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Aurita Meloda Arena - Final Round: Ruidosa vs Anna
Scene details
Setting: The final match for the championship is between Ruidosa, who had been dominating the roster and Anna, the berserker with the heritage of the beastkin behind her axe. Will Ruidosa meet her match?!
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
It approaches the sunset, allowing for a more chill atmosphere. Aurita Meloda has grown to be very lively over the past few weeks. Besides the reconstruction efforts that were made by the unified forces of the merfolk and lizardfolk, the return of the undine elementals added a more harmonous atmosphere to the place that was once a ruin. Lamps remain hung through the city, powered through stag beetles that glow with a lumiscent light.
The beastkin are happily eating the roasted fish along the red and white shrine. The merfolk and undine remain half-submerged in the water.
Reize is sitting on the shrine next to the large stag statue, happily chewing on the roast fish held along a stick. His eyes light up with joy as he looks ahead. "Ooi! Can't wait to see Anna and Ruidosa in action!" He happily cheers.
The undine all have the Anna pennet, with one in particular holding a Ruidosa with an X mark on it. She's sticking her tongue out, to boot. She had not forgotten about getting blasted, it seems.
Meanwhile, at the very center...
The brawny merwoman remains half-submerged in the canal. "Next up! We have the title match! The victor, the duchess of the dark arts, Ruidosa La Crima!" She gives a toothy grin, "She will face off against the heir of the Chaos... Anna!"
The fighters are called out to the center of the arena before the shrine.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa gets pushed out of her readying hut, ''again'' because she's taking too long pumping herself up. 'I'm a big brave bat. I'm a big brave bat.' she keeps repeating to herself under her breath as she sighs and then stands in the center of her area as she huffs. This is it. The battle she's been dreading, the one against Anna.
"Come on, come on, come on." she says, clutching her tome, to herself as she readys herself.
"T..this is for all the marbles, The final bout finally! We better both do our best, Anna!" she says loudly across the arena!
1 year, 8 months ago
Rui may be a big brave bat, but Anna is as cool as ice right now. Emerging on her end of the arena, axe slung over her shoulders, the Suryle princess approaches the center of the arena.
For all the marbles huh? Well why not.
Anna is practically beaming by the time she makes it to the center of the battlefield, a big sweet smile plastered on her face as she dips into a formal curtsey to her friend and opponent.
"Okay. Let's make this fun, Rui~."
Anna's definition of fun though... Well...
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
Reize, chewing on the fish some more, finally sees the two combatants arrive to the center. His eyes widen and he points out. "Mmmph!"
"You two can do it! Have fun, you two!" The boy calls out with a wild wave. He can see that Ruidosa is looking a bit nervous, "You got this, Rui! Give it everything you got!"
The undine gang raise the Anna pennant and the last one raises the 'Anti-Ruidosa' pennant.
As for the match, Gasa Dan finally raises her fist to the air. "Are you ready?!"
The merfolk and lizardfolk give an resounding cheer. In contrast, the undine can only quietly smile and wave the pennants. They aren't very loud folk, except when they sing, after all.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima looks towards Reize and ''nods!'' she can do this! She looks back towards Anna and slowly raises her tome. She starts readying herself until the callout begins and--
She throws out the quickest attack she can, in rapid succession, trying to clip Anna before she can start moving, trying to play the game of multiple low power attacks in favor of a bigger stronger single one or two. She sweats a little as she starts this, gently huffing to herself lowly.
"G..Good luck!" she sputters out as she starts attacking.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Anna with Quick Art.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Quick Art.
1 year, 8 months ago
Now... Now the crowds fade away... For Anna, it's just her and Rui on the arena floor, and the berserker princess slowly lowers her axe off her shoulders into a ready stance. She's still smiling though. After all this is a little match between friends.
Then Rui opens up; a series of rapid fire scathing little attacks as Anna breaks into a sudden sprint. More of the blows impact her than not as she bull-rushes the vampire girl.
"Yes, good luck!" She replies before trying to bring the butt of her axe against Rui in a sharp defense-testing swing.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Quick Attack.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has been hit by Anna's Quick Attack.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
The crowd goes wild as they watch the start of the match.
"We're off to a great start as the two exchange blows! Ruidosa with her magic and Anna with her raw power! Who will come out on top?!" Gasa Dan raises her fist into the air, commanding the cheer from the crowd.
