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Angry Crab VI-2: King Crab vs MegaCapo

Scene details

Setting: Reize Seatlan says, "king crab: *CRUNCH REIZE* reize: x_x Ivo: get in the robot or reize will have to go through it again"


 Lake Gerisia's breathtaking shoreline extends along dense forests and pebbled river beds, each with their own charms, but the most popular lakeside town is tucked beside its greatest delight: a pristine white-sand beach. There, molding it in his lightly-furred little hand, a beastkin child carefully sculpts a series of intricate towers nearly taller than he.
 "Is that a castle?" his friend, standing nearby, asks.
 "Bigger," he replies, with firm confidence. "They're towers so great they scrape the sky. As giant... as..."
 A shadow has fallen over them, blotting out the warmth of the sun. Their heads raise, their eyes slowly but surely widening until they seem to expand impossibly wide.
 "...a... crab?"

> BGM Change:

 An enormous crab leg thicker than an ancient tree slams down upon the sand edifices, pulverizing them, one dramatically toppling before exploding into particles. When the obscuring plume of the impact settles, the children are nowhere in sight.
 "Protect the restaurant and the guests!" Ivo shouts desperately, one child under each arm, as he sprints away from the building-sized crab, which waves its claws in the general direction of the Star Chasers' new establishment. He has burst out the back in the midst of working hours to try to fend off the monster they have enraged with their sins against crab-kind, currently ongoing in the kitchen every time Anna's EX meter fills up.
 Screams begin to echo out as casual beachgoers see the King Crab emerging from the water and begin to flee. Doubtless the town will be thrown into chaos, at best, if their enormous foe is not somehow repelled.

  Exploding into action is the Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf, who is holding the hand of his vampire partner as they race off into the once beautiful white-sand beach, under siege by the enraged King of the Crabs. The boy is racing as fast as he can to get into the field of view of the creature.

 While taking his partner, Reize explains to Ruidosa. "This is the crab that we tried to catch for you before..." He grimaces, "... But we were defeated." He doesn't quite go into the detail on how the humiliating defeat occurred, but it is why he came empty-handed.

 As he slides in front of the crab, he withdraws both boomerangs as he faces the King Crab.

 "This is our second round!" He flicks a wrist, flipping one of the boomerangs into the air and he bounces on both feet before getting into an aggressive fighting stance.

 "Come on! We'll take you on!"

  Following behind the two, yet at a further distance from the others is Constatin, who is panicing while donning the Heavenly Beetle Crown. "I'm ready to help!"

Ruidosa is following along, hand in hand. She suddenly lets go of Reize's hand when they arrive at.


It's a large, building sized crab. Her eyes look up with wonder and her eyes light up. She reaches behind herself, and produces three items.

A fork. a knife. and a bib. The bib, she puts on. The bib has a cartoon crab on it that says 'Time For Crab!' on it. She sparkles in delight, like a fanciful pretty vampire in the sun. She gasps.

"It's. PERFECT." she says as she licks her lips and gets ready to jump into action with her weapons of choice today. Her dining instruments begin to glow in dark energy aura. +_+.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Intimidation Check - BANE OF ALL CRABKIND!?
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).

  • Character: Daiby
  • 1 year, 5 months ago

Daiby emerges from the general direction of the kitchen exit of the restaurant, having taken advantage of the chaos to show herself into that space. She has collected an ear of corn that someone had been grilling upon the - uh - grill as well as having emptied out an opened bottle of what is probably wine, or something wine adjacent, into a beer glass.

She looks upwards at the enormous crab. A snake that had been in her hair emerges partway outwards, joining her in her gaze even as Reize and Ivo begin to move into action. Ruidosa surges forwards.

"But she doesn't have a claw cracker," Daiby says, faintly aghast. "Oh, I can't watch."

She can watch (while drinking wine).

 As the King Crab surges forth like a very slow but extremely foreboding tidal wave, crab upon crab spill forth like froth in its wake, devoted minions of their overlord, intent on revenge. The ruler of Lake Gerisia seems intent on the restaurant, taking one step after another in its direction, sand spraying up with every step. This apparent single-mindedness does not stop tourists from screaming and scattering in every direction in terror that they themselves might become the meal.
 "We've got to slow it down!" Ivo calls, fishing desperately in his pockets for any stray elespheres after setting the beastkin children down at the sand's limit. "But there are so many--!"
 The King Crab may take no note of its puny challengers for now, but its minions swarm toward Reize, intent on subjecting him to pinching doom. Yet they part like water around Ruidosa, quailing at her presence, her dark legend having been passed down for generations, from wizened crab to crablet. Her terrible aura, stained by so many broken shells, makes them unwilling to attack. Yet for a moment, it summons the attention of the King Crab. Its eyestalks noticably swivel.
 "Watch out!!"
 It does not redirect its advance, not yet. Instead, foam beginning to drip from its maw, it blows a cluster of big bubbles toward Ruidosa, attempting to smother her or trap her within one. It seems their foe possesses some unusual techniques for land-based combat.
 Meanwhile, Reize is on the verge of being engulfed by smaller crabs. Even such a valiant heart as his would doubtless shudder at such a fate, probably. Yet something stirs within him, some strange resonance with his pendant, new and yet familiar, like the unexpected return of a near-forgotten friend. Something... something is coming.

