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Secrets Beyond the Mist: Phase I
Scene details
Setting: Under the request of Professor Reynald, the new Vanguards return to the Mirage Forest to investigate the rumor regarding a secret passage and the dark forces that drove away a group of excavators.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
It was the afternoon that the travelers made their way to the forest. However, if one was to depend on the sky to understand the time of day, that source is blotted out by the shrouds the moment they stepped in.
The atmosphere around the forest remains as foreboding as when the group first traversed in hunt of the mystery behind the attacks. This time, even with the thief apprehended, the forest remains haunting with the vapors shrouding sight nearly a meter out. The Mirage Forest, for its reputation of the mist forming both alluring and haunting imagery, remain. Monsters continue to emerge, if not congregated to the forest due to its allure.
Leading the group into the forest with a small lamp in hand. He extends the glimmering light source out to get a glimpse of his surroundings. Even as bright as the lamp is, its reach dims very quickly within the forest. The young explorer gives a thoughtful look, "...Professor Reynald mentioned that the excavation team found a passage deep within the forest, but were too spooked to go further given the beasts that made this place their new home."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima spent all morning playing with an adorable black cat they rescued before the owner came to pick it up and hopefully get their reward for a job well done! And because they we're going on another adventure that Rui gave less guff at for Reize taking this time because they finally did the ''easy job'' rather than the ''cursed treasure one''.
She listens with a little head tilt as she follows along, holding her book to her chest as she peeks beyond the light into the mist as she frowns.
"A passage? Where they looking for one?" she asks curiously as she follows along cautiously.
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna has missed the escapades involved in rescuing the kitten. But it was too cute to just ignore. So. She kind of spend much of the morning playing with the cat, with Rui. It's soothing, almost a balm for her angered soul. But not too much of a balm, because nothing can put out the spark of fury hiding in that secret place behind her heart.
So, it's into the forest with the party, and the pervasive chill of the eternal mists and mirages of the woods seem to have the Suryle princess somewhat on edge.
"More importantly, where does it lead?" She asks on the topic of the located passage, axe held at the ready in one hand while she keeps a weather eye out for any monsters that might try and attack the group in the haze of the woods.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
"From what I understood, they were originally trying to cross the forest on their way somewhere else." He pauses, "... Which would had been the marshs." He looks thoughtful, "However, they found signs of a passage instead." Looking back at Anna, Reize responds with a wider grin, "... Guess we'll have to find out for ourselves!"
The surrounding forest remains dark, the mist obscuring the vision from seeing further out. There are a few hoots, but nothing in particular seems obviously wrong.
As the group journey ahead, there comes across a silhouette of a dancing 'flame'. The shadows beyond the mist is dancing along, as if lighting the way to another person that may seem far off. There is a glimpse of one of the tree branches moving on its own.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima frowns as she looks around and rolls her eyes a little. Humans and their curiosity always seems to get them in trouble and she's learned this is mostly the case by following Reize around... who....constantly gets in trouble because of his curiosity. Okay so maybe not the best example, but she tsks as she frowns a little.
When she eyes the silhouette and holds the book tighter to her body as trees seem to move...
They know there's treants here and she doesn't wanna deal with more as she seems to sweep her vision across the area. "I um.." she says. "Are there more of those tree things around us suddenly." she says bluntly. She hopes not. At least Anna is here. With an Axe. That's like. Weakness hitting. Right?
2 years, 10 months ago
"Mmmmm." Anna is not keen on finding out where this mystical passage to Somewhere goes. But adventure and duty calls so here she it. Moving on, though, the princess furrows her brow as the sight of a flickering dancing flame in the distance in the misty shadows. And the moving tree.
"At least they're just trees and not zombies." She mutters quietly.
Besides, Rui's reasoning is pretty on the nose. Anna's axe is totally like weakness hitting!
"... Should we check it out?" She means the fire in the distance.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
As carefully observed by Ruidosa, the treants are around again. They continue to move their limbs, the branch arm waving up and down before it stops. It does not outright attack the group. Instead, it pauses its movement to appear as a normal tree.
"I think there are..." He sadly brings bad news to Ruidosa. He doesn't draw his weapons yet, instead he looks at the 'flame' through the mist. Anna's ask about checking it out earns a nod from Reize, "Yeah, let's do so!" He decides to lead the way.
The shroud is starting to appear thicker, followed by the sound of a creaking and groaning. Suddenly, there is a blast of something launched at the group.