Meanwhile, Reize finishes the fish and he muses at Kernunnos. "This festival has been great and I'm glad that we could contribute to it!"
Kernunnos, as wise as he is, "I am very thankful for your aid as well, Champion."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa gets rushed as Anna plows through her attacks, causing her to panic and try to dash backward but gets heled along with that by the butt of Anna's axe. She winces as she draws back her arm and snaps, her hand lighting up in dark energy as she throws a stream of dark energy swirling out from it as she tries to get more distance between her and Anna.
Being mobile is gonna be her key to winning this, as best she can as she frowns a little, snapping a ''look'' towards the undine momentarily.
Oh, she knows. +_+
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Anna with Strong Art.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Strong Art.
1 year, 8 months ago
To her credit, Anna hasn't gotten mad yet. She doesn't want to actually HURT Rui, and she can get a little wild when mad so...
Well she sort of takes the stream full on when Rui hits her with it. There's a gasp of surprise as the magic impacts her with an amount of force that she by all rights should have expected yet did not.
Then there's a little flash in her eyes. Pain always helped unleash the beast within, and suddenly the Suryle princess looks a LOT more serious.
"You hit hard." She comments approvingly. "Then again I shouldn't be surprised by that. I'll just hit back harder." She comments, rushing in to lunge and-
Try and headbutt the vampire with her own skull.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Strong Attack.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has failed to interrupt Anna's Strong Attack with Falcata.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima tries to avoid the headbutt by bringing up her hand and calling out.. "FALCATA!" A blade of dark energy forming in her hand as she tries to swing it upwards and--
%She misses, taking the headbutt directly to the skull and she falls down directly onto her butt as the price. She's currently nursing a major headache a second, maybe now is a good time to follow up as she curses to herself in spanish repeatedly and in different candences!
1 year, 8 months ago
After the impact of skull on skull, Anna reels back, staggered for a moment. Her own head spins slightly from the impact but then her attention returns on the cursing Rui.
Reaching down, she hoists the vampire girl back up to her feet and gently starts dusting her off.
"Rui, you know a lady of your stature shouldn't resort to such foul languge." The princess points out in a mild tone. But once Rui is back up and ready, Anna gives a sudden and sharp jab, intending to punch her right in the gut.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Jab.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima endures Anna's Jab.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
Of the audience, the one undine who had the pennant realizes that Ruidosa sees her. Her face turns dark with fright and she slinks behind her kin. Panic!
Meanwhile, Reize winces at the fight and likely Ruidosa's muttering. He rubs the back of his head, "Well... that's Rui, alright."
Ivo Galvan
1 year, 8 months ago
"Ah-- they've already st--"
Ivo, limping into view beside Reize and the shrine with the support of a lizardfolk priest, stops short as the first thing he sees is Anna and Ruidosa colliding headfirst against each other. The recovering fencer, seemingly at the limit of his body's tolerance for healing after two difficult bouts, deadpans as he watches Anna offer Ruidosa a hand up before their grand match recommences.
"Our princess is gallant as ever," he asides to Reize. "Just the type to sweep someone off their feet. But we already know that, ah ha ha."
Despite his current condition and his joking tone, the older youth looks away, trying to hide a slight blush, before glancing back at the fight-- and seeing Anna promptly punching Ruidosa in the stomach. He instantly deadpans again, somehow harder this time.
"Rui," he murmurs, mostly to himself, "don't, uh, un-die."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima
stands up and then immediately takes a punch to the gut and it ''nearly'' sends her back down as she winces, and then she ''huffs!'' "I..I'll curse if I want! You're not my mother!" she says dramatically in a hard ''wheeeeze'' as she sort of shadow steps back wards, leaving a dark aura in her wake as she really starts to glow! She huffs and narrows her eyes as she throws her hands forward dramatically, red ropes of energy suddenly exploding out as they try to close in around Anna, trying to ensnare and surround her as she tries to suck all her energy with her massive energy draining attack! It's quite the spectacle!%R%RHopefully she doesn't get punched so hard after this she comes back to life. That'd be bad.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Anna with Banquete Escarlata.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has blocked Ruidosa La Crima's Banquete Escarlata.
1 year, 8 months ago
"I know I'm not your mother, but still, it's quite uncouth for such a pretty girl." Anna notes. Of course a princess would think so, but then again she can't talk when it comes to the topic of how MAD she gets.
