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Feelings Unforgotten - Yearning

Scene details

Setting: The Star Chasers came a long way since the start of their adventure. Reize reflects not only on the adventures that they had, but the main reason he took up the path of an explorer. Ruidosa and Anna find him in an odd introspective mood. In this, he reveals the reason for that introspection.


  Night fall hangs over the sky with a blanket of darkness. Through the darkness are shimmering stars, giving a brilliant light. It is late at night, many parts of the town have closed off, leaving for families to take their rest. Shops closed, vendors packed, many activities halted. However, it is is not without its nightlife that may go on, leaving stragglers to tend to the after night affairs.

  For one adventurer, he had been resting at the square, finding himself unable to sleep. The young explorer had left the inn, partially donned his adventurer gear, save for his headband and gauntlets, leaving his hands empty along his long-sleeves. He looks a bit tired, but he sits along the city fountain with a tarot deck in his hand.

%His eyes drift over towards the deck, carrying a very longing expression on his face.

Ruidosa La Crima was up late at night, sighing a little as she hangs out the window, looking up at the sky. She can see Reize leaving from her second story inn window as she 'huhs' and watches him leaving. What's up, she thinks- gently turning into a bat and letting herself fall out the open window to the ground, before turning back into her humanoid form. She sneaks after Reize as she peeks from around an alleyway towards the fountain.

What's he fooling with, a deck of long cards? She squints at this as she hides back behind the alley, before stepping out more properly a d tip toeing to the fountain. "What's that you've got, Reizey~?" she asks softly.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 For the record. Anna sleeps like a baby.
 No snoring, no tossing, no turning, no nothing. Just sweet, dreamful, peaceful sleep. Tonight though...
 Anna wakes up with a mean thirst something fierce.
 Wandering out of her inn room in search of a glass of water, she finds what she seeks, chugs it down and returns to her room. Opening the window she spies... Reize and Ruidosa outside. She could go back to sleep but, now that she's up...
 Well, she throws on a jacket and her slippers and makes her way outside the inn.
 "Rui being a night owl doesn't surprise me, but you're up awfully late, Reize." She comments mildly.

  Reize's eyes furrow, focusing on the tarot cards in his hands. As they linger along his palm, his eyes soften with a frown following suit. A voice calling out to him suddenly brings his attention away from the cards and back to his surroundings.

  "---Huh?!" He pauses, calming down. "Oooi, Rui! Oh... just... ahh... a momento, I suppose." He offers a cheery smile, even if it's half-hearted.

 And it looks like it's not just Ruidosa that is out. He looks a bit pensive, a hand running along the back of his head.

  "Ooi, Anna." He offers her a smile, "Looks like you're up as well." He muses thoughtfully, gazing up at the stars. "Who would have thought that us three would have joined an adventuring organization and teamed up together?" His eyes drift towards the tarot, "... We've explored many places that many have never been able to and helped uncover a history that would have otherwise died away."

  ...Yet, there was barely any leads of her.

  ...Except maybe back in Melodia Aurita. That seal.

Ruidosa La Crima head tilts and places her hands behind her back. "A momento of what?" she asks softly, gently trailing off. Softly leaning forward. "OH It's a tarot deck...! Do you know, How to read them?" she asks ever so curiously. "Or is just. There?" she asks curiously.

"My sister could probably read those. She likes doing the fortune teller thing for humans. They get a kick out of things like that..." she trails off. "I never bothered." she blushes darkly.

"Are you. okay?" she asks curiously. "You seem introspective."

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 "We have been through a lot." Anna muses, before blue-green eyes rest upon the tarot deck. "I've heard of those, too." She admits before pursing her lips. "You do seem a bit off, Reize." She too points out with Rui. "Anything you'd like to talk about with us?"

  Reize furrows his eyebrows as he looks back at the cards. "... No. Never learned how to read these." He gives a thoughtful look, "There was no one in the village who could make sense of them." Pause. "...Maybe I could have Tranquila take a---." He shakes his head, "...No." He concludes the thought. He adds clarifies for Ruidosa, "It's a keepsake, really."

  "... Ah...?" It slowly dawns onto Reize that he is giving a rather off-putting aura. He flicks the tarots, "... Well, I guess it makes no sense to hide it from you all, huh?" He gives a smile. "I became an explorer to see the world. ...That is mostly true."

  "But I want to find someone as well. ... Enough that I was willing to leave, no, _run away_, from home to do so when the opportunity presented itself."

Ruidosa La Crima has a seat on the fountain next to Reize. She winces a little. Fountains are pure water, usually and that disagreed with what she was. If she fell in it was gonna burn her and she didn't like that. Still, she wants to sit next to Reize. She head tilts as she nods. "I mean we don't have to...if you don't want to." she says softly as she head tilts. Find someone?

She blinks a little softly. "Who?" she asks curiously. She gently rests her hands in her lap as she wonders. couldn't be ANOTHER girl, could it? What, with Lily already, the thought made her squirm a little, but she refrained from say...