Night Bees.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=14.
Comment: Oh No, Not the BEES
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 1).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=14.
Comment: Oh no, bees!
Roll(s): 17. Total result is 17. This is a success (by 3).
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>14.
Comment: BEES?!
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a failure (by 4).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima frowns as she scooches closer to Reize as the treants don't attack but go back to pretending to be trees. Leave her alone, that's right where not here fore firewood. when when suddenly something flies out of them in a swarm, she throws up her shadowy shield as the bees hit the shield and she encases herself in a temporary bubble.
"Oh my god, bees!?" she calls out. "Bees, go away!" she cries out.
She starts pushing the shield outward, and gives the shield a little jolt, like turning it into a bug zapper temporarily. She frowns heavily.
"Is that just bees!?"
2 years, 10 months ago
Sooo the party goes to investigate and then. There's a buzzing.
"What's...?" Anna begins to ask when suddenly. Suddenly...
She's swarmed in bees.
"Dsgsdfsjsgdgf!" The princess shrieks as she's stung all over, flailing wildly for a moment as her metaphorical HP starts to plummet from the incessant miniscule stabbings.
For a moment, she squeals and flails, tumbling and rolling, swinging her axe wildly at the air for a moment before she just gets... She gets so...
She gets so ANGRY.
"RRRRRGGGGGHHHH!" One sharp squeal-shout and she stands herself up, eyes blazing as she clenches her teeth and balls her fingers into fists before--
Anna literally gets so angry she explodes.
Becoming a sudden ball of flaming rage and hate right where she stands, searing away the incessant buzzing insects with her fury alone. It lasts for only a moment. And when it's over the poor girl is both covered in stings AND burned as she coughs up smoke.
She's going to need some calamine lotion later.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Buzzing is heard, alarming the boy who looks around for the source. "Whoa!" Those are shadowy-looking bees. Watching them buzz around, he looks over at Ruidosa, who is close by him. He starts to spin around, getting behind his partner to 'leech' her protection through the projected barrier. The close proximity provides the boy enough time to get to safety. He looks over to see that Anna is not as lucky, wincing as he hears her pained sounds.
Drawing both boomerangs out, he emerges from the bug-zapper shield with a few swings around him, swiping at the bees. He ends up taking them out.
As for Anna, the explosion of flames scorch the bees, causing all of them to flutter down into a grave. Bzzzzz...
Further ahead of the misty forest is the source of the 'flame', appearing to be a glimmering smog of 'fire-like' essence. It is now a shadowy creature, already leaping at both Reize, and then Ruidosa with a slash for a greeting. Hissssss!!!
A howl pierces the sky, now more creatures are emerging from the misty shroud. Shadowy appearing wolves.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=14.
Comment: Shadow Monster Surprise
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 1).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Arooo
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 2).
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: Covering Rui.
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
2 years, 10 months ago
Panting softly and recovering from her incendiary eruption as best she can, working to both catch her breath and numb the pain by doing everything she can to Not Think About It as she trudges after Reize and Ruidosa towards the flame.
Then there's the howl.
The shadowy wolves lunging from the brush would probably catch another party off guard, but it looks like Reize is ready for them, and Anna...
Anna's hackles raise, the hairs on the nape of her neck standing on end as a clue in to the danger. So when the wolves leap out from the forest...
In an instant she's in front of the vampire, swinging with the butt of her axe to crunch the nose of the first beast to jump out at them as hard as she can.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is preparing for more bees and therefore, doesn't really expect Shadowy wolves next and she eeks! her dark shocking like attack isn't good enough as she winces and prepares for contact when---
Anna comes in, covers here and knocks the butt of the axe into the nose of the shadow wolf. causing her to open an eye as she hears her call her name. "A..anna...!" she calls out. "Be... be careful!" she calls out as she opens her book and bites her lip, flip flip, she's preparing stronger attacks now.
"I can see why the team ran away now." she says bluntly.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Despite the attempted sneak attack, Reize was quick to notice it and slide underneath it in his run. He spins around, noticing the wolves surrounding them as they emerge from the shrouding mist.
One of the shadowy wolves that attacked Ruidosa is intercepted by Anna as its nose is met with the butt of the axe. It lands hard on the ground, twisting harshly on the ground.
The boy looks back at Anna and Ruidosa, "We'll just have to take care of the wolves before we proceed further!" He frowns. He is ready for action!
