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Return of a Conquerer

Scene details

Setting: As the Star Chasers explore the Lakeside Town to do some shopping, they encounter an old 'acquaintance' of Reize from his adventures in Ihiyo.


  It's late afternoon within Rithera; the sun is slowly setting while providing a dark orange sky with a large overcast of clouds. At the eastern shore of Lake Gerisia exists a lively town that acts as a great congregation point between various merchants across the world from spice traders to the nomads. The diversity of cultures are apparent as various people from all walks of life dwell at the shops and other areas. This is a welcome spot for those on vacation and those of the less savory sorts.

  There are merchants, many with their own guards from the Vanguards to non-vanguard, rough looking individuals.

  As the Star Chasers make their way down the streets, Reize is taking in the sights of the town. "Wow! We finally made it out here!" He has a wide grin on his face, lifting his arms up over the back of his head as he chimes. "I know Ivo is handling some talks on our behalf."

  He then sighs, "...I really wish that one treasure did not allude me."


  After the crumbling of the large, golden golem, Reize spotted another source of shimmering light at the very center. It was a fabled gold-stained hookshot.

  His eyes light up with glee as he moves forward to reach for the artifact. "I GOT IT! FINALLY! I SHALL!"

  Suddenly, a tendril emerges from the ground to ensnare the hookshot and yank it down.


  With heavy thumps, Reize found himself dogpiled by skeletons and bats. They could whisper one thing to the boy.


  *YOINK* goes the hookshot.


  Everything freeze frames to that dramatic moment as the hookshot is dragged and never seen again.


  "... I feel like everything's conspired against me during times like that." He mutters, comical river of tears on his face.

  Little Constatin, walking with the group, has a large sweatbead on his head. This is his mentor? ... This is his mentor. He can only pat the older boy on the back.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 1 month ago

 Poor Reize. He'll never get his hands on a hookshot.
 "You know," Anna says as she walks a pace or so behind the group.
 "Maybe you're just not meant to have one." She says in regards to Reize once again losing another potential hookshot. To think such a vital tool would constantly elude the youth...
 "Maybe it's your destiny."
 Anna really isn't helping here, is she?

Ruidosa La Crima has let her sister know of her windfall, and thusly, Tranquila is off helping with the whole affair. She has a ''new pen'' for it and everything and like her and Tranquila geeked out over it for a few moments while Reize commiserated.

"You know, Reize." she says. "You might not have so much bad luck if you stopped grabbing at things that aren't yours. Like the Hookshot Mimic at home, my mom made friends with that ages ago and you got and just grab it."

She looks down to Constatin. "Don't you touch things that don't belong to you on private property." she warns, lightly.

  'Maybe you're just not meant to have one.'

 The words become a lance that pierces Reize's heart. "Ghnk!" He clutches, face twitching horribly.

 'Maybe it's your destiny.'

 Another lance in.

 Reize hangs his head low, dark shade over his face with the comical tears running along his cheeks. He frowns at Ruidosa's suggestion. "It... It was calling for me." He mutters, looking determined. "I'll get one. One day." He furrows eyebrows at the two. "You'll see!"

 At Ruidosa's advice to the boy, he gives her a rapid nod. "Okay!" Constatin places a hand to his chin. "Ah---!" He cannot help but enjoy the sights of the town. "... This is my first time seeing all of this!" He hops around the group, showing his joy.

 Reize cracks a grin, "Glad you like it, young prince!" He looks at the other two. "We should get a chance to do some shopping while we're here. With Ivo and Tranquila working together to broker some deal, we're left on our own devices for a bit."

 He then looks at his satchel, "... Oh, right... my share." There is a little fly emerging from the satchel.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 1 month ago

 Anna looks to Rui behind Reize's back.
 Quietly, the Suryle princess shakes her head.
 It's not happening. The hookshot will forever elude the youth at this rate.
 But moving on. Some shopping could be good! But then a fly buzzes out of Reize's coin purse...
 Anna pats Reize lightly on the shoulder. It's okay, buddy. It's okay.
 "Don't worry. I'll help out."

Ruidosa La Crima sighs a little. "I still have a little leftover after giving the rest to Tranquila and Ivo, so I'll help out too." she says with a little smile.... the scene freezes here.