> Reize's trait "Beetle Lover" has activated.

 Help is coming!

> He receives a morale bonus to his next action!

  When Reize challenged the King Crab, he expected the massive, mighty creature to turn its attention towards him. After all, he previously dealt with the king underwater. However, he finds himself ignored. Instead, the tidalwave of the smaller crabs are all swarming around the boy.


 His eyes snap wide, bringing both of his boomerangs in front of him in preparation to guard against the onslaught. "Here it comes....!"

 However... he feels something rejuvinating his mind. There is something ringing. His eyes widen as he feels the strange, yet familiar feeling. It urges him on.

 "I can do this!" The boy immediately bolts forward, utilizing his speed to dash through the crabs. As he shoots forth like an arrow, his boomerangs spread across as he swoops in to slash through the gathered swarm. "Hunting Hawk!"

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Beetle Lover + Hunting Hawk
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoiding Becoming Enbubbled.
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).

Ruidosa La Crima is unconcerned with lower crab kind right now. She can eat countless regular crabs whenever. No. She wants. That one. +____+.

When Bubbles come she leaps into action, and leaps over them, before forming wings from her back. Bat wings. Because she's a vampire. She flaps in the air and swoops down into the crab, with her dark energy enhanced eating implements as she attempts to dive bomb the crab kind in the head carapace.

"Delicious king crab. You belong to me. +_+." she says in a dreamy voice as she attempts to keep stabbing repeatedly with her implements before she flips off the carapace and looks downwards as she attempts to see if she had any sort of effect on the crab with her infused fork and knife- crab bib billowing in the wind, dramatically.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Don't Eat With Your Hands.
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).

 The crabs are legion.
 Reize's inspired sweeping strike sends crabs tumbling everywhere, little X's at the ends of their eyestalks, flopping on their backs in the sand. The issue is that there is simply too many of them. Their fearless leader may find his velocity slowing and trajectory lowering as pinching crabs latch hold of him, seeking to bear him down. For every opponent he swats aside, there seem to be five more.
 At the same time, the King Crab proves formidable. Crabslayer Ruidosa, even more motivated than Reize and endowed with the culinary equivalent of a favored enemy bonus, is far swifter than her massive adversary, leaving visible dents in its carapace with every strike. But in response it hunkers down and raises its enormous front claws as a kind of shield, and the shell there seems nigh impenetrable. Moreover, it may continue to advance in this defensive posture, its attacks suppressed by the vampire's assault but its trampling ongoing. With Ivo struggling to manage the impromptu evacuation before crabs consume them all, their straits remain dire.
 Yet even as it seems all hope is lost, there, up above, as though true to their party's name, a shooting star streaks across the sky. During... the day.
 That's no star.
 That's a beetle.
 Specifically, it is a towering mechanical capybara, rocketing through the air trailing lightning, crackling with energy provided by a glowing Heavenly Crowned Beetle perched atop it. It seems that Kernunnos, sensing the party's hour of need in Aurita Meloda, has sent his most powerful envoy to aid them, and also MegaCapo. The animatron lands in the sand between the King Crab and the restaurant with another spray of sand. Gears whir as it raises its blocky metal paws. The beetle, shining and sparking, remains perched upon one of its shoulders.
 There is a terrible crash as the King Crab lunges from its defensive posture to try to grapple MegaCapo with its enormous pincers. MegaCapo, in turn, has grabbed those pincers, the two of them engaged in a creaking tug of war.

> The King Crab's defenses are momentarily down. The party's accuracy increases!

  As Reize dashes in with renewed vigor, he cuts down a few of the crabs in his coming trajectory. The boy is filled with a rush as he becomes as fierce as the wind--- wait why is he slowing down? That bravado fades as the numbers, larger than anticipated, close in on him. Panic comes on his face as he says, "Ahh.. ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"


 Constatin is watching from afar, a sweatbead running on his face. The six-year-old boy, panicking, tries to find a way to help. However, there are no objects that come to his aid.

 ...However, they find their hope in the form of a flying object. When they notice that the presence of MegaCapo making its dynamic entrance, young Constatin's eyes widen, beaming with joy. "Wooow...."

 It is interrupted as the King Crab and MegaCapo engage in the fight.

