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Royal Adventure: The Golden Truth (Part 2)
Scene details
Setting: The Star Chasers were overwhelmed by the merchant skeletons, but luckily, they have Ivo to come to the rescue with a great new artifact for the young prince to use!
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
Within the dark, dank mines, the surrounding area is filled with dim lights that were provided by the explorers. Beyond the surrounding light is a dark shaft filled with infrastructure that were made to help upkeep the mine in an explorable state. What is the relic made through greed of man is left an empty husk.
Speaking of empty husks, there are numerous skeletons that risen from the back and the front of the group. This leaves Anna handling the skeletons from the back flank. Reize and Ruidosa are contending with the skeletons at the front while Constatin, sandiwched between his protectors, has his sword ready.
As Ruidosa blasts the skeletons, they crumble before her power. Another is taken down by Reize, who leaps in and kicks one of their heads off. The flank is cleared with Anna cutting through them with her axe.
One skeleton is lumbering out towards the prince; its bottom half had been removed, but it had been pushing itself with an arm.
Boney arm reaching out...
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Amidst the echoing sounds of frenzied battle, down another darkened tunnel within this abandoned labyrinth, a sensor emits a resonant ping.
"Shall we begin our first field test?"
And then all sound is drowned out by a harsh whirring of an engine to life, groaning against the dust of ages, that sound too soon smothered by the scream of metal against rock.
A giant possessed drill whirs to a stop inches from Ivo's terrified face in the depths of the Pits of Avarice, moments before the party discovers one of the arms of the Crux of Creation.
That same drill smashes through the wall of the tunnel in which the Star Chasers do battle, fragments of rock narrowly missing our redoubtable heroes, plumes of dust obscuring the scene. The skeleton reaching for Constantin is smashed to bits by the spinning metal, barely avoiding the prince himself, as arcs of lightning crackle along the drill, seeming to spur it onward.
"As anticipated!"
And there, as the dust begins to clear, standing dramatically atop the drill and shouting to be heard above it, blue cloak billowing and one boot precariously perched up upon the prow of the drill to afford him a more gallant stance, is Ivo Galvan, face now caked in dust and grime, grinning widely.
"More or less!"
Upon his brow crackles, with the same lightning possessing the drill, a metal circlet or crown. Its glow may obscure a clear view of its details. But should one look closely, one may see, gleaming upon its front, what appears to be, rendered in metal, the design of a familiar beetle.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima has no issues handling ''lesser undead'', ''dumb creatures'' acting only ''ferally on instinct'' and boy does she think so poorly of these things that she wipes her hand like the very a t of just pointing and sending energy against these things we're ''beneath'' her.
"Eww." she goes as she watches the skeleton's obliterate.
But there's one crawling for the prince, and she's about to do something about it when there's the sound of....?
She has to cover her face from the dust and she has to fan it away as she blinks it out of her eyes. "I didn't know beetles we're in vouge this season." she says. "Someone should tell the princess." she says, sarcastically.
1 year, 6 months ago
Slightly behind and to the side of Ivo, legs dangling loosely off the drill, sits the genius magipolymath FABROXO! Probably. He's looking a little weird, today. On the parts of his face visible through the his omnipresent oil smears, he looks a little...glossier than usual? Maybe the busy work of benevolently lending his expertise to Ivo for the purpose of drill repurposement led directly to excess perspiration. Which is maybe why he's sort of just taking a breather, although he's doing a surprisingly good job of staying in place, considering the somewhat precarious position.
"Yes, yes, you did an adequate job with this project considering the lack of time and on-site resources, distasteful as the design of the control mechanism might be." A rough bump causes him to sway slightly, though his rear remains remarkably planted on the drill. "Now, less grandstanding! Continue the field test, this is important data for further refinement! BZZT." Bzzt?
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
The prince becomes startled, raising his sword and waving it threateningly at the skeleton. "Don't come closer!" Prince Constatin tries to keep a brave face, though he is becoming more frighten as the creature closes in on him.
Reize looks back with a wide gaze, "Constatin!" He grits his teeth and winds back his boomerang with a preparation to throw it. One of the skeletons catch his arm, latching onto it with a hiss. The boy growls and pushes back against the wall to smack the skeleton to the wall with a back kick to its ribcage to keep it in place. "Back off!" He snaps. As he tries to wind back...
