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Royal Adventure: Prelude ~ Training Day
Scene details
- Start date: Aug. 6, 2023, 4 p.m.
End date: Aug. 6, 2023, 6:34 p.m.
- Location: Granse - Hill and Dale
- Participants:
Reize Seatlan,
Ruidosa La Crima
Setting: While Ivo is making final adjustments to his artifact for the prince's protection, Reize would have the young prince undergo some training in preparation of his first adventure. It is the matter of getting Ruidosa's pet, the Doom Chicken, to work with him...
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
The sun shines around the great hills, promising a great new day. It is on this day that the vivid green valley treat those who wander with its splendid bounty; budding plants, myraid of bright flowers, and a breathtaking valley. This area is a mixture of a place of worship and a hunting ground, ideal for a picnic.
The rich earth-aspected aether crystals shimmer around the surrounding area. This is evident by the presence of the wild boars that currently appear.
Reize is standing in front, carrying a serious aura around him. His antenna hair is poofed up, showing that he means business! Or at least, he tries to project it.
"Young prince, before you are able to dive into your first adventure with us, we need to make sure that you're properly trained and ready to go." He furrows his eyebrows, "We can guarantee your safety, but we also want to make sure that you get a good experience out of the travels." He then looks rather sheepish, "After all, I gotten myself into a pickle a few times."
The young prince, a short boy at six years old, is wearing a nicely plated helmet over his head with a sheathed sword on his side. He appears properly dressed for a young prince going on an adventure. "Aye aye!"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Ruidosa ahs. Yes. The picnic. With the boars. She shifts a bit as she sits on a blanket and looks through her tome quickly about how to deal with boars this time. La Crima of old left a note.
> On Boars, Simply... do not!
"...Ah." goes Ruidosa La Crima,
When she eyes the helmeted prince and Reize talking she simply adds.
"Reize has gotten himself into the entire cucumber, then into the pickle and then into a barrel of bigger pickles." she says bluntly as she turns the page, flip flip flip flip.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
There is an embarassed half-smile as Reize glances at Ruidosa. "Oi oi, they have not been that bad! I've managed to gotten myself out of----"
In perfect timing, there is a trail of smoke that quickly covers the trajectory where Reize was at. There is an alarmed yelp and trampling heard as hooves smack into the ground.
This alarms the prince enough to take a step back and run over towards Ruidosa. "Gaahh!"
Once the dust clears...
It reveals to be two boars that appear to have under gone some growth. These were likely the cubs a while back that are now older. They are happily squealing while resting a nostril on Reize's head. Reize himself is face flat on the ground, looking rather defeated as the hoof tracks are all over his back.
"... H--Hi guys... It... it is good to see you two again."
Not long afterwards is a pair of large boars, one looking more relaxed than the other. The one that is relaxed is happily sitting itself onto the patch of grass.
The mother, on the other hand, is now approaching the young vampire girl and the boy, rather curious at the presence of them. She doesn't seem to be hostile, at the least.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Rudisoa La Crima, sighs a little at her mother's advice. Boars. Simply, do not! She doesn't know what this means persay, thanks mom. She assumes it means do not bother and depart, but they simply can not do that besides, they are here to train and---
Reize gets trampled by boars and there's the mom. She takes a deep breath and casually gets up and dusts herself off.
"So uh. is the young prince going to train with the boars. Is that the intention? Well uh."
"Good luck!" she says as she stands back away from the boars and giving them their space with a relaxed smile.
She's no threat. She's perfectly untense, see! Hopefully, the animals can uh. Pick up on that.
And not cause ''her'' mischief.
"Also, are you okay, Reizey?" she asks.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
"...Does... that usually happen to him?" asks Constatin to Ruidosa.
The two young boars are so happy to see Reize! They nuzzle onto the boy as he tries to peel himself off the ground. He grimaces while he pats the two on the head. "Ughh... g--good to see you both." After he manages to get himself up, he looks at the two. "I can't play around right now. We have to train our newest adventurer!"
The two boars turn towards the boy, now curious enough to make their way towards him. Constantin is looking quite nervous, but they seem friendly enough. And given that Ruidosa has made herself appear as 'not a threat', the mother turns around to join her husband. Then lets out a snort.
Soon, the young boars follow suit.
"I--I'm okay." He rubs his forehead and then he looks at Ruidosa. "Not quite! I chose this spot because this is a good chance for hunt for some aether crystals here!" He cracks a grin, "This is part of his training, as one aspect of being an adventurer or explorer is finding great treasure!"
He muses, "Also, I may need your chicken's help."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
"Here?" asks Ruidosa of the boy. "Yeah.... the boars are familiar." she says as she smiles a little. "We're here to train though not play around, yes." she says as she huffs a little and continues to relax until Reize mentions...the chicken. Which 'Buks!' from around the tree and looks at Reize with it's red eyes and almost glares, as much as a chicken ''can''.