 Buried within the crab storm, Reize winces at the pain before he finally erupts with a scream and a wide spinning kick to get the crabs off.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Crowd Control
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 2).

Ruidosa is in the air so immune to trampling currently. That's good. Reize is not however and that's bad. She frowns a little. "Watch out, Reizey....!" she exclaims. Oh no this looks dire. How can she penetrate. That carapace?

Then the MECHACAPO appears, from the sky, no less and starts fighting with the crab and she's never been so glad to see the dumb thing as crabs swarm Reize. So she swoops back down to ground level, and with her might fork and knife....

Just starts shoving tiny crabs into her mouth to help Reizey deal with them. Nom. Nom...

Nom. Nom.


Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Dinnertime?
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).

 Ivo, in the midst of waving the last of the tourists from the beach, having successfully prevented the possibility of a dangerous stampede, glances back at the proceedings with fear and awe in his eyes-- and squints.

 CHIBI REIZE: Lunch is served! n_n
 > CHIBI REIZE kicks a crab over to CHIBI RUI, who whirls a tablecloth, revealing a small table that, when the tablecloth is laid, is suddenly perfectly set. The crab falls onto the plate.
 CHIBI RUI: Mmmmm! n_n
 > CHIBI RUI stabs it with a fork and stuffs the entire crab in her mouth. Reize kicks crab after crab onto her plate, which she prompts eats one after the other.
 CHIBI IVO: (counting crabs) Fourteen... fifteen... zz... zzzzz...

 Ivo blinks a few times, shaking his head. He swore he saw a little table.
 "W-we still need more power to stop the King and his minions at the same time! Somehow..."
 He furrows his brow, glancing about. MegaCapo is grabbling with the King for now, straining with all its mecha might. The beetle is surging and crackling with all its got to further empower the friend to children. And Constantin is looking on, having donned the Heavenly Beetle Crown...
 Ivo's eyes snap wide as he looks to the Prince of Zerhem.
 "The MegaCapo is a form of magitech! It's being supercharged by the same aether that's conducted through your Crown!" The relic is, after all, beetle-inspired. "Try to synchronize with MegaCapo somehow!"
 Carried away by his idea, Ivo seems to lose his composure.
 "Get in the robot, Constantin!!!"
 Well, it is actually possible to get inside MegaCapo, but there is, you know, a brain in a vat in there. This is Fabroxo's work we're talking about.

  Things are finally looking up for Reize as his burden lessens thanks to the arrival of Ruidosa. As she feasts on her favorite dinner, the thinning of the opposition allows Reize to charge forward and kick each of the crabs away. He starts kicking more of them to Ruidosa.

 "Ooi! Rui!"


 "Would this count as our date?" He looks thoughtful for a moment as one of the crabs attempt to escape. He shrugs and then punts that crab towards his partner.


 Constatin is looking at MegaCapo locked in battle with the King. The mecha is straining from the battle. Suddenly, the eyes of the boy shoot towards Ivo as he calls upon his attention. "... M--Mister Galvan?" He listens to the man's instructions.

 Get in the robot!

 The boy's eyes widen and he starts running to a distance, holding his head while concentrating his Heavenly Beetle Crown.

 His imagination.

  He won't run away.

  He is a brave prince.

  The Future King.

Ruidosa La Crima has stars in her eyes. It's like an unlimited crab buffet, and where this all it was she'd be pleased with the attack and assault of endless crab minions. Crabs with butter. Crabs fried in OLIVE OIL, Crab souffle. Crab Louie. Crab a la King, Crab Rangoon. Crab Legs. Canning Crab for later usage. Packing it---okay enough thinking about crabs and all their delicious uses Ruidosa, it's time to go back to fighting the big bad. THE CRAB KING.

Summoning up a lot of her dark power, she forms a giant CLAW CRACKER out of dark energy, and brings it down hard towards the the giant, KING CRAB's claw, trying to SNAP that shell to weaken it's defenses by taking out one of it's arms.

"Best date. 10 outta 10." she says with a wide smile.

Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: The Claw Cracker to Pierce the Heavens...!?
Roll(s): 5. Total result is 5. This is a failure (by 5).

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: MegaCapo + Prince's Will
Roll(s): 3. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).