The savior comes in!
---In the form of a drill smashing through a wall to smash the skeleton into bits. The prince, as a result, falls on his butt and gazes in shock. "Ah....?"
Reize readies the boomerangs, remembering that the drill was a possessed entity by the remnants of the merchants. But as the dust clears and Ivo comes out on top..
"Ivo!" The boy's eyes widen, brightening to a smile. "You made it!"
When Fabroxo is revealed to be nearby Ivo, the boy has a faint smile with a large sweatbead over his head. "Ahh... good to see you again, ahhh....?" What was his name again? Reize tilts his head at Fabroxo's last statement. "Field test?"
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
"I of course share your distaste," Ivo is saying to Fabroxo, gesturing at the prominent beetle design upon his crown even as the drill slowly turns to churn another shambling skeleton to bits with horrific bone-crunching sounds. "As to why the beetle's shape seems so conducive to the channeling of its power, to the extent that mimicking it facititates the-- hey, chief! Chased down any more stars in my absence?"
He cuts himself off mid-sentence to turn, still grinning with surpassing joy, almost giddy, and wave to Reize.
"Fashionable as it is," Ivo quips back to Rui, flashing his grin at her, "form follows function with this device. Behold the power of the Heavenly Beetle Crown! Mark, uh... what was it at this point?" He glances back to Fabroxo, evincing no notice of his companion's electrical asides, before continuing. The drill seems to be slowly but surely hunting down foes even as Ivo speaks. "We followed the hunch that the Heavenly Crowned Beetle turned both sunlight and the well wishes of worshippers into energy for Kernunnos, and we created a device that, through a combination of sheer electrical energy and minor thought transference, has the capacity to hijack nearby magitech! Better yet--"
A flying bone from a sundered skeleton is flung toward Ivo, where it bounces off of a crackling bubble that shimmers to life on impact only to fade, though the air subtly continues to ripple where it was.
"--it has a passive defensive effect in the form of a static field when worn! Of course, it interferes with any other magitech in the wearer's possession... which makes it perfect for a burgeoning adventurer such as His Highness!"
He turns his grin on the seated Constantin.
"And it hasn't shocked me yet!"
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Prince's Interest in Magitech Level-Up?
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 7).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima watches as the drill goes about hunting skeletons and whirrring in the background as she turns back to Ivo. "So the beetle is magic. You can just ''say that'' next time." she says as she rolls her eyes at the complicated explanation Ivo gives. "I don't need a crown to give me a defensive effect, because ''I'm a magic vampire''." she says as she goes 'oooohhhhhhh' and does a little wave motion with her hand.
"Right. Don't you... isn't your sword magitech?" she asks curiously.
1 year, 6 months ago
Fabroxo turns his head, slowly and with an unusual metallic grinding, toward Reize. "No, not Fieldtest, Fabroxo! The field test is what we're doing, WITH THE MK I OBVIOUSLY. Ivo did mention something about doing something else but it sounded irrelevant so I ignored him!"
As Fabroxo continues to sit and observe, a stray hunk of bone debris flies through the air toward him as well, tracing a graceful arc that leads directly to the top of his head with a resounding, almost hollow clang. He does not seem to notice. "Now, the potential applications of this, I agree, horrible but neccessary beetle circlet are obviously manifold, but we're still at an early stage! If we can just circumvent the major--"
An arc of electricty leaps off the drill, drawing a brilliant jagged streak of energy to the genius inventor's back. "BZZT, ERROR. INITIATING EMERGENCY SUPPORT ROUTINE."
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
Reize is taking the time to examine the drill, noticing the prominent beetle design, "...Wait, is that...?" He looks over towards the drill as it churns out another shambling skeleton with the horrific sounds. He grimaces, looking back at Ivo with a curious look. "You came just in time, actually."
He offers the 'Responsible(?) Adult' of the group a grin. "We've finished training with Constatin and was taking him on his first adventure. We figured it'd be best to get it out of the way, because... well..." His expression becomes more nervous, filled with dread as he gestures his head towards Ruidosa.
