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A Crazy Chase - Rescuing Reize
Scene details
Setting: As the hapless Reize was kidnapped by a pack of catgirl demi-humans, Ivo leads the boat chase in the Romancing Saga.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Sun glints with promise off the surface of Lake Gerisia as the Romancing SaGa, sleek magitech engines humming along its white and blue hull, cruises in toward the makeshift dock by Time For Crab. Their restaurant is blessedly closed, giving its laborers, our heroes, some time for relaxation instead of crab. As the party is unburdened, so it seems that the deck of Romancing SaGa has been successfully emptied of both lizardfolk clergy and towering capybara automata.
Ivo emerges from behind the tiller with cloak doffed and sleeves rolled up, deftly securing the boat to the pier before springing forth with evident alacrity, striding toward the rear entrance to the restaurant, past the white beaches by this side of the shore where those others with time off are at play, making for an idyllic picture. Well, as long as your idyll includes rats, as they have a day off as well and some have gathered to seemingly play a very small game of beach volleyball.
"Hello, friends!" he calls as he pushes his way into the restaurant proper. "No troubles on the trip, as anticipated. Saw a very unusual model of boat on the way here, though. Some strange cobbled-together engines like no magitech I've ever seen. Made me miss how we cobble things together here." He's grinning, as though proud of his successful little mission, though his eyes are searching as he scans the interior.
"And were we able to coax any friends or guests to join us on our day off?"
The nature of his good mood is soon clarified. Whatever one might have to say about Ivo's interests and motives, the day evinces a balmy and sedate air of tranquility.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
It was a bit of time after a very peaceful date.
While Ivo was gone and the group were left to their own devices, Reize decided to use the opportunity to take a stroll through the town with Ruidosa as a proper date. It had been uneventful for the most part, but it was a good chance for them to relax and enjoy each other's company.
While settling at the store, a few shopping bags splayed in front of him the table, his head perks up at the arrival beyond the horizon. It's the Romancing SaGa!
As Ivo makes his way into the restaurant, the boy waves a hand, "Ooooi! Welcome back, Ivo!" He brightens his grin, "No troubles whatsoever! Everyone's been enjoying their time off and I know Tranquila and Lady La Crima should be around soon!" He muses, "So, Rui and I spent some time getting a feel of the town better."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa and Reize had a date did not end in anyone being slapped and called names in another language. This is a successful date.
Tranquila and Lady La Crima arrive via a carriage. The family's fancy covered one and out steps Tranquila first, who helps her mother out.
"We're here!" says Tranquila. There's waves!
Ruidosa, nosing through her shopping haul, waves as she beams. "Hiii!" she says as she motions to Reize to help put her bags into the carriage quickly.
Tranquila is more than happy to hang around a closed shop, looking at the big boat that is the Romancing Saga. She's never seen it before. She's marveling at it with big sparkle eyes.
Ruidosa scoffs. "It's just a boat."
"An impressive boat!" says Lady La Crima.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Had Ivo known that Reize and Rui planned on a date in this popular Lakeside Town, he might have reminded his fearless leader that this is a family friendly entertainment zone. As in, specifically, The Capo's Family. But it seems from the absence of any slap marks or demoralized drooping hair antennae that Reize did not lose any of their restaurant funds in a casino or have one too many juices at a juice bar. Good for him.
"Isn't it something?" Ivo, grinning and faintly flushed, eagerly chats up the charming Tranquila and her lovely mother. "The latest in Cosmopolitan magitech, with no compromise in power for its efficiency. And of course, perfectly safe. Would you ladies like a little tour of the water on this fine day? Perhaps--"
As the friends chat, a loud and unearthly screech cuts discordantly through their blithe discourse. It may take a moment to register that this sound most resembles a chillingly familiar squeak. Those who locate its origins will see that above, in the rafters near the rear entrance, poor Beauratgard, Jimmy Jr.'s second in command, is being gripped by the scruff in the maw of the very shadowcat they had seen lurking about days before.
"Beau!" Ivo's grin quickly fades. "Of course that cat was waiting for its chance. Maybe a loud noise or... ah, my elespheres are in my cloak...!"
The shadowcat will occasionally shake Beauratgard a little, as though to increase his panic and accompanying noise, but otherwise gazes down implacably at those assembled. Seconds pass as the cat, making no move to retreat, seems to be giving our heroes time to consider a plan.