Then Rui wraps Anna in scarlet tendrils of energy draining magic. For a moment the Suryle princess struggles, sweat beading on her brow as she drops to a knee, clenching her teeth.
"Hhhhhhrrrrrrrrgggggaaaaa!" She shouts though, shoving back up to her feet and ripping free of the energy draining magic.
Even though she endured it as long as she did, she's huffing.
And now. Now her eyes turn bloodshot.
That might be bad.
It's probably very bad as grits her teeth. Storming towards Rui, Anna raises her axe, a shadowy after-image forming as she does, tapping into the raw forces of Chaos as she turns the blade and brings the flat down hard, several after-images following in the act.
If it lands... It's like getting hit multiple times in one blow.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has attacked Ruidosa La Crima with Chaos Control.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has been hit by Anna's Chaos Control.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
Gasa Dan calls out, "The match is getting heated as Ruidosa gives into her anger. However, it looks like that it awoken the fiery spirit of our pride in Anna!" The call and seeing Anna falling into her rage incite the merfolk to give out a resounding cheer.
Ivo is met with a curious glance from Reize, followed by an awkward smile "...Yeah..." He rubs the back of his head, though he winces back at the sight at Ruidosa and Anna's now intensifying match.
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima gets back a little energy. That's good. What's bad is that the incoming attack she can't ''dodge''. She gets to deal with all the after images, which she can't, and pays catastrophically for it, really, it's probably only the energy she drained that keeps her ''going'' as she draws her hand back and starts throwing devastating energy blasts, filling the entire arena up with them again. Really, this arena has seen enough of these it's probably used to it now.
She grrsss.... "M..more than just a pretty face and my fi---fia---" she can't finish it though as she keeps blasting, concentraining on the fight. "---Is watching..."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Ruidosa La Crima has attacked Anna with Heavy Art.
1 year, 8 months ago
<COMBAT> Anna has been hit by Ruidosa La Crima's Aimed Heavy Art.
1 year, 8 months ago
Anna's pride is a thing. So is her wrath as she lays into Rui with the primal force of Chaos.
But then Rui starts flinging those heavy hitting energy blasts.
Anna takes them full power full force as she rushes the vampire and with the last ounce of might she can muster attempts to haul off on Rui with her axe as HARD AS SHE CAN.
It matters little though as she topples afterwards to the dirt, gritting her teeth as she struggles to get back to her feet.
She manages to get back up to kneel, but her trembling hands lose hold on her axe as it clatters to the ground.
A slow, steeling, breath and she gets ahold of her anger.
"Ah... I don't think I can go on." She says pretty mildly.
"Rui, I know you're much more than a pretty face, how long have we fought side by side now?" She does note before glancing to the crowd at the sentence the vampire CAN'T finish.
Anna laughs as she flops onto her back. "I'm done. That WAS fun though."
Thou art I... And I am thou...
Thou hast seen how bonds may change...
The bond that hath changed... It is thy first step in learning the truth.
Anna will now take a lethal blow for Rui in combat.
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
His eyes widen, "Whoa! Rui was able to get back up after a full force like that from Anna!"
There is a noticeable blush on the boy's face as he watches Ruidosa in action.
What surprises the boy is the fact that Anna was able to quickly absolve herself of her anger. "...Whoa...." He smiles a bit more. "It looks like both of them have gotten stronger in their own way."
Ruidosa La Crima
1 year, 8 months ago
Ruidosa La Crima quickly widens her eyes and stumbles more than dodges to the right, and through , sheer, dumbass luck, manages to not get hit by Anna's final attack as she flops down onto the ground...
> Ruidosa's Bond has gotten strong with Anna!
> Ruidosa will now share fashion tips!
> Ruidosa will now block for Anna!
Ruidosa raises her arms upwards and 'wooos!' loudly "I win!" she says gleefully...
BEFORE She collapses into a pile on the ground and murblemumbles. "Ow..." she cries. "oowwwww I hurt everywhere. I didn't even know I could be hurt in some of these places ow." she says comically as huffs!
Reize Seatlan
1 year, 8 months ago
And the crowd goes wild! There is a thunderous cheer from the merfolk and the lizardfolk. Even Reize has joined in the cheering.
"And the winner is... Ruidosa La Crima! The fight was a great one! She has earned the title of the Aurita Meloda Aqua Champion!"