The first wolf, belted by Anna, starts to get back to its feet. It lets out a snarl and it springs out towards her to pounce her.
One of the other wolves sprint towards Ruidosa, glowing with a dark energy before leaping forward; it ejects like a bolt to ram into her.
Meanwhile, for Reize, seeing that the one wolf failed to strike from the front, it attempts to sneak up behind and lunge at the boy.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: BAD DOG, SIT
Roll(s): 16. Total result is 16. This is a success (by 6).
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: I would like to rage please.
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 5).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa is more ready this time as she holds her book in one hand and then watches as one of the other wolves start to run towards her, and jumps into the air, leaping forward like a bolt of lighting, she suddenly thwips her hand through the air- a blade of dark energy appearing and slashing downward, driving the wolf into the ground as she barely avoids being hit by it at the last moment, jumping back ward a moment carefully, and spinning around a moment to avoid falling over.
"W..waugh." she goes. "BAD DOG. SIT." She goes as she points, hoping the wolf will get the point and run away or...maybe poof into shadow smoke, as she she frowns heavily.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Counter 1=Shining Moon
Roll(s): 1. Total result is 1. This is a failure (by 9).
2 years, 10 months ago
That wolf? The one Anna belted. As it starts to get up, Anna gives it no TIME to rise. In an instant she's on top of it, wailing away with her axe, snarling as she hacks and slashes and cuts and gouges until it stops moving. Then, with a concerted and almost effortless cleaving heave of her axe as she whirls around to another wolf and starts a new assault. Right until another wolf leaps at her and sinks its teeth into her arm.
This only makes her angrier as she hoists it by her bitten arm and punches it in the throat, eyes bloodshot with fury.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
As the wolf dashes towards Ruidosa as a ball of shadow, the dark blade slashes down against the wolf, causing it to howl in pain. It splatters out black mist before it fades into nothingness. It is vanquished as a shadow smoke.
As the belted wolf attempts to get back up into a fighting position, it is soon back in a compromised position as Anna gets on top and works on cleaving the wolf. As the wolf howls in pain, it soon starts fading into the black mist. The other one biting at the arm is instead punched in the throat. It lets go and collapses onto the ground before it too fades.
Reize, however, is not faring well. He saw that one of the wolves prepared to strike him, spinning around to intercept it with a rising flip kick. However, he manages to slip against the rock in mid-spin. "....!!!!" The wolf leaps out towards him and starts biting down at the boy, letting out a hiss as he extends his gloved arm to guard him. "Ngghh...!" There is already a bit of blood from it biting through.
Throughout the misty forest, everything else within the area seems clear aside from the one that is attacking Reize.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: I smell. Blood. +_+
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima watches as the wolf vanishes and she huffs, still 'holding' the blade of dark energy, giving a good rare look at the blade as it almost hovers from a closed fist, it has a weird serrated edge and hilt and everything but it's made out of shadow.
Then she smells something familiar to her. Blood. She twitches, because hey, that's her bloo---okay not the time for possessiveness right now, Ruidosa La Crima, Duchess of House La Crima, Duchess of all things darkness.
Instead she throws the blade through the air, trying to stab it into the wolf directly that's harrying Reize- with anger.
"TEETH. OFF." she says angrily at the wolf.
2 years, 10 months ago
With her portion of the wolves handled, Anna takes a slow breath. Eyes returning to their crystal blue color as she slowly begins to calm, putting that fury away back into the secret place behind her hear, it's... Reize's pained hiss that draws her attention.
"A-ah...! Reize!"
Rui... Handles the wolf.
Anna, bloody and battered, herself, shrugs off her backpack and starts pulling out the medical supplies.
"... We should take a minute to patch ourselves up after that, before going anywhere further."
Anna can mostly ignore her pain for the moment, so she'll work with Rui to tend to Reize first once everything goes quiet.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
The wolf, now on its mark, keeps the boy pinned down and then it starts to rear its head back to start biting down at the young explorer's throat. As it lunges for the throat, it stops mid-way as the blade tears through the wolf. Its eyes widen and its form is fizzling into dark mist. The wolf slowly fades, letting out a cry of pain along the way.
Taking a deep breath, Reize grimaces and looks over towards his arm and then he rests a hand to his neck. "...Whew.." He gives a bright smile at Ruidosa, "Thanks, Rui.." The young explorer is very grateful for his partner.