But it soon becomes clear that this is a decoy.
With the sound of shattering glass from the side of the main room, only contributing to the sense of building chaos, a large blur plunges through the air, bulk fearsome and speed breathtaking. This blurred feature aims to collide directly with Reize before, whether or not successful, skidding to a stop on the other side of the room, boy grappled if possible. Only then is the intruder made clear: a tall and brawny woman clad in a tiger's pelt bound with leather straps, similar ears twitching, all too alive, atop her long light hair. Her eyes gleam with the same ruthless predatorial glint as the shadowcat above.
It seems the party is being subject to some manner of coordinated attack.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
Upon the arrival of both Tranquila and La Crima, the boy turns over to greet them at the entrance. "Oooi! Tranquila! Lady La Cri---..." He pauses, and then he bows his head low a bit with a flush on his face, "Err, I mean... mother." He gives her a warm smile. "It is good to see you both."
Upon Ruidosa request, gesturing for him for the bags, he approaches the bags and carries a few of them in each arm to take them out towards the carriage.
The motions halt when he hears the panicked sound of Beauratgard, "Beau!" Reize cries out in panic when he hears the commotion.
"Rui! Let's get ready to catch the-----"
Reize is no longer in place through the interruption of a blur colliding with him. The bags filled with the goods drop from his hand and he's caught. "Guhhh...!" His eyes widen in surprise, "Whh--"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
La Crima and Tranquila nod in agreement, they'd like a tour of the boat.
Then things happen. The Shadowcat appears again and it has Jimmy Jr's replacement in it's mouth and Ruidosa yells. "SOMBRE, SPIT THAT OUT!" because she named the cat. Remember. "SPIT THAT RAT OUT OF YOUR ADORABLE SNOUT!" she yells.
%And then Reize gets shanghaied and she notices this.
Tranquila noticed this.
Lady La Crima notices that. "Ah." she goes. Calm. "I remember..."
"MOM DO SOMETHING!" Ruidosa whines. Lady La Crima, powerful, noble vampire that she is, who could probably end this fight in wave of her hand.
"Huh? Why would I rob you of such a story for your tome!?" she says dramatically.
"MOMMMM." yells Ruidosa. "MOOOOOM!" yells Tranquila.
"WELL GO, GIRLS." she says, motioning her hands at the absconded Reize.
Ruidosa huffs and angrily starts running at the intruder and Tranquila moves to save Beau.
La Crima produces a tea cup on a saucer and sips. Where did she get that!?
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
In the confusion, a svelte shadow drops down from the recesses of the inner roof onto the rafters, sinking to a crouch before slipping into a comfortable seated position.
"Ooh la la, Zuna, you have caught a feral human. Shall we keep it?"
The first intruder, the powerful woman still gripping Reize, does not even blink, but her tigress ears twitch as though in interest, and she slowly reaches up with her free hand-- to begin petting Reize's hair, in a rather rough and clumsy way. Even as she does this, though, the one called Zuna's gaze has focused on the calmly tea-sipping Lady La Crima. Though she is already a veritable giantess, her back arches somewhat, reminiscent of a cat puffing itself up to instinctively posture before a greater threat.
"You are all so adorable it is almost a shame to punish you," the new arrival says, crossing her legs beneath a daring slit dress. Sophisticated spectacles gleam upon a youthful face beneath an elegant silver bob, ears like those of a Persian blue visible above, a lithe tail of similar hue lashing idly beneath. "But duty calls -- and, above all, the thrill of the hunt."
"Who are you?" Ivo says loudly, worried gaze darting from Reize to Rui to Tranquila, buying time as he frantically tries to think of hwo to create an opening. "Why are you here?"
"Your transgressions against Meloda and her noble steward the King of Crabs can no longer be abided," the poised woman above says in a playful tone that belies the stern content, flipping about sinuously until she is standing deftly on the rafter. "In the name of the Beastkeepers, we seize your leader, scarf boy, for trial -- and ransom, naturally." She gestures fetchingly to herself with a coy smile. "Flechette." She waves idly to her barbarian friend below. "Zuna. And, of course..."
She points to the shadowcat.
"Our dear Ombre," Flechette pronounces.