Speaking of which, as the vampire notes her place as a 'magic vampire', he slides over to give her a pat on the back. "Luckily, this will be for the prince, as Ivo inferred!" He does wince, however, as Fabroxo corrects him, "Right, Fabroxo! Good to meet you!" He offers grin, "Hopefully, he has not been too much of---" He winces at the sight of the scientist getting shocked.
As for Prince Constatin, he is edging towards the 'Heavenly Beetle Crown MK II', eyes widen as he's filled with curiosity. He places a hand on it, getting the feel of such technology. "Wooow! Amazing!"
>> Prince Constatin unlocks 'Mechanical Curiosity Lv 1'
Meanwhile, the ground starts to rumble once more. More skeletons start to emerge, holding out their axes and letting out a cackle.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
For the first time, Ivo's grin falters as he shoots Ruidosa a look of vague irritation, his brow furrowing and free hand raising to jab a pointing finger in her direction.
"It's a-- yes, technically, it's a 'magic beetle,' but calling it that elides all the important work we did to create it! Much as simply calling you a 'magic vampire' fails to capture the depth of your obnoxious personality! Furthermore--"
He's silent for a moment, finger jabbing at the air.
"Yes," he finally says. "It is. So Hauteclare doesn't... work right now."
The slowly turning drill begins to be swarmed from the sides by the skeletons emerging from the ground.
"Fabroxo," Ivo calls, "I need your-- Fabroxo?" He glances over his shoulder even as he draws his currently flightless sword. "You'll have to remind me what this, uh, routine is...?"
He seems to be under the impression that his fellow magitechnician is referring to some sort of tactic.
"Here, Your Highness -- all yours!" Ivo is eagerly trying to hand off the Crown to Constantin, letting the young man get a grip on it and examine it, though removing it from his own brow causes the drill to cease its activity, only helping the skeleton to crowd around and risk getting close to Constantin again. "Now if you could just take a few steps back... for, uh, several reasons..."
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=12.
Comment: Pilot the Mech, Shinj--err Constatin! And Drill
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 7).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa ''scoffs!'' "Obnoxious!? I am ''noble'' and I ''know it''. At least I'm not ''playing in caves all day''!" she says, nevermind she's...playing around in a cave, but she had to be coaxed to come into this specific cave because of The Prince and the fact Reize had to basically promise more crabs when this was all done. (Reize never promised crabs. Ruidosa is just expecting crabs.)
Then there's more skeletons and this makes Ruidosa angrily just flip her hand up and blast a few as if she was taking a break...
"AND FURTHERMORE..." she continues.
"YOU TWO CAN'T EVEN AGREE ON ANYTHING." she says to Ivo and Fabroxo.
1 year, 6 months ago
Fabroxo(?) goes completely limp, yet still somehow stays securely attached to the side of the drill. As the drill ceases operation, so too does he become totally still. He stays there for a short period, before he emits a bizarre, staticky crackle.
"IvO, theRE is a PRoblEEM!" His voice is unsteady, dipping up and down and sounding fuzzy.
"so tAKE sOMe gOoD noTeS! i CAn--" Fabroxo cuts off, spasms briefly, and then sits bolt upright with his arms stiffly spread out directly to the sides.
"EMERGENCY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ROUTINE LOADED. BZZT." Fabroxo(?) stiffly opens his mouth with a rough metallic screech, definitely too wide for what seems like a normal human body.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
As the skeletons rise up again, the young prince is climbing up on the Crown with a great interest. He looks at the controls with curiosity. Constatin is eyeing the lever, pulling it to test out what it does. As the chasis of the drill moves along, he starts picking up the motions of where it goes. He switches gears and he pushes the lever the opposite area, having the vehicle move around once again.
Even despite Fabroxo's current limp state on the side of the drill, the prince is moving the Drill along enough to smash against a few of the skeletons around.
Meanwhile, Reize is looking up at the sight: It is between Ruidosa and Ivo arguing, causing him a bit of a headache, but also Fabroxo's state looking not too well. It doesn't help that the skeletons are closing in on him. In turn, the boy gets back into battle stance and he calls out, "Let's not forget the enemies around us you two!" In his more defensive stance, he kicks the group of skeletons closing in with a sweping kick.