A tiny face looks up at an older Reize Seatlan. "Papa." she says. "Did you ever find that hook shot?"

"No. No I did not." says Older Reize, in a comical stream of tears.

The scene continues. Zworrrrpppp.

"Anyways, I wanna get one of those nifty....automagic pens Tranquila had, you don't need to dip ink or anything, it has a reservoir and something called a ... a .. a ballpoint!" she says dramatically. "And a fine peacock feather end for show." she sighhhhhs out. "I can use it in my tome so much easier!" she insists.

"...What do you wanna do, Reize?" she asks.

Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20.

  With his spirits lifted, Reize is happy to have such close friends like Anna and Ruidosa. Well, closer with Ruidosa, but all the same. "Thanks, you two!" He brightens happily.

  As the two start to make their way to the square center, Reize looks back at Ruidosa and he adds, "Well, I would like to----"

  A voice interrupts, "There you are! You little miscreant! I knew that I would see your horrid face once again!" There is a bit of a pompous air as the voice calls out. This is followed by a toss of a rapier, which is easily avoided by Reize as he swings a head back.


  Approaching the group is a man within his mid-30s with a narrow face, mustache and long beard. He is dressed in a regal looking platemail. There is the Don Quixote-like appearance to the man as his moustache twitches. "I have not forgotten about the humiliation in that island!"

  "...Uhhh..." Reize furrows his eyebrows. "... Ah..." A large sweatbead appears. "... I forgot your name."

  This is followed by an immediate thud by the man, who soon gets back up. "How can you forget Jacques Boneparte! The Famous Conquerer of the Seven Seas!"

  Reize frowns, looking back at Ruidosa, Anna, and Constatin, "...He's someone that I met at one of my previous explorations."

Ruidosa La Crima is happily thinking of her new pen and how she won't have to carry that archaic inkwell and feather around when someone appears and announces himself. Her eyes draw a blank on the man and he threw a rapier.

"Rude." she says as she frowns. "Why on earth would you throw a sword at anyone!? What if someone else got hurt!?" she announces as she leans forwaed and frowns, eyeing the man.

"Estupido idiota....!" she then says, as she huffs.

"Some conquistador you are! What sea have you conquered exactly?"

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 1 month ago

Anna rolls 1d20.
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 1 month ago

 So haha one minute the group is just walking along talking about what to buy-- those pens sound super neat- and then.
 Enter Jacques Bonaparte, the famed conqueror of the seven seas.
 Anna glances down at the rapier she caught on pure reflex in her hand. Her palm isn't even bleeding.
 She looks up at the man. Back at the sword caught in her hand, and then once again back up to him.
 The slight-looking blonde girl quietly clears her throat. Steps around Reize and approaches Jacques Bonapart.
 "Excuse me sir. You seem to have flung this." She says gently placing the weapons back in his hands.
 "Please refrain from doing so again, someone could get very hurt, and it would be very painful."
 She's smiling sweetly.
 Her eyes are a murderous shade of bloodshot red.
 "For you."

  An eyebrow from the lankly man twitches irritibly at Ruidosa's shout.

  "Whaaaaaaat?! That is the idea, young lady! This boy ruined my plans to conquer the savages in that backwaters island! This little backwoods brat and that other girl of his got in my way!" He furrows his eyebrows.

  "I'll have you know that I've conquered many of them to include the -----" His thoughts are interrupted as he looks back at Anna, who has the sword with her -hand-.

  His face pales and his moustache twirls. "Eeeeeeeeee!!!" He gives a squeal after watching the murderous look on her face. With his sword in hand, he points the rapier back at the group.

  "I am not alone! The Great Jacques Bonaparte is never alone! My merciless gang will make you all cry home!" He claps his hands.


  There is an awkward pause as nothing happens. Irritation visibly shown on his face as an eyebrow twitches.

  "You idiots!" He starts stomping on the ground over and over, throwing his tantrum. "Get your butts here, right this instant."

  Emerging from one of the corners is a burly man with a rag on his head and torn shirt. He has a fish on a stick in hand, nomming. "Mmmph! Boss! You gotta try this! The food here is great!"

  Another figure, a shorter man with a crossbow on his hip emerges, he is stumbling around with a hiccup. "The driiinks are wonderful~!" He holds his mug of beer in the air.