"I see," Ivo finally says, "so neither you nor Rui are very creativ--"
"Ombre, drop."
he shadowcat, whose eyes at been cautiously on the approaching Tranquila, promptly drops Beauratgard, who falls with a final squeak, and disappears (figuratively and literally) into the shadows. Ivo is forced to shut up in order to dive to catch him, hopefully not colliding with Tranquila in the process. But if so, well, could be worse, he would think.
In the meantime, Zuna attempts to clamp her jaws down on Reize's scarf as though she is a mother cat picking up a kitten by the scruff of its neck, and then sink onto her haunches before leaping up into the rafters, attempting to join her ally up above.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoid Colliding with Ivo in a heap.
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Roll(s): 18. Total result is 18. This is a success (by 8).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Continue Sipping Tea.
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 3. This is a failure (by 7).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
The young explorer is practically flailing. "Oooi! Let go! Lemme go!" He grits his teeth, struggling and wriggling around so that he can try to break free. However, he is not having too much success towards the very powerful giantess-type woman that has him.
Despite his situation, he is coherent enough to get an earful of the names. "....Wait, what?! Transgressions?!" He furrows his eyebrows, "The King of Crabs attacked us!"
And it looks like the escape and....
Reize feels like the baby kitten that's grabbed by the scruff of the neck. "Guhh...!"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Tranquila avoids collapsing into Ivo trying to save Beau from a fall. She may make a nice pillow for the rat though if he falls on her, because she still ends up on the ground, all swirly eyed behind her glasses. @.@
Ruidosa, meanwhile, turns into a bat and chases after Reize into the rafters. "HEY. I'M MARRYING THAT, PUT HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW, YOU'RE NOT TAKING HIM AWAY! I DEMAND A FAIR TRIAL!!!" she cries out as she chases, turning back into a human on the rafters and trying to leap after the women escaping with Reize.
La Crima looks down to an empty cup after her final sip and pouts a little. "Aw. I'm out of tea." she says dramatically. She'll have to actually watch the going ons. She can't help but giggle a little at Tranquila's predicament, behind the back of her palm, but looks with a little worry on the quest to save Reize. Should she intervene?
Maybe not yet.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Gallantry check to help Tranquila
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Ivo, thanks to Tranquila's better judgment, is able to avoid crashing into the blonde vampiress, at the cost of having her be the one to catch the falling Beauratgard. The impact is safe for their rat friend, but as Ivo skids to a halt and pivots, he sees Tranquila looking as though she'll collapse with the rat atop her. He is halfway through reaching out to catch her--
--only for him, shocked by the speed of the tigress's ascent to the rafters with their fearless leader in tow, to look up startled, hands halfway extended as Tranquila falls down swirly-eyed in front of him.
He looks down in consternation. Failing a gallantry check in front of the Lady La Crima is a truly egregious crime, far worse than any these miscreants have accused them of. He'll have to promptly redeem himself. Even as he crouches to try to help Tranquila up, he looks up at the rafters, trying to scan the darkness.
"Rui, be careful!" he calls. "They clearly planned this out!"
Perhaps his warning will help Ruidosa notice the danger in time. As Zuna leaps from rafter to rafter, running to the far side of the inner roof, Flechette languidly smirks at the pursuing vampire girl. There is no trace of magic, but there is an odd smell wafting, something acrid and smoky. Something... combustible.
"Boom," Flechette says in a honeyed tone.
Multiple small explosions will rip through the rafters, oversized firecrackers more likely to blind or repel than do any serious harm. But in the wake of them, a glaring hole has been opened in the ceiling of Time for Crab, the sunlight streaming through, revealing the transcendent view of sparkling Lake Gerisia.
"Tell all the rest of the rats," Flechette can be heard saying as the smoke begins to clear, "Capo and his ilk, that in the name of the Beastkeepers, we, the Catgirl Mafia, come and go as we please. So we came -- now we go. Ta ta!"
The two women spring through the gap in the roof toward the Lake. A faint roar can be heard, the sound of engines starting, as through the window, a strange boat about the size of the Romancing SaGa but with much larger and awkward looking engines cruises into view toward the pier, seemingly of its own accord.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: The Repair Bills!? ;_;
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a success (by 3).
1 year, 4 months ago
A beach umbrella has been erected and is currently full of snakes.
