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Shipwreck Survivor Story

Scene details

Setting: Our heroes first set foot as castaways on the Isle of Blessed Winds.


 At last, their drifting has come to an end.
 Upon their frantic escape from the Twilight Canyon, having rescued Reize and (incidentally) his two Catgirl Mafia kidnappers and their attendant shadowcat, our heroes and their lovely support character company were treated to an astonishing display: some scintillating cross between a sea serpent and a flying fish bursting into the air like a thrashing whale, compete with mournful song. For all the travails that the Romancing SaGa has endured, this, at last, was more than it could take.
 Unable to contain his sigh of fatigue, Ivo slumps to the splintered deck, a champagne bucket falling from numb fingers, his sodden dark hair flopping over his eyes. This bucket, an accountrement from Time For Crab repurposed in the now distant hope of treating the Ladies La Crima to an elegant journey by boat, was promptly re-repurposed for bailing out seawater due to the leaks sprung during the chaos. The sleek magitech engines that once propelled them are no more, one vanished into the waters, the other hardly a shell of its former self. As it is built for speed, the SaGa does not have a proper mast, not that it would have survived the storm in any case. So all that one could do is wait and labor -- or lounge upon the deck, as one prefers -- until the damaged SaGa arrives at this forgotten shore.
 "Well," Ivo remarks, "it's a lovely day."
 Given their circumstances, the Cosmopolitan has had to adapt his usual dashing (self-described) garb. His cloak is absent, his shirt ripped and sleeves unbuttoned, trousers cut shorter to remove the damp cuffs, and he has doffed his boots.

> Ivo has changed into his Island Survivor outfit.
> More outfits may be unlocked by developing new Schematics and creating them with the proper materials in the Crafting Window.

 "But we don't know when the winds will change," he continues. "Shall we start by constructing a shelter?"

> The Base Building feature of the Castaway Arc has been unlocked. Explore and gather materials to improve access to shelter and defenses, food, water, and other components.

> BGM Change:

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Perception Check
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 5).

  Their arrival beyond the trenches of the fight from Twilight Canyon, Reize had been waiting patiently while waiting for his stomach to not turn. He has finished enjoying the sight as much as he could. The signs of approaaching land take precedence over anythning else.

 "We made it!!!" His hands lift up in the air...

 His long yellow scarf missing.

 Has not noticed the missing scarf.

 "Yeah! Let's work on our shelter!"

La Crima, Tranquila and Ruidosa all sigh as they're now shipwrecked. Yaaaaay for giant Eel.

"Yaaaay" goes Tranquila and Ruidosa. "Horray!" goes Lady La Crima. "This is just like..."

"MOOOOOOOOOM." the girls complain. Tranquila is pouty, there's no way to merchandise out this far. Ruidosa is pouty, she's stuck on an island. ''with Ivo''. At least Reize is here but. ''Ivo''....!

Lady La Crima is already bouncing her way to some of the shipwrecks on the beach to search them for supplies.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+5>=10.
Comment: Treasure hunting quality roll (plus La Crima Bonus (TM))
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 24. This is a success (by 14).

 "Think of what treasures we might uncover here," Ivo is saying encouragingly to Tranquila, seemingly desirous of easing her pouting mood. "I'm sure they would have quite the resale value..."
 He smiles as winningly as he can as he rises to his feet from his exhausted slump, summoning what strength remains to meet the challenges and approximate Reize's tragically unobservant enthusiasm. A new adventure awaits, after all.

> BGM Change:

 He may not be acting to appease Ruidosa, who is similarly pouting, but perhaps he does not have to. For just then, seemingly acting on its usual whims, the shadowcat -- which has been napping on the prow throughout all of the chaos -- languidly stretches and then wanders over to Rui to casually brush against her legs. Its companions seem less friendly, however. Flechette, the smaller bob-cut catgirl, quietly confines in Zuna, who nods, towering over her, before the two of them move to slip from the deck of the SaGa, offering no assistance.

> Flechette and Zuna's Affinity Levels are too low to recruit them now.