Watching the prince handle smashing the other skeletons around with the Drill, even if the drill itself is non-operational, is quite astounding.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+3>=10.
Comment: Wielding Hauteclare despite some interference, with encouragement buff
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 9. This is a failure (by 1).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Ivo blushes.
"Fabroxo, I--"
Taking a deep breath, the Cosmopolitan dilettante straightens before, sword unsheathed, casting Ruidosa a lofty glare even as skeletons swarm beneath him.
"Do you hear that? That show of resounding support and unity? Let me show you the strength of a true bond, forged in the fires of scientific struggle and ingenuiiiiiii--"
As Constantin deftly pilots the Drill with even greater alacrity than Ivo has heretofore showed, the bony reaching arm of one skeleton yet unscathed reaches up to grip the hem of Ivo's cloak and pulls, sending the magitech fencer toppling off the edge and falling amongst the remaining horde, Hauteclare's freed blade crackling and sparking as it spirals aimlessly off down the tunnel.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima stares in awe at the apparent act of friendship! Such dedication! Such together-fulness! Such... such--- then the blade goes spinning down the tunnel away from everyone and doesnt hit a skeleton or anything and Ivo topples and she facepalms. "Such buffonery!" she says as she turns back to the skeletons at hand, shooting dark energy bolts towards the new group as...
The drill hops around and topples skeletons aswell. She huhs. "Neat." she says, in the hand of the Prince. Oh, now she finds it impressive and not just beetle magic.
1 year, 6 months ago
Now joyriding with the prince instead of Ivo, the humanoid who is definitely Fabroxo rotates his torso 180 degrees to keep focused on the target of his finely tuned emotional support, quickly becoming buried under the undead.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
With the whirring of the engines, the large construct vehicle does well to press its weight against the skeletons, overpowering them with its presence. Even with the young prince's age, he is not well-equipped to take on such creatures in a conventional way. However, he's a natural when it comes to the magitech, apparently. He makes a twist and turn of the lever, pushing a few buttons to drill against the wall. This is aided with Ruidosa blasting a few skeletons on hand.
...After a few moments of drilling against the wall, something emerges through.
On one hand, it appears that the boy managed to strike gold.
However, that 'gold' also appears to be the well-obfuscated presence that kept itself elusive from the would be treasure hunters.
Arguably, it is the source of the 'gold rush'.
THE GOLDEN GOLEM! Origins of the Greed.
There is a shimmering light emitting from the golem as it rumbles to life and grasps against the drill. With Fabroxo on the vehicle, he may feel the atmosphere change as the golem grasps and lifts the drill vehicle along before flinging it, with all of its might, out towards the wall.
"...Huh...?!" Reize's eyes widen as he calls out towards Ivo and Ruidosa. "Oi! Our new adventurer found treasure! Who... is pretty angry!"
The Golden Golem trudges towards the group, taking a large step forward. It eyes the interlopers before opening its palm to manifest aether in its grasp.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20+5>=10.
Comment: Break free with Gale Shield, with super encouragement buff
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
A voice calls from beneath the wriggling mass of bones.
"...that's right!"
Ivo cries out in resolution as a sudden burst of wind drives back the skeletons clustering about himself and the Fabroxoalike, a green elesphere's hue fading from the pommel of Hauteclare's empty hilt. It seems that even without the blade, his magitech sword is able to channel and expel stored aether at close range with sufficient intensity to clear a path. His cloak appears ripped in places and even more ragged than usual, and his face remains spattered with dirt and dust, but the panting Cosmpolitan stands strong once again... more or less.
"I'll slow its advance...!"
Unable to attack without his blade, and seemingly struggling to summon it again with the Heavenly Beetle Crown active in the vicinity, Ivo redirects the remainder of the wind aether he is utilizing toward the golem, holding back the skeletons about them and temporarily preventing the great and terrible Golem from taking a second step. But it seems clear that this opening won't last long. It will be up to the others to seize whatever advantage is possible...!
1 year, 6 months ago
The Fabrobot rotates again to face the newly emerged great golden golem, whirring and clanking in this face of this new adversary. Its mouth begins pumping up and down, completely out of sync with its oversynthesized speech.