Laying in the sun proper with only some dark glasses for the benefit of her eyes and a deck chair which has been racked down so she can lay on her belly with her bikini top untied, is Daibenzaiten No. Sarasabattay. She is accompanied by...
... like...
Well, let's just say a number of snakes greater than ten but probably less than sixty. Some of them are in the sun and some of them are in the shaded spot. They are relishing the opportunity for pure, unalloyed THERMOREGULATION. Fortunately, most of the brighter, more jewel-toned snakes are partially buried in the sand, or perhaps a catgirl recon squad realized it was a whole bunch of snakes and one (dead?) human, and steered clear. But now!
Daiby slowly raises her head, as do half a dozen or so of the snakes, all of them looking towards the exploding and plundered restaurant. "...?"
"GASP!" Daiby says! Since she's still waking up, she reflexively wave-waves cheerfully at the abducted Reize, although her face hasn't caught up with her arm.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
Panic sets in at the explosion rippling through the rafters. "Ruidosa!" Luckily, it only seems to be more like fire crackers, but there is a nice devastating loook at the ceiling. He grimaces as he is just taken. Through it all, however.
"Letmego!" He is flailing. "You won't get away with this!"
This is the Reize-napping! This is what it's like to be the one kidnapped!
"Oooi! Daiby!" He could tell through the snakes anywhere!--Oh wait, "Haaaaaaaalllp!"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: I'm telling ya'll it's a sabotage.
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Tranquila is helped up. "Ugh thanks..." she goes and then she blinks when there's an EXPLOSION.
and then Tranquila waughs! "T...the expenses...!" she cries and facepalms hard.
La Crima walks over and places a hand on Tranquila's shoulder and sushes her. "It'll be fine dear. I remember..."
Ruidosa Meanwhile, shields herself from the explosion but the resulting chaos surpresses her long enough that by the time she hops out of the hole herself Reize is probably already on the strange boat with those strange beast women. "STOP!" she cries out, throwing a bolt of dark energy through the air towards the engines of the boat, but it clearly misses, smashing into the nearby water.
1 year, 4 months ago
"After him!" Daiby says, pointing heroically at Reize!
Several of the snakes seem moved to action. "No, intercept him!" Daiby shouts heatedly. "They're going to eat him!"
Several other snakes look at her in some disbelief. ("Can't you fly?" Daiby asks one. That snake flicks their tongue. "Well, I mean, glide." Flick, flick. "Oh, you need a tall tree and it's more like gliding? I'm sorry, I'd assumed given -- yes, I know, that's what we call you not what you -- alright, I made a mistake and I have to own that. I'm very sorry for my error and I'm going to do better in the future--")
There are a couple of snakes slithering down the beach in the direction of the ship, bold or foolish or hungry, but this is probably COLD comfort to the plundered lad.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Ivo pauses only long enough to confirm that Ruidosa has successfully shielded herself from the explosion before rushed to the back door and throwing it open to following the sight of the so-called Catgirl Mafia absconding with Reize toward their odd boat coasting into view. He winces as the clearly unpiloted craft, apparently remotely activated with keen timing, collides noisily with their makeshift pier, wood planks splintering and metal screeching. Their adversaries could only plan out so much.
"They won't get far," he calls. "There's only two waterways out from the Lake, and neither are passable." He's turned to rummage through a closet and pulls out a bundle of adventuring gear, the mere fact that they packed it all away a telling sign of what their recent priorities have been, and then turns back to face a reassuring grin at those assembled. "Shall we take that lake cruise, friends? Perhaps pick up a Reize and some dastardly criminal bounties to pay for repairs along the way?"
As he hustles toward the door, he looks to the recovering Beauratgard, who has, monocle gleaming, bowed with as dignified an air as a normal-sized rat can muster to Tranquila in gratitude for her assistance.
"Beau, the restaurant is in your care for the nonce!"
As the rat bows again, Ivo exits, looking toward the beach as he jogs toward the damaged pier, where the Romancing SaGa sways still barely secured. The strange boat begins to accelerate away with the Catgirl Mafia and their captive on board, its bulky engines belching flame and now familiar acrid smoke, and a keen eye may spot a small dark cat emerging from the pier's shadow to leap on board in the nick of time. Ivo, despite this, is slowing down.