Pushing Reize into the fountain. For now.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 7 months ago

 Even Anna's curiosity is piqued now. Though it's Rui who prompts Reize to continue, the Suryly princess purses her lips gently.
 She knows Rui's feelings for Reize.
 She also vaguely knows about Lily.
 IF there is, a theoretical, OTHER girl well.
 That probably won't end well for Reize as the princess also sits down on the fountain, on Rui's other side, one hand setting gently on the vampire girl's shoulder.
 She won't stop her though if Rui shoves Reize into the water for good reason though that's for sure. But then. Something gives her a momentary pause for thought.
 "Reize... Why did you run away from home?"

  Something in Reize screams out that he better state who it is. Perhaps it is because of the bond that he has with Ruidosa, both as her fiancee and the fact that they made a pact, but he can definitely feel that 'ominous' aura that could result in him taking a swim.

 His eyes widen and he looks quite alarmed and hurried, as if realizing his impending fate. "Err, my mother...!"

 It is the Suryle princess's question that has Reize hang his head low. "... Had a dispute with my father that day. It... was the first time I saw him angry. So I skipped chores and fell asleep on a raft in our river." He looks uneasy, "...Unfortunately, I woke up just in time to see that I was falling off the river."

 His eyes close, remembering the presence. As he lifts a hand up, his pendant gives a shimmer on the sky.

 "I woke up into a brilliant cave, all covered with crystals. If it was not a dimly lit cave, the crystals would have been blinding." He considers, "I came across a Great Beast who wanted the pendant. I fought for it and impressed him enough to where he allowed me to keep it and even reforged my boomerangs into crystals."

 "But then he gave me a choice: Return home or continue what lies ahead."

 ~ 'In doing so, I broke a promise to someone.' ~

 He furrows his eyes, thinking back to 'The Choice'.

 "I took what I saw as my window of opportunity, even if the circumstances on how I got there was not pleasant."

Ruidosa La Crima. "Ah..." she says softly. "Your...mother?" well at least that calms down Ruidosa some heavily. She shifts a little. "I've only had one parents, as far as I know." she says softly. "Mom had a lover, when she was younger but... human and grandpa...didn't approve. So.." she shifts a little at this.

"So you left and continued?" she asks softly. "Ah.. you had an argument. With your father? Hopefully.... he's calmed down by now.." she says silently as she thinks a little on this.

"Do you think, he has?" she wonders.

  There is a raised eyebrow when Ruidosa mentions about her grandfather not approving the relationship. This leaves Reize wondering how their relationship will be handled. However, his thoughts return towards the tarot before he slips it away.

 "These are also the inspiration for me invoking the pendant." He muses, "I just think about the tarot and am able to call upon the pendant's power... and it responds to me."

 The question about his father earns a grimace. "...I... hope so." His antenna hair flattens, drooping as he comes into realization. His father will be -very- crossed when they meet up. "...I... have no desire to return near my home anytime soon."

Ruidosa La Crima shifts a bit as Reize droops. She gently sighs. "S-sorry." she says. "I'm sure enough time has passed that he isn't worried about it. Besides. We're going to Cosmopolis soon, right?" she asks curiously. "I'm sure he can't find you there!" she giggles a little.

"I'm looking forward to going! My mother has never been so I'll be adding new information to the tome!" she says with wide eyes. "It'll be so interesting." she says with wide eyes.

She trails off. "S..sorry. Have you ever. Found any leads about your mother?" she asks curiously.

  "Guhhhh." Reize can only hope. It would be an awkward meeting for the two. He looks at Ruidosa, offering her a smile. "Yeah! We'll be going to Cosmopolis soon!" He grins, "He will just have to not see me for a little while longer."

  The question about his mother, Reize gives a thoughtful look, "Only at Aurita Meloda. The seal was the first thing I've seen.. or felt about her." He shakes his head. "The trail went cold since."

Ruidosa La Crima ahs and thinks a little. "What do. You know about your mother?" she asks softly. "Maybe my mother might. Know something? She's met lots of people but it'll take her a moment to remember a particular person..." she says quietly. "I mean. If she was exploring around like that..." she shifts a bit. "Sorry. Just. Trying to think of things to help. I've been in the manor all my life, basically, maybe. the Marsh. With my sister but... that's all I've known until recently myself. Mom was worried about me. For reasons." she says dryly.%R%R"I could go into them but. Not..not right now. This is about your problems. Right?" she smiles.

  "Very little, I'm afraid." Reize gives a thoughtful look. "I was too young to know her face." He closes his eyes, "But I can remember the feeling." He offers a smile, "...That would be a good idea!" He brightens, "It's maybe worthwhile asking Lady LaCri---" Pause. "Err... 'mother', regarding my birthmother."

  Reize brightens, then he considers the time, "I suppose we should get back to the inn." He brightens, "I've worried you both enough."

Ruidosa La Crima nods matter of factly. "We can always ask mom anything. She just needs time to remember. It's..." she squints. "..forgotten more than you've ever known kind of a thing." she giggles. "Luckily I haven't reached that point yet.. but..."

"Alright, let's go back and sleep!" she says. "Get some good rest in before tomorrow!" she says.