the rescue and head home.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "Tastes like a journey........"

  That says nothing.

  And so, like Argent, Laineth decides to tempt fate and gets out one of these moist spheres.... and pops it into her mouth. What's the worst that could happen, right?

  The journey is oddly... devoid of perils in the meanwhile. So much so that the alchemist is almost inclined to believe that hey, maybe this professor guy is legit after all? Are they actually going to make it?

  In time, they do locate the wreckage of the Romancing Saga, and Laineth does recognize the ship, having been on it a few times here and there. "Oh hey, there it is." She says from her seat, squinting a bit.

  "...I don't see our wayward stranded souls though..."

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Clearly, Argent does not understand the romance of the sea. Fabroxo will not hold this against her, as he considers her akin to a sister after all they've been through together. At least Laineth appreciates the flavor of adventure, surely.
  From his spot on the captain's command throne (a normal seat) Fabroxo gazes ahead at the wreckage on the shore, clucking his tongue disdainfully.
  "Look at that shoddy design. What a deathtrap. I'm shocked at the obvious carelessness." Scanning the shore carefully, he finds himself agreeing with Laineth.
  "Yes, it would make sense that they wouldn't stick around, I'm sure that they're hardy enough to survive, but equally certain they wouldn't have escaped without injury. The logical thing to do would be to find alternative shelter further inland, near a source of fresh water, to recover and recuperate." The inventor and captain cups his chin thoughtfully as he tilts a lever forward, continuing the boat's swift approach unabated.
  "Well, we shall discover the truth of the matter soon enough, I suppose." In fact, it really seems like the approach SHOULD start abating soon. It's not abating at all. The shore is getting worryingly close.
  "In fact, we should make contact any moment now." And that phrasing. He keeps using that phrasing.

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "Please do not assume that our objective is complete." Argent says, eyes still skimming through the pamphlet. "The excessive number of nonfunctional ships indicates that we are ourselves in danger." Blink. "Additionally, is it possible that they have succumbed to Sea Madness, and will require restraining. As such, I suggest that we prepare an alchemic solution in order to incapacitate them." In short: Let's get ready to drug them, just in case.

  Somehow, possibly by a feature of the boat itself or perhaps some practical alchemy the homunculus employs, not a lock of her silver hair is out of place despite all the wind and the seaspray. Every strand of it is as perfect as when they started. Well, that or she just doesn't have an alternate character model to represent a more dishevelled state.

  As the shore gets closer and closer, she's busy checking the buckles that keep her strapped in. Apparently she doesn't feel the need to warn Laineth. Perhaps she just assumed the elf knows what's likely to happen when she's on a vessel piloted by Fabroxo.

 The entirety of the shipwrecked Star Chasers have been rallied by Reize to help find his signature yellow scarf, tragically lost at sea. His behavior may or may not be a symptom of Sea Madness.
 One of Daiby's snakes did find some fresh water, though, so Fabroxo is at least right about that.
 The rescuers approach hazardously close to the shore. Even though the Safe Landing I is able to withstand the shockingly powerful currents pulling at it, they are approaching a dense coral reef sure to heavily damage even the most formidably constructed of seagoing vessels. It would be prudent to keep their distance and approach by some smaller landing craft instead.
 At least, that would be a conventional way of thinking.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "Yeah that makes sense." Laineth says in response to Fabroxo and his observation oif the wreck and his assumption of how the group would act from there. Meanwhile, they're getting closer and closer, and Laineth... doesn't have a great feeling about what's coming up.

  Like Argent, she makes sure she's strapped in and secure one more time.

  "Uhhhhhh professor? We're getting reaaaaall close to the shore, aren't we? Don't you think we should stop now and use the landing craft?" She asks, quite concerned about whether they'll be able to keep this ship in one piece if they run up onto the shore.

  Look, Laineth can fly with wind magic, but she can't fly indefinitely, and she can't carry anyone very far. A ship is still essential, so she's not keen to lose it.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "Yes, the conditions are ideal," Fabroxo nods confidently in agreement(?) with Argent. "I myself am occupied with our final approach, but I do believe this is a reasonable precaution to take. I shall leave it in your capable hands." The so-called Professor pushes the lever forward even further, the magitech engine thrumming with power as it's pushed to its limit, the boat actually accelerating even further, screaming toward the treacherous reefs.
  "Do not worry, Laineth, though we possess no landing craft, I deemed them non-essential early in the design phase." The boat continues its unceasing, relentless approach.
  "But please, be calm and at ease! There is nothing to worry about. Let me stress again, safety was my priority! BEHOLD, THE GENIUS OF FABROXO!"
  And with that, they reach the reef. There is, as expected, a tremondous crash as the bow crumples and splinters against the reef, followed quickly by a series of small yet powerful explosions. The seats, which Laineth and Argent are so snugly and safely strapped into, actually come entirely off the deck, sent flying overboard by the force of the impact and the carefully engineered detonations, even as a protective safety membrane deploys around them. Fabroxo's seat is close behind, his joyful cackling only slightly muffled by the membrane.