"Daiby! I-- hmm." He gazes at the sunbathing beauty for a few moments, unnecessarily, as his best friend is kidnapped. "Care to join us a little lake tour with a side of Reize rescuing?"
It's not even the main course anymore. It seems that the chaos of the restaurant has only increased as its various unusual residents sort themselves into those who are staying and those who are leaving. Amidst it all, a loud BAWKing can be heard as the Doom Chicken, in a little chef's hat stained blue with crab blood, has what appears to be some sort of argument with a stray snake.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Meanwhile, on the smoky and lurching Mafia vessel, Zuna's fierce grip on Reize never relents, even as the lissome Flechette takes a seat by the helm and peers at him with another smirk. Ombre (or Sombre) has already curled up in a warm spot to take a nap, their job done, the one actual cat utterly unconcerned with the rest of this affair.
"You have been quite the little pest, haven't you?" she coos. "It was not sufficient for you to destroy the great Meloda's ancient blessing, but you refused your just punishment for crimes against crabkind and dared to slay one of her champions, the King of Crabs. There are no words to offer in your own defense... but your friends should be able to offer us a thing or two for you, I'm sure."
"Yes," Zuna rumbles. "Like crab."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is angrily yelling at the boat and then she busts into the restaurant as Ivo grabs the adventuring gear and she fails to grab at Ivo's collar, but she still yells (because you can't fail at yelling, only fail at making it more ridiculous.)
"LET'S GOOOOO!" she says as she angrily yells. "I'M GONNA MURDER THOSE CAT GIRLS!" she yells as she turns into a bat and flies onto the Romancing SaGa. "LET'S GOOOOO!" she yells again. "HURRY HURRY HURRY."
"We'll stay here~" says La Crima. Tranquila looks embarassed, as Ivo inspects Diaby too long, for some reason.
1 year, 4 months ago
Daiby rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Remembering her top
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
1 year, 4 months ago
"Of course!" Daiby answers Ivo, rolling onto her side and sitting upright. With a sweap of her head, she hears a powerful BGAK from a blue chicken. Two of her snakes bury themselves in the sand immediately. She lashes up her bikini top, shown entirely from the back by the camera angle, and says, "Let's go!" She whistles to the snakes and taptaptaps her foot, at which point all of them will follow her in a long slithering trail towards --
Wherever they're going.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
Panic sets in at the explosion rippling through the rafters. "Ruidosa!" Luckily, it only seems to be more like fire crackers, but there is a nice devastating loook at the ceiling. He grimaces as he is just taken. Through it all, however.
"Letmego!" He is flailing. "You won't get away with this!"
This is the Reize-napping! This is what it's like to be the one kidnapped!
"Oooi! Daiby!" He could tell through the snakes anywhere!--Oh wait, "Haaaaaaaalllp!"
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
There is a small degree of comfort seeing the snakes slithering in place to rescue him. At least, Reize likes to think that they are on their way to rescue him. Right? Right?!
As for his current predictament, he finds himself in quite the vessel, still held by Zuna's fierce grip. He frowns at Flechette as she notes about the blessing, "...We did what we did to help the people of Aurita Meloda!" He furrows his eyebrows. He mutters, "... The crab was being a jerk."
He sweatdrops at Zuna's comment.
Reize has high hopes that his friends will come and rescue him.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Ignoring the emergency yet again to self-indulgently try to recruit the whole La Crima family as background support characters for the adventure to follow, when he should really stop rolling Charisma and start piloting the boat
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
Ivo, even as the boat bearing his best friend (alleged) is beginning to disappear into the horizon, pauses to flash his winningest smile to Tranquila and the Lady La Crima, clearly putting his all into it.
"Oh, but please do join us, ladies!" he exclaims. "I assure you that the Romancing SaGa is both comfortable and safe, and the day is so lovely. Won't you grant me the privilege to display my gallantry before you in rescuing Ruidosa's beau? Not you," he quietly asides to Beauratgard, who has momentarily perked up.
But he has to actually, you know, do that, and finally he finishes hustling over to the deck of the Romancing SaGa, where those going on this lively little venture are gathering, a surprising proportion of which appear to be animals. So it goes.
"Daiby, I must confess," Ivo asides to her, his effortful charm from moments before subsiding as he speaks more quietly, hoping not to be heard by the others he has been reassuring as he starts up the SaGa's magitech engines. "It is strange to me that they would concoct such an artful ambush and then attempt to flee by lake. If they had only waited a little longer after my arrival, they might have been able to sabotage the SaGa..."