When Anna starts rummaging through the medical supplies, Reize gives a nod towards Anna. "Yeah, you're right." He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before sitting up. "...Oi, did you two notice that all of those were shadowy creatures? ...The bees and the wolves.."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa frowns. "Well yeah. Shadowy. No blood. Can't smell 'em." she says as she frowns. "It's why I hate things like..." she looks around at the trees. "...treants..." she shivers and opens her book and turns to the pages she copied from a medical textbook she's been reading. She's titled the section 'Caring for your Human' in her book, as she frowns and points the book towards Anna if she needs help with bandaging Rui.
"Why do you think that's important. Think something is projecting them?" she asks.
2 years, 10 months ago
Having spent a fair amount of time amongst a tribe of goblins, Anna knows a fair bit about survival. Some basic first aid included. So she spends a beat looking at Rui's book, before tending to Reize, first cleaning the bite wound before snugly wrapping the bandages into place. Just enough to remain where they are without cutting off circulation. She tends to Reize first before handling her own injuries during the short period of rest.
"I noticed." She answers mildly. "... Maybe if we find the source we can cut them all off?"
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: ???
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a failure (by 7).
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>15.
Comment: ?!?
Roll(s): 13. Total result is 13. This is a failure (by 2).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=15.
Comment: !?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!!
Roll(s): 15. Total result is 15. This is a success (by 0).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
While being cared for by his two companions, Reize gives both Ruidosa and Anna a grateful look. He lifts an arm up, letting Anna clean the bite wound and then wrap the bandage in place. He closes his eyes, thinking over the next course of action. It is definitely a bad idea to leave things as it is.
"There is probably a source that caused their appearance." He re-opens his eyes, gazing over to Anna with a nod, "Yeah, I think that we can try to cut them off at the source." He looks over at his companions, grinning as he starts to get up.
However, he looks thoughtful, "Though, it's difficult to figure out where----"
Reize falls silent, noticing that the tree is moving, "Oi, Anna, Rui, look up there..." He points over towards the tree.
One of the treants lifts a limb up, pointing out towards the west. Perhaps it is a sign?
"I... I think it's telling us to go that direction."
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa frowns as she looks around and shrugs. She doesn't know the direction to go, she can't sense anything. It's probably all this magic mist that obscures her normally sharp senses. It clouds the senses on so many levels. Still, Reize notices something as she eyes the treant wearily.
"This better not be a trick." she says to the treant as she huffs as she eyes Reize. "I'll go first. Since you're hurt." she says huffily.
She'll start to lead the way to the west, being careful in her movement.
2 years, 10 months ago
Are... Are the treants pointing the way? Anna kind of misses it until Reize points it out. And then Rui starts leading the way west. Anna takes up a position at the rear of the group to cover for any possible ambushes.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Thoughtfully, "It didn't attack is... maybe they're trying to help us?" Reize looks at Ruidosa as she takes the leading position. It looks like that Reize will have to take the middle, with Anna taking the rear to prevent them from getting ambushed.
Mist continues to obscure the vision, the travelers left to entrust their fate to the inhabitant of the forest. The sound of crunching against the grass fills the air. Each movement feels like it's being carefully watched...
However, Ruidosa will feel a pull of darkness as she draws closer.
Just up ahead is a glowing orb of dark matter, hovering in the air. The glimmering orb of darkness radiates a strange energy. The essence of Destruction. While alien within this particular region, there is a full concentration of the destructive energy.
It pulses with life, drawing various eyes to appear through the mist, watching the group.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Must Resist...shoving orb...into my mouf.
Roll(s): 7. Total result is 7. This is a failure (by 3).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima is drawn a little but the feeling of darkness and speeds ahead a little as she eyes the orb as she follows along through the mist as she stops when they finally spot and orb....her eyes go wide...
She starts to sort of reach out towards the orb with those wide eyes, as she seems to want to touch it... "OOooooohhhh...." she goes, obviously entranced, apparently trying to touch it, or grab it even as eye appear in the mist.
Someone may want try to stop her from touching it. Or she may try to shove it into her mouth and it may or may not be bigger than her head, okay!?
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna rolls 1d20>10.
Comment: R-Rui don't put that in your mouth! D:
Roll(s): 20. Total result is 20. This is a success (by 10).
2 years, 10 months ago
Following Rui into the depths of the mist, when the party encounters the dark matter orb, Anna frowns.