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  Argent opens her mouth to say something, possibly something along the lines of chastising Fabroxo for the lack of a landing craft, as well as the absurd speed of their approach. Alas, whatever she was on the verge of saying is cut short when the vessel is subject to a, shall we say, controlled collision. Despite suddenly being thrown into the air Argent appears quite calm, her and her seat soaring hopefully safely into the sky.

  Of course, the relatively safe nature of the crash brings up an important question. If this crash was planned from the start, then what exactly is the plan for getting back home when now they have two ruined boats?

 Our erstwhile rescuers are greeted by a gentle breeze, almost as though the name of these isle were unironic. Kelp abandoned by the tides sways quietly on the driftwood remnants of centuries of shipwrecked vessels littering the otherwise pristine white sands. Further up the slope of a dune, coconut trees and densely needled cacti sport their respective fruits, and a chubby marmot eyes the new arrivals with unhurried alertness, chewing away at the purple flower of some blooming iceplant.
 Should the party investigate the shelter that it seems the Star Chasers have constructed, it would appear that their fellows have not been absent long, and that they have gathered some of supplies from the nearby beached vessel. One open cask smells of some fine wine, and upon it, someone has placed a neatly written note that reads: "Gone scarf fishing. Materials for shipwreck survivor themed outfits in crates. -Ivo"
 It does seem that they've managed to pry open one of the crates, which appears to contain some fine silks and fabrics for trade that were successfully protected from the elements, though most of what the Chasers have recovered remains unopened. Clearly some more Base Building will be required to develop the requisite tools, and they found some locked containers early on to incentivize that. That's just good game design, after all.

 Oh, right, and for anyone with their audio on:

> BGM Change:

 The quality of the music really contrasts with the 16-bit world map visuals. Must be one of those HD-2D situations.

  • Character: Laineth
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  "This seems like a terrible ideAAAAAAAAA!"


  Welp. They crash into the reef, and their seats go flying into the air. "I TOLD YOU SOOO--MMPH!" And then they land on the beach- thankfully the membrane seems to have made the crash safe... but why aim for a safe crash!?


  Laineth sits there, still strapped in her seat now on the beach, and she facepalms. "Welp. This is it." No point crying over spilled milk, right? She undoes the belts and harnesses and stands up to go exploring the immediate area. She peruses the various goods stocked around, and then finds a note.

  "'Gone scar fishing'..." Laineth reads out with a vaguely amused tone. "...So they're here after all."

  She takes another look around. "Hmmmm....."

  Then she wanders off. Gathering any wood materials she can find and then cobbling it all together with magic to create..... a long beach chair. "Perfect." She turns and walks off to the pile of goods and rifles through the fabrics until she finds something she likes. A nice teal and gold silk fabric... "This'll do." She takes it and goes behind a tree.



  Several minutes later, the elf emerges wearing a teal two piece. She gets onto the beach chair she had cobbled together earlier and lays back. At some point, she acquired a coconut, which she sips from idly.

  "They'll be back eventually."

  ....Ladies and gentlemen, this is your rescue party.

  • Character: Fabroxo
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  The plucky Professor's protection podule ploons onto the beach in a spray of sand. Presently, he emerges, hands on his hips proudly as he and everyone else are COMPLETELY unharmed.
  "What a success!" He exclaims loudly. "I'm confident that there's never been a better shipwreck than this! We must find the others immediately, I need to confer with young Ivo, both to let him benefit from this example in his future crafts, and to have him assist me in post-crash analysis! The Safe Landings II will be such an improvement!"
  And indeed, without waiting or even glancing at the note or the fabrics or anything because he is ALWAYS prepared for ANY biome, Fabroxo sets off in...a direction. Excitedly.

  • Character: Argent
  • 10 months, 1 week ago

  After picking herself up and taking a brief moment to brush some of the errant sand off of her dress, Argent follows Laineth's example and wanders off to find some materials. Rather than looking for chair materials, or a change of clothes, the homunculus seems to be going for something more along the lines of the elf's third acquisition. At least, it seems to involve a coconut.

  And the juice of one of those oh so spiny cactuses, the root of some strangely shaped tree, and some of that wine that was so safely held in that cask. Without stopping to explain her plans, the homunculus takes her things and, to nobody's real surprise by now, starts shoving it all into her mouth.

  After a lengthy chew and swallow session, she points towards some of the still sealed casks. "I believe we should attempt to gain entry to these, in order to increase our supplies." she says, with a glance towards Laineth. "Additionally, it is possible they may contain additional materials that may be useful for further acquisition of comforts." Translation: Please make me some suitable clothing, too.

  Question is, what does her eating some weird plant bits have to do with opening the casks?