"IVO I GOT YOU THIS BZZTCAUSE YOU DESERVE IT." Does...does that one still count as support?
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima watches as the drill unearths!... gold!? Still!? In here!?
"We can't tell anyone, or else, this will just all r---" and then the gold turns out to be a giant golemic creature and she face falters and soon they're beset by the beast!
She summons up her own defensive shield first, because- she's a ''magic vampire'', IVO-- and then first off a barrage of dark energy bolts towards it, unsure how effective magic will be towards such a beast.
"Guh!" she goes. "All that glitters are...golems, I suppose." she says, coyly.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoid the Owie?
Roll(s): 12. Total result is 12. This is a success (by 2).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
The golden golem moves slowly, one massive leg stepping towards the group. As it pushes its leg to the ground, there is a vibration along the soil of the mines. As the aether around gathers in its grasp, it starts absorbing the aether manifested from Ivo's elesphere. This is followed by the dark energy bolts, which are soon absorbed by the golem gathering the enrgy. As it absorbs the wind and dark aether pushing against it, it brings its arms raised.
The massive fist slams to the ground, releasing a massive storm of aether, ripping against the ground. The ripple spreads diagonally across the mines, shockwave sweeping towards the group.
"We need to deal with the go--" Reize's eyes widen as he leaps off from the ground, now getting a bit closer towards the golem. Running up along its arm, he brings his boomerangs out to smack it against its head. However, there are *tinks* emitting.
Meanwhile, the prince is pushing the controls, getting the drill back into a operational state. It becomes upright and moves back and forth...
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Jump!!
Roll(s): 19. Total result is 19. This is a success (by 9).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Finally, Ivo has a clear view of the proceedings, just in time to see that the golem appears to be endowed with some rather forbidding aetheric defenses. Halfway to loading another elesphere into his pommel, he hesitates and slips it back into his damaged cloak.
"Time to take some inspiration," he murmurs, "from our fearless leader...!"
Likely still feeling the effects of his Good Friend Fabroxo's very sincere and humanish encouragement, Ivo, typically not one for acrobatics, braces himself for leaping over the shockwave and kicking off of the drill to manage a fairly impressive triangle jump, the hem of his cloak soaring up to scrape the tunnel ceiling. Moments later, bones shatter as Hauteclare's blade whips back toward his hilt, cleaving several skeletons as it goes. It seems that he has briefly cleared the radius of aetheric interference from the Heavenly Beetle Crown.
"Your Highness, your foe is before you!" he calls as he begins to descends. "Friends, let's clear the drill's path...!"
And, seeking to prevent any skeletons from swarming the drill again or getting beneath it and sending it astray, he sends the blade spinning out once more -- likely the only time he can manage it -- to batter some skeletons away. Though, of course, lacking any sort of aetheric enhancement, the edged weapon can only do so much.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima...gets knocked onto her butt by the shockwave, falling to her behind and overall being unimpressed the The Gold Golem can just absorb her attacks like that. She frowns a little as she looks over at Reize. "P--physical attacks!?" she goes.
"...So no." she face falters as she moves to ... shoot at skeletons with more blasts, because she's not wasting named attacks on silly skeletons, stupid ''lesser undead''. She can fight skeletons but that golem is...
It's something else.
1 year, 6 months ago
Getting jostled around madly by the drill as the prince revs it up, getting ready for a SPECIAL MOVE, Fabroxo's Fabrobot is finally fabremoved from the drill, tumbling off it onto a nearby skeleton. His cold metallic arms latch around its equally cold, bony shoulders, and he lets out a sharp pop and hiss.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
The golden golem turns its head to see the lifeforms around. There are many people that know of its presence. There is only an instruction left behind: Destroy anything that discovers its presence.
After releasing the shockwave, it starts to straighten itself. The kicks from Reize does no harm to it, instead, it looks over to the smaller human, raising a hand and swatting the boy.
Reize smacks against the wall, grimacing quite hard. He coughs up and slams on the ground. Looking up, he grimaces as he sees that the hands are glowing again.
"Ruidosa, Ivo! Avoid using your Arts when its hands are glowing!"