 Reize, considering the options for shelter, can see that the currently available materials seem limited to driftwood, which might protect somewhat from the elements but hardly at all from any roving beasts. Coconut trees, even if they could be felled, would be inadequate for construction. There do seem to be sturdier trees growing atop one of the great looming volcanic boulders that he can see further down the shore, but even if one could ascend it, one would need tools to fell those trees too. Still, perhaps some cave might be tucked around one of said boulders.
 La Crima promptly lucks into tremendous fortune. One of the abandoned vessels appears to have been a fishing boat, and some of its high-quality fishing equipment and nets remain, potentially giving our heroes better access to food and obviating the need to construct such things themselves. Another appears to have been a trading vessel, and some of the luxury goods remain sealed within barrels and chests. These will need to be pried or broken open or the locks picked, but from the aroma, at least one of the casks contains a fine old vintage of wine.

  Reize stands up completely straight, placing a hand underneath his chin as he takes a pondering look. He furrows his eyebrows, looking serious as he eyes the driftwood. He then looks around his surroundings to find anything else that could be useful. However, the potential materials that could help are out of his reach.

 So, he opts for the path of least resistence as they require something immediate. He approaches the driftwood.

 "Oooi! I found some materials!" He brightens. He gives an uneasy smile, "This won't be useful in the long-term, but I think we can use this immediately! I'll hunt for something long-term after we get our shelter in place!" He calls out to Rui, "Oooi! Rui! Help me with the wood here."

Upon finding her treasures, La Crima will take this all in, in her head, which is good enough memory for now, as Ruidosa Writes in her tome. She's recounting the dumb story about how they got stuck on a deserted island. Tranquila is also pouty and here. La Crima bounces back and takes Tranquila by the hand roughly and bounces back down the beach with her with a 'waugh' "So, about the time...." she trails off as she recounts her own shipwreck adventure to Tranquila who goes 'moooom' in the distance.

Ruidosa sighs and closes her tome and descends from her lofty plateau of the wreck and comes on down to help with the wood. "Ugh fine. But also. I hate this." she says, finally as she leans down to help gather wood.

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Improvize tools to open luxury goods
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).

 Ivo winces and proceeds to wrap a strip of cloth around a fresh cut on his hand. He had attempted to fashion some proper tools from the remaining metal of the SaGa's damaged magitech engine, but it seems he lacks the proper protective gear or environment for such work. For now, some of the sealed chests and barrels that La Crima has discovered must remain closed, no matter how much she bounces. But the contents of some broken open by the original shipwreck have not been completely destroyed. While no fabric or spices remain intact, the ladies do discovered an open chest of tarnished silver plates and goblets that, with some polishing, could be usable and even valuable.
 "That hull looks like the best constructed," Ivo offers to Reize, calling down from the deck at the boy and his vampire companion on the beach. One of the wrecks seems to contain no treasures but, as Ivo says, most of it remains intact, if on its side, and even somewhat retaining separation between rooms. "Shall we use some driftwood to fill the gaps?"

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Perception Check Once More
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 7).

  Reize, the Boy with the (Now Missing) Long Yellow Scarf, is gathering the driftwood along with Ruidosa. Granted, his partner does not seem to be in a good mood. He glances over at her, offering an uneasy smile, "Well, at least we're not at the Twilight Canyon, right?" Small comfort. Whether that leaves her in a better mood or not is another question.

 Reize looks up at Ivo, who remains at the deck of the Romancing SaGa.

 "Yeah! We'll help fill the gaps!" He takes out a small knife from his satchel, a toolkit, to slice part of the wood and approaches the hull. He starts on getting the wood across the hull, trying to get it to cover along the ship.

 "We'll have our shelter in place soon~!"

  Of course, Reize does not notice that he is missing a very important part of his attire.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Gather Wood, with Dignity
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).

Ruidosa La Crima manages to help collect wood in an even pile as she arranges based on length. She'll start moving bigger piles to the bigger ... storage... or wherever they're keeping all this slowly over the course of a bit as she manages to do this without spilling wood everywhere and being all haughty and huffy about it to the end.