She has no clue what that is. But Ruidosa is reaching for it.
Anna grabs the vampire princess by the wrist before she can do anything ill advised.
"Maybe we should try and just... Destroy it?" She suggests.
"... Quickly." She adds on, considering the sheer amount of eyes on the party.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
As they arrive to the sight of the orb that radiates an ominous aura, Reize's eyes narrow. He frowns as he looks at the 'breathing' source of dark energy. "... I wonder if that's..." He blanches when Ruidosa approaches closer, "Rui?!" His eyes widen in shock, "Oi! Ruidosa!" However, it looks like Anna saves the day to stop his partner from doing something ill-advised. He heaves a sigh of relief, looking at the two.
"...Maybe that is the case..."
There is a strange feeling, "...Uhh, do you all feel something? Like, all eyes on us?"
Through the darkness emerges a voice.
"I shall thrive here... and make this my home.... none of you will stop me!"
At the center of the group, the shadowy orb shimmers and then shapes into something... appendages erupt from all sides, the darkness transforming into...
A massive tarantula of darkness.
The appendages has hairy legs all over and its body appears to have some sort of carapace protection. There are layers of protection around the massive creature.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Slice n' Dice?
Roll(s): 2. Total result is 2. This is a failure (by 8).
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa is stopped from trying to touch, absorb, shove it into her mouth or otherwise do anything with the orb as she whinnnessss. "But it's so powerful and pretty and--and---" and then suddenly it speaks and suddenly it's not so pretty, but still pretty powerful as she frowns....
"....Awww." she goes sadly, summoning up her shadowy blade again as she attempts to slice into the shadowy spider's legs, but misses completely, swooshing through the air as she 'awks!' loudly, her Falcata poofing back into blackness as she huffs.
"Ugh. Spiders are only cute when they're spider size and not... some sort of massive spider larger than yourself." she frowns hard.
2 years, 10 months ago
"I feel it." Anna replies. Way too many eyes. Way way too many eyes...
And then the rob becomes a spider of shadows. Ducking backwards in a tumbling roll, Anna unslings her axe once again. "Wh-what?!"
No time for questions though as she lunges in and intends to hack those legs apart and off.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
The giant tarantula starts to move its large legs around. Just as Ruidosa comes out with the shadowy blade, it lifts the massive leg up to avoid the blade. Then, it seeks to slam that same appendage out towards the girl. It swoops down to crash into the girl.
The massive spider utters, "Kukuku.... it is good that you all have come. I was growing hungry."
Reize looks over towards one of the legs, frowning while he looks at Ruidosa and Anna. Reize calls out to the two, "With so many legs... I think if we knock him off-balance, we can make him regret taking us on!" The boy is ready to fight, taking a more aggressive stance. He's already moving in to wail on the legs.
As Anna takes to swinging her axe at the carapace-covered appendage, it starts to laugh. While it initially seems fruitless from the impact, evident by the clanking of the axe against the carapace, there are signs of tear as it starts to crack.
However, the spider releases poisonous darts out towards the three.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa frowns as the spider crashes down and she eeks and is thrown off balance and crashes down to her butt as she manages to avoid the directness of the leg, though still only does so via a ridiculous backwards pratfall. She frowns as she pushes herself up and raises her arms and fires out a wave of dark bolts through the air towards the spiders from her palm as she angrily frowns.
"Ugh, I'm gonna give you heartburn. And indigestion. and other terrible things if you eat me you know." she says angrily.
2 years, 10 months ago
It's difficult... Dodging swinging appendages, tumbling, rolling, lashing out with her axe where she can to crack carapace to seemingly no avail.
IT threatens to eat them. It threatens to eat her. It threatens to eat her friends.
That will not stand.
In spite of her injuries. In spite of her ragged breathing and the sweat on her brow, Anna clenches her fingers tightly around the haft of her axe.
It's like pouring fuel onto the embers of a fire- the reaction is hot and explosive as those dull flickering embers roar back to life, so does the Suryle princess's rage.
"Rrrrgh..." She growls, eyes turning red and bloodshot once again as she whacks at the cracked armored legs again and again and again and again, whittling that carapace down until...
She tosses her axe away.
"Rip... And... TEAR...!" She declares, lost to her frenzied state as she grabs onto a leg.
And does her damnedest to rip it clean off the spider. And then another. And another. And another-- she howls and cries out, devolved to little more than a being of bloodlust and hate as she gives the spider everything she has.