... Given that the golden golem is not receiving any energy, the glow fades and it resumes its step forward. It raises a hand down and slams it towards the boy.
With both Ivo and Ruidosa clearing the skeletons away, the prince gets the fortitude required to rev the drill and then he charges at the massive golem.
The large drill manages to slam into the large creature, pinning it to the wall. The drill tears through the chest, grinding against the armored plating before there is an exposure of a large red gem at the center.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Using an Art when the hands *aren't* glowing, despite interference
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Ruidosa has had enough. >,<
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
"Well spotted, chief!"
Ivo exclaims this as, mid-descent, he spins and catches Hauteclare's returning blade, despite sparks and crackles that cause it to waver during its flight, a moment after it severs the spine of the skeleton assailing the encouraging Fabroxo, sending its skull toppling to the ground.
"Yes, my friend," he replies to his Very Real Companion, whipping back his cloak and reaching into its inner pocket with a flourish. "Let us have a fine celebratory meal when all this is over. And it will--"
Into Hauteclare's pommel, he loads a sphere that gleams gold.
"--be over soon!"
Electricity surges about the blade as Ivo, activating one of the other fruits of his recent research, activates an elesphere inspired by the Heavenly Crowned Beetle and, with a power that briefly transcends the interference from the drill, sends his weapon darting out toward the exposed gem within the golem as it is pinned, striking it with a fulminating lightning lance. It's all very cool.
1 year, 6 months ago
The Fabrobot and his new skeleton friend, meanwhile, have begun to spin about in place as the undead creature mindlessly scrabbles up harmless at the malfunctioning but still impeccable reproduction of the inventor.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is blasting skeletons while the beast is still glowing with aethric light. Still, when it stops, she 'ahas' and listens to Reize. So that's it's secret! Don't attack when it isn't glowing in it's hands, right?
Right! So she gets ready, readies a 'Falcata' when she charges forward and---
Falls directly on her face as she trips over a defeated skeleton.
''lesser undead''. >,<
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Strike the Core!
Roll(s): 4. Total result is 4. This is a failure (by 6).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
While Reize is seemingly average in comparison to his companions, his intuition is adequate. It was one of those moments that Reize could see the glow and the reaction to Ivo and Ruidosa's energies being absorbed to the golem, who reflected that kinetic energy. The good thing is that the golem no longer had an energy source to absorb to send the kinetic energy their way.
Even better, the prince had launched his attack.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" The young prince lets out a scream as the drill pierces the golem's armor, exposing the crystal core.
"I did it!"
The golem, in turn, lets out a mighty swing to bat the drill back. This exposes it to the weapon darting at its core. Hauteclare pierces it and fills it with a lightning lance. It shudders.
While Ruidosa tips over one of the skeletons, Reize is charging forth. "I got it!"
A double handed swing smashes down on Reize by the golem as it rises back to its feet. The boy gasps as he springs back, only for it to swing the arm out and smack the boy against the wall. There is a deafening sound echoing through the cave as Reize smashs into the mine's walls. "....ggghhhh!!!!" He's rather breathless from the onslaught.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
Ivo Galvan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Improvized Magitech Fencing Art: Lightning Strikes Twice!
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Now she's really had enough! >:c
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
"Well done, Your Highness!"
Ivo's dirtied features are illuminated by the flashing of the lightning coursing over his blade as it reflects off the whirring drill that Constantin commands.
"And well danced, my friend!"
He encourages Fabroxo as the inventor at least, well, stays standing, which may be more than can currently be said for his poor party.
"Together, we can overcome all the odds-- I know it!"
And with this profession of trust, as if on cue, the lightning that courses over the drill, which typically produces interference that prevents Hauteclare from functioning, instead seems drawn into the blade being driven into the red gem as its first burst of electricity begins to fade. A second surge, much larger, is drawn from the Heavenly Beetle Crown in lieu of the drained elesphere within the sword's pommel, and erupts against the gem, causing a huge fracture and crack down the middle. One more solid blow could shatter it.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima gets up angrily. Between tripping on a skeleton and watching Reize get chucked into a wall, decides to just decide to brute force it, hands forming into shadowy 'claws' as she leaps into the fray and- completely forgetting anything she said earlier about being a noble and above dirty work earlier- decides to just leap up onto the golem and start darkly screaming as she claws at the core with those long, inhuman, shadowy claws and starts screaming: "Die Die Die Die Die!" again and again and again.