 A shrill strange sound pierces the peaceful silence within the restaurant, where the curious couple from before still dines on crab legs. One of them glances in the sound's direction. It is a sheathed sword, leaning against the door frame. The sound of pounding footsteps approach before the back door bursts open and Ivo, sweating and panting, reaches out to grab Hauteclare.
 "Enjoying your meal?" he breathlessly asks. "Good!"
 And he departs as quickly as he arrives, leaving the diners to shrug at each other and continue eating, occasionally taking a sip of wine. Through the window behind them, a giant robotic capybara wrestles with an even bigger crab.
 Outside, a horrible rending of metal can be heard as one claw digs into MegaCapo's lovable head. The other, barely held back by Ruidosa's mighty weapon and the only thing preventing MegaCapo from being savaged further, incredibly still does not bend or break.
 "Skull damage, severity unknown! Operational integrity compromised!" Ivo, gasping and panting, interprets the readings of the blaring sensor upon Hauteclare's hilt, attuned to the Heavenly Beetle Crown, in turn attuned to MegaCapo. "Synchrograph inverting! Neural pulse flow is reversing! Constantin, can you hear me!?"
 The Prince has bravely gotten into the robot, but at what cost? What has science and Ivo's dumb idea wrought? With the metal rending asunder, would he even be able to escape now if he wanted to? Sparks fly as MegaCapo's joints contort, twisting into obvious unusability.
 And then, as MegaCapo seems on the verge of toppling, its adorable eyes glow red. A warm hum begins to drown out the cacophony of its tearing frame.
 "CHILD... FR... IEND...!"
 Somehow, despite its broken form, MegaCapo rises and pushes with a new surge of force, inspired to protect the young prince within it.
 "Impossible," Ivo breathes, stopping to stare. "It should be completely non-operational! Has it gone... berserk!?"
 He whirls to his friends. Lightning is coursing across the sand as MegaCapo overflows with synchronized aether, shocking and stunning what remain of the crab minions, leaving the Star Chasers intact.
 "Its claws are pinned!" he shouts. "We've got to strike now--!"

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20+3.
Comment: SAN Check for the Six Year Old
Roll(s): 9. Total result is 12.

  Reize cannot help but smile, noticing how happy Ruidosa is. It's a great date. She gets all of the crabs that she wants and they are helping defend the town. Of course, having your fiancee in a good mood is the best way to go. The boy watches as the fight is taken to the King Crab.

  Reize's eyes widen as Prince Constatin uses the Heavenly Crown to synch with the MegaCapo.

  As the skull of MegaCapo starts to become damaged....

  The synchronization completed and the damage that tears that MegaCapo faces....


  The strain ignites a feral scream from the six-year-old prince.

  ... Reize is staring at the young prince's state with a large sweatbead. He really hopes that they did not just traumatized the kid. As his face has shade of terror, large shadows loom behind him, featuring the King, Queen, and the most threatening person of all: Corrine.

  The young prince screams, reaching out an arm and throwing it forward to push against the King Crab.

  Reize looks at Ivo as he calls out for them to strike. "Got it!" He looks back towards Ruidosa. "Oooi! Rui!" He starts to wind back, aura flaring before he dashes forward. "Let's go!" The boy is charging forward with another round of the burst from the Hunting Hawk.

Ruidosa La Crima notices the crab is pinned and vulnerable! ATTACK IT'S WEAKPOINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE and that's what Ruidosa does, leaning in with her fork, roaring out as she summons up a might Falcata swing from the fork into the exposed King Crab, wanting to taste it's delicious meat.

"KING CRAB ROLLS. KING CRAB LEGS. KING CRAB LOUIE. KING CRAB SALAD. KING CRAB ALA KING." she starts drooling as she swings her Falacta around wildly into the crab. +_+

 Ivo winces at the sound of Constantin's cry.

 > CHIBI REIZE, CHIBI IVO, and CHIBI RUI cower before a looming lecturn, its shadow seeming to blot them out. At it stands CHIBI CORRINE.
 CHIBI IVO: B-but we haven't started the trial--
 > CHIBI CORRINE brings down her previously stolen gavel.

 Yet under the welter of attacks, at last, the King Crab is falling, its mighty shell splitting and sundering. With the pressure from MegaCapo causing cracks to appear all over its body, Ruidosa is able to shear through again and again, delectable crabmeat becoming exposed. Reize's charging sweeping strikes strike at its juicy shelled legs, causing it to stumble and crumple. Froth drips from its maw.
 Ivo shouts to his friends, boggling at his sensor.
 "It's self-destructing...!"
 Bubbles flow from the King Crab's mouth.
 "Oh, uh... no, it's, uh, just blowing lots of bubbles."
 Despite the copious amount of bubbles as its final defense, the King Crab is unable to withstand the overwhelming synchronized attack. At long last it topples, a veritable maelstrom of sand billowing up as it crashes to the ground, bubbles pouring forth into the sky.
 *creak* *crash* *creak* *crash*
 And there, slowly walking away from the explosion (of bubbles), silhouetted by the storm (of bubbles), MegaCapo remains.

> The party is victorious!

 Ivo gazes at the felled King, panic fading, expression becoming solemn.
 "We won," he murmurs, "but at what cost? A one-of-a-kind creature from the depths has been slain..."
 "...but also, some bad things happened."
 "Well," he asks, "who's hungry?"

Ruidosa, who already has her bib on, yells.5R
"I AM!"