  For a brief moment, Jacques looks over at the larger, burly man. "Oooh? Really!" As if a change of tone, he brightens, "Let me try a piece!"

  Then he remembers his situation.

  "You idiots! We have the brat who stained our reputation in front of us! Don't you have anything to say?!"

  "Hiiiiiiii!" The two, content with their goods, give a wave to the boy and the group, wave a hand in greeting.

  "That's not what we're supposed to say!"

  Reize watches the spectacle with a large sweatbead, his eyes become dotted as he waves a hand. "Oooi!"

  He looks back at Constatin, offering a faint smile. "You may want to stay back, this could get dangerous..." Listening to his mentor's advice, he is slowly backing out of view.

Ruidosa La Crima leans forward. "You are not a gentlemen, is what it means, you know!" she says with a dramatic huff. "You remind me...of...of..." she stamps her foot.

"Huh!?" he's not a alone. She looks around wildly when... she blinks owlishly at the arriving 'backup' and snorts.

"Are you a conquistador, or a pirate. Or are you both? No matter, this is a silly fight." she says as she fishes her knapsack for her tome and opens it. She frowns and gets ready for a fight as she mehs.

"Mom used to deal with dummies like this all the time, but it was usually around courting her. I'm lucky to not have.... that problem. Too much." her eyes side eye a little bit to Anna and over to Reize as she frowns.

"Do we need to actually fight this Bufon?" she asks.

"You. Go away. I'm angry now. You're bothering me and my friends." she says with a frown. "I am Ruidosa La Crima of House La Crima and if you don't leave now. I'll make you leave."

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 1 month ago

 Ah. He has backup.
 Anna looks from Jacques to his foodie flunkies, a dark shadow shrouding her face, blazing red eyes visible through her bangs.
 "This isn't a fight you want." She says, voice still saccharine sweet, leaden with menace.
 "Just walk away."

  Reize looks back at Ruidosa as she asks about actually fighting him, "... I hope not. I don't think his lackies seem to be in the mood."

 Jacques waggles a finger at Ruidosa, "I am a Great Conquerer, little lady! I sail the seas to subjugate people to my command! I have conquered many of the savages and forced them to erect a statue in my name!" It was when Anna gives the presence of malice, his hair stands up as fright coats his face. "Eeeeeehhh!"

 He can feel his knees shake. "No.. you got this, Jacques. These are kids! Just kids!" The mention of the La Crima house has his eyes light up. "... You... you're from the house of La Crima?!" His eyes light up briefly, "Ahh, the beautiful lady who once stole my heart..."

 He bows his head low, "...She never return my letter, even when I sent a dozen roses..." Fervently shaking his head, he steels himself and points his rapier at trio.

 "Your menacing friend does not scare me, you dirty brat! Reize! I shall have your hea---"

 His speech is interrupted as the burly man carries him over his shoulder. "Boss! It's almost time for the chorus at the bar! Everyone will start without us!"

 The shorter, stouty man makes a hiccup. "Allriiight!"

 "No! You idiots! Unhand me! I still have to give the brat a smacking!" Jacques waves a hand at the boy. "YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THE LAST OF JACQUES THE GREAT CONQUERER, REIZE! YOU WIIIILLL FEEEEAAAR MYYYY NAAAAAAAAMMMMEEEE!" He shakes a fist.

 ... Just as the danger came...

 It had left.

 Silence fills the air, leaving for the wind to blow. If this was a desert-like region, a tumbleweed would have passed by.

 "... Well, that takes care of that." Reize awkwardly notes.

 "Yep," follows Constatin.

Ruidosa La Crima is ready for a fight.

The Screen slashes and goes to the combat sc---

Jacques gets carried off by his own men and no fight happens and she ughs. "Conquistadors." she says, matter of factly, as she frowns and ughs. "So one of those types of people." she sulks.

"MOM'S NOT LOOKING, BY THE WAY! YOU'LL NEVER---oh forget it. He'll ignore me anyways." she says as she continues to sulk and ehs.

"Oh right. What. Was it we we're doing. Right. Pens. I wanted to get that cool pen Tranquila was lording over me like she's the pen heiress of pen island." she says.

"Come onnn. Pennns." she says as she moves to get Reize and Constatin in line with her walking."

"Conquistador fight later!" she whines.