Anna Primrose has unleashed her EX Art: Until It Is Done!
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize had been managing for as long as he could. He takes a leap to the side, frowning at the sight of the poison darts trying to strike him. He hisses, "Not falling for that!"
The dark bolts land against one of the legs of the spider, tearing into it as it tries to bear the brunt of the attacks. As it steps forward, it stumbles slightly. What does bring an end to the creatures strong defenses is Anna's resilience and determination to tear it apart. Now that she's forsaken the axe in favor for her bare hands, Anna will find purchase as the carapace is RIPPED cleaned off, exposing the sensitive legs. The other carapaces fall apart, leaving the other legs exposed.
Combined with the dark bolts launched by Ruidosa, it starts stumbling towards the ground with a thud.
Reize's eyes widen, "There it is! Let's do this!" The boy runs towards the spider, smacking down at its face and the eyes. Flashes erupt from the creature as it hisses, until it starts to get back up in annoyance.
A flare of energy emit from it, then it breathes out a fume of noxious gas in efforts to poison its victims.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima rasises up her shield again as it starts to fume. She jumps backwards and frowns a little, before moving away a bit to get away from the fumes. Better to keep her distance as....
Anna tears into it with her bare hands and she just tares for a long moment, before tossing a ball of darkness forward that exists in the general vicinity of the spider as it starts zapping it with dark bolts repeatedly, before exploding forth in it's own more powerful blast.
2 years, 10 months ago
In the middle of her utter frenzy, Anna only dimly registers that she should avoid the noxious poison breath.
She ignores that small part of her that informs her 'this is a bad idea, stay out of the null zones' for the sake of rendering the spider very, very dead.
This does not go well for her as she gets a whiff of that stuff.
"G-guh... Kuh..."
Anna suffers Status Effect: Poisoned.
But that ... That doesn't stop her as she leaps to climb ON TOP of the spider, having picked her axe back up in the fracas, as she intends to embed the blade in its head.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
The gas spills across the air, the boy trying to do what he can to not inhale. However, he is in a bad position of having to breathe. "Ugghh..."
Status Effect: Poisoned.
Nevertheless, Reize is moving around the spider, striking at the legs once more to knock it off balance once more. He focuses on putting pressure on the tarantula.
It stumbles flat on its face again.
This leaves the large threat in a compromised position for Ruidosa to rapidly zap it with her dark bolts stemming from the ball of darkness. Anna, however, deals the finishing blow of slamming down the axe at the creature's head. It becomes split...
...Explosions emitting from it as it starts to lose each and every limb from the explosion.
The darkness sweeping the misty woods is starting to fade.
While the forest still appears as misty, that ominous presence is no longer around.
Ruidosa La Crima
2 years, 10 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima sort of frowns as she watches Anna take poison damage, but still---- then Reize also breathes it in and she wishes everyone could just make a bubble shield suddenly. But still she has the whole... shield and being undead thing going for her, so maybe there's that too---
But still, she watches as the thing explodes and suddenly is gone, the oppressive darkness fading as she 'awwwwws' because she wanted that power and now it's gone. ;_;. She doesn't admit this aloud though, given the odd way Anna tried to stop her earlier.
She's definitely a hero okay!? See, she's suddenly moving over to Reize and Anna and going. "Are you two okay!? Do we have any um.. antidotes..." she says as she starts mussing through the first aid kit and suddenly flipping through the 'caring for your human' section of the book.
2 years, 10 months ago
And thus the spider dies. Anna plops to her knees on the ground, using her axe to keep herself upright as best she can.
"I'm... I'll be... Okay." She huffs, breathless, nauseous, and poisoned, as the ominous feeling leaves the forest.
It's okay. Poison status might mean you take damage every step on the dungeon map, but it can never bring you down past 1 HP.
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=8.
Comment: Reize did remember to pack antidote. RIGHT?! RIGHT?!
Roll(s): 8. Total result is 8. This is a success (by 0).
Reize Seatlan
2 years, 10 months ago
Anna is one made of tougher stuff.
As for Reize?
He's foaming in the mouth, eyes glazed over. He's sitting on the ground, eyes rolled over and trying to just... speak? Failing that ability, which is quite apparent, he instead points into his satchel. There are some herbs inside that would serve as antidote. It's the time that requires chewing, not unlike gum.