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Royal Secret Request: Adventure

Scene details

Setting: The young Vanguards have a private meeting with Darcey and Constatin regarding his request: To be an adventurer.


  It's night time within Granse's most renown kingdom, Zerhem. Many of the guards consist of Vanguards who were hired on a more regular basis to fight alongside of the guardsmen. The king remains on edge given the previous assassination attempt. The castle is heavy on the monitoring side as patrolmen make their way through the normal routes.

 However, the young C-Class Vanguards would find their way in an alternative route. Aoife was provided with a map that would lead the group to a specific route as instructed by the young ruler of the kingdom. One notable request was that someone other than Reize was to use the map.

 "... Why does everyone assume that I'll get lost?"

 Reize complains, hanging his head low as river of tears comically flow down his face.

  This would take the group through a cold, corridor that's made of complete stone. The stone walls are faintly illuminated by the flame flickering on each lamp.

Ruidosa La Crima follows along as she walks through the cold corridor and looks ahead as she looks over to Reize and says. "There's a reason I label all maps 'this side upwards' now, you know." she says. "And it's because you keep reading them upside down." she says as she rolls her eyes and peeks ahead.

"Where are we going, I wonder." she says as she sighs and gently closes her eyes a moment and exhales, even though she doesn't need to breathe, it's for effect!

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

 Anna is loath to say it, but someone has to.
 "Reize your sense of direction is... Questionable..." The Suryle princess murmurs softly as they wander the stone passages.
 "Still, this is a bit of a roundabout path isn't it?"

  Chibi Theater Time!

Chibi Ruidosa: *flying uppercuts Reize's pride*
Anna: RWAAAAAGGGGH!!! *headbutts Reize's pride*

Everything disappears in a puff of smoke.

 Reize hangs his head low, the comical river tears remain. "... It burns."r
 The group will be lead through a small path within the somewhat cramped corridor. There is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel to where the group will find a pair of people nearby. One of them is a familiar face, but currently donning the royalty dress. It is princess Darcey. She brightens at the sight of the group.

 "Ahh, it's good to see you all!" She gives a thoughtful look, "Pity that one of your companions is missing."

 Behind her, hanging behind her leg is a very familiar young boy. It is Prince Constatin. He shyly reaches a hand out to wave at the group.

  Reize, growing chipper again, waves, "Oooi!" He looks sheepish, "Ivo's currently working on a few things at his lab."

Ruidosa La Crima gently crosses her arms, and huffs. "Well---" she's about to be frankly honest with Reize about his sense of direction, but instead they make it to Princess Darcey who seems happy to see them so Reize is spared brutal honestly a moment.

She smiles and bows a moment. "Hello." she says as she grins a little.

"Yes, Ivo is busy making dumb mistakes and blowing himself up." she says. "I have optimism about this." she says, placing a hand on her chin.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

 Finally it seems the party reaches where they were intended to go and meet with Princess Darcey and Prince Constantin.
 And Reize 'oooi's.
 Anna blanches briefly, before elbowing Reize lightly for attention. Because as Rui bows, Anna dips into a formal curtsey, indicating that Reize should probably do something similar and regain his decorum.

 Princess Darcey cannot help but chuckle as the one explorer acts as normal.

 However, that is short-lived as Anna lightly elbows Reize for his attention, "Oof." He glances back at Anna. Then, he looks at Ruidosa and Anna.


 There is a moment where a small hamster sits on its wheel. That moment passes for the creature to start running.


 He gives a bow, "Err, pleasure to meet you both again!"

 Darcey offers a brief smile, "Rise. You must be wondering why you were asked to come here." She then gives a rather sheepish look, "It was not me that called you all, but..." She then turns to her leg and gestures for her younger brother to finally make his presence known.

 The young six-year-old boy steps forth, "Y--yes! I called you all! I called you all here because..." He clears his throat. "I want to be an adventurer like you all!"

Ruidosa La Crima bows back up and dusts herself off as she holds her tome to her chest and listens as she head tilts and looks over to Reize and then over to Darcey as she then looks back over to Reize. to the younger brother. and back to Reize and then blinks.

"Reize?" she asks.

"Isn't this your wheelhouse?" she says.

"Because my advice is just 'do whatever you want.'" she whispers. "And it's bad advice." she says to Reize more quietly at the end.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

 That is not what Anna had expected as being the reason they were called.
 "Ah..." The Suryle princess murmurs at first. The young prince wants to be an adventurer.
 Far be it from HER to tell someone of royal lineage they shouldn't be allowed to do as they please, considering that is exactly what she did.
 "Well..." Anna muses, setting her hands on her knees and lowering herself to the prince's eye level a bit.
 "If that's really what you want, you should wait until you're a little older." She does point out. "But if you want to prepare yourself for when that day comes... You're going to want to learn how to fight, how to survive, and most importantly... You're going to want to have good friends who will always have your back."