Indeed, it works just as well as minutes before. Once all have assembled, Ivo begins to ease the SaGa away from the pier. The vessel is smooth, the product both of its Cosmopolitan science and the peaceful waters of Lake Gerisia, hardly bespeaking the urgency of their chase. It is rapidly gaining on the ungainly boat containing Reize and his captors. Perhaps Ivo actually had a good reason to not be *too* worried.
"...and they're heading east. I assumed they would head west," Ivo continues murmurs, "to Zerhem, not being aware of our close contacts there with the royal family. But the river east spills into the Twilight Canyon. None would survive a trip like that... what's their plan...?"
Those assembled can see Reize in Zuna's arms now as Ivo guides the SaGa close, past the belching flames and billowing smog of their adversaries' own engines. The barbarian tigresskin glares implacably at them as they begin to approach boarding range, Flechette lounging with insouciant confidence. No attacks are forthcoming yet as both boats race toward the eastern shore of the lake.
"This may get just a *little* rough," Ivo exclaims, louder. "Do feel free to cling to me, ladies, if you find the ride bumpy--"
Meanwhile, as the decks close, a little shadow can be seen to flicker as the shadowcat hops from their adversaries deck to the SaGa's. Seemingly curious or preferring the quieter vessel, the little creature, completely shameless after tormenting Beauratgard earlier, curls up on the prow in a sunny spot to start napping again, showing no concern for the importance of maintaining dramatic tension.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20-3>=12.
Comment: Constitution Check vs Seasickness
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 8).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 4 months ago
There is one particular problem when it comes to Reize and the sea. Seasickness.
Overall, the beastkin will notice that Reize is starting to become quite pale, should they be paying attention. It goes from pale to a shade of green.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Tranquila: 'Stupid Sexy Ivo'
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 4 months ago
Tranquila and La Crima decide to follow along. Tranquila does more quickler than her mother, and she practicallllly leaps and clings to Ivo with a blush when it indeed is rough going, with her glasses all fogged up for some reason now. She's not being shy about this.
Ruidosa La Crima is having a fit at the front of the boat and threating to strike dark bolts out at the other boat but there's enough speed and distance she doesn't feel confident in actually hitting the other boat in any major way.
Lady La Crima has another tea cup and is sitting on a barrel on deck, with all the poise and pomp of a noblewoman and seems unphased by all the rocking. "Do this often?" she'll ask to Daiby, eventually.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 4 months ago
"Ah, Ombre," Flechette says, her elegant tone shifting to sound indulgent, her eyes adoring as she regards the shadowcat now napping on the SaGa zooming alongside them. "You have already infiltrated the enemy's forces. Truly, you are the ideal for which all we catgirls aspire..."
"Fleche," Zuna intones, holding up the greenish Reize, "my human is broken."
"Try turning him on and off again," Flechette dismissively replies. "It is time more of those born to serve felines learn their place..."
Placing her long-nailed hands upon the tiller of her own vessel, she begins to swerve it, aiming the flame belches from her engines at the SaGa, but Ivo is able to glide alongside it. The magitech engines of the SaGa seem superior in every regard to what the Catgirl Mafia is piloting, their own vessel faster, more maneuverable, and certainly much quieter. Yet both are swift, especially with Flechette taking manual control, and as surprisingly smooth as this pursuit is, our heroes are hurtling toward the mouth of the river on the eastern shore of Lake Gerisia.
Meanwhile, Zuna is using her free hand to try to grab hold of Reize's cowlick so she can bend it back and forth like one flipping a switch on and off.
"Nothing to fear, everyone," Ivo calls over the wind, his dark hair whipping about, one arm around the blushing Tranquila, the other hand on the helm, as though seeking to contribute to an air of calm with a casual approach to steering. "They've already trapped themselves."
But he cannot fully disguise a hint of trouble in his expression, uncertain why their foes seem to be readily taking a one-way trip to the deepest and most dangerous known canyon in all of Rithera.
"But perhaps it is best if we do retrieve our Reize as soon as possible," Ivo continues as they pass into the river and the confines narrow, bringing the SaGa's deck close to try to aid in any attempt at rescuing Reize.