What does Reize want with it, it wonders as she also wonders.
"Wait, what do you need chicky for!?" she asks curiously. "Aren't the meteors a little much?"
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
The young prince looks at the disarrayed look of his trainer, grimacing and wonders how his training will fare. While the boy has a hand to his chin, he looks back at Ruidosa and gives her a nod. "Okay!" It will take some time for him to learn to accept the normalcy of the adventurer's dynamic.
Reize grimaces, then he looks back towards the sight of the Doom Chicken emerging from the tree. He grimaces, feeling the glare right at him. "...Guh..." He looks back at Ruidosa, offering her a smile, "Well, we will need an opponent for the prince to face off against as part of his training." He looks back at the prince, "Oh! Gather a few of the aether crystals!"
The young prince is already on the move towards the large valley, moving out towards one of the pedestals that's nearby.
He leans over towards Ruidosa, conspiratory, "...You can convince Chicky to not use meteors and let the boy win, right...?" He gives his partner a hopeful look. He does sweatdrop at the chicken's glare.
The young prince swings his sword out to cut at the vines. This lets loose a shard of the earth-aspected aether crystal. He proudly holds it up. "Got one!"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima stares at Reize. The chicken stares at Reize. She looks down at the chicken. the chicken looks at Ruidosa. She looks back to Reize and the chicken frowns, somehow, as it flies up and pecks at Reize's head repeatedly. Peck peck peck peck peck.
Ruidosa has to calm it down and detach it from attack Reize as she cuddles the chicken to her bosom and then pouts. "Don't call him chicky, only I can call him chicky!" she says, as if this is more of a warning than a request. "Awww poorbaby~" she says as she nuzzles the chicken and then huffs and whispers to it. It buks buks a few times before finally nodding.
"F..fine. It'll loose. This once. to the prince. And only. Then." she says dramatically.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
Uh oh.
There is a look of awkwardness as Ruidosa and the chicken both look at him and then each other. Reize stares briefly, a large sweatbead forming at the back of its head. Upon it flying at him for the attack, Reize yelps. "Gaaaah!" He flails as he's attacked by the angry chicken. "Getemoff! Getemoff!"
The young prince watches the interaction with a grimace. Reize gets attacked a lot, doesn't he?
As Ruidosa manages to dislodge the chicken from its rabid nature at him, Reize lets out a sigh of relief. His antenna hair flops down, looking crumpled up and beaten, to match Reize's state. "R--right. I'll make note on that." While the chicken gets cuddled, he mutters in annoyance.
However, once the chicken agrees, "Great!" He grins, "Oi, Prince Constatin. Have you gathered the crystals?"
Running up with a small leather bag, the young prince holds up the sight of the glimmering aether crystals. "All gathered!"
Reize folds his arms with a large smile on his face, "Great! You've advanced to the last part of the training." He grins, "Your fight is with Chi---uhh... the feathered one."
Now the prince looks nervous, "R--Really?! It--it looks fearsome!"
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima sighs and puts chicky down and then steps back.
The chicken buks bucks closer and then flaps it's wings, fiercely! This... doesn't look as fearsome as it hopes because it's still just a black chicken with red eyes. Still!
"You can do it, chicky!" she cheers for the chicken. "Er. You can do it, Prince!" she says dramatically, instead after. Who the heck is rooting for here!?
"Let's get this underway!" she cheers, and the chicken starts by dashing forward and just giving the lightest of pecks to the prince's leg!
'Yesss that's it chicky!' she whispers and winks to the chicken. That winks back.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Avoid Panicking
Roll(s): 10. Total result is 10. This is a success (by 0).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
Reize lets out a sigh of relief as he manages to avoid incurring the wrath of the chicken once again. "Whew." He finally decides to join Ruidosa, offering her a smile. "Thanks for helping out with the training." He muses at her, "Ivo updated me that he has nearly completed the preparations, so wanted to use this as an opportunity to take our new adventurer through some training before we go on our first trip!"
Meanwhile, the young prince unsheaths his sword, which is a wooden one for the purposes of the training. He yelps as the chicken is on the move to get close and peck at the leg. He manages to catch his breath, using his sword to guard against the pecking.
"Good, good!" Reize brightens and brings his hands together. "Now take your chance to strike!"
The boy, now steeling himself, starts swinging the sword around....
And promptly falls on his face.
"....!!!!!" Reize grimaces.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
The chicken gets ready for a strike and---
The chicken facepalms.
Ruidosa facepalms.