Lady La Crima and Tranquila, return with the spoils of raiding ship wrecks finally and places the key of wine down like it was nothing to her, because her level and weight restrictions are still levels above everyone else. People complain La Crima breaks the game on this part, but really, she just has a greater find skill in the end.

It's vampire perception you, see.

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

Daiby rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Snake Radar (kept you waiting, didn't I)
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 8).

Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Salvage roll for small items (nails, stray elespheres, etc.)
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 8).

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

Daiby, for her part, is sitting on a rock.

Wow, lots of help there, Daibenzaiten, just put your shapely butt on a rock and sit there wearing your slightly tatty bathing suit. Maybe a passing ship will try to pull over and smash into rocks and they can raid it for sup--

A snake slithers up her leg (she is fine with this) and undulates onto the rock. She leans her head down as if to commune with the reptile. "mm hmm - ah - yes, uh huh - so it took you about twenty minutes and you found a spring? About as far across as you are long? That's lovely, darling, please relax."

I'm still
In a dream
Snake Radar

*musical bridge*

 Ivo will take whatever he can get in terms of gamebreaking characters. If there's any DLC content, he'll install it. Especially any island-themed cosmetics. But we digress.
 "Here we are..."
 Though the engines are no more, it seems that one of the reserve fuel tanks endured the tempest undamaged, and with a grunt, Ivo is able to pull it free of the wreckage of the SaGa. The distilled aether it contains will be very difficult to synthesize until they are able to construct a new suitable laboratory environment. He sets the wrought metal tank carefully upon the sands before disappeared under the SaGa's hull for a little while longer.
 "Here, chief, this might help."
 Ivo approaches where Reize and Rui are stacking driftwood with a good-humored grin and offers the boy a wrapped cloth satchel which contains a cluster of stray but seemingly high-quality nails.
 "The bits we find on these wrecks may be too corroded to be useful," the Cosmopolitan continues, "but I was able to extract some good ones from the damaged parts of the SaGa. We might not have a proper hammer, but even if it takes a rock, we could secure our shelter against the hull better with these."
 He looks first to Daiby upon the rock, nodding with a broadening smile -- does he know what he's doing, or does he just like the romantic image she makes? -- to the Lady La Crima and Tranquila and their prizes.
 "What a find! I expected nothing else!" he praises, approaching the two vampires. "Shall we tap a cask and see what we've discovered?"
 Is that really the priority right now?

  Reize watches Ruidosa as she works with him on getting the drift wood. He offers a grin, cannot help but admire as she is focused on looking quite haughty over her haul. Ivo's arrival to the group gets the boy to turn around and look over his older partner. "Oooi! Ivo!" He brightens, taking the cloththed satchel. Once he retrieves the satchel, he works on getting the nails at the critical points.

 His eyes drift back to see Daiby and the snake. "At least you're in good spirits despite of our situation!" He gives a grin, "We'll have shelter in place soon, so everyone will have a place to sleep at, tonight!"

Lady La Crima will spend the night fashioning better, tropical clothes for herself and her daughters. She might be making use of coconut halfs here, we dunno yet and Indeed, sipping on wine from the cask. Luckily, she is a vampire, she doesn't need to eat. food. She does need blood.

She might giving Ivo, the eyes. +_+

Ruidosa has Reize. Rui may need to share. She'll hate this.

Still, thusly, Ruidosa is help cataloguing everything on a page in her tome to keep a running tally of supplies.

 "Hm, hm, hmmm..."
 Picture Ivo humming cheerily to himself as, having fortunately extracted Hauteclare from the wreckage, he uses the flying sword for the noble purpose of snipping coconuts and palm fronds from their tippy-tops to bring them back to the abode that Reize and Rui are constructing, materials equally useful for trivial matters like food and shelter and more serious tasks like tailoring island themed outfits.
 He does not appear to notice any gleaming +_+s behind him.
 Our heroes' island adventures, truly, are only just beginning.

  ... Wait a second."