  Reize looks back at Ruidosa as she whispers his way. He offers her a slow nod, then he cracks a grin. He is actually quite happy to hear that the boy wants to be an adventurer!

 With Anna providing some advice, Reize follows suit of her and gives her a nod. "Yeah! Anna is right. You'll definitely need to handle some preparations before you go on your adventure!" The last part to Anna's comment is met with a warmer smile. It has been a while since they first started off in their adventures through Granse, huh? Now, she is a reliable friend and close to the group.

 The young prince gives a nod, "Mmhmm! That's why I selected you all to help me!" He reaches out a small scroll, "I even got permission from the Vanguard Association for this in secret..." He pauses. "Umm, there's also a note for you."

 Reize approaches the prince to take the paper, then he opens it.

 'This assignment is in secret. You will escort the young prince to the few places that you've explored. Normally, I would not consider this, but he's taken a liking to you.

- Corrine'

 "...Oh." He looks at Ruidosa and Anna, "Looks like this is sanctioned... and in secret."

 Darcey nods. "Yes, we took great care to have this in secret."

  "Oh! There's more!"

 'P.S. Do not screw this up, Reize Seatlan. No pressure.' Attached is a picture of a cold, dark, and very familiar jail cell.

  The boy hangs his head low with comical tears.

Ruidosa La Crima gently rubs a hand up her forehead and looks over to Anna and Reize as she grimaces a moment. Seems they don't have a choice. As long as there's no flying trees involved this should be easy. Go to places they've already been and show the boy around. Maybe a few weak encounters. with... giant rats? Nono. Maybe some weak skeletons in the Pits of Avarice,

"Pits of Avarice?" she says, gently wilting at the prospect she suggests.

"I mean we've cleaned out so much of it, surely only weaker hidden things exist?" she asks.

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

 Anna is not privy to the letter. She doesn't know of the threat implied to Reize with the picture of the cell. Oh dear. Nevertheless, she shakes her head.
 "He's probably a little young even for that." She does note to Rui's suggestions.
 "We could bring him to my old home, maybe the goblin tribes could teach him a lot, now that they've rebuilt a fair bit."

  The boy has a bright, cheerful look despite the large sweatbead over the back of his head. "We'll accept this request!" ... Not like they have much of a choice, either case! However, his smile becomes warmer, looking at Constantin. "... You know, you have the same spark as I did, wanting to be an explorer as well." He cracks a grin, "We'll plan out the routes."

 He looks towards Ruidosa and Anna, "We can make some preparations once we are back at the Vanguard Headquarters. We'll also need to let Ivo know and see if he has any additional preparations that he can make."

 Darcey smiles, clasping her hands together. "Good!" She gives a wink, "Remember, this is our secret."

 Constatin cheerfully jumps around. "I'll get to go on an adventure soon!"

 Darcey grins, "Good, good. We will take our leave... the patrols will likely be around soon, so I suggest you do the same."

 Reize gives a bow, "Understood, your highness."

 "...By the way, Reize, you're now representing the House of La Crima, am I correct?" There is a mischevious twinkle in her eyes.

 "....!!!!!" Reize shakily looks back at Princess Darcey. ... Did word get out that fast?

"Mom has a big mouth." she says bluntly. "I bet she's told ''everyone.''" she says as she drips with loving sarcasm before looking over to Anna and leaning over to her. "Are you sure?" she asks. "Maybe we outta go back to Suryle then." she says as she as she leans back and smiles a little, leaning forward a little, to watch the conversation between Reize and Darcey some as she wonders where this is going.

She then smiles a little!

  • Character: Anna
  • 1 year, 3 months ago

 "Well I think it's a good idea, at least." Anna replies to Rui. Though she does peer at Reize for a beat, she doesn't press him on the matter.
 "Ultimately, though, I think it falls on what the young prince wants to do."


 The mention of Suryle, and to the extent, Verdios, brings a frown on the boy's face. There is a moment where he tenses, but he maintains a smile. He managed to not get caught so far, right? Right. He looks back at the group. "Plenty to discuss about at our base of operations." He looks back, "Let's vacate before the guards notice us."

 Princess Darcey waves a hand, "Take care, you all."

 "Bye byeee!" Constantin waves to the group.