Look, she's unhappy right now after being tripped. And watching it throw Reize...
1 year, 6 months ago
Meanwhile, Fabrobot's skeleton companion has begun to stumble down a side corridor, the malfunctioning automaton still dispensing vital motivational snippets that almost sound relevant.
"YOU MAY EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS WITHOUT SHAME, bzzt..." The hissing and crackling begins to grow fainter as the skeleton continues awkwardly down its own road. Wherever it may end up, one thing is certain: it will have the support it needs to succeed.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
The outlook of the young explorer does not look so good. Reize looks quite battered and beaten from that single strike while mid-air. It was very apparent that the golem got a clean hit on the boy. It becomes the focus of the golem to take out. As it trudges his way, Reize grimaces, feeling it difficult to move his body.
The golem's destination is interrupted as Hauteclare is piercing through, the red elesphere making its presence known to empower the blade. It starts tearing through the gem, cracking against the core and opening it up.
leaves it open for Ruidosa's brute force method, her dark claws tearing against the core with her shadowy clares. It rips through the gem and the energy source entirely.
The golem stands still, before it finally radiates a glow and everything around it starts self-destructing. Parts of its limbs fall apart, leaving the components of its body to fall apart. The golden golem, the source of the gold rush, is leaving all parts of it that is part of that element.
It ceases to function, explosions emitting from its chest before the large, bulky body of the golem collapses.
Reize is grimacing, watching the onslaught as he tries to move, but winces. The prince, however, watches it all in awe.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
"Well struck, Rui," Ivo manages, audibly short of breath, having sunk to one knee as he retrieves his still sparking blade, drawing it back into its hilt with the last of its power before the interference from the Crown overrides it again. "We'll have to examine the shards of that gem later, eh, Fabroxo? ...Fabroxo?"
He glances over his shoulder, having missed Fabrobot being more or less dragged off by its new skeleton friend. For some reason, Ivo does not seem alarmed by his companion's abrupt disappearance, instead smiling slightly and shaking his head.
"As ever, he leaves as mysteriously as he arrives."
Though their arrival was not so much mysterious as bizarre.
"Quite a haul from your first adventure, is it not, Your Highness?" Ivo then cheerfully says to Constantin, grinning up at him. "You're clearly a natural with the Heavenly Beetle Crown. It will be my honor to leave it to you. And should Zerhem see fit to reward our humble party with some of this gold... why, that would be quite generous."
Research is expensive, too.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 6 months ago
Rudiosa La Crima, who only perhaps, didn't go 'full shade' was because of the prince present, relaxes and resumes her normal state when the golem falls into pieces. She whews.
"We uh."
"How do we handle all that gold without telling anyone where we got it. We don't...need to cause another gold rush here with.. with more skeletons added and..."
"Maybe I should invest in a crab house..." she says, imagining her own resturant... until she snaps the thought bubble. "Nah, that's more Tranqys thing..." she says.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 6 months ago
The young prince is quite happy. "My first adventure was a success!" He brings his hands up in the air and swings his fists down. The young boy nods happily, "The spoils are supposed to be split between the party, right?"
"Y---yeah..." Reize manages, lifting a hand up. "I... I think Rui may get the majority of it this trip." Reize is still in a bit of a broken state. The golem did a nice number on him with that smash. However, he expects that Ruidosa wants her payment in crabs.
"...and whatever left is for Ivo and Fabroxo..." He has long accepted that he won't be able to make use of the money, especially this trip.
...Maybe if there was a hookshot.
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 6 months ago
"A crab house..."
Ivo pauses, reaching up to rub his chin thoughtfully.
"Yes... considering the aforementioned constraints... I think we know just how we can make use of all this gold in a... sufficiently discreet manner."
Elsewhere, in the lakeside town by Lake Gerisia, famed for its fine seafood dining and exclusive entertainment, a certain capybara doubtless steeples his... paws.