"I'm happy to help but uh..." she whispers. "This is going to need a lotta help!" she says to Reize. "Are you sure you can improve this?" she asks as she leans back up and coughs. "Mother would say, when we fall off a horse, we get back up on it so... get up and and---get back on the horse!" she says as the chicken gets back and ready to take a dramatic hit! Well. Dramatics played up, wings splayed out to either side defensively.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
There is a sheepish smile on the boy as he looks at Ruidosa, "To be fair, he is only six years old..." He offers a grin, "I didn't face my first real danger until I was a couple years older than him." He muses thoughtfully, holding onto his pendant.
"Oooi! Prince Constatin! Remember your courage!"
Young Prince Constatin is trying his best to keep from crying. He can already feel the discomfort and pain urging those tears out. However, he hears the words of encouragement from both Reize and Ruidosas.
Get back up. Get back on the horse!
Find your courage!
It is in a moment that one of those young piglets start moving towards the fight, but remain distant from the battle. The youth snorts out to the boy, lifting its hooves up, as if mimicing getting to its feet.
As the prince gets back up, the piglet then moves around and mimics making a run. As if picking up the signal, the young prince makes his movement to bring his sword out for a slash. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!"
...Of course, he makes a dive to the ground--- but the sword leans forward.
To make a light bap on the chicken's head.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Ruidosa watches the boy and the piglets mimic the attack and soon the chicken gets a bop on the head. It...doesn't bother the chicken much, but the hit there seems unexpected, but it puts a wing to it's forehead and plays up the hit, spinning around and falling down to one side, is it out!? No! It's getting back up and getting ready to attack again...
BUT THE CHICKEN HAS HONOR-- and won't attack while the prince is on the ground, so it sighs and pecks at the grass waiting for the prince to get back up to resume the fight as it buks buks buks and Ruidosa sighs a little and fidgets in place.
"That was okay, I guess." says Ruidosa to Reize. "At least he got back up without issue!" she says to him in a whisper, trying to not let the boy hear.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
"Whew! This is an exciting match-up!" Reize keeps the energy, "The young prince managed to land a hit against his fearsome foe, yet the foe remains standing!"
He smiles, "Prince Constatin, show us how prepared you are! Adventure is on the other side, my friend!" He leans back and then he glances at Ruidosa, "...Yeah. He's still learning." He muses, "I suppose he and I will have a training session later." There is a thoughtful look. His father trained him to hunt, but never to fight. It was all self-taught. At least maybe he can help the prince find his rhythm.
The young prince managed to see purchase in his strike and then he gets up to his feet. Drawing his sword, he becomes more focused. He has to show the fruits of his training. He will become an adventurer! The young boy charges at the chicken, bringing his sword out for another swing. "Yaaah!" He manages to keep his footing this time.
"That's right! Keep your balance!" Reize cheers.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima watches carefully and eyes the chicken and nods. the chicken nods. It takes the hit and dramatically 'buks!' in mock surprise as it takes the brunt of the wooden sword, going to the side and places a wing on it's forehead dramatically, buking for mercy! buk buk buk!
It's only doing this because Ruidosa is watching and perhaps knows it will get snuggles soon.
Still. Ruidosa gives a small cheer as she huffs. "The chicken has been ''defeated!''" she insists.
"buk!" goes the chicken in suspense!
"He did good, right?" she whispers to Reize.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
Reize Seatlan rolls 1d20>=10.
Comment: Do not screw up, Reize
Roll(s): 6. Total result is 6. This is a failure (by 4).
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
As the chicken falls, Reize watches with a smile. The leader of the duo lets out a pleased look as he folds both of his arms. "You've done great. Today's training is complete." He brightens, "Congrats, young prince!"
The boy's eyes light up at the praise. Constatin leaps up into the air and raises his sword in victory, "I did it!" He places the into his sheath and runs up to give the older teenager a hug. "Thank you!" The young boy affectionately ruffles the kid's hair.
The boars let out a snort and squeal, as if cheering for the boy.
He looks at Ruidosa and gives her a thumbs up. "Yeah, his training is done for the day." He looks back at the chicken, offering the Doom Chicken a grin, "Thanks for being his sparring partner..."
The young prince looks at Reize and just bolts away from him. Likely near the boars.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 7 months ago
Ruidosa also gives berth because when Reize says chicky, the chicken commences the pecking at him again, leaping from it's feigned prone position to peck repeatedly at Reize's face and maul him. Chasing him around the field and overall now being a big nuisance.
"Call him chicken!" Ruiodsa whines, finally chasing after the two!
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 7 months ago
All what is left are the cries of "AGH IT HURTS!" and "GET'EMOFF! GET'EMOFF!" in the midst of pain.
The piglet boars, seeing the chase, think it is a game and join suit. They chase after the boy with glee.
"Arrgh! You're not helping!" shouts Reize as he is now fleeing from both the playful boars and the angry chicken.