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Secrets Beyond the Mist: Phase II
Scene details
Setting: After clearing the source of darkness, the Vanguards find a passage that leads to an unknown halls. An enigmatic temple awaits them with unknown history.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
The mist within the forest remains as thick, shrouded with darkeness to obscure any chance of seeing beyond a meter ahead. The darkness had long been vanquished, leaving for the explorers to rest up a bit. Along the way, both Anna and Reize would come across a trail that guides them through the obscuring mist.
As they reach beyond the thick mist, they would find their way into a path that leads to a tunnel of sort. At that tunnel, the mist starts dissipating, leaving darkness behind that requires a light.
Holding a lamp in front of him, Reize gazes beyond the darkness as the dim lighting gives them the ability to see what is further ahead. As they venture forward, they find themselves at a more spacious environment. With the lamp as that light, suddenly....
Flames ignite along the walls as candle breathe life. As if alive on its own, each flame burn along the walls to light the way.
What the group find themselves in is now a circular room that is made a dark stone. The stone appears to have some sort of strange symbols on them, from the ground to the walls. The ground seems to converge into a shape, but the walls have their own depictions. In front of the pair is a massive door that appears shut.
....Also, where is Ruidosa?
2 years, 10 months ago
Into the tunnel then. After patching up wounds and taking a bit of a rest, Anna is ready to go. Though she has her axe at the ready as the group moves into the dark of the cave, letting Reize hold the lantern, when the cave comes to life, lit with seemingly magical fires along the walls, the Suryle princess jolts faintly.
To her credit she rallies fast as they reach the grand door, but then she pauses, frowning.
Where did Rui go?
"... Do we just... Push it open?"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize, on the other hand, is in awe at the response of the flames suddenly igniting. "Whoa...." His eyes widen, star-crossed as he looks along the spacious surroundings. He feels a bit of a familiar feeling of a temple once visitied. He looks down at the ground before them, trying to figure out what the markings are of.
When he approaches the door, Reize muses, "...Hmm. Maybe."
He pushes against the door, trying to open it up. "Ugggghh.....!"
Reize will find that the door is not budging at all. He frowns, "... I... I don't think this will open?" He muses at Anna, "Maybe you can try?"
2 years, 10 months ago
Door's not budging. ... For Reize anyway. Anna purses her lips in thought for a moment before the tough suggests she give it a shot.
"I can try." She ventures, slinging her axe over her shoulders as she puts her hands to the door and takes a deep, slow, calming breath.
Reize tried pushing. Anna... Calmly tries pulling the door with a fair amount of strength, though not quite angry yet.
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna takes a different approach from Reize, but the result is the same. She will find that the large door has not budged at all. The door does not seem like it will move by any sort of might. However, Anna may be able to make out something at each part of the door. To the left are two small slots with the right door bearing the same type. The slots appear to have a diamond shape to it.
While Reize had been watching Anna try to pull at the door, he finally starts to come to a realization.
"...Wait, where is Rui----"
Suddenly, there is a dark energy erupting from Reize like a firestorm. "Gaaaahhhhh!" Feeling a strange shiver, his hair stands in the most uncomfortable way. His arms cross along each other, the boy trying to contain that feeling.
"Young Champion... this strange feeling.... Destruction....! Darkness....! It grows ever strong!" Kernunnos is panicking.
Drenched in sweat, Reize clutches his heart and he looks out towards the entrance warily. He is panting with a large frown on his face. "hhggghh..."
2 years, 10 months ago
Well the door's not moving. Anna is forced to give up. Until she spies the slots on either side. "Huh..."
That is an interesting find, but then something goes very, very wrong.
Reize erupts with darkness. Kernunnos is panicking. Anna... Has *no idea what to do*.
And while she, too, would like to know where Rui went, the best she can do is grab Reize by the shoulders and start shaking him vigorously.
"Reize? Reize!? Get ahold of yourself!"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
The rest of the party went ahead and Rui watched the misty darkness start to seep away. BUT NOT ALL OF IT, so Ruidosa lifted her hands, and like perhaps, some Cosmopolitan magitech cleaning contraption (The perhaps call it a.. Whoomba- maybe.), steadied, concentrated and started sucking up the remaining dark energy from the mists because how else is she supposed to get powerful if she isn't collecting her element!?
Does she know this is having an effect on Reize? No. but she's shoving more energy into herself until there isn't any left.
When that's done... she peeks her head in and is like. "Hey! S-sorry! I lost track!" she says as she steps on in and---
Sees Anna shaking Reize. She blinks a moment. Wh--what did she miss?
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Unfortunately, Reize's long-suffering does not stop there. He is grabbed by Anna and shaken fervently. The end result is Reize's eyes glazed over, dizzied being rattled all over. "Guhh.. I felt... darkness washing over me... like... my bond----"
Pause. Realization.
"My bond."
And that is when Ruidosa appears. He looks over at her with a squint. There is silence from him as he stares. It's the look that says: 'You did that, didn't you?'
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna is... Fairly clueless.
"Your bond?"
She looks between Reize and Rui for a moment, blinking slowly.
What is going on?
"Um. Is this a private thing? I can step outside for a few minutes."
She's not blushing, you're blushing.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa blinks. She looks at Reize. At Anna. Back to Reize..... then she raises a little hand to her mouth and turns her head and blinks a moment. "OH." she says. "You. Felt that!? Ooops. Sorry." she says meekly, as she looks to the side.
"Y-yes. Bond." she blushes. "Oh look, a door!" she says completely walking past Anna and Reize, marching and totally being invested in the door suddenly. Look at this door guys, It's a neat door, and isn't anything awkward like discussing her energy eating or the bond to Anna right this moment! Not at ALL.
"How do we open it?" she asks, turning back to the two. TRYING VERY HARD TO IGNORE THE EARLIER TOPICS. Not that this won't stop anyone from doing so, anyways.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize stares for a long moment, squinting at his partner. One could see a bubble appear over Reize's head with a set of ellipses.
That time passes long enough and...
... the young explorer exhales a sigh in resignation. It looks like the discussion as to what just happened will be swept under the rug. ... For now.
The young explorer looks back towards the door, and then back at Ruidosa. "When Anna and I first arrived, it was pitch black until all of the torches around lit up." He looks around the extremely spacious area. "We don't know what else exists beyond this door, however, we cannot seem to open it up."
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna is still so baffled. But that can be pushed aside for now to focus on the door.
"Reize tried pushing. I tried pulling. It won't budge. But it looks like there are some diamond-shaped slots on both sides... Maybe if we find that goes in them it will open?"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa is freverently avoiding the topic of her energy eating for now. She knows it'll come later, but for right now she examines the door. She eyes the diamond slots as Anna motions them out as she blinks and looks around the room and starts walking around the perimeter of it, looking around.
"Looks like keys then?" she asks softly as she looks around and scratches her head.
"Did the people that sent us out here mention anything about keys? I don't think we're just gonna find keys lying around. Are we?"
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Now Anna brings up a good point that warrants special attention. Reize approaches the door along with Ruidosa, now noticing the diamond-shaped slots at the entrance of the door. He blinks, giving a thoughtful look. He starts to feel around the slots and then looks back at Ruidosa.
"Yeah, looks like that's the case." However, the explorer adds in response to Ruidosa's question, "I don't think they made it that far." He exhales a sigh, "Though, this information would have been useful." He looks at Anna and Ruidosa. "Maybe not now."
Then, he brightens, "Oh! We can mention this to Professor Reynald back at Granse. He may have some idea that can help us where to look."